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The (Lost) Disciplines of Economics and PoliticsBy Cameron Cutrone It’s so hip and post-modern today to utter a quip that la-ments about how meaningless the words “economics” and “politics” have become. But that’s not an accident, it’s a conversation-stopper and a buzzkill for a reason. The elite prefer the topics remain boring and fraught with unintelligible jargon. Devoid of real choices and contrasts. A blob of gray clay with the occasional hair in it. It is the very work of today’s political and economic scien-tists that create this situation. The average economic debate going on in academia is between a Keynsian Socialist who likes the illusion of competition and choice but really must have a puppetmaster calling the shots, and a straight-up Communist. Basically the arguments boil down to whether the economy should be directed towards the needs of poor people or whether it should be directed towards the interests of wealthier elites. Cleverly, subtly, the question of whether or not someone has the

AUTHORITY to even DIRECT what should be a collection of millions of VOLUNTARY choices, the very essence of the economy, is completely left out of the conversation. Modern Communist revolution-aries are not represented by people of the farm, factory, and union hall. Their luminaries are people who sit on their ass and get paid big to sing the praises of poverty as if being poor is cool. The best example right now would be Stanley Aronow-itz, professor at City Univer-sity of New York. This self pro-claimed labor sociologist gets paid six figures to teach Marx-ism four hours a week. That’s four, not forty. I suspect he was at one time a radical Marxist, but if he accidently ran into a real one today, they’d probably knife him and take whatever he had. I believe the term for him in commie lingo is bourgeois. And just look at the modern vanguard of “free market” phi-losophy. Milton Friedman, the supposed giant in this field dur-ing the Reagan years, couldn’t have even been able to see his ideas brought to fruition without first a fascist military coup. I’m speaking of course about the Pinochet regime in Chile in the

1970’s of which Friedman was an economic advisor to. Free-dom? History says no. Then there’s Leo Strauss, intellectual father of the neo-conservative cabal that domi-nated during the Bush years. Strauss believed in the virtue of force and fraud when it came to preserving the power of the State over the manipulated, subjugated populace. Wolfow-itz, Feith, Perle, almost all insiders and advisors to Bush Jr, sang the virtues of what Strauss called the “noble lie.” Fast foreword to Obama’s braintrust and you’ll find the same thinking at play. Strauss, Friedman, these names have now been replaced by others who love State coerciveness and the “noble lie.” Cass Sunstein, Austan Gools-bee, and Richard Thaler, also of University of Chi-cago like the formentioned scholars, have picked up where they left off. It was Goolsbee who travelled to Canada during Obama’s campaign to assure Canadian diplomats that Obama’s opposition

to NAFTA was merely a result of “political posture and not actual policy.” I guess that falls under the whole noble lie category when it comes to informing Americans what Obama really thinks. This is a tight clique of behav-ioral constructionists, a term they use, who apply the science of behavior modification to poli-tics. It’s explained to us in great detail in their best seller en-titled “Nudge.” The title implies that the State, rather than push-ing people around, should give them a gentle, kinder nudge. This is a form of social condi-tioning that seeks to give the public the illusion of choice while still dictating what the choices are. For instance, in the matter of improving the economy, they might offer the choices of giving banks bailouts in perpetuity, or flushing the market with fresh cash fathomed out of thin air (quantitative easing 2). People are given bad choices, but they’re CHOICES DAMNIT!!! And you are not permitted to suggest that maybe auditing or ending the Federal Reserve could be a better option. They even have the nerve to call this philosophy “libertar-ian paternalism.” That’s like

saying “free slave.” These are the same people who decry how meaningless political and eco-nomic terminology has become. Well, thanks to them it has. This process is set up to limit choices, not expand them. It blunts political discourse, rather than sharpen it. And even more insidiously, it makes any choice outside the chosen few seem so RADICAL. What a scary word. No one wants that.

To these people, freedom is anarchy, or something to be feared. The “status quo,” something people have rightful-ly grown impatient with, is now “stability,” something people can get used to. And even crave.

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The (Lost) Disciplines of Economics and Politics

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French Village Plagued by Visitors Seeking Ref-uge from Armageddon

The mayor of a picturesque French village has threatened to call in the army to seal it off from a tide of New Age fanat-ics and UFO watchers, who are convinced it is the only place on Earth to be spared Armageddon in 2012.

Villagers in Bugarach, popu-lation 189, told The Daily Telegraph these visitors believe that the end of the world cor-responds with the conclusion of the Mayan calendar on Dec. 21, 2012, and that the Pic de Buga-rach, highest mountain in the Corbieres wine region, could provide some sort of sanctuary.

Mayor Jean-Pierre Delord told the Telegraph he’s asked regional authorities to pro-vide military assistance if the numbers of visitors become unsupportable. Delord said people had been coming to the village for the

past 10 years or so after a UFO report by a local man who has since died.

“He claimed he had seen aliens and heard the humming of their spacecraft under the moun-tain,” he said.

Now, villagers told the news-paper, some visitors believe that extraterrestials are waiting in a massive cavity under the rock and might take a few lucky people with them when the world ends.

The Telegraph said there were tales of the late President François Mitterrand being heliported onto the peak, of mysterious digs by the Nazis and later Mossad, the Israeli secret service.

The peak was said have been in-spiration for Jules Verne’s book “A Journey to the Center of the Earth” and Steven Spielberg’s film “Close Encounters of the Third Kind.”

Now, locals complained to the

paper, “ufologists” are driving up property prices and bring-ing other unwanted changes to the place.

“Many come and pray on the mountainside. I’ve even seen one man doing some ritual totally nude up there,” Mayor Delord said.

“I’m worried because the population of our village is only 200 people and... we risk hav-ing a flood from all the corners of the earth,” he told RTL radio, BBC News reported.

The farming village is in the region of the Cathar castles, situated on spectacular rocky outcrops. Regarded as heretics by the Catholic Church, Cathars sought refuge in these castles in the 13th century when Pope Innocent III launched a full scale crusade against them.

The village lies next to the Pic de Bugarach, a rocky peak which, at 1230 metres, is the highest point of the Corbières range of hills. The peak is dwarfed how-

ever by the nearby Pyrenees and offers splendid views of the range.

Made of limestone with galleries of caves beneath it, the peak is a geological oddity, since its top layers are millions of years older than its bottom ones, making it an “upside down mountain”.

