

1. The name of this cold January battle between troopers of the U.s. 7th Cavalry and members of the Sioux nation has come to be a synonym for massacre, but the 25 dead and 39 wounded suffered by the Army prove that this last major battle of the Indian wars was a more of a battle than a massacre. For ten points, name this 1890 battle.

ANS. Wounded Knee

2. The cause of the most recent outbreak of this disease was attributed to a Bogalusa, Louisiana supermarket's produce misting machine. This disease most often affects the elderly, persons with chronic heart and lung disease, and smokers. FTP, give me the more common name for the respiratory disorder caused by the L. pneumophila bacteria.

ANS . Legionnaire's Disease

3. Based somewhat on the life of Vita Sackville-West, it tells the story of a young male student trying to live the life of a Rennaissance man in medieval England. He evolves into a modern woman coping with the problems of post­World War One England. FTP, name this novel by Virginia Woolf.

ANS. Orlando

4. It would make a great movie- -the star returns to his team in the middle of the 1945 season after fighting four years in World War II. At 34, he is considered over the hill, but he plays like a man possessed, batting .311 with 13 home runs and 60 RBI's in the last 72 games of the season ~ To top it off, he's Jewish. FTP who was this baseball great who cinched the pennant for the Detroit Tigers with a grand slam home run in the top of the 9th?

ANS. Hank Greenburg

5. Its highest point is Mt. Inyangani. It lies south of Zambia, east of Botswana, and west of Mozambique. Its capital used to be called Salisbury, but is now Harare. FTP, name this country.

ANS. Zimbabwe

6. His "The Fighting Tremaire" is on display in the National Gallery, London. In addition, an entire wing of the Tate Gallery is devoted to his works. FTP, name this 19th century British artist, famous for his painting "Rain, steam and Speed."

ANS. J.M.W. Turner

7. He invented the roulette wheel searching for the perpetual motion machine. Nicklaus Wirth named a language for him. FTP, name this philosopher who penned Pensees.

ANS. Blaise pascal

8. Members of this family include Winfield, Ruthie, Aggie, AI, Tom, Ma, Pa, and Rose of Sharon. FTP name this fictional family created by John Steinbeck.


9. Most people realize that the first nuclear powered submarine was named "Nautilus" in honor of Jules Verne's fictional craft, but perhaps less well-known is the fact that someone actually designed and built a submarine named "Nautilus" before Verne wrote his novel. FTP name this man who, though he may have inspired Verne, is better known for his steam boats.

ANS. Robert Fulton . . ~t;a~\'

10. Of Dutch-JewisHf\ he amassed a fortune 8. began to study political economics. His theories that value is a function of labor & that wages tend to stabilize at subsistence levels were published in principles of political Economy & Taxation(1817.) FTP name this British economist who 'rediscovered' Adam Smith.

Ans. David Ricardo

11. California has strict limitations on automobile hydrocarbon emissions because these emissions are known to increase ozone levels. Such limits have now been found to be largely ineffective because they did NOT limit the emissions of several oxides of a certain element, also present in automobile exhausts, which seem to be even more prone to cause ozone formation in the lower atmosphere. FTP, name the element.

$NS. Nitrogen.

12. During the wars of religion, citizens of this city persecuted Protestants and refused to acknowledge Henry IV. During the Fronde uprising, Louis XIV entered this town by a breach in the walls and afterward had Fort St. Nicolas constructed. This city, the largest port in France, is famous for lending its name to the French national anthem. For ten points, name this French city.

ANS. Marseilles

13. He died in 1970, the year that one of his greatest theories was published. In 1956 he studied the psychological effects of visual environments. He said that people progress by striving for self-actualization. His hierarchy of needs revolutionized humanistic psychology. FTP, identify this American psychologist, author of Motivation & Personality.

ANS. Abraham Maslow

14. This playwright died in 1816 and was buried in Westminster Abbey. He was part-owner of the Drury Lane Theater and achieved fame as an orator in Parliament. For 10 points, name the man who wrote "The Duenna", "The School for Scandal", and "The Rivals".

