  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)



  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    H.f&r/t# c, t`& *&ctm/& &/c#tc c, Vfctt Nm* Vmu&r# &r& /jmy&"

    Or. Lcyjh9 fm & #tc/ ycur `ccr+

    ^`h fcurt9 y"

    Or. Lcyjh9 &%r& u#t 'c' tc c&ft" A, t`# # ct `# &fmj r&fcr$ t c ct r&,r`

    `# r&fcjj&ftc> t #`cuj ct & #`c tc t`& ury cr &*&f&" A t`cu'`t mjj c, t`& &r& `#

    &fmj r&fcr#" A %t r&mj& t`&y &r& 'c' tc try tc r&,r` `# r&fcjj&ftc t` #c&t`'

    ct`&r t`m `# --

    Os. Fm`mb9 & #fu##& t`# #/&f,f ##u& &,cr& t`& ury fm& m t`&y #m t &y `m c

    c&ftc tc my c, t`& /m' &' #`c"

    Or. Tmbas`9 c" My /m' t`mt &r& `#"

    Os. Fm`mb9 t`mt%# ct `mt t`&y #m"

    ^`h fcurt9 mjj r'`t" A% c*&rruj' t`& c&ftc" E&&/ 'c'"

    (Hxfhrpts cg t`h vanhctmphn nhpcsatacb cg Vfctt Nmvan Vmubnhrs whrh pjmyhn.

    !. Fcuj ycu$ /j&m#&$ #/&jj ycur ,ujj m& ,cr t`& r&fcr"

    ". Vfctt Nm* Vmu&r#

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    !. 7`&r& ycu mtt& fcjj&'&+

    ". ;r'`m 0cu' 1*&r#ty"

    !. 7`mt y&mr ycu 'rmumt&+

    ". =995"

    !. N ycu mtt& my #f`ccj m,t&r mtt&' ;r'`m 0cu' 1*&r#ty+

    ". 1FJ".

    !. m# t`&r& m /mrtfujmr &/mrt&t cr ,&j c, #tuy t`mt ycu #tu& mt 1FJM+

    ". O&fmj #f`ccj"

    !. N ycu 'rmumt& ,rc &fmj #f`ccj+

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    ". 0"

    !. 7`mt y&mr m# t`mt+

    ". =99

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    !. M u#t r&,jy$ `mt c ,mjy /rmftf& *cj*&+

    ". At%# m rcmDm#& #/&fmjty t`mt fju tm!' fmr& c, /&c/j& mt my m'& m ,cr my

    /rcj&$ myt`' ,rc &j*&ry c, m tc `c#/f& fmr& mt t`& & c, j,&"

    !. Nc ycu furr&tjy /rmftf& mt t`& ;u&jjtc O&fmj F&t&r+

    ". 0"

    !. Nc ycu cr! t` my ct`&r /`y#fm# mt ;u&jjtc O&fmj F&t&r+

    ". 0"

    !. 7`mt /`y#fm# mr& t`c#&+

    ". Nr" ;mr& Wm Wmj"

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    !. ; Nr" Wm Wmj$ mr& t`&r& my ct`&r /`y#fm# t`mt ycu cr! t` mt ;u&jjtc O&fmj


    ". `mt A cr! t`$ c"

    !. `mt cr! mt"

    ". A `m*& &t #c& t`mt fc& t`&r& #c&t$ c& ct`&r c& t`mt A `m*& &t"

    !. Nc ycu r&fmjj `# cr `&r m&+

    ". :&r m& # N&rm 7t&"

    !. 7`& # t`& ,r#t t& ycu &t Nr" 7t&+

    ". A cLt r&fmjj"

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    !. Nc ycu !c , Nr" 7t& cr!& mt t`& Vmtm 0& Wmjj&y Fcttm'& :c#/tmj+

    ". 0"

    !. Fm ycu$ /j&m#&$ mr! t`# m# H.`t 5"

    !. Nc ycu `m*& H.`t 5 ,rct c, ycu$ Nr" Vmu&r#+

    ". 0$ A c"

    !. Nc ycu r&fc'& H.`t 5+

    ". 0$ A c"

    !. 7`mt # H.`t 5+

    ". At # m jc' /c#t" At #my# `& Jc*& rm'j&$ /uj#`& Vmturmy$ V&/t&&r =4$

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    ". 0"

    !. N ycu rt& t`mt+

    ". A "

    !. N ycu `m*& m ,r& m& Of`m&j Imf!#c+

    ". 0$ A "

    !. 7m# t`mt Of`m&j Imf!#c$ t`& j&'&mry /c/ #tmr Of`m&j Imf!#c+

    ". 0"

    !. :c `& &fc& ycur ,r&+

    ". :& *t& & tc `# rmf`"

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    !. 7`& m# t`& ,r#t t& t`mt ycu &t Or" Imf!#c+

    ". A cLt !c"

    !. Nc ycu r&&&r t`& my t`mt `& *t& ycu tc `# rmf`+

    ". Bc"

    !. Nc ycu r&&&r `&r& `# rmf` # jcfmt&+

    ". 0"

    !. N ycu &*&r *#t `# rmf`+

    ". 0"

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    !. :c jc' m'c ycu *#t # rmf`+

    ". M jc' t& m'c"

    !. Ocr& t`m =4 y&mr# m'c+

    ". 0"

    ". Ocr& t`m =8 y&mr m'c+

    ". Bc"

    !. N Of`m&j Imf!#c &*&r fc& tc ycu ,cr &fmj tr&mt&t+

    ". 0"

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    !. 7`& m# t`mt+

    ". A c%t r&fmjj"

