
1) Relate whatwasdiscussed in class or the text to the screening.Over the weekend, I watched the 2007 film Persepolis, directed by Vincent Paronnaud and Marjane Satrapi, the one who the film is about. While watching the film, I was able to notice a few techniques in regards to the filming of the picture. For one, the directors use of jump cuts occurs often. The purpose of this technique is to give the effect of jumping forwards in time. The director also uses close-ups, which create an intimacy between the audience and the character. You can feel and experience the emotions and thoughts of the character, and become consumed in the story being told.

2) Find a related article and summarize the content. Watching a film in another language, French to be exact, was something that I wasnt sure would be enjoyable to me. How could you watch a film, spoken in an unfamiliar tongue, not understand what is being said, and have to spend your time reading the movie instead of appreciating the dialogue with your ears? I was pleasantly surprised at how much I actually enjoyed the film, and was able to experience, what I believe the director/writer, wanted to relay to the audience. Marjane Satrapis decision to make an animated film instead of live-action was the best choice. I think wed have lost the universal appeal of the storyline. Satrapi goes on to say that this film has had worldwide success because of its abstract black and white drawings. This allows for all people of all nations to be able to relate to the story. Throughout Persepolis, there are many dreamlike moments. The drawings help us to maintain cohesion and consistency, and the black and white also helped in this respect.

Source: 3) Apply the article to the film screened in class. Reading the previous article really supported my impression of the film Persepolis. I have an appreciation for the time and thought put into the details of the film by Satrapi. Something as simple as the type of film it would be may seem miniscule, but it really changed the outcome of the film for the better. I really loved the fact that the animation was in black and white. It gave a dreamy vibe to the film, and complimented the dark tone of the picture. Finally, making it an animated film allowed for Satrapi to transmit and communicate exactly what she wanted, something that would not have been executed perfectly with actual people. 4) Write a critical analysis of the film,includingyour personal opinion, formed as a result of the screening, class discussions, text materialand the article. Who wouldve thought that someone would make their life story into a graphic novel which would later turn into an animated film achieving worldwide success? The story of Marjane Satrapi in Persepolis is one that captivates audiences from around the globe, either providing them with an account to relate to or to sympathize with. It is a record of a young girls growing up, going against the grain. Being an activist against the Iranian government and rule was extremely dangerous, to say the least. Nevertheless, the film takes you on this journey of realization the young girl comes to and her transformation into a strong willed and independent young woman.

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