Download - July 25, 2012

Page 1: July 25, 2012

In MemoriamSally Begley, 75Genevieve Cochley, 86Mary Coe, 85Melba Custer, 65Mary Davis, 86

Evelyn Faurote, 94Bonnie Hettmansperger, 80Gladys Holycross, 97David Huffman, 54Ombra Keffaber, 94

A. Josephine Kline, 87Erma Petry, 105Barbara Russell, 92Norma Slack, 85Gary Whitener, 66

Vol. 35, No. 19PO Box 603,

Wabash, IN 46992(260) 563-8326

IndexClassifieds ......................26-30

D&E ..................................9-10

Weekly Reports ................9-14

T PAPERHEJuly 25, 2012 Proudly Serving Wabash County Since 1977

Takin’ It To The Streets Sidewalk Salesby J.D. Sparks

‘Takin’ It To The Streets’ is the theme for the first annual downtownsidewalk sales in Wabash. Stores will participate in a sidewalk salebeginning on Friday, Aug. 3.Diane Morris, co-owner of Borders and Beyond, spearheaded getting

the businesses to participate.“It started with Amy and I finding treasures and just cleaning out our

second floor. We decided to see if other businesses would like to partici-pate and make this an annual event,” Morris told The Paper.“Personally, we’ve never had this type of sale in the 10 years of own-

ing our business. We have artists bringing in items and we have mostitems marked down 20 to 75 percent. ”She said the businesses chose Aug. 3 as the sale date to continue to pro-

mote our First Friday’s event.“We thought it would be a good idea to get the other businesses

involved and we haven’t done much in a while to promote FirstFriday’s,” she said.“There are so many things happening in Wabash that weekend, start-

ing with Jazz on the Lawn Thursday night at the Honeywell House, con-certs Friday and Saturday nights at the Honeywell Center, and theWabash Hoosier Salon has their annual Paintout. “With so much going on, we thought the sidewalk sales would be an

added attraction.”On First Friday’s, the first Friday of each month, several downtown

shops extend their business hours to 8 p.m.The sidewalk sale will go on during business hours on both Aug. 3 and

4.“It’s exciting to feel the energy and see people downtown. We’ve had

good participation from the businesses for First Friday’s since beforeChristmas. We want to welcome people downtown and make sure theyknow downtown is the place to be,” she said.

MICHAEL SCUSE (right), Under Secretary for Farm and ForeignAgricultural Service, visited Wabash County on July 18 to discuss the ongo-ing drought with local farmers. Pictured alongside Scuse is WabashCounty Farm Service Agency Director Eric Armentrout. (photo by J.D.Sparks)

DROUGHT STRICKEN CORN such as this found in a field off of Bryan Avenue in Wabash are becoming much more wide-spread as Wabash County sinks into a Severe Drought. Most forecasters have Indiana’s drought continuing into October, butas of press time, there is a chance of rain nearly each day this week. (photo by Brent Swan)

by Brent SwanIn what has become

the worst drought onrecord since at least1988, many farmershave been left to won-der what shape theircrop is as August rollsaround. From April 1to July 15, only 3.05inches of rain hadfallen at the FortWayne WeatherStation; the lowesttotals in the state ofIndiana. The mostrecent rains, July 18-19, yielded nearly oneinch in the Wabasharea according to TheWeather Channel.In that given time

period, WabashCounty is more thannine inches belownormal. “Farmers are now

starting to be able toget out into theirfields and see whatimpact this drought isstarting to have ontheir 2012 crop,”Wabash County FSADirector EricArmentrout said. “Alot of our farmers arecoming in here andasking what pro-grams we have tooffer for relief from

this disaster and theanswer is not much.”After the current

Farm Bill was passedin 2008, no relief waswritten into the legis-lation for the 2012crop year.“When this Farm

Bill was passed, wehad a variety of reliefprograms available tofarmers in 2008through Sept. 30 oflast year,”A r m e n t r o u texplained. “For thisyear, we have none ofthose programs avail-able despite the cur-rent situation.” Armentrout went

on to say two of theonly relief programsavailable to WabashCounty farmers arethe release of CRPgrounds for hayingand grazing, and theissuance of USDA lowinterest loans. Bothprograms come withstipulations, however. “If you are a live-

stock producer, andyou need hay or pas-ture, Wabash Countycurrently has 3,600acres of CRP groundthat can be hayedand/or grazed. We so

far have had threelandowners come in tothe FSA office andfilled out the paper-work, so that interest-ed farmers can balethat ground. We areanticipating that wemight get two or threemore,” Armentroutsaid. “However, you

can only bale half ofyour CRP acreage.For example, if youhave 50 acres, you canonly take hay off ofhalf of those acres. Ifyou are grazing, thenyou can only utilize75 percent of thatCRP ground for graz-ing.”In addition to

restrictions on theamount of CRPground truly avail-able to farmers, CRPlandowners will alsotake a 10 percentdeduction on theirannual CRP payment.Armentrout said formost landowners,that deductionequates to approxi-mately $8 to $9 peracre.On July 23, the FSA

announced the hay-ing and grazing ofCRP ground can besold, unlike in yearspast.“By allowing those

who have CRPground to bale it andsell it, we are hopingto get more peopleinterested in gettingthat hay out there tothose that are goingto end up needing it,”Armentrout said. The other relief

available to localfarmers is a low-

interest USDA emer-gency loan.“Because Wabash

County has beendeclared a disasterarea, producers areeligible for a USDAloan that has a 2.25percent interest rate,”Armentrout said.“The problem withthat is, you must firstbe turned down by a

local lender in orderto apply through ouroffice.”In an effort to sur-

vey the drought condi-tions throughoutIndiana, MichaelScuse, UnderSecretary for Farmand ForeignAgricultural Service,visited WabashCounty on July 18.

While meeting withlocal farmers, Scusefielded a variety ofquestions includingthe prospect of re-opening the cropinsurance enrollmentperiod, which he saidis not in the works. With no real pro-

grams to aid farmers,Armentrout said the

Severe drought leaves farmers to wonder about crop condition as critical stage approaches

(continued on page 6)

Page 2: July 25, 2012

2 July 25, 2012

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July 28, beginningat 10 a.m., is Veteranand CustomerAppreciation Day,hosted by Triple LLLTruck Repair Inc.Triple LLL Truck

Repair Inc. will beshowing its apprecia-tion of all veteranswith the appearanceof the AmericanHuey 369 - anAmerican made icon. “The Huey” will fly

in at 10 a.m. and willbe available for every-one to see. Flights willalso be available forthose who becomemembers of theAmerican Huey 369Organization. Formore information onthe organization, visittheir website at amer-icahuey369.comLunch, which con-

sists of pulled pork,potato salad, potatosalad, baked beans,chips and soda orwater, will be servedfrom 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.Several of the

venders, such asTruck Pro, Weller

T r a n s m i s s i o n ,Monteith TireCompany, Fort WayneTruck Center andKrom Farms, willhave booths set up. There will be a sur-

plus inventory sale(huge savings, makeus an offer)For this day only,

Triple LLL TruckRepair will offer dis-counts on DynaflexProducts, DieselExhaust Technologiesand RoadWorksManufacturing Inc.products.Door prize draw-

ings will be held from11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Therewill be a raffle withthe proceeds donatedto the American Huey369 Organization. Thedrawing will be heldat 5 p.m. and the win-ner does not need tobe present.A special thanks

goes out to the follow-ing businesses fortheir participation:Monteith TireCompany Inc, TruckPro Inc., Great Lakes

Peterbilt, RoadworksManufacturing Inc,MFY Designs LLC,Weller Truck LLC,Rowe TruckEquipment, JMReynolds Oil Co Inc,Schlemmer BrothersMetalworks, SouthSide Supply, KromFarms Repairs &Restoration LLC,Metzger Trucking,DRP Co Inc,Pampered CoachTruck Center, MerrittEquipment Co,Mckilip Seeds Inc,Eads Bulldozing,Snap-On Tools, MacTools, Cornwell Tools,Dynaflex ProductsDiesel ExhaustTechnologies, Ft.Wayne Diesel Service,Ft. Wayne TruckCenter, WiersInternational Trucks,Wabash CountyTruck Wash Inc,Wildman Uniform &Linen, Wendt & Sons,Vomac Truck Salesand Service Inc,Selking International& Idealease, andBrodbeck Seed Inc.

Triple LLL hosts Veteran andCustomer Appreciation Day

Page 3: July 25, 2012

July 25, 2012

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Fresh Picked Wabash County Sweet Corn ..............




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ChoppedPork Steak ................

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In Loving Memory Cruise Inraises $2,600 for Hands of Hope

HANDS OF HOPE WILL RECEIVE a check for $2,600 thanks to the SecondAnnual In Loving Memory Cruse In. A grant from The Lutheran Foundationwill double the funds raised to $5,200. Hands of Hope helps provide domestic vio-lence prevention and intervention services to Wabash County. (photo provided)

The Second AnnualIn Loving MemoryCruise In raised$2,600 for Hands ofHope in WabashCounty. The event, organ-

ized by the Hines fam-ily to remember andhonor the lives ofSherry and AmandaHines, took place onJune 30. All proceedsfrom the event willbenefit Hands ofHope and be used toprovide domestic vio-lence prevention andintervention servicesin Wabash County. Agrant from TheLutheran Foundationwill double the fundsraised to $5,200.Hands of Hope and

the Hines familywould like to thankthe following busi-nesses and individu-als for their generousdonations that madethe event possible:Carquest, Autozone,O’Reilly Auto Parts,Dollar Tree, Kroger,Oswalt & Thomas,Fishback Auto Supply,Friermood Tire &Alignment, Inc.,Wabash CountyYMCA, AmericanFamily Insurance,Wabash InsuranceAssociates, CulliganWater Conditioning,Wabash CountyHistorical Museum,Kellam Inc., Center

Court Barber Shop,Hardees, 95.9 KissFM, Moon Eyes USA,Pedregon Racing, TASClassic Motorsports,Dyson Detailing, TheHoneywell Center,Fiesta Salon, VanityTan & Nails, HappyConfections YSB, TheWorks, Daniels CreekFarm, Bonnie Corn,and Troy Trepanier. A big thank you

also to the event spon-sors: Friermood Tireand Alignment, Inc.,Northside Wrecker,Old Canal CoffeeCompany, Landmark,Just Hunt Guns &Gunsmithing, Inc.,Classic Graphics,Grain Systems, Dr.Bill Rettenmier,Wabash CountyHospital.The event would not

have been possiblewithout the efforts ofthe Hines family andfriends, and all theevent volunteers,including Sheriff BobLand, Attorney AlanZ i m m e r m a n ,Prosecutor BillHartley, Tim & PamRoberts, Rick & TamiMonce, Brad Layman,and Kohl’s of Marionemployees. Thank you to our

Hands of HopeAdvisory CouncilMembers who assist-ed at the event: NancyWhitmer, Bonnie

Corn, ConnieHarmon, Laura Helm,and Ryan & GinaBaker.Special thanks to

Bechtol Grocery,Market Street Grill,Mike Rees and ThePaper of WabashCounty and WadeWeaver and AndyMcCord at 105.9 TheBash for their sup-port.Hands of Hope is a

division of FamilyService Society, Inc.and provides preven-tion and interventionservices for domesticand sexual violence inWabash and Grantcounties, includingadvocacy and a shel-ter for victims ofabuse, supportgroups, and preven-tion education inlocal schools. Handsof Hope is a UnitedFund Agency.

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�������������������It Is A Crime

HHaannddss oo ff HHooppee aa ddiivviiss ii oonn oo ff FFaammii llyy SSeerrvviiccee SSoocc ii eettyy,, IInncc..24-hour hotline, weekly support group and

a safe place to stay.

CROPHungerWalkDate SetThe 2012 Wabash

County CROP Hungerwalk will be Sept. 30.The walk will start atWarvel Park and par-ticipants can choose along or short route.Plan now to worktoward ending hungerone step at a time.CROP hunger

walks are held nation-wide to enable neigh-bors to take a standagainst hunger in theworld. The walk isdesigned to raiseawareness of hungerissues in addition toraising funds forhunger and povertyrelief both locally andglobally. Twenty fivepercent of fundsraised will assist localfood banks orpantries.Churches, commu-

nity groups and indi-viduals are welcometo participate.Recruitment of walk-ers will begin soon.Last year the WabashCounty walk hadnearly 80 participantswho raised a generousamount for hungerrelief locally andaround the globe.Mark your calendar

now and plan to jointhe CROP walk onSunday afternoon,Sept. 30. Furtherinformation is avail-able from KayBatdorf, 260-982-8789o [email protected].

The 3rd AnnualNorth ManchesterTown Wide GarageSale is being plannedfor the weekend ofAug. 3-4. Last year,some 85 were saleswere held over thetwo-day stretch, andChamber ExecutiveDirector TimMcLaughlin hopesthat number signifi-cantly increases thisyear. “We werethrilled with the par-ticipation a year agoand believe it willonly increase thisyear. The amount of

out of town trafficthat the sales createdwas phenomenal andI would expect it to beeven more this year,”he added.The event is

planned for late in thesummer so that resi-dents that have salesearly on in the springand summer and canhave another garagesale and participatein the town-wideevent.The Chamber will

plan the event andcoordinate the adver-tising of the sales

with the News-Journal once again.The News-Journalwill act as the drop offsite for your saleinformation. Theywill run the listingsfor two weeks andalso run a detailedmap highlighting thelocations of each sale.For more informa-

tion, please call theChamber at 260-982-7644. Please feel freeto drop off your saleinformation to theNews-Journal any-time.

Third annual North Manchester TownWide Garage Sale to be held Aug. 3-4

The IndianaNatural ResourcesCommission onTuesday approved anindefinite extensionof what’s commonlyreferred to as the“one-buck rule” fordeer hunting.The decision toextend the ruleremoves the expira-tion date on a 10-year-old regulation thatlimits a hunter to tak-ing no more than oneantlered deer duringthe regular archery,firearms and muzzle-loader hunting sea-sons.The “one-buck rule”was first applied in2002 for a five-yearperiod. TheC o m m i s s i o napproved an exten-sion in 2007 with an

expiration date ofSept. 1.This year, the DNRDivision of Fish &Wildlife proposedextending the ruleindefinitely, statingthat limiting deer

hunters to only onebuck per year is notneeded to manage thedeer herd. The DNRconsiders it a socialissue, not a biologicalissue.

NRC extends ‘one-buck rule’ for deer hunting

Page 4: July 25, 2012

4 July 25, 2012

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PICTURED ARE (front row, left to right) Annette Witta, Stephanie Reust and Dr. Duane Hougendobler(back row, left to right) Allison Meyer, Lisa Meyer, RN, Jeannette Ellis. (photo provided)

Pediatrics and Dr.Duane Hougendoblerof the ParkviewPhysicians Group inHuntington wererecently recognizedwith ProfessionalResearch Consultants(PRC) Excellence inHealthcare awards. The pediatrics prac-

tice was presentedwith PRC’s highesthonor, the CrystalOverall TopPerformer Award atthe PRC Excellence inH e a l t h c a r eConference inScottsdale, Ariz. TheCrystal Overall TopPerformer Award isgiven annually toeach healthcare facili-

ty, healthcare provider,outpatient service lineand inpatient unit thatscores at or above the100th percentile for theoverall quality of carepercent “Excellent”score in PRC’s nationalclient database for theprior calendar year.Parkview PhysiciansGroup–Pediatrics inHuntington wasnamed PRC’s TopPerforming Clinicbased on patient per-ceptions of outpatientpediatric primarycare.

Dr. Hougendoblerhas also been therecipient of PRC’sfivr-star award for thepast four years, which

ranks him in the high-est three percent inthe national databasefor pediatric primarycare providers.Five-star award

winners scored in thetop 10 percent. Theawards are based onthe percentage ofpatients who saidtheir overall qualityof care was excellent.The data comes fromPRC’s national clientdatabase and was col-lected through phoneinterviews conductedby PRC, which is anat iona l ly -knownhealthcare marketingresearch companyheadquartered inOmaha, Neb.