    !. N `& fc& tc ycur c,,f& tc r&f&*&

    &fmj tr&mt&t+

    ". 0"

    !. 7`& m# t`& ,r#t t& `& fm& tc ycur c,,f& tc r&f&*& &fmj tr&mt&t+

    ". A c%t r&fmjj"

    !. 7`mt c,,f& &r& ycu /rmftf' mt+

    ". `& ;u&jjtc O&fmj F&t&r D c$ A m #crry" `& ;u&jjtc O&fmj Fjf"

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    !. Fjf+

    ". Fjf"

    !. 0cu cr!& ,rc t & ;u&jjtc O&fmj Fjf ,rc m// =99 tc m//

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    !. N `& fmjj ycu c t`& /`c& tc r&Gut tr&mt&t+

    ". Bc"

    !. :c ycu &&t `+

    ". A r&f&*& m /`c& fmjj ,rc m cm `c &fj& tc &t,y `&r#&j,$ t`& m#!& , A cuj

    & jj' tc m!& m `cu#& fmjj" M A #m y m #`& 'm*& & t`& mr#"

    !. M `& t & cm m#! ycu tc m!& t`mt cu#& fmjj+ 7m# t t mt my+

    ". H./jm-- 0"

    !. M ycu tr&mt Of`m&j Imf!#c t`mt my+

    ". 0"

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    !. M `mt m# t`& mtur& c, t`& &fmj tr&mt&t t`mt my+

    ". :& `m m u//&r r/rmtcry ,&ftc"

    !. :c ycu '&t tc Of`m&j Imf!#cL# `c& t`mt my+

    ". A rc*&

    !. 7`& ycu /ujj& u/ tc t`& `cu#&$ ,rct c, t`& B&*&rjm `cu#& ycur fmr$ `mt

    `m//&& &.t+ A mt ycu tc mj! & t`rcu'`"

    ". Vc A r*& u/" `&r& # m jttj& !c#! t`' t`&r&" A /u#` t & uttc m t`&y #my y$ my A

    `&j/ ycu" M A #my y$ A m `&r& m" `&y #my c!my$ r*& m`&m" M A rc*& m`&m m t`& A

    m# &` m fmr" M t`&y DD A ,cjjc& m fmr tc m jmr'& `cu#& m m# DD m t`&

    #c&c& fm& ,rc t`& `cu#& m j& & tc t`& `cu#& m #m mt `&r&" M A mt& t`&r&

    ,cr m DD A c%t !c DD m `mj, m `cur m A m# u#t '&tt' r&my tc '&t u/ tc j&m*& m

    #c&cy fm& m #m ?cjjc &$ /j&m#&" `&y &r& f&"

    !. Nc ycu r&&&r , t`mt m# m m cr m cm+

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    ". `mt m# m m" M t`&y tcc! & tc m &rcc m t`&r& m# m 'uy jy' t`& & m

    `& #m$ A m Of`m&j Imf!#c" M A #m$ Bf& tc &&t ycu$ Or" Imf!#c" M `& #m$ A%


    !. N `& m#! ,cr ycur `&j/+

    ". 7&jj$ c, fcur#&" `mt%# `y A m# t`&r&"

    !. ;&,cr& t`& /&r#c jy' t`& & t & &rcc t`mt my &t,& `#&j, m# Of`m&j

    Imf!#c$ ycu r&fc'& ` m# Of`m&j Imf!#c+

    ". Bc" `& rcc m# mr!"

    !. Nc ycu r&fmjj , t`&r& m# m jcf! cut#& t`& &rcc ccr+

    ". `&r& m# m !&y/m t`mt t`& m /u#`& m #&r c, u&r# m t`& ccr c/&&"

    !. Nc ycu r&fmjj t`& m// t& t`mt ycu &t+ 7m# t my cr '`t+

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    ". At m# m,t&r cr! `cur#"

    !. Mt t`mt t&$ m# t fcc ,cr ycu tc #&& /mt&t# m,t&r cr! `cur#+

    ". 0"

    !. 7m# t`mt /mrt c, ycur r&'ujmr /rmftf&+

    ". 0"

    !. Nc ycu furr&tjy /rmftf& t` Nr" Wm Wmj+

    ". 0"

    !. :m*& ycu &*&r tmj!& t` Nr" Wm Wmj mcut t`& tr&mt&t c, Of`m&j Imf!#c+

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    ". r&mt&t$ c"

    !. :m*& ycu &*&r tmj!& mcut &' ,r t` Of`m&j Imf!#c DD

    ". 0"

    !. DD t` Nr" Wm Wmj+

    ". 0"

    !. :m*& ycu &*&r tmj!& mcut my &fmj tr&mt&t '*& tc Of`m&j Imf!#c t` Nr" Wm


    ". Bct t`mt A r&fmjj"

    !. N ycu &*&r #&& Of`m&j Imf!#c m Nr" Wm Wmj tc'&t`&r mt t`& #m& t&+

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    ". 0"

    !. 7`& m# t`mt+

    ". 7& &r& mjj mt m 'mt`&r' c Of`m&j Imf!#c%# rmf`" 7& mtf`& m c*& `# t &mt&r"

    !. A# t mt t`& t &mt&r t`mt m# u/ t`& rcm ,rc t`& m `cu#&+

    ". At m# ct mttmf`& tc t`& `cu#&"

    !. Nc ycu r&&&r t`& c*& t`mt ycu mtf`&+

    ". A t`! t m# V/&rm"

    !. M,t&r t`mt ,r#t t& ycu tr&mt& Of`m&j Imf!#c m,t&r cr!$ &r& t`&r& ct`&r t t mt ycu

    mj#c tr&mt& Or" Imf!#c+

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    ". 0"

