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A Abduhl L atif; a cure by, 321, 341, 357; and the

passing of G. R. S. Mead, 655 ; Story of, 582. Afflicted Schoolboy and his cure, 357. After Death; Conditions, 534, 582, 599, 6 14;

Experiences , 632 ; State, 517 ; Test Messages, 167.

After Life , Assurance of, 180 ; Glimpses of, 145 ; Memory in, 247 ; a Scene of, 834; Sir Oliver Lodge on, 180.

A¥nostic, a Discovery by, 54 7. Air currents at Seances, ~19, 535. . All Saints D ay and Al l Souls D ay, 735. America : Letter from, 389 ; Psychic Activities

in, 106, 172, 236. American : l'viediums and Certificates, 423 ;

Psychical Institute, 458; Psychic Laboratory, 370; Psychical Notes, 26, 548; S.P.R., 439; Spiritualism, Eight Principles of, 55.

Ancient Monuments, Silent Voice of, 68. Angels, Good and Bad, 220 ; Have they wings ?

442, 471, 474, 487, 531, 535. Anglican Community, Psychic Experiences, 4. Apport Phenomena, 435, 564. Archbishop : and Survival, 74 ; and Spiritualism,

23. Are We Immortal I 715 Armistice D ay : Service at Albert H all, 734 ;

Sir Oliver Lodge's Message, 709. "Arthur Graham," case of, 454 Asiatics; what they know, 631. Astral Body, Physicists on Track of, 69 4 Astrologer on Spiritualism, 373. Astrology and the Healing Art, 773. Atoms of Truth, 24 7. Attentive Ear. the, 44. Aura : damaged, 506 : can it be photographed ?

632 ; changes with age, 842 ; What it tells, 577.

Austria ; Psychic side of, 420. Automatic Writing, 666.


Jfnbex ~

· Breathing :r· Mysteries in, 665; Occult Aspects of, 650.

Brittain, Mrs. Annie, Evidential Sitting, 656. Buddha, Image of and M isfortune, 330. Buried Treasure and Spirit Help, 83 1.

BOOKS. Adventures of a Black Girl in her Search for

God (G. B. Shaw), 28 . Candle of the L 0rd (W. H. Evans), 283. Challenge to Sceptics (Dt. F. H. Wood), 459. Christ's Love for Animals (Rev. E. Francis Udny,

M.A.), 409. Christ Rescued (Walter H egemann), 80 I. Church and Spiritualism (Herbert Thurston,

S.J.), 569. ·Controlling Care (Rev. W. S. P. Walsh), 633. Dayspring of Youth (M. London), 505. Death of Materialism (Whately Carrington), 441. Discovery of the Self (Elizabeth Severn) , 70 1. Distant Hills are always green (Mrs. F . Maturin),

740. Dreams of Udar (Margaret V. Underhill), 801. Encyclopaedia of Psychic Science (Dr. Nandor

Fodor), 422. F ear of the Dead in Primitive Religion (Sir J . G.

Frazer, O .M.), 837. Fox-Taylor Record, 347. From Intellect to Intuition (Alice A. Bailey), 617. Future Life, 522 ; a Symposium, 601. Gateway, The (C.R.P.), 28. Glastonbury Romance (John Cowper Powys), 553. God and the Astronomers (W. R. Inge, K.C.V.O.,

D ean of St. Paul's), 685. God m ends (Henry M yers), 28. Great D ays of Ephesus, 739, 785. Houdini and Conan D oyle, 65 Hypnotism, the Friend of Man (J. L ouis Orton),

722. Immortal Sea (Clifford Bax), 390. Invisible Influence, The (Dr. Cannon), 803, 8 19. Landmarks (Lady Palmer), 554. L ife !<:ternal (Estelle Stead), 821. L ight on the Dark Continent (Calvert Wells), 51 8. Lost Keys of Freemasonry (Manly P. Hall), 428. Man named Luke (March Cost), 330. Master of the Hidden Places (W. Marsham Adams),

364. Materialisations (W. T. Stead Library), 268. M.E.M., 28.

Baboon Boy , The, 703. · •Baconian T<heory (Shakespeare),' ' 268; 295~ B.C.P.S. Annual Dinner, 295. .

My Philosophy (Sir Oliver Lodge), 395, 405, 425. '' '"NewcBackground of Science (Sir James Je1>11s), 457.

Opening the Psychic Door (F. W. Fitzsimmons, F.Z.S., F.R.M.S.), 618, 653. Barlow, Mr. F., and William Hope (See H 0pe,

William). Bartlett, Mrs. Maud, Complimentary Meeting at

L.S.A., 654. Basque Villages ; Hill-top Visions, 371. Beethoven, a Vision, 426. "Bells, The," as a Psychic Play, 636. Benefactor wanted, 298. Besant, Mrs. Annie, Passing of, 595. Besterman, Mr .. T..;.r Changing Views, 36. " Beyond, The," Teachings from, 21. Bible, Psychic Phenomena of, 783. Biblical Scholarship and Miracles, 767. Bird Messengers , 215, 443. Bishops, Spiritualists, and the Bible, 729. Black M agic, 122. Bligh Bond, Mr. F. and "Light," 151. Blind Alley, The, 171. "Blotted Out," 311 343. Blyton, Mr. T. ; and Psychic Photography, 213, 23 1. Body, Soul and Spirit, 455 740. Book Discussions at the Ls.A., 227, 300, 332,

348, 396, 428. Book Test(s) : Interesting, 137 ; and Newspaper

Tests, 364 ; perplexing, 663 ; and their S ignificance, 219.

Bourchier, Rev. Basil ; and Five Minutes after D eath, 797.

Bradley, Mr. Dennis, and George Valiantine, 7G; on Spiritualism, 524.

Breath and Inspiration, 722.

Outline of Christian Theology (Dr. W. N. Clarke). 545.