ANS. Richard Sheridan

15. It was Livy who recognized and encouraged this emperor's inclination for historical studies, and he composed 20 books of Etruscan and 8 books of Carthaginian history (all of which are lost). Clumsy and coarse, he was, against his will, made Emperor of Rome in 41 A.D. His reign ended when he was murdered and succeeded by his stepson and son-in-law, Nero. For 10 points, name this Roman emperor who became the subject of a Robert Graves novel.

ANS. Claudius

16. He wasn't Lionel Ritchie, but he has been seen dancing on the ceiling. FTP, name the hoofer that dazzled audiences of the movie "Royal Wedding" by dancing up the wall and across the ceiling.

ANS.Fred Astaire

17. It might have been called HcCorvy vs. Texas, but the plaintiff in the case was referred to by a pseudonym, and the principal defendant was the prosecutor rather than the state. FTP, give the more popular name of this landmark 1973 Supreme Court case.

ANS. Roe vs. Wade

18. She was the daughter of Eetion of Thebes. Her lovers included Neoptolemus & Helenus. However she is most identified as the loving wife of Hector. FTP, name this woman of Greek myth.

ANS. Andromache

19. This general term refers to a mixture of substances that has either a lower boiling point or a higher freezing point than either of the two pure components. FTP, what is this chemical term?

ANS. Azeotrope ..

20. His first appearance in print was a sonnet in a preface to an edition of Shakespeare's works. After his first wife, Hary Powell, left him after six week os marriage, he wrote a series of pamphlets advocating divorce. This 17th century scholar was a politically active Christian Humanist who continued to write despite his blindness. For 10 pints, name this author of Samson Agonistes.

ANS. John Hilton

21. His late arrival almost caused a Union defeat at the battle of Shiloh. Although he was a major general in the Union Army, today he is usually remembered for his historical epics. For ten points, name the author of Ban Hur.

ANS. Lew Wallace

22. Albert Einstein won a Nobel Prize in Physics for work outlined in a paper he wrote in 1905 while he worked as a patent clerk. The paper explained the behavior of electrons emitted from substances as they were struck by light by assuming a particle-like behavior for the light. FTP name this phenomenon.

ANS. the photoelectric effect

23. It was the name of a Royal Court in England begun in the middle--ages where cases were tried without the benefit of a jury. It was especially hated and feared during the reign of the Stuarts. The term is now used as a general descriptive phrase for any arbitrary action by a judge. FTP. name it.

ANS. Star Chamber

24. He is considered by many to be the greatest spiritual leader on Earth. His humanitarian works were recognized in 1989 with a Nobel Peace Prize. FTP, give his title.

ANS. Dali Lama

18. 30 POINTS: I'll name a short novels, you identify the author.

story by an author more famous for his As an extra hint, I'll give the year of

publication, 10 pts. each. B. "My Old Han" (1923) b. "Araby" (1914) c. "The War Prayer" (190,5,

ANS. Ernest Hemingway ANS. James Joyce ANS. Hark Twain or Samuel Clemens

19. 20 Points: In the Book of Daniel, three Hebrew youths are ordered into a blazing furnace only to be delivered from it unharmed. Name these three youths, for 5 points each, 20 for all 3.

Shadrach,Meschach,and Abendego

20. 25 POINTS: Jesse Owens embarrassed Nazi ideologists by winning four gold medals at the 1936 Berlin Olympics. Four five points each, and an additional five if you name them all, what four events did he win?

100 meter,200 meter,long jump,and 4x100 meter relay

21. 25 POINTS: Let's see how well you know your Soviet spy history. For 5 points each, and an additional 10 for all three, name the following: (1) Investigating this man gave Richard Nixon's career a boost in 1948.