    !. M// `c my t+

    ". A c%t !c"

    !. Ocr& t`m cf&+

    ". 0"

    !. Ocr& t`m ,*& t+

    ". 0"

    !. Ocr& t`m =4 t+

    ". `mt%# '&tt' t`&r& #c&`&r&"

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    !. J# t`m 84 t+

    ". J# t`m 84 t"

    !. J# t`m

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    !. 7m# t`&r& m #/&f,f jcfmtc c, Or" Imf!#c%# /m t`mt ycu tr&mt& ` ,cr+

    ". A c%t r&fmjj"

    !. 7`mt tr&mt&t# ycu '*& Or" Imf!#c ,cr `# /m+

    ". O&fmtc$ /m &fmtc#"

    !. 7`mt /m &fmtc# c ycu r&fmjj '*' Or" Imf!#c+

    ". A c%t r&fmjj"

    !. Nc ycu r&fmjj '*' Or" Imf!#c N&&rcj+

    ". A cLt r&fmjj"

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    !. A# N&&rcj u#& tc tr&mt /m+

    ". 0" `&r& m# c& /m &fmtc A u#& &ftmj& ,cr m# u/r&cr/`&"

    !. Nc t`mt m*& mct`&r DD m m& rm$ , ycu jj+

    ". V&*&rmj"

    !. Nc ycu r&&&r `mt t`c#& m& rm# mr&+

    ". ;u/r&&. m# c& c, t`&"

    !. A# t t`& #m& fjm## m# N&&rcj c, &fmtc#+

    ". M# m c/mt& &fmtc$ y"

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    !. Nc ycu r&fmjj my ct`&r DD c ycu r&&&r '*' Or" Imf!#c my ct &r c/mt&


    ". Bct #/&f,fmjjy" %

    !. Nc ycu !c , `& r&f&*& ct`&r c/mt& &fmtc# ,rc myc&+

    ". 0"

    !. :c c ycu !c+

    ". :& tcj &"

    !. 7`mt `& t&jj ycu+

    ". :& #m & mt& tc '&t c,, c, /m &fmtc#"

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    !. N `& t&jj ycu `y `& mt& tc '&t c,, &fmtc#+

    ". 0"

    !. 7`mt `& #my+

    ". :& #m A c%t mt tc & u/ j!& y ,mt`&rDDjm"

    !. 7`c m# `# ,mt`&rDDjm+

    ". Hj*# 2rj&y"

    !. Nc ycu !c `mt & tc mr# # fcf&r# mcut '&tt' c,, /m &fmtc#+

    ". Bc" C& c, t`& r&m#c# & u#& u/r&cr/`& #/&f,fmjjy m# &fmu#& t # m c/mt&

    m'c#t-mtm'c#t m t%# c,t& u#& tc `&j/ /&c/j& `c `m*& /m ut c%t mt tc tm!&

    mft*& &fmtc#" At t tc & j# mft*&"

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    !. N Of`m&j Imf!#c m#! ycu #/&f,fmjjy ,cr t`mt u/r&cr/`&+

    ". 0"

    !. Nc /mt&t# ty/fmjjy m#! ,cr m #/&f,f c, &fmtc+

    ". 2&c/j& `c tm!& /m &fmtc# !c `mt cr!# ,cr t &" M #c t & m#&r tc ycur

    Gutc # y"

    !. N Of`m&j &*&r t&jj ycu mcut '&tt' m /jmt tc `&j/ mr# # mftc tc /m


    ". Bc"

    !. Mr& ycu mmr& c, my ! c, /jmt t`mt fcuj & u#& tc `&j/ &m #c&c& c,, /m


    ". Bc"

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    !. :m*& ycu &*&r &mr t`& m& Nr" ?mr#`f`m+

    ". Bc

    !. N Of`m&j Imf!#c &*&r t&jj ycu mcut cftcr# fc' tc tr&mt ` mt B&*&rjm+

    ". Bc"

    !. N Of`m&j Imf!#c &*&r t&jj ycu mcut my ct`&r cftcr tr&mt' +

    ". Bc"

    !. 7`& Of`m&j Imf!#c m# /m$ ycu 'm*& ` &fmtc#+

    ". Fcrr&ft"

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    !. N ycu &*&r 'c tc t`& &&r'&fy rcc t` Of`m&j Imf!#c+

    ". 0"

    !. 7`& m# t`mt+

    ". A c%t r&fmjj"

    !. 7`mt &&r'&fy rcc ycu 'c tc+

    ". Vmtm 0& :c#/tmj DD Vmtm 0& Wmjj&y Fcttm'& :c#/tmj"

    !. M `& m# t`mt+

    ". A c%t r&fmjj"

    !. 7`y ycu DD `y ycu 'c+

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    ". J&tL# #&&" :& fmjj& & &fmu#& `& m ,mjj&$ A t ! c t`& #tmr#$ m `m m ,cct /rcj&"

    Om$ t`# m# m jc' t& m'c" C!my" A `m*& &*&r &*& t`cu'`t mcut t`#" C!my" `& ,cct/rcj& D A t`! t m# m ,cct /rcj&" M A &t D A &t tc #&& ` m &*mjumt& t m t

    m//&mr& #cjj&" M A r&fc&& m .rmy m `& m#!& & tc r*& ` tc t`& &&r'&fy

    &/mrt&t" Vc A tcc! ` y fmr"

    !. 7m# myc& &j#& t` ycu `& ycu rc*& ` tc t`& &&r'&fy rcc+

    ". Bc"

    !. Iu#t ycu m Of`m&j+

    ". 0"