Outline of Existence (Marjorie Livingston), 268. Pigmies of the Equatorial F orest (M. R. P . Trilles),

794. Present D ay Spirit Phenomena and The Churches

(Rev. C. L . Tweedale), 585. Proof (Rev. V. G. Duncan), 299. Psychic Bible Stories (St. Clair Stobart), 268. Rock of Truth (etc.) (J. Arthur Findlay), 521,

535, 554, 566, 583, 598. Science and Health, Revised (Mary Baker Eddy),

537. Science and the Supernormal (G. C. Barnard,

M .Sc.), 393. Scientific Theory and Religion (Bishop Barnes), 363. Some Experiments in Four-Dimensional Vision

(Geoffrey Hudson and Alex. Horne), 719. Son of M an (James Leigh), 377. Spiritua l Universe, A (Thomas Ames), 635. Splendour in the Night (Mosher Press), 585. Strength of the Spirit (Leonora Eyles), 473. Supernorma 1, The, 423. Studies in Sublime Failure (Shane Leslie), 28. Teachings of " Red Cloud," 713. Thy Kingdom Come (Ivan Cooke), 772, 820. Treatise of Ghosts (Noel Taillepied), 75~. True Christian Religion (F. Bayley, M.A.), 145. Unbroken Melody of Life (J. Galloway Findlay),


Uncommon S ense- (Gaz:land , Aru)erson), 801. • Vision of the Nazarene (Author of the"' Initift "),

409. . . Voice of Marie Corell i (Through Dorothy Agnes),

618. Way Jn and Out (Ronald and Kathleen Holme), 538. White L otus (E. C. Meads), 268. Yoga (Major General J. F. C. Fuller), 801.

c Calvary, The D rama of, 538. Canada, Broadcast, 266 ; Mr. and Mrs. H ayward

in, 391; Work in, 101, 214, 340. Carrington, Dr. H . and the Mediumship of Mrs.

Garrett, 669. Catholic Church and Psychic Science, 215. Chambers, Dr. Robert and Old-Time M ediums, 1. Character and Survival, 284. Child "Controls," 220; Mediums, 612, Children ; Imagination of, 12 ; T eaching of

Independence, 242. Chisholm , Dr. and Mr. H arry Price, 183. Christ ; The . Supreme Psychic, 598 ; Life of,

Inner Meaning, 804. Christianity ; Basis of, 614, 632; a New, 699;

and Mr. J. A. Findlay, 783. Church, The : Day of Visitation, 103; its Oppor­

tunity, 81 ; and Psychic Phenomena, 260; and Spiritualism, 311 ; and Surviva l, 225, 244.

Churches and Home Circles, 717. Clairvoyance: of Indian Woman, 241 ; and

Second Sight, 388 ; Subjective Nature of, 832 ; a H elp or Hindrance, 395.

Clairvoyant Visions, 67. Clergyman, Psychic Investigations of, 299. Cock L ane Ghost, The, 310. Cocos Island, 83 1 ; haunted, 427. Coincidences : How Explained, 259. College Mystery, A, 7, 39. Colour, Importance of, 138. Comments in passing, 75. Communicators, difficulties of, 733. Communication, subtler side of, 766. Conan D oyle; D enis and "Gang'' Story, 83;

a Talk with S ir Arthur, 299 ; is it his voice I 821.

- Consolation, 572. " Contact," Realistic, 231. Controversy, Uses of, 587. Crawford, Dr., Experiments, 43, Crystal Gazing, Story of, 714. Cummins, Miss ; the Script and Dr. Eisler,

535, 550.

CONTRIBUTORS "Ahmat," 631. A.N., 209. Armstrong, C. Wicksteed, 10, 49, 177, 369, 470, 829. Arnalds, Sigudur, 166. Baldwin, Eugene 0. , 86. Battersby, H. F . Prevost, 377, 393, 409, 425, 441 ,

457, 472, 505, 537, 521, 553, 569, 585, 601 617, 635, 653, 685, 719, 753, 786, 837.

Beddow, P. F., 5~1. Bell, George T., 4. Blomfield, Elsie, 565. Bloom, Ursula , 809. B. McK., 518, 629. Boulnois, H elen M., 516. Brittain, Annie, 810. Bush, M. A., 298, 323, 340, 356, 371, 388, 532,

564, 580, 721. Bussum, W. Ree, . 124. Clark, Ritherdon, F.Ph.S., F .L.A.S., 586. Colledge, T. H. M., 35. Cooke, Ivan, 6, 467, 506, 682. Crabtree, Rev. Herbert, 97, 767, 793. Craufurd, Capt. Q. C. A., R.N. (retd.), 17. Dallas, H . A., 450.

i '•;,.

r ii.

Dampier, Capt. E. P., 501. De Brath, Stanley, 21, 164, 197, 211, 226, 451,

561, 578, 596. De Crcspigny, Mrs., P.Ch., 116, 138, 650. Desmond, Shaw, 769. Dowden, Mrs. Hester, 666. De \Vyckoff, ] oseph, 19. Durrant, Mrs. H. Brett, 738. Editor, The, 361. Elliott, Rev. G. Maurice, 260, 483. Emerson, Isabel, 516, 548, 648, 782. Ensor, Nora R., 12, 242. Eshelby, Shirley, 693. Farone, V. V., 22. Felstcad_, Edwin, 179, 310. Fink, l'vtajor R., 154. Fodor, Dr. Nandor, 51, 100, 252, 261, 284, 310,

326, 339, 379, 427, 435, 452, 475, 490, 502, 533, 547, 565, 581, 612, G47, 703, 781, 831.

