Page 1: Journal of Asian Earth Sciences...China Craton (NCC). It is composed of Paleozoic sedimentary strata, volcanic rocks and granitoids. This belt or terrane is comparable to the Ondor

Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 97 (2015) 365–392

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Timing and evolution of Jurassic–Cretaceous granitoid magmatisms inthe Mongol–Okhotsk belt and adjacent areas, NE Asia: Implications fortransition from contractional crustal thickening to extensional thinningand geodynamic settings� 2014 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

⇑ Corresponding author at: Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of GeologicalSciences, Beijing 100037, China. Tel.: +86 010 68999732.

E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (T. Wang).

Tao Wang a,b,⇑, Lei Guo a, Lei Zhang a, Qidi Yang a, Jianjun Zhang a, Ying Tong a, Ke Ye a

a Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037, Chinab Beijing SHRIMP Center, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history:Received 31 March 2014Received in revised form 3 October 2014Accepted 6 October 2014Available online 20 November 2014

Keywords:GranitoidsZircon geochronologyGeochemistryIsotopeMagmatic evolutionCrustal thickening to thinningCentral Asian Orogenic Belt

The Mongol–Okhotsk belt and adjacent areas are key areas to study the relationship between the Okhotskand Paleo-Pacific tectonic regimes and their superposition on the older Paleo-Asian regimes during lateMesozoic times. This paper summarizes the spatial–temporal evolution of Late Mesozoic (Jurassic–Creta-ceous) granitoids and related intrusions in these areas, and interprets the magmatic evolution in terms ofa transition from contractional crustal thickening to extensional thinning. According to 407 publishedzircon ages, these granitoids were mainly emplaced during the intervals 200–180 Ma, 180–165 Ma,165–145 Ma, 145–135 Ma and 135–100 Ma. Jurassic granitoids (200–145 Ma) predominately occur inthe Baikal–NE Mongolia (BNEM) and Great Xing’an Range. Early Cretaceous (145–100 Ma) granitoidsare mainly occur in the Great Xing’an Range, and display a southward-younging migration. Significantly,Early Cretaceous granitoids also extend into the Trans-Baikal area across the Mongol–Okhotsk suture, faraway from the Paleo-Pacific plate margin (in NE China); thus they were more plausibly related to post-orogenic collapse of the Mongol–Okhotsk orogen. From the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous, the grani-toids evolved compositionally from calc-alkaline and high-K calc-alkaline, I-type, with some adakite-likefeatures, to high-K calc-alkaline and shoshonitic, highly fractionated I-, transitional I-A or, A-type, char-acterized by a significant decrease in their Sr/Y ratios. This evolution coincided with a tectonic transitionfrom contractional crustal thickening to extensional thinning. Combined with regional geology, we spec-ulate that the Jurassic granitoids were likely derived from melting of the deep-seated, thickened lowercontinental crustal (LCC) sources, whereas the Cretaceous granitoids produced through crustal meltingfrom an extensional thinning setting. Our results provide a case study demonstrating that the petrogen-esis of granitic magmatism was closely associated with crustal tectonics. Early Jurassic granitoids alongthe Okhotsk belt formed in a subduction/collision setting related to closure of the Mongol–OkhotskOcean, whereas Late Jurassic granitoids in the Great Xing’an Range and in the northern North ChinaCraton may have formed in a syn- or post-collisional setting superposed by far-field affects of subductionof the Paleo-Pacific plate. Early Cretaceous granitoids in these areas formed in response to post-orogenicextensional collapse of the Mongol–Okhotsk belt, coupled with back-arc extension related toPaleo-Pacific plate subduction.

� 2014 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction

Late Mesozoic (Jurassic–Cretaceous, J–K) is an important periodfor global geological evolution and prominent crustal movements,

and strong geological events occurred in NE Asia. Widespreadoccurrences of voluminous granitoid intrusions are typical charac-teristics for NE Asian, constituting one of the largest granitic prov-inces in the world. Besides, the NE Asia is one of the largest crustalextension regions in the world, expressed by various extensionaltectonics including metamorphic core complexes (MCCs; e.g.,Wang et al., 2011), graben or half-graben basins (e.g., Grahamet al., 2001; Johnson, 2004; Johnson et al., 1997, 2001; Johnson

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and Graham, 2004; Ritts et al., 2001; Ren et al., 2002; Meng, 2003;Meng et al., 2003) and A-type granitoid magmatism (e.g., Shaoet al., 2000; Wu et al., 2005a, 2005b, 2011a, 2011b). The petrogen-esis and geological dynamics of those granitic intrusions haveattracted a great deal of attention. Almost all of studies consideredthat the Mesozoic crustal movement and magmatisms in NE Asia, EChina in particular, could be genetically associated to the subduc-tion of the Paleo-Pacific plate (e.g., Deng et al., 2007; Zhai et al.,2007; Watson et al., 1987; Traynor and Sladen, 1995; Kimuraet al., 1990; Wu et al., 2005a, 2005b; Sun et al., 2013). Neverthe-less, some recent studies emphasize the role of closure of the Mon-gol–Okhotsk ocean (e.g., Meng, 2003; Meng et al., 2003; Wanget al., 2011, 2012a, 2012b; Xu et al., 2013b, 2013c), however, thespatial–temporal impact of such role has not been fully explored.On the other hand, this area is generally referred to as the easternsegment of Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB; e.g., Jahn et al.,2000a, 2000b, 2009; Jahn, 2004; Windley et al., 2007) or Altaids(Sengör et al., 1993), one of the world’s largest Phanerozoic accre-tionary orogenic belt (Sengör et al., 1993; Windley et al., 2002,2007; Xiao et al., 2009; Wilhem et al., 2012). How this belt wasreworked or superposed by the Okhotsk and Pacific tectonicregimes and how to distinguish the effects of the two geodynamicregimes mentioned above are also interesting questions. Thesequestions concern our understanding of superposition of differenttectonic regimes.

The Mongol–Okhotsk belt and adjacent areas, including theeastern CAOB and northern NCC, are generally considered as theregion that had experienced a transition from the CAOB tectonicto the Paleo-Pacific plate tectonic regimes (Zhao et al., 2004; Wuet al., 2011a, 2011b), and probably was further superposed byOkhotsk tectonic regimes (Li et al., 1999, 2009; Meng, 2003; Xuet al., 2013b, 2013c). Therefore, they can regarded as one of thebest areas to study the superposition of different tectonic regimes.In these areas, immense volumes of Late Mesozoic granitic intru-sions are widely exposed. They have been studied intensivelyand ever-growing geochronological data have been published(see references), which provides an opportunity for us to deal withabove questions by synthetically studying the Late Mesozoicmagmatism.

This paper, based on geochronological, petrological, and geo-chemical data from published literatures, has summarized the spa-tial–temporal evolution of the granitoids and related intrusions,displayed the magmatic evolution corresponding to a transitionfrom contractional thickened to extensional thinning crust and tec-tonic settings. The results will be helpful for the understanding ofthe spatial–temporal superposition of the Mongol–Okhotsk tecton-ics on the Paleo-Asian tectonics.

2. Regional geology

The Mongol–Okhotsk belt and adjacent regions, across theboundary area among the Russian Far East, eastern Mongolia,and northeastern (NE) China, geologically consist of two majorgeotectonic units: the eastern part of the CAOB and Northern NorthChina craton (NNCC), and the CAOB here can be further subdividedinto four major tectonic units: the Sayan-Baikal accretionary oro-gen, Mongol–Okhotsk orogenic (suture) belt, Southern Mongolia–Xing’an orogen (including Ergun block), Songliao block, from thenorth to south, according to the division by Li et al. (2009).

The Sayan-Baikal accretionary orogen occupies Trans-Baikal,northeastern Mongolia and Erguna areas. It consists mainly of oro-genic belts (arc, ophiolites, accretionary complex) and old base-ment blocks (e.g., Ergun block). This orogen was formed byaccretion of the Paleo Asia Ocean during Nero-Proterozoic to earlyPaleozoic time. The Erguna block, bordered to the northwest by the

Mongol–Okhotsk belt and to the southeast by the Xing’an block,includes the northwestern part of the Great Xing’an Range. TheBlock is considered to be the eastern extension of the Central Mon-golian microcontinent and Tuva blocks (Badarch et al., 2002). Themetamorphosed basement rocks of the block yield a zircon ageof 495 ± 1 Ma for the high-grade metamorphism (Zhou et al.,2012), with old ages of 660–1020 Ma. Nd isotopic data for thegranitoids indicate a crustal formation age of 1680–1060 Ma,which is much older than that of the Xing’an and Songliao terranes(Wu et al., 2003b). Mesozoic granites and volcanic rocks are wide-spread in the area (Jahn et al., 2009; Donskaya et al., 2013).

The Mongol–Okhotsk belt is located in the northern Mongoliaand Trans Baikal (Russia) and extends over 3000 km from centralMongolia in northeastern direction to the Gulf of Okhotsk(Fig. 1). It is likely the youngest orogenic segment within the CAOB.The belt is represented by a ribbon-like ophiolite-bearing suturezone and accretionary wedges (Natal’in, 1993). It was formed bythe closure of the Mongol–Okhotsk ocean (Parfenov et al., 2001;Zonenshain et al., 1990; Zorin, 1999; Tomurtogoo et al., 2005;Fig. 1). It is generally accepted that the closure occurred progres-sively from west to east in a scissor-like manner, starting in the Tri-assic–Late Jurassic (Zonenshain et al., 1990) or Early MiddleJurassic (Zorin, 1999; Parfenov et al., 2001) and terminating inthe east in the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous (Sengör andNatal’in, 1996; Cogné et al., 2005).

The southern Mongolia–Xing’an orogen, across the southeasternMongolia, Great Xing’an Range and Halar Basin, consists mainlyof Paleozoic belts and old basement blocks. The belts, are com-posed of arcs, ophiolites and accretionary wedges, and formed byaccretion of the Paleo Asia Ocean during early Paleozoic (Ordovi-cian) time (Figs. 1 and 2). The basement blocks consist of four mainrock series: the Xinghuadukou Complex, Early Paleozoic gabbroand granitoid, Paleozoic strata, and Mesozoic to Cenozoic sedimen-tary and volcanic rocks (HBGMR, 1993; Wu et al., 2000, 2003a,2003b, 2005a, 2005b, 2011a, 2011b; Ge et al., 2007a, 2007b).Mesozoic granitoids are widespread throughout this region (Wuet al., 2000, 2003a, 2003b, 2011a, 2011b).

The Songliao Block includes of the Mesozoic Songliao Basin in thecentral part, the southern Great Xing’an Range in the west, theLesser Xing’an Range in the northeast and the ZhangguangcaiRange in the east. The basement rocks occur underlying theSongliao Basin and are locally exposed in the northeast part ofthe basin. As revealed by data from several hundred drill holes,those basement rocks are dominantly Paleozoic–Mesozoic grani-toids and sedimentary rocks, with minor Proterozoic granitoids(e.g., Wu et al., 2000).

The NNCC is located along the northern margin of the NorthChina Craton (NCC). It is composed of Paleozoic sedimentary strata,volcanic rocks and granitoids. This belt or terrane is comparable tothe Ondor Sum subduction–accretion complex of Xiao et al., 2003)to the west. Similar to other terranes in NE China, this area is alsocharacterized by large volumes of granitic rocks.

It is generally considered that the tectonic collage and tectonicframework in the eastern CAOB and NE Asia took place during theLate Paleozoic (and Triassic) times (e.g., Zorin, 1999; Xiao et al.,2003). Xu et al. (2013b) proposed that all the collisions terminatedduring the early–middle Paleozoic, and rifted in the late Paleozoicand then finally amalgamated during the Triassic times. Anyway,during the Late Mesozoic these regions experienced inter- andintracontinental contractional deformation and crustal thickeningtherein, e.g., the Yinshan-Yanshan fold and thrust belt along NNCC(Davis et al., 1998, 2001; Dong et al., 2008). Late on (Early Creta-ceous), the contractional tectonic regime was transformed intoan extensional one (e.g., Davis et al., 1998, 2001; Wang et al.,2012a, 2012b). Voluminous Phanerozoic igneous rocks, particu-larly Mesozoic igneous rocks, occur widely in the regions.

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Fig. 1. Sketched tectonic map of Mongol–Okhotsk and adjacent areas (after Li et al., 2009). I – Siberia craton; II – Sayan-Baikal orogen; III – Okhotsk orogenic (suture) belt; IV– Southern Mongolia–Great Xing’an orogen; V – Songliao terrane; VI – North China Craton (NCC); VII – northern orogenic belt in the northern NCC.

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3. Spatial–temporal distribution of late Mesozoic (J–K)granitoids

We have collected 407 published available zircon U–Pb agesfrom the literature. These data constitute our geochronologicaldatabase for timing of the granitoids from the Mongol–Okhotskbelt and its adjacent areas (Table 1).

According to these zircon age data, Late Mesozoic granitoidmagmatisms in the Mongol–Okhotsk belt and adjacent areasoccurred during 200–100 Ma, predominately 145–110 Ma with apeak at �130 Ma (Fig. 3a), and they can be temporally subdividedinto 5 dominant stages: Early Jurassic (200–180 Ma), MiddleJurassic (180–165 Ma), Late Jurassic (165–145 Ma), early EarlyCretaceous (145–135 Ma) and late Early Cretaceous (135–110 Ma; Fig. 3), using 145 Ma as the boundary between Jurassicand Cretaceous by the international STRATIGRAPHIC CHART2013. The distributions of these magmatisms can be divided intothree provinces or regions: Baikal–NE Mongolia, SouthernMongol–Great Xing’an and northern NCC, based on their occur-rences, tectonics unites and regional geology. We summarize theirdistributions in the three regions as below.

