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© 2007-2013 WiderFunnel Marketing Inc. |

WiderFunnelMarketing Optimization

p.  +1.604.800.6450 e.  [email protected]

Jonathan SueInternship Analysis

May 17, 2013Docket #: JON001-IA1

Jonathan SueMarketing Intern

p.  +1.604.842.3571e.  [email protected]

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© 2007-2013 WiderFunnel Marketing Inc. |

• Internship Objective

• WiderFunnel Experience– Co-Worker Analysis– Hypotheses

• Next Steps/Conclusion

Today’s Agenda

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© 2007-2013 WiderFunnel Marketing Inc. |

Internship Objective

Internship Objectives:

• Jonathan’s goal was to gain practical experience with a innovative, industry-leading employer for his BCIT internship course.

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© 2007-2013 WiderFunnel Marketing Inc. |

• Internship Objective

• WiderFunnel Experience– Co-Worker Analysis– Hypotheses

• Next Steps/Conclusion

Today’s Agenda

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© 2007-2013 WiderFunnel Marketing Inc. |

C.A.I.E. Framework™Coworker Awesomeness Influence on Experience

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© 2007-2013 WiderFunnel Marketing Inc. |

C.A.I.E. Analysis – Chris Goward

FRIENDLINESS: Chris is a great person to drink with on Friday afternoons. Always quick with a quip or an anecdote.

GUIDANCE: Chris’ webinars and blog posts have been very useful and have sharpened my knowledge of conversion optimization.

HELPFULNESS: Chris has been a source of inspiration. Working with him has made me think about business and my career in a different way.

INDIVIDUAL UNIQUENESS: Chris can be out of the office for weeks at a time, yet his presence is always felt. Very cool from a leadership perspective!

NOT BEING COOL: Chris is the only one who wears blazers and dress shoes around the office. Sticks out like a sore thumb, dude!

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© 2007-2013 WiderFunnel Marketing Inc. |

C.A.I.E. Analysis – Monica Hinch

FRIENDLINESS: Monica has arguably the best laugh out of everyone at WiderFunnel. It is always contagious!

GUIDANCE: Monica has taken the time to freely and openly give great advice to me on pursuing my career goals.

HELPFULNESS: Monica has been helpful in letting me sit in on her sales calls. It’s allowed me to see her processes and understand her way of thinking.

INDIVIDUAL UNIQUENESS: I’ve really only got one thing to say here:

NO SENSE OF STYLE: Just kidding. Monica is a sneakerhead who has that gangsta rap/hypebeast style.

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C.A.I.E. Analysis – Ryan

FRIENDLINESS: Ryan is friendly and amiable with everyone in the office (with the occasional exception being Monica).

GUIDANCE: Ryan has taken the time to advise me on some of my career questions and I’m forever grateful for that.

HELPFULNESS: Ryan has the ability to explain a difficult concept in a very simple way. It’s been very easy to learn from Ryan.

INDIVIDUAL UNIQUENESS: Ryan has mentioned multiple times that he wants to raise chickens and have his own pet goat. Okayyy……

NO SENSE OF STYLE: Ryan occasionally lacks the ability to dress himself properly. Case in point: “the button incident”.

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© 2007-2013 WiderFunnel Marketing Inc. |

C.A.I.E. Analysis – Megan

FRIENDLINESS: Megan constantly compliments my choice in clothing and fashion. I really find that to be an admirable trait in people.

GUIDANCE: Megan has been like a mother to… no, wait. She’s too young for that. No, she’s been like an older sister figure. I’ve learned a lot from her.

HELPFULNESS: Megan has taught me all that I’ll ever need to know about how to build Conversion Analysis presentations, Results presentations, FunEx presentations…. etc.

INDIVIDUAL UNIQUENESS: Megan is terrible at keeping plants alive. She also has red hair. That is unique to the WiderFunnel office.

NOT BEING COOL: Megan is not one of the Buffalo Club’s most decorated members

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C.A.I.E. Analysis – Carlos

FRIENDLINESS: Carlos is a nice dude. Funny guy as well.


That is all.

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© 2007-2013 WiderFunnel Marketing Inc. |

C.A.I.E. Analysis – Anish

FRIENDLINESS: Anish is always friendly, cordial, and nice to everyone. He also doesn’t drink alcohol. There is a statistically significant correlation here.

GUIDANCE: Anish, will you teach me German? Anish > Pimsleur Approach?

HELPFULNESS: Anish is a one-man technical wizard at WiderFunnel. He helps us all look good in front of clients.

INDIVIDUAL UNIQUENESS: Anish has more Superman t-shirts than anyone else I’ve ever met.

NO SENSE OF STYLE: Anish has more Superman t-shirts than anyone else I’ve ever met.