Forman, Mrs. V., 796. Fraser-Harris, Professor, M.D. , D.Sc., 16 1. Gann, Mr. & Mrs. T., 468 . . Gibbes, E. B., 198, 257, 454, 485, 550. Gibbon, J. W., 74. Gow, D avid, 11, 27, 43, 59, 75, 91, 107, 123, 139,

155, 171, 186, 251 , 299, 331, 347; 363, 379, . 411, 443, 459, 491, 507, 523,. 539; 555, 571, 587, 701, 711.

Gudjohnsen, S . . 756. Haines, Fredk. h., 449. Hall, Henry C., 434. Hamilton, C. ]. Hans, 212. Hamilton, Dr. T. Glen, 628, 645, 679, 695. Hamilton, Mrs. Glen, 241. Harding, Frederic, 26, 106, 172, 236, 389. H ayward, E . A. S., O.B.E., 101, 340. Heathcote, Arthur M., 597. Hill, J. Arthur, 118, 625, 649, 664, 696, 732,

777, 822. Holmes Marian, 4, 234. Hunt, H. Ernest, ..401, 481, 499, 720. Hunt, Leigh, 388. · Jackson, Rev. Archibald, B.A., 325. J acqueline, Miss, 577, 842. Johnhett, 663. Jonson, E. Ashton, 133. Klein, Sydney T., F.L.S., 42. Larpenteur, M. ]. D., 44, 353. Leaf, Horace, F.R.G.S., 37, 259, 466, 517, 715, 832. Leigh, J ames, 5, 156, 179, 458, 556. L .H., 603. Marrian , Rose, 44. McCorquodale, Ronald, 492. McKenzie , Mrs. Hewat, 36, 83, 196, 235, 273, 342,

390, 442, 489, 506, 609, 779, 801, 819. Merrall, H., M.B., 833. M.J.T., 85. Montgomery-Smith, V/.S., 354. Moomaw, W. F., 417. Morgan, Tudor A., 58, 620. Morrison , Major R. P., 604. Nell, Petronella, 840. N.F., 220, 403, 715, 722. Norfolk , Mrs. E. S., 396. P ap, Dr. E. Chengery, 795. Parson, A ., 390. Peters, A. Vout, 156. Pickwoad, C. A., 321. Phdey, Olive C. Il. , 337, 355, 680, 702. Pjeturss, Helgi, 838. Quanier, Frederika, 802. Reid, Rev. William A., M.A., 289, 529. Reutiner, Alice, 438. Saunders, R. H., 140, 282, 357, 570, 655. Sea, Emmwell, 380, 444, 476. Sexton, Rev. G . A., D.D., 465, 513, 588. Severn, Mrs. Elizabeth, 813. Sims, Allen, 499. Smith, E. Tarrant, 419. Speedy, Jean M., 474. Stobart, Mrs. St. Clair, 274, 385. Stocker, R. Dimsdale, 655. Thompson, A. G., B.M., 202. Thorp, H. D., 243. Trethewy, A. W., 1. Turle, Aubrey, 442. Tweedale, Rev. C. L., M.A. , 52, 103, 165, 551. Wall, Frank H., 774. Warrick, F. W., 358. Wehling, Rev. A. F., 225, 244, 761. Wendtlandt, 0. J., 515. \Vheeler, E. M., 67, 774. Widow of Anglican Clergyman, 108. Wood, Dr. Frederic H., 81, 593.

D " Darkened Spirits,,, 226. " D ead Brother," Talk with, 704. "Dead Ones" at Queen's Hall, 716. Deane, l\iirs. Unexplained u Extra," 374. Death: Smelling Out, 252; Five IV1 inutes After,

797 ; Kindliness of, 372 ; Own, foreto ld, 648. Death-bed Vision, 565. Debate Corner, in "Light," 326. Decker, Mr.; Sealed Sack Test, 19. Dee, Dr., Romance of, 219. Dervishes, D ance of, 179. Desmond, Shaw : Temptations of IVlediums, 76 ;

as prophet, 92. Direct Voice : Perplexities of, 100, 140, 263;

Largest seance ever held, 662 ; Messages, 455 ; Origin of, 417 ; Puzzles, 452.

Divine Love, Zero Point of, 58. Divining Rod, Diagnosis by, 182. Doctors and Spiritualism, 295. Dogs ; Do they survive I 72·1, 774. Do Spirits Dream I ·326. Dove, Commander, R.N., Psychic Tape Machine,


·--. INDEX

.Dowsing, from Maps, 234 ; Reality of, 531 ; · . in the 17th Century, 442. • Dreams : Censorship of, 65 1 ; · Control of,

. Duplicated, 419 ; Fulfilled, 56> ; and · Meaning, I 7J ; and Mediµmship,

Problem, 614, 651, 824; Veridical, Strange recurring, 412 ; Studies, Strength from, 554; Prophetic, 636; Telepathy, 295; Two Veridical, 390; of, 779 ; a '<Vorld of, 443.

667. thei: . 609. 257: 667: :and


Dunca n, Mrs. Victoria; alleged Exposure of, 90; Charge of Fraud, 182; Fraud Denied, 76 ; Trial of, 292; Conviction of, 312, 314; and Mr. Mcindoe, 421.

Dying, The Process of, 582, 614, 632; Womcin, Lost Shadow of, 688.


EdinburJih, Psychic College, 83, 284, 671 ; Gh~st; A, 474.

Egyptian Vision, Ancient, 516. Elves ; Fauns and Fairies, 571. Embroidered Cloth, Story of, 485. Empty Space, so-c31Jed, 199. Ethenc Body, The, 422. Etheric Vision, 22, 50, 167. Erto Pasquale, Mediumship of, 252. Evil, Problem of, 42, 599, 615; Mystery of, 65 1. Evolution : Whither ? 612. Experiment with Time, 33 1. Experiments, Psychic, 234. Experience, Strange, 215 ; Convincing, 407. "Extra," U P.expected, 418.


