Download - Jeopardy hormones

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Hormones, the perfect storm?

Jeopardy:Valentine’s Day


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Stuffed Animals

Love Letters Jewelry

10 Points

20 Points

40 Points

50 Points

10 Points 10 Points 10 Points 10 Points

20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points

30 Points

40 Points

50 Points

40 Points 40 Points 40 Points

50 Points 50 Points 50 Points

Flowers Chocolates

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Jewelry for 10 points…

This type of function is secreted by the endocrine directly into the blood and also

contains a neurotransmitter that produces a happy or excited response by a chemical

messenger when someone gives youjewelry… (5 pg. 484-488)

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What are hormones? (5)


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Jewelry for 30…..

This type of mechanism helps to explain how hormones work when binding to receptor molecules that “fit” and you sometimes need this to put on a bracelet or necklace.. (5)

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What is the “lock-and-key ” mechanism? (5)

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Hormones create these 3 things when they combine and help to create a mixed

emotion response when your girlfriend/boyfriend gives you love letters

on Valentine’s Day….

Love letters for 40…

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What is synergism, permissiveness, and antagonism? Synergism which combines

hormones acting together that have a greater effect than on cells acting alone.

Permissiveness, which allows a small amount of hormones to have a second one

to produce full effects on the cells, and antagonism which is when one hormone combines to create the opposite effect of another hormone used to “fine tune” of

the activity of a target cell. (5)

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Your heart which pumps blood, produces this hormone when your

blood pressure may be high or you are excited you have just received rose and tulips and all different types of flowers

from your significant other…

Flowers for 50…..

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What is atrial natriuretic hormone where atrial cells increase their secretion of ANH in response to an increase in the stretch of the atrial wall caused by abnormally high

blood volume or blood pressure? (5)

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Stuff animals for 30…Single or not on Valentine’s day, everybody loves getting stuffed bears. In order to help

produce this happy or “stable” environment, these two vital body systems work together to

achieve and maintain a stability of the internal environment. This system’s method also

involves chemical messengers sent specifically to the target cells, tissues, or organs, and the

secreting cells send hormone molecules… (5)

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What are the nervous and endocrine systems that also connect through communication, integration, and

contronl? (5)

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Chocolate for 50…

Doctors say that dark chocolate is actually good for your heart and

immune system. This gland produces these two hormones that refer to 2 families of peptide and

are extremely critical in the development of the immune

system. They also help to stimulate the production of T cells

in the immune system. (5)

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What is the thymus gland which is just beneath the sternum and very critical

in children until puberty when it begins atrophy which continues through

adulthood and eventually old age and results in a fat and fibrous tissue? The

hormones are thymosin and thymopoietin. (5)

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50 for Jewelry…

The description below that best describe what hormone…Primarily derived from amino acids which is a derivative produced by the thyroid gland and just like a chain on a James Avery necklace, its proteins are long and folded. Peptide hormones are another example which are smaller than proteins and are shorter than amino acid chains. Amine hormones are synthesized by modifying a single molecule of tyrosine produced by neurosecretory. (5)

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What are non- steroid hormones?


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Chocolate for 30…Valentine’s day can be a very stressful holiday and most people take the stress away by biting into a delicious Hershey’s bar. This gland, which is triangular-shaped and measures about 1.5 inches in height and 3 inches in length, is located on top of each kidney. It has two structures; adrenal cortex, which is the outer part of the gland and produces hormone vital to our life, such as cortisol which is responsible for regulating metabolism and helps your body cope with stress that you might experience on Valentine’s day, and aldosterone which controls your blood pressure that is also related to stress. The other structure, the adrenal medulla, is the inner part of the gland that produces the adrenaline that you can experience around your significant other. (29)

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What is the adrenal gland?(30)

Which produces Aldosterone, cortisol, adrenal estrogens,

epinephrine, and norepinephrine hormones. (5: page 506)


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Love letters for 50…On Valentine’s day your love for your significant other may grow and you can never go wrong with writing sappy and meaningful love letters to each other…. There are three different types of hormones… This hormone, targets endocrine glands and stimulates their growth and secretion. Another hormone targets reproductive tissues, and the last one stimulates anabolism in target cells. (5)

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What are tropic, sex, and anabolic

hormones? (5)

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Stuffed animals are perfect gifts to give to your significant other to really show much you care about each other and this hormone produces

aldosterone which helps to maintain your blood pressure when you may receive these gift. This steroid also is manufactured by endocrine cells

from cholesterol, also a lipid-soluble that can pass through the phospholipid plasma membrane of target cells.. Other hormones include, cortisol,

testosterone, estradiol, and progesterone. (5)

Stuffed animals for 10….