The peak of Bugarach has been shrouded in mystery, with vari-ous claims that it houses aliens in cavities beneath the rock.

Nostradamus, the French apothecary from Provence, is said to have stayed in the area and found the “vibrations” of Bugarach to be positive.

Others say Bugarach is where Jules Verne found the entrance and the inspiration for A Journey to the Centre of the Earth.

Bugarach is in the Languedoc-Roussillon, the world’s largest wine growing region.

French Village Plagued by Visitors Seeking Refuge from Armageddon

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Poll: Americans Reject Media Hoax On Arizona Shootings

Paul Joseph WatsonInfowars.comJanuary 12, 2011

The establishment media campaign to crassly exploit the tragic Arizona shootings as a way to bludgeon the First Amendment and silence critics of the Obama ad-ministration has failed spectacularly, with even a major-ity of Democrats telling a CBS poll that “violent political rhetoric” was not to blame for the actions of a mentally disturbed madman.

Within minutes of Saturday’s shootings and be-fore the identity of the gunman was even known, establishment mouthpieces like the New York Times and MSNBC, backed up by statist blogs like Huffington Post and the Daily Kos, instantly seized upon the bloodshed to blame the events on tea partiers and what they termed “violent right-wing rhetoric.”This prompted leftist talking heads, enthusiastically backed by the Associated Press, to contrive a phony national debate about “toning down the rhetoric,” which as we explained, was a mere ploy to politicize the shoot-ings to eviscerate free speech and dissent against big government.

This agenda was made brazenly transparent by the actions of Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, who has been heavily criticized for giv-ing a speech shortly after the shootings in which he accused “irresponsible political rhetoric of conservatives,” in particular radio and TV talk show hosts, for the murders of six people.

Even after it emergedthat shooter Jared Lee Loughner was a drug-using, Communist Man-ifesto-reading occultist whom his classmates had described as being left-wing, the effort to link the events with political opponents of big government continued unabated.

Unfortunately for the architects of this national

hoax, a clear majority of the American people just aren’t buying it.

A CBS News nationwide telephone poll found that, “57 percent of respondents said the harsh political tone had nothing to do with the shooting, compared to 32 percent who felt it did.”

Even a majority of Democrats say that political rhetoric had nothing to do with the shooting.

“Among Democrats 49 percent placed no blame on the heated political tone against 42 percent who did. Among independents the split was 56 percent to 33 percent, CBS said.”

Amongst Republican voters, just 19 per cent blamed political rhetoric for the massacre, versus 69 per cent who rejected such a link.

The fact that Americans are not buying the “tone down the rhetoric” ploy means that Target, Cupid, Fruit Punch, and other examples of violent hate speech will probably survive, at least until they are blamed for the actions of another mentally ill psychotic, clearly motivated by nothing other than his own inner demons.

Is Giffords Really a Victim of Heated Rhetoric?Kurt NimmoInfowars.comJanuary 12, 2011

Never mind a recent poll that shows most Americans do not think “violent political rhetoric” has anything to do with the Giffords shooting. The corporate media does not give a whit about the common sense of the American people. It has an agenda – demonize all po-litical challenges. The Tea Party – even the co-opted Tea Party with Sarah Palin at its helm – represents a dire threat.

The CIA’s favorite newspaper, the Washington Post, has published a cartoon showing a gunman popping out of a tea pot and firing several rounds. The person portrayed as the shooter is a disheveled, unshaven, wild-eyed white male.

In 1948, Phil Graham of the Washington Post was recruited to run Operation Mockingbird, the CIA effort to “own” – as Deborha Davis writes in Katharine the Great – the corporate media and turn it into a military intel-ligence asset. The primary objective of the corporate, CIA owned media is to neutralize any individual or politi-cal group that threatens the hegemony of the ruling elite.

“There’s been a coup, have you heard? It’s the CIA coup. The CIA runs everything, they run the military,” Ron Paul said last year. “They are a government unto themselves. They’re in businesses, in drug businesses, they take out dictators… We need to take out the CIA.”

The CIA is determined to take out the original Libertarian Tea Party. Demands to “tone down the rhetoric” issued by journos and script-reading coiffured talking heads that can be had “cheaper than a good call girl” – as one CIA operative told Davis — illustrate just how desperate the establishment is to make sure average Americans sit down, shut up, and acquiesce to the elite running the show in the district of criminals.

At this point we have no evidence that Jared Lee Loughner is a brain-washed Manchurian Candidate as-sassin unleashed by the CIA to cre-ate an order out of chaos political atmosphere. The CIA is notorious for its use of assassination to shape the political environment. It should figure high on the list of suspects.

Regardless of the details, we know the state is the num-ber one purveyor of mass murder and genocide. “The violence of government is all around us, 24/7,” writes Murray Sabrin. “From taxation to regulations to military adventurism, the federal government has become a role model for individuals prone to violence. If the govern-ment can use violence to achieve its goals, then violence becomes acceptable in the minds of the unstable.”

As Sabin notes, the role model for violence is not heated political rhetoric, but the actions of government of-ficials. “This is not to condone violence against any government official. On the contrary, we should criticize unequivocally their use of violence against the people, while we work toward reestablishing liberty as the high-est social good.”

The government – under direct control of a coterie of international bankers and their multinational corpora-tions – is responsible for almost unimaginable feats of mass murder and destruction, most recently in Iraq and Afghanistan.

If they will kill nearly a million and a half Iraqis in order to realize domination through order out of chaos, they will not blink an eye at gunning down one of their political hirelings in order to neutralize perceived threats.

Poll: Americans Reject Media Hoax On Arizona Shootings

Is Giffords Really a Victim of Heated Rhetoric?

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Bikini’s Bar & GrillShelbi W: AGE?

S: 22

W: Years Bartending?

S: 2.5 Years

W: Your Favorite Night to work?

S: :Thursdays

W: Contents of pocket? S: BARKEY

W: Best part about working at Bikini’s?


W: Are you single?


W: Favorite Local Band? S: ASHEs OF BABYLON

W: Harderst part about be-ing a bartender?

S: Drunk Assholes!

W: Any Tattoos?

S: Yes 4

W: Favorite thing you are drinking this New Year?

S: Grey Goose and Dos Eqis!

W: Specialty Shot Drinks.



“I swear i cant taste the tequila in this, but i sure can feel it!”


