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IUB Green GuideOffice of Sustainability

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Introduction to Sustainabil i ty at IU - 3

Reduce - 4

Reuse - 5

Recycle - 6

On-Campus Dining - 7

Off-Campus Dining - 8

Around Town - 9

Transportation - 10

Getting Involved - 11

In The Community - 12

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Academic Initatives - Focused on advancing academic research, undergraduate and graduate education, co-curricular service learning, and outreach for Sustainability Studies at IU.

Energy and Built Environment - Raising awareness of IU’s energy use among faculty, staff, and students and implement strategies through behavior modification and innovative building design.

Transportation - Promoting a sustainable transportation system that will provide safe access and mobility for students, faculty, staff and visitors, and ensureing that individuals have a broad range of safe and convenient transportation options.

Sustainable Computing - Leveraging resources, skills and knowledge at the university, unit and individual level with the goal of lowering the environmental impact of our technological practices.

Resource Use and Recycling - Raising awareness of resource use and recycling on the IUB campus among faculty, staff, and students, implement strategies to enhance campus recycling systems, and promote responsible resource use.

Food - Promoting high-quality dining options for IU’s students, staff, and faculty that support sustainable agricultural and food distribution practices while minimizing energy use and waste generation.

Environmental Quality - Striving to help IUB use resources sustainably and improve environmental quality and to protect the health of citizens on campus and beyond.

Campus Sustainability Advisory Board (CSAB) - The mission of the Campus Sustainability Advisory Board is to provide broad-based academic and operational support for Indiana University’s Office of Sustainability. It does so through the following 7 Working Groups comprised of IU faculty and staff.

Office of Sustainability (IUOS) Under the Director and Assistant Director of Sustainability, the IUOS strives to advance sustainable human-environment interactions within the Bloomington campus and community by facilitating collaborative academic and opera-tional initiatives. IUOS defines sustainability as thriving within our means to achieve balance among environmental health, economic prosperity, and social equity. For a glimpse of achievments to-date, look to the next page.


IUOS Internship Program The program utilizes campus as a living-learning laboratory, enlisting undergraduate and graduate students in research and implementation projects mentored by faculty in academic areas and staff in operations. Interns work with on a large variety of projects with the IUOS, various departments, and the CSAB working groups. Now in its seventh season, the program has funded 113 internships. For more information on the internship program, please visit

Green Teams - A green team is an informal group of faculty, staff, and students in a particular campus unit who work collectively to promote environmentally-friendly practices within that unit.Student Groups - The office of sustainability advises a number of sustainability-oriented campus student groups. More information can be at

"If we are to address the pressing environmental, economic and social imperatives we face today, in an expeditious manner, it will take the entire Indiana University community's creative collaboration. ” -Bill Brown, IU Director of Sustainability

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Be bright about lighting!

• Lightng accounts for as much as 29% of energy use in typical office spaces and as much as 20% in houses.

• Changing just one 75-watt bulb to a compact fluorescent light cuts roughly 1,300 pounds of global warming pollution. They also last up to 15 times as long and save you money.

• Always turn off lights when leaving a room, even if it’s for a short period. If the sun is out, just open your shades instead of turning on a light.

• When it’s time to hit the books, don’t sit alone in your room. Study in one of campus’ beautiful public spaces or with friends – both for their helpful contributions and the energy savings.

Apply yourself to energy savings!

• One use of the dryer can use more than 3.8 kWh of energy, more than your room uses in a day. Air drying your clothes on a rack in your room can help ensure they fit better and last longer , while reducing your carbon footprint.

• Unplug appliances when you’re not using them! Appliances on standby account for nearly 10% of global electricity consumption, and can draw up to 85% of their “on” usage while plugged in. This includes chargers, printers, coffee makers, etc. Power strips can go a long way toward making this management easy.

• Set the thermostat to 78 degrees or higher in the summer, and 68 or lower in the winter.

• Set the thermostat to 55 degrees at night or when away; this can help achieve 5-20% in energy savings.

x 5 The average household emits roughly 25,000 lbs ofCO2 from electicity use annually.