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What are steroid hormones? (5)

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Flowers for 40…

Valentine’s day isn’t just for spending time with your significant other, but it’s also for showing those that you love such as family members, how much you care about them. Such as a daughter showing much she appreciates her mom by giving her flowers. This tissue in the body forms on the lining of the uterus between the circulatory systems of the mother and developing child and serves also as a temporary endocrine gland. (5)

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What is the placenta? (5)

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Chocolate for 40…

You can receive all different types of chocolate on Valentine’s day. You can get chocolate heart candies, caramel chocolate candy, candy bars, and dark chocolate. You can’t eat it all or this hormone will play an important roll in contributing to obesity. It acts by stimulating the hypothalamus to boost your appetite and it also acts on other tissues to slow metabolism and reduce fat burning. (5)

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What is the ghrelin hormone? (5)

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Stuffed animals for 40…Little kids love when they receive stuffed animals, especially on Valentine’s day. They treat that stuffed animal as if it’s a child of its own. The placenta produces this hormone that is considered chronic because it is secreted by the chorion, a fetal tissue component of the placenta. It is called gonadotropin because as with the gonadotropins of the adenohypophysis, it stiumlates development and hormone secretion by maternal ovarian tissues. The placenta plays an important role in producing hormones necessary for a successful pregnancy. (5)

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What is the human chorionic

gonadotropin hormone? (5)

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Everyone loves getting stuffed animals that sing and dance and move on Valentine’s

day. The gastric & intestinal mucosa produce these three hormones that play

important roles in coordinating the secretory and motor activities involved in

the digestive process. (5)

Stuffed animals for 50…

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What are gastrin, secretin, cholecystokinin-

pancreozymine? (5)

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Love letters for 10…Whether you’re a man with testosterone or a woman with estrogen, you can never go wrong with giving your significant other love letters to remind each other how much you love each other. This gland helps to produce these wonderful hormones that are responsible for the female and male sex organs. The testes, which are paired organs within a sac of skin called the scrotum that hangs from the groin area, are composed of sperm producing seminiferous tubules and also produces androgen. The ovaries, which are a pair of glands in the pelvis, produce sex hormones such as estrogens and progesterone. (32)

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What are gonads? (32)

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Chocolate for 10…Chocolate begins with a C, just like this gland where the head of the pancreas lies in the beginning of the small intestine, (duodenum) with its body extending horizontally behind the stomach and its tail touching the spleen. It’s also composed of both endocrine and exocrine tissues. (5)

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What are pancreatic islets? (5, page 510)


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Flowers for 30…Flowers especially like roses produce and give off wonderful scents and tend to smell even better on Valentine’s day. This important structure in our body is like the pancreas and contains cells that produce both endocrine and exocrine secretions. (5)

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What is the gastric & intestinal mucosa? (5)

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Love letters for 30…Everyone’s heart melts when they receive love letters on valentine’s day. There are 4 major parts when writing a love letter: Who it is to, what they are writing about, why they care so much about this person and who wrote the letter. There are 4 major parts of the pancreatic islets. The alpha cell which secretes the hormone glucagon, beta cells secrete the hormone insulin, delta cells secrete somatosin, and pancreatic polypeptide celss secrete pancreatic polypeptide. This describes what of the pancreatic islet?

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What is the function? (5,page 510)

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Flowers for 20…Valentine’s day is also about how strong of a person you are if you get your heart broken. Studies show that many women actually send flowers to themselves if they’re lonely. This gland also deals with strength and it controls calcium in your body in a very tight range between 9.0 and 10.1. It also controls calcium in the bones and how strong and dense the bones are. (26) Four or five of these glands are also embedded in the posterior surface of the thyroid’s lateral lobes that appear as tiny rounded bodies formed by compact irregular rows of cells. (5 pg. 505)

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What are parathyroid glands that secrete the hormone parathormone which is

antagonist to calcitonin and helps maintain calcium homeostasis. (5 pg. 505)


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Stuffed animals for 20…

Valentine’s day is the day where you can spread the love for the ones you love. Spreading stuffed animals can be one thing that you can spread. This gland is a unique group of lipid molecules that serve very important and widespread integrative functions in the body but do not meet the usual definition of a hormone. (5)

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What are prostaglands? (5)

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Jewelry for 20…Everybody likes to know what time it is and watches are a perfect jewelry accessory. This gland supports the body’s biological clock that secretes melatonin. It is tiny, pine cone shaped structure located on the dorsal aspect of the brain’s diencephalon, a member of the nervous system because it receives stimuli. (5)

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What is the pineal gland? (5)

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Flowers for 10…Flowers are something that you just cannot live without on Valentine’s day. Prostaglands are located in these organs that you cannot live without: kidneys, lungs, iris, brain and what other gland? (5)

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What is the thymus? (5)

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Love letters can represent the “master” or biggest gift you can give somebody on

Valentine’s day. This gland is known as the master gland

that is 1.2 to 1.5 centimeters across, located on the ventral surface of the brain within the skull made up of two different

glands. (5)

Love letters for 20…

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What is the pituitary gland that is made up of the glands

adenohypophysis and the neurohypophysis? (5)

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Jewelry for 40…A 14 karat gold necklace is any women’s dream Valentine’s day gift. Unlike a 14k gold necklace, this gland weighs about 30 grams and is located in the neck, on the anterior and lateral surface of the trachea, just below the larynx. This gland is also made up of two lateral lobes and a narrow connecting isthmus that is thin and wormlike projection of this gland’s tissue. (5)

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What is the thyroid gland? (5)

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Final Jeopardy for boxes of chocolate, bouquet of

flowers, bears, and James Avery jewelry…

The thyroid gland produces these two hormones..