Pediatrics in Huntington receives honor

Brooke Oberg and Josh Thomas announce their engagement andupcoming wedding. Brooke is the daughter of Emil and Julie Oberg, Macy, and Sandra

Howard, North Manchester. She is a 2010 graduate of Manchester HighSchool, and is currently attending Brown Mackie College, to be aVeterinary Technician.Joshua Thomas is the son of Kirk Thomas, North Manchester, and

Tammy Thomas, Yorktown. He is a 2008 graduate of Manchester HighSchool and is currently attending Brown Mackie College for BusinessManagement. He is currently employed at Butterbaugh Oil Company,North Manchester.The couple plans to wed July 28, at the Hope Methodist Church in


Brooke Oberg and JoshThomas to wed July 28

Indiana Chamberof CommercePresident and CEOKevin Brinegarreacts to the U.S.Supreme Court’s rul-ing on the AffordableCare Act, announcedtoday:“Conventional wis-

dom and nationalpolls showed manyAmericans favoredrepeal of the meas-ure, so we are sur-

prised by the Court’sdecision.“Our concern is

the impact the healthcare law–now thatit’s goingforward–will have onHoosier businessesand their workers.Mandating cover-age for pre-existingconditions andextending coveragefor dependent chil-dren to age 26 will

cause increases inhealth care costs;there is no wayaround it. “That will force

many employers tomake the difficultdecision to stopoffering coverageand push employeesinto the federalplan. It puts thenation on the roadto universal healthcare.”

The Youth ServiceBureau of WabashCounty will host the11th annual ProjectL.I.F.T. beginningon Aug. 6.The Youth

Service Bureau willdistribute schoolsupplies on Aug. 6, 7and 8 from 9 a.m. to3 p.m. It began thisproject to assistfamilies in the com-

munity who had aneed related toschool supplies fortheir children.There are no

income guidelinesfor receiving assis-

tance and the chil-dren do not need tobe present toreceive the schoolsupplies.To donate, drop

off school supplies

at the Youth ServiceBureau office at 111South WabashStreet. Contact theoffice at 563-7727and ask for Staci orDonna for questions.

Youth Service Bureau to host 11th Annual Project L.I.F.T.

Indiana Chamber on SupremeCourt’s Decision on Health Care Act

Page 5: July 25, 2012

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Indiana’s new reg-ulations aimed atkeeping confinedanimal feeding oper-ations environmen-tally friendly willrequire producers tochange record-keep-ing and manure man-agement practices,effective July 1.Last fall, the

Indiana Departmentof EnvironmentalM a n a g e m e n tapproved revisedrules that altered theenvironmental man-agement require-ments of confinedfeeding operations,called CFOs, and con-centrated animalfeeding operations,known as CAFOs.Indiana defines aCFO as “any animalfeeding operationengaged in the con-fined feeding of atleast 300 cattle, 500horses, 600 swine orsheep, or 30,000 fowl,such as chickens,turkeys or otherpoultry.” All CAFOs are

classified as CFOs,but CAFOs housemore animals andhave previously hadmore stringent regu-lations and permitapplication proce-dures. Under the newrules, CAFOs havethe option to contin-ue to have CAFO per-mits or assume gen-eral CFO permit sta-tus, said PurdueExtension nutrientmanagement special-ist Tamilee Nennich.Operations thatwould like to main-tain their CAFO per-mits will need indi-vidualized permitsapproved by IDEM.Operators with

individual CAFOpermits will berequired to createnutrient manage-

ment plans accessi-ble to the public.Additional recordkeeping also will berequired. For exam-ple, farmers willneed to keep recordsof daily inspections.Potentially of

greater concern arenew rules specific toCFO operatorsregarding wintermanure applicationand soil phosphorus.Under the new reg-

ulations, manureapplication on frozenand snow-coveredground is no longerpermitted, Nennichsaid. There areexceptions for emer-gency situations.Operators can applyfor special permitsthat allow for winterapplication if a farmwas previously per-mitted with less than120 days of manurestorage.The new CFO rules

also require thatfarmers applymanure to theirfields on the basis ofthe soil’s phosphoruscontent. Previously,manure was appliedto fields based on soilnitrogen content andnitrogen needs forthe coming crop.New regulations

require that soilphosphorus notexceed 200 parts permillion by 2018. Thatmeans that over thenext six years, farm-ers will need to con-tinue to monitor soilphosphorus concen-trations and work tobegin the very grad-ual process of reduc-ing the phosphoruscontent of theirfields.When the new

rules go into effect onJuly 1, CFOs cannotapply manure to soilwith phosphorus lev-

els higher than 400parts per million.Nennich said the

potential risk ofwater pollution isone of the biggestconcerns pertainingto high phosphoruslevels in soils. Whileshe believes the con-cern is justified, shesaid the new rulesfail to account for thevariance betweenfields. The risk ofphosphorus water

pollution is not thesame for every farm.“It’s going to

remove some acreagepeople have beenusing for manureapplication andincrease the cost formanure removal anda p p l i c a t i o n , ”Nennich said.Nennich said pro-

ducers need to makesure they understandwhat the new rulesmean for their indi-

vidual operations.She encouraged

producers to planahead for the winterand keep records toshow compliancewith the regulations.Nennich also noted

that new informationwill be needed inoperating records.“We really encour-

age producers to gothrough and makesure they understandthe changes in their

permits and workhard to make surethey are protecting

the environmentwith their opera-tions,” she said.

New CFO and CAFO rules require operational changesJuly 25, 2012

Page 6: July 25, 2012

6 July 25, 2012

Available For Adoption At The Wabash County Animal Shelter:810 Manchester Ave. • 260-563-3511Monday - Friday 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

“Pet of the Week” photos are taken each Friday. If the pet featured has already been adopted, many others are still waiting for good homes!


Female1 year old

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might result fromcrop insurance. Thosewithout insurancehave no option but tohope for rain to makethe best of the cropalready stretched toits limits. “Sharon Shock said

at our meetingWednesday thatacross the UnitedStates nearly 80 per-cent of farmers havesome form of cropi n s u r a n c e , ”Armentrout said. “InWabash County, thosenumbers are closer to25 percent.”According to num-

bers provided by theWabash County FSA,out of the 882 produc-ers that grow corn on147,000 acres inWabash County, only129 have crop insur-ance. Out of the 400producers growing67,000 acres of soy-beans, only 82 are cov-ered by crop insur-ance.“These numbers

reflect a trend for sev-eral years here in

Wabash County,”Armentrout said. “Wehave never under-stood as to whyWabash County hassuch a low rate ofcrop insurance cover-age.”Regardless as to

whether farmerschose crop insuranceor if they are left tohope for rain, WabashCounty farmer JerryBeck said there is stilltime for the corn har-vest to be salvaged.“I’ve gone out and

walked my fields forabout the past 10-12days,” Beck said. “Ifthere is anything con-sistent, it’s that it isinconsistent. Nothingis black and white atthis point.”Adding to the confu-

sion, according toBeck, is the wide vari-ety of planting datesacross the area.“From when you putthe seed in theground, there is a fair-ly set number of daysbefore it tassels andreaches the pollina-

tion stage. From thatpoint, there is a setnumber of days forthose silks to becomepollinated,” Beckexplained. “Anyamount of moistureduring that stage,even a good dew, willhelp that ear becomepollinated.“The beans are a dif-

ferent thing altogeth-er,” Beck continued.“We can get by withwhat we have as long aswe get some rains herein the next month orso. You hate to say it isall wait and see, but atthis point, that’s aboutall you can do.”“This is going to be

difficult on the live-stock industry,” Scusesaid. “This is going tobe difficult on any-body, whether you’vegot cows, hogs or beefcattle. If you’re outthere growing thatfield of corn and youjust lost that field ofcorn, you’re sufferingtremendous losses.This has a hugeimpact on everyone.”

Severe drought leaves farmersto wonder... continued from front page

Successfully pre-venting and eliminat-ing flies and mice inlivestock and poultryoperations is crucial tomaintaining animalhealth and productivi-ty, says a PurdueUniversity entomolo-gist.Cattle in both pas-

ture and confinementsituations are affectedby flies, as are poultry,said Ralph Williams.Bloodsucking flies lit-erally drain animals’lifeblood, and all fliescan transmit diseases,cause discomfort andcreate a nuisance forneighbors.Pastured cattle are

mainly targeted by theface fly, which feeds oncattle’s mucous mem-branes and can trans-mit pink eye. Another

pest in pastured cattleis the parasitic hornfly, which lives itsentire adult life drink-ing the blood of oneanimal.Control of pasture

pests typically consistsof self-applicationdevices such as dustbags, oilers, pour-onproducts, and insecti-cide ear tags, Williamssaid. Ear tags have twotypes of ingredients -pyrethroid ando r g anopho s pha t e .Pyrethroid tags aremost effective on faceflies. Some horn flieshave developed a genet-ic resistance topyrethroid, and in thiscase, horn flies mayrespond better toorganophosphate tagsor to a pour-on insecti-cide.

Williams advisedthat producers try eartags first, and if theyare not effective, thento turn to alternativetreatments.In confinement oper-

ations, cattle are fre-quently bothered bythe housefly, whichcauses irritation andcan transmit diseases,and the bloodsuckingstable fly, which direct-ly reduces weight gainand milk production.Any efforts to con-

trol these flies mustbegin with effectivemanure management,Williams said.“House and stable

flies breed in manure,so proper proceduresto minimize theirbreeding will go a longway in reducing thesefly pests,” he said.“There are some thingsyou can do to the fliesthemselves - fly bait,aerosol knockdownsprays, residual insec-ticides. but withoutproper manure man-agement, they won’t domuch good.”This same advice

applies to poultry oper-ations, where house-flies also are a majorproblem. While they donot pose a serioushealth threat to thebirds, they can becomea major nuisance toneighbors. Poultryowners can trackhouseflies by using

“spot” or “speck”cards, which are sim-ply 3-by-5-inch indexcards fastened in sever-al places around a henhouse or building.Flies will leave fluidspots on the cards, andthe number of spots onthe card will provide arough estimate of howmany flies passthrough the hen housein a given period.Generally, an averageof 100 spots per dayindicates a serious flyproblem.Another poultry pest

to watch for is thenorthern fowl mite, abloodsucking parasite.Northern fowl miteshave made a strongcomeback in recentyears, Williams said,and they can seriouslyaffect on egg produc-tion. Treatment con-sists of high-pressuresprays directed intothe birds’ cages, sothey are difficult totreat in large opera-tions.One of the most

destructive poultrypests is the housemouse. Mice can trans-mit salmonella, andtheir chewing cancause significantdestruction of facili-ties and equip-ment. “Controllingmice requires a year-long program consist-ing of constant sur-veillance and traps,”Williams said. “Therecan be several mouse‘families’ in any facili-ty, so poison should bespaced every 30 feet orso. Prevent feed spills,keep bait exposed, anduse traps to monitorpopulations, becausemice will be a problemif ignored.”

Controlling insects, rodents vital to healthy livestock

April 14, at theInternational Palm’sResort, Cocoa Beach,Fla., the wedding cer-emony that unitedJustin Shane Sheltonand Melissa DawnHarrison, both ofDeltona, Fla., washeld.

The bride was givenin marriage by herbrother, DustinHarrison, Umitilla,Fla. The groom’suncle, David Snyder,Lenoir City, Tenn.,officiated.Jamie Goulet, Erie,

Pa., was the maid of

honor. Kelsey Rowles,Deltona, Fla., was thebridesmaid. Rylee Harris,

Umitilla, Fla., great-niece of the bride,was the flower girl.The ring bearer wasBrock Aaron Shelton,son of the bride andgroom.Larry Schrieber,

Deltona, Fla., wasthe best man.Groomsmen wereDavid Friedland andJose Vargas, both ofDeltona, Fla.Ushers were

nephews of thegroom, Blaike andKamron Orth, bothof Canyon County,Calif., and AshtonHarrison, Umitilla,Fla., nephew of thebride.A reception fol-

lowed on the deckoverlooking theocean with musicprovided by a D.J.Melissa is the

daughter of the lateWendell and PaulaHarrison, Deltona,Fla.Justin is the son of

the late Maurice“Moe” Shelton ofDeltona, Fla., andJean (Jeff) Whitmerof Wabash.A honeymoon was

a cruise in theBahamas in June.

Melissa Harrison and JustinShelton wed April 14

Page 7: July 25, 2012

July 25, 2012

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August 7th 8am-1pmAugust 8th 2pm-8pm

All north schools report to Northfield High SchoolAll south schools report to Southwood High School

School Registration!MSD of Wabash County

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20-YEAR REUNION: Wabash High School’s Class of 1992 recently held a two-night reunion on theevenings of June 29-30. Pictured attending the June 29 reunion at the Charley Creek Cloud Room are:(from left) front Row, Tina (Snyder) Keaffaber, Heather (Stein) Christle, Angie Shoemaker; secondrow, Kim (Erdahl) Smith, Carrie Russell, Michelle (Lynn) Kirby, Erin (Proctor) Thomas, Cara(Curtis) Smith, Jenny (Tyner) Nestleroad, Robin (Clevenger) Newsome and Tabatha (Collins) Blum;third row, Mike Herrold, Allison (Jachinski) Herrold, Christy (Mosley) Maple, Cindy (Oldenkamp)Wiley, Steve Wendt, Tracy (Idle) Penix, Matt Jacoby, Ron Larrowe, Andy Celmer, Jason Higgley,Johnny Brown, Kevin Gidley and Alicia (Dekau) Berglund. Not pictured are Mark and Chris(Barker) Stefanatos. (photo provided)

WABASH HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 1992: Wabash High School Class of 1992 alumni recentlyattended their 20-year reunion held June 30 at Elks Lodge. Pictured are: (from left) front row, MikeHerrold, Beth Finnegan, Jana Olinger, Tina (Snyder) Keaffaber, Chelsie (Snyder) Frazier, Heather(Stein) Christle, Michelle (Lynn) Kirby, Mandy (Kreps) Long; second row, Allison (Jachinski)Herrold, Katena (Hidy) Vice, Cindy (Oldenkamp) Wiley, Steve Wendt, Erin (Proctor) Thomas, Cara(Curtis) Smith, Kim (Erdahl) Smith, Carrie Russell; third row: Tracy (Idle) Penix, Jason Higgley,Christy (Mosley) Maple, Andy Celmer, Alica (Dekau) Berglund; fourth row, Last Row: PhillipEasterday, Kevin Gidley, Matt Jacoby, Ron Larrowe, Johnny Brown. Not Pictured: Mark and Chris(Barker) Stefanatos, Laura (Behney) Tacker, Michelle Watkins, Angie Shoemaker, DiDi (Weimer)Harlan. (photo provided)

Two dogs died and twoothers were sickenedrecently after swimmingin a cove at SalamonieLake.

Symptoms and circum-stances suggest blue-green algae toxicity mayhave been the cause.

People who useIndiana’s lakes and reser-voirs for recreationshould be aware that blue-green algae blooms havethe potential to causehealth problems inhumans and animals.

Blue-green algaeblooms are a seasonaloccurrence in someIndiana waters, fueled bysummer heat, sunlightand fertilizer runoff fromlawns and farms.

“This is a constantthing in lakes and pondsfrom year to year,” saidSalamonie Lake propertymanager Dennis White.

“This isn’t somethingnew. Blue-green algae isnormal and only recentlyhas the toxicity levelshave been high.”

Drought and low waterlevels in lakes and reser-voirs can increase blue-green algae quantitiesand/or toxins.

Some blue-green algaeproduce toxins that cancause rashes, skin and eyeirritation, nausea, stom-achaches, and tinglingfingers and toes. Peoplewho experience any ofthese symptoms afterboating or swimmingshould seek medicalattention.

Dogs and other animalsare particularly vulnera-ble to blue-green algaebecause they may drinkthe contaminated wateror swallow the algae asthey clean their coats.

Boaters, swimmers anddog owners should:

• Avoid ingesting lakewater.

• Avoid contact withalgae blooms, which gen-erally appear as a scumon the

water surface.• Shower with soapy

water after swimming.• Bring clean water for

your dog to drink on hikesor other outings.

• Keep dogs close andon a leash.

• Bathe their dog withsoapy water as soon aspossible after a swim.

People who accessIndiana’s reservoirs fromresource managementareas, small boat launch-ing sites, fishing accessparking lots or unofficialentry points such as dead-end county roads andother remote locationsshould be especially cau-tious before entering thewater. It is important forvisitors to check the prop-erty’s webpage atwww.stateparks.IN.govand at the property officeto ensure that they havecurrent informationabout property rules andpossible algae alerts.

Blue-green alga is mostoften found in shallowwater or coves and bays

where water movement islimited.

Weather conditions—wind direction, watertemperature, precipita-tion—can quickly changethe blue-green algae cellcount and the concentra-tion of toxins in an area.

