Page 1: July · 2020-06-30 · 4 Weekly Devotions July 5—Freedom Celebration July 12 Theme Christ sets us free to serve. Text Matthew 1116-19, 25-30 Galatians 5 1, 13-18 Context Christ


FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 410 Second Ave, Box 441 Sterling, IL 61081

Rev. Dr. Christina Berry

First Presbyterian Church

410 Second Ave.

P.O. Box 441

Sterling, IL 61081

(815) 625-0452

A heart for God in the heart of Sterling. [email protected]

Look for us on Facebook!


Page 2: July · 2020-06-30 · 4 Weekly Devotions July 5—Freedom Celebration July 12 Theme Christ sets us free to serve. Text Matthew 1116-19, 25-30 Galatians 5 1, 13-18 Context Christ


Dear Friends,

As summer flies past, I imagine that you, like me, welcome the opportunity

to get outside a little more. And as the governor’s plan moves us into Phase

4, giving us more opportunity to gather in small groups, I imagine you,

like me, are excited to see some of the family and friends from whom

you’ve kept some distance.

I also imagine that you are anxious to come back into the church building

for worship. Certainly, we all look forward to that day. I wish I could tell

you that it will happen soon, but at this point the Session still does not feel

that it is wise to gather for worship. That said, we will be working on some

opportunities to gather safely in person for events other than worship. We

are imagining some outdoor gatherings and smaller group meetings as we

move into Phase 4 with hope and caution. Still, the recent upticks in other

areas that have re-opened more quickly make us proceed carefully. Meanwhile, I hope you are

participating in worship online. You can access the service every week at

As we are in these uncertain times, we are not only hopeful, we are joyful for the opportunity to

learn and serve God in new ways. Our Buddy Bags liaison, Janet Freed, has been busy meeting the

needs of the school families we serve. Earlier this summer, with the help of a generous donation

from Sterling Noon Rotary, Janet created and delivered activity baskets to Buddy Bags families. The

baskets contained books and outdoor games. The kids were thrilled to get them. Janet also keeps us

posted on needs families have, such as laundry soap, and our faithful volunteers respond. Janet was

also able to deliver a birthday basket for the brother of the little girls who was killed in the fire at the

Western Apartments.

(Continued on page 3)

Inside This Issue:

Christina’s Letter 2

Devotions 4

Nan’s Letter 6

Communion 8

Letter from Stronghold


Thank You 10


Birthdays & Anniversaries


Page 3: July · 2020-06-30 · 4 Weekly Devotions July 5—Freedom Celebration July 12 Theme Christ sets us free to serve. Text Matthew 1116-19, 25-30 Galatians 5 1, 13-18 Context Christ


Our participation in the summer Let’s Feed Our Children continues, but again, in new ways. The

program has traditionally provided sack lunches for children through the week; now they provide

bags of food for families.

Our congregation has also been active in racial reconciliation, and we’ve had more opportunities

this past month to continue that work. As our nation responded with grief and outrage to the

murder of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer, we have joined with our

siblings in faith to work for greater justice. Many of our members participated in the Candlelight

Vigil at Macedonia Baptist church, and at the Diversity Committee Juneteenth ice cream social, and

many others continue their work individually. The Pastors United Against Racism that began in our

church building back in February of 2018 continues to meet, offering support and care for one

another as we continue to confront the sin of racism. Part of our work together and with the

Diversity Committee led us to seek out partnerships with Fox Valley Presbyterian Church in

Geneva, and the Kane and Kendall County Moms Demand Action group. With the help of grant

funds from our Synod and our Presbytery, we held a virtual event featuring Rev. Sharon Risher, just

days before the fifth anniversary of the shooting at Emanuel AME that took from her three family

members, including her mother.

A new opportunity for ministry that we’ve received is to support Stronghold. First Presbyterian

Church of Dixon has issued a Stronghold Challenge to other churches in Blackhawk Presbytery. You

can see it here:

I confess to you (just between us) that my first reaction to the challenge was to shout, “Dixon, IT’S

ON!” because I know you will want to be part of this opportunity to support our amazing camp.

There’s more about the effort coming from the Mission Committee.

I recount all of these things to you in order to remind all of us that we have many reasons to

celebrate! All of the activities we began years ago – food for kids, a few books and some pastors,

sharing our building – all these seemingly small efforts have now given us the foundation from

which to do greater ministry for more people. This foundation is the one on which we will build the

future church: not a building, but a vibrant inclusive ministry that is vital to our community. This is

where the Next Steps Task Force will be doing its work. As we form and begin the work of the task

force, please pray for the members and the work they will be doing, seeking God’s leading as we

envision our congregation’s future.

In all of our days, in all of our work, let’s remember God’s promise through the prophet Isaiah,

which still holds true for us today:

I am about to do a new thing;

now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?

I will make a way in the wilderness

and rivers in the desert.