Alger Hiss (2) This husband and wife spy team was executed in 1953 for giving secrets

about U.S. nuclear research to the Soviets. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

(3) This spy was traded to the Soviet Union for the release of Francis Gary Powers. Rudolph Abel

22. 25 POINTS: She was born on Hay 7, 1919. After an undistinguished career as a stage and radio actress, she married a widowered colonel in 1945. She participated in her husband's 1945-46 presidential campaign and won the admiration of the masses, whom she called "the shirtless ones". Although she held no government position, she acted as de facto Hinister of Health and Labor, and caused adoption of numerous policies helpful to the working class. For 25 pts., name her.

Eva or Evita Peron

23. 30 POINTS: Wagner's four opera cycle, The Ring of the Niebelungen has a continuous plot involving a group of dwarfs who made a ring from gold the stole from the bottom of the Rhine river. For 5 pts. each and an additional 10 for all four, give the titles of these four operas.

The Rhine Gold or Das Rheingold The Valkyrie or Die Walkure Siegfried Twilight of t.he Gods or pie Gottendammerung


1. 30 POINTS: If you didn't buzz in early on the 1st toss-up and answer "Little Big Horn", you probably know enough about the Indian Wars to gallup through this bonus. For ten points each, name: (1) The Modoc Indian whose name became infamous when he killed a peace

commissioner ~hat he was meeting under a flag of truce in 1873. Captain Jack

(2) The gAneral who was in charge of much of the fighting on the Great Plains as commander of the Department of Missouri, but is better remembered today for being the losing commander in the Battle of 2nd Manassas during the War Between the States. For ten points, who was this blue belly?

John ~ (3) Before Custer was wiped out at the Battle of Little Big Horn, the worst

disaster suffered by the Army during the Indian Wars was when this captain and his entire command was killed by the Sioux on December 21, 1866. William J. Fetterman

2. 20 POINTS: It's time for everyones' favorite quantum mechanical bonus! You'll earn 5 points each if you can name the following scientists, each of whom played a vital role in the development of modern physics. (1) The man who proposed an interpretation of Schrodinger's wave equations in terms of probability density.

Hax Born (2) The man whose independently developed matrix mechanics was later shown to be equivalent to Schrodingers wave mechanics.

Werner Heisenberg (3) The man who aided the downfall of classical physics with his explanation of the photoelectric effect, but later rejected the results of quantum mechanics. Albert Einstein (4) The physicist who, in 1930, first theorized the existence of anti-matter.

ANS. Paul Adrien Haurice Dirac

3. 30 POINTS: Name this person on the first clue for 30 pts., on the second for 20, or on the third for 10. (1) A founding member of the Royal Society, he wrote the preamble to its

charter. (2) In 1661, he was elected Savilian Professor of astronomy at Oxford.

Eight years later, he was appointed Surveyor of Works to Charles II, an appointment which would lead to his greatest successes.

(3) He was responsible for the design and rebuilding of 53 London churches after the Great Fire, and is considered the finest English architect of his time.

Sir Christopher Wren

4. 25 POINTS: In the latter part of the 19th century, a debate over whether alternating current or direct current should be the electrical standard in the U.S. raged on for years. Thomas Edison was the most notable and outspoken proponent of direct current. For 15 points, what Croation-born inventor began the controversy by selling several of his patents on AC equipment in 1885?

Hikola Tesla (over)

For an additional 10 pts. what inventor and industrialist, better known at the time for his railroad signals and brakes, did Tesla sell the patents to?

George Westinghouse

5. 20 POINTS: Two innovative American artists married in 1924. She, a painter, most often painted flowers, skulls, rocks and mountains. He, a photographer, is best known for his portraits of his wife. For 10 pts. each, name this husband and wife.

Georgia O'Keefe and Alfred Stieglitz

6. 20 POINTS: A certain Belgian industrial chemist used his wealth for many philanthropic purposes. Among them was a series of scientific conferences he sponsored, of which the attendance lists usually read like a "Who's Who" in physics. Hany believe these conferences to have been instrumental in the development of quantum mechanics. Name the man and you've named the conferences.