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© 2007-2013 WiderFunnel Marketing Inc. |

C.A.I.E. Analysis – Gildwin

FRIENDLINESS: Gildwin is great. I wouldn’t have asked him on a man-date otherwise.

GUIDANCE: Gildwin has tried to teach me all of his PUA approaches. Some I agree with. Some are just weird.

HELPFULNESS: Surprisingly, Gildwin knows a lot about Belgian beers. I wonder why.

INDIVIDUAL UNIQUENESS: A loaf of bread. Every day??!!

NOT BEING COOL: Gildwin lives in Vancouver yet has never been to Whistler. What a goof!

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C.A.I.E. Analysis – Alhan


GUIDANCE: Alhan could probably give me some great ideas about what to do when I’m in NYC!

HELPFULNESS: I just met Alhan and I haven’t required his help yet, but he seems quite helpful!

INDIVIDUAL UNIQUENESS: Nothing says swag like squinting at an 11 inch screen.

NOT BEING COOL: I wish Alhan had started at WF earlier so we could have gotten to know each other better!

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© 2007-2013 WiderFunnel Marketing Inc. |

• Internship Objective

• WiderFunnel Experience– Co-Worker Analysis– Hypotheses

• Next Steps/Conclusion

Today’s Agenda

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© 2007-2013 WiderFunnel Marketing Inc. |

Internship Hypotheses AnalysisLIFT POINTS RESULT

Jonathan didn’t build a lot of PowerPoints at school, except for projects.

Jonathan is absolutely terrible at art.

The WF team thought that the amount of space on the “whiteboard wall” would be sufficient.

Jonathan built lots (and lots and lots) of PowerPoints at WF.

Jonathan drew one set of wireframes. Then he was strangely never asked to draw again.

Jonathan proved that hypothesis wrong.

From experience, Jonathan had a feeling that working for smaller organizations was ideal. WiderFunnel proved that.

Jonathan wanted to go somewhere where he liked coming to work every day. WiderFunnel fulfilled this hope.

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© 2007-2013 WiderFunnel Marketing Inc. |

• Internship Objective

• WiderFunnel Experience– Co-Worker Analysis– Hypotheses

• Next Steps/Conclusion

Today’s Agenda

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© 2007-2013 WiderFunnel Marketing Inc. |

Next Steps

Now that Jonathan has finished his internship at WiderFunnel, here are the next steps to be taken:

• Give Jonathan’s desk to Anish. Seriously, the poor guy probably feels so lonely over there in the corner! LET HIM FEEL PART OF THE TEAM… haha.

• Everyone: please come by to my Hip Hop Karaoke performance this summer

• Jonathan will visit constantly since he loves you guys…. if that’s okay with you all (if not, he’ll still come by anyways)

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ConclusionDear WiderFunnel team,

The last two months have been an absolute pleasure for me. I have learned so much about conversion optimization, strategy, account management, entrepreneurship, small business, and how much fun it is to start drinking at 4:00 every Friday.

When I arrived, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I had only really met Chris at a conference we both attended last October or November, and WiderFunnel sounded like a really intense, highly structured place. Admittedly, I had doubts about whether I would fit in at this internship.

As time went on, I realized that calling WiderFunnel a company seemed inappropriate. Too corporate. Heck, even calling it a “team”, as we do with our group email address, seems even a tad too much. I honestly would rather refer to you all as my WiderFunnel “family”. It was evident from day one that everyone here really cared about one another and there was no internal bickering, gamesmanship, or drama. Everyone pulled together for the sake of everyone else, and the motivation seemed to simply be because everyone liked working with one another.

Two months later, I can say this with confidence: WiderFunnel is my favorite job that I’ve ever had (even if it wasn’t actually a “job”, per se).

You all owed me nothing when I was here. As an intern, it would have been well within your rights to ask me to file reports and fetch coffee all day. Yet you all took the time to go above and beyond for someone who was only guaranteed to be here for 2 months. You were all patient with me as I learned, and gracious when I made mistakes, even when I made ones that you were probably quite annoyed with. I am humbled and honored that you all took the time to make my experience at WiderFunnel an amazing one.

For all that, I can only say two words: thank you.

Thank you for all the advice. Thank you for all the laughs, stories, and weekly awesomeness every Friday afternoon. Thank you for your kindness, sense of humor, perspective, and openness. Thank you for making me feel like I was one of you every day that I was here.

Really, all I need to say is this: Thank you for everything.


JonathanCEO – Buffalo Club, Streetwear fashionista, hip hop fanatic, & WiderFunnel family member for life

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WiderFunnelMarketing Optimization

p.  +1.604.800.6450 e.  [email protected]

Jonathan SueMarketing Intern

p.  +1.604.842.3571e.  [email protected]

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