Download - Jeudi le 21 mars

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Jeudi le 21 marsNike of Samothrace or the Winged Victory of Samothrace220-190 BC

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Reminder: Bathroom passes are given last 3 minutes of class only!

“To have a big head”

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F 2: RECIPES due tomorrow! What kind of French food do you like?

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VERBCHART #1: (Parler) (tu) Tu parles –You speakTu as parlé- You have spokenTu vas parler-You are going to speak

1. BOOK TEST DUE!2. Recipes/list due

tomorrow! 3. VERBCHART out-

due Monday, 4/14. 5 FF project-due

Monday, 4/8

F 2 RECIPE & GROCERY LIST MINI-PROJECTS(Example: See recipe- 192-193, & samples)

Start own recipe in class-go online and find a French recipe you like. A. Create a recipe card with ingredients/instructions in French on one side and a picture of the food on the other side. B.Then create a grocery list, writing quantities of 20 items you need for the recipe and for your weekly groceries (a dozen eggs, a jar of mustard, a litre of water, etc.) BOTH are Due on Friday!

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F 3

• Essay rough drafts due: first 10 sentences and second 15 sentences. You will get them back on Monday. Please tweak, type and turn in on Tuesday to the sub.(curriculum meeting)

• Today: Finish presenting poems.• If time: In groups: Translate “La Parure”• Tomorrow’s film? Les Misérables!

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F 2 PreAP1. Review new vocabulary (208-213)2. VERBCHART out-work in class & turn in today. You can have it

again tomorrow to work on!3. Bor. Words K –in LMS-due next Wed. #5 is RESTER!VERBCHART #1: (Parler) (tu) 1. PARLER(to speak) (Tu) Tu parles –You speak Tu as parlé- You have spoken Tu vas parler-You are going to speak2. DIRE (To say/tell) (Elles) Elles disent-They say/tell Elles ont dit-They said/told Elles vont dire-They going to say

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F 1 1. Notes 144, 147. (140 and 142

are due!) 3X French, 1X English2. Review body words, songs3. Body games!4. If time: Review classroom

supply words-next slides!5. MORE Body games tomorrow!

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Le corpsVideos:


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F 1

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F 1

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March 18-22nd week (2 week of 5th 6 week) McCageMon 3/18 Tues. 3/19 Wed. 3/20 Thurs. 3/21 Fri. 3/22F 1 Days, seasons,Dates PP, Late collages, Video unit 2, 3 Show Topix (Majors are t S/b, topix & test 4 A.

F 1-see scrapbook specs on LMS. Show song.Tues. Notes 140, body review, body songs

F 1-Wed. Notes 142 Over class terms-PP, 120-131 text, body game (hangman, jacques, swat, twister)

Thurs. Notes 144, 147. Body/Class reviewTime? More games for body and classroom words

F 1 –Over Topix oral grade (next week!) Finish unit videos, over oral topics, and text we missed. If time, play games, see unit videos or finish last Fri. DVD. Mon: ER review and over subject w/s, book test pg. 115

F 2 R Make-up tests today if absent on Thursday. Tomorrow if absent Thurs-Friday. See units 2 and 3 videos Re-test: Tues p.m., Wed. a.m, p.m, Thurs a.m.

F 2 RSee recipe pg. 192-193Mini project: recipe & list. Do book test pg. 194-95. See FFF project specs and song.. Test 4 is 3rd major grade. 5__famous_french_people_who_changed_the_world_2.docm

F 2 RGrade book testOver past tense packet. Finish up recipes/list –due on LMS tomorrow!

F 2 RRecipes/list due today! VERBCHART out

F 2RRecipes/list for 50% Finish films we started last Fri. La Vie en Rose. or see Sam video.Verbcharts due Monday.

F 2 PreAPMake-up tests today if absent on Thursday. Tomorrow if absent Thurs-Friday. See units 2 and 3 videos Re-test: Tues p.m., Wed. a.m, p.m, Thurs a.m.

F 2 PreAPNotes pg. 208 unit 4Read 198-202 togetherShow: Song, FFF project. Pick people. Test 4 is 3rd major grade

F 2 PreAPNotes 210-213Review new words 208Verbchart practice

F 2 PreAPVERBCHART outReview new words and do oral prac in text.Bor. Words K out-due next Wed. H/W: Verbchart

F 2 PreAPVerbchart-completion grade. Finish film Joyeux Noel or see SamVerbcharts graded Monday. Connaitre, Dire, Lire, Ecrire, Savoir, then DOPS & IDOPS. Voki & Voicethread projects

F 3 Online F/C due only if absent. Make up tests in class today. Poems due today for 100%. Start presenting.

F 3Start Essay: Les vacances du printemps-20 min. and collect.Present poems

F 3Finish essay in class.Present poems-in class.

F 3Write final copy of essay Finish presenting poems.If time: In groups: re-translate “La Parure”…posted on LMS

F 3Last of poems to see.Finish translating “La Parure. Finish seeing Les Miserables

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