Hoosiers can helpreduce blue-green algaeblooms by choosing phos-phorus-free fertilizer, lim-iting the use of fertilizeraround waterways, andregularly maintainingseptic systems.

The IndianaDepartment ofE n v i r o n m e n t a lManagement regularlytests for blue-green algaeat 13 Indiana lakes duringsummer. If high levels ofalgae or toxins are docu-mented during testing, anotice is posted and cautionnotices are placed inthose locations until algaecell counts return to safelevels.

For additional informa-tion about pets, farm ani-mals and blue-green algaego

During preschoolgraduation ceremoniesMay 12 at EmmanuelChristian School,McKenzie Odmanreceived the JoshuaPaul Smith MemorialScholarship. McKenzie is in ninth

grade at ECS. Her par-ents are Shanon andMariah Odman,Roann. Helping pres-ent the award thatmorning were JasonCorn, ZechariahSmith, Jaiya Corn, andJericho Corn, familymembers to Joshua.

McKenzie Odman receives scholarship

DNR cautions about blue-green algae

Page 8: July 25, 2012

8 July 25, 2012

July 29th, 20122:00 - 4:00 p.m.



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www.thepaperofwabash.comOF WABASH COUNTY, INC.THE PAPER

We’ve got you covered!

I n d i a n aConservation Officersare investigating aboat accident, whichoccurred onM i s s i s s i n e w aReservoir on July 22at approximately 5:20p.m. Mitchell Morris, 22,

Lafontaine, was boat-ing with three otherfriends when he andtwo others decided tojump from their boat,which was traveling

approximately 40-45mph. The two whojumped with Morriswere Chad Bassett, 23,Wabash, and T.J.Morris Jr., 23,Lafontaine. The boatwas being operated byAaron Shaw, 22,Lafontaine.After the three

jumped, Bassett andMorris Jr. quicklysurfaced. However,Mitchell Morris didnot surface for several

seconds. WhenMitchell Morris even-tually surfaced, hehad sustained aseverely laceratedskull, a skull fracture,and a severely lacerat-ed right hand. It isunknown if he wasstruck by the boat orif he hit debris in thewater. His friends got him

into the boat andcalled 911, before tak-ing him to the

Pearson’s Mill boatramp. Emergencypersonnel from theWabash City FireDept. and NobleTownship Fire Dept.arrived on scene andsummoned theParkview HospitalSamaritan Helicopterto transport Morris.Morris was flown tothe ParkviewRegional NorthHospital in FortWayne where heunderwent immediatesurgery. As of July 23, 10

a.m., Morris was list-ed in critical but sta-ble condition. Lifepreservers were notworn by the boatoccupants. IndianaConservation Officersurge boaters not totake unnecessaryrisks when boating orenjoying the states’waterways. This is asituation wherehorseplay resulted inthe unfortunate seri-ous injury to a boater. I n d i a n a

Conservation OfficerJerry Hoerdt is thelead investigator inthis incident and isbeing assisted byIndiana ConservationOfficer Cpl. ErickBolt. Hoerdt’s reportwill be submitted tothe Wabash CountyProsecutors Office forreview upon comple-tion.

Mississinewa Reservoirboat accident leaves localman in critical condition

Ed Cochley, Mealson WheelsCoordinator, is indesperate need ofvolunteers to delivernoon meals to shut-ins. Cochley notedthat the program haslost several driversdue to illness recent-ly. Some drivers,after many yearsdriving for the pro-gram, are nowreceiving Meals onWheels themselves.“We are in need of

three regular driversand several whowould be willing tosubstitute on vari-ous days due toabsence or illness ofour regular drivers,”Cochley said.Driving meals is

limited to one dayper week between 11a.m. and noon. Theroute usually takesless than an hour tocomplete. Within theCity of Wabash,there are eightroutes, each one con-sisting of five to 10stops while coveringthree to eight miles.“The first year of

the program wedelivered 3,598meals. In 2011, 38years later, we deliv-ered more than17,700 meals to resi-dents,” Cochley said.“We now averagebetween 60 to 65 peo-ple per day, deliveredfive days per week.”Meals are not

delivered on the six

major holidays;Christmas Day, NewYear’s Day, MemorialDay, July 4th, LaborDay andThanksgiving.“Please consider

being a GoodSamaritan as it ischaracterized in theBible as a charitableand helpful person,”Cochley said. “The

elderly and handi-capped folks needyour help. Thankyou so much for vol-unteering, you willbe blessed!”If interested in

helping with theMeals on Wheel pro-gram, contact EdCochley at 260-563-1659 or Jan Givens at260-571-2118.

Chippewa, Linlawn, NobleTownship reunion plannedThe third bi-annual reunion for graduates

and friends of Chippewa, Linlawn and NobleTownship High Schools is planned forSaturday, Aug. 4 at the Honeywell Center.Reservations must be returned as soon as

possible. Call Tom Ogan at 563-4794 to have areservation sent.

Meals on Wheels recruitingGood Samaritan assistance

Page 9: July 25, 2012

9www.thepaperofwabash.comJuly 25, 2012

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Friday, July 20, theAcoustic Jammerswill meet in theAkron CommunityCenter, located eastof Akron and northon St. Rd. 14. The bluegrass,

country, folk andgospel music willstart at 7 p.m. Bringyour instrument andsit-in with the groupor just come to enjoythe music. Bring your family,

friends and a snackto share. Coffee andjuice will be avail-able. This event issponsored by the

Akron Area Arts league.

Akron Jam to be held July 20

Alan Godsey andThe Northmen pres-ent the 13th AnnualNorthern GospelS i n g i n gConvention. Theevent will have over40 Christian MusicArtists comingfrom across thecountry at theSunnycrest BaptistFamily Life Center. The convention

will be held on Aug.2, 5 p.m., Aug. 3, at 1p.m. and 5 p.m., andon Aug. 4, at 1 p.m.and 5 p.m. S u n n y c r e s t

Baptist Family LifeCenter is located at2172 W Chapel Pike,Marion, IN 46952.

For more informa-tion, call Alan

Godsey at 260-348-5164.

Sunnycrest to host 13thAnnual Northern SingingGospel ConventionOn July 28, Hidden

Hallows retreat willhost a live Alphornconcert. HiddenHallows retreat is theresidence of DanServos and VirginianNixon in rural Lagro. This concert repre-

sents the culminationof a five-day musicalclinic, the FourthAnnual MidwestAlphorn Retreat, forAlphorn players topolish their perform-ing skills. The teacherfor the clinic is Dr.Peggy DeMers,Professor of Horn atSam HoustonUniversity inHuntsville, Texas.Twelve Alphorn play-ers, from as far awayas Texas, Minnesotaand Canada have

come for the retreat.All will perform inthe public concert. Alphorns are 12-

foot long horns, usual-ly associated withSwitzerland and theAlps. They have beenused for generationsto signal back andforth between Alpinevillages, their rever-berations and echoescarrying for long dis-tances through themountain valleys andmeadows.Alphorns are usual-

ly painstakinglyhandcrafted out ofwood. Musically, theyare similar in toneand range to the mod-ern French horn, butwith a mellower tone.The Hidden

Hollows Retreat is

located at 1943N 650Rin Wabash County,just off the new four-lane US24 east ofWabash and west ofHuntington. FromUS24, turn north ontoWabash County Road600E, and then imme-diately turn rightonto 650E. The con-cert will be held out-doors overlooking themain pond and theforested hollows. Itwill begin at 7:30 p.m.on July 28 and willcontinue until sunset. Attendees are invit-

ed after the concert totry their own hand atplaying an Alphorn.Admission is free.Attendees shouldbring their ownchairs or blankets tosit on. Umbrellas and

bug spray are option-al. Parking is avail-able off the road,uphill near the con-cert site with specialprovisions for thosewho have difficultywalking. Carpoolingis suggested. Guests are invited

to bring a picnic andstroll the two miles oftrails. HiddenHollows is a newlycreated group vaca-tion rental facilitysleeping up to 30 inthree suites and indi-vidual rooms, or forday use for outdoorreunions, weddings,or other group events. For more info, see

h iddenho l l owsre

Hidden Hallows retreatto host Alphorn Concert

Inspired by cartoon-ist Jim Davis andwith the newlyinstalled lookoutbridge, the WildflowerMeadow at theCharley CreekGardens will official-ly be dedicated as theGarfield WildflowerMeadow July 28 withactivities scheduledfrom 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.The celebration

begins at 10 a.m. witha ribbon cutting onthe bridge donated bythe Falls CemeteryBoard followed by aRain Garden Talk byMaster GardenerKaren Hill. CharleyCreek GardenDirector Kelly Smithwill speak on The

Benefits of UsingNative Plants at noonwith Children’sActivities near thelabyrinth and refresh-ments by the Meadoware all part of the cel-ebration.Karen Hill is a Gold

Level MasterGardener inKosciusko Countyand she has attendedthe Master GardenerClass since 1997. Herpresentation is onRain Gardens: Whywe need them; Whereto put them; How toconstruct them; andWhat to Plant.The Garfield

Wildflower Meadowoffers native Indianawildflowers and

grasses. During thesummer months, themeadow is a flurry ofcolor with yellow andpurple coneflower,purple bergamot,Liatris and sweetblack-eyed Susan.During the fallmonths, native asterstake center stage.Blooms and seedheads attract butter-flies and birds.The staff at the

Charley CreekGardens invites youto come wander oversix acres of natural-ized and formal gar-dens along CharleyCreek between the 500block of Miami andWabash Streets dur-ing this celebration.

Parking is available at518 N. Wabash Streetor at the Wabash HighSchool. There will beno street parking thatday. Please call 260-563-1020 for furtherinformation.

Garfield Meadow Celebration to be held July 28

Page 10: July 25, 2012

10 July 25, 2012

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GET WET!!! WITHD.J. G.O. & Big L Aka Da Boss

The 16th Annual“Teeing up for Kids”North ManchesterLibrary benefit tour-ney for children and

youth programs washeld at SycamoreGolf Club on June 2.In spite of a 25-minute rain delay,

the skies cleared,and the slightlydamp golfers madethe day very success-ful. It appears thatthe tourney goal willbe reached when allcommitments arereceived. Seventeen teams

competed and thewinners were: Firstplace, Elden Stoops,Matt Stoops, NateStoops, and AaronTaylor with a 57.They were repeatwinners. SecondPlace, Larry Bodkin,Dave Reas, MattReas, Gary Pickett;third place, BrianBlocker, Jack Koch,Dan Blocker, ChipWagner; fourth

place, KathyMetzger, BradBozarth, Mark Knuth,and Nick Dunn.The Longest Driver

for men and womenwere Matt Reas andKathy Metzger.Longest putt on holenine was EldenStoops. Longest putton hole 15 was JeffKinsey. Closest to pinon Hole 4 was GaryPickett.Larry Bodkin was

the closest to the pinon Hole 7, whileElden Stoops was theclosest to the pin onhole 15. Closest to thepin on hole 18 wasGreg Leininger.Everyone present

received a door prizecontributed byNorth Manchesterbusinesses.

Annual “Teeing up for Kids”fundraiser held June 2 On July 26, the

Wabash County YMCASummer Day Campkids will be joining theWinchester SeniorCenter seniors in mak-ing dog biscuits for theanimal shelter. All arewelcome to attend. Ifyour kids attend daycamp, take your lunchand come help. The biscuit making

will begin at noon fol-lowed by CanineCompanions dog showat 1pm. CanineCompanion dogs areregistered therapydogs. Their jobs are to“meet and greet.”

They visit hospitals,nursing homes, coun-seling centers, schools,libraries, and manyother places. Many ofthe dogs know tricksfor entertaining butall of the dogs love tomake people happyjust by being there!All activities will beheld at theWinchester SeniorCenter, 239 BondStreet. No reservations are

needed to attend, andif you have any ques-tions please callShelly at 260-563-4475.For more than three

decades, Living Wellin Wabash CountyCoA, Inc. a UnitedFund Agency, hasimplemented threepillars of service:transportation, foodpantry, and pro-grams/services forseniors. With anemphasis on personsof age 60 and overLiving Well inWabash County CoA,Inc. empowers one infour Wabash Countyresidents to live wellby meeting theirsocial, physical, eco-nomic, and mobilityneeds.

Senior Center to host Dog Showand Biscuit Making on July 26

Mi Tunes 101.9 and105.9 The Bash wel-comes Spike and theBulldogs to theHoneywell Center’sLegacy Hall on Aug. 3.

Doors will open at 8p.m., with the showbeginning at 8:30 p.m.The event is spon-sored by FirstMerchants Bank.

Spike & theBulldogs are famousfor their crowdappeal and classic50s and 60s music.They have per-formed with artistssuch as The BeachBoys, ChubbyChecker, Herman’sHermits, and MikeSmith of the DaveClark Five. Thoseattending areencouraged to dontheir poodle skirts,leather jackets andpompadours, andjoin in the sock hop.Tickets may be

purchased at the boxoffice from 8 a.m. to 5p.m. Mon. throughFri. by calling (260)563-1102 or by visit-ing

Spike and the Bulldogs return to the Honeywell Center

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Sally Begley, 75Wabash resident

Aug. 18, 1936 - July 14, 2012

Sally J. Begley, 75, Wabash, died July 14, 7:55 a.m., at Lutheran Hospitalin Fort Wayne.She was born Aug. 18, 1936, in Lackey, Ky. to Dennis and Hazel (Wicker)

Conley.She married Herman Begley in Lima, Ohio on March 18, 1955; he pre-

ceded her in death in 2002. She was a homemaker and enjoyed cooking,gardening and spending time with her friends and family.She is survived by two sons, Mike Begley, Dove Canyon, Calif., and

Rick (Madalyn) Begley of Rowlett, Texas; three brothers, Paul (Karen)Conley, Ralph Conley, and Bill Conley, each of Wabash; and sister, Annie(Denny) Correll, Wabash, and six grandchildren. She was preceded indeath by her son, Kenny Begley, who died in 2008.Memorial services will be held at Grace Fellowship Church on July 28

at 11 a.m.The memorial guest book for Mrs. Begley may be signed


Genevieve Cochley, 86Member of First United Methodist Church

Feb. 28, 1926 - July 17, 2012

Genevieve Marcella Cochley, 86, Wabash, diedJuly 17, 12:35 p.m., at Autumn Ridge HealthcareCenter, Wabash. She was born Feb. 28, 1926 in Owen County to

Walter and Marie (Cain) Casida. She marriedEdward D. Cochley in Redford on July 4, 1953.Mrs. Cochley was a 1944 graduate of Redford

Union High School in Redford, Mich. She grad-uated with a B.A. from Manchester College andreceived her Master’s Degree from Ball StateUniversity. She was a retired first and second grade

teacher at the South Side School and O.J.Neighbours, both in Wabash. Genevieve was a

member of the First United Methodist Church, Wabash, and theMargaret Wilson Circle. She was a member of the National EducationAssociation and the Indiana State Teacher’s Association. She was also aformer member of the Business & Professional Women’s Club and was apast president of the Women’s Clubhouse Association, the West EndEmbroidery Club, and the Fourth Night Club. She enjoyed traveling and loved playing Bridge, belonging to several

local women’s Bridge groups. She was volunteer driver for Meals onWheels and a volunteer in the Wabash County Hospital Gift Shop.She is survived by her husband, Edward Cochley, Wabash; daughter,

Judy (Peter) Birkel, Noblesville; two grandchildren, Timothy (Alissa)Birkel, Pendleton, and Emily Birkel, Cincinnati, Ohio; two great-grand-sons, Sam and Henry Birkel, Pendleton; and a sister, Ula Nolte, Howell,Mich. She was preceded in death by one brother and four sisters.Funeral services were held July 21. Rev. Kurt Freeman officiated.

Burial was in Memorial Lawns Cemetery, Wabash. In lieu of flowers donations may be made to the Women’s Clubhouse

Association.The memorial guest book for Mrs. Cochley may be signed at

Melba Custer, 65Wabash resident

Aug. 31, 1946-July 19, 2012

Melba Custer, 65,rural Wabash, passedaway July 19, 5:04a.m., at ParkviewRegional MedicalCenter in Fort Wayne. She was born to the

late Henry L. andAnnetta M. (Enders)Johnson on Aug. 31,1946 in Indiana. Shemarried Tommy JoeCuster on July 9, 1977.He passed away April

15, 2011.She graduated from Southwood High School

in 1964 and then Indiana State University in1968 with a degree in Medical Technology. Sheretired from the Veteran Affairs MedicalCenter in Marion, Indiana. She was a memberof the Medical Technology Group andAmerican Society of Chemical PathologistInternational. Melba enjoyed her flowers, fish-ing, and mushroom hunting.She is survived by four brothers, Lloyd E.