3.1. Baikal–NE Mongolia (BNEM)

The Baikal–NE Mongolia region (includes the Saya-Baikalorogen and Mongol–Okhotsk belt) hosts voluminous Mesozoicgranitoids. For such a large region and voluminous granitoids, afew of zircon ages (59) have been reported for these granitoids.All these ages range from 200 to 110 Ma, and three major popula-tions can be recognized: 200–165 Ma (Early and Middle Jurassic),160–135 Ma (Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous), and 135–120 Ma(Early Cretaceous, Fig. 3b).

The Early Jurassic granitoids which could be grouped with LateTriassic granitoids (Li et al., 2013a, 2013b), are mainly distributed

in the northern Sayan-Baikal-Okhotsk, Russia Xing’an Range, Ergu-na and Bureya-Kiamusze. The Early–Middle Jurassic granitoids(200–160 Ma) mainly occur in the Mongolia–Xing’an, Bureya-Kia-musze, and Late Jurassic granitoids (160–145 Ma) are widespreadin the central and southern Sayan-Baikal-Okhotsk. All these Juras-sic granitoid are distributed with NE trend along the Mongol–Okh-otsk belt, unparallel to the Great Xing’an Range (Fig. 2). ManyJurassic granitoids on the Mongolian geological maps have beenpreviously determined by mineral (biotitic) dating methods andare marked as late Triassic–Jurassic ages, so more zircon ages areneeded to confirm their ages. It is noted that Early and MiddleJurassic granitoids are widespread in the southwest segment ofthe Okhotsk belt and Middle and Late Jurassic granitoids are morein the east segment. Such the granitoids become younger from thesouthwest along the Okhotsk belt.

The early Early Cretaceous granitoids (145–135 Ma) are exposedpredominately in the southern Mongol–Okhotsk (Fig. 2), such as theGreat Xing’an Range and northern NCC. These granitoids seem to bedistributed with NE trending, parallel to the Range. Recently, how-ever, more Early Cretaceous granitoids have been recognized fromthe Trans-Baikal Lake, north of the Mongol–Okhotsk suture byAr–Ar dating method (e. g., Sorokin et al., 2004a, 2004b, 2008).These granitoids are characterized by syenite and A-type affinitiesand mostly related to the extensional tectonics such as MCCs. InUlan Ude MCC, one monzogabbro and one carbonatite intrusionsin the MCC have been dated as 125 ± 2 Ma and 127 ± 1 Ma by zirconSHRIMP method, respectively, and a syenite intrusion as 123 ± 5 Maby Rb–Sr (biotite, feldspar and whole rock) methods (Mazukabzovet al., 2011; Fig. 2b). A postkinematic syenite pluton, which intrudesthe mylonitized granites, yields a U–Pb age of 130 ± 1 Ma (Wanget al., 2012a, 2012b). These also show that the granitic magmatismoccurred during the regional extension. All these Cretaceous grani-toids in the Mongol–Okhotsk belt indicate that not all the Creta-ceous granitoids in NE Asia are related to the subduction of thePaleo-Pacific plate (in NE China), but some (in the Mongol–Okhotsk

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Fig. 2. Sketched map of Late Mesozoic (Jurassic–Early Cretaceous) granitoid map in the Mongol–Okhotsk and adjacent areas, NE Asia. Tectonic units see Fig. 1.

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belt and adjacent area) may be genetically related to the post-orogenic collapse of the Mongol–Okhotsk orogeny.

3.2. Southern Mongolia–Great Xing’an Range (SMGX)

This region refers to the southern Mongolia–Xing’an orogen,includes the southern Mongolia and the Great Xing’an Range. Itbears abundant granitoids and related igneous rocks. Hundreds(168) of zircon ages have been yielded for them, and approxi-mately show two major peaks: one major peak at 135–115 Ma(late Early Cretaceous) and one weak peak at 185–155 Ma (Fig. 3c).

Few of the Early Jurassic granitoids (200–180 Ma) in the regionseem continuance from the late Triassic magmatism. The Early–Middle Jurassic granitoids (180–166 Ma), mainly composed bygranodiorite, and monzogranite, are widespread in the northernRange (Miao et al., 2003; Sui et al., 2007; Ge et al., 2007a, 2007b;Zeng et al., 2011) and most of them show deformation fabrics. Inthe southern Range, such as Wulanhort-Lingxi-Baling areas,

monzogranite and K-feldspar granites with ages of 179–157 Ma(Ge et al., 2005) have a widespread occurrence. Recently, somegranitoids with ages of 181–161 Ma have been reported from thebasement of the Songliao basin (Gao et al., 2007). The Jurassic gran-itoid are few in the west part of the Range, and some are of lateJurassic ages and are grouped together with the early Cretaceousgranitoids. All the Jurassic granitoids seem distributed with NNEtrending, parallel to the Great Xing’an Range belt, slightly differentfrom that of the granitoids in the Mongol–Okhotsk belt.

Early Cretaceous granitoids in the Range were mainly formedduring 135–120 Ma. All these granitoids seem distributed withNNE trending, parallel to the Great Xing’an Range belt, slightly dif-ferent from that of the granitoids in the Mongol–Okhotsk belt. Wuet al. (2011a, 2011b) summarized the characteristics of those lateMesozoic igneous rocks widespread throughout eastern China,and suggested that most of them are located in the Great Xing’anRange, and that their zircon ages vary from 131 to 117 Ma,dominantly between 132 and 120 Ma.

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Table 1Zircon U–Pb ages for late Mesozoic (Jurassic–Early Cretaceous) granitoid magmatisms in the Mongol–Okhotsk belt and its adjacent areas. BNEM: Baikal–NE Mongolia; SMGX:Southern Mongolia and Great Xing’an Range; NNCC: Northern North China Craton.

Sample Latitude Longitude Tectoniclocation

Pluton name Lithology Age (Ma) Method References

0066-5 50�4000000 121�3600000 BNEM Yitulihe Granodiorite 118 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)0116-1 51�2601800 122�1404000 BNEM Niuerhe Alkali feldspar

granite125 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)

GW03138 52�3802700 123�4100900 BNEM Pangu Monzogranite 182 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)GW03181 52�3805800 123�0805600 BNEM Lvlin Quartzdiorite 192 ± 3 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)GW03193 52�2705900 123�0500000 BNEM Lvlin Alkali feldspar

granite187 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)

GW03207 52�4900300 123�3600400 BNEM Xilinji Monzogranite 193 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)GW03241 52�4200200 121�5405800 BNEM Fukeshan Monzogranite 189 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)GW03251 52�3801400 121�5302100 BNEM Fukeshan Monzogranite 189 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)GW03255 52�2804100 121�5202900 BNEM Fukeshan Monzogranite 194 ± 7 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)GW03269 52�0703600 122�0305400 BNEM Mangui Syenogranite 189 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)GW03285 52�0302700 122�0503300 BNEM Mangui Dolerite 132 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)GW03290 52�0504100 121�5303900 BNEM Mangui Monzogranite 187 ± 3 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)GW04039 51�2105100 121�3003500 BNEM Jinhezhen Syenogranite 197 ± 4 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)GW04069 52�2502800 121�1904900 BNEM Manguixi Monzogranite 195 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)GW04114 51�1905400 120�3905600 BNEM Moerdaoga Monzogranite 198 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)GW04126 51�1900800 120�2200300 BNEM Bajianfang Monzogranite 196 ± 3 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)GW05067 52�3105000 126�0802500 BNEM Zhengqi Granodiorite 190 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)GW05099 52�0204300 125�3804000 BNEM Hanjiayuanzi Diorite 188 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)M8 BNEM Mohe Monzogranite 187 ± 5 SHRIMP Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)Wunugetushan BNEM Wunugetushan Monzogranite 188 ± 1 TIMS Qin et al. (1999)Mor-3 51�2801600 120�5301800 BNEM Fenshuishan Bi-amphibole

plagiogneiss200 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS She et al. (2011)

Mor-4 51�2801600 120�5301800 BNEM Fenshuishan Muscovite granite 200 ± 5 LA-ICP-MS She et al. (2011)WLS-15 49�2402400 117�1901000 BNEM Wunugetushan Bi-granite 200 ± 3 LA-ICP-MS She et al. (2011)Db-01 53�5803000 124�9903800 BNEM Baogedewu basin Granite porphyry 145 ± 5 LA-ICP-MS Wang et al. (2012a, 2012b)Db-03 53�3101500 124�8203100 BNEM Baogedewu basin Granite porphyry 153 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Wang et al. (2012a, 2012b)ER6-1 50�3803600 120�0903800 BNEM Shanghulin-Enhe

basinSyenogranite 186 ± 3 LA-ICP-MS Wang et al. (2012a, 2012b)

MZ13-1 49�2402200 117�3505400 BNEM Lingquan basin Quartz-monzoniteporphyry

134 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Wang et al. (2012a, 2012b)

MZ14-2 48�1505600 117�0500600 BNEM Baogedewu basin Syenogranite 134 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Wang et al. (2012a, 2012b)MZ17-1 49�2501400 117�1705200 BNEM Lingquan basin Quartz porphyry 183 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Wang et al. (2012a, 2012b)MZ18-2 49�2402700 117�1901300 BNEM Lingquan basin Syenogranite 180 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Wang et al. (2012a, 2012b)MZ23-1 49�2801600 117�6004300 BNEM Lingquan basin Monzogranite 171 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Wang et al. (2012a, 2012b)ZKD1100-1 49�2301200 117�3303300 BNEM Shanghulin-Enhe


141 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Wang et al. (2012a, 2012b)

ZKS1-1 50�4803700 120�0405200 BNEM Shanghulin-Enhebasin

Monzogranite 185 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Wang et al. (2012a, 2012b)

TP818 BNEM Taipingchuan Granodioriteporphyry

184 ± 3 LA-ICP-MS Wang et al. (2010a, 2010b,2010c)

TP820 BNEM Taipingchuan Granite porphyry 194 ± 3 LA-ICP-MS Wang et al. (2010a, 2010b,2010c)

TP848 BNEM Taipingchuan Granite porphyry 199 ± 4 LA-ICP-MS Wang et al. (2010a, 2010b,2010c)

ML1 BNEM Luoguhe Granite porphyry 130 ± 2 SHRIMP Wu et al. (2009)0075-7 51�3602300 124�1902600 BNEM Xinlinzhen Granodiorite 132 ± 3 LA-ICP-MS Zhang et al. (2008a, 2008b)0076-9 51�3704000 124�0902300 BNEM Xinlinzhen Granodiorite 131 ± 3 LA-ICP-MS Zhang et al. (2008a, 2008b)KhB-1807 BNEM Deerbugan Bi-granite 130 ± 1 SHRIMP Zheng et al. (2009)M639a 48�5005200 111�3802400 BNEM ED MCC Pegmatite 154 ± 4 LA-ICP-MS Daoudene et al. (2009)M641d 48�5005500 111�3803000 BNEM ED MCC Pegmatite 136 ± 6 LA-ICP-MS Daoudene et al. (2009)M603a BNEM ED MCC Pegmatite 156 ± 15 LA-ICP-MS Daoudene et al. (2013)M615a BNEM ED MCC Pegmatite 149 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Daoudene et al. (2013)M616 BNEM ED MCC Pegmatite 149 ± 12 LA-ICP-MS Daoudene et al. (2013)M639b BNEM ED MCC Pegmatite 127 ± 3 LA-ICP-MS Daoudene et al. (2013)B611 BNEM Zagan MCC Peralkaline granite 152 ± 1 TIMS Donskaya et al. (2009)K-1019 BNEM Beket massif Sheared amphibole–

Bi-quartz diorite124 ± 1 U–Pb Kotov et al. (2009)

A-23 BNEM Tok-AlgomaComplex

Hornblendedubalkali quartzdiorite

177 ± 3 U–Pb Kotov et al. (2012)

LA-400 BNEM Tok-AlgomaComplex

Hornblendedubalkali quartzdiorite

174 ± 2 U–Pb Kotov et al. (2012)

Unknown BNEM Buteel Peralkaline granite 178 ± 3 TIMS Mazukabzov et al. (2006)3036(2) BNEM Toksko-Algomin

ComplexTwo-Mica pegmatite 138 ± 1 U–Pb Sal’nikova et al. (2006)

Unknown BNEM Pokrovka massif(Zagan)

Bt-amph granite 161 ± 1 U–Pb Sklyarov et al. (1997)

Unknown BNEM Pokrovka massif(Zagan)

Granosyenite 153 ± 1 U–Pb Sklyarov et al. (1997)

(continued on next page)

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Table 1 (continued)

