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J. Edgar Hoover

J. Edgar Hoover1895 - 1972


On the 1st of January J. Edgar Hoover was born in Washington, USA.


Hoover became the Director of the FBI.


11,000 American boys voted Hoover as the 2nd most popular man in the US.

An Honourable man


Harry S. Truman complained that Hoover and his agents were...

“dabbling in sex life scandals and plain blackmail when they should be catching criminals.”


Hoover’s death.

Hoovers reputation swiftly changed from that of a man of integrity and honour to one of a ‘monster’.


Susan Rosenstiel swore by this statement.In 1958, she and her husband went to a private party. Entering the hotel by a side entrance, they took the elevator to the second floor. According to Rosenstiel, she walked in to see a man ...

“wearing a fluffy black dress, very fluffy, with flounces and lace stockings and high heels, and a black curly wig. He had make-up on and false eyelashes.”


The man was introduced to her as “Mary” ...Mrs Rosenstiel wasn’t fooled for a moment.

“It was Hoover,” she recalled.

“You could see where he shaved ... I couldn’t believe it, that I should see the head of the FBI dressed as a woman.”


Case: Unsolved ...

Bethany Kelsall ©

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