Page 1: John Therry Catholic High School Term 2 Week 3A · PDF fileJohn Therry Catholic High School Term 2 Week 3A “Recta Sapere” To Know, Love and Relish what is Right and Just John 20:

John Therry Catholic High School Term 2 Week 3A

“Recta Sapere” To Know, Love and Relish what is Right and Just

John 20: 21-22

“Peace be with you. As the Father sent me, so I send you” Then he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit”.

One of the dramatic parts of the Christian Scripture or the New Testament centres around the celebration of Passover by Jesus and His Apostles. This celebration is now commemorated as Holy Thursday and was followed by the shedding of Christ’s blood on Good Friday and His ‘release from death’ on Easter Sunday. Fifty days later, God’s Spirit came to the Apostles who were in crisis – frightened and confused. Their lives were not ending but beginning. Upon receiving the Spirit they boldly and joyfully went out preaching Christ’s word throught the known world.

Maybe as we commemorate Pentecost this year, we could pray that the great spiritual potential that is in us through Baptism and Confirmation be more fully activated so that the love, kindness, tolerance and all the other virtues that Jesus exercised during His life, might stay alive in the world through our efforts. Our world today certainly has the need for people who can enthuse optisism, hope and joy and have the willingness to share the positive aspects of their lives.

‘There are differtent gifts but the same spirit. To each person the manifestation of the Spirit is given to the common good. To one the Spirit gives wisdom, to another the gift of healing. But it is the same Spirit who produces all these gifts, distributing them to each as he wills’. (Cor. 12.4)

We each have the choice to share our “gifts of the Spirit” within our family, with our neighbours, our school community, workplace, anywhere we go.

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful. Kindle within us the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and we will be a activated, To share your word wherever we go. Amen.

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John Therry Catholic High School Term 2 Week 3A

“Recta Sapere” To Know, Love and Relish what is Right and Just

◄ April 2016 May 2016 June 2016 ►

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat






6 Back up School

Photo Day




10 Naplan

Yrs 7 & 9

11 Naplan

Yrs 7 & 9

12 Naplan

Yrs 7 & 9


Naplan Catch Up

Bill Turner Cup Round 2


15 Pentecost

16 Yr 7 2017


17 Yr 7 2017


18 Yr 7 2017

















Enrolment applications for Year 7 2017 closed on 1st April 2016 and interviews will be completed by 18th May 2016. Please be advised that we currently have more applications than positions available. If you have a sibling you wish to enrol for 2017 applications must be returned to the office as soon as possible. There is no guarantee of a place at John Therry due to high demand and the number of applications already received.

Semester 1 exams…are you ready? Students in Years 7, 8, 9 & 10 will sit the Semester 1 exams in Week 5 of Term 2. The semester exams are one of the many ways that students can demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of all that they have learnt throughout the semester. Students must check the Assessment Calendar/Schedule to ensure that they are preparing for the right exams. Good Luck!

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John Therry Catholic High School Term 2 Week 3A

“Recta Sapere” To Know, Love and Relish what is Right and Just

How do I help my child study?

John Therry subscribes to a study skills website that has a wealth of resource to help students with their learning. With the Semester 1 exams coming up for Years 7 to 10, their information on how students can best prepare for exams is particularly relevant.

STEP 1 - Creating STUDY NOTES for each subject:

1. Look through all the material on the topic; their class notes, worksheets and textbook.

2. Make a list of the main headings or sections.

3. For each heading, read through the information and write down the key ideas in point form.

4. Try and put information into lists or tables whenever they can – the more they can organise the information the easier it will be to remember it.


(Reading notes is not studying; you have to apply your knowledge and test yourself).

Students have to learn, understand and sometimes memorise the content, then they have to practise applying what they have learnt by practising the skills of the subject. At first they may spend more time learning than practising but as they start to move information into their long-term memory they’ll spend less time reviewing their notes and more time practising under exam conditions.

This practice will include quizzes and practice exam questions to test their knowledge and ability to recall this under exam conditions.

Save the Date: Year 8 and 10 students and parents

Subject Selection Evening for Year 9 & 11 2017

Monday 6th June – John Therry School Hall

6:30-7:30pm – Year 9 2017

7:30-8:30pm – Year 11 2017

Mr Brad McAlister Assistant Principal

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John Therry Catholic High School Term 2 Week 3A

“Recta Sapere” To Know, Love and Relish what is Right and Just

Dear Parent/Guardian CONOLLY WORKING BEE

A Working Bee will take place on Saturday, 28 May 2016 from 8.00am to 11.30am. All Conolly house students are urged to attend. All students who attend, will receive house points for their individual house. In order to minimise costs for maintenance and maximise expenditure on student resources and facilities, all families are asked to support at least one Working Bee per year. Families can support these working Bees by attendance for a couple of hours, sending items for Morning tea or plants or by small cash donations to purchase paint, cement etc. We will be carrying out repairs and maintenance work as well as general cleaning up around the school. If you can give us a few hours of your time on the day it would be greatly appreciated, the more people helping the more work we can get done. There is a lot to do, particularly: Painting, graffiti removal Mowing, edging, Whipper snipping Gardening/mulching/weeding General Clean up Book covering in Library If you are able to assist by bringing tools, ladders, mowers, trailers etc it would be a big help. We work rain or shine from 8.00am to 11.30am. Remember even a few hours will help. Morning tea and drinks will be provided.

I look forward to meeting and working with you. Yours sincerely Ms Karen Young Principal Please complete the form below for catering and planning purposes and return it to the school by Thursday 26 May 2016.