Sample Latitude Longitude Tectoniclocation

Pluton name Lithology Age (Ma) Method References

R-28 BNEM Shimanov Massif Leucocratic granites 190 ± 3 SHRIMP Sorokin et al. (2004a, 2004b)C-951 BNEM Bureya terrane Granite 185 ± 1 U–Pb Sorokin et al. (2007)MO 01/98 BNEM Muron shear zone Mylonitic granite 173 ± 1 SHRIMP Tomurtogoo et al. (2005)4679 BNEM ED MCC Granite 187 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS This paper4680 BNEM ED MCC Granite 148 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS This paperCGS01 SMGX Chaogenshan Syenogranite 142 ± 4 SHRIMP Jian et al. (2012)CGS03 SMGX Chaogenshan Bi-Granite 194 ± 16 SHRIMP Jian et al. (2012)CGS06 SMGX Chaogenshan Plagiogranite 163 ± 13 SHRIMP Jian et al. (2012)HGS02 SMGX Hegenshan Granodiorite 139 ± 2 SHRIMP Jian et al. (2012)MC1-2 SMGX Chaogenshan Bi-Granite 125 ± 2 SHRIMP Jian et al. (2012)MH1-2 SMGX Hegenshan Porphyry 132 ± 2 SHRIMP Jian et al. (2012)05FW065 43�1303300 117�3203000 SMGX Jingpeng Bi-Granite 140 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)05FW066 43�1400200 117�3105400 SMGX Jingpeng Granite 134 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)05FW080 43�1505000 117�4405500 SMGX Jingpeng Granite 140 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)05FW083 43�1500800 117�4901200 SMGX Baiyinbangou Granite 131 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)05FW116 43�2601300 117�2904700 SMGX Huanggangliang Granite Porphyry 132 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)05FW120 43�2104300 117�3603400 SMGX Dayingzi Granite Porphyry 132 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)05FW121 43�2905600 117�3900500 SMGX Huanggangliang Granite Porphyry 146 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)05FW124 43�3100900 117�3702700 SMGX Huanggangliang Bi-Syenogranite 141 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)05FW141 44�0905500 118�1602800 SMGX Chaoyanggou Bi-Monzogranite 132 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)05FW147 44�0703600 118�1000300 SMGX Chaoyanggou Granite Porphyry 142 ± 3 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)05FW148 44�0703600 118�1000300 SMGX Chaoyanggou Granite Porphyry 150 ± 4 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)05FW163 44�0405400 117�4300500 SMGX Beidashan Granodiorite 139 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)05FW171 43�5701500 117�3202400 SMGX Beidashan Monzogranite 136 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)AP SMGX Aolunhua Monzogranite 139 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)GW04158 46�2404200 121�1402300 SMGX Wulanmaodu Granodiorite 131 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)GW04162 46�2101400 121�0503200 SMGX Shabutai Monzogranite 129 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)GW04190 46�3603000 120�5305500 SMGX Jilasitai Monzogranite 135 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)GW04314 47�2202500 122�1203400 SMGX Fengshou Syenogranite 120 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)GW04360 46�4802100 122�3300000 SMGX Caishichangxi Gneissic Bi-

Syenogranite120 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)

GW04364 46�5404300 122�0802900 SMGX Shenshan Gneissic Bi-Syenogranite

119 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)

GW04369 46�4005800 121�1301100 SMGX Suolun Dioritic Porphyrite 134 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)PS SMGX Aolunhua Syengranite 131 ± 3 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)G0206-1 46�2902400 122�2901300 SMGX Yonghetun Monzogranite 127 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Ge et al. (2005)G0206-2 46�2902400 122�2901300 SMGX Yonghetun Granodiorite-

Porphyry128 ± 3 LA-ICP-MS Ge et al. (2005)

G0208-1 46�2904100 122�0702900 SMGX Qingshan Monzogranite 138 ± 3 LA-ICP-MS Ge et al. (2005)G0208-3 46�2904100 122�0702900 SMGX Qingshan Monzogranite 133 ± 3 LA-ICP-MS Ge et al. (2005)G0211-1 46�1303400 121�2805500 SMGX Dashizhai Monzogranite 176 ± 13 LA-ICP-MS Ge et al. (2005)G0211-4 46�1303400 121�2805500 SMGX Dashizhai Dioritic Porphyrite

Dyke182 ± 3 LA-ICP-MS Ge et al. (2005)

G0213-4 46�1303400 121�2805500 SMGX Jingyang Diorite 176 ± 4 LA-ICP-MS Ge et al. (2005)G0215-4 46�3600700 121�1502300 SMGX Suolun Monzogranite 126 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Ge et al. (2005)HQ0758 41�3605400 105�4101200 SMGX Yinggete-

BagemaodeDiorite 130 ± 2 SHRIMP Han et al. (2010)

DJ10-1 SMGX Dajing Granite 171 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Jiang et al. (2012)DJ10-15 43�2102200 118�1003200 SMGX Xiaochengzi Granite 146 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Jiang et al. (2012)DJ10-3 SMGX Dajing Monzogranite 171 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Jiang et al. (2012)Wuhuaaobao SMGX Wuhuaaobao Granite 139 ± 32 LA-ICP-MS Kong et al. (2010)Wurinitu SMGX Wurinitu Granite 134 ± 3 LA-ICP-MS Liu et al. (2010)LW97066 SMGX Maanzi Granite 149 ± 2 TI-MS Liu et al. (2005)ALH66 SMGX Aolunhua Granite 134 ± 4 SHRIMP Ma et al. (2009)ABT07 SMGX Sucha Granite 138 ± 4 SHRIMP Nie et al. (2009)99-19 SMGX Shaertala Granite 152 ± 3 TI-MS Tong et al. (2010)HSW2-3 48�4205100 127�1504300 SMGX Granite 175 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Xu et al. (2013a)HSW2-6 48�4205100 127�1504300 SMGX Granite 176 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Xu et al. (2013a)Rz-1 SMGX Hamaerwula Granite 125 ± 3 LA-ICP-MS Xu et al. (2011b)ZK030 SMGX Banlashan Granite 126 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Yan et al. (2011)HGL25 SMGX Huanggangliang Granite 140 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Zhai et al. (2012)HG-1-7 SMGX Huanggang Granite 137 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Zhou et al. (2010)HG-3-5 SMGX Huanggang Granite 137 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Zhou et al. (2010)M357a SMGX Altanshiree granite Granite 127 ± 7 LA-ICP-MS Daoudene et al. (2012)M372 SMGX Nartyn granite Granite 133 ± 3 LA-ICP-MS Daoudene et al. (2012)Unknown SMGX Yagan MCC Granite 135 ± 2 SHRIMP Wang et al. (2004)130CM33N SMGX Sandaowanzi Granite 117 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Liu et al. (2011)SD42-5N SMGX Sandaowanzi Granite 182 ± 3 LA-ICP-MS Liu et al. (2011)SD42-6a6bn SMGX Sandaowanzi Granite 135 ± 4 LA-ICP-MS Liu et al. (2011)SD42-7N SMGX Sandaowanzi Alkali-feldspar

granite125 ± 3 LA-ICP-MS Liu et al. (2011)

YE-1 47�1603000 119�4700000 SMGX Yiershi Syenite 137 ± 2 SHRIMP Wu et al. (2003a)2897136 50�2103000 127�1801500 SMGX Shangmachang Monzonite 106 ± 2 TI-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)FW04-403 49�3304100 123�4504400 SMGX Longtou Alkali-feldspar 129 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)

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Table 1 (continued)

Sample Latitude Longitude Tectoniclocation

Pluton name Lithology Age (Ma) Method References

graniteFW04-405 49�3300300 123�2102900 SMGX Dalaibin Granite 139 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)FW04-407 49�1403100 123�4600400 SMGX Yilinongchang Adamellite 131 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)FW04-412 49�3503500 124�0401800 SMGX Yili Granite 142 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)FW04-413 49�1003800 123�4503300 SMGX Nuomin Granite 130 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)FW04-414 48�1504100 123�2703300 SMGX Dechang Diorite 166 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)FW04-416 48�4002300 123�2600000 SMGX Sanchahe Diorite 179 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)FW04-417 48�3705700 123�1302700 SMGX Sanchahe Adamellite 157 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)GW04014 48�1905000 122�1901200 SMGX Lamashan Monzonite 142 ± 3 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)GW04015 48�3604800 122�0504200 SMGX Yalu Quartz monzonite 145 ± 5 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)GW04201 46�5502400 120�1503600 SMGX Niufentai High-Mg Adakite 157 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)GW04209 47�0800000 120�0302100 SMGX Aershan Monzogranite 129 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)GW04271 47�5203600 121�2002700 SMGX Bashenghe Granodiorite 131 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)GW04276 48�0501900 121�5002100 SMGX Sanqilinchang Granodiorite 143 ± 3 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)GW04278 47�5301100 122�0202400 SMGX Jiqinhe Monzogranite 129 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)GW04309 47�4505000 122�1601600 SMGX Xinlitun Granite 133 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)GW04448 50�4705800 124�0703300 SMGX Yaolinger Monzogranite 125 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)GW04459 50�3502600 124�1603600 SMGX Cuifeng Monzogranite 122 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)GW04465 50�2205900 124�2203000 SMGX Jiageda High-Mg Adakite 165 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)GW04490 50�2305300 124�0602200 SMGX Henannongchang Granite 125 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)GW05004 48�3104300 124�2702600 SMGX Baoshan Granite 160 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)9411-A SMGX Zhalantun Monzogranite 130 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Zhang et al. (2006a, 2006b)GW04005 SMGX Zhalantun Monzogranite 124 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Zhang et al. (2006a, 2006b)xk10-1 50�1004500 127�0702500 SMGX Datoushan Plagioliparite 188 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Zeng et al. (2011)xk10-11 50�1604600 126�4500100 SMGX Taipingshan Granite 171 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Zeng et al. (2011)xk10-17 50�1703100 126�5702700 SMGX Taipingshan Granite 128 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Zeng et al. (2011)xk10-50 50�0200700 126�2303600 SMGX Granite 121 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Zeng et al. (2011)ZK0-1-265 SMGX Sankuanggou Granite 176 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Chu et al. (2012)Z10-2 47�1003500 122�1204300 SMGX Luotuobozi Granite 127 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Gao et al. (2013)Z10-3 47�1002800 122�1005400 SMGX Luotuobozi Monzogranite 126 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Gao et al. (2013)Z10-4 47�1002800 122�1005400 SMGX Luotuobozi Andesite 131 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Gao et al. (2013)Z10-5 47�0504000 122�0300000 SMGX Luotuobozi Granites 130 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Gao et al. (2013)GW04512 50�2300200 125�3900900 SMGX Sankuanggou Granodiorites 177 ± 3 LA-ICP-MS Ge et al. (2007b)GW04516 50�2205000 125�4305000 SMGX Huaduoshan Granodiorites 176 ± 3 LA-ICP-MS Ge et al. (2007b)BY09-7 SMGX Baiyinnuo Quartz

monzodiorites129 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Jiang et al. (2011a)

BYN1 SMGX Baiyinnuo Quartzmonzodiorites

135 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Jiang et al. (2011a)

ME10-21 45�1300700 121�0805700 SMGX Mengentaolegai Porphyriticgranodiorite

155 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Jiang et al. (2011b)

A005 47�0800100 120�0302300 SMGX Nanxing’an Porphyriticgranodiorite

143 ± 8 LA-ICP-MS Xie et al. (2011)

HR3017TW 47�2101000 119�4302500 SMGX Meiguifeng Quartzmonzodiorites

135 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Xie et al. (2011)

HC-15 SMGX Molybdenumdeposit of Chalukou

Granodiorites 132 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Liu et al. (2013)

HD-212 SMGX Molybdenumdeposit of Chalukou

Granite 133 ± 12 LA-ICP-MS Liu et al. (2013)

HD-243 SMGX Molybdenumdeposit of Chalukou

Monzogranite 162 ± 12 LA-ICP-MS Liu et al. (2013)

HD-273 SMGX Molybdenumdeposit of Chalukou

Granite 149 ± 5 LA-ICP-MS Liu et al. (2013)

HD-47 SMGX Molybdenumdeposit of Chalukou

Monzogranite 148 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Liu et al. (2013)

HX-105 SMGX Molybdenumdeposit of Chalukou

Alkali-feldspar granite

137 ± 3 LA-ICP-MS Liu et al. (2013)

HX-9 SMGX Molybdenumdeposit of Chalukou

Syenite 148 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Liu et al. (2013)

LW97066 SMGX Maanzi Alkaline-hornblendegranite

165 ± 2 SHRIMP Liu et al. (2007)

WL53063 SMGX Xiaochengzi Alkaline-hornblendegranite

127 ± 5 SHRIMP Liu et al. (2007)

WL60423 SMGX Yelaigai Porphyritic Syenite 146 ± 3 SHRIMP Liu et al. (2007)WL60428 SMGX Longtoushan Syenite 125 ± 6 SHRIMP Liu et al. (2007)2002XKL-2 50�1302900 126�5402900 SMGX Porphyritic Syenite 164 ± 4 SHRIMP Miao et al. (2003)2002XKL-7 50�1502500 126�4704500 SMGX Woduhe Leucogranites 167 ± 4 SHRIMP Miao et al. (2003)BKT-02 48�3702100 122�0500100 SMGX Boketu-Zhalantuan Gabbros 147 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS She et al. (2012)BKT-05 48�3405200 122�0700800 SMGX Boketu-Zhalantuan Syenite 131 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS She et al. (2012)BKT-06 48�2003000 122�1705400 SMGX Boketu-Zhalantuan Quartz monzobiorite 141 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS She et al. (2012)BKT-11 47�5405400 122�4403300 SMGX Boketu-Zhalantuan Quartz orthoclase

porphyrite129 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS She et al. (2012)

BKT-15 48�3302400 123�0201700 SMGX Boketu-Zhalantuan Dioritic porphyrite 153 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS She et al. (2012)JGD-03 50�3200900 125�4701600 SMGX Woduhe Dioritic porphyrite 171 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS She et al. (2012)JGD-05 50�3305300 125�4104700 SMGX Woduhe Diorite 137 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS She et al. (2012)

(continued on next page)

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Table 1 (continued)