Green Computing - Tips and Practices

• Before doing anything else, go to your computer’s power manage-ment options and set it to sleep after 10 minutes of inactivity.

• When possible, use a laptop instead of a desktop. Using a laptop can reduce your energy use by 80%-90%.

• Screensavers do not save energy. In fact, today, they serve almost no purpose at all.

• Use an ink-jet printer when possible; they use 20 times less energy than laser jets.

• Plug your electronics into a power strip, and just switch if off when you’re not using them. This prevents electronics from drawing energy, which they can do even when they’re off – sometimes as much as 85% of their “on” amount.

Learn more at:

Go Green Gadget

When your computer is on, it draws 140 watts/h on average. With millions of comput-ers, that adds up fast. To help you stay on top of your energy use, IU offers the “Go-Green Gadget” so you can breathe easy. It tracks and displays your CO2 savings, and gives you stats for the whole campus.

You could save more than $400a year with a fewsimple changes.

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Water Conservation• When you’re not using water from the tap, make sure it’s off. Don’t leave it running, including when brushing your teeth.• When you’re shaving, rather than leave the water running try just cleaning it using a small container (cup, sink, tub).• Take shorter showers and avoid using the shower as a sauna or to steam out wrinkles.• Only wash full loads of clothes. Each load can use up to 40 gallons of water.• Plug the drain when you’re washing dishes to lessen the water required, and only run the dishwasher when it’s full.• Report any leaks to your landlord, an RA or building staff member immediately.

oilBottled Water: The Facts

• Bottled water production in the United States used the energy equiva-lent of 32 and 54 million barrels of oil in 2007.• Americans spent more than $10,000,000,000 on bottled water in 2009.• Using a reusable water bottle saves your money - tap water can be as much as 1000 times cheaper than bottled water.• Tap water is often subject to more stringent regulation and testing than bottled water.

Shopping Tips

• Try to avoid items specifically designed for a short lifespan - you’ll save money and the environment.• Remember to bring your reusable bag to the grocery store, and use paper when you can’t. Leaving them on the door handle or in your car is a great way to make sure you remember.• Look for environmentally friendly products that avoid using hazardous chemicals when possible.• The Hoosier-to-Hoosier sale, also known as H2H, takes place every year a week before school starts. A collaboration between the community and the university, coordinators gather goods from students moving out of their apartments and dorms, and resell these household goods that would other-wise go to waste at rock-bottom prices to raise money for local non-profits. Even if it’s too late this year, be sure to keep donating in mind for when you’re moving out.

Paper Use•When you print or photocopy, use both sides of each sheet of paper.

• When possible, keep your docu-ments digital. Only print something when you really need to.• Unplug your printer when you’re not using it.• If printing our flyers, consider carefully how many you need, and whether a half or quarter sheet would be just as effective.• Use e-mail to minimize paper use.

In the Home:

• Use resealable, reusable containers for lunch and leftovers.• Install flow-reducing shower heads, faucet aerators and other fixtures which reduce water consump-tion. • Use environmentally friendly, homemade cleaners, more information on making them, available from the website.

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Currently, IU diverts 20% of waste from campus build-ings from the landfill through recycling efforts. Every

year IU sends almost 5,000 tons of waste to the land-fill. This is equivalent to 218 semi truck trailers full

of trash. IU manages to recycles approximately 1,800 tons of the waste stream, equivalent to

36 semi truck trailers.

WE CAN DO MORE.What can you recycle at IU?• IU Recycles all types of plastics. From 1-7. • Tin cans, steel cans, aluminum cans, and glass bottles.• Paper you CAN recycle: white office paper, magazines and catalogs, newspapers, junk mail, envelopes, paperboard (cereal boxes), paper bags, phone books, index cards, notebook paper, brochures, manila file folders.• Cardboard can be recycled in specially marked bins, but separately from paper.• For students, take your batteries to your residence hall center desk or the HPER. For Faculty and staff, batteries can be dropped in the battery containers located by loading docks of academic buildings.• When recycling items, please be conscious of the label on the bin. It’s important to keep trash out of recycling bins to make the recylcing process as smooth as possible.

