Page 1: Joyce James, LMSW-AP Associate Deputy Executive Commissioner


Joyce James, LMSW-APAssociate Deputy Executive Commissioner

Overview of the Texas Model for Eliminating Disproportionality and Disparities

Center for Elimination of Disproportionality and Disparities

Texas State Office of Minority Health

Page 2: Joyce James, LMSW-AP Associate Deputy Executive Commissioner



• The mission of the Center is to partner with health and human services agencies, external stakeholders, as well as other systems and communities to identify and eliminate disproportionality and disparities affecting children, families, and vulnerable populations.

Page 3: Joyce James, LMSW-AP Associate Deputy Executive Commissioner


Term Definition Most commonly used in:

DisproportionalityThe comparison of persons of a certain race or ethnicity in a target population (e.g., African American children) to persons in a reference (or base) population

(e.g., Anglo children).1 Child welfare

DisparityThe comparison of persons of a certain race or ethnicity experiencing an event to the representation of persons of another race or ethnic group experiencing the same event.2


Health Disparity

A particular type of health difference that is closely linked with social or economic disadvantage. Health disparities adversely affect groups of people who have experienced greater social or economic obstacles to health based on their racial or ethnic group, religion, socioeconomic status, gender, mental health, cognitive, sensory, or physical disability, sexual orientation, geography, or other characteristics historically linked to discrimination or exclusion. 3


DMC – Disproportionate minority contact

The disproportionate number of minority youth that come into contact with the juvenile justice system Juvenile justice

Achievement gapThe observed disparity on a number of educational measures between the

performance of groups of students Education

Many terms are used to describe racial inequity in outcomes across systems

Source: 1. Myers, 2010. 2. Ibid. 3.; NEA, “Disproportionality: Inappropriate identification of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Children,”

Page 4: Joyce James, LMSW-AP Associate Deputy Executive Commissioner


Disparities and disproportionality are linked

Source: Disproportionality in Child Protective Services: The Preliminary Results of Statewide Reform Efforts in Texas;;; Harris, Jackson, O’brien, and Pecora, “Disproportionality in education and employment outcomes of adult foster care alumni”;



Juvenile Justice

Criminal Justice

Disparity in actions (eg. treatment,


Disproportionality in systems or


Disparity in action(eg. treatment,


Disparity / Disproportionality in


More likely to receive a discretionary disciplinary


Disproportionality in college classrooms

African Americans more likely to drop out

African Americans less likely to have bachelors


African Americans more likely to be removed by


Disproportionality in number of children in

substitute care

African Americans less likely to exit care

African American youth more likely to age out of


African American youth more likely to be arrested

Disproportionality in # of juvenile court cases

African Americans more likely committed

to corrections

Disproportionality in juvenile detention centers

African Americans more likely to be arrested for

criminal charges

Disproportionality in # of criminal cases

Africans Americans more likely sentenced

to prison

African Americans more likely to be in prison

African Americans less likely to undergo diabetes


Disproportionality in type 2 diabetes


African Americans less likely to receive

adequate treatment

African Americans twice as likely to die from


Page 5: Joyce James, LMSW-AP Associate Deputy Executive Commissioner


History• 1996 – beginning of work at regional level

• 2004 – statewide expansion

• 2005 - Senate Bill 6

• 2007 - Senate Bill 758

• 2010 - creation of the Center by Executive Commissioner Tom Suehs

• 2011 - Senate Bill 501

Page 6: Joyce James, LMSW-AP Associate Deputy Executive Commissioner


The Texas ModelData-driven Strategies

Regularly collect, research, analyze, and evaluate data in line with C.E.D.D. approach

Leadership DevelopmentGrow both systems and community leaders that are courageous and grounded in C.E.D.D. approach

Culturally Competent WorkforceDevelop workforce that reviews and examines its work through an anti-racist and humanistic lens

Community EngagementRecognize strengths of grass roots community, hear its ideas, and include it throughout process

Cross Systems CollaborationShare data, training, and dialogue with systems, institutions, and agencies that serve same populations

Training Defined by Anti-Racist PrinciplesTrain ourselves and partners in principles that ensure we work at cultural and institutional levels

An Understanding of the History of Institutional Racism and the Impact on Poor Communities and Communities of ColorDevelop common analysis of racism and history that led to current outcomes

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The Texas Model closely resembles existing models designed to address health disparities

Comparison of missions of major health disparities initiatives and the Texas Model

Sources:;, ‘overview of OEHD.pdf’

Page 8: Joyce James, LMSW-AP Associate Deputy Executive Commissioner



Thank you

Center for Elimination of Disproportionailty and Disparities

Texas State Office of Minority Health

4900 North Lamar Boulevard, Suite 1100, MC 1479

Austin, Texas 78751


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