“These bowl games are retarded, how about calling one the Beef Its Whats For Dinner BOWL?””

“Takes me from the Bar to the fridge!”

Bikini's Bar



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Return The Weird Magazine Crossword Puzzle to EURO-CAFE filled out andJay Abazi will offer you a free dessert!

Across 1. Single4. Latvia’s capital city8. Good-bye12. Snap, crackle, __15. Fight with gloves16. NBC show “My name is __”17. Added to polymer for adhesives19. Palm tree seed (2 words)21. Hesitator22. Fix to; attach (2 words)23. Being unattached to a cer-tain place25. One’s self-importance26. 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet27. Suffix for a doctrine or theory28. However, in early poetry29. Elegantly32. America’s first TV Com-pany and inventor of the TV test pattern (abbr.)34. virus-like protein36. Not within proper limits39. Responds in motions40. School in Greenville, N.C.41. Saliva mixed with mucus or pus42. Vase for holding ashes43. Not slow45. School org. with parents (abbr.)46. Old age48. Checklist of daily activities52. before, in poetry54. Place of great beauty57. ___ de Janiero58. Daniel Defoe’s novel Robin-son ____61. Leave in desperate times (3 words)63. Leases; lives by monthly payments64. Horseback mailmen; in the East Indies65. Red gems66. Feminine suffix67. Female sheep69. Fond Du ___, WI72. ___ Alamitos, CA73. Chemical from tar used for making dyes or moth balls76. Sound of a pirate79. Element of chance in music tones and rhythms80. Excessive eating82. Someone taking and giving money83. Other or addition to the persons

84. England’s version of SSA85. New York time (abbr.)86. Dry; withered87. Fill into88. Double

Down 1. Date of one’s death, for short2. Brighter star3. Originating from the outside4. Actors Ryan and Burt5. Baseball star ___ Kinsler6. Constant complainer7. Singing voices8. Limestone variety9. Saudi _____10. Reveals; utters11. Modify by mixing12. Having partial motor skills;

progressive dementia13. “Make it your best, you only have ____” (2 words)14. Human beings18. Female bird20. C.B.’s “message received”24. Excellence in objects of art29. Land given by a lord in return for service30. South American Indian31. Scream of excitement33. Concrete35. Violent declamation37. Cashew, e.g.38. Loss of muscular coordina-tion39. Directs a boat or plane44. Exam or quiz47. Sixth note of a music scale

49. Part of an iris used for fragrance50. Numbered cubes51. ___ and aahs53. Circular cluster of leaves55. Joins the leg and foot56. Howled58. rounded teeth of a leaf59. selling sec-ondhand; used60. Not used; as money62. German sub64. Beloved68. Prostitute70. Heaven like; with wings71. Second

largest member of the violin family74. Once owned75. Ancient Greek music box77. Bite or chew on78. To stimulate or boost81. “Land of the Free” (abbr.)

THE WEIRD Cross Word Puzzle!

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Page 12: JAN 2011 Issue San Marcos Edition

Ideophonic consists of five boys from south Texas, influenced and inspired by bands like Radiohead, As Tall As Lions, Interpol and the White Stripes.

Ideophonic formed in early 2006 by guitarists Armando and Alex, later adding Milton on drums, Joel on bass and vocals, and Wicho on keys.

The band has recorded two e.p.’s entitled “Haunted Rooms” in 2007 and “Idle Transition” in 2008 followed by their full length album “De Caos Orden” recorded by producer Charlie Vela. Their sound has been described as melodic alt. rock with loud but catchy waves of guitar-based pop. With their unique sounds, their

songs have been fea-tured on local websites, internet radio stations, news forums and pod-casts.

Today Ideophonic can be found playing all over Texas. They aspire to grow as individuals as well as musicians and in the process maybe turn a few heads.


Members:Joel Niño Armando IbarraAlex EscobarLuis “Wicho” MartinezMilton Rodriguez

Hometown:Brownsville, Texas

“Ideophonic’s songs sound brooding but hummable. The choruses are angsty but catchy.” -

- MikeMoody,

“Odds are that Ideo-phonic’s success will be like that indie band Cursive, not exactly mainstream but com-posed of a rabid following.”- Amy, The McAllen Monitor

“...Had everyone mes-merized! I had a smile as i watched them play because THIS is what it’s all about-doing what you love and be-ing DAMN good at it.”

More Info at

Booking- [email protected]

Upcoming Shows

Jan 22nd Brownsville, TX at Galeria 409

March 11th Houston, TX at Mango’s

April 30th San Marcos, TX at MR. FEST festival

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Bob Dylan And A Possible UFO ConnectionBy Sean Casteel

There have been innumerable attempts to see past the artistic guise of Bob Dylan’s lyrics and poetry to what underlies his genius-what the actual creative process is that results in Dylan’s lyrical outpouring and what the bedrock of inspiration is that he seems to have drawn on so effortlessly for nearly 50 years.

I am here to suggest an explana-tion that has, to my knowledge, never been previously offered-UFO contact. I base this on a fairly rigorous study of UFO interaction with humans and a listener’s fascination with Bob Dylan that I began as a 12-year-old in 1970.

Let me first give some back-ground on what typically hap-pens when a person experi-ences contact with the alien occupants of a UFO. A person will often be asleep in their bed and then suddenly awake feeling paralyzed and with difficulty breathing. Then a blue beam of light will appear to shine down into their room from nowhere. The blue beam of light then floats the person off their bed, through their unopened window, and into a waiting craft outside.

The most consistently reported description of what these aliens look like is as follows: gray-

skinned creatures who are from two and a half to four feet tall with over-sized, embryo like heads and large, black, almond-shaped eyes. These humanoid creatures, called “grays” by most researchers in the field, then lay the subject on some-thing like an operating table and began to perform various medical tests and procedures. The ultimate purpose of those medical examinations is still basically unknown but is often thought to be for the purpose of breeding experiments designed to create a hybrid race of half-human, half-alien creatures.

I know this may offend some of you, but the alien breeding experiments often call for the removal of ova from female subjects and sperm from male subjects, which are then blended accordingly with their alien counterparts. It has been stated more than once by these “grays” that their genetic material is compatible with that of human beings.