Facing our Problems, 74. Faculties, Psychic ; Preserv}ltion of, 375. Fairies, concerning, 711, 766. Fate and Foretelling, 555. Fear Comolaints, and Psychic Hea ling, 4G7. Fiction ; Psychic Certainties in 330 ; Fantasy and

Fact, 411. Finished Story, A, 554. Floating Matter in Space, 243. Fodor, Dr. Nandor; in Scotland, 410; Assistant

Editor of" Light," 651. Food ; Its relation to Religion, 486. Foreseeing the Future, 533. Foreign Journals: Notes from, 298, 340, 356, 37 1,

388, 404, 420 , 436, 452, 468, 484, 500, 516, 532, 548, 564, 580, 612, 63 1, 648, 665, 680, 755, 782, 821.

Fortune Theatre ; Transfer of Services, 99 ; Farewell Service, 132.

Ford, Arthur ; Work in America, 437. Fourth Gospel, The, 42. Fraser Harris, Pro~essor; and Rudi Schneider,

1.61 ; and Mr. Harry Price, 183. Freedom of T wo VVorlds, 337, 355. Future Life, a Fact, 14 7.


Garrett, Mrs. Eileen ; and American Scientists, 459 ; and Clairvoyance, 780 ; Return to England, 380 ; Work in America, 403.

German Princess, Diary of, 323. Ghost, A, Was it ? 459. Ghost Story; Authentic, 434, 471, 810; Mary

Pickford's, 812; West Indian, 275. Ghosts ; Thomas Carlyle on, 767 ; the Dreams of,

326 ; Fear of, 51 ; Why laugh at them ? 563. Glastonbury, Glories of, 654. God, Idea of in the Bible, 481. Gospel of Philip, 183, 263, 295. Gow, Mr. David ; Tribute to, 539 ; l\1arriage to

Miss Shafto, 650, 666. Great Migration, The, 11. Green Cross Corps, The, 41 1. Guzik, Jean; and the French Sav.:ints , 356, 423.

H Haig, Earl; Communication from, 713. Haines, Mr. Fredk. H., Accident to, 87. Hamilton, Dr. Glen : Psychic Experiments, 35,

135, 453, 613; and Trance Personality, 469. H and, The, and the Flowers, 540. Haunted Island (Cocos), 427. Healing ; by Music, 735 ; Spiritual, 570. Help from an Initiate, 195. Henley Boat Race, a Recollection, 215. Holland, A Visit to, 156. Home Circles ; and Development, 332 ; Fire

Tests at, 795 ; Importance of, 799 ; Organisa­tion of, 788.

Home, D. D. ; Centenary of, 179, 184; Levitation of, 71, 246; Reminiscences of, 1 ..

Hoodoo Machines, 51.

Hope, William; Accusations against, 2 12, 213~ :. Afterthoughts on Debate, 342, 343 ; and Mr. Barlow, 2 12, 230, 231, etc., etc., 278, 305, 309, 311, 312, 359; Defence of, 197; Ex- · periment with, 325; Gratitude to, 519; and . Mr. J. Arthur Hill, 327; M ediumship of, 199, 203, 247 .262, 293 ; Memorial to, 770, 812; and Psychic Photography , 186; Test at Weston Vicarage, 359 ; Prof0$sional Photo­graphic· Test, 33, 70, 134, 151 ; Passing of, 164, 165; Vision regarding, 165.

Hospital ; Psychic Experiences in, 449 Houdini ; and Conan Doyle, frtlendship and

quarrel, 65 ; his admission, 72. Human Radiators, 167. Humanity and Time, 466. Hu.xley, Professor Julian i and S urvival, 183;

and the Future Life, 202. Hypnotism and Deafness, 503.

I Icel..indic Visitor, Evidence of, 756. Identity, Personal and Survival, 41 9. Idol and Ill-Health, 330. " If I die first," 693. Illusion and lleality , 54. Immort::i lity; Conditional, 451, 487, 503, 582;

Philosophical Approach to, 92.' " Immortal Garden," a Play, 650. Indeterminacy, 439. lndi:ln \Voman, Clairvoyance of, 241. Influences, G ood and Evil, 534. Inner Voice. The, 219. Inspirational W riting in the XVIIth Century, 442. "Intell igent Persons," 87. Inter-Religious Crusade, 295, 316, 406 , G02, 635,

654, 697, 774, 823. Invisibility , Secret of, 781. Ireland, Fa iry Legend in, 50 1.

J Jericho, Walls of, 787. Jesus : Humanity of, 231 ; Place of in the Cosmic

System, 720. "Jonah and the \Vh.Je," a Play, 36. "John Alleyne," Passinf? of, 250.

]ooo, ffi, Lowreore, :·"' '"' r'·-' ·· "'·

Katie King, The Beauty of. 149. Keeling, Mr. E. A., at Queen's Hall, 6 18. Keir Hardie, Return of, 698. Kennicott, Benjamin , History of, ~::>9.

L Led by a Star, 809. Leonard, Mrs. Osborne : on JVf.ediumship and

H ealth, 745, 779; and a Scaled T est \'lord, 777 ; and Sleep Experiences, 522, 530.

Levitation, a Jost power I 362. Libraries c f the Spirit World, 769, 803. Life After Death, Intuitions 0f, 347. Light, Worship of, Aspects, 68, 84. "Light'' : Appeal for Funds, 297, 345, 361, 376,

378, 389, 406, 422, 437, 455, 471, 520; Armistice Number, 709 ; Critic of, Answer to, 564; Fodor, Dr. N<l)ldor, Assistant Editor, 651 ; Policy and Fut ure, 313; Re­duction of Price, 634; its World-\Vide i\1ission, 329; Sustcntation Fund, 783.