Sample Latitude Longitude Tectoniclocation

Pluton name Lithology Age (Ma) Method References

JGD-14 50�5400900 124�4303400 SMGX Xiaoyangqidong Dioritic porphyrite 128 ± 3 LA-ICP-MS She et al. (2012)JGD-30 51�1303200 124�2301600 SMGX Xintianzhen Adamellite 188 ± 3 LA-ICP-MS She et al. (2012)JGD-33 51�1703500 124�1400200 SMGX Xintianzhen Quartz diorite 128 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS She et al. (2012)JGD-34 51�1504200 124�1105700 SMGX Xintianzhen Dioritic porphyrite 128 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS She et al. (2012)JGD-35 50�2505700 124�0501700 SMGX Jiagedaqi Granodiorite 128 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS She et al. (2012)JLG-01 51�5304600 121�0000700 SMGX Jielugonghe Diorite 139 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS She et al. (2012)LZS-01 48�2105300 120�4905900 SMGX Lizishan Quartz porphyry 161 ± 3 LA-ICP-MS She et al. (2012)LZS-01 48�2105300 120�4905900 SMGX Lizishan Quartz monzobiorite 162 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS She et al. (2012)Mor-03 51�2801600 120�5301800 SMGX Fengshuishan Granodiorite 200 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS She et al. (2012)Mor-04 51�2801600 120�5301800 SMGX Fengshuishan Quartz diorite 200 ± 5 LA-ICP-MS She et al. (2012)SKG-61 50�2103000 125�4301400 SMGX Sankuanggou Granite porphyry 178 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS She et al. (2012)TED-04 47�4402900 121�0204500 SMGX Taerqierdaohe Granite 127 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS She et al. (2012)TED-05 47�4905600 121�1605600 SMGX Taerqi Granite 164 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS She et al. (2012)TED-30 48�2702800 121�1204600 SMGX Taerqi-Naoer Granite porphyry 145 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS She et al. (2012)TED-32 48�2902500 121�2005300 SMGX Taerqi-Naoer Granite 129 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS She et al. (2012)TS-04 50�1405300 125�4703500 SMGX Tongshan Porphyritic granite 167 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS She et al. (2012)TS-55 50�1405300 125�4703500 SMGX Tongshan Granite 131 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS She et al. (2012)WLS-12 49�2503000 117�1701200 SMGX Wunugetushan Monzogranite 196 ± 4 LA-ICP-MS She et al. (2012)WLS-15 49�2402100 117�1901000 SMGX Wunugetushan Granite porphyry 198 ± 3 LA-ICP-MS She et al. (2012)WLS-16 49�2602100 117�0600400 SMGX Wunugetushan Granite 144 ± 3 LA-ICP-MS She et al. (2012)WNE-16 48�5901900 121�1201100 SMGX Wunuerhe Monzogranite 151 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS She et al. (2012)WS-10 49�2504100 117�1703900 SMGX Wunugetushan Syenogranite 180 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS She et al. (2012)WS-12 49�2504200 117�1704000 SMGX Wunugetushan Granite porphyry 181 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS She et al. (2012)WS-12 49�2504200 117�1704000 SMGX Wunugetushan Monzogranite 182 ± 3 SHRIMP She et al. (2012)WSZ476-22 SMGX Wunugetushan Monzogranite 178 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS She et al. (2012)Z10-16 SMGX Hamagou Granite porphyry 137 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Shi et al. (2013)Z10-17 SMGX Hamagou Gneissic granite 136 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Shi et al. (2013)Z11-62 SMGX Hamagou Granite 126 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Shi et al. (2013)Z11-63 SMGX Hamagou Granite 136 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Shi et al. (2013)GW05085 52�0002300 126�1204600 SMGX Xinghua Bi-monzogranite 178 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Sui et al. (2007)GW05112 51�5204500 125�4704000 SMGX Jiweidianzi Bi-monzogranite 181 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Sui et al. (2007)GW05120 51�4901400 126�1602100 SMGX Jiweidianzi Granite 176 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Sui et al. (2007)GW05129 50�5304100 127�0500000 SMGX Baishilazi Granite 170 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Sui et al. (2007)D001-2 SMGX Molybdenum

deposit oftaipinggou

Granite 132 ± 1 SHRIMP Wang et al. (2009)

WB-1 SMGX Molybdenumdeposit oftaipinggou

Granite 131 ± 1 SHRIMP Wang et al. (2009)

P30b6-3 SMGX Chaihe Dioritic porphyrite 133 ± 3 LA-ICP-MS Wang et al. (2009)HSW6-12 49�4300700 127�2002300 SMGX Dioritic porphyrite 185 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Xu et al. (2013a, 2013b, 2013c)HSW6-4 49�4300700 127�2002300 SMGX Granite porphyry 183 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Xu et al. (2013a, 2013b, 2013c)XA3-3-210 SMGX Copper zone of Amu Bi-granite 124 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Zhang et al. (2013)XA3-3-357 SMGX Copper zone of Amu Monzogranite 131 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Zhang et al. (2013)XA7-3-288 SMGX Copper zone of Amu Dioritic porphyrite

dyke129 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Zhang et al. (2013)

BLS-7 SMGX Banlashan Dioritic porphyrite 134 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Zhang et al. (2010a, 2010b,2010c, 2010d, 2010e , 2010f)

GW07012 48�5004800 126�3100400 SMGX Molabushan Granite porphyrydyke

169 ± 3 LA-ICP-MS Zhang et al. (2010a, 2010b,2010c, 2010d, 2010e , 2010f)

GW07017 49�0105800 126�2202300 SMGX Chaoyanglinchang Bi-granite 187 ± 6 LA-ICP-MS Zhang et al. (2010a, 2010b,2010c, 2010d, 2010e , 2010f)

GW07019 48�5602200 126�2104400 SMGX Chaoyanglinchang Granite 171 ± 4 LA-ICP-MS Zhang et al. (2010a, 2010b,2010c, 2010d, 2010e , 2010f)

ZLT04-1 SMGX Zhalantuan Bi-adamellite 116 ± 3 LA-ICP-MS Zhang et al. (2006a, 2006b)C2AP11JD32 SMGX Awuni Adamellite 167 ± 1 TI-MS Zhao et al. (2005)C2AP11JD53 SMGX Awuni Adamellite 164 ± 1 TI-MS Zhao et al. (2005)GZ10-65 44�1801900 119�1800300 SMGX Ganzhuermiao Bi-syenogranite 154 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Yang et al. (in pressGZ10-57 44�0902300 119�3103600 SMGX Ganzhuermiao Bi-monzogranite 139 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Yang et al. (in press)GZ10-52 44�3402300 119�4002000 SMGX Ganzhuermiao Bi-monzogranite 137 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Yang et al. (in press)GZ10-49 44�3100300 119�4603000 SMGX Ganzhuermiao Bi-monzogranite 138 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Yang et al. (in press)GZ10-28 44�4904000 120�2500900 SMGX Ganzhuermiao Granite porphyry 125 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Yang et al. (in press)E10101-15 44�4902200 112�4202300 SMGX Stone Forest Park in

ErlianBi-plagiogranite 132 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Huang et al. (submitted for

publication)XJY NNCC Xiaojiayingzi Syengranite 170 ± 1 SHRIMP Dai et al. (2009)PRC-18 41�080 111�460 NNCC Daqingshan Granodiorite

porphyry119 ± 2 TIMS Davis and Darby (2010)

PRC-28 41�0003000 111�5003000 NNCC Daqingshan Potassic-alteration rock

112 ± 2 TIMS Davis and Darby (2010)

PRC-30 40�5900600 112�0405600 NNCC Shenshuiling Granodiorite-porphyry dyke

136 ± 4 TIMS Davis and Darby (2010)

PRC-1 NNCC Shatuozi Pyroxenequartzdiorite

151 ± 2 TIMS Davis et al. (2001)

PRC-10 NNCC Fangshan Alkali-feldspar 129 ± 1.5 TIMS Davis et al. (2001)

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Table 1 (continued)

Sample Latitude Longitude Tectoniclocation

Pluton name Lithology Age (Ma) Method References

granitePRC-11 NNCC Wulingshan Granite porphyry 129 ± 1.5 TIMS Davis et al. (2001)PRC-12 NNCC Wulingshan Granite 132 ± 1.5 TIMS Davis et al. (2001)PRC-13 NNCC Panjiadian Monzogranite 130 ± 1.5 TIMS Davis et al. (2001)PRC-15 NNCC Yangfang Granitic mylonite 118 ± 1.5 TIMS Davis et al. (2001)PRC-17 NNCC Dahaituo Mylonite diorite 119 ± 2 TIMS Davis et al. (2001)PRC-18 41�080 111�460 NNCC Naobaoshang Gneissic granite 119 ± 2 TIMS Davis et al. (2001)PRC-19 NNCC Daguikou Gneissic granite 117 ± 3 TIMS Davis et al. (2001)PRC-2 NNCC Dadonggou Granite 127 ± 2 TIMS Davis et al. (2001)PRC-20 NNCC Jiashan Dioritee enclave 113 ± 2 TIMS Davis et al. (2001)PRC-21 NNCC Guozhangzi Diorite enclave 111 ± 4 TIMS Davis et al. (2001)PRC-3 NNCC Wudaohe Monzogranite 141 ± 2 TIMS Davis et al. (2001)PRC-4 NNCC Yunmengshan Granite dyke 142 ± 2 TIMS Davis et al. (2001)PRC-5 NNCC Shimenshan Quartz diorite 143 ± 3 TIMS Davis et al. (2001)PRC-6 NNCC Yunmengshan Granodiorite 143 ± 3 TIMS Davis et al. (2001)PRC-7 NNCC Changyuan Diorite enclave 151 ± 2 TIMS Davis et al. (2001)PRC-8 NNCC Beishicheng Granite 159 ± 2 TIMS Davis et al. (2001)PRC-9 NNCC Xuejiashiliang Granite 127 ± 1.5 TIMS Davis et al. (2001)Heixiongshan NNCC Heixiongshan Granite 124 ± 1.1 SHRIMP Deng et al. (2004)Humen NNCC Humen Quartz monzodiorite 124 ± 1.8 SHRIMP Deng et al. (2004)Heishanzhai NNCC Heishanzhai Granodiorite 125 ± 1.5 SHRIMP Deng et al. (2004)Baicha NNCC Baicha Granite 127 ± 0.7 SHRIMP Deng et al. (2004)Xuejiashiliang NNCC Xuejiashiliang Monzogranite 130 ± 1.7 SHRIMP Deng et al. (2004)Hanjiachuan NNCC Hanjiachuan Monzogranite 138 ± 1.2 SHRIMP Deng et al. (2004)Duijiuyu NNCC Duijiuyu Monzogranite 138 ± 3.6 SHRIMP Deng et al. (2004)Yunmengshan NNCC Yunmengshan Two-mica granite 145 ± 2.7 SHRIMP Deng et al. (2004)Changyuan NNCC Changyuan Two-mica granite 153 ± 3.2 SHRIMP Deng et al. (2004)Shicheng NNCC Shicheng Granite Dyke 156 ± 1.5 SHRIMP Deng et al. (2004)Siganding NNCC Siganding Two-mica Granite 159 ± 1.9 SHRIMP Deng et al. (2004)Dashipo NNCC Dashipo Granodiorite enclave 197 ± 1.9 SHRIMP Deng et al. (2004)BHG4 NNCC Duimiangou Monzogranite 128 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Fu et al. (2012a, 2012b)XL03 NNCC Xinglonggou Quartz monzodiorite 144 ± 9 SHRIMP Gao et al. (2004)DQ08-100 41�0102500 112�0304900 NNCC Shenshuiling Monzogranite 140 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Guo et al. (2012)DQ08-110 41�0304100 112�0102400 NNCC Shenshuiling Bi-granite 148 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Guo et al. (2012)DQ08-38 40�0001400 111�5002800 NNCC Kuisucun Bi-monzogranite 142 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Guo et al. (2012)DQ08-65-1 40�5704400 111�5304900 NNCC Daqingshan Granodiorite 142 ± 1 SHRIMP Guo et al. (2012)DQ08-68-7 40�5802500 111�5302800 NNCC Daqingshan Alkali feldspar

granite132 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Guo et al. (2012)

DQ08-70 40�5903000 111�5300600 NNCC Kuisucun Monzogranite 114 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Guo et al. (2012)Hu09-55 41�0002900 112�0605600 NNCC Shenshuiling Quartzdiorite 138 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Guo et al. (2012)YX270 NNCC Zhangwu Alkalifeldspargranite 126 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Huang et al. (2007)JN0743 NNCC Shangshuiquan Monzogranite 143 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Jiang et al. (2009)20-KL-37 NNCC Anjiayingzi Monzogranite 135 ± 5 TIMS Li et al. (2004)20-KL-58 NNCC Anjiayingzi Monzogranite 132 ± 5 TIMS Li et al. (2004)LJ023 NNCC Jiuliancheng Monzogranite 157 ± 6 SHRIMP Li et al. (2004)LJ037 NNCC Gaoliduntai Syenogranite 156 ± 5 SHRIMP Li et al. (2004)Wangtufang NNCC Wangtufang Dolerite 190 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Liu et al. (2012b)WC08-06 NNCC Deshengying Monzogranite 131 ± 1 SIMS Meng et al. (2014)WC08-08 NNCC Xunisuba Syenogranite 140 ± 4 SIMS Meng et al. (2014)WC08-11 NNCC Guluban Monzogranite 145 ± 1 SIMS Meng et al. (2014)WC08-12 NNCC Kuisu Monzogranite 142 ± 2 SIMS Meng et al. (2014)SHSHQ-1 NNCC Shangshuiquan Monzogranite 142 ± 1 SHRIMP Miao et al. (2002)C-49 NNCC Haoying Granodiorite 134 ± 1 SHRIMP Niu et al. (2004)DZZ-3 NNCC Dengzhazi Diorite 140 ± 2 SHRIMP Niu et al. (2011)07FS02 NNCC Fangshan Monzogranite 132 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Sun et al. (2010)07FS02 NNCC Fangshan Monzogranite 133 ± 1 SI-MS Sun et al. (2010)07FS09 NNCC Fangshan Bi-amphibole

plagiogneiss130 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Sun et al. (2010)

07FS09 NNCC Fangshan Muscovite granite 132 ± 3 SI-MS Sun et al. (2010)07FS11 NNCC Fangshan Bi-granite 134 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Sun et al. (2010)07FS11 NNCC Fangshan Granite porphyry 130 ± 1 SI-MS Sun et al. (2010)08FS02 NNCC Fangshan Granite porphyry 134 ± 1 SI-MS Sun et al. (2010)08FS10 NNCC Fangshan Syenogranite 132 ± 1 SI-MS Sun et al. (2010)Ln09630-10 NNCC Liaonan Quartz-monzonite

porphyry115 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Wang et al. (2012a)

