Page 1: JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND, TEXAS • Vol. 70 No. 33 · 8/23/2013  · Airman of the Year, and the 59th MDW Airman


J O I N T B A S E S A N A N T O N I O - L A C K L A N D , T E X A S • V o l . 7 0 N o . 3 3 • A u g u s t 2 3 , 2 0 1 3

INSIDE INSIDE || News 3 What's Happening 14 Community Briefs 15 Sports 16 News 3 What's Happening 14 Community Briefs 15 Sports 16 ONLINE ONLINE | |

Back to SchoolSafety tips, LISD attendance policyPage 11

SportsNavy teams tops JBSA softballPage 16

NewsAETC bases shine in ‘King of the Hill’Page 2

59th MDW says goodbye to vice commanderPage 6

Security Forcesvigilant bothday AND night

Photo by Senior Airman Colville McFeeU.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Perry Grimme, 802nd Security Forces Squadron flight chief, attaches night vision goggles to his head during night weapons training Aug. 8. at Joint Base SanAntonio-Lackland. Air Force members from the 802nd Security Forces Squadron train annually on weapons and have night proficiency training on weapons every six months.

Page 2: JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND, TEXAS • Vol. 70 No. 33 · 8/23/2013  · Airman of the Year, and the 59th MDW Airman

newsPAGE 2 TALESPINNER August 23, 2013PAGE 2 TALESPINNER August 23, 2013

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By Tech. Sgt. Beth AnschutzAir Education and Training Command Public Affairs

The King of the Hill game has ended, andthree Air Education and Training Commandbases have been spotlighted for best idea,individual participation, and wing participa-tion.

Keesler Air Force Base’s (Miss.) idea on “C3Multi-Functional Device Initiatives," whichinvolved renegotiating print, copy, scan andfax lease agreements, won the final matchover Columbus AFB’s (Miss.) idea on “Build-ing 406 Corrosion Control.”

Air Force Capt. Kurt Schmidbauer, AETCcommand financial analyst, said the contestplayed out in a very exciting final match Aug.12.

“As Columbus cruised to the final roundwithout a single loss, Keesler had to win

three days in a row in the ‘loser’s bracket’just to make it to the final match,” Schmid-bauer said. “From that point, Keesler de-feated Columbus twice in a row to claim thechampionship.”

According to Schmidbauer, over the courseof Keesler’s five straight wins, the base aver-aged nearly 1,000 base members voting perday, a testament to their ability to organizeand spread the message on the Cost Con-science Culture initiative.

While more than 15,500 individuals acrossAETC voted at least once during the contest,two individuals distinguished themselves byvoting each of the 43 days. Thomas Wade,from the 71st Force Support Squadron atVance AFB, was named the individual partici-pation winner because he correctly predictedthe winner 29 times out of 43 matches.

The 80th Flying Training Wing at Shep-

pard AFB was named the wing participationchampion. The wing’s 100 percent participa-tion rate was unmatched by any other orga-nization in AETC.

“In the end, we met the goal of spreadingthe C3 message,” said Schmidbauer. “We re-ceived 106 ideas through the game link, com-pared to 14 during the entire quarter priorto the game, and received 210 comments onexisting ideas.”

All the information gathered during theKing of the Hill game will add to the ideavalidation process, which will include a fi-nancial and functional review to ensure theidea is valid and does not violate any estab-lished directive.

Although the King of the Hill game hasended, the continuation of innovation is whatis important to the future of AETC and theAir Force.

Keesler, Sheppard and Vance shine in 'King of the Hill' game

By Alexis Culver59th Medical Wing Public Affairs

A mental health technician from the 59thMedical Wing was recently recognized asone of the Air Force’s 12 Outstanding Air-men of the Year.

Staff Sgt. Casey Anderson’s achievementis another recognition added to her list asone of the command’s outstanding enlistedAirmen of the Year for 2013, Air Educationand Training Command’s Mental HealthAirman of the Year, and the 59th MDWAirman of the Year.

The Outstanding Airman of the Yearaward recognizes 12 honorees selected fortheir superior leadership, job performanceand personal achievements by an Air Forceselection board at the Air Force PersonnelCenter.

“[Maj. Gen. (Dr.) Byron Hepburn], my-self and the entire 59th MDW team areabsolutely honored to have the privilegeto serve alongside such a phenomenal Air-man as Staff Sgt. Anderson,” said ChiefMaster Sgt. Maurice James, 59th MedicalWing command chief. “She is an incrediblemental health technician, but an even more

amazing Airman, who totally embraces thewhole person concept that the Air Forceardently desires of its Airmen.”

“I believe she is the right choice to rep-

resent the 59th MDW, AETC, Force MedicalService and the Air Force. Without a doubtshe’s doing an outstanding job,” he added.

Since being recognized as one of the 12Outstanding Airmen, Anderson continuesto receive support from her family, friends,leaders, peers and patients.

“It has actually humbled me to make sureI’m representing the Air Force and mentalhealth in a positive light,” Anderson said. “Itputs pressure on to make sure that you’rejust that much more on top of your game,which isn’t a bad thing, it’s a challenge.”

One challenge Anderson is facing sincethe recognition is breaking the stigma as-sociated with seeking mental help.

“Mental health used to have a stigma,”Anderson said. “People think there are hugeramifications to seeking help and that’s sim-ply not the case. There has been a hugeshift in our culture, and I want all our Air-men to know that it’s ok to seek help.”

Giving back to her community is alsoimportant to Anderson. For more thantwo years, Anderson has been coachingapproximately 30 children in a cheer and

Photo by Sgt. Kevin IinumaSenior Airman Casey Anderson, who has sincepromoted to staff sgt., demonstrates the headtilt, chin lift technique during a basic life sup-port class July 12 at the Wilford Hall Ambula-tory Surgical Center, Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland. Anderson, one of this year’s Air Force12 Outstanding Airmen, is a mental health andneuropsychology technician at the 59th MedicalOperations Squadron.

59th MDW Outstanding Airman strives to make a difference

See OAY Page 6

Page 3: JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND, TEXAS • Vol. 70 No. 33 · 8/23/2013  · Airman of the Year, and the 59th MDW Airman


The Robert D. Gaylor NCO Academy9/11 remembrance run is 7 a.m. to 4:11p.m., Sept. 11, at the 1.5-mile track onthe basic military training side of JointBase San Antonio-Lackland. The event isfor JBSA Department of Defense card-holders and dependents. Both individualand team participation is allowed. Theregistration deadline is Sept. 6. CallTech. Sgt. Douglas Greene at 671-3956.


The Security Hill 5/6 at Joint Base SanAntonio-Lackland will sponsor a jointprofessional development seminar forjunior enlisted military members in allservices Sept. 18, 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.,at Mitchell Hall.

The class will focus on working in ajoint environment, inter-service com-munications and service related culturaldifferences.

Registration is available online at The registration deadline isSept. 13. Contact Tech. Sgt. TamishaRutledge at 395-0131 or Tech. Sgt. JasonGaddis at 969-4278.


Appointment times at the main DEERSID Card/Common Access Card issuancefacilities at Joint Base San Antonio areabout three weeks out due to high vol-ume. Emergency walk-in wait times canrange between one and three hours.

