Page 1: Issue no. 177 NEWSLETTER - · Issue no. 177 41a Brook Green, London W6 7BL T: 020 8748 9444 F: 020 8237 0959 E:



24th May 2019

Issue no. 177

41a Brook Green, London W6 7BL T: 020 8748 9444 F: 020 8237 0959 E: [email protected]


Year 4 trip to the Museum of London On Thursday 23rd May, the whole of Year 4 were so excited to go to the Museum of London to see the Viking exhibition. Once in the museum, we walked to our workshop which was inside a replica of a Viking house. Everyone thought it was so cool. Richard, our guide, told us 3 stories about King Alfred and Beowulf. Ms Fletcher was the fiercest dragon we have ever seen. After the workshop we were each given an activity sheet to complete in the exhibition. We saw Viking hair combs, axes, coins and broaches among other things. It was a great experience and we learnt so much. By Constance Mullan and Maxinne Magdalena, Class 4B

‘In our school we learn and love, we pray and play, following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ.’

Year 1 Visit to Fulham Palace

In Science this half term the Year 1 classes have been learning about different materials. To further enhance their learning they visited Fulham Palace. They took part in a workshop and had the opportunity to view examples of materials from the pal-ace. ‘I liked Fulham Palace. The best bit was the 200 year old door.’ By Laetitia Magnien, Class 1G

Easter Bonnet Parade & Easter Fair

Mon 3rd Staff Training Day - school closed for pupils

Tue 4th Pupils return to school

Wed 5th Bag2School, 9.00am

Fri 7th Year 2 to the London Wetlands Centre

W/B Mon 10th Year 6 Pilgrimage to Assisi, Italy

Year 1 Phonics Screening Check

Wed 12th Year 4 Choir Outreach rehearsal and per-formance, Westminster Cathedral, 3.45pm - 6.45pm

Fri 14th Years 3 and 4 group to Able Writers' Day at Kensington Town Hall

Tue 18th

Representatives from the school to attend Our Eucharistic Journey Diocesan Mass at West-minster Cathedral (to be celebrated by Cardi-nal Vincent Nichols), 10.00am

Page 2: Issue no. 177 NEWSLETTER - · Issue no. 177 41a Brook Green, London W6 7BL T: 020 8748 9444 F: 020 8237 0959 E:

The flight Centre Triathlon

On 19th May 2019, a group of Years 5 and 6 students competed in a triathlon at Marlborough College. We were put in to groups of 4 and were given the challenge of raising a minimum of £200 for the restless development charity (per group). We arrived at Marlborough at roughly midday, signed up and were given our numbers to pin to our t-shirts. After signing up, we brought our bikes and helmets to the transitioning area. We went to change in to our swimming gear ready for the 1st part of the race. The swimming race was a relay of 100m each. We changed again and collected our bikes to do the cyling part of the race. We were each given a chip to wear on our left ankle to time our group. Each person did 1km of cycling. We then had to run 750m each to finish the triathlon. At the end of the race, we ran as a group over the finish line. Once we had passed the finish line we were all given 2 packets of Haribo and a gift bag with a water bottle and a pen. We then ate a delicious picnic lunch and waited to find out our times. After a long and tiring day, we travelled back home.

By Laetitia de Chateauvieux and Rupert Brindley, Class 5B

RAF Glider Competition

A few months ago, Year 5 competed in a glider competition run by the RAF. Our class, 5B, split in to teams of 4 and made gliders out of polystyrene. Our team, Wilf, Arabella, Amelia and Zach chose a unique design for our glider and named it Falcon F7. The next day, in the hall, we all launched our gliders and our team came 2nd out of the whole of Year 5! This meant that we were granted a place in the regional finals. A few weeks later, we travelled by mini-bus to Oxfordshire with the winners from the other class. When we arrived at RAF Benston, we were given 2 hours to make a brand new glider. After that, we tucked in to lunch and got to go in to the RAF’s biggest helicopter. We then returned for the launching of our gliders and are delighted to say that we came 2nd out of 9 teams! A month later, we were informed that we had won a place in the national finals. Teams from all over England met at the RAF Museum in Hendon to compete again. We came in the top 10 out of 17 teams that took part. This was a great experi-ence and an inspiration for the future engineers of the world. By Class 5B Glider Competition Team

Page 3: Issue no. 177 NEWSLETTER - · Issue no. 177 41a Brook Green, London W6 7BL T: 020 8748 9444 F: 020 8237 0959 E:

Procession in Honour of Our Lady To celebrate that May is the month of Mary, our school held a May Procession in hon-our of Our Lady. The Key Stage 2 children and staff started this annual event by gathering in the school hall to say a decade of the Rosary, led by Fr. Mark. We then processed to the courtyard to join the rest of the school and gather around the May Altar. We joined together in song and prayer to celebrate the special place that Mary, the Mother of Jesus, has in our lives as Catholics. The Head Boy and Head Girl placed a beautiful crown on the statue of Our Lady as Class 6G sang ’Bring Flowers of the Rarest’. Everyone was then invited to present a flower which formed part of a glorious floral tribute laid around the statue of Our Lady in the courtyard.