Where do I recyle?• In the residence halls, there are recycling bins on every floor! Cardboard should be taken to dining outlet docks and placed in the cardboard-only bin.• Around your office, there should be a recycling bin. Campus is even starting a new desk-side recycling bin program, which should start to appear throughout the 2011-2012 school year!• If you find that you frequent other locations, try to make mental notes when you pass recycling bins, so you don’t spend time looking later.• When you’re moving out, keep an eye for Hoosier-to-Hoosier sale collection information and donate gently used furniture and goods that you no longer need!

Did you know?• Recycling just two aluminum cans can save the equivalent energy required to power a computer for a workday.• Americans throw away enough office paper each year to build a 12-foot wall from New York to Los Angeles.• Recycling 5 plastic soda bottles are enough to make the fiberfill to insulate a ski jacket.• Recycling a glass jar saves the equivalent energy to power 6 CFLs for 4 hours.• If every U.S. newspaper were recycled, 250 million trees would be saved annually.• Every ton of paper recycled saves enough energy to heat and air condition the average American home for 6 months.

What about electronic waste?• IU holds occasionally holds an e-waste collec-tion event each Spring. Students, staff, faculty, and the general public are all invited to attend this event. Most types of household electronic waste can be brought to this event and recycled free of charge.• Year round, IU Surplus, Monroe County Solid Waste District, Best Buy, or Goodwill will accept most e-waste items free or for a $1 charge.• IU has partnered with ECO CELL to collect old cell phones and you may donate your used cell phone at a location in the Indiana Memorial Union.• CFLs may be recycled by giving them to environmental operations staff. Please make sure not to throw these out - they contain hazardous materials!

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Residence Programs and Services (RPS) offers a variety of local, vegetarian, and vegan varieties - but that

doesn’t mean they’re perfect. If there’s something you want to see, talk to a manager in your dining hall!

Dining options abound, but it can sometimes be difficult to eat responsibly both for yourself and the

environment. When testing out your newfound food freedom, consider the following:• Don’t overdo it. Now that you have a meal plan, it may be easy to buy more than you can eat. It’s not just the food that will go to waste, but all of the water, energy, and greenhouse gases it took to get it there.

• Eat less meat. Just 2.2 lbs of beef generates the same CO2 emissions as the average car emits in 155 miles.

• The average college student uses 500 paper cups, lids, and straws every year. That’s 21,173,500 each year for IU alone. Consider using your own water bottle. RPS sells their own reusable bottle that will even get you discounted refills!

• Do not drink bottled water! Use a reusable bottle, many buildings even have fast and convenient refill stations. Bloomington’s water exceeds all safety standards and is often more regulated than even bottled water.

• When purchasing food for your room, consider bringing your own bag or if it’s a small purchase, just informing the cashier you’ll carry your goods by hand. Each bag you use can take more than 1000 years to degrade.

Eating Locally On Campus:• Apples sold by RPS dining come from Apple-works, an orchard located just North of India-napolis in Trafalgar, IN.• All bagels sold at RPS cafes, kiosks, and at ‘Stacks Deli’ are made Scholar’s Inn Bakehouse in Bloomington.• Troyer’s Produce in Bloomington, and Piazzo Produce in Indianapolis, IN supply fresh fruits and vegetables for RPS.• Many items are prepared from scratch right on campus, such as cinnamon rolls, breads, donuts, muffins, cookies, and the eat right granola.• RPS has been making an effort to source locally, but they can do more! Let them know you’re interested, or get involved in a group that’s lobbying them!

Vegetarian and Vegan Tips:• Collins Dining is considered the most vegan/vegetarian friendly dining facility, and as a “traditional dining” hall, it’s all-you-can-eat! They offer at least 1 vegan entree/side a day, and have a very good salad bar with plenty of vegan proteins (black beans, tofu, chickpeas, sprouts).• Tradish in Read, Union Street Market, Wright Food Court, and Gresham Food Court at Foster all also offer fully stocked salad bars.• The newly opened Union Street Market offers a variety of fresh, organic produce and a number of vegan foods for snacking or a meal in your room for later.• The Bistro at Read offers a delicious, highly-recommended vegetarian subs or burritos.• The Flamingo Grill in Wright Food Court and Gresham Food Court offers a black bean burger.• Visit for more information and vegan/vegetarian menu items in the residence halls!

