  • 8/3/2019 ISSUES8 Power Point Smoore


    Exploring Race & Civil Rights

    8th Grade Issues & Ideaspresented by: Blue Section

    Teacher: Ms. MooreT.A.: Tony Alvarez

  • 8/3/2019 ISSUES8 Power Point Smoore


    Establishing a Common Language& Understanding of Key Terms

    Prejudice: a prejudgment; anopinion formed w/out knowledge orevidence

    Discrimination: an action or

    practice that is a result ofprejudgment

    Racism: a form of discriminationbased on one's race

    Stereotype: assumption thatmembers of a group are exactly thesame

    Census: population tally doneevery 10 years

    The US has 5 - 7 races based on"social" ideas not a biological


    The US has 2 ethnic groupso Hispanic/Latinoo Not Hispanic/Latino

  • 8/3/2019 ISSUES8 Power Point Smoore


    The Enlightenment & the Origins ofRacial Classification

    C. Linnaeus (Sweden, 1730's)o Humans in the Animal Kingdomo 4 races of mankind

    J.F. Blumenbach (Germany,

    1790's)o Invented the term "Caucasian"o 5 races of mankind with

    Caucasians at the top

    Petrus Camper (Netherlands,1790's)o Believed in monogenesis - man

    originates from a commonancestry


    One's physical traits reflectedone's inner traits & mentalityo Based on the size of Greek

    statues & European skulls, hebelieved Whites were dominant& most beautiful

  • 8/3/2019 ISSUES8 Power Point Smoore


    Samuel Mortons Ideas about Race in America

    Renowned American scientist of the mid-1800's

    Studied Camperwho also believed that physical differences indicateintelligence, personality & morality

    Unlike Camper he believed in polygenesis - the belief that all theraces developed separately, not from common ancestry (Adam &Eve)

    Devised 4 racial categories for the people of the Americaso Europeans: most intelligent & superioro Asians: can be trained to be intelligent, but have a short attention spano Native Americans (includes Hispanics/Latinos): seen as crafty, violent,

    uncivilized, rebellious, lazyo Africans: lowest form of humanity, lazy, violent, unintelligent, but talented

    in music, dance & physical labor

  • 8/3/2019 ISSUES8 Power Point Smoore


    Understanding Race & Our Families

    Family History ProjectAfter reading stories of how others have dealt with race, 8thgraders conducted their own family research related to race

    1. Personal Identity Chart

    Family List w/Racial Backgrounds Family Stories Family Tree & Photo Collage Research Verification Forms

  • 8/3/2019 ISSUES8 Power Point Smoore


    Exploring Morton's Theories about"Native Americans" (Hispanics/Latinos)

    Examining ideas aboutMexican youth vs. Whiteyouth

    Examining the struggles ofHispanic youth that arebiracial

  • 8/3/2019 ISSUES8 Power Point Smoore


    Exploring Morton's Theories about Africans

    Social Reactions to theViolent End of The CivilRights Movement(1955-1968)

    The Black Panther Party forSelf Defense (1966-1982)

  • 8/3/2019 ISSUES8 Power Point Smoore


    Chicago, Civil Rights & the Black PowerMovement

    The Chicago BPP for SelfDefense (1968-1970)

    The Rock & The Riverby KeklaMagoon

  • 8/3/2019 ISSUES8 Power Point Smoore


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