Ln09630-11.1 NNCC Wanfu Syenogranite 170 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Wang et al. (2012a)Ln805012b NNCC Liaonan Quartz porphyry 129 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Wang et al. (2012a)05FW064 43�1303300 117�3203000 NNCC Jingpeng Syenogranite 141 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2011a, 2011b)F04-033 NNCC Xiangshan Monzogranite 117 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Yang et al. (2008a)F04-067 NNCC Houhushan Quartz-monzonite

porphyry120 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Yang et al. (2008a)

F04-073 NNCC Houhushan Monzogranite 118 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Yang et al. (2008a)F04-106 NNCC Qiancengbei Granodiorite

porphyry129 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Yang et al. (2008a)

(continued on next page)

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Table 1 (continued)

Sample Latitude Longitude Tectoniclocation

Pluton name Lithology Age (Ma) Method References

F04-111 NNCC Wulingshan Granite porphyry 129 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Yang et al. (2008a)F04-113 NNCC Wulingshan Granite porphyry 130 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Yang et al. (2008a)F04-114 NNCC Wulingshan Granite porphyry 130 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Yang et al. (2008a)FX18 NNCC Gangjia Granodiorite 153 ± 5 SHRIMP Zhang et al. (2008a, 2008b)HP9 NNCC Hengshan Granodiorite 167 ± 6 SHRIMP Zhang et al. (2010a, 2010b,

2010c, 2010d, 2010e , 2010f)1021 NNCC Qianzhangzi Bi-Granite 164 ± 4 SHRIMP Zhang et al. (2014)07D010-1 42�0505600 119�0703400 NNCC Zhoujiawopu Pegmatite 159 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Zhang et al. (2014)07D044-1 42�3303900 118�2705200 NNCC Gangzi Pegmatite 138 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Zhang et al. (2014)07D046-1 42�3000800 118�4701900 NNCC Jianchang Pegmatite 171 ± 3 LA-ICP-MS Zhang et al. (2014)08008-1 40�4403900 118�0804700 NNCC Chengde Pegmatite 159 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Zhang et al. (2014)09018-1 40�2600400 118�3100400 NNCC Nianziyu Pegmatite 165 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Zhang et al. (2014)09043-1 41�1204400 119�3900600 NNCC Liuguanyingzi Pegmatite 124 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Zhang et al. (2014)09061-1 42�0101400 120�2804800 NNCC Chengjiawopu Peralkaline granite 164 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Zhang et al. (2014)10018-1 40�3505300 117�5303500 NNCC Shouwangfen Sheared amphibole–

Bi-quartz diorite133 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Zhang et al. (2014)

10036-1 40�4304700 118�0704500 NNCC Chengde Hornblende subalkaliquartz diorite

161 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Zhang et al. (2014)

10096-1 41�0100500 116�3705700 NNCC Yunwushan Hornblende subalkaliquartz diorite

138 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Zhang et al. (2014)

HPQ020817 NNCC Qianzhangzi Peralkaline granite 166 ± 2 SHRIMP Zhang et al. (2014)LLX020811 NNCC Xingzhangzi Two-Mica pegmatite 165 ± 2 SHRIMP Zhang et al. (2014)SGD-1 40�2803400 117�0701700 NNCC Siganding Bt-amph granite 160 ± 5 SHRIMP Zhang et al. (2014)Fangshan NNCC Fangshan Granosyenite 131 ± 1 SHRIMP Cai et al. (2005)ZKD NNCC Fangshan Leucocratic granites 131 ± 1 SHRIMP Cai et al. (2005)ZB-1 NNCC Banlashan Granite 132 ± 1 SHRIMP Zeng et al. (2009)Lanjiagou NNCC Lanjiagou Mylonitic granite 189 ± 1 SHRIMP Dai et al. (2008)HH-1 NNCC Niuxinshan Granite 173 ± 2 SHRIMP Guo et al. (2009)T-1 NNCC Tangzhangzi Granite 173 ± 2 SHRIMP Guo et al. (2009)WC08-06 NNCC Hutoushan Bi-syenogranite 131 ± 1 SIMS He et al. (2010)DB101 NNCC Huanghuacheng Bi-monzogranite 133 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Jiao et al. (2013)DB104 NNCC Fenshuiling Bi-monzogranite 129 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Jiao et al. (2013)DB107-2 NNCC Tieluzi Bi-monzogranite 137 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Jiao et al. (2013)DB101 NNCC Huanghuacheng Granite porphyry 133 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Jiao et al. (2013)DB104 NNCC Fenshuiling Bi-plagiogranite 129 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Jiao et al. (2013)DB107-2 NNCC Tieluzi Monzogranite 137 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Jiao et al. (2013)DH-23 NNCC Daolanghuduge Syenogranite 139 ± 2 SHRIMP Xie et al. (2012)SBZ09-17 40�1601800 118�4302800 NNCC Sibozi-Liubozi Granite porphyry 190 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Li et al. (2012a)SBZ09-33 40�1701400 118�4300400 NNCC Sibozi-Liubozi Monzogranite 160 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Li et al. (2012a)SBZ09-51 40�1504800 118�4103100 NNCC Sibozi-Liubozi Monzogranite 177 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Li et al. (2012a)SBZ09-56 40�1505100 118�4203100 NNCC Sibozi-Liubozi Granite porphyry 196 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Li et al. (2012a)WY-48 NNCC Yunmengshan Gneissic granite 144 ± 4 SHRIMP Liu et al. (2004a, 2004b)No. 1 NNCC Hongdunliang Granite 144 ± 2 SHRIMP Liu et al. (2010)No. 4 NNCC Donggoulou Granite 138 ± 2 SHRIMP Liu et al. (2010)1 NNCC Hongdunliang Bi-monzogranite 144 ± 2 SHRIMP Liu et al. (2010)4 NNCC Donggoulou Bi-monzogranite 138 ± 2 SHRIMP Liu et al. (2010)QSHK-2 NNCC Qingshankou Granite 199 ± 2 SHRIMP Luo et al. (2001a)NXSH-2 NNCC Niuxinshan Granite 172 ± 2 SHRIMP Luo et al. (2001b)YEY-3 NNCC Yuerya Granite 175 ± 1 SHRIMP Luo et al. (2001b)YEY-8 NNCC Yuerya Granite 174 ± 3 SHRIMP Luo et al. (2001b)PSHL-1 NNCC Paishanlou Dioritic porphyrite 126 ± 2 SHRIMP Luo et al. (2001c)PSHL-10 NNCC Paishanlou Dioritic porphyrite 125 ± 1 SHRIMP Luo et al. (2001c)PSHL-2 NNCC Paishanlou Granite porphyry 124 ± 1 SHRIMP Luo et al. (2001c)PSHL-4 NNCC Paishanlou Bi-granite 124 ± 1 SHRIMP Luo et al. (2001c)NXSH-2 NNCC Niuxinshan Monzogranite 172 ± 2 SHRIMP Luo et al. (2001d)PSHL-1 NNCC Paishanlou Dioritic porphyrite

dyke126 ± 2 SHRIMP Luo et al. (2001d)

PSHL-10 NNCC Paishanlou Dioritic porphyrite 125 ± 1 SHRIMP Luo et al. (2001d)PSHL-2 NNCC Paishanlou Granite porphyry

dyke124 ± 1 SHRIMP Luo et al. (2001d)

QSHAK-2 NNCC Qingshankou Bi-granite 199 ± 2 SHRIMP Luo et al. (2001d)YEY-3 NNCC Yuerya Granite 175 ± 1 SHRIMP Luo et al. (2001d)By98055 NNCC Beichagoumen Bi-adamellite 146 ± 1 TIMS Mao et al. (2003)By98076 NNCC Beichagoumen Adamellite 139 ± 1 TIMS Mao et al. (2003)By99077 NNCC Beichagoumen Adamellite 148 ± 2 TIMS Mao et al. (2003)By993187 NNCC Beichagoumen Syengranite 139 ± 1 TIMS Mao et al. (2003)Zk201G NNCC Beichagoumen Granodiorite-

porphyry146 ± 4 TIMS Mao et al. (2003)

HDMG-19 NNCC Hadamengou Potassic-plteration Rock

132 ± 2 SHRIMP Miao et al. (2000)

EDG-3 NNCC Xiduimiangou Granodiorite-porphyry dyke

126 ± 1 SHRIMP Miao et al. (2003)

EDG-7 NNCC Loushang Pyroxenequartzdiorite

161 ± 1 SHRIMP Miao et al. (2003)

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Table 1 (continued)

Sample Latitude Longitude Tectoniclocation

Pluton name Lithology Age (Ma) Method References

WB08-N3 NNCC Narenwula Alkali-feldsparGranite

145 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Qin et al. (2012)

WB08-N8 NNCC Baiqi Granite porphyry 135 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Qin et al. (2012)21T-46 NNCC Xiaodonggou Granite 142 ± 2 SHRIMP Tan et al. (2009)ZK150-19 NNCC Luoguhe Monzogranite 131 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Wang et al. (2010a, 2010b,

2010c)CF06-042 41�5601600 119�0301900 NNCC Chaoyanggou Granitic mylonite 150 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Wang et al. (2010a)CF06-066 41�5405900 118�5805400 NNCC Molihaigou Mylonite diorite 128 ± 3 SHRIMP Wang et al. (2010a)CF06-042 41�5601600 119�0300100 NNCC Chaoyanggou Gneissic granite 150 ± 1 SHRIMP Wang et al. (2010a, 2010b,

2010c)CF06-066 41�5405900 118�5805400 NNCC Molihaigou Gneissic granite 128 ± 3 SHRIMP Wang et al. (2010a, 2010b,

2010c)Sanguliu NNCC Sanguliu Granite 129 ± 3 TIMS Wei et al. (2003)FW04-301 40�1703800 122�2005700 NNCC Gudaoling Diorite enclave 120 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2005a)FW04-303 40�1703800 122�2005700 NNCC Gudaoling Diorite enclave 121 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2005a)FW04-305 40�1703800 122�2005700 NNCC Gudaoling Monzogranite 121 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2005a)FW04-315 39�1200600 121�5403900 NNCC Liangjiatai Granite dyke 128 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2005a)FW04-319 40�0801300 123�0901300 NNCC Dafangshen Quartz diorite 124 ± 3 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2005a)FW04-337 40�5200900 124�3505100 NNCC Guanshui Granodiorite 131 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2005a)JH-35 40�1703800 122�2005700 NNCC Gudaoling Diorite enclave 121 ± 3 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2005a)03JH047 41�5805100 121�4802900 NNCC Haitangshan Granite 176 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2006)03JH054 42�0004300 121�4701900 NNCC Haitangshan Granite 163 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2006)03JH059 42�0004300 121�4701900 NNCC Haitangshan Granite 152 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2006)FW02-114 40�3601700 120�3101300 NNCC Jianchang Quartz monzodiorite 157 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2006)FW02-120 40�4200700 120�2900200 NNCC Jianchang Granodiorite 185 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2006)FW02-122 40�4200700 120�2900200 NNCC Jianchang Granite 190 ± 3 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2006)FW02-135 40�5602200 120�4004700 NNCC Yangjiazhangzi Monzogranite 188 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2006)FW02-140 40�5602200 120�4004700 NNCC Yangjiazhangzi Monzogranite 189 ± 4 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2006)FW02-144 40�5600000 120�4402600 NNCC Yangjiazhangzi Monzogranite 182 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2006)FW02-151 41�3703600 121�2601000 NNCC Jianlazi Two-mica granite 154 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2006)FW02-156 41�3502100 121�2802300 NNCC Jianlazi Two-mica granite 169 ± 10 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2006)FW02-158 41�3502100 121�2802300 NNCC Jianlazi Granite dyke 182 ± 3 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2006)FW02-168 41�3404900 121�4200300 NNCC Yiwulvshan Two-mica granite 163 ± 3 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2006)FW02-170 41�3404900 121�4200300 NNCC Yiwulvshan Granodiorite enclave 153 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2006)FW02-176 41�1501400 121�3000500 NNCC Shishan Monzogranite 123 ± 3 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2006)FW02-93 40�3500900 120�0505300 NNCC Kuangbang Quartz monzodiorite 182 ± 2 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2006)FW02-95 40�3401100 120�1205100 NNCC Jianchang Monzogranite 153 ± 1 LA-ICP-MS Wu et al. (2006)CBL19 NNCC Chaobuleng Bi-granite 137 ± 2 SHRIMP Xu et al. (2010)Nianzigou NNCC Nianzigou Bi-monzogranite 152 ± 2 SHRIMP Zhang et al. (2011)

T. Wang et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 97 (2015) 365–392 375

3.3. Northern NCC (NNCC)

Late Mesozoic granitoids widely occur in the northern NCC. Lotsof (173) zircon ages show a wide peak at 140–115 Ma (Fig. 3d),mainly at 130–120 Ma. No obvious age parks for Jurassic granitoidsprobably imply that the Jurassic granitoid magmatisms were con-tinuous, mainly from 195–175 Ma to 175–145 Ma.

The Jurassic granitoids are predominately distributed along thewest segment of the northern margin of the NCC (Fig. 3d), most inthe Yanshan belt. Early Cretaceous granitoids are abundant in thenorthern NCC, and mainly emplaced during 145–115 Ma. Theyare widespread in the Yanshan area (northern Beijing in northeast-ern Hebei Province) (Fig. 1). In the Yanshan area, intrusive rockswere mainly emplaced between 140 and 110 Ma. The compilationof ages younger than 150 Ma indicates that igneous activity in theYanshan-Liaoxi area were temporally peaked at 130–120 Ma(Fig. 3d).