So, what about Dylan? Well, when I first head the song “10,000 Men” from the “Under A Red Sky” album, I was struck by the appropriateness of the line “10,000 women in my room, Spilling my buttermilk, Sweeping it up with a broom.” Using “buttermilk” as a euphemism, Dylan gives us a fairly straightforward account of a sperm sample being taken. Even the female nature of his alien attending physicians squares with many other UFO abduction accounts in which hu-man subjects are matched with aliens of the opposite sex.

I will discuss more lyrical allusions along those lines later.

Another point to consider is that a UFO abduction experi-ence is often not consciously remem-bered. An abductee is typically left with only a memory of a block of “missing time,” sometimes hours that they can’t account for. There is another phenomenon that sometimes happens

called a “screen memory” or “cover story,” in which a more acceptable memory is inserted by the aliens to block out what is the usually traumatic abduction experience that has just taken place. This is what many UFO research-ers feel is a “merciful” amnesia.

But back to Dylan. One of the most important aspects of Dylan’s body of work is obvi-ously his social con-science, his concern for all human beings and their right to various personal and political freedoms as well as a very healthy dose of the fear of God-like an Old Testament prophet’s sense of reverent social criticism. Here again Dylan has very much in common with a UFO “experiencer,” as they are now sometimes called.

Everyone from Harvard psychiatrist John E. Mack, a firm believer in the abduction phenomenon and considered a major researcher in his own right, to the bestselling author of “Communion,” “Transfor-mation” and “Breakthrough,” Whitley Strieber, reports that in the aftermath of the abduction experience a person is awak-ened in new ways to certain social issues like never before. This change in world view brings with it a huge upsurge in interest in subjects like nuclear warfare and the environmental decline of the world. A deeper concern for the planet and their fellow man than they have ever felt previously begins to take hold of them.

Abductees are often shown a holographic image of the world on fire which imprints on them permanently an apocalyptic sense of the immediate future that tends to manifest itself in increased spirituality and implants the notion of unselfish devotion to their fellow man. Whether this change is intended by the aliens or is simply a common “side-effect” of the abduction memories stored in the unconscious mind is not known at this point.

Is this a possible explanation for Dylan’s extremely moralis-tic social and political stance and his dire warnings of doom

through decadence and unre-strained wickedness?

Just like “you don’t need a weatherman to tell which the wind blows,” you don’t need a UFO to tell you the world’s in an evil mess. But my argument remains that there are a great many allusions in Dylan’s lyrics to experiences he has in com-mon with UFO contactees.

Remember I talked about “missing time” and “screen memories,” the two meth-ods the aliens use to block a person’s memory after an abduction is completed and the subject is safely returned to their bedroom or automo-bile or whatever. It has been demonstrated by more than one researcher that a person can have multiple UFO encounters over their entire lifetime and yet have no conscious memory at all of either ships or aliens. All that is left behind is a confus-ing jumble of memories stored in the unconscious mind and perhaps a nagging feeling that something is “wrong.” Perhaps Dylan doesn’t discuss UFOs because his waking memory retains no knowledge of his experiences.

“Saw a shooting star tonight, and I thought of you,” from the song “Shooting Star.” When a UFO is conveniently explained away by debunkers, a shooting star is often offered as an expla-nation for the movements of the craft-usually aerial maneuvers that cannot be duplicated by current human aircraft technol-ogy and certainly not by shoot-

ing stars.

“The farmers and the business men, they all did decide, To

show you where the dead angels are that they used to hide . . .”

Although that line dates from 1966, “Sad-Eyed Lady Of The Lowlands,” it seems a fairly good summa-tion of the now famous “Ro-swell Incident”

in which a New Mexico farmer named Mack Brazel reported finding a crashed disk with the bodies of dead aliens strewn nearby. The “dead angels” were subsequently covered up by the military and the whole incident was said to consist of nothing more than a downed weather balloon.

Dylan’s unconscious mind was somehow directed to write a neat little summary of the inci-dent in rhyme nearly 13 years before the public knew anything about it. Perhaps you’ve heard of New Mexico Congressman Steven Schiff’s attempts to get records of the incident declas-sified by the Department of Defense. Some part of Dylan “knew” the truth even when some members of the govern-ment remained shut out.

The experience Dylan had in late 1978 or early 1979 in which he was alone in his house and experienced a “presence” that was rattling his windows and trying to communicate was also a possible incidence of UFO contact. Dylan interpreted what happened as message from Jesus Christ that he should convert officially to Christianity, which Dylan did.

The history of UFOs and their contact with mankind being re-ligiously interpreted goes back at least 6,000 years to ancient Sumeria, and arguably even further. Many of the miracles recounted in the Gospel, such as the Transfiguration, Resur-rection and the Ascension have been linked to UFOs, called


Bob Dylan And A Possible UFO Connection

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“the clouds of Heaven.” The healing miracles Christ is thought to have performed are similar in many ways to compa-rable effects in the wake of an abduction. Often a subject is surprised to see some aliment of theirs has been mysteriously cured overnight.

In fact, the Bible is sometimes called “the worlds’ greatest book of Ufology” because many of the miracles described by the ancient Hebrew writers have been duplicated in the 20th century by UFOs. Dylan’s immersion in the Bible from his childhood on is certainly no coincidence in this context.

Did Dylan ever comment direct-ly on UFOs? In Robert Shelton’s biography of Dylan, “No Direc-tion Home,” Dylan is quoted as saying “The 60s was like a UFO landing. A lot of people heard about it, but very few actually saw it.” His reference is made in passing as an intended joke, but it may yet prove to be the tip of an iceberg buried deeply in the nearly infinitely complex unconscious memory of Dylan. And if this is true of Dylan, he is most certainly not alone.

A poll conducted in 1992 by the Roper Organization in coopera-tion with well-respected UFO researchers like Budd Hopkins and David Jacobs asked a few questions designed to indicate

whether a person had been ab-ducted without ever realizing it. The questions dealt with certain kinds of experiences that are commonly remembered after an abduction in spite of the amnesia imposed by the aliens themselves.

The results of the poll indi-cated that a tiny minority of the population of the United States, around 5 million people, reported having had these ex-periences. However, on another scale, that tiny minority was also consistently more socially and politically active than the average non-abductee respon-dent.

There is therefore at least a tenuous connection between the UFO abduction experience and a person’s waking need to be of service to mankind in social and political ways. The association with Dylan’s body of work should be obvious.

There have been numerous UFO sightings by celebrities from Elvis Presley to Prince Charles to Jimmy Carter to Muhammed Ali.