Johnson (Janet), South Bend, Frank L.Johnson, Wabash, Garrah Johnson (Patricia),Wabash, and William R. Johnson (Marsha),Wabash; four sisters, Lela M. Neff (Thomas B.),McConnelsville, Ohio, Margaret I. Dobbs,Destin, Florida, Harriet A. Sloop. Elkhart, andJune Johnson, Wabash; several nieces,nephews, and great nieces and nephews. Shewas preceded in death by a brother, JohnJohnson and sister, Goldie Bennett, along withher parents and husband.Services were held July 23 at McDonald

Funeral Home, 231 Falls Avenue, Wabash.Officiating the services was Pastor GuyProvance. Burial followed in the MountPleasant Cemetery, Wabash County.Preferred memorials are to Wabash-Miami

Home Healthcare and Hospice, 710 N. EastStreet, Wabash, Indiana 46992. Online condo-lences may be sent to the family at

Mary Davis, 86Former First Church of God

memberJune 20, 1926-July 19, 2012

Mary Ruth Davis,86, Wabash, died July19, 10:30 p.m., atParkview HuntingtonHospital. She was born June

20, 1926 in Warsaw, toClarence I. andFlorence Lucile(Leevis) Alber. Shewas married toCharles Davis; he sur-vives. She was a home-

maker and also worked at General Tire,Wabash, for five years while her husband wasin the service. She was a member of the FirstChurch of God in Wabash, and enjoyed bingoand traveling.She is survived by three daughters, Linda S.

(Arthur) Campbell, Huntington, Judy A.Julian, Marion, and Charlene S. Davis,Huntington; six grandchildren, Kevin(Jennifer) Campbell, Huntington, DewayneCampbell, Lafontaine, Judy M. (Bobby)Hudson, Randy Sorrell, and Alexander(Chastity) Julian, all of Marion, and MelindaRaddenbach, Huntington; two half sisters,Theresa Brimm, Wabash, and Carol Seals,Elkhart, Indiana; 11 great grandchildren. Funeral services were held at the Chapel of

Remembrance Mausoleum at Memorial LawnsCemetery July 24 with Pastor Robb Rensbergerofficiating. Burial was in Memorial LawnsCemetery. Grandstaff-Hentgen Funeral Service was in

charge of arrangements.The memorial guest book for Mrs. Davis may

be signed at

Evelyn Faurote, 94WWII and Korean Conflict vet-

eranAug. 25, 1931-July 18, 2012

Evelyn MarieFaurote, 94, ruralNorth Manchester,died July 13, 9:30 p.m.,at Peabody HealthcareCenter, North

Manchester.She was born Nov. 29, 1917 in Elloam, Mo. Her

parents were Clifford and Grace Ola (Wise)Faurote.She graduated from Sidney High School in

1936, and Emmanuel Missionary College withher nursing degree in 1948. She was a 2Lt.Nurse in the Army during WWII and theKorean Conflict. She was a member of WarsawSeventh-Day Adventist Church.Graveside services and burial were at

Oaklawn Cemetery in North Manchester onJuly 24 with Skip Hartmann officiating.The preferred memorial is Warsaw Seventh-

Day Adventist Church.The memorial guest book for Ms. Faurote

may be signed at

Recently, a Kokomoman was injured afterfalling from a tree atM i s s i s s i n e w aReservoir in WabashCounty. StevenSuttles, 20, fell from atree he climbed nearthe shoreline ofMississinewa Lakejust south of CountyRoads 700W and 700S. Suttles had climbed

the tree containing arope with the inten-tions of swinging intothe lake in an areaclosed toswimming. It isbelieved that Suttlesfell while trying to

climb down the treeafter changing hismind. ConservationOfficers and emer-gency responderstransported Suttlesacross the reservoirby boat to an awaitingambulance. Suttleswas then transportedto Wabash CountyHospital where he wastreated for a brokenarm, abrasions andcontusions causedfrom the fall.

According toC o n s e r v a t i o nOfficers, ropes foundin trees onMississinewaeservoir

Man injured in fall during illegal swimmingactivity at Mississinewa Reservoir

Reservoir property are continual-ly cut down to discourage this dan-gerous activity. The rope in this par-ticular tree appeared to be newerrope. Mississinewa Reservoir property

has areas designated for swimmingand areas closed toswimming. Conservation Officers

urge those wishing to swim at thereservoir to be sure they are swim-ming in designated areas only.Conservation Officers were

assisted on scene by the WabashCounty Sheriff ’s Department,Wabash and Noble Fire, WabashEMS, and DNR Parks andReservoirs Personnel.

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12 July 25, 2012

Mahlon Hearn, three monthsDaughter of Caitlin Hearn and Adam

WisialowskiApril 8, 2012-July 17, 2012

Mahlon Lucille Hearn, three months,Wabash, died July 17, 8:58 a.m., at ParkviewHuntington Hospital. She was born April 8, 2012 in Fort Wayne to

Caitlin Hearn and Adam Wisialowski.She is survived by her mother, Caitlin Hearn,

Wabash; father, Adam Wisialowski,Huntington; brother, Tucker Alan Bitzer,Wabash; half-sister, Madolyn Grace Hipskind,Huntington; grandparents, Scott and LisaHearn, Wabash, Cheryl and Matt Simms andDavid Wisialowski, all of Huntington; great-grandparents, Lucille Hearn, Indianapolis,Todd and Katie Baer, Wabash, Judy Sanders,

and Bev and Fred Everhart, all of Huntington. Funeral services were held at Grandstaff-Hentgen Funeral Service,

1241 Manchester Ave. Wabash on July 20. Rev. Bernice Pickering officiat-ed. Burial was in Gardens of Memory Cemetery, Marion. Preferred memorial is Children’s Charity of the Donor’s Choice.The memorial guest book for Mahlon Lucille Hearn may be signed at

Bonnie Hettmansperger, 80Attended Christ United Methodist Church

Aug. 25, 1931 - July 18, 2012

Bonnie M. Hettmansperger, 80, Wabash, diedJuly 18, 1:02 p.m., at Wabash County Hospital. She was born Aug. 25, 1931 in Milwaukee,

Wis., to Robert and Mary (Walling) Sauntmon.She married Kenneth E. Hettmansperger inMarion on June 19, 1965; he died Jan. 7, 2003. She was the payroll secretary at Wabash

Metal Products, retiring in 1994 after 21 years.She was a member of the Order of the EasternStar and the American Legion Auxiliary, bothin Wabash. She attended Christ UnitedMethodist Church in Wabash. Bonnie lived inMarion 30 years and was a Marion High Schoolgraduate.

She is survived by her daughter, Jodie (Brad) Bozarth, Wabash; threegrandchildren, Courtney (Noah) Kinsey of Burbank, Calif., KeeleyBozarth and Blake Bozarth, Wabash. She was preceded in death by herson, Michael Ferguson, who died Feb. 6, 2009; three sisters, and a broth-er.Funeral services were held at Grandstaff-Hentgen Funeral Service

and Rev. Phil Lake officiated. Preferred memorial is Animal Shelter of Wabash County.The memorial guest book for Mrs. Hettmansperger may be signed at

Gladys Holycross, 97Member of St. Peter’s United Church of Christ

Dec. 4, 1914-July 21, 2012

Gladys Kathryn Holycross, 97, formerly ofUrbana, died at 6:30 a.m., July 21, at Blair RidgeSenior Living Community, Peru. She was born Dec. 4, 1914 in Wabash County

to Ernest and Emma (Lachmann) Hipskind.She married David LeRoy Holycross in Wabashon Oct. 1, 1938; he died Oct. 4, 1963.Mrs. Holycross was a 1933 graduate of

Urbana High School. She was a homemaker.She was a member of the St. Peter’s UnitedChurch of Christ, where she was active in theWomen’s Guild. She loved flowers, gardening,playing Euchre, reading, watching golf and

NASCAR racing.She is survived by six children, Jim (Kay) Holycross, Laughlin, Nev.,

Davetta (David) Norris, Boone, N. C., Edward (Marty) Holycross, BunkerHill, Ernie (Cindy) Holycross, Danville, Ill., Lucinda (John)Klopfenstein, Fort Wayne, Andrew Holycross, Tippecanoe; 27 grandchil-dren; and numerous great and great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by one granddaughter, three great grand-

children, a daughter-in-law, and three brothers.Funeral services will be held at Grandstaff-Hentgen Funeral Service,

1241 Manchester Ave. Wabash on Wednesday, July 25, 2012 at 10 a.m. withPastor Tim Powers officiating. Burial will be in Memorial LawnsCemetery, Wabash.Preferred memorial is Wabash-Miami Home Healthcare and Hospice.The memorial guest book for Mrs. Holycross may be signed at

David Huffman, 54Former Wabash residentFeb. 19, 1958-May 17, 2012

David Wesley Huffman, 54, Orleans, diedMay 17, at the IU Health Methodist Hospitalin Indianapolis.Mr. Huffman was born Feb. 19, 1958, in

Kokomo to Fred and Jane Chastain Huffman.He married Carolyn Ann Price on July 21,1984. She survives.He graduated from Wabash High School

with the class of 1976, attended Indiana StateUniversity and graduated from VincennesUniversity in 1980. He was a draftsman and amember of the Orleans United MethodistChurch. Mr. Huffman coached baseball andbasketball for almost 20 years at Orleans,West Washington, Austin and Paoli HighSchools. He was also an umpire for girls’ soft-ball and volleyball.Along with his wife, he is survived by his

father and step-mother, Fred and CarolynHuffman, Orleans; his son, Ryne Huffman,Orleans; his daughter and son-in-law, Saraand Bradley Johnson, Indianapolis. He is alsosurvived by his sister and brother-in-lawSally and Keith Schepers, Jasper, and fournephews. He was preceded in death by hismother, Jane Huffman.The funeral was held at the Orleans

Methodist Church. Pastor JacquelineMunson officiated. Burial followed in theFairview Cemetery, Orleans.The family requests memorials to the

Orleans United Methodist Church, P.O. Box144, Orleans, Indiana 47452.Condolences may be sent to the family at

Ombra Keffaber, 94Member of Christ United

Methodist ChurchApril 22, 1918 - July 19, 2012

Ombra LouiseKeffaber, 94, Wabash,died July 19, 2:35 p.m.,at Rolling MeadowsHealthcare Center,LaFontaine. She was born April

22, 1918 in FultonCounty to Ernest C.and Leota P. (Madlem)Burkholder. She mar-ried John T. Keffaberin Wabash on May 3,1936; he died Nov. 21,

1993. She was a member of Christ United

Methodist Church in Wabash more than 60years. Mrs. Keffaber served on the Wabash CityCouncil eight years and was the first woman inthe City of Wabash to be named mayor pro-tem.She was a member of the Sheriff Merit Board20 years, operated Santa’s Workshop 34 years,volunteered for F.I.S.H. and delivered Meals onWheels. She was a crossing guard for theWabash City Police Department for 25 years.She was a member of the Women of the Elks,Democratic Women, Woman’s ClubhouseAssociation, and the Jefferson Club, all ofWabash. She received recognition for her serv-ice to the youth of Wabash from the ExchangeClub, was the recipient of the DistinguishedCitizen of Wabash in 1995, and received theDelta Kappa Gamma Service Award in 1996. She is survived by her daughter, Connie K.

Hall of Union, Ky.; 11 grandchildren, 30 greatgrandchildren, and seven great-great grand-children. She was preceded in death by twosons, William Keffaber and Larry Keffaber, son-in-law, Phill Hall, grandson, Michael Hall, greatgranddaughter, Gracelynn Hall, one half broth-er, two sisters, and two half sisters.Funeral services were held at Christ United

Methodist Church, 477 N. Wabash Street,Wabash, on July 24. Pastor Tom Richards offici-ated. Preferred memorials are to Meals on Wheels

or the Wabash County Historical Museum.The memorial guest book for Mrs. Keffaber

may be signed at

Norma Slack, 85Attended First Brethren

ChurchAug. 19, 1926 - July 13, 2012

Norma N. Slack, 85, North Manchester,died July 13, 12:20 a.m., at Parkview RegionalMedical Center, Fort Wayne. She was born at Claypool, Indiana on Aug.

19, 1926 to Ralph and Neva (Jones) Mattix.On Jan. 25, 1948 she married Russell M.Slack. He died June 14, 1980. She was a 1944 graduate of Burket High

School. She attended First Brethren Churchin North Manchester and enjoyed meetingwith the Joyful Hearts group at the church.She was a faithful supporter of 4-H. A home-maker, she retired from Heckman Bindreyin 1994. She was an avid gardener and agreat baker, a loving grandmother to Kelliand Brett, and a friend to many. Surviving are two sons, Bob (Deborah)

Slack, Inverness, Ill. and Tom (Val) Slack,North Manchester; two grandchildren, KelliSlack, West Lafayette and Brett Slack, NorthManchester; one brother, Bob Mattix,Claypool and a sister, Charlene (Conrad)Meinert, Warsaw. Services were held July 18 at McKee

Mortuary, 1401 SR 114W, North Manchester. Pastor Kurt Stout officiated services and

burial followed in Oaklawn Cemetery, 600Beckley Street, North Manchester. For those who wish to honor the memory

of Norma Slack, memorial contributionsmay be made to American HeartAssociation, 6100 W. 96th Street, Suite 200Indianapolis or Wabash County CancerSociety, PO Box 144, North Manchester orFirst Brethren Church, 407 N. SycamoreStreet, North Manchester. To send a private condolence to the Slack

family, use the condolence link on homepage.

The Wabash CountySheriff ’s Departmentmonthly statistics forJune report that therewere 147 traffic cita-tions (includesOperation Pull-Over),215 traffic warnings(includes OperationPull-Over), no DUIarrests, one alcoholrelated arrest, and 33total individualsarrested. There were also

eight total felonycounts, 31 total misde-meanor counts, eighttotal drug arrests, sixtotal criminal casesworked, 39 total crash-es worked, 43 trans-ports, and 536 civilprocess papersserved. Also, there were 37

warrants served, 17public appearances,and 1,018 total callsfor service.

Wabash CountySheriff’s Departmentreports June statistics

Wabash PoliceDepartment

AccidentsJuly 17

At approximately6:15 p.m., a vehicledriven by BrittanyMudd, 21, 1305Middle Street,

Wabash, failed toyield at the intersec-tion of Chestnut andVermont Street andcollided with a vehi-cle driven by VaughnBurton, 36, 1110Columbus Street.

July 22At approximately

(continued on page 14)

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13www.thepaperofwabash.comJuly 25, 2012

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Page 14: July 25, 2012

14 July 25, 2012

A. Josephine Kline, 87Member of Mexico Baptist Church

Aug. 31, 1924 - July 19, 2012

A. Josephine Kline, 87, Mexico, passed away July 19, at WaterfordHealth Campus, Kokomo.Born Aug. 31, 1924 in Miami County near Loree, she was the daughter

of John W. and Barbara Ellen Mast Sutton. On June 6, 1942 in Mexico,she was married to Herbert H. Kline. He passed away on May 1, 2001.She was an active member of the Mexico Baptist Church and a 50-year

member of the Jefferson Township Home Econ. Club.She loved her family more than life, and she leaves behind three chil-

dren, Marcia E. Norris and husband Bud, Peru; Dean Kline and wifeTacy, Kokomo; and Jill K. Fisher and husband Charley, Peru; five grand-children, Troy (Tina) Norris; Toby (Julie) Norris; Nicolette Wilson;Dustin (Kim) Fisher; and Hayley Rygiec; 10 great-grandchildren, Saraand Levi Norris; Breanna Townsend; Griffin, Zoe, and Huxley Fisher;Drew, Stella, and Sophia Rygiec; and Rebekah Lowe; four great great-granddaughters, Julianna Batdorf, Kahlee Ward, and Shelbi andMadilyn Black; one sister, Leota Bowman Decker, Kokomo; one brother,Jack Sutton, Peru; and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by three brothers, Walter, Jake, and John

Sutton; and five sisters, Alta Baker, Lula Lesh Couch, Lorene Rayburn,Elva and Velma Sutton; two grandchildren, Casey and Stacy Fisher.Funeral services were held July 23 at McClain Funeral Home with

Pastor Charles Cole officiating. Burial followed in Greenlawn Cemetery,Mexico. Visitation was 2-7 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home.The online guestbook can be signed at Memorial

contributions may be made to American Baptist Women (ABW) ofMexico Baptist Church.