    !. M `mt `m//&& `& ycu 'ct tc t & &&r'&fy rcc+ N ycu rc/ c,, mt t`&


    ". 7&jj$ A `&j/& ` "

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    !. ;&fmu#& `& m# `m*' trcuj& mj!'+

    ". 0$ m t`mt%# mjj A r&fmjj" A c%t &j&*& A #tmy& t`&r& t` `" A /rcmjy &t `c& tc

    y ,mjy"

    !. 7`& ycu ,r#t 'ct tc # `cu#& &,cr& ycu rc*& ` tc t`& &&r'&fy rcc$ `& &&

    my /m &fmtc+

    ". A c%t r&fmjj"

    !. N ycu '*& ` my /m &fmtc &,cr& 'c' tc t`& H3+

    ". A c%t r&fmjj"

    !. Vc t`& cjy r&m#c ycu &t t` Of`m&j tc t`& H3 m# ,cr t`& ,cct ury t`mt ycu


    ". A `m c m'c##" :& &&& m'c##"

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    !. 7`f` # `y ycu &t tc t`& &&r'&fy rcc"

    ". Fcrr&ft"

    !. Mt ycur r&fc&mtc+

    ". 0"

    !. Nc ycu &*&r r&&&r Of`m&j j&m*' m `c#/tmj m'm#t t`& m*f& c, t`& /`y#fm# c


    ". Bc"

    !. Vc #m ycu &r& ,r t` $ t` Of`m&j Imf!#c$ r'`t+

    ". 0"

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    !. 7`mt #crt# c, t`'# ycu c t` `+

    ". mj!"

    !. 7`mt cuj ycu tmj! mcut+

    ". H*&ryt`'" :& m# rmt`&r jc&jy m %t `m*& myc& `& fcuj tru#t" M #c `& cuj

    fmjj & m A cuj 'c c*&r m `& D #c&t & cuj r*& mrcu t`& rmf` `#

    Bm*'mtcr m tmj! m #c&t & cuj #t t`& *&c jrmry m tmj! m #c&t &

    cuj #t `# c,,f& m tmj!" M #c&t A cuj & #my'$ ycu !c$ A r&mjjy 'ct tc 'c

    `c& tc y ,mjy m$ c$ c$ Vmu&r#$ u#t #tmy m jttj& `j&"

    !. :& cuj mt ycu tc #tmy+

    ". 0&m`"

    !. 7cuj ycu #tmy `& & m#!& ycu tc+

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    ". ?cr m jttj& `j&" A m ct c& tc #my"

    !. N `& tmj! tc ycu mcut # ,mjy+

    M jttj&"

    !. Krc' u/" 7`mt `& t&jj ycu mcut 'rc' u/+

    ". :& #m t DD & #m `& `m m *&ry ,,fujt f`j`cc"

    !. :c #c+

    ". ;&fmu#& `& m# &*&r mjjc& tc & m f`j" M `& #m #c&t$ t`cu'`$ `& r&fmjj&

    ru' mrcu `ct&j# t` Nc& C#c m t`mt ! c, t`'"

    !. 7`& `& m# ycu'&r+

    ". 7`& `& m# ycu'&r"

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    !. J!& m f`j+

    ". 0"

    !. N `& tmj! tc ycu mcut /&r,cr' &*&r+

    ". Bc$ A c%t t`! #c"

    !. N `& tmj! tc ycu mcut `# ,mt`&r m `c `# ,mt`&r tr&mt& +

    ". Bc"

    !. N `& m#! ycu Gutc# mcut ycur ,mjy+

    ". 0"

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    !. N `& &*&r &&t ycur ,mjy+

    ". 0"

    !. 7`c `& &&t+

    ". Oy f`jr& m y ,&"

    !. M `& `& &&t t`&+

    ". 7`& `& DD &jj$ `& `& fm& tc cur `cu#& m `& & &t tc `# `cu#&"

    !. Vc `& fm& tc ycur `cu#&+

    ". 0"

    !. 7m# t`mt t`& `cu#& t`mt ycu j*& c+

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    ". Bc"

    !. M ,,&r&t `cu#&+

    ". 0"

    !. 7`mt tc m# t`mt `cu#& +

    ". Vcj*m'"

    !. 7`& & fc& tc ycur cu#& Vcj*m'+

    ". :& u#t #`c& u/"

    !. :c `& '&t t`&r&+

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    ". :& `m m r*&r"

    !. N ycu &&t t`& r*&r+

    ". Bc$ t`& r*&r #tmy& t & fmr"

    !. Iu#t rc//& ` c,,+

    ". Bc$ #tmy& t`&r& m mt&"

    !. M `& rm' t`& ccr&jj+

    ". 0&m`$ & %t `m*& m ccr&jj" :& !cf!& c t`& ccr"

    !. M ycu %t !c `& m# fc' c*&r+

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    ". Bc"

    !. 7&r& ycu #ur/r#& `& `& 'ct t`&r&+

    ". 0$ y"

    !. Vc `mt ycu c `& `& #`c& u/ mt ycur `cu#& Vcj*m'+

    ". :$ f& tc #&& ycu$ ycu !c$ *t& ` " M & #mt m tmj!& m `# !# m 'c&

    tc /jmy t` y !#"

    !. :# !# &r& t` `+

    ". 0$ mt c& t& `& m# t`&r& m t m# ur' t`& my" Vc t`& !# mt& tc 'c cut#&

    t`& #mc."