Just as much ridicule is heaped on the belief in the reality of UFOs by the government and the “straight” media, there is a counter-balancing wealth of sightings by famous people and occasional government admis-sions that not all sightings can be explained away as natural phenomena.

The belief that we are not alone in the universe usu-ally strikes the in-telligent person as being more likely than the alterna-tive. Was the lyri-cal and musical ge-nius of Bob Dylan created in some kind of spiritual vacuum? Or is it the result of careful tend-ing of a delicate flower by alien gardeners with a magic touch?

“As you stare into the vacuum of his eyes . . .” (From “Like A Rolling Stone,” 1965)

Dr. David Jacobs, the UFO researcher who brought a new psychological depth to the study of alien abductions, discusses in his book “Secret Life” the various effects the gray’s large,

black, almond-shaped eyes have on people. Everything from interrogation of the subject to a warm and peaceful anesthetic-

like effect can be at-tributed to staring into the gray alien’s eyes. The staring is one of the most commonly re-called events of the ab-duction experience and has been consistently reported by thousands of “experiencers.”

With a little background on the subject stored in your waking memory banks, knowledge gleaned from actu-ally reading up on the subject, these loose associations between popular culture (such as song lyrics) and UFO contact may start to make themselves felt without much effort on your part.

Other artists who seem to be under this same alien influence include Leonard Cohen (“Sis-ters Of Mercy,” for one) and The Band (“Chest Fever”). Both songs deal with female entities as nocturnal bedroom visitors who both charm and terrify.

And if it is true that the aliens behind the UFO phenomenon are here on Earth seek-ing a “Chosen Few,” who could begrudge them their choice of Bob Dylan as a human specimen deserving of their special care and attention?THE END

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Bob Dylan And A Possible UFO Connection

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The Fall of America and the Western World

National Bankruptcy. Hyper-inflation. Severe Credit Crisis. The Death of the Dollar and the Euro. Socialism. Even Martial Law. For the first time since the Great Depres-sion, the world’s problems have become our prob-lems. And the experts all agree things will only get worse. Are you and your family ready to survive the catasrophe?

Two years in the mak-ing, this 9-disc set is loaded with information the popular media and our so-called leaders are purposefully not warning you about. Featuring exclu-sive, never-before-seen interviews with some of the biggest names in both alternative and mainstream thought, this riveting documentary can also be used as an interac-tive tutorial on everything you need to know to stop the crisis from worsening - and what to do if all else fails.

Also included are two ex-clusive booklets, not avail-able anywhere else, “How to Get off the Grid” and “How to Survive Martial Law”, written by author, survivalist, and ex-military David Black. And if you order now we will include a 10th disc called “Con-quering the Chaos - Sound Strategies in an uncertain world” for free.

ImportantTopics Include * Money, the Federal Reserve, the Current Economic Crisis and Financial Armageddon (Disk 1 & 2). * The Destruction of the Middle Class and the End of Democracy; How and Why the Middle

Class is Being Destroyed and What That Means for Freedom in the U.S. and in the World. * The Forthcoming World-wide Police State/Surveillance Society and How the U.S. and many other Countries Have Al-ready Taken Major Steps to Close Down Our Free Society. * The Globalist Agenda and the End to Nation Sovereignty. * How to Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones from Financial Armageddon, the Police State, the End of Freedom and Democ-racy, and How to Take Your World Back. * Survival Guide featuring over 100 Actionable Tips, plus “What to Do When the Sh*t Hits the Fan”, author David Black’s exclusive contributions: “How To Get Off The Grid” and “How to Survive Martial Law.”

* A Judeo-Christian Perspective on the Fall of America, the Globalist Agenda, the End of the Free world as We Know It, and the True Definition of the Antichrist. * How political agendas in media have destroyed our ability to get real news.

* How our own govern-ments are willfully de-stroying the rule of law.

* The Power Elite’s War on YOU and what to do about it. * How Republicans and Democrats are tip toeing us toward socialism

Featuring exclusive inter-views with NY Times best-selling author Naomi Wolf; radio-talk show host/filmmaker Alex Jones; conservative icon and the father of Reaganomics Dr. Paul Craig Roberts; NYU professor Mark Crispin Miller; best-selling author David Icke; best-selling author Mickey Z; finance expert and author Doug Casey; Federal Reserve expert and best-selling author G. Edward Griffin; radio-talk show host Doug McIntyre; biblical scholar Ken Klein; journalist and constitutionalist Joseph Farah of World Net Daily; economist and precious metals expert David McAlvany;

The Fall of America and The Western World: A Survival Guide is not just must-see viewing.

It could literally save your life.




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The Fall of America and the Western World

Page 17: JAN 2011 Issue San Marcos Edition

Is The New Madrid Fault Earth-quake Zone Coming To Life?

What in the world is happening in the middle of the Unit-ed States right now? Thousands of birds are falling dead from the skies, tens of thousands of fish are washing up

on shore dead, earthquakes are popping up in weird and unexpected places and people are starting to get really freaked out about all of this.

Well, one theory is that the New Madrid fault zone is coming to life. The New Madrid fault zone is six times bigger than the San Andreas fault zone in California and it covers portions of Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi. The biggest earthquakes in the history of the United States were caused by the New Madrid fault.

Now there are fears that the New Madrid fault zone could be coming to life again, and if a “killer earthquake” does strike it could change all of our lives forever.

So exactly what events have happened recently that are causing people to take a close look at the New Madrid fault zone? Well, just consider the following examples of things that have been popping up in the news lately....

*According to the U.S. Geological Survey, more than 500 measurable earthquakes have been recorded in central Arkansas just since September.

*A magnitude-3.8 earthquake that shook north-central Indiana on December 30th is being called “unprec-edented”. It was strong enough to actually cause cracks along the ground and it was felt in portions of Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin and Kentucky.

*More than 3,000 red-wing blackbirds fell out of the sky dead in the Arkansas town of Beebe on New Year’s Eve.

*Large numbers of dead birds were also found in Ken-tucky right around Christmas.

*Approximately 500 dead blackbirds and starlings were also recently discovered in Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana.

*Approximately 100,000 fish washed up dead on the

shores of the Arkansas River just last week.

So could all of these things have some other very simple explanation?

Possibly. But the fact that they all happened in or around the New Madrid fault zone is starting to raise some eyebrows.

