  • 8/16/2019 Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness


    Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness

    Intervention, Evaluation, and Policy Studies

    Experimental Impacts of a Preschool Intervention in Chile on Children's

    Language Outcomes: Moderation by tudent !bsenteeismMary Catherine Arbour ab*, Hirokazu Yoshikawac, John illettd, Christina eilande, Catherine

    !nowd, !usana Mendivef , M" Clara #arata$ % Ernesto &revinoh 

    Publishing models and article dates explained

    htt'())d"doi"or$ • Received( + Jan -./

    • Acce'ted( . 0ct -./

    • Acce'ted author version 'osted online( 1- Jan -.2


    3es'ite consensus that school absenteeis4 has ne$ative conse5uences for children6s lifeoutco4es, until recently, little was known about the 'revalence of absenteeis4 or its 'otential to

    4oderate the i4'acts of school7based interventions" &his study 'rovides evidence fro4 arando4ized e'eri4ent of a 'reschool intervention involvin$ .8+2 children in 29 schools in

    Chile that chronic absenteeis4 develo's in 'reschool and is 'redicted by 4ulti'le risk factors for 

     'oor acade4ic achieve4ent" e find 4oreover that individual children6s likelihood of

    absenteeis4 4oderated the intervention6s i4'act on children6s lan$ua$e and literacy outco4essuch that there were 'ositive i4'acts of the intervention only for children with the lowest

  • 8/16/2019 Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness


    likelihood of absenteeis4" E'eri4ental evaluations of school7based interventions that do not

    take absenteeis4 into account 4ay thus 4ask hetero$eneous effects" :n the contet of 'olicy

     'ushes to e'and early education and 'reschool access in the ;nited !tates and $lobally, these4oderation analyses 4ay 'rove essential for a''ro'riately inter'retin$ the results of

    e'eri4ental studies of school7based interventions"

    References (

    •a #ri$ha4 and o4en6s Hos'ital, #oston, Massachusetts, ;!A

    • b Harvard ;niversity Center on the 3evelo'in$ Child, Ca4brid$e, Massachusetts, ;!A

    •c ortales, !antia$o, Chile

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