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The choices you make about what you eat can have long-reaching impacts beyond just your health. Though we often lose

sight of them, there are political, social, economic and environ-mental ramifications to our food choices. Below are a few things to

consider when shopping for groceries, planning meals, or dining around Bloomington.

Consider this:• As Americans, we consume 195 lbs of meat on average, far more than the global average. If Americans were to reduce meat consumption by just 20 percent it would be as if we all switched from a standard sedan — a Camry, say — to the ultra-efficient Prius.

• A recent study by the National Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science in Japan estimated that 2.2 pounds of beef is responsible for the equivalent amount of carbon dioxide emitted by the average European car every 155 miles, and burns enough energy to light a 100-watt bulb for nearly 20 days.

• The United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization, estimates that 30 percent of the earth’s ice-free land is directly or indirectly involved in livestock production - and it’s responsible for nearly a fifth of global greenhouse gas emissions..

• Agriculture in the United States — much of which now serves the demand for meat — contributes to nearly three-quarters of all water-quality problems in the nation’s rivers and streams, according to the Environmental Protec-tion Agency.

Resources for Vegetarians and Vegans• Though the reasons behind vegetarianism, those who abstain from eating meat, and veganism, those who abstain from eating all animal products, vary, the effect these choices can have on your environmental impact is undeni-able.

• Bloomington’s restaurants cater particularly well to both vegans and vegetarians, and there is delicious vegan and vegetarian fare to be found at nearly every restaurant - especially the ethnic fare on 4th street.

Eating Locally: What does “eating locally” really mean? Frankly, it can mean a lot of different things to different people. So. rather than eating locally for the sake of eating locally, we ought instead to examine why we want to “eat local” in the first place.

• One study of produce conducted by Iowa State Univer-sity found that the average distance travelled from source to plate was nearly 1500 miles, more than 27 times the average of 46 miles for the same items sourced locally.

• By frequenting local and locally-sourced restaurants, you not only reduce your environmental impact, you also help to support the local economy.

• Knowing where your food comes from can help ensure that you know how it was produced, enabling you to support sustainable farming methods.

Around Town:• Refer to the chart on the Local Food Guide to see what’s in season in Indiana and when so you know when to check the Farmer’s Market, and consider growing your own or getting invovled with the Community Orchard or Bryan House Garden.

• In addition to two weekly Farmer’s Markets, Bloomington also offers several local coops called Bloomingfoods:

Bloomingfoods Market & Deli Natural foods co-op Grocery/Bakery/Deli. 812-336-5400 3220 East Third St. Or 812-336-5300 419 E. Kirkwood Ave. Or 812-333-7312 316 W. Sixth St.

• Many restaurants also serve locally sourced foods, but this can vary by season and dish. Ask your server for more information. It can often make for a delicious, rewarding meal.

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Bloomington boasts a huge variety of locallly owned, ethnically diverse and environmentally conscious restaurants. Whether downtown, on 4th Street, or around town, there’s always some place

new to try. There’s also a thriving community of local farmers markets, coops and grocery stores that provide fresh, local produce. Below is just a taste of what the city of Bloomington has to offer!

Farmer’s Market Every Saturday morning in the Spring, Summer and Fall, Bloomington is home to one of the state’s most vibrant farmer’s markets. Local farmers, bakers, and ven-dors all come together to provide you with the freshest seasonal produce outside of City Hall at 401. N. Morton

St. ( ). Tuesday evenings, there is an additional Farmer’s market located at Sixth St. and Madison St., just west of downtown. More info at:



Community Gardens The city of Bloomington Parks and Recreation department offers a number of community garden plots available for rental each Spring. Visit the Bloom-ington parks and recreation website about availability and pricing. Check out the Bryan House garden for a campus opportunity!

