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Mr. Jamlick Bosire

New Horizon Consultancy ServicesP. O. Box 1675-80200, Malindi

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Comm. skills/10thAPR2013/DADJU 2

The ability to explain something clearly to a pupil is very essential in a good teacher’s professional practice.

The term “explaining” simply means to make plain.

One dictionary states:• You explain something when you supply

information or details that make it clear or easy to understand.

• When you tell people the reason for something e.g. “I can explain why I came late.”

what is an explanation?

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Different situations require different ways of explaining. However, the goal of explaining is to give understanding to others.

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We think about the process of explaining in relation to:• You as the explainer• Your pupils as the

explainees• The concept that you are


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As you give explanations, you should appreciate the impact of your explanations. Your listeners may find your explanations:• Complex • Full of incorrect or difficult language• Not clear.

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Ways of explaining

• The interpretative• The descriptive • The reasoning giving.

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1.The interpretative:Here your explanation will help pupils interpret what they know. For example, you can explain what the function is of the talons and beaks of birds of prey.

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2. The descriptive:A descriptive explanation usually

describes a process or structure. These explanations will be to the question “how”. An example is Mr. Maina is describing the process of how to make a sponge cake in a home science activity.

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3. The reason giving:Sometimes you give explanations in

which you offer reasons or causes of the occurrence of something. Such explanations are answers to the questions “why”. For example, why some mammals hibernate in winter, or why rain falls.

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You use any of the above ways of explaining depending on the subject aim in your lesson. Your choice may also depend on the age of your children.

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Chow you can bring your explanations to life.1. Using analogies:You might use analogies to make your explanations to

make your explanations clearer. When you use an analogy, you talk of something which is like something else. For example Mrs. Mugambi was explaining what goose pimples are to her class. This is what she told them: “Goose pimples are not like the ordinary pimples you get after a mosquito bite. Goose pimples come all over your body and are very small. They look like small grains of millet that have scattered on your body.”

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2. Using examples.We also use examples to help us clarify an explanation. . Examples can be from both the teacher and pupils. You can use examples when ideas are ambiguous, or simply not understood. You should draw examples from the pupils’ experience and, at their level of understanding.

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3. Use of practical work:You can use practical work to

complement an explanation. If you were explaining to your pupils how to set up a science experiment you would either demonstrate it, or get them to them to do it themselves.

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4. use of teaching/learning aids:The use of teaching/learning aids, like practical work, will help to simplify what you are explaining. They should be part and parcel of your explanation. A teacher teaching an agriculture lesson where they are handling the topic “Farm tools,” should have with them the various farm tools. They can then explain what the tools are called, their uses, and so on. In this way the teaching/learning aids will support the explanation.

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Making your explanation clear.

As well as making your explanations clear through questions, analogies and examples, you should look into the way you use language. Good communication skills are very important in explaining.

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For effective communication you will need to make good use of your voice.

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You should vary the tone of your voice to suit what you are explaining. You should use humor where necessary. Your voice should not be monotonous. The use of gestures and facial expressions helps to complement your voice. You should also organize your explanations, if your pupils are to understand the ideas you are explaining to them. Your explanations should have logical sequence. The use of link words and phrases will help you to organize your explanations in a logical order. Examples of link words are “ because, since, as, in order to, as a result, therefore, by, if … then”.

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