    !. Nur' t`mt '&&rmj t& rm'& ycu 'm*& t`mt ycu cuj tr&mt Of`m&j Imf!#c c m c,, ,cr

    &fmj tr&mt&t#$ # t`mt DD # t`& t& ,rm& t`& #m& cr ,,&r&t m# `& ycu cuj #&&

    ` #cfmjjy+

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    ". Vm&" `mt #m& t& /&rc$ y$ mjj c, t`mt `m//&& mjj mt t`& #m& t&$ t`mt #m&

    t& /&rc"

    !. 7`mt mcut /r*mfy c, `# &fmj fmr&$ &r& t &r& DD m# t`&r& myt`'$ ycu !c$ t`mt

    Of`m&j Imf!#c tc /rct&ft `# &fmj /r*mfy+

    ". A c%t DD A c%t !c c, myt`' t`mt & tc /rct&ft `# &fmj /r*mfy"

    !. M ycur &./&r&f&$ tr&mt' Of`m&j Imf!#c$ `mt &fmtc# m# & c+

    ". 7&jj$ t`& cjy tc t`mt A !& c, &r& N&&rcj m cr/`&" M A t`! A m '*& `

    #c& crmj /m &fmtc# j!& DD A c%t !c `f`$ j!& Wfc cr #c&t`' c, t`mt DD

    c, t`mt ty/&" Vc /m &fmtc"

    !. M ur' t`& t& t`mt ycu !& Of`m&j Imf!#c$ ycu &*&r try m &fr&m#& my c,

    t`& &fmtc# t`mt `& m# c+

    ". 0"

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    !. 7`f` c+

    ". 7&jj$ N&&rcj"

    !. M `y m# t`mt+

    ". ;&fmu#& `& mt& tc '&t c,, c, t"

    !. M c ycu !c c, my #t&/# t`mt &r& tm!& tc '&t Of`m&j Imf!#c c,, N&&rcj+

    ". 0"

    !. 7`mt `& c+

    ". 7&jj$ `& m#!& tc u#& u/r&cr/`& #t&m"

    !. M mtc tc t`& u/r&cr/`&$ c ycu !c c, my ct`&r #t&/# cr `mt &j#& & +

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    ". Bc$ A c%t"

    !. N ycu &*&r '&t my /r&t# cr ',t# ,rc Of`m&j Imf!#c+

    ". 0"

    !. 7`mt `& '*& ycu+

    ". :& #&t m c. tc y cu#& ,cr F`r#tm#"

    !. M `mt m# t`& c.+

    ". A c%t r&fmjj" A t`! y f`jr& 'ct -- &fmu#& `& `m mjj t`& f`jr&%# m" At m# j!&

    j#t& c t`&r&" M 2V

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    ". 0"

    !. Vc t mt t & /r&t# &r& ,cr ycur ,mjy+

    ". 0"

    !. 7m# myt`' '*& tc ycu y Of`m&j Imf!#c+

    ". :& j&,t m /c/fcr /c//&r"

    !. J!& m c*& --

    ". 0&m`$ j!& DD c$ &jj$ j!& t`& c& mt fmr*mj#$ ycu !c$ c m #tm"

    !. Vtjj `m*& t+

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    ". Bc$ A #cj t mt m 'mrm'& #mj&" A mftumjjy ,cu t jmt&r" 7& &r& trf! cr tr&mt' cur

    &'`cr`cc m A 'c$ :&y$ `&r& ycu '&t t`mt+ M$ C`$ & cu'`t t mfrc##" `mt

    m# &" Of`m&j Imf!#c 'm*& t tc &" 3&mjjy+

    !. Kc' mf! tc t & N&&rcj$ c ycu !c , `& m# &*&r #uff#,uj mt '&tt' c,, t`&


    ". Bc"

    !. 0cu c%t !c+

    ". A c%t !c" J!& A #m$ A cuj #&& ` m t`& A cuj ct `&mr ,rc ` ,cr &&!# cr

    ct`# cr `mt&*&r `& `& m# DD A c%t !c -- cut c' `# t`' `&r&*&r `& m#"

    !. N ycu &*&r 'c t` ` c t`& rcm cut#& c, Fmj,crm+

    ". B&*&r"

    !. N `& &*&r t&jj ycu mcut `& `& DD mcut `# trm*&j# mrcu t`& crj+

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    ". 0&m`$ & tmj!& #c& mcut t`mt ut cr& ,rc &mrjy my#$ ct r&f&t #tu,,

    !. 7`&+

    ". H.f&/t ,cr c& t`'"

    !. 7`mt m# t`mt+

    ". :# Jm# W&'m# tr/#" C& t& & m# t&jj' & mcut 'c' tc Jm# W&'m#$ `c uf` `&

    &cy& Jm# W&'m#"

    !. Vc u#t ,cr m #cfmj tr/+

    ". 0&m`"

    !. 7`mt ! c, t`'# `& t&jj ycu `& j!& uy'+

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    ". :& cuj 'c t`& #tcr& m #my A mt t`mt m t`mt$ mtGu&" :& m# r&mjjy tc mtGu"

    !. Nc ycu m*& my &m `c uf` c&y `& #/&t c mtGu+

    ". Bc fju&"

    !. :& &*&r tcj ycu &m `& &*&r t&jj ycu mcut m #/&f,f /urf`m#&+

    ". Bc"

    !. My ,m*crt& mtGu& `& `m+

    ". :& #m `& !& t & mjj" :& !& `f` c &r& `#"

    !. 7&r& t`&r& mtGu mrcu # `cu#& B&*&rjm+

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    ". 0

    !. :c my$ mjj/mr!$ cuj ycu #my+

    ". `& `cu#& m# ,ujj"

    !. M t`# m# m jmr'& `cu#&$ r'`t+

    ". At m# m jmr'& `cu#&" At m# ,ujj"