Isaiah 43:19


Pastor Christina

Page 4: July · 2020-06-30 · 4 Weekly Devotions July 5—Freedom Celebration July 12 Theme Christ sets us free to serve. Text Matthew 1116-19, 25-30 Galatians 5 1, 13-18 Context Christ


Weekly Devotions

July 5—Freedom Celebration

July 12

Theme Christ sets us free to serve.

Text Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30; Galatians 5: 1, 13-18

Context Christ is not who we call him to be; rather, we become who Christ calls us to be.

Challenge How will you use your freedom in Christ?

Prayer Liberating God, set us free from our selves and free to love this world that you so

love. Amen.

Theme Jesus tells the Parable of the Sower, then explains it

Text Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23

Context When God spreads the news, it goes everywhere, even where it may not take

root and grow.

Challenge What sort of “soil” are you? How do you sow the good news?

Prayer God, you send the good news of your love and grace everywhere. Let it take root

and grow in us, and help us to share, too. Amen.

Page 5: July · 2020-06-30 · 4 Weekly Devotions July 5—Freedom Celebration July 12 Theme Christ sets us free to serve. Text Matthew 1116-19, 25-30 Galatians 5 1, 13-18 Context Christ


July 19—Community VBS Worship

July 26

Theme This year’s CommUNITY VBS is a Virtual Backyard VBS. The theme will be our

WONDERFUL GOD! For each day there will be a Bible story, craft, snack and

songs. You can attend! Check out Nan’s letter for more details.

Day 1 Wonderful God, Wonderful World

Day 2 Wonderful Jesus, Wonderful News

Day 3 Wonderful Spirit, Wonderful Church





Theme Jesus tells the parable of the grain field and the weeds.

Text Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43

Context Sometimes the grower lets the weeds grow until the time of harvest. God may

not intervene in the “weeds” of our life together, but in the end, God’s justice

and love are the harvest.

Challenge What “weeds” impair your growth?

Prayer Gracious God, help us grow in faith and trust in you. Amen.

Page 6: July · 2020-06-30 · 4 Weekly Devotions July 5—Freedom Celebration July 12 Theme Christ sets us free to serve. Text Matthew 1116-19, 25-30 Galatians 5 1, 13-18 Context Christ


Hello Friends,

As Christians, we know that we are all beloved children of God; all having been

created in the Image of God. And yet, our world continues to struggle with racial

injustice. So how do we as parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers and

sisters teach our children about racism? How do we teach our children about love

and peace and justice? This graphic is an important reminder that we start at the


(Continued on page 7)

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I often say, let us continue to learn and grow in God’s love. Here is a site with a list of books that

will help us do just that,

After reading any of these books, here are some prompts and questions:

What was important in this story?

What bothered you about the story?

What did you like about the story?

Have you ever felt like one of the characters?

Have you had an experience or seen something like this happen – how did it make you feel?

What feelings did you have about this story?

I wonder why you felt ____.

I wonder what you would do in this situation.

I wonder how this story could have been different.

I wonder what made this happen.

May we all continue to learn and grow in God’s love.



Please join us for Backyard VBS ONLINE, July 14-16! Backyard VBS includes Bible stories,

crafts, science activities and so much more! VBS will premier LIVE at 6:30 pm nightly on Facebook

or YouTube (addresses are on the other side of this card).

VBS Kit & Snack Bag Pick Up is on July 9 from 10–11 AM & 5:30 –6:30 PM in the St. John’s

parking lot (703 3rd Ave. Sterling)

Beginning July10 VBS Kits and snack bags can picked at Immanuel (501 8th Ave., Rock Falls) up

between 8:30 am—4:30 pm daily!

We are so excited to grow in God with you this summer! God loves you and never leaves you!


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Communion Sunday is July 5, 2020

Our focus will be on the freedom we have in Christ.

You may want to prepare your communion elements before you begin.

You may use bread and grape juice or wine, if you have it; if you don’t

have either, any sort of cracker or grain product, and any juice or even

water are fine. For those worshiping at home who don’t have access to

the Internet, you can still join in with your own prayers.

Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper


Friends, this is Christ’s table, and all who love and serve Jesus, all who seek Jesus, all who would like to

get to know Jesus, are welcome to join him and join us in this feast. You are welcome! Come to this table

and partake in this meal!  

Leader: The Lord be with you. 

People: And also with you. 

Leader: Lift up your hearts. 

People: We lift them up to the Lord. 

Leader: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. 

People: It is right to give our thanks and praise. 

Leader: Loving God, from the beginning, you walked in complete freedom through the grasses of the

earth, and all creation sang of your goodness. You created us in your image, with freedom to choose: to

be at peace with you, or to follow our own will. Our selfish desires led us into rebellion against

you. Prophets spoke to invite us home, but our stubborn pride only grew stronger. When the burden of

our sin became too great for your heart, you sent Jesus to carry it for us. So we join in singing your

praise: Blessed is the One who yokes himself to us.

Jesus saw that we were enslaved to sin, so he led us into service; he saw us burdened with death, so

he to died lift our burden. In dependence on him, we are liberated from sin. So we ask now that you pour

out your Spirit upon this bread and this cup, that these gifts might nourish us. As we find our rest in

you, may we become restless in service to your children; as we engage with you in your complete

freedom, may we use our sacred freedom build a community of justice and righteousness; as we listen to

your silence, may we speak out for all whose voices are ignored by the world.