All DOD CAC/ID cardholders to includeretirees and dependents needing newor updated cards are encouraged toschedule appointments. CAC cardholderswho receive email notification that theircard is within 60 days of expiration needto make an appointment immediately.Appointments are scheduled in 20-minuteintervals between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m.,Monday through Friday. Schedule appoint-ments at Call 671-4178.


To submit items for community briefs,email [email protected] by noonFriday the week prior to publication.

NEWS INBRIEFCompiled by Mike Joseph, JBSA-Lackland Public Affairs

By Mike JosephJBSA-Lackland Public Affairs

Adult volunteers sweated profuselystanding in the summer sun for almostthree hours. The children were sweat-ing too but also dirty from a low crawlthrough the grass.

Neither group seemed to mind, sincethat’s what happens when militaryyouth experience a mock deploymentduring Operation Junior ExpeditionaryTeam, hosted Aug. 16 across from theBob Hope Theater at Joint Base SanAntonio-Lackland.

“We’re more than pleased withthe turnout,” said Master Sgt. JoseOntiveros, Readiness NCO for LacklandAirman and Family Readiness Center.

“It was a true Joint Base San Anto-nio event. What exceeded our expecta-tions was we had kids and volunteersfrom Fort Sam Houston, Randolph andother Air Force agencies in the SanAntonio area,” Ontiveros said.

Operation JET, a free annual event,is designed for military youth to ex-perience a realistic sampling aboutdeployment.

Held on a grassy field dubbed “CampFreedom,” 170 children participatedin the mock deployment and 65 adultvolunteers helped the children samplemilitary life downrange.

The event included a predeploymentbriefing and mobility line, climbingthrough a vehicle on site to symbol-ize entering a deployed location, a lowcrawl with weapons movement, and agurney carry to move injured person-nel.

“This (Operation JET) will help thesekids see what their parents go throughwhen it comes to deploying and be-ing an expeditionary Airman,” saidStaff Sgt. Thomas McKerlie, a volun-teer who set up and worked the low

crawl and weapons movement.“It’s not a matter of if we deploy,

it’s when,” McKerlie said. “The familyneeds to be ready, the military mem-bers need to stay ready not get ready,and their kids need to be able to beresilient.

“Anything we can do to help the AirForce family has a positive impact onthe overall mission.”

Participants also had an opportuni-ty to try on body armor and helmets,view equipment used by Air ForcePararescuemen, and see the Anti-Terrorism/CBRNE (chemical, biologi-cal, radiological, nuclear explosives)gear worn by military members inthe field.

The children returned from their'deployment' to the Hope Theater fora “hero’s welcome home” celebrationthat included a special surprise thisyear: school supplies for the partici-pants.

“That was a great twist to the eventsince school is right around the cor-ner,” said Ontiveros. “I know the kidsand parents appreciated it.”

In past years, participants werebussed to different “camp” locationson base for the event. However, thecurrent military fiscal climate elimi-nated that option.

“Unfortunately, funding took its tolleven on an event like this,” Ontiverossaid. “The funding wasn’t there forsome of the support pieces. Insteadof scrapping the event, we pressed onand made sure we did everything wecould."

“We had great support from baseorganizations like the Airman’s Voice,the Lackland 5/6, the Lackland TopIII, the first sergeants and the Chiefs’Group,” he said. “All the volunteersstepped up and brought somethingamazing to the event. It’s somethingthe kids look forward to every year.”

‘JET’ting off – Mock deployment for military youth

Photo by Joshua RodriguezAirmen assigned to Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland cheer on family members and mili-tary youth who experienced a mock deployment during Operation Junior ExpeditionaryTeam, hosted Aug 16 at JBSA-Lackland.

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PAGE 4 TALESPINNER August 23, 2013


Photo by Joshua RodriguezU.S. Air Force Lt Col. Erica K. Rabe assumedcommand of the 802nd Force Support SquadronMonday at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland.

802nd FSS Change of CommandEdwards Aquifer Levelin feet above sea level as of Aug. 22

The Joint Base San Antonio Drought ManagementPlan is available at


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Page 6: JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND, TEXAS • Vol. 70 No. 33 · 8/23/2013  · Airman of the Year, and the 59th MDW Airman

PAGE 6 TALESPINNER August 23, 2013

By Mike JosephJBSA-Lackland Public Affairs

After more than two years as the vicecommander of the 59th Medical Wing,the Air Force’s largest medical wing,Col. James McClain prepares to takehis leadership style to the WashingtonCapital Beltway.

McClain, who leaves next week totake command of the Air Force Medi-cal Support Agency in Washington, D.C.,said his philosophy on military leader-ship will not change.

“Leading in today’s military is chal-lenging. The complexities and commit-ment can be overwhelming at times, butit is very satisfying,” said McClain, whohas been nominated for promotion tobrigadier general and assumes com-mand of AFMSA on Sept. 26. "

For McClain, job fulfillment comesfrom solving problems and motivatingothers toward a common vision, muchlike what he did when he became vicecommander in June 2011.

During his tenure, a massive trans-formation was underway in San Anto-nio.

Dictated by the 2005 Base Realign-ment and Closure Act, installation sup-port functions from the U.S. Army andthe U.S. Air Force were combined toform the new Joint Base San Antonio.Also, the integration of military healthcare services led to the creation of whatwould become the San Antonio MilitaryHealth System.

In the midst of these changes, Mc-Clain served as the chairman of the 59thMDW BRAC Transition Steering Group,which helped steer Wilford Hall's tran-sition from a medical center into the De-fense Department's largest ambulatorysurgical center.

“The biggest challenge of this jobis the sheer complexity of the medicalwing, the San Antonio Military HealthSystem and JBSA – the integration ofArmy and Air Force medical opera-tions,” said McClain.

A 59th MDW Process ImprovementCommittee grew out of McClain’s be-lief that great strides could be madethrough addressing inefficiencies in thewing’s day to day practices. Helping tobring an organization like the PIC to acomplex environment was very satisfy-ing, said McClain.

“The PIC brought structure, visibilityand furthered unity between our sevengroups in the 59th Medical Wing. Wesought to make things better,” McClainsaid. “To get a structure and trackingtool established that allows us to makeprocesses better, I’m very proud ofthat.”

The new head of the AFMSA will alsobecome the Air Force’s Biomedical Sci-ence Corps chief and its Assistant Sur-geon General for Modernization.

"My wife and I are both very humbledby the opportunity," he said. "I believein continuous improvement throughoutour lives. As a result, I am committedto being the best possible officer and

leader I can be," he said. "It's also key tohave self awareness. That's key in orderto ensure you're everything you can tobe the best for yourself and others."

McClain attributes his success, inpart, to his assignment here, and thegreat things he's learned from being inthe 59th MDW, and from Maj. Gen. (Dr.)Byron Hepburn, 59th MDW command-

er. “The 59th MDW is a phenomenallearning environment for anyone in aleadership role,” said McClain. “GeneralHepburn is a great senior leader and agreat mentor not only to me, but to allof our commanders.

“In my opinion,” he said, “that is oneof the key roles of a commander, to in-spire and lead from the front.”

59th MDW vice commander’s departing thoughts

tumbling program she created at theyouth center on Joint Base San Anto-nio-Lackland.