About 200 years ago, in 1811 and 1812, there were four earthquakes that were so powerful in the area of the New Madrid fault zone that they are still talked about today. All four of the quakes were estimated to have been magnitude-7.0 or greater. It is said that those earthquakes opened deep fissures in the ground, caused the Missis-sippi River to run backwards and that they were felt as far away as Boston.

The last major earthquake to hit the region was a 5.4-magnitude quake that struck the town of Dale, Illinois in 1968. Things have been strangely quiet in the region since then until recently.

If a true “killer earthquake” struck along the New Madrid fault zone today, cities such as St. Louis, Missouri and Memphis, Tennessee could potentially be completely destroyed.

Unfortunately, this is not an exaggeration.One interesting theory is that the “oil volcano” un-leashed by the BP oil spill in 2010 may have sparked renewed seismic activity in that part of the world.

Jack M. Reed, a retired Texaco geologist-geophysicist, has been carefully studying the geology of the Gulf of Mexico for over 40 years. Reed is convinced that the Gulf of Mexico is currently tectonically active, and that the Gulf of Mexico is the source for most seismic activity along the New Madrid fault.

According to Reed, there is substantial evidence that the New Madrid fault zone is directly connected to “deeply buried tectonics” in the Gulf of Mexico....

“This entire zone through the United States is suffer-ing some type of tectonic activity that I believe is tied to the deeply buried tectonics in the Gulf of Mexico.”

So did BP disturb those “deeply buried tectonics” by drilling such a deep well and unleashing all that oil that flowed into the Gulf of Mexico?

Let’s hope not.

If a truly historic earthquake did strike along the New Madrid fault the amount of damage that could be done to surrounding states such as Illinois, Kentucky, Mississip-pi, Indiana, Alabama, Missouri, Arkansas and Tennessee could potentially be unimaginable.

Jeremy Heidt of the Tennessee Emergency Manage-ment Agency says that life in the region would be instantly transformed in the event of a major earthquake along the New Madrid fault....

“All communications would be out. All air travel would

be out as the FAA air control would go down. All rail travel would fail. Ports would shut down; oil and natural gas pipelines could be off line.”

According to a recent study by the University of Illinois, a 7.7-magnitude earthquake along the New Madrid fault would leave 3,500 people dead, more than 80,000 injured and more than 7 million homeless.

So what would happen if an 8.0 earthquake struck?

Or an 8.5?Or a 9.0? Remember, an 8.7-magnitude earthquake would be ten times worse than a 7.7-magni-tude earthquake.

There are even some who believe that if a powerful enough earthquake hit the New Madrid fault someday it could potentially alter the surrounding geography enough that it could actually create a new major body of water in the middle of the United States.

So, no, it is not just California that needs to worry about “the Big One”.

Right now seismic activity has been dramatically increasing all over the globe. Just think of the unprec-edented number of volcanic eruptions that we have seen over the past year. Major earthquakes have been pop-ping up all along the “Ring of Fire”. Just over the past couple of days a magnitude-7.1 earthquake hit central Chile and a magnitude-7.0 earthquake struck northern Argentina.

So to think that “it can’t happen” in the United States is just being totally naive.

Let us hope and pray that a devastating earthquake does not hit the New Madrid fault any time soon, because such an event could completely wipe out our economy. The U.S. economy is already teetering on the brink of disaster, and all it would take is one major blow to bring the entire house of cards crashing down.

Just remember what happened in Haiti. A magni-tude-7.0 earthquake killed 230,000 people and caused such horrific devastation that it is still hard to even try to put it into words. Let us hope and pray that nothing like that happens in any U.S. city any time soon.

Source: The American Dream

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Is The New Madrid Fault Earthquake Zone Coming To Life?

Page 18: JAN 2011 Issue San Marcos Edition

Interview ByRussell Dowden

W: Welcome to Weird Magazine guys. What’s new with Bitter Whiskey?MB&BW: First, thanks for hav-ing us. Now that we’re in 2011, we are really looking forward to pushing The Duct Tape Sessions and getting back out there and playing as many places as pos-sible.

W: Yeah we had fun with ya’ll on THE WEIRD SHOW a few weeks ago.Tell us about Duck Tape Sessions.

MB&BW: Yeah that was a fun time for me and Charlie. It’s our 2nd album but we really feel that it is a good representation

of all of us. We recorded it in Canyon Lake at Beavers Ranch Studio with Alan Beavers, so we’re proud of the product we have in hand and would like to see some other people enjoy too. All of the guys are on this one, so it’s a good showing of who we are.

W: Where can Weird Magazine readers check your band out in January of 2011?MB&BW : All over the state. We’ll go from Tyler to Odessa if need be. We’ve got some stuff coming up in Galveston, Hous-ton, East Texas, and whatever pops up on the calendar (

Also, we’re playing Taxi’s Bar (J’s Bis-tro) every Sunday, so looking forward

to making some new friends at that joint.

W: I like that “white trash trio song”. Where did the mo-tivation come from for that track?MB&BW : I wrote it with Chris Rue and it started off as a simple observation about our redneck friends. Just about ev-eryone I know likes Budweiser, Jack Daniels, and Marlboro’s… so why not put it in a song.

W: How about “Keep The Change” ? Is this the political song for the band?

MB&BW :Yes and hopefully the only one. I wrote it with my buddy Bart Ashby up in Dallas one day. He’s big into politics, so we just

wrote about what we saw at the time. We wrote it that day and played it that night for a crowd at the bar. It went over well, so I brought it back to the band and we started playing it.

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Matt Begley and Bitter Whiskey INTEREVIEW

Page 19: JAN 2011 Issue San Marcos Edition

Interview ByRussell Dowden

W:Sounds like the band is having fun after the new release of thisalbum. Am I warm?MB&BW :You’re getting hot. The band is tighter than ever on and off stage. We’re looking forward to making the band bet-ter, writing new songs for a new album, and putting on a great show every time.

W: How was your holiday season in December?MB&BW:We worked the first week of December and then took some much needed time off to gather our thoughts and see our families.

W:I need to come see you guys at J’s

Bistro and visit TAXI. What nights are you playing there? Sun-days?MB&BW : Yeah, Sundays are when we get to bring Country Music to the square. Taxi has a great venue with good sound and he lets us play to the people and promote alcohol sales. He’s happy, we’re happy, so its all good.