By The Chaplaincy Team

Westminster Choral Outreach Programme – Year 4 Since the autumn term,

Year 4 has been going to

Westminster Choir School

as we are part of the

Westminster Choral

Outreach Programme that

only happens in Year 4.

We have attended about 4

school trips to Westminster

to practice their songs,

whilst also practising in our music lessons at school. We will finally perform

the songs on 12th June at Westminster Cathedral, in a performance of St

Paul - A Musical, with other schools. Some children will get the opportunity

to read. It’s been an amazing opportunity and we are really looking forward

to singing in the final concert!

By Class 4G

Gardening Club

We’ve been having great fun at the after school gardening club learning about birds, butterflies and herbs. This week Maria from Class 1G bought in this beautiful nest crafted carefully by a blackbird family. We also came across this marvellous and unusual Mari-gold specimen. (Did you know you can add the flowers to salads?!) Watch out for chocolate mint and pineapple sage arriving after half term.

Miss Louise & Miss Zoe

Thursday Tennis!

This term Class 5G have been going to play tennis every other Thursday at

the Brook Green tennis courts. When we get to the tennis courts, we do a

really fun warm-up to get all our bodies and muscles ready for the lesson.

Then we do some ball skills with a racket to make sure we have control of

the ball before we play. Once we have finished the warm-up, we get straight

into playing in pairs. The games are really fun and we have already learnt

so much in only half a term.

By Lola Murphy, Class 5G

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Science Museum

Year 5 went on a terrific trip to the Science Museum. We went to learn all about space as well as visit the Wonderlab. Whilst we were

there, we saw many different types of rockets including the Apollo 10 and the Skylark. Luckily, we also had time to look at the spacesuits

and learn lots of interesting facts about what it is like to be in space. After this, we went to a very interesting exhibition all about the sun.

Did you know that the sun is 149.6km from Earth?

Following on from our delicious lunch, we went to the

wonderful Wonderlab. My favourite activity was testing

how friction affected different slides (the grass slide was

the slowest and the wooden one was the fastest). This is

one of the best trips I have ever been on and I can’t wait

to go again with my family.

Gaspard Du Vignaud, Class 5G

Eco - Warriors Last half term some children in Key stage 2 had the opportunity to go on an incredible trip to St Paul’s

Girls’ School, where we took part in a workshop led by ‘Green Up Your Act’ Organisation. The chosen

children were able to go because they had designed a product which could help the environment or were

part of Larmenier and Sacred Heart’s Eco-Warrior team. The children walked to St Paul’s Girls’

School (where it was being held) and met some teachers, helpers and instructors. Shortly after, they

went over some dangerous issues that are affecting our world today; river pollution, air pollution and

noise pollution. Then we watched some videos and discussed our thoughts and what we can start to do

to change the way our world is today, e.g. recycle, use less plastic, save more

energy. After that, we got very creative,

we made some eco-fish, made from cork

and recycled juice cartoons – they look

amazing! Next, we made some beautiful

bags to take shopping so we don’t need to

buy plastic ones. It was a great trip and

hopefully we can continue to spread our Eco-Warrior tips to continue to help

the world! By Sophie Dean, Class 5G

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Billy No Buzz

Acorn and Willow classes entertained parents, staff and friends with their wonderful Summer Show entitled ‘Billy No Buzz’ on 23rd May

2019. The concert was about Billy, a bee who could not buzz. The other bees were not kind to Billy, but when the dragonflies found out

about this they told the bees that it didn’t matter that Billy was different and all the bees became friends with Billy. The Reception

children sang, danced and acted with great confidence and they looked amazing in their beautifully designed costumes. Special thanks are

extended to the teachers, Miss Dignan and Miss Delea, and the team of support staff who prepared the children so well ahead of the

performance. Also, to Miss Hayes and Mrs. Teverson who worked with the children in learning the repertoire of songs. Finally, a huge thank

you to the children for their hard work and enthusiasm which helped to make the concert such a great success.

