Page 2: IT’S ALIVE!!. or is it??? Are viruses alive ? –How can you tell if something is alive? –What would your evidence be or look like?

or is it???• Are viruses alive ?

– How can you tell if something is alive?

– What would your evidence be or look like?

Page 3: IT’S ALIVE!!. or is it??? Are viruses alive ? –How can you tell if something is alive? –What would your evidence be or look like?


• So, how do you know if something is alive ?

• What evidence would you look for?

Page 4: IT’S ALIVE!!. or is it??? Are viruses alive ? –How can you tell if something is alive? –What would your evidence be or look like?

Background Research

• Paired reading

• Pages 121 -127 in text book

• Make list of 6 key characteristics of living things that you were able to infer from the reading.

Page 5: IT’S ALIVE!!. or is it??? Are viruses alive ? –How can you tell if something is alive? –What would your evidence be or look like?

Now What?

• What do scientists (like you) do when they do NOT have enough information (evidence, data, knowledge) to answer the question of interest?

Page 6: IT’S ALIVE!!. or is it??? Are viruses alive ? –How can you tell if something is alive? –What would your evidence be or look like?

Collect more data!!!!!

• Do more research (textbook and internet).

• Design and conduct experiments to help answer the question of interest.

• Discussions and communications with other scientists studying similar questions.

Page 7: IT’S ALIVE!!. or is it??? Are viruses alive ? –How can you tell if something is alive? –What would your evidence be or look like?

Enough data??

• Now scientific knowledge must be published (communicated) for other scientists to analyze or test. Scientific information is public!

• How do you do that for this assignment?

Page 8: IT’S ALIVE!!. or is it??? Are viruses alive ? –How can you tell if something is alive? –What would your evidence be or look like?

POSTER!!!!!!• Create a “MOVIE


Page 9: IT’S ALIVE!!. or is it??? Are viruses alive ? –How can you tell if something is alive? –What would your evidence be or look like?


• Which is:– Creative and eyecatching.– Clearly demonstrates your position on

whether viruses are alive or not.– Shows artwork relevant to the topic– Clearly describes the evidence (minimum of 3

pieces of evidence) on which you based your position

Page 10: IT’S ALIVE!!. or is it??? Are viruses alive ? –How can you tell if something is alive? –What would your evidence be or look like?


• Recorded (format) just like for any research paper

• Two from textbooks• Two from Internet sources• These are minimum, may have more• List references on back of poster

Page 11: IT’S ALIVE!!. or is it??? Are viruses alive ? –How can you tell if something is alive? –What would your evidence be or look like?


• Answer the essay question(s) relating to this project.

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