W: Best part about be-ing a country band from the Lone Star State?MB&BW: Well you could ask anyone that these days, it seems like there’s a 1000 bands play-ing in this state. It’s a big state, so there’s a lot of places to play.

W: Describe the song writing pro-cess for Bitter Whis-key.MB&BW :Whatever comes to mind at the time. It’s not like we write a song a day, but when we do, we try to make it the best we can. We write about the stuff we see and stories we’ve heard. W: Hey Chris, I see Chris Rue comes out on a few tracks with the band. Does he ever play with the band live?MB&BW No. Rue’s a gather of information and good new songwriter.

W: What’s next for Matt Begley & Bitter Whiskey in 2011?MB&BW: A bunch of dates,

we’d like to get in front of a few more people, and get a few more spins on the radio. We want to make sure the show is the best it possibly can be so that everybody who comes out to see us has a good time, grabs a CD and comes back again.

W:Thanks Guys! Weird Magazine is big fans of your

music. Any final thoughts to our readers this year?MB&BW :Come on out to a show and say hello to Charlie, Jimmy, Trae, and I. You can also buy a copy of The Duct Tape Sessions and help spread the word.

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Matt Begley and Bitter Whiskey INTEREVIEW

Page 20: JAN 2011 Issue San Marcos Edition

Scientists are Mystified on Worldwide Animal DeathsThousands of fish found floating in Florida after cold snap - 200 birds found dead on highway bridge in Texas - 50 dead jackdaws found on city street in Sweden - 100 tons of sardines, croaker and catfish wash up dead on Brazilian coast - Hundreds of fish dead in New Zealand - And in Britain, 40,000 devil crabs join list of casualties.

More and more animals are being found dead as the mysterious spate of mass bird and fish deaths has turned into a global phenomenon.The latest separate incidents saw thousands of fish found floating in a creek in Florida and 200 birds found dead on a highway bridge in Texas.

Experts are carrying out tests on around 50 jackdaws found dead in a street in Falkoping, Sweden, that appear to have suffered the same fate as thousands of their cousins who fell from the sky in separate incidents in the U.S.

Swedish experts have said the shock of fireworks being let off near the city, in the south-east of the country, and difficulty finding food may have led to the deaths of the jackdaws.Many of the birds are believed to have died from stress or as a result of being run over by vehicles while disoriented.

In a new development, thousands of dead turtle doves rained down on roofs and cars in Faenza, Italy. Residents in Faenza described the birds falling to the ground like ‘little Christmas balls’ with strange blue stains on their beaks.

Initial tests on up to 8,000 of the doves indicated that the blue stain could have been caused by poisoning or hypoxia.A witness said ‘The doves just started falling one-by-one then in groups of 10s and 20s.’

Hypoxia, a lack of oxygen, is known to cause confusion and illness in animals. It is also a common precursor to altitude sickness.Experts said results from tests on the doves will not be available for at least a week. They said that cold weather could have caused the birds’ deaths as the flock was swept into a high-altitude wind storm before falling to the earth.

Scientists have also been left baffled by at least 100 tons of sardines, croaker and catfish washing up dead along the Brazil coastline near Paranaguá.

There were more fish deaths reported today in New Zea-land, while in England, the carcasses of 40,000 devil crabs are strewn across a beach in Kent.

Hundreds of dead starlings and robins were found scat-tered in backyards in the Kentucky town of Gilbertsville while an estimated two million dead fish have washed ashore in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland. State officials in Arkansas are also investigating why 80,000 to 100,000 fish washed up dead on the shores of the Arkansas River. The mass kill occurred just one day before thousands of blackbirds dropped dead from the sky in Beebe, Ark., which is 125 miles away.

Officials said 95 percent of the fish that died were drum fish — indicating that the likely cause of death was disease as only one species was affected.

They are the latest in a spate of incidents which are being blamed on New Year fireworks, thunderstorms, cold weather, parasites and even poisoning.

The internet has been abuzz with conspiracy theories about secret government experiments being behind the deaths, or it being a sign of a looming Armaged-don at the end of the Mayan calendar next year.

Thousands of Brazilian fishermen are struggling to make ends meet after the sale of seafood was tempo-rarily suspended when masses of fish were discovered dead in Paranaguá, Antonina and Guaraqueçaba Pontal do Paraná.Experts have speculated that cold weather or chemical leaks could be behind the deaths.

Edmir Manoel Ferreira, president of the Federation of Fishermen’s Colony of Parana, said the deaths had been discovered since Thursday last week.

‘On Thursday we began to find a lot of dead fish. One community had to bury 15 tons alone.‘We are experi-encing a very sad situation on the coast.’Samples of the dead fish have been sent to the Centre for Marine Stud-ies at the Universidade Federal do Parana.

One of the latest incidents saw thousands of fish found rotting and floating in Spruce Creek, Florida, after a period of cold weather.Mullet, ladyfish and catfish have been washing up as winds cause the carcasses to gather on bends along the creek.And 200 birds were found dead on a highway bridge crossing Lake O’ the Pines in Big Cypress Creek, Texas.

Experts believed the birds had been hit by passing ve-hicles while walking or apparently trying to roost on the bridge.The cold weather in Britain has also been blamed for the deaths of 40,000 Velvet swimming crabs - also known as ‘devil’ crabs - found littering beaches in Thanet.

Last year, the Environment Agency set up an inquiry into unexplained numbers of deaths amid fears a mystery virus could be to blame.But it concluded the crab deaths were linked to the cold weather.

Tony Childs, Thanet Coast Project Manager, said: ‘We had a crash in numbers last year and we hadn’t expect-ed such a large population.‘As happens with the circle of life in nature, we expect the crabs to be naturally dispersed from our shores very quickly by our local seagulls.

‘We are hopeful the crab population will soon recover.’Scientists blamed fireworks for confusing blackbirds in Beebe, Arkansas, with then crashed into homes, cars and each other as people celebrated the New Year.

Another 450 birds were also found dead along a highway in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. They are believed to have hit power lines after becoming disoriented.

Fifty of the creatures were found near a power line 30ft from Louisiana Highway 1. A second group was discov-ered stretched from the power line across the highway just a quarter of a mile away.

Dan Cristol, a biology professor and co-founder of the Institute for Integrative Bird Behavior Studies, said the Louisiana birds may have been ill or startled from their roost before hitting the power line.