By Miss McGinty


Merits are awarded for great academic work and to celebrate special achievements. Congratulations to the children who have been awarded merit cards over the few weeks.

Willow Apolline Richaud Emma Andrade

Acorn Lorenzo Dore Jazmine Elsayed

1B Elodie Evans Matti Bordignon

1G Sol Licintuna Aoife Prince-Clarke

2B Ivan Clay Oliver Stefaniuk

2G Olivia Fery Olympia Vincens

3B Sophie Singh-Chahel Nalu Wescoatt

3G Whole Class Whole Class

4B Bobby Pais Maxinne Magdalena

4G Felix McGrath Caitlin Barry

5B Dorien Ortutai-Hughes Whole Class

5G Whole Class Whole Class

6B Cecelia Ford Amelia Brandon

6G Chloé Faivre Federica Aste

Week Ending 29th March 2019 Week Ending 5th April 2019

Willow Darwin Amihyia Boggan Kason Knowles

Acorn Maddalena Kaiser Ignacio Echave de Azcoitia

1B Barthelemy Mercier Mariam Estephanous

1G Mary-Ann Omari Kwame Dankwa

2B Theo Bodson Tristan Earl

2G Razel Matti Liya Kebede

3B Mia Elston-Toorani Ryan Doran

3G Gabriela Sao Bento Joshua Neary

4B Carolina O’Connor Anghelito Bongolan

4G Whole Class Whole Class

5B Laetitia de Chateauvieux Whole Class

5G Whole Class Whole Class

6B Philippine Mercier Henry Russell

6G Mark Salamoding Federica Aste

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Willow Rafferty Kenny Ciara Sottile

Acorn Nicolas Davila Asten-Klarke Sinibaldi-Rowe

1B Enrico Amore Anna-Lucia Sansome

1G Mathis Clavijo Riya Kelly

2B Daniel Armanious Miliana Benyam Abraham

2G Matilda Lee Jayden Fery

3B Fergus Brown Martin Beshay

3G Noah Astrug Cymonise Jeremiah - Lewis

4B Aaron Nolan-Quinn Celia Marmion

4G Sofia Barker Alina Vietri

5B Kellis Christopher Thomas Curioni

5G Antoine Saugnac Leticia Baptista

6B Elilta Netsereab Michal Peters - Osei

6G Pietro Clerici Sandra Hanna

Week Ending 3rd May 2019 Week Ending 10th May 2019

Sign in! For a full colour e-newsletter send your details to: [email protected].

Willow Sebastian Bahiti Luca Lopopolo Garcia-Primi

Acorn Camille Richaud Tallulah Clarkson

1B Rafe Jawich Beatrice Mainstone

1G Christabel Gibson Gabriel Mandaglio

2B Chloe Heald-Sanchez Paul McMillian

2G Razel Matti Olivia Fery

3B Camille de Lauzon Solyana Habtamu

3G Joseph Green Niah Ferguson - Lewis

4B Maia Delenclos Jack Humblot-Lehwing

4G Chance Maitland Chiara Rosati

5B Micol Fusar-Poli Kacper Wodzinski

5G Lola Murphy Jack Webb

6B Whole Class Samuella Oyibo- Beecorf

6G Olivia Pacitti Thomas McCormack

Willow Isabela Bongolan Louis Ladenburg

Acorn Whole Class Whole Class

1B Elvire Ducros Tadhg Moroney

1G Maria Zawadzka Teo Carranza

2B Viola Gleason Aurelia Barclay

2G Deaniel Henry-Martinez Nancy Mullan

3B Millie Coles Inigo Lontok

3G Whole Class Whole Class

4B Victor Bertheuil Rosetta Dys

4G Henry Manners Bronte Pelosi

5B Zachary Firth Maria Oduwole

5G Livia Pernicheva Maria da Costa

6B Whole Class Whole Class

6G Whole Class Whole Class

Week Ending 17th May 2019 Week Ending 24th May 2019

Willow Helene De Chateau- Valentina Sansone

Acorn Alex Piscitelli Joshua Hogop

1B Maxime De Lauzon Tilly Carbal-Pisacco

1G Riley Line Martina Bianco

2B Laura Flynn Apolline Ronsseray

2G Rufus Silver Nathan Moses

3B Felix Du Vignaud Chloe Hanna

3G Whole Class Whole Class

4B Eliana Bulla Devora Merkonnen

4G Zaryeh Shleemon Alina Vietri Felix McGrath

5B Chiara Repole Federico Leo Donnellon

5G Anais Vincens Jack Salmon

6B Sara Valente Rory Naylor

6G Sofia Eden Sophia Barakat

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