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We create well-thought-out financial marketing

tools that will sharpen your organization’s identity,

attract fresh opportunities and expand your

business relationships.

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FocusJLI has been focused on creating effective marketing

communication tools for the financial community for

over twenty-five years. We have helped a wide spectrum

of clients achieve their goals.

ExperienceThe upshot of JLI's long-term financial marketing focus

is our wealth of experience, out of which we have honed

a lean and quite effective process to help our clients.

KnowledgeJLI understands the marketplace in which you operate,

financial products and services, and the most effective

ways to talk to your targets. Our deep knowledge results

in well-thought-out and effective financial marketing

communication tools.

Jeffrey Leder Inc. is defined by a unique combination

of financial marketing focus, experience and

knowledge. This combination delivers many clear

advantages to our clients.

Who We Are

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For twenty-five years, Jeffrey Leder Inc. has been creating

effective marketing communication tools for the financial

industry. From multinational banks such as JPMorgan

Chase, to large mutual fund and investment management

firms like Prudential Investments, to hedge funds such as

Pequot Capital, our clients have attracted new

opportunities and prospects with our help.

A proven strategic process and disciplined focus deliver

original thinking, smart analysis, dynamic copy and design,

and methodical project management to help our clients

gain AUM.

Our in-depth knowledge of the financial services industry

informs our marketing strategies and creates value

for our clients. We know your audience and understand

how to develop the right marketing materials that

will create impact.

Pequot CapitalBranding Campaign

Deephaven Capital ManagementPitch Books

Financial MarketingS T R A T E G I C

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Building Trust Be Transparent Through all prospect/client touchpoints, convey with full

openness, your investment advisory methodology and

performance. Communicated via concise and easy to

understand reporting documents.

Listen Well Truly understand your clients’ needs to foster and deepen


Articulate Fully Clearly demonstrate your full investment process and the

resultant performance. And communicate the broad

strength of your infrastructure.

Connect to Results By establishing that you work with a fundamentally

sound, repeatable and client-centric focus.

How Do You Establish Trust in Today’s Environment?

“Trust: Firm reliance on the integrity, ability,

character of a person or thing.

Something committed into the care of another.”

– American Heritage Dictionary

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Conduct ResearchTo fully understand your company and it’s goals – we

analyze your market, identify your benefits and target

prospects' needs.

Construct StrategyBy articulating your true value through a clear

understanding of your investment process and

repeatable performance.

Create Sales ToolsTo build prospects' trust by writing, designing and

producing strategic tools in all appropriate media.

Achieve GoalsTo close more business, support relationships and

build success.

A Strategic Process

Our proven strategic process creates well-thought-out

sales tools to target your unique benefits to the

selected audience.

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Program PlanningDefine Target Audience

Position & Brand Organization

Raise Assets

Guide Management Understanding

Convey Transparent Strategy

A Well-Honed, StrategicProcess that ProducesResults

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JLI offers a comprehensive list of financial marketing

tools designed to achieve a wide range of objectives.

By managing projects tightly – deadlines are met, and

budgets are contained. And, objectives and strategies

will be carried-out as originally intended.

Whether you want to establish your brand, introduce a

new financial product or service, communicate more

frequently with investors and prospects, we create

strategically targeted marketing tools that will speak

directly to your audience and establish trust in your

company. Attract new opportunities. Increase

transparency in order to convey openness and clarity.

Maximize your business potential. And help target and

increase your managed assets.

Sales Materials


Pitch Books

Client Reporting



Annual Reports

Brand Development

Effective Tools

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After we learn about your company, your investment

philosophy and methodology and your selling process,

we create strategic financial sales materials that work

the way you do. We hone in on what makes your firm

unique. We communicate that message to the right

audience in a clear and consistent way that makes your

process transparent.

The resulting sales materials will differentiate you from

the competition. Establishing trust in your process that

will effectively reach new prospects and investors to

convert into new business.

Among the sales tools we create are concise Company

Overviews (for PDF and printout), interactive and

Content Managed Websites, Pitch Book templates (in

PowerPoint set-up to facilitate your updating, printing

and assembly) and compelling Capability Brochures

that clearly articulate the true value of your firm.

Sales Materials

Oppenheimer FundsRetirement Services

Systems UnionFinancial Management Software

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JLI creates Websites that attract prospects and support

client relationships. We transform your attributes into

an engaging interactive environment that articulates

your investment philosophy and methodology, and clearly

conveys your benefits.

Your Website can function as a Capability Brochure

and Client Performance Reporting vehicle that facilitates

communication of your sound, risk-adverse and

repeatable investment process. Clients will be able to

easily access their customized and updated reports. And

trusted relationships will be established and reinforced

from this open accessibility.

We support our clients’ updating of their website by

programming a Content Managed area for refreshing of

News, Client Reports, Product Introductions, etc, through

a simple data entry window.


Cyrus Innovation


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We create PowerPoint books that don’t look like the usual

PowerPoint presentation, designed and written to look

like you alone and be a critical tool to effectively

communicate what distinguishes you.

We create Pitch Books that encourage prospects to be

more trusting by demonstrating your transparency and

reporting processes, thus prospects will be more inclined

to invest and clients to recommend.

From smart research we establish a professional "look

and feel" that strategically represents your firm's

personality and value. This is supported with effective

writing that clearly describes your investment thinking

and methodology and demonstrates how your repeatable

performance flows from that sound process.