Student’s Name: ______________________________________ Class: ________

I will be attending the Working Bee on Saturday, 28 May 2016. Yes No I would like to help with: _______________________________________________ (Choose a job from the list) I will send ____________________________________________ for morning tea. Unfortunately I am unable to attend the Working Bee but would like to make a donation of $ _______which I enclose towards the cost of materials.

Parent’s Signature____________________________________________

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John Therry Catholic High School Term 2 Week 3A

“Recta Sapere” To Know, Love and Relish what is Right and Just

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John Therry Catholic High School Term 2 Week 3A

“Recta Sapere” To Know, Love and Relish what is Right and Just

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John Therry Catholic High School Term 2 Week 3A

“Recta Sapere” To Know, Love and Relish what is Right and Just

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John Therry Catholic High School Term 2 Week 3A

“Recta Sapere” To Know, Love and Relish what is Right and Just

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John Therry Catholic High School Term 2 Week 3A

“Recta Sapere” To Know, Love and Relish what is Right and Just

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John Therry Catholic High School Term 2 Week 3A

“Recta Sapere” To Know, Love and Relish what is Right and Just

SPORT REPORT TERM 2 2016 Round 2 vs Magdalene

Team Coach Result Comment

7 Boys Soccer Mr Cook Won 6-0

A solid effort by all members of the 16 man team. Great passing and distribution in windy conditions allowed many shots on goal. Two goals to Adrian Sepulveda and Lachlan Hanney, 1 goal to Zayne Sumners and Enrique Fuentes. Great defensive effort by Tasman Reynolds and Cameron Turner. MVP: Adrian Sepulveda

8/9 Boys Soccer Mr Goodhew Loss 6-1 On a windy afternoon the team went down. The score was 3-1 at half time and despite creating some good chances it was not our day. Best wishes for next week. MVP: Ajak Ajak

10-12 Boys Soccer Mr Williamson Lost 2-1

Solid start to the season with a good performance. Took an early lead with a great header from Cameron Haywood. Had the better chances but a controversial penalty and last minute goal resulted in us being unlucky losers. MVP: Cameron Haywood.

7-9 Boys Hockey Mrs White No Game - Trials

7-9 Girls Hockey Mrs Hynard No Game - Trials

9 Girls Netball Mrs Pellegrino Lost 38-3

The girls competed well in some areas of the game. Ashley and Amy defended exceptionally well. The girls will be working on their teamwork at training. MVP: Ashley Redzic and Amy King

10-12 Girls Netball Ms Dobbins Lost 20-9

The girls displayed excellent teamwork, and a big improvement from the first round. They were determined all the way to the final hooter but were unfortunately were unable to finish on the end of a great drive. MVP: Hope Torpy

10-12 Boys Softball Ms Fenech Won 12-4

The boys were off to a cracking start with 6 home runs and having to change to fielding the boys got three quick outs and they were back in bats, scoring another 6 runs. They finished the game swiftly with a triple play, winning 12-4. MVP: Avin James

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John Therry Catholic High School Term 2 Week 3A

“Recta Sapere” To Know, Love and Relish what is Right and Just

SPORT REPORT TERM 2 2016 Round 2 vs Magdalene

10-12 Girls Softball Mr Chapman Lost 6-0

The girls fielded first but struggled to take their opportunities as Magdalene piled on 6 runs. JT tried hard with the bat, but they could not turn it into points. The rest of the game, JT restricted Magdalene and they scored no more runs. MVP: Tiana Fowwraker

10-12 Boys Rugby League

Mr Morris Mr Tannous

Won 22-12

JT vs Clancy Catholic College. A hard fought game played in conditions worthy of a score from Twister. We dropped some excellent defence. MVP: Adam Denniss + Cameron Brabender

The MISA teams secured 3 wins from this week’s round of matches. Well done to the Open Boys Rugby League, 10-12 Boys Softball and my Year 7 Boys Soccer team who all scored great wins today.

Mt Carmel next week, JT had better bring their A game.


John Therry will have 3 students competing in this year’s MISA Golf Championships, to be held at Camden Lakeside on Wednesday 25th May. Brad Fowler, Jake Raftery and Damian Thomas will all complete in the Plate Event, for golfers without handicaps and will compete in a stroke play competition. Good luck boys.

Upcoming events:

Wednesday 18th May Wests All School Regional Rugby League U14 + U16 Boys

Thursday 19th May Regional Futsal @ Menai U16 Boys and Girls

Friday 20th May Regional Futsal @ Menai U14 Boys and Girls

Thursday 26th May Regional Futsal @ Minto Open Boys and Girls

NSW CCC Diocesan Rugby League Cup vs Edmund Rice College

Wednesday 15th June NSW CCC Diocesan Football Qualifier (7-10 Boys, Open Boys and Girls)

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John Therry Catholic High School Term 2 Week 3A

“Recta Sapere” To Know, Love and Relish what is Right and Just


The school has representative sport shorts for sale. These shorts, as seen below, can be worn for MISA games, Diocesan competitions and

other State/Knockout competitions. These shorts are only to be worn for representative activities.

These soccer and rugby league shorts will match the latest jerseys the school has

purchased for the students.

They are not replacing the schools current sports shorts and are not to be worn to school for

normal sport or pdhpe lessons.

A shorts and socks combo will be sold for $30 each. (Socks are $5 each). If you are interested in purchasing this representative clothing for

your child, could you please reply with an email with your quantity and size(s) to

[email protected]. and make the necessary payment at the front office.

Sample sizes will be available at the sports office.

If there are concerns regarding Sport at John Therry, please feel free to contact me.

Mr. Andrew Cook

[email protected]

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John Therry Catholic High School Term 2 Week 3A

“Recta Sapere” To Know, Love and Relish what is Right and Just

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John Therry Catholic High School Term 2 Week 3A

“Recta Sapere” To Know, Love and Relish what is Right and Just

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