Lily Dale Seance, 86. " Link Conference, 582, 603. Living Woman, Apparition of, 21. Lodge, Sir Oli\•er: and The Fl>ture I:,ife, 147,

180; (Broadcast); enters $2nd year, 376; a new Book by, 117; "My Philosophy," 395; his "Pronouncement," 405 ; Sealed Letter T est, 132; and Telepathy, \ 14; Tribute to, 519.

"Love Unlimited," 533. Low, Professor; Attitude of, 667. Luminous Particles, 7, 103, 11 9, 231 ; a Sug­

gestion, 71, 87.

LEADING ARTICLES Another Step Forward, 700. Armistice D ay, 718. Attacks on Mediums, 280. Away from Materialism, 296. B.B.C. Experiment, 216: Appeal to, 735. Beliefs are Important, 328. Case, The, is Altered, 88. Christmas Reunion, 818, Church and Spiritualism, 552. Common Enemy, The, 552. Dean Inge's Doleful Theology, 328. Dean Inge and Mr. W ells, 616. Detectives and Mediums, 652. Disturbing Coincidence, 718. Divergent Views, 768. Easter Egg, 232. Eastertide Musings, 232. Enlarging Vision, The, 488. Eternal Form, 408. Evidence of Survival, 700. Exposed Exposure, 264.

From Turmoil to Tranqhllity, 184. Ghosts and Dreams, 200. Heavy Handicap, A, 768. Hope, William, 200. "How Long," 600. Imagination, 24. Implications, 440. . Inner. Side of Life, 520. Intuition, 424. . Is the Universe " Running· Down ... ,1 393. Law of the Herd, 4 72. Leavening Force, 312. "Margery" Mediumship, 104; Vindicated, 818 Materialism, 360. Mediumship, 120. Mental Mediumship, 668. Muslim Appeal, A, 328. New Chapter, A , 634. New Research Group, 424. New Yeaf Reflections, 8. On the Ether, 40. On the Wireless, 800. Our Position To-day, 504. Pentecost , 344.

. Permeation, 360. Persecuted Materialists, 72. Phantom Fear, The, 456. Popularising Psychical Research, 56. Priests and Purgatory, 784. Professor L nw's " D emand," 634. Proof on Proof, 784. Psychic Fawlty, 408. Rational B.eveh.tion, 752. Research Still Nee'1ed, 424. Resurrection, 104. Re-Union, 718. Saint Bernadette, 800. Science : Challenged, 392 Going too Fast, 584 ;

and Life, 584. Science and S-w'Vival, 684. Scientific Enquiry, 408. Scientists and Survival, 29(). Seer as, 668. Something in Common, SS. Sir Oliver Lodge's Messai;e, 168. Speculations-Facts, 634. Spirits and Their i\.1essages, 152. Spiritualism's Central Message, 568. Spiritualism, F1:1ture of, 376. Spiritualism: not at War with Religion, 536;

Tacitly accepted, 736 ; on the Stage, 736. Stage, The, and Survival, 652. Telepathy, 344. Tri1!lgular Combat, A, 136. Truth about S9iritualism, 836. True Uses of Phenomem, 248. Uncertainty, 800. Use of Man , 616. "Very Open-Minded," 668. Welcome Corrective, 684. Wells, Mr. as Prophet, 600. Why Laugh at Ghosts ? 568. Why Scientists hold aloof, 296. World Conference, 376. ·wrong Ideals, 440.

LONDON SPIRITUALIST ALLIANCE Annual General Meeting, 215. Discussion on "Road to Immortality," 227. New Series of IVleetings, 75.

Addresses , etc. Bailey, Mrs. Alice , 92. Bartlett, Mrs. Maud, Complimentary Meeting,

654. Battersby, Mr. H. F. Prevost, 729. Book Discussions, 227, 300, 332, 34$, 397,

428, 485. Book T ests, etc., 348, 364. Brown, Dr. William, 748. Boyd, Lady Lilian, Experiences, 460. Crandon, Dr. L. R . G., 835. Dove, Commander, R.N., 90. E vans, Mr. W. H., 236, 300, 317, 654, 672,

688, 704, 722, 740, 772, 788. F ielding-Ould, Dr., 193. Fodor, Dr. Nandor, 100 , 300. Fraser Harris, Professor D . F., 276. Garrett, Mrs. Eileen, 780. Garstin, Captain, 397. Grisman, Commander, R.N., 170. Hartes, Miss f. 0., 631. Hunt, l\1r. H : E., 412, 485. ~ Naylor, Mr. R. H . , 373. Pixley, Miss Olive B. C., 68, 84, 337. Recent Sittings 380, 444, 476. Reincarnat ion, b~scussion on, 814. Romer, Mr. Frank, M.R.C.S., 129. Thomas, Rev. C. Drayton, M.A., 348.

M Magazine, A Ne~. 11 Spiritual VidoI'.,'" 636. Magic, in England, 34 1. " Maisie" in Australia, 840. u Mana," the M eaning of, 632. Manchester S.P.R., 282. Man who was cured, 32 t. M an's Mortality, 506. Maori Beliefs, Ancient, 508. " Margery" : Mediumship Developments, 38 ;

Circle Work, 835 i and the American S.P.R., 341 ; Vindicated, 816.

Mark Twain, His Miracle, 483. MaryJebone Spiritualist Association : Activities of,

698 ; Election of President, 341; Mr. Shaw D esmond at Queen's Hall, 422 ; and Mr. H. Ernest Hunt, 603.

Mason, Mrs., ·a sitting with, 638. Materialisation: and Pe-rsonation, 519 i Technique

of, 108.


Matter, Spiritualising of, 138. McCardie, Mr: Justice : reported Messages from,

572, 602, 627, 650. Mcindoe, Mr. J. B. and Mrs. Duncan; 90. McKehzie 1 Mrs. Hewat: on Materialisation,. 108;

· - on Mediumship and Health, 779; at Queen's ·Hall, 218, 219.