7. 20 POINTS: Psychologists call chronological age his intelligence inte~ligence tests are in wide use usedvto test children's I .G. 's:

the ratio of a person's mental age to his quotient, or I.Q. Two standardized today. For ten pts., name the test ~I!I1JJ ilt>O

-Fo r (JVe./ '8 0 (0 Stanford-Binet For an additional 10, give the name of the test most commonly used

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale also accept (WAIS or WAISR)

8. 30 POINTS: Name this author, 30-20-10.

on adults.

(1) He wrote: "Sketches on American Policy", and founded American Hagazine and a federalist newspaper called The American Minerva (2) He wrote the American Spelling Book (3) He wrote the American Dictionary of the English Language

ANS. Noah Webster

9. 20 POINTS: How well do you speak Russian? Or, how familiar are you with the Russian space program. Either one will help you with this bonus. For ten points each, give me the Russian spacecraft name that means: (1) Snowstorm Buran (BYOO-ran) (2) Union Soyuz (SOY-ooz)

10. 20 POINTS: The Cold War raged on throughout Eisenhower's presidency. Two brothers in Ike's administration had much to do with foreign policy and relations of the time. One was Secretary of Stato::? and the other was director of the CIA. For ten points each, give their names (first and last, please).

John Foster Dulles and Allan Dulles

11. 30 POINTS: Host of us are familiar with the plots of Shakespeare's most f~mous plays. But, for 10 points each, see if you can identify some of his lesser known plays by their plots. (1) As an act of revenge, a nobleman serves a queen a dish containing the

remains of her murdered sons. ANS. Titus Andronicus

(2) A Trojan woman betrays her lover and yields herself to members of the Greek camp. ANS. Troilus and Cressida (over)

(3) Ferdinand, King of Navarre, with his friends Biron, Longaville, & Dumain, aLternpis to make his court "a little academe."

ANS. Love's Labour's Lost

12. 25 POINTS; Analytical chemistry, like so many specialties, has become a veritable alphabet soup of abbreviations and acronyms. For 5 pts. each, I'll gi.,;c you the abbreviation, and you give the name of the device or technique.

1. GC Gas Chromatograph (accept siwilar forms) 2. NMR Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 3. DTA Differential Thermal Analysis 4. TLC Thin Layer Chromatography 5 _ HPL.C High Pressure Liquid Chromatography

or High Performance Liquid Chromatography

13. 20 POINTS: The "Rake's Progress is a popular plot in art, music and literature. (1) For 10 points, what 18th century English artist executed a series of

paintings based on the theme? ANS. William Hogarth

(2) For another 10 points, who composed the opera entitled, "The Rake's Progress "? ANS. Igor Stravinsky

14. 30 POINTS: Identify this philosopher, 30-20-10. (1) He died of cholera and was buried between Fichte and Solger. (2) Perhaps his most brilliant work is The Phenomenology of the Hind which qescribes how the human mind has risen from mere consciousness to absolute knowledge. (3) His is most famous for his dialectic: thesis, antithesis, synthesis.

ANS. George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

15. 25 POINTS: Identify the great Russian writers of the following literary works for 5 points each. (1) The Nose (2) Fathers and Sons (3) Notes from Underground (4) Eugene Onegin (5) ctJlomov


Nikolai Gogol Ivan Turgenev Fyodor Dostoyevsky Alexander Pushkin Goncharov

16. 30 POINTS: After being mortally wounded in battle in 1813, a certain sea captain said "Don't give up the ship". For ten points each, name the captain, and each of the two ships involved in the battle.

ANS. Capt. James Lawrence,the USS Chesapeake,and the HMS Shannon

17. 25 POINTS: For 5 points each, following Canadian provinces:

Manitoba British Colombia Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia Saskatchewan

give me the capital of each of the

Winnipeg Victoria . Charlottetowh Halifax Regina

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