She is also passionate about brief-ing Airmen on suicide prevention at theFirst Term Airman Course, the hospitalnewcomer’s orientation and other 59thMDW units.

Anderson’s efforts to help others,both on and off duty, are catching theattention of her supervisors.

“She earned it; by no means was itgiven,” said Staff Sgt. Navon Martin,NCO in charge of Specialty Services atWilford Hall Ambulatory Surgical Cen-ter. “She’s very passionate about every-thing she does. We get compliments allthe time on how well she does from thedifferent areas she briefs.”

Anderson will receive the award inSeptember at the annual Air and SpaceConference and Technology Expositionin Washington, D.C.

“I want to use this as more than justan award,” Anderson said. “I feel I canmake a change and I’m in a positionto do so. If I use my words and actionswisely, a piece of my voice will makea difference.”

“I just want to say thank you,”she added. “I know this opportunitywouldn’t have been given without thesupport of those around me and I amso grateful.

"I’ve realized the opportunities andblessings I’ve received from my leader-ship and from people in the hospital.So many people have contributed tothis and I couldn’t have done this bymyself.”


Courtesy photosOn the left, then Cadet James McClain in his U.S. Air Force Academy parade dress uni-form. McClain graduated from the Academy in 1986. On the right, McClain in 2013 as thevice commander of the 59th Medical Wing.

DEALING WITH THE MEDIAHow would you respond if a news reporter

approached you to comment on a matter relatedto the Air Force or your job? Here are some tips tofollow: Think before you speak. Contact the publicaffairs office first if you are asked to do a mediainterview and want to do it. If you are approachedon the street by a reporter, you will be quoted inthe newspaper or appear on the 10 p.m. newscastanswering questions that may prove embarrassing.Reporters may also ask for interviews “on line.”Don’t appear to be the Air Force’s spokesperson;make it clear you are giving your personal opinionduring an interview. Don’t try to address AirForce policy issues without first consulting publicaffairs. And remember, your right of free speechalso means you can refuse to speak. Politely tellthe media no, or to contact public affairs. If you

are interviewed off duty, make sure you projectthe image you and your commander want to seeas representative of the Air Force. If in doubt, callpublic affairs first. (502 ABW-Lackland/PA/671-2908; 502 ABW-Randolph/PA/652-3626; 502ABW-Fort Sam Houston/PA/221-1099)

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Page 9: JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND, TEXAS • Vol. 70 No. 33 · 8/23/2013  · Airman of the Year, and the 59th MDW Airman

August 23, 2013 TALESPINNER PAGE 9

The deadline for DOD civilian employees married prior to June 26 toenroll eligible family members in federal benefit programs is Monday.Employees married after June 26 have 60 days from the date of mar-riage to enroll. Information on how to enroll can be found via myPersat -,2/c/89

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Photo by Benjamin FaskeHeather Hebdon, specialized training of military parents director, provided excep-tional family members information on special education and health needs at Ar-nold Hall Tuesday, at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland.


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Page 10: JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND, TEXAS • Vol. 70 No. 33 · 8/23/2013  · Airman of the Year, and the 59th MDW Airman

PAGE 10 TALESPINNER August 23, 2013

By Shawna Knode and Nancy Moore668th Alteration and Installation Squadron

Every Wednesday, volunteers from the 668th Al-teration and Installation Squadron meet with rep-resentatives from Threads of Love, a non-profitorganization providing comfort and care items forpremature infants, to work together on reachingtheir 2014 goal of making and delivering 200 blan-kets for wounded warriors around the San Antonioarea.

The collaboration between Airmen and TOLbegan in January when the San Antonio chapterreceived a large donation of yarn that was unsuit-able for preemie products. The chapter volunteersdecided they could use the yarn to make lap blan-kets for service members being treated at the SanAntonio Military Medical Center.

The goal was to make 50 blankets to be deliv-ered during the 4th of July weekend. They be-gan crocheting and knitting 9-by-9-inch squaresthat could then be stitched together to make blan-kets. Some of the TOL volunteers were membersof the 668th ALIS, who spread the word to theirspouses.

In February, the squadron volunteers and theirspouses began meeting and the combined group

grew to more than 20 volunteers. They met ev-ery other Wednesday in the squadron’s conferencerooms to knit and crochet together while contrib-uting to the efforts of Threads of Love and thesacrifices of fellow service members.

Although many had never worked with yarnbefore, within a few short weeks they were allbringing in their own uniquely made and well-crafted squares.

By May, TOL started receiving finished blankets

from volunteers not only from the 668th ALIS, butalso from church groups and several corporate or-ganizations in the greater San Antonio area.

By the end of June, they had far surpassed theoriginal goal of 50, assembling 109 lap blankets.

The outpouring of support had grown to includenot only volunteers from the local area, but alsofriends and families from 20 states, who sent theirknitted and crocheted squares.In July, some of thevolunteers from the 668 ALIS joined other TOL vol-unteers to deliver the lap blankets to the woundedwarriors and their families at both the SAMMC andthe Warrior and Family Support Center.

The 668 ALIS spouses and squadron volunteersnow meet every Wednesday to continue their vol-unteer support to TOL with preemie products andsquares for warrior blankets. They hope to spreadthe word about the work that TOL does for othersat Joint Base San Antonio.

Even today, blanket squares continue to arrive.They are well on their way to reaching their 2014goal to deliver 200 blankets to wounded warriorsand their families.

For more information about Threads of Loveplease visit their website at or contact the local director, Liz Page, at279-1717.

668th teams up with Threads of Love for wounded warriorsIll








Congratulations to thefollowing 42 Airmen forbeing selected as honorgraduates among the 424Air Force basic militarytrainees who graduatedtoday:

320th Training Squadron–Flight 525Joshua AlanoGarry CarmanPhyleoh CastanedaGideon DukeJohn FloydZachary GailDonald HatfieldJames PotterJoel Timmons–Flight 526Kyle BardenasJoshua Cowper

Zaquero HarnettDaniel Larsen323rd Training SquadronFlight 519Andrew DarrowRobert DespresCharles MartinSavon SoaresGabriel TerrillJustin Whittington–Flight 520Emily CashmanVictoria CoffmanSabrina Ravellette

326th Training Squadron–Flight 523Zachary BoswellBrian CarrellTimothy CoatesMichal DabrowskiJoshua Linz

Alexander NicholsMatthew Wise–Flight 524Cody BeamerSamuel BurkeThomas GuthermanLevi MoserCristopher Robles-GilBrenton Thom

331st Training Squadron–Flight 521Justin BaughmanSteven Beasley Jr.Richard FranzAndrew HansonCaleb IceLloyd InlowDonnie Milligan II

Top BMT AirmanSteven Beasley Jr.