Mead, Mr. G. R. S. : and · Ab<luhl Latif, 655; iVIcmory of, 655; Unexpected Message. from, 747; Appreciltion of, 637.

" Medicine Man," passing of, 670 ; to continue · healing, 678. · :

Memory : in· the After-Life, 354 : the Wonders · of, 49, 75. l\1esmer, Bi-centenary of, 346. Message : evidential, 263; Test, 247. Meurig Morris Cose : Appeal to House of Lords,

70, 86, 99; dismissed, 115, 132, 151, 152, 247; Defence Fund, 204, 21 ~ ; Services, 666, 703.

l\1eyer, Dr., Experiments, 439. ~1exico, curious Burial Mound, 468. Microbes and Ghosts, 56. Mind : in relation to Personality, 193 ; Reading

Machine, 502 . Miracle(s): Story, Muslim, 122; and Spiritualism,

729 ; I have seen, 765. Missionary Society (the oldest), 483. Muslim: Miracle Story, 122; Mediums, 167. Molesworth, Lord, Jnd the " Sunday Dispatch,"

754. Monk (cowled), in vicarage garden, 587. Moses, Rev. W. Stainton, Mediumship of, 275. " Mothct in Israel " (Mrs. K elway Bamber), 394. Music, Secret Influence of, 203. Musical Dispensation, 699. Myers, Mr. John: Albert Hall Experiment, 738,

798, 817 ; Dutch Test, 555, 567 ; and Mr. H. E. Hunt, 359; Lecture to Jews, 60; ar.d The M.S.i\ ., 282, 327 ; Mediumship of, 23, 39, 487, 615; Results with, 342; Rigid Successful T est, 737, 767 ; Test by Photo­graphers , 53; Test spoiled , 437.

Myers, F . W. H ., 0 Immortality 11 sonnet, 71 ; Memorial L ecture, 682 ; and " Road to Immortality," 227 ; Script, some SideJights on, 198.

MEDIUMS AND MEDIUMSHIP : Five under control, 2:{; of Myers, John, 23, 39;

53, 437 ; of Ruth Vaughan, 60, 444 ; Fraudu­lent, 119; Peculiarities of, 133; Attacks on, 134 ; and \A..oTireless, 150; Testing and Certi­fication of, 246, 279, 3 14, 327 <.of Pasquale, Erto, 252; of Rev. W. Stainton JVJoses, 275; of Frau Lotte Plaat, 311 ; Training of, 314 ; of Estelle Roberts, 315 ; of Mrs. E. Garrett, 403, 669 ; of Lajos Pap, 435 ; and Scientists, 459 ; of Mrs. H. E. Mason, 638 ; and its conditions, 672 ; and Health, 745, 779 ; Forty-Five Years with, 750.

N Naylor , Mr. R. H., at the L.S.A. , 373. New Christianity, The, 593. New Church, and the After-Life, 263. Neumann, Therese, Case of, 267. New Zealan<lcr, A, on Spiritualism, 519. Nijinsky, Vaslav : Secret of, 490; l\.1adame,

Experiences of, 502. N.L.P.R.: "Closing D own" ? 717; and Pro­

fessor Rene Sudre, 686 ; and Rudi Schneider, 149, 16 1, 163, 183, 199, 214, 231.

North, Notes from, 5, 156, 556; North W ales Psychic Conference, 218.

Novice, Advice to, 131.

0 Oaten, Mr. E . \~'. ; Experiences with Mediums,

1501; at -Queen rs ~Hall,- 790.-r- - n-:o:­

Obsession, Problems of, 140. " Occu lt Review " ; Change of Title, 503. Old T estament Psychic Phenomena, 401. Old Time Psychic Marvels, 1. " Other Side," Contact with, 154 ; Experiences,

245 ; Helpers, Reception of, 802 ; Intro­ductions from, 683, 735, 751.

"Other-World ' 1 People; how seen and heard, 661. 1

( Out of the Body" Experience, 717. Overshadowing Presence, 501. "Overture," a Play, 290. Oxford Group Movement, 599, 615, 633, 717·;

a Wamini;, 706.

Obituary: Besant, Mrs. Annie, 595. Blakeney, Miss Joan, 755. Brownlee, Mrs. L. G., 619. Bush, Mr. R. A., 649, 663. Cadwaladr, Mrs. J . J., 467, 492. Collins, Mrs. A . M ., 484. Coates, Mr. James, 797. Cooper, Key, Commander, R.N. 484. Davis, Alderman, D. J., 484. De Brath, Lt.-Gen. Sir E ., SI 1. Drakoules, Mrs. A. M., 43. Duxbw)', Mr. E. W., 679. Enesy, General, 202. Fitzgeorge, Col. Sir A'..J... 701. Fournicr-D' Albe, Dr. "-· E., 442. Gibbons, Sir Walter, 687 .. Hope, Mr. William, 164. Jaeger, Mrs., 202.

"John Alleyne," Capt, J . A. Bartlett, 250. Jones, Mr. Fred, 670, 678. Kelway Bamber, Mrs. L., 375. Lovejoy, Rev. G. H. T., 523. Lovell, Mr. Arthur, 517. Macbri~C:, Mr. C. Mackenzie, 5.38. Mead, Nlr. G .- R. S., 636 . . . Oaten , Mrs. E. R., 619. Stead, Mr. Alfred, 599. Trueman, ·Mrs.:.r 87. Walters, Mr. <.;urning, 458, 556. Williamson, Mrs. A. M., 619

p Pagan Accretions, 717. Paintings, Automatic, Puzzle of, 715. Pap, Lajos, M.ediumship of, 435, 795. Pentecost and its Phenomena, 339, 375. Personal Experiences, 108; In1portance of, 170. Personality, Miracle of, 829. Phantoms : What are they made of? 839. Phenomena, Physical, 55. Photography, 259. Photographic, 2G2 ; See also Hope, V'lilliam and

Myers, John, 473 ; A " substituted " dark slide, 164; Evidence from, 55; i_Deane, Mrs. and an u extra," 374; Barlow, Mr. F. and his critics, 375 ; Report by Mr. Barlow and Major Rampling-Rose, 196 j_ Debate by them, 305- 309, 311, 312; Mrs. tt. McKenzie on , · 187; Psychic, 103, 186, 2 13, 231; and Mr. H. Price, 273; and T elepathy, 325; a Test, 55 ; Theory, A, 17 ; . Reality of, 358, What is- It ·? 199 ; '.'Othe~Side" - view, .. 291.