    !. ?ujj c, mtGu+

    ". Bc$ t m# ,ujj c, u#t &*&ryt`' m mtGu"

    !. Afju' mtGu+

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    ". 0"

    !. 7`mt mcut t&r# c, fc/mtc ,cr ycur #&r*f$ &r& ycu fc/mt& `& ycu

    /rc*& tr&mt&t tc Of`m&j Imf!#c+

    ". 0"

    !. :c t`mt mrrm'&&t cr!+

    ". A &*&r m#!& ,cr fc/mtc m `& cuj mjmy# /my fm#` &fmu#& `& m c fr&t

    m c f`&f!# m c m! mffcut#"

    !. :c c ycu !c t`mt+

    ". ;&fmu#& `& tcj &"

    !. A #m & jj #& m jj m & #m ycu fm%t &fmu#& A c%t `m*& my f`&f!# cr fr&t

    fmr# cr myt`'"

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    ". 7`& ycu r&f&*& t & fm#` /my&t ,rc Of`m&j Imf!#c ,cr ycur &fmj tr&mt&t DD

    ". 0&m`"

    !. DD `& t`mt `m//&+ N t m//& mt t`& t& c, tr&mt&t+

    ". 0"

    !. M `c cuj /my ycu+

    ". :& "

    !. Fm ycu /j&m#& mr! m# H.`t "

    !. H.`t # m cfu&t /rcuftc ,rc t`& Vmtm 0& Wmjj&y Fcttm'& :c#/tmj" At%# ;mt

    u&r& V0WF:CCCAHK t`rcu'` 44468 m t`&r& mr& mj#c =@ /m' t`cut ;mt u&r#

    c t`& tc/ c, H.`t &'' t` -- 45 C ==9

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    O3" :1B H.`t " `m! ycu"

    !. `& mt& c, t`# cfu&t # ?&rumry

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    ". Bc"

    !. A# t`# fr/tc fc##t&t t` t`& f&t & #/c!& mcut &mrj&r tcmy `& Of`m&j

    Imf!#c ,&jj c t`& #tmr# mt `# `c&+

    ". AL ct #ur& t`mt & ,&jj c t`& #tmr# ut t`& f&t & #fu##& &mrj&r$ t`# cuj &

    fc##t&t t` t`mt"

    !. 7t t`mt f&t+

    ". 0"

    !. 7`& ycu #my ycu mr& ct #ur& t`mt `& ,&jj c t`& #tmr#$ `mt c ycu &m+

    ". A c%t r&fmjj &.mftjy `mt `m//&&" A m try' tc r&fmjj t`& #/&f,f f&t# m `c t

    `m//&&" M t`mt m# y t r&fcjj&ftc c, t`&"

    !. `& t& D #c ycur t r&fcjj&ftc c, m f&t `& Of`m&j Imf!#c ur& `# ,cct"

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    ". 0"

    !. Nc ycu !c `y ycu cuj & j#t& m# Of`m&j Imf!#c%# /&r#cmj /`y#fm c t`#

    &fmj r&fcr+

    ". A fm t`! c, c& c, tc /c##jt"

    !. C!my"

    ". C& # &fmu#& A rcu'`t ` tc t`& &&r'&fy &/mrt&t m A m && fmjj& tc tr&mt `,cr t`mt #/&f,f f&t$ cr u&r tc$ , `& &t,& tc t`& &&r'&fy /`y#fm t`mt A m#

    tr&mt' ` ,cr t`# &,cr& `& fm& "

    !. Fm ycu tur tc t`& &.t /m'& t` t & ;mt u&r 6

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    !. M fm ycu r&*& t`& #&ftc &ttj& H&r'&fy N&/mrt&t Fcur#&$ m j&t & !c

    `& ycu mr& ,#`&"

    ". C!my"

    !. Mr& ycu ,#`& r&m'+

    ". A m ,#`&"

    !. N ycu r&m t`& #&ftc c t`& /m'& ;mt u&r 6< t`mt #my#$ K*& `# mjty tc tm!&

    crmj /m &fmtc# t`cut &.tr&& mu#&m$ & `m*& cr!& cut t` Nr" Vmu&r# tc

    #/& N&&rcj m 2`&&r'm AO t` #c& &&j m #yr'" A `m*& #/&f,fmjjy #tmt&

    t`mt m &fmj fmr& /rc,#cmj &t`&r m /`y#fm cr ur#&$ u#t

    m#t&r t`# &fmtc #`cuj `& && t" :& # &jj mmr& c, t`#$ m ,mft$ Nr" Vmu&r#

    `m# m'r&& tc 'c y t`& `c& tc m#t&r t`& &fmtc , &&&"

    !. N A r&m t`mt fcrr&ftjy+

    ". 0"

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    !. :m*' r&*&& `mt # rtt& c t`& /m'& u&r& 6< m t`!' mf! tc

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    !. `& jm#t j& DD t`& jm#t #&ftc #my#$ N#/c#tc N#f`mr'& tc `c&" ?cjjc u/ t`

    Nr" Vmu&r# #c&t& t`& &.t &&!" Nc ycu !c `y t`& #/c#tc fmt t`mtOf`m&j Imf!#c #`cuj ,cjjc u/ t` ycu #c&t& t`& &.t &&!+

    ". 7`y" Vc ycur Gutc # `y #`& #my t`mt+

    !. A, ycu !c"

    ". &jj$ A &m t%# c*cu#" M &&r'&fy &/mrt&t /`y#fm # ct m /rmry fmr&

    /`y#fm" `&y tm!& fmr& c, t`& &mt& /rcj&" `&y #my m'c##$ ,rmftur&> tr&mt&t$

    #/jt$ /m &fmtc$ 'c tc ycur cftcr ,cr fctu'

    fmr& cr ,cjjc-u/"