331st TRS, Flight 521

Most Physically Fit–Male AirmenMoses Chelimo320th TRS, Flight 526Zaquero Harnett320th TRS, Flight 526Joseph Seedorf323rdTRS, Flight 519Emanuel Cobar320th TRS, Flight 526

–Female AirmenEmilee Lust323rdTRS, Flight 520Sabrina Ravellette323rdTRS, Flight 520Taquisha Sweet323rdTRS, Flight 520Kimbre Marsh323rdTRS, Flight 520

–Male Flights331st TRS, Flight 521320th TRS, Flight 525323rdTRS, Flight 519326th TRS, Flight 524326th TRS, Flight 523320th TRS, Flight 526

–Female Flights323rdTRS, Flight 520331st TRS, Flight 522

Top Academic Flights326th TRS, Flight 524320th TRS, Flight 526331st TRS, Flight 521323rdTRS Flight519320th TRS, Flight 525326th TRS, Flight 523331st TRS, Flight 522323rdTRS, Flight 520

Page 11: JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND, TEXAS • Vol. 70 No. 33 · 8/23/2013  · Airman of the Year, and the 59th MDW Airman

August 23, 2013 TALESPINNER PAGE 11

By Gilbert Resendez502nd Air Base Wing OL-A Ground Safety Office

Family vacations, summer camps,pool parties, barbecues and spendingquality time with the family were funwhile it lasted.

Now summer vacation is almostover and it’s time to put a back-to-school plan into action before thefirst school bells ring. Children willneed school supplies and new clothes,and allowances are made for thoseitems.

But has safety been incorporatedinto back-to-school preparations?

Here are things parents need toknow and consider so that when kidsget to school, they may return safelyhome.

All parents should take the time to

educate their children about safety,regardless of age. Although somechildren mature faster than others,there is no right age for children tostart walking or riding their bicyclesto school alone or with a friend.

Let your children know that driv-ers and cars are their No. 1 threat onthe street. When crossing the street,children should stop at the crosswalk,look to the left, then to the right, andthen to the left again before proceed-ing across the street.

If they ride bicycles, children shouldnever ride across a busy intersection.Let them know it is best to get off thebicycle and walk their bikes next tothem as they cross the street.

Remember, not all intersectionshave traffic lights. Many times, thereare no crossing guards at these in-

tersections.As parents, make your children un-

derstand the importance of playingit safe and using common sense. Asafe route needs to be drawn out, butdon’t forget that an alternate routeis just as important. Talk with yourchildren and develop a simple route.One thing to consider is children willbe safer with fewer street crossingsand intersections.

In addition, make sure they wearthe proper bicycle headgear and obeyall traffic laws.

If your children ride the schoolbus, some basic rules to follow are:

• Children must wait for the schoolbus to come to a complete stop beforeapproaching it from the curb. Neverlet your children run toward the bus.The bus driver may not see them and

this could lead to a tragedy.• Tell your children they are to

remain seated at all times and keeptheir hands and heads inside the buswhile it is in motion.

• Today’s busses come equippedwith seatbelts. Make sure your kidsuse them, just like they do when theyride in the family car.

• When the bus comes to a stop,your children should exit the bus inan orderly manner and look for on-coming traffic.

An additional safety measure: Chil-dren should know their home tele-phone number, their address and, ifpossible, a parent’s work telephonenumber. It’s also good for children toknow the number of a trusted adultwho has been designated for notifica-tion in case of an emergency.

With back-to-school plans in fullswing, there is no reason why yourchildren can’t enjoy another schoolyear – safely. Remember: School andsafety go hand-in-hand.

School, safety go hand-in-hand

The Lackland Independent SchoolDistrict has once again revised itsInterdistrict Transfer Policy.

The policy is broken into thefollowing three categories:

Category 1An eligible resident student enrolled inthe District in prekindergarten–grade 12who becomes a nonresident during thecourse of a school year shall be permit-ted to request a transfer if the student’sparent remains on military active dutyin the uniformed services or retires frommilitary active duty.

For a student in prekindergarten–grade8 who makes a request in this category,the principal shall determine the lengthof the transfer period based on the fac-tors listed in this policy; however, thetransfer shall not extend beyond the endof the school year.

Category 2An eligible nonresident student en-rolled in the district shall be permittedto request a transfer if:

The student’s parent remains on1.military active duty in the uniformedservices or retires from military activeduty; and

The student has been continuously2.enrolled in the district on an approvedtransfer since December 18, 2009, orhas completed grade 9, 10 or 11 inthe district.

Category 3An eligible nonresident student ingrades 9-12 shall be permitted to re-quest a transfer if the student’s parentremains on military active duty in theuniformed services.

Active-duty parents who live off baseand are considering a transfer should

first determine if they qualify for any ofthe above categories.

Note: Off-base students in grades PK-8will not be allowed to transfer to Lack-land schools unless they meet one of thecategories listed above.

Parents who are unsure if their childqualifies for a transfer, they shouldcontact the school their child would orpresently attends.The number for Lackland Elementary(grades prekindergarten-6) is 357-5053.The number for Stacey Jr/Sr HighSchool (grades 7-12) is 357-5100.The number to the Lackland ISD cen-tral office is 357-5002.

In approving any transfer request,the superintendent or designee shallconsider the availability of space andinstructional staff, the student’s disci-plinary history, academic history andattendance records. These are thefactors mentioned in Category 1.

Lackland ISD Revises Transfer Policy for 2013-2014 School Year

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PAGE 12 TALESPINNER August 23, 2013

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Page 13: JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND, TEXAS • Vol. 70 No. 33 · 8/23/2013  · Airman of the Year, and the 59th MDW Airman

August 23, 2013 TALESPINNER PAGE 13

Photo by Don LindseyAirmen in historic military uniforms gather at the 2012 Air ForceBall. The 2013 San Antonio Air Force Ball takes place Sept. 20at the Grand Hyatt, 600 E. Market St. in San Antonio. The socialstarts at 6 p.m. and the main event starts at 7 p.m. Military at-tire is mess dress or semi-formal and civilian attire is formal orblack tie. The longest-serving Airman in Air Force history and thelongest-serving African American in the history of the Depart-ment of Defense, retired Maj. Gen. Alfred K. Flowers, will bethe guest speaker. Tickets are $40 and available with cash pay-ment to the following individuals: JBSA-Fort Sam Houston, Se-nior Master Sgt. Vickie Perry at 466-2583, Master Sgt. LacittraBarnett at 808-2659 or Master Sgt. Kristen Hess at 916-1014;JBSA-Lackland, Tech. Sgt. Araceli Alarcon at 671-3560 for Air-men through technical sergeants, Master Sgt. Fordham Terrill at977-5839 or Master Sgt. Anthony Foremski at 969-5416 fortop three enlisted ranks and 1st Lt. Sara-Grace Ramos at 671-6706 for officers; JBSA-Randolph, Tech. Sgt. Brian Jenkins at652-3365 or Staff Sgt. Jamario Liggins at 565-9217 for Airmenthrough technical sergeants, Senior Master Sgt. Shannon Burri-er-Morris at 565-4861 for top three and 1st Lt. Adam Starichaat 565-9251 for officers. To pay with a credit or debit card (witha $1.50 surcharge per ticket), click on or

By: Airman 1st Class Alexandria SladeJBSA-Randolph Public Affairs

As summer comes to a close, the Criti-cal Days of Summer campaign to con-clude with Labor Day safety.

Labor Day symbolizes the end of sum-mer, the beginning of football seasonand a celebration for workers and theirfamilies, Staff Sgt. Gary Lund, 502ndAir Base Wing ground safety techni-cian, said.

Common recreational activities dur-ing this holiday can vary from barbecuesto travel and camping – all of which canbe dangerous if the proper proceduresto manage one’s safety are not taken.