Physical Science and Psychic Phenomena, 117. Physics, Transcendental , 39 l. . Pickford, Mary; Ghost Story of, 8 12. Pictures (Psychic) are possible, 473. Pigmics, Psychic Faculties of, 794. Pioneering, 682. Plaat, Frau Lotte, Visions of, 813; Psychometry

of, 311; J ewelled Cross, 315; Marriage of, 341. Planchette ; name and address given by, 796. Platitudes and Phrases, 363. Poet (Austrian) and Psychic Facts, 489. Postcard, Mystery of, 749. Post-mortem Tests, 681. Power of Belief, 772. u Power," Who was he ? 703 ; Oratory of, 687. Prayer, answers to, 396; and Light, 699; of

St. Francis of Assisi, 826. Preacher's Radiant Helper, 4. Precognition, 231. Predictions : contradictory, 23 ; Fulfilled and

Unfulfilled, 450, 515, 711 ; Verified, 135. Premonition of Young Officer, 263. Prevision Was it ? 428. Price, Mr. Harry: (See also Schneider, Rudi) ;

and Dr. Chisholm, 183 ; and Professor Fraser Harris, 183; and Rudi Schneider, 199, 324.

Prophets and Seers, 720. Psychic News and the" LP. Gazette," 283. Psyche, :Human, Development of, 56 1, 578, 596. Psychic : Fiction, Importance of, 475; Tape

Machine, 90. Psychograph : Results with, 341. Psychometry : Evidential, 363 ; and Foresight, 835. Publicity Suggestion, 835. Purgatory of a Parson, 497. Pushed to Death, 751. Puzzled Reader, A, 487. Pythagoras, Spiritualism of, I 02.

Poetry: As it was Written (D.G.), 347. Beyond (J. R. Watson), 472. Blessing of the Sid he, 501. Breasting the Hill (D.G.), 260. Criticasters (D.G.), 150. Heart of Yule (D.G.) , 824. Soul's Farewell to Earth (Warren Elliot), 838. \'Vhite Birds, The (E. M . Heath), 24. Whom She Loves (D.G.), 491.

- - ---- - ------

R Radiations from Living Organisms, 163. Radio Plays (Psychic) , 766. Radio and Spiritualism, 473. Raps, Independent, Problem of, 353, 391. H Red Cloud 11 answers questions, 712 ; and

Time, 783. Reincarnation, 683; Hypothesis or Fact? 814 ;

and Mischievous Spirits, 455 ; Mrs. St. Clair Stobart on, 602.

Red Indian "Guides," 774. Religion, Meaning of, 549 ; of the Future, 798. " Resisting the Spirit," 235. Resurrection, Judgment, and the Life Beyond, 545. " Revelation/' 680, 702. ''Road to Immortality••: 55, 1G7, 21 1; and

Professor D . Maclean, 69. Road Warnings, Useful, 124. Roberts, Mrs. Estelle; Platform Work, 661 ;

Voice Mediumship, 315. " Rock of Truth " : and Criticisms, 566, 583,

598 ; Mr. Findlay replies, 764, 834 ; Mrs. St. Clair Stobart on, 630, 697.

Roman Catholics, a Word to, 372. Roman Church and Spiritualism, 52, Roos-evelt, Mrs. , -on Religion,. 549. Royden Dr. Maude, Experiences, 451.

· . .: . .::

' ' Saunders, Mr. R. H . ,. Accident to, 599, Sceptics, a .Challenge to:, 61 ·5~ · · . Schneider, Rudi :·· Allegations agllinst, -324 ;· and

Professor Fraset FlartisJ 276 ; of, 161, 163, 247, 266; JVIcdiumship of, Doubts, 149, 277, 391; and Mr.- H : Pnce, 214, 279, 281, 343 ; and '' Nature,'~. 4 58 ; Dr~ Osty and Mr. Price, 281 ; and ·Scientists:. (Proc. S.P.R.), 387; Phenomena, ~07, 410; 438.

Scientists and Psychical Research, 294. Scientific Philosophy of to-day, 10, 470. Science and Survival, 124. Scottish Churches, Progress in, 289. Scripts, Psychic, rapid writing in, 44. Sealed Sack Test, 19. Seance, Strange Experience, 295, 311, 343. "Seekers, The," 103, 135; Opening Ceremony

at Addington Park, 299 ; Vindication of, 250. Seership, Experiments in, 719. Sensational Press and Spiritualism, 209. Shakespeare, '' Confession 1

' of (Baconian Theory), 268, 295.

Signals from the " Beyond," 499. Signs of the Times, 604. Sleep, experiences during, 522 ; Phenomenon of,

704. . S.N.U., New Secretary, 359; Conference, 421 ;

and Mr. John Lewis, 823. Sound Waves, 339. S.P .R. New, in Manchester, 213 .

. S.P.R. and a Clerical Lecturer, 150; New Presi-dent, Dame Edith Lyttelton, 633.