    !. M,t&r"

    ". M,t&r" 0cu c%t 'c mf! tc t`& H3 c*&r m c*&r m'm ,cr fctu' fmr& ,cr fm#t'$ ,cr`mt&*&r &j#& & tc & c& tc tm!& fmr& c, t`mt" `&y tm!& fmr& c, t`& tmj /rcj& m t`&

    t`&y #my DD t`&y `m*& tc mrrm'& ,cr ,cjjc-u/" Vc #`& `m# mrrm'& ,cr ,cjjcDu/ ,cr ` tc

    #&& &"

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    !. Fcuj ycu$ /j&m#&$ r&m t`& :#tcry c, 2r&t Ajj# c t`# ,cr"


    :#tcry c, 2r&t Ajj#" `# # m 64D#c&t`'&y&mrDcj '&tj&m `c `m# && #&&

    `&r& tf& &,cr&$ mftumjjy$ &mrj&r t`# &*&' mjt`cu'` t # c t`& &.t my$ ut `& `m# &&

    #&& tf&" :& `m# m m*uj#c c, t`& /rc.mj m*fujmr c, t`& ,cct m `m# r&Gur& fc/cu#

    mcut# c, /m &fmtc `c r&tur# m'm #&*&r& /m$ c ,urt`&r trmum$ c /mrt`m#

    m #tmt t`mt t`& N&&rcj `f` & 'm*& c `# jm#t *#t `m# cr c,, m `& ,&&j# t`& /m

    fmjmt'" `& r&m&r c, t`& r&*& c, #y#t # &'mt*&"

    !. `m! ycu" A &j&*& DD m fcrr&ft & , A m rc' DD t`mt ycur ttcy m ,&

    ut m'c # t`mt t m# uu#umj ,cr #c&c& tc r&tur tc t`& &&r'&fy rcc ujt/j& t"

    Nc ycu r&fmjj #my' #c&t`' tc t`mt &,,&ft+

    ". 0"

    !. Fcuj ycu &./jm `mt ycu &mt y t`mt"

    ". C!my" 7`mt & &r& tmj!' mcut &,cr& # ,,&r&t t`m t`mt" 7`mt & &r& tmj!' mcut

    m# ,cjjcDu/"

    !. C!my"

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    ". M , #c&cy `m# m cr#&' c, t`&r fctc$ t`& t`&y '&&rmjjy cuj `m*& tc 'c

    mf! tc t`& &&r'&fy &/mrt&t" A, #c&c& ,&&j# t`&y%r& cr#& my my$ t`& t`&y cuj'c mf!" A, #c&cy # /rc*' j!& t`&y #`cuj$ , m m*uj#c ,rmftur& # #/jt&$ t`& ycu

    &./&ft t`mt t`& /m # 'c' tc #` &fmu#& t`&y%r& ct 'c' tc & mj!' c t cr #t&//'

    c t" Vc t%# cj&" Vc t`&y%r& ct 'c' tc & c*' c t m fmu#' /m" Vc t`&

    &./&ftmtc # t`mt t%# 'c' tc '&t &tt&r #c&`c" M `& t%# ct$ t`& t%# m//rc/rmt& tc 'c

    mf! m #my t`# # ct '&tt' &tt&r$ t # # '&tt' cr#&

    !. M t`mt fm#& --

    ". DD m r&&*mjumt&"

    !. Vc& cr& tr&mt&t '`t & &&&+

    ". 0"

    !. :m*& ycu `&mr c, Of`m&j Imf!#c r&Gur' fc/cu# mcut# c, /m &fmtc &,cr&+

    ". A `m*& &*&r `&mr t`mt cr u#&$ t`mt t&r u#& ,cr t`mt `# fm#&$ c"

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    !. :m*& ycu `&mr #jmr fr/tc c, --

    ". :&mr$ A cLt u&r#tm `mt ycu &m y `&mr" :m*& A t`cu'`t mcut t$ `m*& A `&mr

    t$ `m# #c&c& &j#& tcj & t`mt" A c%t r&fmjj myt`' j!& t`mt"

    !. Nc ycu r&fmjj tmj!' tc Nr" 7t& mcut t`# f&t+

    ". Bc"

    !. Nc ycu #&& c /m'& 684 t`mt &.t tc t`& j& 2r*mt& 2`y#fm$ t #my#$ Furr&tjy Nr" VfcttVmu&r#+

    ". 0"

    !. Nc ycu !c `y t # ,cr #my# t`mt DD #my# t`mt+

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    ". 7`& #c&c& # t`& &&r'&fy &/mrt&t$ t`&y && tc !c `&r& t`& ,cjjcDu/ #

    'c' tc &$ `c # 'c' tc tm!& fmr& c, t`# /&r#c `& t`&y j&m*& t`& `c#/tmj"

    !. M `y cuj ycur m& & j#t&+

    ". C& c, tc /c##jt$ &t`&r &fmu#& A rcu'`t ` t`&r& cr &fmu#& t`& /mt&t #m t`mt%#

    y cftcr"

    !. N ycu &*&r &t&r& m u&rjy' fmu#& ,cr Of`m&j Imf!#c%# mftc tc /m !jj&r#+

    ". Bc"

    !. N Of`m&j Imf!#c &*&r t&jj ycu , t`&r& m# m u&rjy' fmu#&+

    ". Bc$ ct t`mt A r&fmjj"

    !. C /m'& 664 DD tL# m 'cc /jmf& `cj&r" Fm ycu r&m :#tcry c, 2r&t Ajj#"

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    ". (3&m')

