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Kelly Jacobs May 12, 2015ENG 4CJournal Response #1

Whole Grains: Healthy or Hazardous?Wheat is bad for your health and should carry a surgeon generals warning. The actual wheat plant has changed from our grandparents wheat plant, by looking different, todays plant is about 2 feet shorter, its stockier and it grows much faster. This should concern us, because the wheat industry generated new strains using traditional breeding techniques that involved processes like gamma irradiations and toxins such as sodium azide. Sodium azide is a highly toxic chemical, and if accidently ingested, you should never try to resuscitate this person because you could die giving CPR.The labels such as organic or whole grain are misleading because the actual wheat plant itself is still the same. The truth is its hardly any better at all when calling something organic therefore good and putting a fancier package around it. The same with whole grains, it is better for you having white flour replaced with whole wheat four, but that still doesnt make it good/healthy for you. Taking something bad and replacing it with something less bad, doesnt make it okay. Especially with the changes in wheat itself it is a recipe for creating a lot of fat and unhealthy people.Some of the negative consequences that Dr. William Davis points out when you consume wheat are increase of blood sugar to a higher level, even higher than a candy bar in some cases. You cant trigger effects that you dont perceive such as small low-density lipoprotein particles forming, and they are responsible for atherosclerotic plague, heart disease and stroke. Carbohydrates increase your blood sugars, which causes the process of glycation. Glycate triggers cataracts, arthritis, and atherosclerosis. Triggering high blood sugars result with more visceral fat and you risk responses like diabetes and heart disease. In conclusion after reading about all the negative consequences and possible health problems that could occur from consuming wheat, I believe I will slowly try to cut down on my wheat intake. I have a whole new outlook on wheat and will most likely pass this information on to my family and friends, so we can stay as healthy as we possibly can.

Kelly Jacobs

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