Erma Petry, 105Member of Manchester Church of the Brethren

Nov. 28, 1906 - July 15, 2012

Erma M. Petry, 105, North Manchester, died at July 15, 1:10 a.m., at Timbercrest HealthcareCenter. She was born near South English, Iowa on Nov. 28, 1906 to William and Anna (Brower) Kerr. She

graduated from South English High School and later from Mt. Morris College in 1929. On Oct. 8,1932 she married Ralph Petry. He died July 18, 1974. Mrs. Petry taught one year in Iowa and three years at Anniston, Ala. in a Presbyterian Missions

boarding school for junior and senior African-American girls. She taught Release Time Bibleclasses in the schools near Goshen for seven years and near Delphi for six years.She was a pastor’s wife while her husband served the Church of the Brethren including pas-

torates in North Dakota, Montana, and the Indiana towns of Goshen and Markle. She was a mem-ber of the Manchester Church of the Brethren where she served as parish visitor and sang in thechoir. Surviving are two sons, Glen (Johanna) Petry, Walkerton, and Ray Petry, East Dorset, Vt.; two

daughters, Carol (Dr. Paul) Burkholder, Rockford, Ill., and Ruth Billings, Anchorage, Alaska; ninegrandchildren, 14 great grandchildren, and five great-great grandchildren. Two brothers aredeceased. Services were held July 21 at Timbercrest Chapel, 2201 East Street, North Manchester. Pastor

Kurt Borgmann officiated.Graveside services and burial were July 21 at Markle Cemetery.For those who wish to honor the memory of Erma M. Petry, memorial contributions may be

made to the Timbercrest Senior Living Community, PO Box 501, North Manchester, IN 46962 orManchester Church of the Brethren, 1307 Beckley Street, North Manchester, IN 46962 or HeiferProject International, PO Box 8058, Little Rock, AR 72203.

Gary Whitener, 66U.S. Navy veteran

Dec. 12, 1945 - July 17, 2012

Gary AndrewWhitener, 66,Portland, Tenn., for-merly of Wabash,passed away July 17,9:30 p.m., at his home.

He was born to the late Harry Andrew andRuth Mae (Holman) Whitener on Dec. 12, 1945in Poplar Bluff, Miss. He was a SouthwoodHigh School graduate. He was formerly mar-ried to Nancy (Sutton) Whitener, who survivesin Wabash. He served his country in the United States

Navy as a flight mechanic. His faith wasBaptist Affiliated. He worked at Wal-mart inSpringfield, Tenn. Gary spent most of his lifein the lumber and home improvement salesindustry. �He is also survived by a son, James D. Crager

(Kemberle), Urbana; two daughters, ShelleyRhoades (Rodney) and Christy Swango, both ofWabash; brother, Jerry Whitener (Pam),Portland, Tenn.; sister, Rita Schultz (Richard),Stuart, Fla.; seven grandchildren, JenniferDaugherty, Indianapolis, Megan Kerr, Elwood,Aaron Rhoades, Wabash, Kayla Rhoades,Wabash, Keith Fearnow, Fort Wayne, KyleFearnow, Sheridan, Wyo, and Laura Fearnow,Urbana and a great grandchild, Nash ChristianEllis, Urbana; and several nieces and nephews.Mr. Whitner loved spending time with his

grandchildren, nieces, and great nieces andnephews, especially Haleigh, Emma, and Noah.Along with his parents, he was preceded indeath by a nephew, Roger Hall. �Services were held July 21 at McDonald

Funeral Home, 231 Falls Avenue. Burial fol-lowed at Memorial Lawns Cemetery. Preferredmemorials are to IU Medical Center TransplantUnit, 1801 North Senate Boulevard,Indianapolis.Online condolences may be sent to the family


Barbara Russell, 92Former Wabash County Clerk-

TreasurerJuly 13, 1920-July 20, 2012

Barbara NaugleRussell, 92, Wabash,died July 20, 1:30 a.m.,at LogansportMemorial Hospital. She was born July

13, 1920 in Wabash toRex and Clara(Bryant) Sims. Shemarried RobertNaugle in SanAntonio, Texas, in1942. He died in 1955.She then married

William T. Russell in Naples, Fla., in 1978. Hedied in 1998.Mrs. Russell was a graduate of Wabash High

School and attended Butler University and TheChristian College in Missouri. She was theWabash County Clerk-Treasurer for more than20 years. She then was a city planner and head of the

HUD development. Mrs. Russell was very civicminded and had a deep love for the Wabashcommunity. She was very involved in citydevelopment and was extremely proud of herHUD projects. She was an artist, avid gardener,and enjoyed woodcarving.She is survived by three daughters, Nancy

(James) O’Connor, Greenwood, Jan Gebhart,Lukens Lake, and Barbara (Mark) Hildebrandt,Logansport; three step-children, Dana Russell,Asheville, N. C., Hugh (Carol) Russell, Canada,and Sally (David) Crouch, Seymour; her broth-er, Rex (Peggy) Sims, Bonita Springs, Fla.;seven grandchildren, Sean O’Connor, KimberlySnow, Michael Gebhart, Benjamin Gebhart,Susan Mattern, Megan Hildebrandt, andAndrew Hildebrandt; step-grandchildren, MattCrouch, Jeffrey Crouch, Jason Crouch, PatrickRussell, Jesse Russell, Bearcat Sandor; and sev-eral great grandchildren. She was preceded indeath by her parents, husbands, and her sister,Alice Crichton.A memorial service was held at Grandstaff-

Hentgen Funeral Service, 1241 ManchesterAvenue on July 23. Preferred memorial is Wabash County

Hospital Foundation or Hope Hospice ofLogansport.The memorial guest book for Mrs. Russell

may be signed at

Mary Coe, 85Member of Manchester Church of the Brethren

Aug. 18, 1926 - July 14, 2012

Mary M. Coe, 85, North Manchester, died July14, 11:55 p.m., at Timbercrest Healthcare Center.She was born in North Manchester on Aug.

18, 1926, to Rev. R.H. and Maude (Reiff) Miller.On Aug. 15, 1948, she married M. Gene Coe. Hedied July 6, 1983.She graduated from Central High School in

1944 and earned a Bachelor of Science degreefrom Manchester College in 1948. She taughtHome Economics at Laketon and DeedsvilleHigh Schools from 1948 to1953.She was a homemaker and was business

manager at Joyful Scribes for many years. Shewas the first woman elected to the Manchester

Community School Board, serving from 1966 to 1970. She was a memberof PEO and ESA sororities and was a nursery school teacher atManchester Nursery School. She was a life member and served as anofficer of the Timbercrest Auxiliary, sang in the Timbercrest Choir andserved as director. She served on the founding committee of theManchester Early Learning Center. A life member of ManchesterChurch of the Brethren, she was hand bell choir director for many yearsand a member of the church choir. She was also director of youth musi-cal productions for 13 years. She served in Christian education, was anursery school teacher, secretary of the church board, and served onmany committees and commissions.Surviving are a son, Barry J. and Teresa Coe, Bradenton, Fla.; a

daughter, Karen and Gary Eberly, North Manchester; grandchildren,Britta Eberly Glass, Kyle Glass, Grant Eberly, Klancey Zubowski, JeramiSummers, Joshua Coe; great grandchild, Braydon Summers. Two grand-children are deceased.Services will be held Aug. 12, 2:30 p.m., at the Manchester Church of

the Brethren. The family will receive friends following the service.Pastor Kurt Borgmann will officiate and a private burial will be held inOaklawn Cemetery, North Manchester. Final care has been entrustedto McKee Mortuary.To send a private condolence to the Coe family, use the condolence link

at those who wish to honor the memory of Mrs. Coe, memorial con-

tributions may be made to the Manchester Church of the Brethren-Perfume Fund.

12:22 p.m., a vehicledriven by ClerisaKeirsey, 27, 1170

Meadowview DriveApt. 6, attempted toenter SR15, which

was backed up due totraffic. She collidedwith a vehicle drivenby CharlesYarrington, 62,Greentown.

CitationsJuly 16

A n d r e wTurnpaugh, 19, Peru,disregarding anautomatic signal.

Teddy Easterday,38, 204 Walnut Street,Wabash, pointing aweapon and intimi-dation with a deadlyweapon.

July 17James Lawson, 30,

810 Summit Avenue,Wabash, revocationof probation, posses-sion of marijuana.Amber Honeycutt,

24, 510 Shea Street,Wabash, failure toappear for hearing.Panco J. Lopez, 29,

993 Cottage Avenue,Wabash, childrestraint.

July 18Patricia Bargo, 29,

1250 Pike Street Apt.4, littering a forged

instrument.Jimmy Jason

Craig Bargo, 46, 1250Pike Street Apt. 4,failure to redeliver ahired vehicle.

July 19Michael Harris, 29,

homeless.July 20

Kelli Jo Day, 28,

5427W SR 14, NorthManchester, theft.Brandy Hawkins,

36, 248 ColumbusStreet, Wabash, dis-regarding an auto-matic signal.

July 21Dillon Grissell, 18,

Keystone, disregard-ing an automatic sig-(continued on page 15)

Page 15: July 25, 2012

COLUMBIA CITY119 Hoosier Drive


WABASH905 N. Cass St.260-563-6333

HUNTINGTON2808 Theater Ave., Suite B


nal.Stephanie Stevenson,

22, Georgia, wrong wayon a one-way road,Richard Watkins, 24,

76 N. Fisher Street,Wabash, residentialentry and burglary.Michael Lewis, 28, 448

North Thorne Street,Wabash, writ of attach-ment.Steven Johnson, 44,

691 West Hill Street, fail-ure to appear, possessionof marijuana.

July 22Roberto Ruiz, 37, 1170

Meadow Drive Apt. 8,Wabash, battery, battery,domestic battery in thepresence of children.

July 23Bobby Clyde Parks, 29,

392 Bent Street, Wabash,false informing.Richard Smith, 22, 119

Meadowview Drive Apt.2, unlawful possession ofsyringe ad carrying ahandgun without alicense.

Wabash CountySheriff ’s Department

AccidentsJuly 18

At approximately 3:23p.m., a vehicle driven bySamantha Meeks, 1413Clear Creek Trail, NorthManchester, struck adeer on an unknownroad.

July 21At approximately

12:01 a.m., Dave Jackson,12499N 500E, NorthManchester, struck adeer.At approximately 7:41

p.m., a SUV-type vehiclepulling a trailer tookdown some kind of lineson SR15N, which diddamage to the vehicle,while the owner, EarlHelm, tried to catch upwith it.At approximately

10:47 p.m., ShawnShilling, 6075W 1400N,advised somebody droveinto his yard and dam-aged his fence, but wasunsure of when.

July 21At approximately 2:50

p.m., Helen J. Denny,Marion, struck thehouse of Sandra Heiser,7106W 200S, Wabash.

July 22A vehicle driven by

Doug Bower, Rochester,collided with a deer atapproximetaly 10:08 p.m.on SR15, just south ofSR16.

North ManchesterPolice Department

CitationsJuly 12

Paul McNeeley, 34,North Manchester,speeding.Shonda York-Nelson,

34, Fort Wayne, speed-ing.Deborah Hunter, 55,

Roann, passing in viola-tion of markings andsigns.

July 14Levi Christman, 19,

Urbana, unsafe start.

AccidentsJuly 15

A vehicle driven byKatherine Kelsey, 16,Covington, struck atdeer at SR13N andMarket Street at 4:35 p.m.

Page 16: July 25, 2012 July 25, 201216

6. Not Available with some other offers. Monthly pay-ment is $13.89 for every $1,000 you finance. Exampledown payment is 15.1%. Some customers will notqualify. Take retail delivery by 9/4/12. See dealer for de-tails.

7. Must be a current owner/lessee of a 1999 modelyear or newer Buick or GMC vehicle. Not available withsome other offers. Take retail delivery by 9/4/12. Seedealer for details.8. Take retail delivery by 9/4/12. Not available withsome other offers. See dealer for details.

12,000K miles per year. No security de-posit required. Tax, title, license anddealer fees extra. At participating deal-ers only. See dealer for details.

Brent E. McKillip and Keisha R. Fuehrer have the joy of announcingtheir marriage, which took place on May 26, at Bass and Bucks, just out-side of Wabash.Keishia is the daughter of Randy and Linda Vanderwall, Earl Park.

She is the owner of Barbed Wire Blossoms Flowers and Woodworking. Brent is the son of Craig and Connie McKillip, Wabash. He works for

Pefley’s Farm Equipment in Lagro.

Brent McKillip and KeishaFuehrer announce marriage

Page 17: July 25, 2012

17www.thepaperofwabash.comJuly 25, 2012

Courtney Plummer and Taylor Smyth recently announced theirengagement and upcoming wedding.Courtney is the daughter of Michael and Tamara Plummer, Wabash.

She is a 2010 graduate of Northfield High School and a recent graduateof Rudae’s School of Beauty Culture. She is a hair stylist at Smart Style.Taylor is the son of Tom and Deanna Rogers, Marion, and Michael and

Maria Smyth, Michigan. He graduated from Northfield High School in2009 and is currently a student at Ivy Tech, majoring in ComputerInformation Technology. He is employed at Pizza Hut.The couple plans an Aug. 11 wedding at Christ United Methodist

Church in Wabash.






Areas1100 NORTH CASS ST. • STATE ROAD 15 • WABASH260-563-1046 or Toll Free 866-563-1046





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Courtney Plummerto wed Taylor Smyth

The SouthwoodHigh School class of1972 will be havingits 40-year reunionon July 28 at theB o z a r t hRecreational Resortbanquet room at 6p.m.

Golfing is beingplanned for theHoneywell GolfCourse at 8 a.m.Contact Rick Sweetat 260-563-6049 formore information.If you graduated

with the class, or

know someone whodid, please pass thisinformation along.There are still someclassmates that wedo not have correctcontact information


State OfficerMarilyn Cinkoskewas the official visi-tor when Chapter BYmet July 9 at theHoneywell House. Avisit from a state offi-cer is required everythree years to makesure that all proce-dures are being fol-lowed and that all ofthe six projects ofP.E.O. are being pro-moted. Mrs. Cinkoske met

with officers for twohours before beinghonored at dinner.Then, a regular busi-ness meeting followedat 7:30 p.m. with all

procedures beingexemplified. Thesocial committee incharge of arrange-ments consisted ofSue Gray and BethPerkins. AnneCurless was the musi-cian for the evening.Mrs. Cinkoske was

particularly proud ofChapter BY for itssupport of KatieSingleton, a student atCottey College fromWabash County, whowill be the first gradu-ate of Cottey sincefour-year programshave been offered.Prior to this yearCottey College wad a

two-year college. The International

Convention of P.E.O.will be inIndianapolis in 2015,requiring hostinghelp from all 140Indiana state chap-ters. Even thoughthis is three yearsaway, plans arealready underway forthis big event, whichwill draw delegatesfrom all over theUnited States and

Canada.The next regular

meeting of ChapterBY will be Aug. 13 atthe Grandstaff-Hentgen CommunityRoom with NancyGivens and JanetLeeka as co-hostessesand Donna Highley incharge of the pro-gram. Social time is at 7

p.m., preceding thebusiness meeting.

SHS ’72 class to host reunion

The EastbrookHigh School 40-yearclass reunion will beheld Sept. 8, 4 p.m., atUgalde’s Restaurant.The reunion will

last until 10 p.m.with an eveningmeal scheduled for6:45 p.m.RSVPs are needed

by Aug. 21. Contact

Pam Dakin Kelley at765-395-2991 or GaryFisher 260-571-0994for further informa-tion.

Eastbrook Class of ’72reunion to be held Sept. 8

PEO State Officer visits Wabash

Letters to the editor policyThe editorial staff of The Paper invites

readers to submit letters to the editor ontimely issues. To ensure fairness to every-one, we have established the following guide-lines:Mailed and faxed letters must be signed.

All submissions, including by e-mail, mustinclude an address and daytime telephonenumber for verification. The editor reserves the right to edit letters

for length, content and readability. Also, perthe editor’s judgment, personal attacks,inflammatory statements and legally objec-tionable material will not be printed.The editor must also limit readers to sub-

mitting a maximum of two letters permonth, regardless of whether previous let-ters have been published, due to space allot-ments in each weekly issue. Please limit allletters to 500 words or less.