    :#tcry c, 2r&t Ajj#" `& /mt&t # `&r& &fmu#& `& `m m ,rmftur& fuc c `# r'`t

    ,cct" :& `m# && #&& ujt/j& t ,cr /m &fmtc &ftc#" :& r&f&* N&&rcj

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    !. Mr& ycu c t`mt /m'&+

    ". 0"

    !. M t`& mt& #&& c t`# /m'& # =

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    !. M , ycu fcuj #!/ tc t`& jm#t /mrm'rm/`"

    ". (3&m')

    Nr" Vmu&r# `m tcj & u/c mrr*mj tc t`& &&r'&fy rcc t`mt `& ctm& ,urt`&r

    ,crmtc t`mt t`& /mt&t `m mct`&r /m &ftc mt #c&t& /rcr tc Nr" Vmu&r#L mrr*mj

    t`mt Nr" Vmu&r# m# ct mmr& c," `& /mt&t cjy tcj ` t`# m,t&r `# r&mftc `m


    !. `mt%# ,&" `m!#" Nc ycu `m*& my r&m#c tc cut t`& mffurmfy c, t & #tmt&&t#

    fctm& c t`# &fmj r&fcr+

    ". Bc"

    !. 3&*&' t`# &fmj r&fcr$ c t`mt r&,r` ycur r&fcjj&ftc c, my &*&t# c t`& mt&

    c, N&f&&r =@$

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    ". `& '&&rmj &m c, t`& jmr'& mcut# c, N&&rcj &' '*&$ y&m`$ A c r&fmjj t`mt"

    !. Nc ycu r&fmjj t` m /mrtfujmr /`y#fm cr u#t ycu '&&rmjjy r&fmjj t+

    ". Iu#t '&&rmjjy &./r#' t`& #m& #crt c, fcf&r t`mt t`& &&r'&fy &/mrt&t /`y#fm#

    &r& &./r#'"

    !. Nc ycu !c , Of`m&j Imf!#c m# &*&r mj& tc #tc/ tm!' jmr'& mcut# c, N&&rcj+

    ". AL #crry" 7`mt # t & Gutc+ 0cu mt & tc t&jj ycu `& &*&r #tc/# tm!' t+

    !. Nc ycu !c+

    ". 0cu &m `& 'ct jc&r c# cr %t tm!& my mt mjj+ j c%t !c" N&&rcj jm#t# `mt+ :m#

    m ,curD`cur `mj, j,& m t`&$ ycu !c$ `& #tc//&$ y&m`" M,t&r t`mt c&$ `& #tc//&" M t`&


    `cur# jmt&r$ `& 'ct mct`&r c&" A c%t !c `&r& tc 'c t` #tc//&"

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    !. Nc ycu m*& my &m `c t`& ct`&r cftcr '`t m*& &&+

    ". Bc$ A c%t"

    !. Nc t ct`&r ycu t`mt Of`m&j Imf!#c 'ct cr my `m*& 'ct m #`ct c, N&&rcj y mct`&r

    /`y#fm t`cut t&jj' ycu+

    ". Nc t ct`&r & c cr t ct`&r & t`&+

    !. Mt t`& t&"

    ". K&&rmjjy$ y$ t mt%# m ct`&r#c& t`'"

    !. 7`y+

    ". ;&fmu#& t`& /ct&tmj r&mftc cr t`& /ct&tmj /rcj m##cfmt& t` N&&rcj mr& c#&

    &/&&t" Vc m# ycu fr&m#& t`& c#&$ t`& /ct&tmj ,cr c' `mr # fr&m#&" Vc , A m

    'c' cut tc '*& ` m N&&rcj &ftc &fmu#& c, `# rc!& ,cct$ m &m`j&$ #c&

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    ct`&r cftcr%# 'c' cut t`&r& m '*' ` N&&rcj &ftc# m t%# tcc uf` tcc fjc#&

    tc'&t`&r$ `& fcuj `m*& m m r&mftc"

    !. A, ycu fm u#t tur tc t`& &.t /m'&" At%#

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    !. Nc ycu !c `mt m O&DMj&rt rmf&j&t #+

    ". 0"

    !. 7`mt # t+

    ". At%# m rmf&j&t$ m /jmGu&$ t`mt # #/&f,fmjjy ,cr &&r'&fy /&r#c&j" A, #c&c& #

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    &fmtc# `& # mjj&r'f tc"

    !. 7`c ty/fmjjy `m# m O& Mj&rt rmf&j&t+ A# t &r& m /mrtfujmr /mt&t /c/ujmtc+

    ". 2&c/j& `c `m*& &/j&/#y$ ,cr &.m/j&$ cr ct`&r DD ct`&r /&c/j& `c c%t DD `c

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    O&DMj&rt rmf&j&t cr # t`mt t`& c#t fcc #tumtc+

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    ". Vc& /&c/j& `m*& t`& &fmu#& t`&y mt t`&$ ut A m'& t`&r& cuj & m r&m#c ycu

    cuj '&t c&" M t`& r&m#c cuj & t`&r& # #c&t`' t`mt ycu mr& j!&jy DD #c& r&m#c

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    mr& mjj&r'f tc"

    !. M fm m `'` c#m'& c, N&&rcj fmu#& ufc#fcu##+

    ". 0"

    !. Fm ycu fctu& c c /m'&

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live Transcripts of Dr Scott David Saunders(Doctor)


    Os. Fm`mb9 t`mt fcfju t`& *&c c, Nr" Nm* Vmu&r#" M ,cr t`& r&fcr$ t`&

    &.`t t`mt m# r&,&r&f& t`rcu'`cut t`& &/c#tc m# &.`t # trmj &.`t

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