Spiritualisms and the Religions, 529 .. " Spiritual Vision " ; a new Magazine, 636. Spurgeon,. Rev. C. H., the Case of, 628, 679, 695 ;

Return (?) of, 645. Stead Bureau, Enlargement of, 53. Stobart, Mrs. St. Clair..; . and. J'yth}lgor~s, ! Q2 ; ,...

and the " Rock of Truth," 630, 764. Stonehenge, Mystery of, 722. Story, Thomas ; a forgotten Saint, 442. Sudre, Professor Rene ; Views on Spiritualism, 686. Suffering, The problem of, 667, 716, 735, 766, 833. Surgeon, Psychic Experiences of, 129. Survival League; Mr. J. A. Findlay, address by,

. 124. . Supernormal Awareness, 771. Survival, Human : Clifford Bax on, 390 ; Debate,

Mr. E. W. Oaten and Dr. Dingwall, 172 ; and Cosmic Immortality, 586 ; Difficulties in the Search for Evidence, 748; and Eternal Life, 118; Further Evidence for, 625, 649, 664, 696, 732, 777, 822; I rresistible Argument for, 49; Knowledge spreading, 60 ; Mechanism of, 375, 423; Memory and Evidence of, 261 ; and Multiple Personality, 547; Strong Proof of, 83, 761. .

" Sunday Dispatch " and Spiritualism, 770. Spirit : World, where is it ? 22 ; and Body and

Mind, 439; Communication, Human Side of, 523; Control, is it dangerous? 37, 181; Control, Independence of, 669 i is Real, 71 i Theories, 119.


Spirits : Do they Dreatn ? 326, 362. . Spiritulllist- Siinday_ .Services, 699; 735; 166. - : Spiritual Development, 78~.. . · . , . . · · Spiritualists : and the Bible, ~5_1 ; Co, ori:Hnation,

ASS.; and Pniyer, 799 ;· -Right- kind of, · 68:l. Spirituahsm : it! Debt to M_edi\llfls, . 6 ; Definition

of the Term, 7; next phase of; 23; _and_ Relativity, 23 ;' Future of, 20, 39, 677'; and Archbishop,

·'39 i. American, 54; and Roman Church, 52; the Truth about~ &7 ; its Past and Future, 116; ·Is it helping the World ·? 218; the Unifying Influence of, 274 ; the Purposes of, 300; and Psychic:tl Research, 361 ; · aqd Children, 834 ; Position of, 385,. 407 ; · Not a Religion, 385, 407; What it Teaches, 391.; in the Old Testament, 411 ; How to in­vestigate, 492 ; in Great Britain (An Indian's Opinion), 503 ; and Religion, 535, 595, 793, 798 ; Other Half of, 602 ; the Role of, 631 d. Fundamental, 651 ; and "Lunatics an Mediums," 686 ; and Professor Rene Sudre, 686 ; and Christianity and Tbe Mysteries, 697 ; " Going Ahead," 698 ; Greatest Assets, 799 ; Swaffer, H annen, and the Future of Spiritualism, 677 ; Swedenborg : and the After-Life, 146; •and the Spirit World, 513; Teachings of, 246, 588, 620, 683 ; Visions of. 465 ; Church and Survival, 58.

T " Tangled Evidence ,, ; a Novel to be filmed, 739. Tape Machine, Psychic, 90. Tele13atny: 344, 470; and Mrs. 0. Leonard,

-· 436 ; SpontaneOus, 166 ; at a Kingston Store, 282 ; Problems of, 20 ; Dr. Osty's Exper­ments, 67 ; Where it does not apply, 71 ; Fact and Fancy, 113; and Psychic Photo­graphy, 325 ; Implications of, 346 ; for Trade, 487, 551, 567 ; niled out, 597 ; un­conscious, 835.

Telepathic Theory; when it breaks down, 236 . Teleplasm , Human Faces in, 613. Tennyson, Psychic Side of, 107. Test Messages, 24 7. There is Here ! 119. Things I remember (Mr. David Gow), 27, 43, 59,

91, 123, 139, 155, 251, 379, 459, 507, 539. Theologians, some Questions for, 499. Time ; transitory, 7 ; and Space, 717. Toleration, the Battle for, 289. Trance Personality, 469. Travel in Sleep, 491. Treasure, Buried, Search for, 310. Tua the de Danaan, The, 50 I. Tweedale, Rev. C. L., and a Queen's H all Vision,

188. Twin Souls, R23. Tyson Oliver, Information required, 651.

Printed by Arthurs Press, Limited, Woodchester, Glos.

Uncanny Roads, 619. Unexpected Meeting, 379, Unifying Influence, 392. . " Unseen" on Stage and Film , 629. · _ Unitarian Churches and S_piritua!ism,. 97, 135. · · Universe, Is it " Running Down" ? 393, 439, 63--3. "Uvani ~ , in Au~,tralia, 840. ·

v Vagrancy Act; Enquiry Promised, 470, Vampirism and Psychic Science, 6471 Vaughan, Ruth ; Mediumship of, 60. Veldt Telegraph in South Africa, 518. Verger, Clairvoyant, 790. Vision, Remarkable, 441 ; in a Church, 439. Voice Phenomena: From Beyond, 166; Broad-

cast, 683 · Subtle Side of, 27. Vout Peters, Mr. A. Reminiscence~ , 765.

w Wakening the Sleeper, 85. Walters, Mr. Cuming ; Passing of, 458. Warning, Friendly, 551 ; Propheticf 375. Werewolves , The Coming of, 581. Wesley, John and Spiritual Experie1;1ces, 148. What Readers say, 611. What is This ? (Telepathy), 282. White Internat ional, The, 769. " Whole Truth," The, 799. Why M an is unhappy, 369. '

1 Winged Spirits,'' 531 . Wireless and Mediumship, 150. Witchcraft and Black Magic, 122, World of Dreams, A, 443. World of Experience, 407. World-Magic, 553. Work, Here and Hereafter, 316. Wyatt, Mr. Thomas, Interview with , 796.


York Minster, Restoration of \Vin~ow, 779 . Yoga; Well attested Facts, 820.

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