Lund said the usual risks of LaborDay weekend include “long road trips,summer hazards and alcohol consump-tion.”

No matter what plans are in storefor the holiday weekend, Joint BaseSan Antonio members should alwayshave a plan and utilize the wingman,or battle buddy, concept, Lund said. Ifone is planning on leaving the local area,notify a second party and avoid travel-ing alone.

Alcohol consumption is a factor thatshould be carefully considered andplanned around at all times.

“Use the wingman philosophy,” Mar-

vin Joyce, 502nd ABW safety and occu-pational health specialist, said. “Watchover each other, know your limits, makea plan and designate a driver. If you’regoing to drink, do so responsibly anddrink enough water to stay hydrated.”

Along with alcohol consumption,other potential hazards include cook-ing food on or around open flames, andwater mishaps.

To lessen the danger of recreationalactivities during Labor Day weekend,Joyce said to “maintain constant super-vision.”

“Make sure barbecue grills are in goodworking condition and if participating inwater activities, set safety rules for thewhole group based on their swimmingcapabilities,” he said.

While travelling to and from events ordifferent areas, “follow all road rules,”Lund said.Travel preparation should in-clude a survival kit, vehicle tune-up, su-pervision of potential bad weather andadequate rest, he said.

Airmen age 26 and below travellinglong distances must fill out an Air Edu-cation and Training Form 29B. Soldiersshould use the Ground Risk Assess-ment Tool found at which will provide the user with anautomated DA Form 7566 that can beupdated, saved and emailed.

Labor Day safety to conclude CDOS campaign

Courtesy photo


Page 14: JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND, TEXAS • Vol. 70 No. 33 · 8/23/2013  · Airman of the Year, and the 59th MDW Airman

PAGE 14 TALESPINNER August 23, 2013


WHAT'S MonthlyMeetings


The Lackland Enlisted Spouses’Club meets every third Tuesday ofthe month at the Balfour Beatty

Community Center, 6:30-8:30 p.m.For more information, visit


The Lackland Officers’ Spouses’Club meets monthly. For dates and

times, or more information, visit


The Military Council of CatholicWomen meets the first Friday of

the month, 9:30 a.m., at FreedomChapel. For additional information,

call 671-4208.

On the webhttp://www.

lacklandfss.comCompiled by Mike Joseph,

JBSA-Lackland Public Affairs

FRIDAYCar buying, 10 a.m. to noon.uAmerican Veterans national serviceu

officer available by appointment only.For additional information, call 773-354-6131.

MONDAYFive-day Transition Assistanceu

Program, mandatory pre-separationbriefing and Form 2648 are requiredprerequisites, 7:45 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Family readiness briefing, manda-utory for personnel deploying longer than30 days or going on remote assign-ments, 10:30-11 a.m.

Post-deployment briefing, requiredufor all Airmen returning from deploy-ment, 802nd Logistics ReadinessSquadron IDRC briefing room, Building5160, 2:30-3 p.m.

American Veterans national serviceuofficer available by appointmentonly. Call 773-354-6131 for moreinformation.

TUESDAYTransition Assistance Program, 7:45u

a.m. to 4 p.m.American Veterans national serviceu

officer available by appointment only.Call 773-354-6131 for details.

WEDNESDAYTransition Assistance Program, 7:45u

a.m. to 4 p.m.Newcomer’s orientation briefing,u

mandatory for personnel new to JBSA-Lackland, Gateway Club, 8 a.m. to 3p.m.

Four to Go, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.uAmerican Veterans national serviceu

officer available by appointment only.Call 773-354-6131 for details.

THURSDAYTransition Assistance Program, 7:45u

a.m. to 4 p.m.Air Force Basic Military Trainingu

spouse and parents’ seminar, BMTReception Center, Building 7246, 1 p.m.

Call 800-973-7630 or 671-4057.American Veterans national serviceu

officer available by appointment only.Call 773-354-6131 for details.

SEPT. 2The Airman and Family Readinessu

Center will be closed for Labor Day.

SEPT. 3American Veterans national serviceu

officer available by appointment only.For additional information, call 773-354-6131.

SEPT. 9Spouse career days, 8:30 a.m. tou

2:30 p.m.Family readiness briefing, manda-u

tory for personnel deploying longer than30 days or going on remote assign-ments, 10:30-11 a.m.

Post deployment briefing, requiredufor all Airmen returning from deploy-ment, 802nd Logistics ReadinessSquadron IDRC briefing room, Building

5160, 2:30-3 p.m.American Veterans national serviceu

officer available by appointment only.For additional information, call 773-354-6131.

SEPT. 10Spouse career days, 8:30 a.m. tou

2:30 p.m.American Veterans national serviceu

officer available by appointment only.For additional information, call 773-354-6131.

SEPT. 11Newcomer’s orientation briefing,u

mandatory for personnel new to JBSA-Lackland, Gateway Club, 8 a.m. to 3p.m.

Understanding the VeteransuAdministration claims process, 10 noon.

American Veterans national serviceuofficer available by appointment only.Call 773-354-6131 for additionalinformation.



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Page 15: JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND, TEXAS • Vol. 70 No. 33 · 8/23/2013  · Airman of the Year, and the 59th MDW Airman

August 23, 2013 TALESPINNER PAGE 15community


Air Force Aid Society 671-3722Airman & Family Readiness Center 671-3722Airman’s Attic 671-1780American Red Cross 844-4225Base Post Office 671-1058Bowling Center 671-2271DEERS 800-538-9552Exceptional Family Member Program 671-3722Family Child Care 671-3376Legal Office 671-3362Library 671-3610Medical Appointment Line 916-9900MPF ID Cards 671-6006Outdoor Recreation 925-5532TRICARE Info 800-444-5445Thrift Shop 671-3608

Enlisted Spouses’ Club http://www.lacklandesc.orgForce Support Squadron http://www.lacklandfss.comLackland ISD http://www.lacklandisd.netOfficers’ Spouses’ Club http://www.lacklandosc.orgJBSA Public website Air Force Life


For more details, contact Freedom Chapel - 671-4208 • Gateway Chapel - 671-2911 • Hope Chapel - 671-2941

JBSA-LACKLANDPROTESTANTFreedom Chapel -Building 1528

SundayContemporary Service 9:30 a.m.Religious Education 11 a.m.Gospel Service 12:30 p.m.

WednesdayAWANA 6 p.m.

Hope Chapel -Building 10338SundayContemporary Service 11 a.m.Spanish Service 12:30 p.m.

Airmen Memorial Chapel -Building 5432SundayLiturgical Service 8 a.m.

DENOMINATIONALBMT Reception Center –Building 7246

SundayChurch of Christ 7:30 a.m.

Gateway Chapel -Building 6300SaturdaySeventh-day Adventist 12:30 p.m.

Education Classroom -Building 5200Room 108

SundayChristian Science 7:30 a.m.

ROMAN CATHOLICFreedom Chapel -Building 1528

SundayReligious Education 9 a.m.Mass 11 a.m.

Monday – FridayDaily Mass 11:30 a.m.

Hope Chapel -Building 10338SaturdayReconciliation 4:30 p.m.Mass 5:30 p.m.

ORTHODOX CHRISTIANAirmen Memorial Chapel -Building 5432

SundayReligious Education 8 a.m.