Page 18: July 25, 2012 July 25, 201218

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D O R AC H R I S T I A NCHURCH: PastorMark Wisniewski willgive the message“Funeral for aFriend” during theworship services onJuly 29. It will beFamily Sunday.Olman and Thelmawill be the greeters.Bill will assist withcommunion, andBrad will assist withoffering. Sermons arealso available onlineat

ST. PAUL’SCOUNTY LINECHURCH will behosting its annualHomemade Ice CreamSocial on Saturday,July 28, 4:30–7:30 p.m.Ice cream will beavailable in three fla-vors: chocolate, vanil-la, and the famouslemon. Come and cool off

in the Family LifeCenter and enjoyg r i l l e dh am bu r g e r s / h o tdogs, Spanish dogs,along with pies andcakes. The church islocated at the corner

of 400N and theWabash / HuntingtonCounty Line Road.

B I R T H D A Y ,A N N I V E R S A RY,birth, and engage-ment announcementsare welcomed.Contact informationis listed at the end ofthe column.

PICTURES: If youhave any pictures, oldor new, of happeningsaround Lagro thatcould be used in thiscolumn please contactme. You can e-mailthem to me as a jpegfile or I will scan youroriginal pictures andreturn them to you. Ifsending a picture forme to scan, pleaseinclude your nameand return address.

DEADLINE FORNEWS is eachWednesday by noon.You can e-mail newsand pictures [email protected], mail newsto me at 425 S StateRoad 524 Lagro, IN46941, or contact meby phone at (260) 782-0471 between 9 a.m.–8p.m.

Amanda Lyons260-782-0471

[email protected]



Sarah and Gene Simpson, Wabash, are theparents of a daughter born Jan. 27 at 11:34 p.m.Averie Renee Simpson weighed 7 pounds and

was 20 and three-fourths inches long.Her mother is the former Sara Kuebler.Grandparents are George and Pheobe

Kuebler, Valparaiso; Edna Simpson, Geneva;and Kay and Richard Simpson, Fort Wayne,deceased.

Averie Simpson is born

Page 19: July 25, 2012

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

CALL (260) 563-8326If you have a sports story for The Paper

Page 19

The amount of WabashCounty selections to theThree Rivers Conference All-Conference baseball teamshowed the high quality ofball players at area schools.Seven of the 11 All-TRC

First-Team slots belonged toWabash County players andall three First Team pitcherswere from county schools.Manchester’s Connor

McLaughlin, Northfield’sRyan Keaffaber, andWabash’s Andrew Shepherd

all earned nods to the firstteam roster as hurlers. Northfield third baseman

Andy Roser and Wabash thirdbaseman Shea Beauchampeach garnished a spot on theFirst-Team infield list.Rochester’s Aaron Stuart

and Tippecanoe Valley’sBrody Andrews also landedFirst-Team infield nomina-tions.Andy Roser was named the

First-Team catcher andHunter Wells made it on the

First-Team outfield. Both areNorsemen.North Miami’s Austin

Barker and Whitko’s ZachSnep round out First-Teamoutfield positions.On the Second-Team,

Wabash’s Jordan Floor(pitcher), Manchester’sPayton Sorg (infield),Northfield’s Joseph Ross(infield), Wabash’s LandonCole (infield), Manchester’sLogan Brunn (outfield) andNorthfield’s Tanner

Chamberlain (outfield) repre-sented Wabash County.Manchester’s Jurgen Cripe,

Southwood’s Jackson Blair,Southwood’s Robbie Cole,Wabash’s Nate Price andWabash’s Thomas McHaneywere named to the HonorableMention roster.The full roster can be found

a t


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Crossroads Financialwins inaugural scrambleThe inaugural Life Center Golf Scramble was held on

July 8 at Honeywell Golf Course. The team from Crossroads Financial, made up of

Jerrod McKee, Tony Louden, Mike Cornwell and RandyBrown, won the open division with a 55. Brown aced holeNo. 16 and also holed a 90-yard wedge shot for an eagle.The team from Friends Church, made up of Brent

Dawes, Bruce Ingraham, Kevin Lochner and KevinJaderholm, won the church division with a 62.Don Leland and Aaron French won the closest-to-the-

pin event.Those who held the Life Center Golf Scramble would

like to thank the players who participated and the spon-sors. The sponsors included Brett Wynn, KirtlanAutomotive, St. Bernard Roman Catholic Church,Knights of Columbus, Stan and Kathy Leland, DaveMann, Steve Van Voorhis, Brodbeck’s Seeds, McKillipSeed, Bob and Sally Brodbeck, Dr. Richard Wells,Crossroads Financial, Reynolds Oil, The Paper, Robertand Mary Hettmansperger, Miller Furniture and WabashElectric Supply.They would also like to thank Kevin Hipskind, Mel

Thomas and his Honeywell Golf Course staff, and StanLeland.

THE WABASH 10-11 ALL-STAR Little League Team recently earnedthe District 9 championship. Members of the team include (front row,from left) Zach Miller, Clayton Wells, Chance Hartman, KallenKelsheimer, (middle, from left) Nate Drancick, Austin Haynes, ClaytonFloor, Blake Harner, Caleb Fluke, Cameron Ball, (back row) CoachReggie Ball, Coach Frank Hayslip and Coach Wes Hartman. (photoprovided)

Honeywell GolfCourse to host2012 WHS FootballScrambleHoneywell Golf Course will host the

2012 Wabash High School Annual FootballBooster Golf Scramble at 1 p.m. onSunday, Aug. 5.The cost will be $60 per golfer, which

includes green fees, food and a card. The cost of sponsoring a hole is $75.Other contests include a 50-50 raffle,

longest drive, closest to the pin andlongest putt.To sponsor a hole or sign up a team,

contact Sam Hipskind at 563-0283.The Golf Scramble is to be catered by

Poole’s Meat Market.

Indiana Shock TravelSoftball seeking coaches

In order to continue expanding theIndiana Shock Travel Softball program,quality coaches are needed for the 10Uand 12U teams.The Indiana Shock Travel Softball pro-

gram is trying to arrange coaches now fortryouts in August.If interested, contact Adam West at 574

-527- 6080, Jennifer Day at 260-901-0901, orMatt Howard at 260-982-2855.

Three Rivers ConferenceSoftball All-Conference TeamA trio of Wabash County softball players earned a spot onthe Three Rivers Conference All-Conference First Team.Jenny Bentley was voted on to the first team as a pitch-

er after picking up 13 wins her sophomore season.Hannah Little, Manchester’s shortstop was given the

award after her senior season as an infielder, while theSquires’ left fielder Kalene Freshour was also given afirst-team nod.Northfield’s Katelyn Shafer earned a spot on the

Second Team as a pitcher. Allie Enyeart was voted theSecond-Team catcher.Northfield’s Caitlin Eltzroth and Wabash’s Brittany

Stone rounded out the Wabash County second-team selec-tions as infielders.Honorable Mentions included Southwood’s Sarah

White, Josie Grossnickle, Jessica Foley and LoganHensley.

WABASH COUNTY’S ADAM GILLUM,who plays pool out of The Longshot GameRoom and Grill in North Manchester,recently took third at the North AmericanPool Shooters Association Nationals 10-ball Tournament in Nashville, Tenn.(photo provided)

ON WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, the 9/10 year old Wabash All-Starsdefeated Peru 13-5 to advance to the 9-10 State Tournament. Front row(L-R): Clayton Tomlinson, Joe Leland. Second Row: Dereck Vogel,Trenton Daughtry, Gage Watkins, Braden Brooks, Jared Holley,Payton Sodervick, Drew Cooper, Payton Deeter, Gabe Lloyd, WyattDavis. Back Row: Asst. Coach Gary Cooper, Coach Matt Daughtry,Asst. Coach Greg Tomlinson. They will be representing Wabash in theState Tournament that is being held July 28-August 3 in Dyer. (photoprovided)

Page 20: July 25, 2012

20 July 25, 2012

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40 acres of rolling wooded hills w/creek & pond! 1552 SF, 2 story cedar-sided, 3 BR home; new kitchen and bath, rustic beams & wood floors; solitude!

����� ����������������� !�!���!���!����� !����������������������

12.3 acres, 2464 SF, 2 story plus finished basement; Built 1986, very clean, attractive décor;

10 rooms, 4 BR, 2.5 baths; Quite appealing! attached garage, paved drive; 36x48 bldg;

$269,5001017 E. 1500 N.Miami County


$199,00013829 N. 700 W.East of Rock Lake 2.5 miles

(Silver Lake)

����������������� �����������������������

315 W MAIN, WABASHOver 1500 sq ft, 2 story, 3-4 bdrm,

2 full Ba. Open stairway in LR, formal DR, beautiful new kitchen, walk-out basement.Some replacement windows, great patio,

Garage used for storage area. Plenty off street parking, must see INSIDE,

great house at great price!MLS #77069159


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Reach 16,225 households with your advertising message-Call one of our account executives today!

260-563-8326www.thepaperofwabash.comOF WABASH COUNTY, INC.


THE ROANN METS COACHES PITCH TEAM finished their seasonwith a Championship win over the Yankees. Team members include (Backto front): Coach Gina, Cory, Coach Kyle, and Coach Chad, Middle row:Jacob, Jordan, Malachi, Jace, Jake, Hunter, and Ben. Front row: Brayan,Jaycee, Tristan, Layne, Tori, and Bryce. Congratulations to the Mets!(Photo by Stacey Denton)

Joy Harber765-833-5231

[email protected]












THE PERRY DO-RITE HomeExtension Club heldtheir annual summerpicnic at the home ofRoland and KathyJacobson at NyonaLake. Judy Satromwas the co-hostess. Adelicious meal wasenjoyed by 15 mem-bers, husbands, twoguests and two chil-dren. Following the meal,

our president, JudySatrom, opened themeeting with pledgesto the flags and theClub Creed. Then, sheconducted a shortbusiness session;Kathy Jacobsonshowed pictures andtalked about herrecent mission trip toBelize. She showed

some items she hadbought as souvenirs.The District meetingwill be in GrantCounty on Aug. 29,and the next SewingDay will be on Sept.12. Kathy Jacobsonwill make a new mail-ing list for the mem-bers as we have addeda couple new mem-bers recently andsome have droppedout. Lynette Smithbecame a new mem-ber this month.Happy Birthday wassung to Betty Heagy

and HappyAnniversary toEarlene Nordman.Miriam Sites was theLucky Lady. The next meeting

will be at the home ofNorma Shriver onAug. 14. (From theminutes of the PerryDo-Rite HomeExtension Club)

THE ROANNLIONS Club reportthat Aug. 4 will be thenext tractor pull atthe pull field and thenon Friday andSaturday of the

Roann Festival.Vonell Krom reportedthat the IndianaTugger Pullers willhave a tractor pull onAug. 25 at the pullfield in Roann. (Fromthe minutes of theRoann Lions Club)

FORT WAYNETINCAPS Mascot,Johnny Tincap, willvisit the Roann PublicLibrary on July 26, at11 a.m. The Tincapspartnered with thelibrary this year, pro-viding free game tick-ets and other prizes tothose in the summerreading program. Thepublic is invited toattend this free event.

U P D A T E DROANN BusinessDirectories are avail-able free of charge atthe library as well asat the post office andother public locationsin town. Sponsored by the

Roann Public Library,Roann’s CommunityHeritage, and Todd’sCorner, these directo-ries are a compilationof area businessesand services, with thehope that people willshop locally.

ROANN LIBRARYNEWS: Summerreading ends on July27, with the awardsparty to be held onJuly 28 at 10 a.m. inthe Library meetingroom. The We CANRead food drive pro-gram at the librarycontinues throughJuly 21. Food itemswill be collected anddonated to the RoannFood Pantry.

HAPPY BIRTH-DAY this week toGreg Montel, MattiBrower, Phil Layman,Jim Hall, Mike See,Tracy Flitcraft, CathyMontel, Justin Vigar,Steven Foust, TaylorJohnson, BeckyCordes, Joe Hall,(continued on page 23)

Page 21: July 25, 2012

www.thepaperofwabash.comJuly 25, 2012 21

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• Private Paradise• 17.53 Acres• Completely RemodeledFarm Home• Close To City LimitsMLS #77072651 $249,900


· Great Location· 3 Bedroom/1.5 Baths· 1 Car Attached Gar· Updated bathroomMLS #77069380 $74,900



To 96362

• 1 Acre Lot• Northfield• Updated Décor• New Vinyl Windows• Full Unfinished Basement W/Ever Dry Warranty.MLS #77072332 $129,900

5123 N. ST RD 15, WABASH

· Many Updates· 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath· 1 Car Attached Garage· 2 Car Carport MLS #77069392 $64,900



To 96362

• Deck• Privacy Fence• Hot Tub• Vinyl Windows• Finished BasementMLS #77070718 $164,900

513 OXFORD DR., WABASH • 11.54 Wooded Acres• 1,653 Sq. Ft. Living Area• Finished Family Rm Basement• New Roof• Deck In Back• Wood StoveMLS #77067158 $178,900

3057 E. 800 SOUTH, WABASH

• 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath• Corner Lot• 2 Car Detached Garage• Close To SchoolsMLS #77070705 $57,000



To 96362

This beautiful home with a 4 car detached garage, 3 bed-rooms and large kitchen affords lots of room for a growingfamily. MLS #77073547

- $109,90000 -


-- FFeeaattuurree HHoommee ooff tthhee WWeeeekk --

· 768 Sq Ft· Newer Roof· Newer Siding· 1 Car Detached Garage· Deck· Asphalt DriveMLS #77055026 $51,900


• Farm Home 4.581 Acres• New Roof, Paint, Flooring,C/A & More• Farm Barn & 2 OtherBuildingsMLS #77073165 $94,900

8803 W. 200 S., ANDREWS


• 3 or 4 Bedrooms• New Vinyl Windows• Beautiful Natural Woodwork& Hardwood Floors• Northfield SchoolsMLS #77070796 $79,900



• Reduced & Ready To Negotiate• Northfield Schools• 3 Bedrooms, 1 Bath• 44x63 Pole Barn• 7.92 Acres• Newer GeothermalMLS #77070486 $149,900

4590 W. 500 N., WABASH


• 28.46 Acres Of Woods• Northfield Schools• Perk Test Approved• Build Home OrHunting GroundMLS #77068130 $129,900

4854 WEST ST. RD. 16, ROANN


• Rents Include A/C, Heat &Dishwasher• 1 Bedroom Units• Secure Building• W/D Facility – No Charge



• Recently Remodelled Home W/Handicap Ramp• New Roof And Gutters Installed In 2010• Replacement Windows, Newer Furnace• Well-Insulated Attic, And Full Basement• Central Air• Great Retirement Or Starter HomeMLS #77057267 $46,900


• 1 Car Attached Garage• Updated Bath• Three Bedrooms• Car Siding In Living Room• Located On Quiet StreetMLS #77073473 $59,900



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Mary Ann Mast260-774-34321-800-886-3018




PICTURED IS THE URBANA ASTROS 7-Mile Mini Mart T-ball team.Team members include (back row, from left) Assistant Coach KippCantrell, Parker Oswalt, Ryan Brunett, A. J. Kirtlan, Emma Warnock,Trevor Haron, Coach Kyle Oswalt; front row, Kaylen Barrus, Seth David,Alec Oswalt, Aaron Youngman, and Alea Fleck. (photo provided)

URBANA TRAC-TOR PULL RESULTS:Winners in Urbana onJuly 14 were: LightW e i g h t – R a n d yRenbarger first place,Chuck Schrader sec-ond place, Bob Smiththird place; MiddleWeight–Chuck Shraderfirst place, DaleNorman second place,Randy Renbarger thirdplace; HeavyW e i g h t – J e s s i c aHernandez first place,Bill Kirkpatrick secondplace, Bob Smith thirdplace. Jessica’s win-ning pull with a JohnDeere G that weightedin at 7,500 pounds was405 percent. The Eel River

Tractor Pullers wouldlike to give a specialthank you to Troy Baerof Brodbeck Seeds forbeing the sponsor ofthe July 14 pull.There is another pull

scheduled in Urbanaon July 28. If anyone isinterested in pulling,call Brad Eads 260-782-2028 or RandyRenbarger 260-563-1048.Anyone is welcome tocome and watch. TheUrbana Lions SnackShack will be open forfood and drinks.