We pray now for all of this world, and all of its people; for our nation, for our community, for the church,

and for one another. We sing praise and glory with those who rejoice, and we weep with those who

sorrow. We pray your mercy on all who suffer in body, mind, or Spirit, and we trust that the Spirit prays

when we do not know how. All these prayers we offer to you, Holy God, in the strong name of Jesus,

who taught us to pray saying  

All: The Lord’s Prayer   

Words of Institution 

Friends, on the night Jesus was betrayed, while he was at table with his disciples, he took the bread,

blessed it, broke it and gave it to them, saying “This is my body, given for you. Do this in remembrance

(Continued on page 9)

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of me.” In the same way he took the cup and when he had blessed it, he poured it out for them. He

gave it to them saying, “This is my blood, shed for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” For as often

as we eat this bread and drink this cup, we proclaim the saving death of our risen Lord until he

comes again. 

Sharing the Bread and the Cup 

Prayer after the Supper 

Holy God, you have nourished us at your table, making us strong so that we may serve you by

serving others. Send us out now to do your will, nourishing faith, strengthening the desire for

justice, and feeding those whose spirits hunger for your Spirit. Amen. 

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We thank you for helping us to target and meet the needs of the children in our communities through your support of the Let’s Feed Our Children program. Your gift has been invested in a service that is

helping to create healthier, stronger children in order for them to grow up to be our future leaders. - Let’s Feed Our Children

Toni & I want to express our gratitude to our Worship Team for the amazing work you all have done to make our congregation come together every week. T he talent that you all have been given and shared with all of us is a blessing. Toni & I are so happy to be a part of First Presbyterian Church. Love & Blessings, Toni & Diana

T hank you! Our family is enjoying our worship time together with your church family during this unusual time in our lives. We appreciate your sharing of music and message online very much!

Prayers for health and of thanksgiving, the Reter Family

Giving thanks for a light in the darkness, Ted & Hazel Buikema

We just worshiped with you from Wisconsin and it is awesome! I think you all look good with a little longer hair too. Christina, your message is so important today (as always). T hanks for keeping us safe

but also keeping us together virtually.—Peace, Julie & Bill Yemm

T hank you so much for your thoughtfulness! We greatly appreciated the muff ins and coffee. Sterling Post Office

T hank you for all your love, support, gifts, and kind words in my family’s time of need. Antionette Jones

T hank you for your prayers during my mom’s, Pat Cox, sickness. Our family appreciates it. Truly yours, the Cox Family

To my church family & friends, On April 30th, 2020, I had my last treatment of chemotherapy. It’s been a long journey, staring in September, with a break in February, to get the new aortic valve, and three more chemo treatments since then. I have some residual side effects of muscle and joint pain from the chemo, but I hope that improves over time. I’m just grateful to have reached this milestone, “NED”, no evidence of disease. I miss all of you, but that’s the new norm for everyone during this pandemic. I will rejoice when we can again meet in out beautiful house of worship. Stay strong, stay well, and thank you

again for your support during this time. It meant more to me than you know. Joan Velde

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Please pray for: At Morningside - Fay Densmore, Don Olson At Parkway Center - Bill Griswold, Lois Steiner At Heritage Woods - Jacqueline Hoffman At Resthave - Ann Musgrove, Maxine Olson In the Service - Brad Gericke, Brandon Shultz, Payton Lowe Prayers for - Phil Sinroll, Phil Ward, Jessie Witt, Jerry Quigg, Lucy Ettinger, Pat Conklen, Barb Stern, Mickey Gage, Debbie Musgrove, Ross & Marlene Jennings, Mary-Terrie Snavely, Joan Velde, Ron & Jackie Williams


07/01 Hilary (Osborn) Wahlheim

07/06 Joe Anderson

07/09 Hanah Cassens

Steve & Lindsay (Davidson) Ebersole(A

07/10 Lois Grimm

07/11 Christina (Yemm) Duffy

Segue Lawrence Doering

Glenn & Gail Dancey (A)

07/12 Kevin & Samantha O’Keefe (A)

07/13 Sheryl Pace

07/15 Barbara Van Osdol

07/16 Mary Flint

David & Meli Cangahuala (A)

07/20 Kyle Knutsen

07/21 Jacob Conklen

07/22 Alan & Carla Connelly (A)

07/23 Brooke (Cox) Dir

Brad & Lisa Zacharski (A)

07/24 Melissa Etter

Alison Burkhalter

07/26 Rachel Pashon

Betty Pratt

Ann Camp

Dave & Judy Lowe (A)

07/28 Michael Dowell

Mary Lynn Tedrick

Jeff & Tarah Brown (A)

07/29 Amy Boze

Allen & Brooke Dir (A)

07/30 Dane Neidermann

Stephanie (Conklen) & Jacob Porter(A)

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