WICCABMT Reception Center –Building 7246

SundayMilitary Open Circle 12:30 p.m.

Freedom Chapel –Building 1528First TuesdayMilitary Open Circle 6 p.m.

JEWISHAirmen Memorial Chapel -Building 5432

FridaySabbath & Kiddush 4 p.m.

SundayReligious Education 12:30 p.m.

ISLAMICGlobal Ministry Center -Building 7452

FridayJummah Prayer 1:15 p.m.

SundayReligious Education 9 a.m.

BMT Reception Center –Building 7246SundayBuddhist 10 a.m.

Gateway Chapel -Building 6300First, third and fifth SaturdaysEckankar 12:30 p.m.

First, third and fifth SaturdaysBaha’i 11 a.m.


TuesdayReligious Education 6:30 p.m.

ThursdayLDS Institute 6:30 p.m.

SundayLDS Service 8 a.m.


The Lackland Officers’ Spouses’Club will hold a membershiproundup Tuesday, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.,at the Gateway Club. There will bemembership information and appli-cations, “Get to Know You” activities,LOSC special activities informationand sign-up tables, complimentaryfinger foods and beverages.

For more information, visit


Retired Enlisted AssociationChapter 80 meetings are held at theGateway Club every fourth Wednes-day of the month at 1 p.m.

For additional information, call658-2344.


Registration is underway forAWANA Clubs at Freedom Chapel,which begins Sept. 11.

The clubs are divided into sixgroups: Puggles, 2-year-olds; Cub-

bies, 3 and 4 year olds; Sparks, 5 to7 year olds; Truth and Telling, 8 to11 year olds; Trek, 12 and 13 yearolds; and Journey, 14 to 17 year olds.

Christian adult volunteers arealso needed for the clubs. Meetingsrun Sept. 11 through May 2014, 6-8p.m., on Wednesdays at FreedomChapel. Background checks willbe run and extensive training isprovided for all volunteers.

For additional information, con-tact the Rev. Beth Key at 671-4208.


The 802nd Logistics ReadinessSquadron’s Equipment AccountabilityElement conducts three classes onthe third Tuesday each month inthe second floor conference room ofBuilding 5160.

The Sept. 17 classes and starttimes are: Block I General SupplyTraining, 8 a.m.; Block II BenchStock Training, 8:45 a.m.; andBlock III Equipment CustodianSupplemental/Refresher Training,9:30 a.m.

For additional information orto register, contact Ray Hollandor Eugene Owens at 925-1140 or671-3801.


A membership workshop forDaughters of the American Revolu-tion, Green Mountain Boys Chapter,is Sept. 28, 1-3 p.m., at the Univer-sal City Library.

The DAR was founded in 1890and is a non-profit, non-politicalvolunteer women’s service organi-zation. Its mission is to promotepatriotism, preserve American historyand secure America’s future throughbetter education for children.

Membership is open to women18 years and older able to tracetheir family back to an ancestorwho aided in achieving AmericanIndependence.

The workshop reservation dead-line is Sept. 23

For information, call Mary Fletcherat 492-9414 or Jean Kanter at497-2412.


Registration is underway for theJoint Base San Antonio-Lackland andJBSA-Fort Sam Houston AdditionalDuty First Sergeant Symposium Oct.1-4 at Forbes Hall on the JBSA-Lackland Medina Training Annex.

The symposium is for prospectiveand current additional duty first ser-geants. Attendees must coordinatewith their first sergeant, group chiefenlisted manager or command chiefprior to registration.

To register, visit registration deadline is Sept. 23.

For details, call Master Sgt. JamieWilliams at 671-5929.


An AARP safe driver program isOct. 4, 12:30-5 p.m., at Air ForceVillage 2. The course covers drivingstrategies, new laws and challengeswith local driving.

Participants will receive acertificate, good for three years, bycompleting the class. Some insur-ance companies may offer driverdiscounts for class completion.

Call B.J. Laymon at 671-4208between 1-6 p.m. Monday throughFriday for more information orregistration.


The Lackland Thrift Shop, a non-

profit run by the Lackland Officers’Spouses’ Club, has been remodeledand reopened with new merchandise.

Customers can now use VISA andMasterCard with a $10 minimumpurchase or checks with a $5 mini-mum purchase.

Regular shop hours are Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday, 10 a.m. to2 p.m., and the second Saturday ofeach month, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

For additional information, call671-3608 or visit


The 37th Training Wing PublicAffairs Office has started a monthlyphoto contest with a different themefeatured each month.

The August theme is “AbsoluteProfessionalism: It’s in the Details”in a photo that interprets the 37thTRW. Winners will be chosen by arotating panel of judges each month.

August submissions must beemailed to [email protected] by close of business Aug. 30.Entrants must be 37th TRW military,civilian employees, family members,permanent party, students or alumni.

For details, email [email protected].

LOCALBRIEFSCompiled by Mike Joseph, JBSA-Lackland Public Affairs

Page 16: JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND, TEXAS • Vol. 70 No. 33 · 8/23/2013  · Airman of the Year, and the 59th MDW Airman

PAGE 16 TALESPINNER August 23, 2013sports

Story and photo by Jose T. Garza IIIJBSA-Lackland Public Affairs

After being on the short endof this year’s Joint Base SanAntonio-Lackland softball tour-nament, losing to the 149thFighter Wing Gunfighters inthe finals, the Navy Informa-tion Operations Command wasready for a second chance atsoftball success.

NIOC clinched the JBSA In-tramural Softball Champion-ship in a 9-5 victory over theirJBSA-Lackland rivals Aug. 13.

The JBSA Intramural SoftballTournament pulls the top twointramural softball teams fromeach operating location to com-pete for the title.

On its way to attaining thetrophy, the NIOC defeated AirEducation and Training Com-mand and the United StatesArmy Installation ManagementCommand.

Ben Martinez, NIOC coachand pitcher, was quick to giverespect to his opponents.

“(The 149th) is a great team,and it feels good to finally getback in this position,” Martinezsaid. “It seemed like we wereso close last year, and we justcouldn’t get it done.”

Last year, NIOC lost in thebase finals to the 343rd Train-ing Squadron, and subsequent-ly, in the second round of theJBSA tournament to AETC.

When the course was set foran all-JBSA-Lackland softballfinal, Martinez said the teamwas happy to get an opportu-nity to avenge its base finalsloss.

“We wanted to see themagain because they got us in the(JBSA-Lackland) finals,” Marti-nez said. “We were happy toplay them because they are abunch of good guys. We knowthem from last season.

“We are happy that revengeis done and now we will seehow next season turns out.”

After two years of disappoint-ment, Martinez felt that it wasthe right time for NIOC to reignatop JBSA.

“Wehavebeenplayingsoftballwith each other for over threeyears now,” Martinez said. “Formost of us, this was our last goat (winning a championship)before we [permanently changestations], so we all wanted toget this championship.”

Jesse Rodriguez, the 149thFW Gunfighters head coach,believed his team would havestifled NIOC’s championshiphopes once again if his teamwas healthy and intact. He saidthe team was playing hurt afterplaying in a national tourna-ment in Florida.

It was “awesome” how theteam made it to the JBSA soft-ball finals despite its struggles,

Rodriguez said.“We all thought it was go-

ing to be real tough strugglingwith injuries, but we showed upand played our hearts out forthe love of the game,” Rodri-guez said.