‘They don’t hit a power line for no reason,’ he said.

New Year’s revellers spent the holiday weekend cleaning up dead red-winged blackbirds in Beebe. Some blamed the bad weather, while others said one confused bird could have led the group into a fatal plunge.

Experts in Beebe said fireworks may have caused fright-ened birds to fly lower than normal, where they crashed into homes and other objects. Karen Rowe, an ornitholo-gist with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, said: ‘The blackbirds were flying at rooftop level instead of treetop level.

‘Blackbirds have poor eyesight and they started collid-ing with things.’ Wildlife officials in both Arkansas and Louisiana have sent the carcasses to researchers at the National Wildlife Health Center in Madison, Wisconsin, and the University of Georgia.

In 1999, several thousand grackle birds fell from the sky and staggered around before dying in north Louisiana.It took five months to get the diagnosis - an E. coli infec-tion of the air sacs in their skulls.It comes after 100,000 drum fish were discovered in the Arkansas River, just 100 miles from Beebe.

Officials said the deaths were not related to the birds, and they had likely been affected by illness as it was one species.They blame the deaths - affecting menhaden, spots and croakers - on the stress of cold water.Tens of thousands of small fish have also been discov-ered dead in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland.

Another explanation was that violent thunderstorms may have disoriented the flock.Red-winged blackbirds are among North America’s most abundant birds, with somewhere between 100million and 200million nationwide, according to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology in Ithaca, New York.

A few grackles and a couple of starlings were also among the dead. Those species roost with blackbirds, particularly in winter.

Scientists are Mystified on Worldwide Animal Deaths

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Page 21: JAN 2011 Issue San Marcos Edition

The Organics INTERVIEW

Page 22: JAN 2011 Issue San Marcos Edition

Interview ByRussell Dowden

W: Welcome back to Weird Magazine AXE! What is new dudes?AOV :Well, we just joined local label, Brilliant Pop Rec. we share the roster with bands such as, The Bi-Polar Bears, Banis-ter, Ok Robot, to name a few, and should start recording our new album within the month of January, so we’re pretty syched about that, oh yeah and Louie just got his pubes.

W: Cool any new ma-terial or a tour this year?

AOV:Yeah, were always work-ing on new music and even revising some older tunes, a possible tour is still up in the

air, but we are doing a mini tour of sorts with Slay the Dawn (Austin,TX) in early Feb. as part

of the “Fuck Cancer” tour, to benefit a close friend of theres.

W:Where are you guys performing this next month or two?

AOV:We are perfoming: Jan. 27th @ Copz Lounge, “Bril-liant Pop Rec. Showcase”, Jan 29th @ Players, “Brilliant Pop Showcase”, Feb 5th @ Sophies (Mcallen,tx) “NecroFest”, Feb 11th @ Zero’s (Corpus Christi,tx), Feb 12th @ Combes Tx Feb 13, Mission Tx, TBA, this is the upcoming line-up so far.

W:Name some influ-ences? Musical, Beer, Smoke whatever.AOV: Some of our influences musi-cally, include, Today is the Day, Angel Witch, King Crimson, Genesis (70’s), Bruce Haack The Locust, Gor-guts, Moody Blues, ELP, Brian Eno, Camel, An-gel Corpse, Absu, to name a few, and Yeast Lords, we do like beer and smoke but it doesn’t really influence us musically, not that i know of. W: Greatest metal band in the history of Metal?Same question for ROCK too!AOV :Greatest metal band, thats a hard one, it would have to be a three way tie, Black Sab-bath, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden as for rock, another three way tie, Ricky Zuela, Buddy Holly, Chuck Berry. W: You don’t always drink beer but when you do, you prefer what?AOV: que feo question! uhhh Natural light i guess, Tom says Lone Star.

W: Describe a tripple hitter?AOV: I think your refering to a strike out, which is, take a hit, take a shot, chug some beer, then release the hit, repeat if desired.

W: Man i love hang-ing with you guys when i go down

there. Check out these pics from my last stay! Can I jam some more on the gui-tar! AOV : Quit playing that damn blues riff Rusty! yeah dude its always a good time and many more for 2011, yes sir!

W: Where does Axe Of Vengeance see itself in 2012?AOV Better then ever and black listed from every popular venue, if things go as planned, we will continue to piss people off as the years go by or until there is no one left to piss off, either way you win! ki ki kuwwwwwww.

W: Thanks guys! Masters of Metal, Beer and sci-fi!Hail the kingdom of ZARTHON! AOV : Uh , ok, yeah you to Russell.


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The Weird Show is our internet TV show that we do once a week live on WED nights from 9pm-10pm online at

We have had a plethora of local and national bands perform in our studio as well as some of them video Skype in to our broiadcast booth.

The show is very interactive and you can watch or call in or

text your questions to us while we are doing the show. Another cool thing is that all the WEIRD SHOWs are archived online on

Live Internet Television from San Marcos and the Weird Office inside

Sometimes we get experie-mental with the shows and they often are psychadelic in nature.

The Weird Show has done over 30 epi-sodes to date

and looks for-ward to a great year in 2011 with more WEIRDNESS!

Several of our advertisers in Weird Magazine also sponsor the show with TV commer-

cials that they have allready, so we have spot breaks to ballance the show out.

It is quote unique what we do here at We are on the cutting edge of the Broadband Entertainment industry.

While sites like youtube, vimeo and others store media and content for viewing. is a live broadcast internet station which can offer some really cool aspects for viewers to interact with our guest and hosts.

If you would like to be a guest on the WEIRD SHOW contact Rus-sell via email at [email protected] call us at 956-200-2049 to learn more about our program.

Other guest on the program have also included Cheech Marin, Tommy Chong,

Ghostland Observatory, Jim Marrs, One Eyed Doll. Stanton Friedman, Nock Redfern, and many others!The Weird Show looks forward to continuing in the months to come and we are currently working on our website THEWEIRDSHOW.TV .

So check us out online or on your ipad, smart phone, notebook or any other portable device.

YES YOU CAN WATCH the Weird Show on your cell phone when we are live! If you get to the site and its not playing remember to REFRESH your browser so it will play!

Pretty cool stuff from your friends at Weird Magazine!Thanks guys!

Russell Dowden -

Page 24: JAN 2011 Issue San Marcos Edition

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