What’s in Season?ApplesAsparagusBeetsBlackberriesBlueberiesBroccoliBrussel SproutsCabbageCantaloupeCarrotsCauliflowerCherriesCollardsEggplant

Apr May Jun JulAug

Sep Oct Nov

Apr May Jun JulAug

Sep Oct Nov(Continued.)GrapesGreen PeasHot PeppersLettuceLima BeansMushroomsOnions (dry)PeachesPlumsPotatoesPumpkinsRadishesRaspberriesSnap BeansSpinachStrawberriesSummer SquashSweet CornSweep PeppersTurnipsWatermelonWinter Squash

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Riding a bike is one of the best ways to get around and a relaxed bike ride to your campus desti-nation is often quicker than using a car and offers a unique opportunity to experience the beauty and architecture of the Bloomington campus. But remember, just like a motorist, it's your responsibility to learn and obey the rules that apply to you as a cyclist.

Things to know:• The Office of Parking Operations asks that register your bike with them, which can aid in the recovery of lost or stolen bikes. More information can be found at:

• Bike parking is available all over campus - at nearly every building, and at many businesses around town, too! But, remember to lock your bike securely wherever you go.

• Take proper safety precautions and always wear a helmet. When biking at night, be sure to have a headlight and rear blinker on your bike, so other drivers and bikers can see you.

• The Bloomington Bike Project, a a non-profit, commu-nity run organization, is a great way to learn how to fix up your bike or volunteer and earn the right to build your own bike for free! More info at:

• For a map of Bloomington’s on-street and off-street bikeways, please visit:

• The City of Bloomington has been working on the “B-Line” trail, a bike trail and walking path that goes right through downtown Bloomington, if you’d like to go out for a leisurely ride.

• More information about the resources that the city offers can be found at:

Bike Friendly, Bike Safely

IU is famous for its stunning campus, which is truly designed for walking. What better way to take in campus, enjoy the company of friends and the outdoors than to walk? Downtown Bloomington and dozens of local businesses are only a few blocks away if you need a change of scenery!

Things to know:• The vast majority of campus is well lit, and most students feel safe at all hours, but there is a shuttle service available at night if you’re not comfortable getting back alone at night. More information at :

• Be sure to use sidewalks and cross the street at cross walks and intersections and most importantly, be sure that drivers see you when you’re crossing the street.

Leave the car at home, Walk.

IU’s shuttle system will quickly and con-veniently get you anywhere you need to go on campus, and Bloomington transit will take you (and your bike) just about anywhere you need to go. Best of all, it’s free.

Things to know:• For up-to-date campus bus routes and schedules, visit:

• For up-to-date Bloomington Transit routes and schedules, visit:

• You don’t need to show I.D. for the campus shuttle, but you’ll need your Student I.D. to ride on Bloomington transit for free. Faculty and Staff should visit Campus Card Services counters to obtain a free bus pass for Bloomington Transit. More info:

• A shuttle is also available from campus to the Indianapolis Airport, and runs several times a day. More info:

Ride the bus.

• Zip Car offers a car available on demand if you sign up and pay a small membership fee. This is great for short weekend road trips with your friends, so you can leave you car at home - and you’ll have one if you need it! Sign up at

• When you do need to drive, see if you can car pool. IUSA recently partnered with Zimride, a private com-munity where IU Students, Faculty, and Staff can post their own commutes or find others’ and commute together.

Occasionally by Car.

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As a student at IU, you have a lot of options for getting involved with the diverse interests that comprise the

sustainability community, whether through one of the numerous student groups, volunteering, becoming an

intern, taking a class, or simply a good example. We’ve compiled some information to help you go about getting

started! Even if you’re staff or staff, it’s not too late to get involved! Participate in your building’s Green Team or get

involved in the Community!