Pitch Books

DKR Capital

Weiss Multi-Strategy Advisers

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Our experience has proven that in addition to investment

return and personal interaction, effective performance

reporting and other client service communications

can gain and retain your client's trust. Regular

dissemination of those reports is also a critical factor in

clients understanding that they are being well taken

care of. And by that level of openness you are

demonstrating your transparency .

Transparency is key to establishing a trusted and long

term relationship with clients who will be more likely

to provide referrals and less likely to redeem.

The performance reporting materials that we create

provide clear, timely, forthright and accessible

information, that is easily deliverable.

Client Reporting

Deephaven CapitalPerformance Reports

DKR Capital Monthly Commentary Reports

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Jeffrey Leder Inc. creates Brochures that communicate a

high-level, macro view of your firm’s: culture, philosophy,

investment methodology and top talent. This transparency

in your process and philosophy will establish greater trust

in your capabilities and benefits to investors in an accurate

and consistent manner.

We then communicate your process, research, risk

management, infrastructure and client services

commitment. Writing and design will be clear, clean and

accessible, as well as reflective of your unique personality.

We recommend a brochure back pocket to house inserts of

more timely, detailed information, such as Overviews and

Performance Reporting materials and Key Bios so you

control the updating. This facilitates cost-effective

updating that keeps your clients informed.

Capability Brochures

Pequot Capital

Ospraie Management

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JLI has extensive experience producing Annual

Reports that clearly communicate your true value

to shareholders, the media and the financial

community. We apply our strategic financial

marketing process to articulate your company's

strengths, performance and vision.

The resulting Annual Report works to maximize

shareholder value. Establish trust. Improve investor

retention. Increase awareness in the financial

community. And achieve successful brand leveraging.

Annual Reports


Pentegra Management

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JLI has a wealth of experience in creating effective brand

identities for the financial services industry.

“A successful brand is an identifiable service/product,

augmented in such a way that the prospect/client

perceives relevant, unique, sustainable values which

match their needs most closely.”

– de Chernalony & McDonald

Through our targeted research your brand will evolve out of

our understanding of your firm, your unique benefits and

value. Based on this knowledge, and through a powerful

use of strategy, writing and design, we create a corporate

marketing system that will leverage the value of your

company. Builds brand loyalty and trust. And speaks

directly to the financial community.

Brand Development

Oppenheimer Funds Retirement Services Branding

Newport News Repositioning and Rebranding

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ACE Group

Africa-America Institute

Agile Fitness

Cadogan Management


Connors Capital

Cyrus Innovation

Deephaven Capital

DKR Capital

Entrust Capital

First Atlantic Capital

JPMorgan Chase

Manor Healthcare

MD Sass

Hospice Foundation

New England Dream Center

Newport News

Oakpoint Advisors

Oppenheimer Funds

Ospraie Capital


Pequot Capital

Princeton Theological Seminary

Prudential Financial

Sass Foundation

St. Luke's Health

Synergos Institute

Systems Union

Tailwind Capital

Thomson Financial



Webster Financial

Weiss Advisors

Select Clients

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We developed a staged strategic plan to launch a new

Education Partnership Campaign – 50,000 New Leaders in

5 Years. The strategy evolved out of our research into their

organization, culture, values and effective process. As well as

interviews with students, alum and various target groups to

further understand AAI.

AAI's first need was for a case statement kit to help raise

funds for the campaign, we coined the phrase "Think What

We Can Do," then we coordinated an annual fundraiser at the

U.N., this time celebrating their 50th Anniversary –

invitations, event programs, powerpoint presentation and

banners were among the tools created.

The fundraising strategy has worked well – raising the

funds to fulfill the goal of educating 50,000 african

leaders in 5 years.

Africa-America InstituteC A S E S T U D I E S

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DKR Capital hired us to help them increase assets under

management and transform their sales tools into

an effective, integrated program.

After learning about the firm, we differentiated DKR by

articulating their unique attributes and benefits.

We strategized, wrote and designed their fundamental

sales tool, the Pitch Book. Aligned the "look and feel" to

reflect DKR's unique personality. We clearly communicated

the firm's philosophy and methodology. And demonstrated

how DKR's investment performance flows from their

sound process. With the Pitch Book as foundation, we

redesigned the Website and Performance and other

Client Reporting Communications.

The resulting program presents and reinforces key

messages consistently. Overall it communicates to

prospects and clients: here is a firm that is smart and

trustworthy, with a well-thought-out and repeatable


DKR CapitalC A S E S T U D I E S

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Oppenheimer Funds, one of the world's largest mutual fund

companies, hired JLI to rebrand their Retirement Services

division to stem a downturn in assets under management.

Focusing on their 401k offerings our research showed the

largest growth potential was with business owners with

employees. Focus groups were attracted to aspirational

retirement images of a cottage on a grassy hill with two

Adirondack chairs, people identified with being there with a

significant other. JLI included this powerful image in

materials and Web portal for all channels of distribution:

internal, brokers/consultants, business owners, and


Over the four and a half years the rebranding was utilized,

managed assets grew over 20%.

Oppenheimer FundsC A S E S T U D I E S

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Let’s discuss your unique situation.

For 25 years Jeffrey Leder Inc. has helped financial

services firms establish and maintain

trusting relationships with their prospects and clients.

Let's talk about how we can help you achieve your sales

goals. Call Jeffrey at 917.767.1734 or email him

at [email protected].

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