E L E P H A N TEXCITEMENT FORAUSTIN AND JAY-DEN CARROTHERS:On July 16 shortly afterlunch in Malawi,Africa, a male, femaleand baby elephantcame within 50 yards ofthe camp where theCarrothers family hasbeen living and work-ing. This caused agreat deal of excite-ment as they were toldit is unusual for ele-phants to come overthe mountains into thisarea. Sarah Carrothers

said two more teamshave arrived at theGrace Center over thelast two weeks and allof the projects are pro-gressing. Austin is dis-appointed that the con-tainer with the tractorand planter and all ofthe tools he wanted towork with is still beingheld up in customs.Pam and their familyhere would like tothank everyone for

keeping them in yourprayers and would liketo ask you to also praythat the container oftools will clear customsand be delivered toAustin before he has tocome home in twoweeks.

REMINDER: ST.PAUL’S COUNTYLINE CHURCH is hav-ing its annualHomemade Ice CreamSocial on July 28 from4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Icecream will be availablein chocolate, vanillaand their “famouslemon.” They will alsohave grilled hamburg-ers and hot dogs,Spanish dogs, pies andcakes.

URBANA YOKEPARISH: Those serv-ing during the 9:30 a.m.worship service in St.Peter’s church on July29 are: WorshipL e a d e r – B r i a nC h a m b e r l a i n ;Liturgist–Carol Krom;Head Usher–JohnE l t z r o t h ;

A c o l y t e s –K a s s i dyShambaugh andKenzie Thornsbury;N u r s e r yA t t e n d a n t – C y n d iV e v e r k a ;G r e e t e r – M e l i s s aWilcox; Organ–JaneneDawes; Piano–NancyMiller.Sunday School atten-

dance awards will begiven out during theservice on July 29. July29 is also the last

Sunday to bringPeanut Butter andJelly for theLighthouse Mission’s5th Sunday of themonth collection.

PRAYER CON-CERNS: Please contin-ue to remember Naomiand L.D. Cunningham,Orville Chamberlain,Pastor Randy’s mother,Ardis Witkoske, DougRice and his family and(continued on page 23)

Page 22: July 25, 2012

22 July 25, 2012

LLoorrii SSiiddeerrss,, OOwwnneerr// BBrrookkeerr

55554466 WW.. OOlldd 2244 •• WWaabbaasshhCCeellll 226600..557711..55556688

OOffffiiccee 226600..222255..00443322llssiiddeerrss@@pprreemmiieerreepprroopp..nneett

Beautiful brick du-plex - live on oneside and pay yourmortgage with therent from the 2ndside. Both unitshave there own fur-nace & C/A units,new in 2006. OnA/C unit has new compressor. Hardwood floors,several have been refinished. Beautiful staircases.Both units have Refrigerators & ranges included.Some new vinyl replacement windows. Both unitsare main level & 2nd level with private attic & base-ment space. Built has a true duplex. Great Oppor-tunity.

MLS #77073425 $79,000

286 – 294 E. MAPLE ST., WABASH

Much largerthan it appearswith 1,592 sqfeet with 3 bed-rooms 1.5baths. Lami-nate floors withopen floor planliving room, dining room & kitchen. niceback yard w/patio & shed. Seller has re-located needs to sell.

MLS #77067066 $44,900


Sold as is.Newer furnace,brand newflooring inkitchen andone bedroom.all new 100 amp breaker service. Denwas a third bedroom. 1 car detachedgarage & nice back yard with large patio.Proof of funds and earnest money withoffers.

MLS #77073382 $20,000


LAKE PROP-ERTY - Thisproperty onNyona Lake hashad several up-dates includingnew furnace &central air. Allnew paint andflooring. Large finished screened in room onback of home, great for those cool evenings.Large storage shed. just a short walk east andyou will find a 20 x 117 lake lot with pier thatis all yours also. Proof of funds with all offers.Wells Fargo loan approval.

MLS #77073423 $69,900

5928 N. LAKESHORE DR., MACYThis home hasbeen gutteddown to thestuds: Fully insu-lated, all newwiring & 200 ampbox, new plumb-ing finished offwith new drywall.New bath on lower level is not on assessorsheet, was a room addition. All new carpetand vinyl flooring throughout. New roof, vinylwindows & siding. Privacy fence back yardw/covered deck & large front porch. Move inready.

MLS #77073432 $49,500


Great homewith many up-dates includinga beautiful newmaster bathw/ceramic tilewalk in shower.Large openkitchen & dining room. Family roomw/electric fireplace. Ceramic Tile kitchenand entry ways. 14.5 x 19.5 deck in backw/covered front porch. Roof only 9 yearsold. You will want to take a look at thishome located in a quiet neighborhood.

MLS #77073380 $129,900


Handicap ac-cessible masterbath w/widerdoor entry &safety bars.Great insulatedw i n d o w /screened infront porch one of only couple units withthis feature. Large kitchen open to livingroom & patio doors out to a very privatepatio, surrounded by trees. Home & car-pets have been professionally cleanedready for you to just move in.

MLS #77073459 $124,900


Newer construc-tion ranch homeis open conceptwith cathedralceilings. Allfreshly painted foryou. Walk into thespacious entry toliving room, largekitchen & diningroom, family room w/patio doors to covereddeck. Master suite also has patio doors out.Two large spare bedrooms. A lot of closets &storage in this home. 4.09 acres with scenic hillsides for privacy. Just a couple minutes todowntown but country living.

MLS #77073460 $169,900

2559 S. OLD ST RD. 15, WABASH

Updated ranchhome in desir-able neighbor-hood. Home hasnew carpet, lam-i n a t eflooring,kitchencounter tops,back splash,stove top & more, appliances stay. You willenjoy summer evenings in the large sunroomlooking out to your private fenced in backyard. Extra large living rm open to diningroom & kitchen. 3 bedrooms & 2 baths. Main-tenance free vinyl replacement windows.

MLS #77073436 $119,900


Wow, take a lookat this brickranch home,m a i n t e n a n c efree exterior, allnew vinyl re-placement win-dows, all interiorfreshly painted,new vinyl flooring in kitchen, entry & utilityroom. Original hardwood floors. Family room,dine room & kitchen all open. Bonus roomw/half bath could be office, beauty shop,craft room, workshop or mother in law space.

MLS #77073384 $95,000


Stately home sits up topthe hill looking down at thevalley, woods & river nearby. Features a full 3 floorsof living space w/a full fin-ished walkout basement.Basement has familyrm,fireplace, half bath & afull antique set up kitchenw/7x13 cold storage pantry. Master suite w/walk in closet full ofshelves & hanging space, master bath w/double sinks. 2nd fireplacein living room on main floor & the 3rd on the main level deck outsidepatio doors. 2+car att garage even has its own half bath, keep the mudoutside. 6 stall horse barn, pasture,alfalfa fields, woods,fresh waterspring.

MLS #77073402 41.32 acres at $338,300or MLS #77073403 5.97 acres at $196,900

6507 N. 800 WEST, ROANNProperty wouldbe split fromthe total of41.32 acres.House & horsebarn & fencedpasture are onthe 5.97 acresthat can also bepurchased. Woods feature creek, 4 acresmarshland for great hunting and a freshwater spring that runs 24/7/365 days ayear. Tillable is done in alfalfa. Roadfrontage approx., will need surveyed.

MLS #77073397

6507 N. 800 WEST, ROANNGreat neighbor-hood with acorner lot.Home has newroof and vinylsiding only acouple yearsold. Brand newwater heater &sump pump in crawl space. Utility room isalso a sunroom w/ patio doors to theback. Home has a lot of storage space. 3bedrooms 1.5 bath with a large livingroom open to dining area.

MLS #77073401 $109,900


Private view ofthe lake fromyour deck ormaster bed-room. Immacu-late ranchhome with 3BR, 2 full baths,gas log fire-place, new shingles, leaf-free gutters,heated 2 car attached garage plus a carport, wooden privacy fence plus a chainlink fence inside privacy fence, 10 x 12yard shed. Warsaw Schools. Seller willhelp with closing cost.

MLS #77071622 $115,000


Lakefront yearround homewith pier onquiet lake. 24 x38 heatedgarage just builtin 1991 hasshop & flooredloft for storage.Living room with large window views ofthe lake. Property has a extra large lot,with 2 additional lots available to pur-chase as package or by them selves.See MLS #77071261 and 77071262 at$10,000 each. Home and 2 lakefrontlots. MLS #77071260 at $89,900


506 E. GRANT, MARIONEstate sale. Sold as is. 4 bedrooms with one on main floor, 3 bed-rooms, landing and a full bath with utility on 2nd floor. 3/4 bath onmain floor. Has some newer windows. Needs work. Large wraparound enclosed front porch. Large storage shed in back with chainlink fenced yard.

MLS #77073434 $15,900

CCaallll LLoorrii SSiiddeerrssCCeellll 226600..557711..55556688

OOffffiiccee 226600..222255..00443322ttoo vviieeww aannyy ooff tthheessee pprrooppeerrttiieess!!


New Expanded Schedule!Sweetwater Assembly of God

State Road 114 East, N. ManchesterMon. Wed. Fri. 9:15 am

Burn up to 600 calories in 60 minutes at Jazzercise!

The Firehouse108 W. Main

Starting Saturday, August 18th

Saturdays at 8:30 am & Mon., Wed., & Thurs. at 6:45 pm

Lori Myers,Certified Jazzercise Instructor

(260) 578-0173

Call. Click. Come In!Buy online available at most locations.





Remodeled Move In Ready House for Sale in Wabash!

3 bedroom ranch on full walk-out basement, brand newroof, furnace, electrical box, paint and flooring, nice

eat-in kitchen, dining area w/built-in cabinetry, Centralair, remodeled bath, large laundry room w/cabinets,

Basement is finished for more living space, Low taxesand utilities, Nice quiet northside neighborhood.

Priced for quick sale! Sorry No Contracts!1025 Falls Ave. $88,500

Call 765-833-2111

EMILY BENNER, who will be an 8th grader at Southwood, just returnedfrom a dance performance trip. She was one of 19 students from PlayhouseStudio of Dance who got to dance on a Royal Caribbean cruise ship as wellas at Downtown Disney. The group traveled from July 6-12. They spent 3days on the cruise, which took them to the Bahamas and was followed withthe remainder of their trip at Disney World. Emily performed a jazz danceas well as two tap dances during their performances. She would like tothank all those who helped her with her fundraising for this trip. Specialthanks go to Synder Tire and Battery, Marion Pediatrics, Dr. Evanseck,D.D.S., and Leslie Bee Designs. (photo provided)

Ethel Eib765-981-4054

[email protected]



LIBERTY BELLSE X T E N S I O NHOMEMAKERS metin the home of LindaLandis for their Julymeeting. Cece Wood,president, thankedLinda for hosting themeeting. Cece quotedthe thought for themonth, “Freedom in

not Free”. The mem-bers joined in salut-ing the American andChristian flags andrepeating the ClubCreed. Eleven mem-bers answered rollcall by recalling achildhood memory ofthe fair. Jane Ford ledthe group in singing“My Country Tis ofThee”. Linda sharedinspirations by read-ing a history ofIndependence Dayand also somethoughts from a bookauthored by TimTebow. The secretary, treas-

urer, and flower andcard fund chairmansubmitted theirreports. Mary RuthMendenhall has six-teen bags of pecansavailable. Anothercase of pecans will beordered to have avail-able for the Craft

Bazaar. PhyllisUlshafer was thankedfor providing fourdozen cookies for the4-H Fair hospitalitybooth. MarguriteGuenin, Carol Snyder,Mary Ruth, andPhyllis are membersof the committee forthe Adult open classat the 4-H Fair. TheO f f i c e r / L e a d e rRetreat will be held atthe Courthouse onJuly 31. Each officeris to bring a dessertand $3. The State Fairwill be held Aug. 3-19. The District 6 meet-

ing will be held inGrant County onAugust 29. The CraftBazaar will be heldSept. 22. Phyllis pre-sented an informativelesson on ConsumerReport services. MaryRuth presented thehealth and SafetyLesson titled

“Answers Women CanTrust” from the doc-tors at Harvard. Janegave informationabout a Homemakers’Camp in GrantCounty on Aug. 22-24.Surrounding countiesare invited to attend.The meeting closedwith everyone repeat-ing the Club Collect.Linda served lovelyrefreshments usingthe Patriotic theme.Carol and ConnieMcMinn will be host-esses for the Aug. 7meeting.

L A F O N T A I N ERESIDENTS arelooking forwarded tothe opening of thenew restaurant indown town. It will bein the old drug store.

HAPPY BELATEDBIRTHDAY BeckyWalker July 3, CurtWalker, Jean (Snyder)(continued on page 32)

Page 23: July 25, 2012

www.thepaperofwabash.comJuly 25, 2012 23

������������550 N. MIAMI ST., WABASH - Great Tri-level home onwooded 1.78 A. 5 Bedrooms,3 1/2 Baths,2 car attachedgarage plus a 2 1/2 car (heat @ ac)detached garage.Mainfloor: stone fireplace w/gas log in w/cathedral ceiling,with attached sunroom,and outside exit.Lower level: Fullbath,bedroom,fieldstone fireplace,terrazzo floors,windowdoors open to patio. Many more amenities, make this homea must see. $349,900 MLS No. 77073241

463 FALLS AVE., WABASH - This cutehome has been remodeled, decoratedand is move in ready day of closing --range, refrigerator,dishwasher,washer& dryer will remain - 2 bedrooms downwith a 13 x 25 dorm type room or gameroom on 2nd floor - beautiful baywindow in living room -- kitchen/diningroom combo - huge bathroom withwasher & dryer -- furnace only 1 yearold -centrally located -- covered porchand nice yard -- this is a must see --motivated seller --PRICE REDUCEDTO $48,000 MLS No: 77072648

215 E BRANSON, LAFONTAINE -Very nice 3 bedroom 1 bath WausauHome in Southwood District. Newwindows throughout!! Insulated garage.Full unfinsihed basement just waiting tobe made into a gameroom. Greatbackyard with covered patio to enjoythe weather!! This home sits at the endof the street with an empty lot besidewhich adds to the quiet relaxingatmosphere. $89,900 MLS No:77072912

1834 W 500 NORTH, URBANA - Hereis a 4 bedroom 2 bath home on 4 acresand only 5 years old - wide concretedrive - total electric - forced air furnace- lg water heater - fireplace in familyroom - kitchen/breakfast room & familyroom all open concept - lots of cabinetsin kitchen - master suite has a sittingroom/office a 14 ft. closet/dressingroom & bath with separate shower andjetted tub - other 3 bedrooms are atopposite end of house with a full bath -drywall throughout - 6 panel doors andpatio door in breakfast/dining room-thisis a must see and is a possible shortsale - $140,000 MLS No: 77072930

503 MANCHESTER AVENUE,WABASH - Located on the cornerof Manchester Avenue, this olderstyle 1.5 story home, has had manyupdates. Most of home has newerwindows & doors, Great kitchenwith built in oven and cook top. NiceHardwood floor in dinning andliving. Open staircase, enclosedfront porch, and updated bath. Thisis a Fannie Mae HomePathProperty.This property qualifies forFannie Mae Mortgage andRenovation Mortgage. $36,500MLS No: 77072969

31 N SPRING, WABASH - This 4bedroom 1.5 bath home has tons tooffer!! The most beautiful naturalwoodwork, a kitchen full of neat littlespaces.. Including 3 pantries, a flourand sugar bin, space for cookbooksand a lazy susan. Many rooms havebeen gutted and drywalled with onlya few left to do. Newer roof. Thishome is a bargain for the money.Call Jennie to see today!! 260-571-1246

123 Jennie Terrell, Owner, Broker............260-571-1246Steve Peebles, Broker ....................260-571-7332Kay Eads, Sales Associate ............260-571-3376Ray Bland, Broker ..........................260-563-3839Pam Simons, Broker ......................260-571-4414Phil Eakright, Sales Associate .... 260-377-9330Jan Bailey, Broker .......................... 260-571-0890Cody Lambert, Sales Associate ....260-330-3420Katy Stewart, Sales Associate ......260-330-1929