Many Early Cretaceous granitoids have been identified frommetamorphic core complexes (MCCs) in the northern NCC. In theHuhhot MCC of the Da Qingshan, two groups have been identifiedaccording to their relationships to ductile detachment shearing:The early subgroup (148–135 Ma) comprise mainly quartz dio-rite–granodiorite–monzogranite, and deformed by extensionalductile shearing, so they are regarded as pre- or syn-kinematic.The late subgroup (132–110 Ma) consist of monzogranite–alkalinegranite–syenogranite–syenite, and they are non-deformed,showing features of syn- or post-kinematic (Guo et al., 2011).

In the Yunmengshan MCC, located in the southeastern Yanshanbelt in the NCC, there also exist two groups of granitoid plutons.The early group, including the Yunmengshan granodiorite (143–144 Ma, Liu et al., 2004a, 2004b), metadiorite (159–155, Daviset al., 1998; Shi et al., 2009) plutons. They were deformed by theductile shearing. The late group, including a leucocratic granodio-rite (128 ± 1 Ma; Davis et al., 1996), which discordantly truncatesa ductile south-directed contractional shear zone, locally displaysmylonitic fabrics, and 128–124 Ma plutons discordantly truncatesand are undeformed.

In the Yagan MCC in the southernmost Sino-Mongolia borderoccur earlier deformed plutons 145 ± 5 Ma and later large ellipticalk-feldspar granitic plutons (135 Ma). Some granitoids with mylo-nited fabrics (144 Ma) and undeformed pegmatite with 131 Maalso related to the extensional tectonics have been reported fromthe Yingba MCC, near the Yagan area (Zhou et al., 2013). Early Cre-taceous granitoids in the typical MCCs show that tectonic exten-sion, magmatism and crustal growth are closely related (Wanget al., 2012a, 2012b).

3.4. Summary and discussion on spatial–temporal variations

Voluminous late Mesozoic (Jurassic–Cretaceous) granitoidplutons in the Mongol–Okhotsk belt and adjacent areas weremainly emplaced during 200–180 Ma, 180–165 Ma, 165–145 Ma,145–135 Ma and 135–110 Ma. The Jurassic granitoid magmatismoccurred throughout the Jurassic time, without obvious age peaks

Page 12: Journal of Asian Earth Sciences...China Craton (NCC). It is composed of Paleozoic sedimentary strata, volcanic rocks and granitoids. This belt or terrane is comparable to the Ondor

Fig. 3. Zircon age for Late Mesozoic (Jurassic–Early Cretaceous) granitoid map inthe Mongol–Okhotsk and adjacent areas, NE Asia (age data cited from Table 1).

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(Fig. 3a). The Early and Middle Jurassic magmatism are mainly dis-tributed in the Mongol–Okhotsk belt and the Great Xing’an range(Fig. 1). It seems that the Jurassic magmatism become youngersoutheast ward (Fig. 2). This is also shown in Fig. 3a–d, by youngerof the age peaks from 180 Ma to 170 Ma and to 160 Ma during the

Jurassic time from the Baikal-Okhotsk to South Mongol–Great Xin-g’an, and to north NCC. The major age gap between the Jurassic andEarly Cretaceous granitoids also illustrate such trend. Early Creta-ceous granitoid magmatism temporally range from 145 to115 Ma with peak at 130–120 Ma (Fig. 3), and are widely distrib-uted in the Great Xing’an Range, south of the Mongol–Okhotsk belt,and Yanshan-Yingshan belt in the northern NCC, showing a west-ward younger trend. Some of Cretaceous granitoids have beenreported in the west part of the areas, and few of them also havebeen recognized from the Mongol–Okhotsk belt.

These late Mesozoic granitoids in the Mongo-Okhotsk belt, theGreat Xing’an range (western NE China) and northern margins ofthe NCC are approximately consistent with that in NE China (Wuet al., 2011a, 2011b) and eastern China (Sun et al., 2012) in ages,and constitute the major part of the large igneous province inthe NE Asia. Some of them, such as Early Cretaceous granitoids inthe Xing’an Range, show NNE trend and could belong to the largeigneous province of Paleo-Pacific margin, but many of them inthe Mongo-Okhotsk belt exhibiting NE trending seem to be genet-ically related to the evolution of the Okhotsk oceanic plate.

These late Mesozoic (Jurassic–Cretaceous) granitoid plutonismsare approximately similar in age to volcanisms in the areas. In thenorthern Great Xing’an Range, the 138–116 Ma, calc-alkaline vol-canic volcanisms show an evolutionary trend from low-K calc-alkaline (basaltic andesites/trachyandesites, Group 1), to High-Kcalc-alkaline hornblende andesites/trachytes (Group 2) and to rhy-olite lavas (Group 3) (Fan et al., 2003). In whole NE China Mesozoicvolcanic volcanisms mainly occurred during Late Triassic (228–201 Ma), Early–Middle Jurassic (190–173 Ma), Middle–Late Juras-sic (166–155 Ma), early Early Cretaceous (145–138 Ma), late EarlyCretaceous (133–106 Ma), and Late Cretaceous (97–88 Ma) (Xuet al., 2013b). Late Mesozoic calc-alkaline volcanism in the north-ern Great Xing’an Rang also took place during 138–116 Ma (Fanet al., 2003). All of these plutonisms and volcanisms belong tothe large igneous province in the NE Asia.

4. Origin types and evolution of Late Mesozoic granitoids

In order to investigate their origin types and evolution, we havecollected published geochemical data from literatures in recent tenyears. Except for few unreliable veracious data, almost all of themhave been cited in present study. We summarize their geochemicalfeatures and magmatic evolution in above three regions as below.

4.1. Baikal–NE Mongolia (BNEM)

The Jurassic and Early Cretaceous granitoids in the region con-sist mainly of quartzdiorite, quartz monzonite, granodiorites andmonzogranite, associated with coeval mafic intrusions such ashornblende gabbros. Geochemically, the Jurassic granitoids showintermediate to high SiO2 (55–76 wt.%) contents, which have linearcorrelation with Al2O3, TiO2, MgO, CaO, K2O, and P2O5 (Fig. 4).Notably, the well-defined linear negative correlations betweenSiO2 and P2O5, which is the one of the best tests for discriminationof I- and S-type granitoids (Chappell and White, 1992), suggest thatmost of the Jurassic granitoids are I-type (Fig. 4). In the SiO2 versusK2O diagram (Fig. 5a), they most plot in the fields of calc-alkalineand high-K calc-alkaline series (HKCA). Besides, the Jurassic grani-toids have A/CNK of 0.7–1.1 (except two points >1.1) and A/NKfrom 1 to 2.2, indicating a metaluminous affinity (Fig. 5b). On thechondrite-normalized REE diagram (Fig. 6a), they display REE pat-terns characterized variable relative enrichment in light rare earthelements (LREEs) with weak Eu anomalies. In trace element, thosegranitoids are characterized by slightly high Sr and low Y and Ybcontents (Fig. 6b), resulting in high Sr/Y ratios (Fig. 7). Almost all

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Fig. 4. Variations of selected major oxides (TiO2, MgO, CaO and P2O5) versus SiO2 for Late Mesozoic (Jurassic–Early Cretaceous) granitoids in the Baikal–NE Mongolia. Datafrom Ling et al. (2004), Wu et al. (2009), Sui et al. (2007), Wang et al. (2010a), Cheng (2006), Reichow et al. (2010), Jahn et al. (2009), Jahn (2004), Tomurtogoo et al. (2005),Buchko et al. (2007), Sotnikov et al. (2007), Huang et al. (submitted for publication), Kong et al. (2012), Yang et al. (in press), Efremov et al. (2008).

Fig. 5. K2O–SiO2 (A, after Peccerillo and Taylor, 1976) and A/NK-A/CNK (B, after Maniar and Piccoli, 1989) diagrams for Late Mesozoic (Jurassic–Early Cretaceous) granitoids inBaikal–NE Mongolia. Symbols and data sources as in Fig. 4.

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of Jurassic granitoids are located in the boundary fields between I-Sand A types in I-, S-, and A-type discrimination diagrams (Fig. 8),and in boundary areas among arc, post-collisional and within platefields in tectonic setting discrimination diagrams (Fig. 9).

The early Cretaceous granitoids have SiO2 of 56–76% with highNa2O + K2O (7% to 9 wt.%) and Al2O3 (14% to 16 wt.%) contents.Al2O3, TiO2, MgO, CaO, K2O, particularly P2O5 also show linear neg-ative correlations with SiO2 (Fig. 4). The granitoids show mostlyhigh-K calc-alkaline and shoshonitic and metaluminous affinities(except for a few samples with peraluminous affinity), (Fig. 5).

Their REE patterns are characterized by variable relative enrich-ment in light rare earth elements (LREEs) with moderate to strongnegative Eu anomalies, and by low Ba, Sr Eu contents, resulting inrelatively low Sr/Y ratios than those of the Jurassic granitoids(Figs. 7 and 8). Most of them belong to I-type, as shown in ofP2O5–SiO2 diagram. Most Cretaceous granitoids are located in theA-type or across the boundaries among the I, S and A type fields(Fig. 8), and fall in boundary areas among syn-, post-collisionaland within plate fields (Fig. 9), slightly different from the Jurassicgranitoids.

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Fig. 6. Chondrite-normalized rare earth element (REE) (a) and Primitive mantle (PM)-normalized trace-element (b) for Late Mesozoic (Jurassic–Early Cretaceous) granitoidsin Baikal–NE Mongolia. The C1 chondrite and PM values are from Sun and McDonough (1989). Symbols and data sources as in Fig. 4.

Fig. 7. Variation diagrams for Sr/Y versus Y (A) and Sr/Y against (La/Yb)N for Late Mesozoic (Jurassic–Early Cretaceous) granitoids in Baikal–NE Mongolia. Symbols and datasources as in Fig. 4.

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4.2. Southern Mongolia–Great Xing’an (SMGX)

The Jurassic granitoids in this region comprise mainly quartzdiorite, granodiorite, monzogranite, and alkaline granite (Zenget al., 2011; Dai et al., 2013; Gou et al., 2013; Chen et al., 2012;Li et al., 2013a, 2013b, 2013c; Liu et al., 2011; Shao et al., 2011;Sui et al., 2007; Xu et al., 2013a; Wu et al., 2008; Wang et al.,2013; Zhang et al., 2010a, 2010b, 2010c, 2010d, 2010e, 2010f;Zhou et al., 2011), and Cretaceous granitoids consist mainly ofquartz diorite, granodiorite, monzogranite, alkaline granite, sye-nogranite, syenite (Jahn et al., 2001; Amu et al., 2009; Zeng et al.,2011; Li and Yu, 1993; Lin et al., 2004; Wu et al., 2008, 2009;Wang et al., 2010a; Zhou et al., 2011). Alkalic feldspar granitesoccur in both Jurassic (e.g., Gou et al., 2013) and Cretaceous gran-itoid associations (Wu et al., 2002a, 2002b).

The Jurassic granitoids show intermediate to high SiO2 (55–77 wt.%) and high Na2O (>4 wt.%) concentrations, and Al2O3, TiO2,MgO, CaO, K2O, particularly P2O5, have line correlation with SiO2

(Fig. 10), suggesting an I-type affinity. They belong to calc-alkalineand high-K, calc-alkaline granites (Fig. 11a) and mostly showmetaluminous or metaluminous–peraluminous (Fig. 11b). On thechondrite-normalized REE diagram, they dominantly display REEpatterns (Fig. 12b) characterized variable relative enrichment inlight rare earth elements (LREEs) with no or weak Eu anomalies.In trace element, those rocks are characterized by high Sr andlow Y and Yb contents (Fig. 12), resulting in high Sr/Y and Sr/Yb

ratios (Fig. 13). Given the low Mg# (most < 37,100 �molar MgO/MgO + FeOt) for those rocks, above features are fairly comparableto those low-Mg adakitic rocks (Defant and Drummond, 1990).Most of these Jurassic granitoids are predominately located inthe A-type fields or the boundary areas among I, S and A type fieldsin I-, S-, and A-type discrimination diagrams (Fig. 14), and in theboundary areas among the arc, post-collisional and within platein tectonic setting discrimination diagrams (Fig. 15).

Comparably, the Cretaceous granitoids exhibit geochemicalcharacteristics of low, CaO, Al2O3, Sr and high SiO2, K2O contentsand fall in the high-K calc-alkaline and shoshonitic-series fieldsin Fig. 11. On the chondrite-normalized REE diagram, they showa gull-wing shape, with high REE contents and strong negativeEu anomalies (Fig. 12a), and exhibit pronounced Ba, K, Sr and Titroughs as well as lower Sr/Y ratios (Fig. 13). Some of them exhibita HKCA affinity and high Fe* (Fe* = FeOt/FeOt + MgO) values, and fallin the A-type granites field in Fig. 14, and these are similar to otherlate Mesozoic A-type and highly fractioned I-type granites (with A-type characteristics) in the nearby regions (i.e. the northern marginof the NCC, Liu et al., 2002a, 2002b; Jiang et al., 2009), which aredistinct from the Jurassic ones. They are predominately locatedin post-collisional fields or its boundary areas with within platefields (Fig. 15), slightly different from the Jurassic granitoids.

The Late Mesozoic granitoids in the SMGX have a large ofvariations of whole-rock eNd(t) values and zircon eHf(t) values.Many of the granitoids in the orogenic domains, particularly

Page 15: Journal of Asian Earth Sciences...China Craton (NCC). It is composed of Paleozoic sedimentary strata, volcanic rocks and granitoids. This belt or terrane is comparable to the Ondor

Fig. 8. Plots of Late Mesozoic (Jurassic–Early Cretaceous) granitoids in Baikal–NE Mongolia in discrimination diagrams for A-type granitoids (after Whalen et al., 1987). I, S?field for I and S-type granitoids. Symbols and data sources as in Fig. 4.

Fig. 9. Plots of Late Mesozoic (Jurassic–Early Cretaceous) granitoids of Baikal–NE Mongolia in tectonic setting discrimination diagrams (after Pearce, 1996). Pre-, Syn- andPost-CLOG—pre-, syn-and post-collisional granites, respectively; VAG—volcanic-arc granites; WPG—within-plate granites; ORG—ocean ridge granites.