A United States Air ForcesEurope football and varsitysports reunion is Aug. 30through Sept. 1 at Joint BaseSan Antonio-Randolph.

The reunion is open toplayers, coaches, officials,cheerleaders and fans in allUSAFE varsity sports.

For details visit COMMEMORATIVE RUN

The Robert D. Gaylor NCOAcademy hosts the Joint BaseSan Antonio 9/11 Commemora-tive Run 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.,Sept. 11 at JBSA-Lackland’s 1.5mile track. The run is open toall JBSA Department of Defensecardholders and dependents.Please contact Tech Sgt.Debra Flowers at 671-3766 orTech Sgt. Melissa Nyman at671-0321 for free registration.Registration closes Sept. 6IMPACT FITNESS BOOT CAMP

Looking to improve yourfitness level while taking on afitness challenge and workingout with your family? Come outto IMPACT fitness boot campsto enjoy fun workouts, nutritionadvice, and disciplined exer-cises for adults and childrenages 3-13. Contact Tech Sgt.Cornelius Parnell at 671-9951.FREE SPIN CLASS

Get a great workout witha free spin class Mondays at4:30 p.m. at the Medina Fit-ness Center. Call 671-2515.MMA TRAINING

The Chaparral Fitness Cen-ter offers a mixed martial artstraining class Mondays andFridays from 6-7 p.m. The classis open to men and women age14 and older. Call 671-2401.CARDIO KICKBOXING

If you want to work up asweat with a dynamic workout,participate in cardio kickboxingat the Medina Fitness CenterMondays at 5:30 p.m. Cost is$2 per class. Call 671-4477.

The Navy Information Operations Command defeated the 149th Fighter Wing Gunfighters, 9-5, Aug. 13 to become all-JBSA Intramural Softball Champi-ons. It was a rematch of the July 24 JBSA-Lackland Intramural Softball Finals where the 149th defeated the NIOC, 10-8, to claim the base title.

Navy team wins JBSA softball championships

Aug. 12Quarterfinals

NIOC defeated IMCOM 14-5Army South defeated Air

Force Personnel Center 7-5Aug. 13

SemifinalsNIOC defeated AETC 12-6

149th FW defeatedArmy South 10-3

NIOC defeated 149th FW 9-5










Page 17: JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND, TEXAS • Vol. 70 No. 33 · 8/23/2013  · Airman of the Year, and the 59th MDW Airman

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JOB OPENINGSUT HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER SAN ANTONIOThe University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio has

three job openings for Utilities Operator - Associate and two job openings for Utilities Operator

- Intermediate at our San Antonio Campus. Utilities Operator-Associate: Inspect facilities and equipment for discrepancies, non-operational equipment or code violations. Perform maintenance actions during inspections. Operate utility system equipment in the most efficient, economical, and expedient manner possible. Maintain, repair, and install utility system equipment. Ensure the proper use of labor and materials. Communicate equipment and facility conditions with coworkers and supervisor. Requirements are: HS diploma or GED and three years of experience in the operation and repair of utility equipment. (Requisitions 20120799, 20120800 & 20120801)

Utilities Operator-Intermediate: Will provide advanced technical skills and supervision of work units in the operation and maintenance of equipment in the utility distribution systems. Responsibilities include providing technical skills and supervision of work units in the operation, installation, repair and maintenance of boilers, chillers, HVAC equipment, multiple BAS units, compressed air, vacuum, and water conditioning equipment to insure uninterrupted utility services for clinical and research facilities. Maintain boiler and chemical logs and other departmental records. Must have excellent verbal and written communication skills and must be able to read blueprints. Requirements are: a HS diploma or GED and with five years of experience in the operation and repair of utility equipment. (Requisition 20120802 & 20120803)

THESE POSITIONS ARE SECURITY SENSITIVE. For more information regarding these jobs or to apply, please access our website at

and refer to the respective requisition.OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES

7703 FLOYD CURL DRIVE, SAN ANTONIO, TX 78229 (210) 567-2600


4/2 ON 1/2 ACRE C/A/H, Kingsbor-ough Subd. 655-5908 Broker






NE: Clean, Affordable, 2/1/2, NO bank credit qual, small down

moves U in $545/mo Call 523-9990

REPO LOT at Medina Lake: small down, $124/ month.

BAD CREDIT OK 830-796-3143


Land & Home or Home Only (rbi35417) No Credit, Bad Credit no SSN# all OK! 1.888.623.3356. San Antonio1.855.625.4040 New Braunfels

155 ACRES La Pryor, Zavala county.Good fences. County road, two sides,irrigation potential, tremendous dovehunting. $2000/acre. Carlos Klutts830-776-1480

5 ACRES-BIG LAND SALE! South ofSan Antonio near Pearsall. Small

Down. No credit check. No interest for5 months. By Owner. 210-654-2476

MOVE IN READY, Medina Lake, water& sewer, $284 mo, WILL FINANCE

830-460-8354, NO CREDIT NEEDED!!

STOCKDALE 1.3ac, 1blk from school,water, elect, sewer, All City amenities$60K, Tx Vet or Own Fin 830-477-1098

CANYON LAKE ACCESS, 1+ acre.Beautiful hillcountry view, pave road

and water. Hiking trails and lots more. Owner finance. $79,900.

Call 830-730-6495

1AC Canyon Lake, Owner finance. Water front park access to CanyonLake. Lots of ammenities. $49,900.

Call 830-730-6495

1 AC, 25 min N of SA, gated, water,no cedars, backs up to ranch.

Owner Fin. $289/mo. 830-832-7065

SELLING off ac+ tracts from Hill CntryRanch near Canyon Lk/Wimb. Fin availno credit ck. 30 min to SA. RV’s ok fortemp. camping. Great selection-will sellfast w/liquidation prices! 512.289.0670

CASTLE HILLS AREA Lot for sale11007 Link $34,500.00 quiet NEISDneighborhood. 210.366.4779 lv msg.

MUSTANG ESTATES2 acres for sale on 35 South at exit 127 Owner Financed only $500 dn. and $270 per month NO MOBILES! (210)626-3403

171 ac paved road frontagewill divide close to Jourdanton

Oil field yard/Pipe yard etc.830-570-1121 or 210-789-7497

WE BUY HOUSES$$ CASH $$ Any Condition


HOMEBUYERS Cash Offer Today

Jacob 364-1864


is announcing theirGRAND OPENING

at 16410 Blanco Rd.North near 1604.

210-863-5008 Realtors 80/20


Page 18: JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND, TEXAS • Vol. 70 No. 33 · 8/23/2013  · Airman of the Year, and the 59th MDW Airman

1 ACRE-REPO! West of San Antoniobetween Hondo and Bandera.

Oak trees, Hills, Fantastic Views. $495 down. No interest for 5 months.Financing by owner. No credit check.