Student groups and the Student Sustainability Council The Student Sustainability Council (SSC) brings together representatives of many student organizations, serving as an umbrella organization for campus groups, to advance issues of sustain-ability on the IUB campus. Member organizations of the SSC include undergraduate and graduate student organizations as well as student government bodies. Some members focus principally on sustainability issues, while others have broader missions. All groups recognize the importance of sustainability and work together to make IU a cleaner, healthier, happier place to live, learn, and work. It’s a great place to start figuring out where you fit in, and they can help get you involved with whatever issue you want to work on! More info:


Get involved within your own student group You don’t have to be in a sustainability focused group to take action! Many larger student government groups such as IUSA, RHA, or GPSO have positions related to sustainability, and throw large events, which can require green planning. You can work from your position within these groups to help alter the way they operate and their priorities to include sustainability concerns. For more resources on how you can help, contact the SSC, or veteran members of your organization.

Intern for the IUOS The Office of Sustainability (IUOS) has only two full-time staff. Many of their projects are actually implemented by student interns. Each academic year and summer, the Office accepts applica-tions for the continued and upcoming projects. The program utilizes campus as a living-learning laboratory, enlisting undergraduate and graduate students in research and implementation projects mentored by faculty in academic areas and staff in operations. Now in its seventh season, the program has funded 113 internships. Check the website for more information on upcoming internships.

Take a Class Take advantage of IU’s expertise in a plethora of diverse sustainability-related fields. IU offers classes both tangentially related and even centrally focussed on sustainability and its relation to many other fields. Several faculty are even in the process of developing an inter-disciplinary degree pro-gram. The IUOS maintains a list of sustainability related classes that can be found at:

Green Teams (For Faculty and Staff) A green team is an informal group of faculty, staff, and students in a particular campus unit who work collectively to promote environmentally-friendly practices within that unit. Getting involved with a green team is a great way for members of the Indiana University community to reduce the environmental impacts of their office while also helping Indiana University become a more sustainable institution!

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In the Community:

There are an endless number of ways that you can get involved with the community and have a positive impact on sustainability efforts. Just a few of those ways are enumerated below, but more information can be found online on the “Getting Involved” page. Sustainability isn’t just about reducing waste; there are also a myriad of social justice and economic issues surrounding it. Many of these opportunities allow you to make a difference environmentally, while bettering the community for all.

Hoosier-to-Hoosier Sale Coordinated in part by an IUOS intern, Hoosier to Hoosier (H2H) is a reuse program that aims 1) to divert reusable items from the landfill during student move-out, 2) to prevent additional resource consumption by selling collected items to students and community members in order 3) to raise funds for local charities and other organizations. Each summer, H2H needs volunteers to help collect, organize, and for sale day.

Hoosier Hills Food Bank HHFB's Garden & Gleaning programs provide locally grown, fresh fruits and vegetables for free distribution to those in need of emergency food assistance in our area. Volunteers and community supporters are the most important asset our programs have; the more volunteers, the more fresh food we raise and rescue.

Bloomington Community Orchard Bloomington Community Orchard is an organization devoted to growing fruit for the com-munity to share and enjoy. The publicly owned orchard is maintained entirely by volunteers and the harvest is available to everyone in the community.

Bloomington Parks and Recreation:Bloomington Parks and Recreation takes a proactive lead in promoting and practicing sustainability in the Bloomington community and Indiana University students, faculty and staff can play a role.

Volunteer to Maintain our Natural SpacesSchedule a Day, August-November Help maintain and restore some of Blooming-ton's most scenic natural areas. Many individual and group volunteer projects are available throughout the Bloomington community. Help is needed in the parks listed below.

Community Gardening ProgramSchedule a day, August-October The Community Gardening Program grows both plants and community. Since 1984, the Parks and Recreation Department has offered community gardening opportunities for people of all ages and backgrounds. A favorite venue of volunteer groups, the gardens benefit from a number of service projects throughout the year.

Adopt-A-TrailOne-year commitment

Many more opportunities are available at:

Volunteer at the Bryan House Garden Located near the heart of the Blooming-ton Campus, the Bryan House is home to 900 square feet of gardening space and the site of the first campus community garden. By model-ing different ways to produce food in a campus setting, the Bryan House gardens will serve as a pilot for future gardening projects on campus, as well as a space for students, faculty, and staff to engage in the process of growing food. For more information on the IU Garden Initiative, to set up a group tour of the garden, or to sign up for the IU Garden Listserv, please email the Garden Coordinator at [email protected]!


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