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around the collisional sutures (e.g., the Hegenshan-Solonkersuture) and/or along the major lithosphere-scale faults, show highpositive values such as +1 to +7 for eNd(t) values and +3 to +18 forzircon eHf(t) values, corresponding to young model ages, suggestinga mixed source of dominantly juvenile sources with a few old crus-tal compositions (e.g., Liu et al., 2005, 2007; Gao et al., 2010). Theseare typical isotopic characteristics for granitoids in the CAOB (e.g.,Jahn et al., 2000a, 2000b), and their more juvenile nature than theevolved crust in which these granitoids occur evidence crustalgrowth during Late Mesozoic. While, some granitoids in the SMGXexhibit negative whole-rock eNd(t) values and zircon eHf(t) values

(e.g., Liu et al., 2005, 2007; Gao et al., 2010; Yang et al., in press),suggesting involvement in the melting of increasingly greateramounts of the old lower-crustal rocks, and existence of old conti-nental terranes. In some areas, such as the Lingxi, southern GreatXing’an Range, the late Jurassic granitoids show higher the eHf(t)values (+9 to +17) than the early Cretaceous granitoids, implyinginvolvement in the melting of increasingly greater amounts ofthe old lower-crustal rock (Liu et al., 2007).

The new isotope mapping results suggest that during Mesozoictime the crustal growth mainly occurred around thecollisional sutures (e.g., the Hegenshan-Solonker suture) and/or

Page 16: Journal of Asian Earth Sciences...China Craton (NCC). It is composed of Paleozoic sedimentary strata, volcanic rocks and granitoids. This belt or terrane is comparable to the Ondor

Fig. 10. Variations of selected major oxides (TiO2, MgO, CaO and P2O5) versus SiO2 for Late Mesozoic (Jurassic–Early Cretaceous) granitoids in Southern Mongolia–Xing’an.Data from Zeng et al. (2011), Ling (2004), Zhou et al. (2010, 2011), Wu et al. (2002a, 2002b, 2003a, 2003b, 2009, 2011a, 2011b), Dai et al. (2013), Xu et al. (2013a), Sui et al.(2007), Wang et al. (2010a), Li and Yu (1993), John (2001), Zhang et al. (2010d, 2010e), Li et al. (2013c), Liu et al. (2005), Amugulen et al. (2009), Ma et al. (2009), Jiang et al.(2011a, 2011b).

Fig. 11. K2O–SiO2 (A, after Peccerillo and Taylor, 1976) and A/NK-A/CNK (B, after Maniar and Piccoli, 1989) diagrams for Late Mesozoic (Jurassic–Early Cretaceous) granitoidsin Southern Mongolia–Xing’an. Symbols and data sources as in Fig. 10.

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along the major lithosphere-scale faults (e.g., the Tan-Lu fault), inwhich highly positive-eNd rocks are distributed. However, we stressthat the extent of Mesozoic crustal growth was subordinaterelative to that during the Paleozoic time in terms of Nd isotopicevolution. Generation of Mesozoic voluminous felsic magmas inNE China was mainly ascribed to remelting, recycling and redistri-bution of the preexistent crustal components, which had beenjuxtaposed.

4.3. Northern NCC (NNCC)

The Late Jurassic granitoids comprise mainly quartz diorite,granodiorite, monzogranite, alkaline granite. They show uniformdecrease in Sr, TiO2, Al2O3, CaO, P5O2, FeOt and MgO but increasein Rb, CaO, MgO with respect to increasing SiO2 (Fig. 16). Theyexhibit high-K calc-alkaline (Fig. 17a) and metaluminous–peralu-minous affinities (Fig. 17b). Their REE patterns are characterized

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Fig. 12. Chondrite-normalized rare earth element (REE) and primitive mantle (PM)-normalized trace-element for Late Mesozoic (Jurassic–Early Cretaceous) granitoids inSouthern Mongolia–Xing’an. The C1 chondrite and PM values are from Sun and McDonough (1989). Symbols and data sources as in Fig. 10.

Fig. 13. Variation diagrams for Sr/Y versus Y (A) and Sr/Y against (La/Yb)N (B) for Late Mesozoic (Jurassic–Early Cretaceous) granitoids in Southern Mongolia–Xing’an.Symbols as in Fig. 10.

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by relative enrichment of LREE, with no or insignificant negative Euanomalies (Fig. 18a). They have intermediate to high Sr concentra-tions but relatively low Y and Yb contents (Fig. 18b), resulting inhigh Sr/Y and Sr/Yb ratios and most in the field of adakite & TTGon the Y versus Sr/Y diagram (Fig. 19). Almost all of them fall inthe boundary between I-S and A type fields in I-, S-, and A-type dis-crimination diagrams (Fig. 20) and the post-collisional granite field(Fig. 21).

Cretaceous granitoids, compared with Jurassic ones, show lowerCaO, MgO, TiO, P2O5 and Fe2O3T and high K2O concentrations(Fig. 16) and belong to high-K calc-alkaline to shoshonitic andmetaluminous granitoids (Fig. 17). Many of them show gull-wingshape REE patterns, characterized by fairly low (La/Yb)N and strongnegative Eu anomalies (17a). Most of them contain much lower Srbut higher Y and Yb concentrations (17b) than Jurassic granitoids,causing much lower Sr/Y and Sr/Yb ratios (Fig. 19). Above geo-chemical characteristics suggest an A-type or high-differentiationI-type affinities (Fig. 20). Almost all of the granitoids are locatedin the A type fields in Fig. 20 and a post-collisional field or itsboundary areas with within plate fields in Fig. 21, slightly differentfrom the Jurassic granitoids.

The Late Mesozoic granitoids in the NCC have much low (nega-tive) whole-rock eNd(t) values and zircon eHf(t) values. Their eNd(t)values range mainly from �6 to �25 with peak at �10 to �18, cor-responding to very old model ages from 2500 to 1000 Ma withpeak at 2000–1000 Ma (e.g., Hong et al., 2003; Zhang et al.,2014), and zircon eHf(t) values from 0 to �23 (e.g., Zhang et al.,

2014) with young model ages. These suggest that the granitoidswere mainly derived from the partial melting of the old cratonbasement rocks, distinct from those from the CAOB (Hong et al.,2003).

Structurally, many Late Jurassic–early Cretaceous granitoids(150–135 Ma), particularly these in the MCCs, show deformed fab-rics, and sheared by ductile extensional shear zones. They are pre-or syn-tectonic. While, many Cretaceous granitoids (132–110 Ma)in the MCCs, in spite of emplacement ages, show no fabrics ornon-deformed fabrics, typical features of syn- or post-kinematic(Wang et al., 2011; Guo et al., 2011).

4.4. Summary

As a whole, the studied granitoids in the three regions, i.e., Bai-kal–NE Mongolia, Southern Mongolia–Great Xing’an and northernNCC, show some common evolutionary trends from the Jurassicto Cretaceous (Fig. 10). For example, they evolved chemically fromcalc-alkaline/high-K calc-alkaline, I-type, with some adakite-likefeatures, to high-K calc-alkaline/shoshonitic, highly fractionatedI-, transitional I-A or, A-types, characterized by increasing of SiO2,K2O, Y, and Yb contents, pronounced negative Eu anomalies andRb/Ba ratios and decreasing of Sr, LREE, Na2O contents (Figs. 4–21). The uniform decreases in Sr, TiO2, Al2O3, CaO, FeOt and MgOwith respect to increasing SiO2 but increase in Rb, CaO, MgO areprobably dependent on crystal-melt fractionation and also showthe possible links of the Jurassic to Cretaceous granitoids.

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Fig. 14. Plots of Late Mesozoic (Jurassic–Early Cretaceous) granitoids of Southern Mongolia–Xing’an in discrimination diagrams for A-type granitoids (after Whalen et al.,1987). I, S? field for I and S-type granitoids. Symbols and data sources as in Fig. 10.

Fig. 15. Plots of Late Mesozoic (Jurassic–Early Cretaceous) granitoids of Southern Mongolia–Xing’an in tectonic setting discrimination diagrams (after Pearce, 1996). Pre-,Syn- and Post-CLOG—pre-, syn-and post-collisional granites, respectively; VAG—volcanic-arc granites; WPG—within-plate granites; ORG—ocean ridge granites. Symbols anddata sources as in Fig. 10.

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Compared with ones with Jurassic ages, some Cretaceous grani-toids have low Al2O3 and CaO contents and high K2O and Fe2O3


(e.g., Jahn et al., 2001) and also show increasingly negative Euanomalies, implying that fractional crystallization of plagioclasecould be responsible for the variations in major and trace elementsof these late-stage granitoids. In terms of genetic types, the Jurassicto Cretaceous rocks also show a observable trend from I- or S-typeto A-type or highly fractioned I-type granitoids (with A-typecharacteristics) (Figs. 8, 14 and 20). In tectonic discrimination

diagrams, they also change from post-collisional to intraplate fields(Figs. 9, 15 and 21).

It is worth noting that most Jurassic granitoids have high Sr/Y ratios; comparably, Cretaceous granitoids show relatively lowSr/Y ratios (Fig. 14). Such discrepancy is probably attributed tohigh Sr contents in Jurassic granitoids and lower Srconcentrations in Cretaceous granitoids; while variations of La/Yb ratios are not obvious, indicating the decoupling of Sr/Yand La/Yb.

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Fig. 16. Variations of selected major oxides (TiO2, MgO, CaO and P2O5) versus SiO2 for Late Mesozoic (Jurassic–Early Cretaceous) granitoids in Northern NCC. Symbols anddata sources as in Fig. 10. Data from Fu et al. (2012a, 2012b), Jiang et al. (2007, 2009), Sui (2010), Yang et al. (2004, 2006, 2007, 2008a, 2008b), Pei et al. (2010), Zhang et al.(2008a, 2008b, 2010a, 2010b, 2010c), Qing et al. (2013), Dai et al. (2008), Wang et al. (2013), Liu and Yu (1993), Mao et al. (2003).

Fig. 17. K2O–SiO2 (A, after Peccerillo and Taylor, 1976) and A/NK-A/CNK (B, after Maniar and Piccoli, 1989) diagrams for Late Mesozoic (Jurassic–Early Cretaceous) granitoidsin Northern NCC. Symbols and data sources as in Fig. 16.

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In some regions, the timing for such a transition or evolutionkey point from typical calc-alkaline I-type with some adakite-likefeatures to high-K calc-alkaline/shoshonitic A-type can be recog-nized. In the Hohhot MCC in the northern NCC, the 148–140 Ma,deformed, typical calc-alkaline I-type, adakite-like granitoidsevolved to 130–120 Ma undeformed, high-K calc-alkaline A-typegranitoids, and the transition seems to occur during 140–130 Ma(e.g., Guo et al., 2012). In the Southern Mongolia–Great Xing’anRange, the transition from typical calc-alkaline I-type with some

adakite-like features to high-K calc-alkaline/shoshonitic A-typewas likely to take place during ca. 140–120 Ma.

In summary, the Jurassic granitoids comprise mainly quartzdiorite, granodiorite, monzogranite, which have been deformedby extensional (MCC) and slip shearing in many regions, showingpre- or syn-kinematic signatures, and Cretaceous monzogranite–alkaline granite–syenogranite–syenite, which are generally non-deformed, and typical syn- or post-kinematic. From Jurassic(200–145 Ma) to Early Cretaceous (145–125 Ma), the granitoids

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Fig. 18. Chondrite-normalized rare earth element (REE) and (B) primitive mantle (PM)-normalized trace-element for Late Mesozoic (Jurassic–Early Cretaceous) granitoids inNorthern NCC. The C1 chondrite and PM values are from Sun and McDonough (1989). Symbols and data sources as in Fig. 16.

Fig. 19. Variation diagrams for Sr/Y versus Y (A) and Sr/Y against (La/Yb)N (B) for Late Mesozoic (Jurassic–Early Cretaceous) granitoids in Northern NCC (after Whalen et al.,1987). Symbols and data sources as in Fig. 16.

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evolved compositionally from calc-alkaline and high-K calc-alka-line, I-type granitoids with some adakite-like features, to high-Kcalc-alkaline and shoshonitic, highly fractionated I-, transitionalI-A or, A-type, generally characterized by increase in SiO2, K2O, Y,and Yb contents, negative Eu anomalies, and Rb/Ba ratios as wellas decrease in Sr, LREE, Na2O contents.

5. Tectonic setting of Late Mesozoic granitoid magmaticevolution

5.1. Granitoid magmatic evolution in response to crustal thickening toextensional thinning

Many studies have shown that a compressional regime andcrustal shortening and thickening occurred in the NE Asia and NEChina during Jurassic time (Fig. 22a and b; e.g., Dong et al.,1998). These are characterized by large-scale thrusts and othercontractional deformations along Mongol–Okhotsk belt, and adja-cent areas such as the Sino-Mongolia border (e.g., Zheng et al.,1996), particularly the intense Yanshan orogeny with large-scaleJurassic nappe in the northern NCC (Zheng et al., 1996, 1998;Davis et al., 2001). During Early Cretaceous time, the compres-sional regime transformed to extensional regime, which was char-acterized by widespread occurrences of the early Cretaceousmetamorphic core complexes (MCCs; e.g., Wang et al., 2011,2012a, 2012b), and by large extensional basins and volcanic rocks(e.g., Ren et al., 2002; Meng, 2003; Meng et al., 2003; Fig. 22c and

b). The initial time of the extension in the depth is at 150–140 Ma,with peak time at 130–120 Ma (Wang et al., 2012a, 2012b). Fur-thermore, most Jurassic and some early Cretaceous granitoids weredeformed by extensional shearing, whereas most Cretaceous grani-toids experienced no deformation, indicating extension are pre-dominantly in 140–120 Ma (Wang et al., 2011; Guo et al., 2011).These provide robust evidence transition from the crustal thicken-ing to extensional thinning.