BANDERA RV LOT,small down and only $154 mo,

owner financing available.830-460-8354

GET AWAYto the hill country, no time limit to

build, good for homes, mobiles, & andRV’s in gated community, amazing

amenities, $154 mo-up. 830-796-3143

ONLY 4 TRACTS REMAINING, 20+ acres each. Kendall Co., nearKendalia, views, horses, oaks, 35 min. toAirport. 830-816-5252 or 830-816-2600

1634AC Gently Rolling Land betweenFredericksburg & Mason. High FencedDeer Breeding Operation. LimestonePlantation Style Home. Lodge that

Sleeps 20+. Several Irrigation QualityWells. REMAX Town & Country.

Dennis, 830-456-6327

11.5 AC Cuero lots of deer, oak trees,paved rd $79,500. TX Vets $3975 dn.$490mo, Wolf Realty 361-564-2452

1132 AC, Near Dilley, Frio County,high fenced, big deer, nice lodge,minerals, $3,150 per ac.508 Ac., Near Junction, loaded withdeer, $2,450 per ac.617 Ac., Kerrville area, 3-cabins, rolling oaks.1,500 Ac., Crockett County, WoodCanyon, great hunting, Hwy. frontage,2-wells, elec., $599 per ac.770 Ac., Nueces Canyon, water park,exotics, dynamic elevations, views,seclusion, $1,795 per ac.

Meek Ranch Sales830-257-8881

HUNT THIS YEAR! - FSBO100-500ac Tracts. We aredividing a Historic SW TX

Ranch 2hrs from SA. HUGELow Fence Neighbors &

loaded with Game. PremierGame Mgt Co-op. Choose

Your Own Ranch from 1000’sof Acres. Great Access, Roads,Water&Elect. Great Financingas Low as 10% Down, WAC.

Bill @ 361-815-0140Jim @ 361-877-4002


CALL MIKE @ (210) 724-9215TECL # 22883

Licensed • Bonded • InsuredNew & Remodel Rewire Rebuilt meter

loop? 220 for dryer, range Code Volitions

VILLA FONTANALarge 1 & 2 Bedroom apts.Elevators-Garage parking. ControlledAccess to grounds & building

123 Brackenridge Ave.Open Mon-Fri 8-5pm; Saturday 9-1



380 sq. ft....$415.00460 sq. ft....$530.00827 sq. ft....$745.00844 sq. ft....$975.00

All bills paidEd Bruce, Broker 210-222-2424

OFFICE & warehouse spaceAirport area. .75/sf. 200-5600sf.


6630 FM 78 @ FOSTER RD. 2,225sf avail for storage. Insulated, grade

level, overhd door. $1600/mo.Call 525-1365.


Repo Must Sell 830-796-3143

50-100 ACRES-REPO!60 miles Northwest of Del Rio

between Langtry and Pandale. Goodbrush coverage for deer, turkey, quail,and dove. Small Down. Easy monthly

payments. Owner financed.210-656-0185

$295/ACRE218 Acres West Texas East of

Sanderson, Deer, Dove, & Quail.Rolling Brush Country w/Easy Access.

Owner Financed or TX Vet.1-210-734-4009

TILE n Granite. Call the rest then callthe best.Gabe 289-0593.Affrdbl & Good!

3/2/2 Townhome, Beautiful remodel,Granite countertops, No Pets/No

smoking, $975/mo, 210-875-4409

IH10/FRED. RD. Large 3/1Remodeled, $800mo + dep,

Wood Floors, CHA 210-736-5141

BIG COUNTRY 4bd/2.5ba/1.5 garage,2 living areas, 1 game rm, $1050/mo,$900dep, 210-663-5902

BANDERA/PRUE 3/2.5/2, 2100sf,Util Rm, Porcelain Tile Dnstrs, Walk-InCloset, $1399mo, Pets 210-845-3627

118 "I" STREET, Near Walters. Large 4bedroom, 2 bath big home. Rent to own$850/mo. + deposit. 210-865-0303.

2809 Cedar Ln., Schertz; 3-2-2, 1500sf,New: carpet, paint & appls. C. fans, nearRAFB, $1100/mo. Call 512-415-4701

1604/LA CANTERA/UTSA, 3/2+Car-port, CHA, Remodeled. $1275mo +$1000dp 210-639-5874, 210-724-8069

SW MILITARY/KELSEY AVE 1br apt,All Appls, Hardwood Flrs, All Bills Pd,Sec 8 OK $600mo 210-771-1437

KING WILLIAM Eff. Apt. Bills Paid, ACKitchen, Bath, No Pets $250 deposit

210-532-7686 Call after 3pm

MCCRELESS 2/1, $575/mo, $300dep, A/C, Appl, Water Pd, No pets,

Clean. 210-490-8090


Catherine Booth Apts. 2802 West Ashby Pl.


NACOGDOCHES AREA 1 Bd/1 Ba,Renovated, Very clean. 1 Blk frm BusLine. $525mo+$250dep, 512-721-5650

ALAMO HEIGHTS area 1 & 2 BR.$695-$925. All utilities included.Covered parking, pool. 828-4200

Richard AldapePhone:

(210) 912-7529Email:

[email protected] and Insured

No job too Small!Call today for a free estimate!

HOMEREPAIRReliable Handyman

Household RepairsPainting • Siding

Decks • TileGarage/Yard Cleaning

1 BUY CARS/TRUCKSWreck, Running or not, title, no title,

We Pay Cash. Free Towing.24hr/7days. 210-744-7595

READY FOR QUICK MOVE-IN!!!tracts ready with all utilities for a

mobile home. Start with as little as$500 dn. and only $322 per month for

15 yrs. Owner Financed(210)626-3400

MOBILE HOMES For Rent, 3-3bedroom SE San Antonio, Background CheckRequired. 210-473-7442

MOBILE HOME FOR RENT Natalia, TX.3/2, 76x16, 1.5 acres, 40x16 patio, Lrggarage, gazebo, trees, 210-460-9552

HICKORY HOLLOWlots with all hook ups!

$500 dn. Owner Financed.$322.92 mo. for 15 yrs.

(210) 626-3400


South You can build or put a mobilehome. $500 dn. and $403 per mo.

No credit check...(210)626-3405

930 W MALLY 78221, 3/1 Hugebackyard, No appls, AC Window Units$825+$400 dep Call 361-813-0823

U.S. Sprinkler Systems• Sprinkler�System�Repair�or�Upgrade• Landscaping�Design�&�Installation,�

Maintenance• Tree�Trimming�or�Removal• Wood�Decks-Concrete�Patios• Top�Soil�&�Grass�Installation



Lic# 17990 Insured/Bonded



434 Breesport


JC Enriquez& Son Plumbing 7 Days • Affordable Prices

“We Plumb To Please”

Lic.#M13237 • Bonded • Insured

435-4316 • 679-6020


Page 19: JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND, TEXAS • Vol. 70 No. 33 · 8/23/2013  · Airman of the Year, and the 59th MDW Airman


Page 20: JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND, TEXAS • Vol. 70 No. 33 · 8/23/2013  · Airman of the Year, and the 59th MDW Airman

At the Y, your child will receive:• 30 minutes of exercise each day• Healthy meals and snacks from our approved menu items• Activities that encourage learning and fun!

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Federally insuredby NCUA

* APR = Annual Percentage Rate as of May 1, 2013 subject to change at any time without notice. APR based on evaluation of applicant’s credit. Your APR may vary. Estimated monthly payment per $1,000 borrowed at 1.85% APR for 60 months is $17.47. Promo code MNP-1006


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