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What is tetraiodthyronine or thyroxine, and triiodothyronnie?


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Congrats on your prizes!! Thanks for playing!!

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Tables(Hormone-source-target-principal action)Growth hormone-releasing hormone-hypothalamus-adenohypophysis-stimulates secretion of growth hormoneGrowth hormone-inhibiting hormone-hypothalamus-adenohypophysis-inhibits secretion of growth hormoneCorticotropin-releasing hormone-hypothalamus-adenohypophysis-stimulates release of adrenocorticotropic hormoneThyrotropin-releasing hormone-hypothalamus-adenohypophysis-stimulates release of thyroid-stimulating hormoneGonadotropin-releasing hormone-hypothalamus-adenohypophysis-stimulates release of gonadotropinsProlactin-releasing hormone-hypothalamus-adenohypophysis-stimulates secretion of prolactinProlactin-inhibiting hormone-hypothalamus-adenohypophysis-inhibits secretion of prolactin

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Tables Cont…Growth hormone-adenohypophysis(somatrophs)-general-promotes

growth by stimulating protein anabolism and fat mobilizationProlactin-adenohypophysis(lactotrophs)-mammary glands-promotes

milk secretionThyroid-stimulating hormone-adenohypophysis(thyrotrophs)-thyroid

gland-stimulates development and secretion in the thyroid glandAdrenocorticotropic hormone-adenohypophysis(corticotrophs)-adrenal

cortex-promotes development and secretion in the adrenal cortex Follicle-stimulating hormone-adenohypophysis(gonadotrophs)-gonads-

female: promotes development of ovarian follicle;simulates estrogen cycle, male:promotes development of testis;stimulates sperm production

Luteinizing hormone-adenohypophysis(gonadotrophs)-gonads-female:triggers ovulation;promotes development of corpus luteum,

male:stimulates production of testosterone

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Antidiuretic hormone-neurohypophysis-kidney-promotes water retention by kidney tubules

Oxytocin-neurohypophysis-uterus and mammary glands-stimulates uterine contractions;stimulates ejection of milk into mammary ductsTriiodothyronine-thyroid gland-general-increases rate of metabolismTetraiodothymine-thyroid gland-general-increases rate of metabolism

Calcitonin-thyroid gland-bone tissue-increases calcium storage in bone, lowering blood Ca++ levels

Parathyroid hormone-parathyroid glands-bone tissue and kidney-increases calcium removal from storage in bone and produces the active form of vitamin D in the kidneys, increasing absorption of

calcium by intestines and increasing blood Ca++ levels Aldosterone - adrenal cortex (zona glomerulosa) - kidney - stimulates kidney tubules to conserve sodium, which, in turn, triggers the release

of ADH and the resulting conservation of water by the kidney

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Cortisol - adrenal cortex (zona fasciculata) - general - influences metabolism of food molecules;in large amounts, it has an anti

inflammatory effectAdrenal androgens - adrenal cortex (zona reticularis) - sex organs -

exact role uncertain, but may support sexual functionAdrenal estrogens - adrenal cortex (zona reticularis) - sex organs -

thought to be physiologically insignificantEpinephrine - adrenal medulla - sympathetic effectors - enhances and

prolongs the effects of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system

Norepinephrine - adrenal medulla - sympathetic effectors - enhances and prolongs the effects of the sympathetic division of the autonomic

nervous system

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Somatostatin - pancreatic islets (delta [d] cells) - pancreatic cells and other effectors - can have general effects in the body, but primary role seems to be regulation of secretion of other pancreatic hormones Pancreatic polypeptide - pancreatic islets (pancreatic polypeptide [PP]) - intestinal cells and other effectors - exact function uncertain, but seems to influence absorption in the digestive tractGlucagon - pancreatic islets (alpha [a] cells) - general - promotes movement of glucose from storage and into the bloodInsulin - pancreatic islets (beta [b] cells) - general - promotes movement of glucose out of the blood and into the cells Pancreatic polypeptide - pancreatic islets (pancreatic polypeptide [PP]) - intestinal cells and other effectors - exact function uncertain, but seems to influence absorption in the digestive tract

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