Obviously, the Jurassic to Cretaceous granitoid magmatismmentioned above spatially and temporally coincided with the tran-sition from the contraction to extension. In Jurassic contractionalsetting, granitoids are predominately characterized by calc-alka-line I-type (or transitional I- to A-type) and some have high Sr/Yand La/Yb ratios (adakitic) features (Fig. 22a). There are at least fiveinterpretations for adakitic features of felsic igneous such as (1)fractionation of mafic minerals (mainly amphibole and/or pyrox-ene) in mafic, hydrous and non-adakitic magmas at high pressure(e.g. Castillo, 2006; Chiaratia, 2009; Macpherson et al., 2006;Rodríguez et al., 2007); (2) partial melting of over-thickened lowercrust (Chung et al., 2003; Petford and Atherton, 1996); (3) partialmelts of delaminated lower continental crust that experiencedsubsequent reaction with surrounding asthenosphere (Gao et al.,2004; Xu et al., 2002); (4) partial melting of a subducted oceanicslab (Kay, 1978; Yogodzinski et al., 1994); and (5) mixing betweenmantle-derived mafic magma and crust-derived felsic magma (Guoet al., 2007; Streck et al., 2007). Most researchers considered theadakitic felsic igneous rock to be related to the thickened crust

Page 21: Journal of Asian Earth Sciences...China Craton (NCC). It is composed of Paleozoic sedimentary strata, volcanic rocks and granitoids. This belt or terrane is comparable to the Ondor

Fig. 20. Plots of Late Mesozoic (Jurassic–Early Cretaceous) granitoids of Northern NCC in discrimination diagrams for A-type granitoids (after Whalen et al., 1987). I, S? fieldfor I and S-type granitoids. Symbols and data sources as in Fig. 16.

Fig. 21. Plots of Late Mesozoic (Jurassic–Early Cretaceous) granitoids of Northern NCC in tectonic setting discrimination diagrams (after Pearce, 1996). Pre-, Syn- and Post-CLOG—pre-, syn-and post-collisional granites, respectively; VAG—volcanic-arc granites; WPG—within-plate granites; ORG—ocean ridge granites. Symbols and data sources asin Fig. 16.

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(e.g., Chong et al., 2002; Zhang et al., 2012). However, Chen et al.(2012) suggested that magma mixing can result in adakitic fea-tures of felsic igneous rocks. In this case, the Sr/Y ratios and SiO2

contents for these granitoids have no linear correlation, excludingthe possibility of magma mixing origin for the elevated Sr/Y ratios.Significantly, considering of the tectonic transition fromcontraction to extension that coincide well with the magmaticevolution, we suggest that the Jurassic granitoids are likely meltedfrom deep-seated, thickened lower crust related to the

compressional setting, as many researchers suggested (e.g., Zhanget al., 2012).

Compared with the Jurassic ones, the Early Cretaceous grani-toids are predominately high-K calc-alkaline and shoshonitic,highly fractionated I-, transitional I-A or, A-types, characterizedby the relatively high SiO2, K2O, Y, and Yb contents, pronouncednegative Eu anomalies, and Rb/Ba ratios and relatively low Sr/Yratios. Above features are comparable to chemical compositionsof intraplated rocks. These, together with MCCs and extensional

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Fig. 22. A model cartoon for interpretation of the development processes and geodynamics of the Late Mesozoic granitoid magmatisms Mongol–Okhotsk belt and adjacentareas in NE Asia (modified from Wang et al., 2012a, 2012b). MCC – Metamorphic core complex.

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basins, can represent the initial extensional thinning. We had agood case for such correlation of magmatic evolution to the tec-tonic transition (e.g., Hohhot MCCs; Guo et al., 2012).

The transition from Jurassic crustal thickening to Cretaceousextensional thinning is also evidenced by evolution of coeval vol-canisms. The early Early Cretaceous (�144 Ma) A-type rhyolitesin the Erguna area suggest that an extensional setting initiated atleast from �144 Ma, and late Early Cretaceous (�125 Ma) bimodal

volcanic rocks associations also display intensity extension (Xuet al., 2011a). Xu et al. (2013b) summarized the evolution of Juras-sic–Early Craterous volcanisms in NE China. The Early–MiddleJurassic (190–173 Ma) calc-alkaline volcanic rocks in the ErgunaMassif are genetically related to the subduction of the Mongol–Okhotsk oceanic plate. Middle–Late Jurassic (166–155 Ma) andearly Early Cretaceous (145–138 Ma) volcanic rocks, which onlyoccur in west of the Songliao Basin, and respectively belong to

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high-K calc-alkaline series and A-type rhyolites, formed during thecollapse or delamination of a thickened continental crust related tothe evolution of the Mongol–Okhotsk suture belt. The late EarlyCretaceous (133–106) volcanic rocks, characterized by a bimodalvolcanic rock association within both the Songliao Basin and theGreat Xing’an Range, erupted in an extensional regime related todelamination of a thickened crust. In the northern Great Xing’anRange, the volcanic rocks with ages of 138–116 Ma evolved fromlow-K calc-alkaline (basaltic andesites/trachyandesites), to High-K calc-alkaline hornblende andesites/trachytes and to rhyolitelavas (Fan et al., 2003), suggesting that the extension intensitydeveloped progressively.

As a whole, the granitic magmatic evolution from Jurassic toEarly Cretaceous is corresponding to the transitional process fromcrustal thickening to extensional thinning displayed by tectonics(MCCs) and extensional sedimentary/volcanic in NE Asia (Wanget al., 2011, 2012a, 2012b). This transition timing was possiblyaround the boundary (ca. 150–145 Ma) between Jurassic to Creta-ceous, and could be variable in different areas, approximatelyslightly younger from north to south (Wang et al., 2012a, 2012b).In some areas, such as the Hohhot MCCs, the magmatic and tec-tonic transition process synchronously occurred from early con-traction (148–140 Ma) to late extension (132–110 Ma).

5.2. Geodynamic scenario

5.2.1. Jurassic contraction and magmatismsThe Early Jurassic granitoids in both NW and SW sides along the

Mongol–Okhotsk belt appears to be continuance of the Triassicmagmatism, related to subduction of the Mongol–Okhotsk oceanicplate (e.g., Li et al., 2013a, 2013b). For example, Triassic arc-typeintermediate-felsic magmatism was identified from the Erguna,SW side of the eastern segment of the Mongol–Okhotsk belt, andregarded as a result of southeastward (present latitude) subduc-tion of the Mongol–Okhotsk Ocean plate (Tang et al., 2014).

During the Middle–Late Jurassic, the Mongol–Okhotsk oceanic,Paleo-Pacific oceanic and Neo-Tethys oceanic tectonic regimes werecoevally developed in Asia (e.g., Dong et al., 2008). The suturing ofthe Mongol–Okhotsk Ocean to north, the subduction–contractionof the Paleo-Pacific Ocean to east and the subduction-compressionof the Neo-Tethys Ocean to southwest (e.g., Dong et al., 2008)resulted in crustal shortening and thickening to form Jurassic orog-eny in NE Asia (Fig. 22a). The intense Yanshan orogeny with large-scale Jurassic nappe structure widely occurring in the Yanshan areais an important response for such contractional regime.

The Middle–Late Jurassic granitoids in the contractional settingin NE Asia and E China were generally considered as result of thePaleo-Pacific oceanic subduction (Wu et al., 2011a, 2011b; Xuet al., 2013b; Sun et al., 2013). However, the Central Mongoliaand Mongol–Okhotsk belt were far away from the Paleo-Pacificmargin, and the contractional direction here was inconsistent withthe subduction direction of the Paleo-Pacific plate. Thus, the con-tractional setting in these regions were unlikely related to thePaleo-Pacific plate, but plausible associated with subduction/suturing (closure) of the Mongol–Okhotsk Ocean. It is consideredthat the Mongol–Okhotsk Ocean remained open in the Early Juras-sic and closed during Late Jurassic in a scissor-like manner (e.g.,Zorin, 1999; Kravchinsky et al., 2002; Cogné et al., 2005; Tomurto-goo et al., 2005; Kravchinsky et al., 2002; Donskaya et al., 2008;Seton et al., 2012). Therefore, the suturing of the Mongol–OkhotskOcean probably resulted in the Middle–Late Jurassic contractionalsetting in the adjacent areas, such as the large thrust structures andJurassic granitoids in the border of China and Mongolia, e.g., theYagan (Zheng et al., 1996), which are far away from the subductionof the Paleo-Pacific Ocean. In fact, some studies even suggestedthat the Yanshan orogeny at the northern margin of North China

Craton is probably related to the far-field effect of the Mongol–Okhotsk orogeny as well (e.g., Meng, 2003a).

However, whether the Middle–Late Jurassic magmatism in theGreat Xing’an Range was related to the subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Ocean or Mongol–Okhotsk Ocean still remained contro-versy. Previous studies suggested that the Middle–Late Jurassicmagmatism might be related to subduction of the Paleo-PacificOcean (e.g., Wu et al., 2012), but recent studies emphasized therole of subduction/suturing of the Mongol–Okhotsk Ocean (e.g.,Xu et al., 2013b). We are more inclined to propose that the contrac-tional setting is related to suturing of the Mongol–Okhotsk Ocean.Besides, the ENE-distribution of the Jurassic granitoid zone alongthe Mongol–Okhotsk belt denotes the close relationship to the belt,rather than to the NE Paleo-Pacific margin (Fig. 22a and b).

5.2.2. Early Cretaceous crustal extension and magmatismsThe regional extension in the Mongol–Okhotsk orogen and

adjacent area (west of the Songliao basin) is regarded as a resultof the post-orogenic collapse (Wang et al., 2011). Thus the EarlyCretaceous granitoid magmatisms were related to the post-orogenic collapse extension (Fig. 22c). In eastern China, the lateMesozoic extension is generally considered as result of back-arcextension related to the subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Ocean(e.g., Wu et al., 2012; Sun et al., 2013). It is true in the east of theSongliao basin in NE China; but in the west, e.g., the great Xing’anRange, the extension could be derived from post-orogenic collapsefollowing the subduction/collision of the Mongol–Okhotsk Ocean.Thus, there might be the superposition of two tectonic regimes,i.e., superposition of the back-arc extension related to Paleo-Pacificsubduction on the post-orogenic collapse extension related toMongol–Okhotsk orogeny (Fig. 22c and b).

It should be mentioned that a few thrusts developed during EarlyCretaceous in the studied areas, but these thrusts are shorten-lived,localized and only involved by a upper crust. The Cretaceous mag-matism occurred in a whole crustal or lithospheric scale, and itmight be not directly correlated to structures in a upper crust.

In summary, the Jurassic contractional setting and related mag-matism with some adakitic features in Northeast Asia, e.g., Mongo-lia, Russian Far East and China–Mongolia border, are probablyrelated to suturing of the Mongol–Okhotsk Ocean. From the earlyCretaceous, the extensional collapse of thickened crust resultedin extensional magmatism. In the east of the Songliao Basin, theearly Cretaceous extensional magmatism was possibly superim-posed by back-arc extension related to subduction of the Paleo-Pacific plate.

6. Conclusions

(1) Late Mesozoic (Jurassic–Early Cretaceous) granitoid magma-tisms in the NE CAOB can be divided into 5 dominant stagesaccording to 407 zircon U–Pb ages: 200–180 Ma, 180–165 Ma, 165–145 Ma, 145–135 Ma and 135–100 Ma. TheJurassic (200–145 Ma) granitoids mainly occur with NEtrend along the Mongol–Okhotsk belt and Great Xing’anrange. The Early Cretaceous (145–100 Ma) granitoids aremainly distributed in the Great Xing’an range, significantly,they extend into the Trans-Baikal area across the Mongol–Okhotsk suture. This demonstrates that not all the Creta-ceous granitoids in NE Asia are related to the subductionof the Paleo-Pacific plate (in NE China), but some (in theMongol–Okhotsk belt and adjacent area) may be related tothe post-orogenic collapse of the Mongol–Okhotsk orogen.

(2) From the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous, (146–125 Ma),the magmatic evolved from calc-alkaline and high-Kcalc-alkaline, I-type, with some adakite-like features, tohigh-K calc-alkaline and shoshonitic, highly fractionated

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I-, transitional I-A or, A-types, characterized by decreasingSr/Y ratios. This evolution coincided with a tectonic transi-tion from contractional thickened crust to extensional thin-ning. Combined with regional geology, we speculated thatthe Jurassic granitoids are likely derived from melting ofthe deep-seated, thickened lower continental crust with aminor contribution of juvenile materials, whereas the Creta-ceous granitoids produced through melting in an exten-sional thinning setting. This provides a case studydemonstrating that crustal tectonics and magmatism wereclosely correlated.

(3) The geodynamic scenario proposed for Jurassic to Early Cre-taceous giant igneous events in this region is an orogenicsetting related to the Mongol–Okhotsk belt and collapseand intracontinental extension. Early Jurassic granitoidsalong the Okhotsk belt formed in subduction/collision set-ting related to closure of the Mongol–Okhotsk Ocean, andLate Jurassic–Early Cretaceous granitoids in Great Xing’anrange in a post-collisional extensional setting. On the con-trary, the Cretaceous granitoids formed not only in responseto orogenic collapse, but also coupled with back-arc exten-sion related to the Paleo-Pacific plate subduction.


The authors are grateful to Prof. Dawei Hong and Prof. Jinyi Lifor their constructive discussions. This research was supportedfinancially by the Major State Basic Research Program of the P.R.China (grant 2013CB429803), NSFC projects (41372006 and41372077), and projects of China Geological Survey (Nos.1212010611803, 1212010811033, 12120113096500,12120113094000).


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