0 WERST RD., WABASH - GoodBuilding site, Southwood Schools

46 BROADMOOR, WABASH -Beautiful and well-maintained 2bedroom, one bath home on largedouble lot with detached one cargarage. 3-season room is perfectfor entertaining and has potential forthird bedroom. Spend your nightsout on the carpeted patio completewith gas light and gas grill whileoverlooking the expansive patiallyfenced backyard. It has a formalliving and family room and eat-inkitchen. All appliances stayincluding new dishwasher. Ceilingfans throughout the home alongwith central air to keep you cool andcomfortable. Call Katy Stewarttoday for your showing today.$71,900 MLS No. 77072595

98 LAFAYETTE STREET,WABASH - Quaint two bedroomhome in a great northside locatiomwithin walking distance of schools,pool & shopping --new furnace &central air --appliances included --Property is located on 5 lots - 4 ofwhich could be used immediatelyfor prime building lots - with water &sewer hookup to each lot on a cul-de-sac --lots of potential plus a cute,clean,& comfortable home ready forimmediate occupancy-- $98,500MLS No: 77072649

1014 N ST. RD. 15, WABASH - VeryNice Country Property close totown,churches and schools. Newerupdates in the last 2 years: VinylSiding,windows,water softner,elec.water heater, LP Gas furnaceW/AC,Sub. water pump and supplytank makes this property a must see on1 Ac. in Northfield Schools. $82,900MLS No: 77072861

665 VALLEYBROOK LANE,WABASH - Here is a magnificent homeready for you to move into - over 2000sq ft of living space - new gas furnaceand central air in 2008 - recently a newcooktop - wall oven - refrigerator andhood fan & ceramic tile in kitchen -bothbaths have new stools, sink & ceramictile - formal living room has newercarpet - new front door andreplacement windows throughout --alsoa 10 x 12 bonus room off garage - 3 carattached garage with overhead storage12 x 20 all season room off family roomover looks the private back yard - thisproperty is a MUST SEE--Call today tobe the first one to preview this home.$179,900 MLS No: 77072873

1342 PIKE ST., WABASH - If youare looking for a 3 bedroom 1.5bath home that is located on 2 largelots with a garage and an aboveground pool and has been totallyremodeled here it is! ! Redosinclude carpet, replacementwindows,siding,insulation,custommade exterior door, fireplace inliving room with gas logs, 100 ampelectric panel, remodeled baths,updated wiring,plumbing,new waterheater, new softener, new furnace,water filtration system, and fencearound the pool - and new roof in2010--This is truly a must see --move in ready to enjoy. Call Jan tosee $99,900 MLS No: 77072999

508 OXFORD DR., WABASH - If youwant the best of both worlds, here it is.Great home close to shopping, but in aquiet neighborhood. Great ranch stylehome with lots of custom woodwork inwell established neighborhood. Onecar possibly two car garage withworkshop. Spacious home with over1900 sq. ft. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, homehas a skylight in the foyer and a patiodoor that leads to a large fenced inbackyard with storage shed.Landscape lighting in front and rear ofhome. Pre-installed security system.Call Phil for your personal showing. -$139,000 MLS No: 77073048

27 W MAPLE, WABASH - This 3bedroom 1.5 bath home has greatpotential. Many newer updatesincluding windows, roof and siding.Original woodwork still remains!!this home is priced to sell!!! It maybe subjec to short sale!! $24,900MLS No: 77073331

T532 N. CASS ST.,WABASH, IN 46992

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friends, Randell Webb,Deloris Greenlee, MaeKeller, LarryHarrington, BobFrieden, and HerbWitkoske.

JAY BIEHL hasbeen in the PrayerConcerns list off andon for some time. Thisis an update on his con-dition. Jay, whosehome is in NorthCarolina, has been liv-ing in Fishers sinceMarch 27 in the hopesof getting a liver/pan-creas transplant in thenext two months. OnJuly 4 Jay’s wife, Lisa,and his two daughters,Lydia and Abby, weredriving up to visit Jaywhen they ran intostorms in WestVirginia and Ohio.Since none of the citiesthey were passing hadplaces to stay with elec-tricity, they drove on toher sister’s home inColumbus, Ohio. OnJuly 11, his son, Alex,and daughter,Gretchen, flew up to bewith their dad forabout three days.Being away from

home and waiting for atransplant is hard forall of the family andthey ask that you con-tinue to remember allof them. The last timehe was in the

Indianapolis area wait-ing for a transplantwas September 2009.

The family wouldlike to thank Tammyand Lalon Allen andJeff and Beth Draperfor all of their supportwhile Jay is living inFishers and away fromhome. If anyone wouldlike to send Jay a“Thinking of youNote” his temporaryaddress is: Jay Biehl,719 Falling BrookDrive, Fishers, IN46038. Jay and his wifeLisa (Beals) Biehl areboth 1979 Northfieldgraduates.Jay’s mother, Anna

Lee Biehl, encouragespeople to become organdonors if you are notalready. Donate LifeIndiana is a not-for-profit organizationthat exists to save andenhance lives by regis-tering organ, eye andtissue donors. “Anaverage of 18 peopledie each day waitingfor a life-saving trans-plant. Every 10 min-utes, another man,woman, or child isadded to the transplantwaiting list.” InIndiana there are 1,522people on the trans-plant waiting list – 43for heart, 55 for lung, 99for liver, 1,231 for kid-

ney, 52 for kidney/pan-creas (this is the listJay is on.), 30 for pan-creas, and 12 for intes-tine. To learn more goto

BIRTHDAYS: July26–Kelly Penrod. July27–Lori Fitch. July28–Wynter Dey Biehl,Karen Eads. July29–Darcy Corn, Angie( C h a m b e r l a i n )Vincent, Meredith

Eltzroth, Julie Miller.July 31–Neil Haupert,Morgan Peas. August1–Jeremy Warnock.

ANNIVER-SARIES: July27–Wendel and JaneneDawes. July 31–Maxand Ruth Reed.

BRUNCH BUNCHmet on July 18 at Pam’sCafé in Urbana withthe following peoplepresent: Steve andSharon Gilbert, John

and Darla Eads, Philand Jan Weck, Peggyand Chad Dilling,Donna Russell, DorisMattern, Marvin andMary Ann Mast, andMax and Ruth Reed.

NEWS ITEMSAND/OR PICTURESmay be mailed to me at1906 N 100 W, Wabash,or emailed to me atmamas t 1 9 0 [email protected].

Turner Stephens,Henry Becker, andSteven Myers (fromthe RoannC o m m u n i t yCalendar).

H A P P YANNIVERSARY thisweek to Mr. and Mrs.Jim Hall, Mr. and Mrs.Troy Baer, Mr. andMrs. Bob Fairchild,Mr. and Mrs. KendallPitts, Mr. and Mrs.Scott Schuler, Mr. andMrs. WayneNordman, and Mr.and Mrs. Micah Koch

(from the RoannC o m m u n i t yCalendar).

ROANN NEWSITEMSmay be sent tomy e-mail address [email protected], or you maycall me at the phonenumber listed. Thedeadline for news toappear in the nextweek’s issue of ThePaper is Tuesday atnoon. It would be bestto submit timely newsitems two weeks inadvance.

Urbana News... continued from page 21

Roann News... continued from page 20

Page 24: July 25, 2012


1830 S. Wabash St.Wabash, IN


1100 N. Cass St.Wabash, IN

563-1046HOURS: M & F 9 a.m.-7 p.m.

T-W-Th 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m.Sat. 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

ASSEMBLY OF GODGospel Light Assembly of God, 347 Southwood Dr.; NeilJeffrey, pastor. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. (all ages); Morning10:30; Evening Service 6:00 p.m., Kids’ Korral WednesdayMidweek Service 7:00 p.m., Youth Meeting 7:00 p.m.

Calvary Chapel Worship Center, north of corner of U.S. 24& S.R. 13 (619 N. S.R. 13) in Wabash; phone 563-7849;Don Cogar, Senior Pastor. Sunday Bible Classes at 9:00 a.m.;Morning Worship, 10:00 a.m.; Evening Praise & Worship,6:00 p.m.; Wednesday Prayer, 7:00 p.m.; Shockwave YouthMeeting Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. Handicapped Accessible.

Sweetwater Assembly of God, 2551 State Road 114 East,North Manchester, IN; phone 260-982-6179; Pastor ChadMcAtee. Prayer Service at 9a.m.; Worship Service at 10a.m..;Wednesday Evening Discipleship at 6:30 p.m. Adult BibleStudy/Elevate Youth Discipleship/KidzZone “LIVE”.

BAPTISTEmmanuel Free Will Baptist, 129 Southwood Dr., Wabash;Rev. Scott Real pastor. Phone 563-3009. Worship 10:30 a.m.;Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Sunday Service 10:30 a.m.; SundayEvening Service 6 p.m.; Wednesday Morning Prayer Service11 a.m.; Wednesday Prayer Meeting & Bible Study 7 p.m.;Bus transportation available, call 563-3009.

Erie Street Free Will Baptist Church, 1056 Erie Street,Wabash; phone 563-8616; Hobert Meek, pastor, 563-8616.Sunday School, 10:00 a.m.; Worship Service, 11:00 a.m.;Youth Service, 5:00 p.m.; Sunday Evening Service, 6:00 p.m.;Wednesday Prayer Service, 6:00 p.m. Transportation andnursery available. Sunday morning radio broadcast from 8:30to 9:00 a.m. Sundays mornings on Oldies 106.

Grand Street Baptist Church, 1655 Grand Street, Wabash;John Denniston, pastor, phone 765-981-2868; church phone:563-8409. Sunday School 10:00 a.m.; Morning Service 11:00a.m.; Sunday Evening 6:00 p.m.; Wednesday Evening 6:00p.m.

BRETHREN CHURCHLiberty Mills Church of the Brethren, 103 North Third St.,Liberty Mills, IN; Church Phone: (260) 982-6169. Pastor:Kelly Beutler; Associate Pastor: Erin Huiras. Sunday Schedule:Traditional Worship: 8:30 a.m.; Sunday School All Ages: 9:45a.m.; Fellowship Time: 10:30 a.m.; Contemporary Worship:11:00 a.m.

Wabash Church of the Brethren, Wabash Church of theBrethren. 645 Bond Street ( off Falls Avenue) 260-563-5291.Kay Gaier, Pastor. Wherever you are on life’s journey, comejoin us as we continue the work of Jesus, Peacefully, Simply,Together. SUMMER HOURS: Worship at 10am; NOSunday School for the summer; a.m. Children’s churchavailable during worship. Handicap accessible.

CATHOLICSt. Bernard Catholic, Corner of Cass & Sinclair Sts.; Fr.Sextus Don, Pastor. Parish Office and Rectory: 207 N. CassSt., phone 563-4750. Saturday Evening Mass 5:30 p.m.;Sunday Masses: 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. (Sept. thru May);8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. (June thru August); CCD 9:30 a.m.each Sunday during school year. Weekday Masses: Mon.,Wed., Fri., 5:30 p.m.; Tues. & Thurs. 8 a.m. Sacrament ofReconciliation 4:15 -5:15 p.m. Saturday or anytime byappointment.

St. Patrick Catholic, Lagro, Mass at 12:30 p.m. firstSunday of each month.

CHARISMATICVictory Christian Fellowship, -Not religion...relationship! -112 W. Main Street, North Manchester, IN; (260) 982-8357;; Sunday Worship Service 10:00 a.m.;Sunday Prayer Service 9:15 a.m.; Wednesday Worship Service7:00 p.m.; Bookstore Hours: Tues. - Fri. 9:30 to 5:30/beforeand after each service.

CHRISTIANDora Christian Church, located 1 1/2 miles Southof Salamonie Dam, Lagro; phone 260-782-2006.Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Early Service 8:15 a.m.;Church Service 10:30 a.m. Minister: MarkWisniewski.

LaFontaine Christian Church, 202 Bruner Pike,LaFontaine; Phone 765-981-2101; Pastor RickSmalling; Youth Pastor Jared Kidwell. SundaySchool 9:00 a.m.; Worship 10:00 am. NurseryAvailable.

Wabash Christian Church, 110 W. Hill St.,Wabash; phone 260-563-4179; Rev. MelindaKammerer, Pastor; Worship Service 9:30 a.m.;Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Nursery provided.

CHRISTIAN HERITAGE CHURCHChristian Heritage Church, 2776 River Rd.; Tim Prater,pastor. Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Worship Service 10:30 a.m.;Sunday Evening 6:00 p.m.; Wednesday Bible Study, 9:00a.m. & 6:00 p.m.; Radio Ministry 8:30 a.m.-9:00 a.m.Sunday WKUZ 95.9 FM.


Wabash Alliance Church, 1200 N. Cass St., 563-8503;Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Morning Worship 10:45 a.m.(Kidz Worship, ages 4 through Grade 3); Sunday EveningWorship 6:00 p.m.; Wednesday Evening Family Night:activities include AWANA (6:30 p.m.); Alliance Allies (Teens)7:00 p.m.; Adult Bible Study & Prayer 7:00 p.m. Nurseryprovided. Handicap Accessible.

CHURCH OF CHRISTBachelor Creek Church of Christ, 4 miles north of Wabashon St. Rd. 15; phone 563-4109; website:; Solomon David, SeniorMinister; Michael Eaton, Worship Minister; Cheryl Eaton,Director Of Music & Arts; David Lloyd, Children’s Minister;Linda Mirante, Associate Ministries; Aaron McClary, Ministerof Connections; Kathy Henderson, Director of “HappyDays” Preschool. Dual Bible School & Worship, 9:30 &11:00 a.m.

Church of Christ at Treaty, 5 Miles South of Wabash on St.Rd. 15 to 50 E, (N about 1000 feet); Doug Oakes, minister;Artie Weisenbarger, youth minister. Church phone (765)981-4345. Bible School 9:00 a.m.; Morning Worship 10:00a.m.; Sunday Evening Services 6:30 p.m. Wednesday BibleStudy 10:00 a.m. Wednesday evening meal at 5:45 p.m.Adult study & youth activity for all ages begins at 6:30 p.m.

Church of Christ at Wabash, 1904 N. Wabash St., Wabash(corner of N. Wabash St. & State Route 24); Evangelist GuyG. Provance Jr.; office phone 563-8234. Sunday School 9:00a.m.; Worship Hour 10:00 a.m.; Evening Worship Hour6:30 p.m.; Mid-Week Bible Study & Youth J.A.M. Programon Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. Classes & activities for all ages.DVS June 6-8 from 6 to 8 nightly. It is kids from age 13 andbelow. Can call the church for enrollment or any questions

CHURCH OF GOD (ANDERSON)First Church of God, 525 N. Miami St., Wabash; church563-5346; Robert Rensberger, pastor. Sunday School at 9:15a.m. for all ages; Continental Breakfast at 10:00 a.m., SundayMorning Worship at 10:30 a.m. Nursery care is availableduring worship service. Stair lift available.

COMMUNITY CHURCHGrace Fellowship Church - Where Christ is our Passion andPeople are our Purpose, 4652 S. 100 W., Wabash; phone260-563-8263; Pastor Rick Harrison. Sunday Morning:Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Service 10:30 a.m. Sunday EveningService: Faith In Action 6:00 p.m.; Wednesday Evening: BibleStudy & Prayer Meeting 6:00 p.m.

FRIENDS CHURCHWabash Friends Church, 3563 S. St. Rd. 13, Wabash;phone 563-8452;; email:[email protected]; Alex Falder, lead pastor;Scott Makin, Director of Counseling; Rich Davis,Adult Fellowship and Outreach Co-Pastor; SandyDavis, Adult Fellowship and Outreach Co-Pastor;Patrick Byers, Worship Pastor; Brandon Eton, YouthPastor; Kathy Jaderholm, Children’s Pastor. DavidPhillips, Pastoral Care. First Service 8:00 a.m.; SecondService 10:30 a.m.; Third Service 10:35 a.m.; SundaySchool 9:15 a.m.; Youth Group 6:30 p.m. HandicapAccessible.

LUTHERANLiving Faith Church, worship service this Sunday atFalls Chapel, 725 Falls Avenue begins at 10:00 am.Please join us for an uplifting worship service filledwith contemporary and traditional music, prayer, anda Bible-based message. Bible study classes for all agesbegin at 9:00 am with fellowship time after worship.Everyone is welcome to join us for worship,inspiration and fellowship. Our facility is handicapaccessible.

Zion Lutheran Church, (Missouri Synod), 173 HaleDrive, Wabash – (260) 563-1886; Sunday School9:15a.m.; Morning worship 10:30a.m.; SundayService - July 22nd, Eighth Sunday after Pentecost,Rev. Jeremy Yeadon will conduct the Adult SundaySchool Class and Worship Service, Elder is GaryMasterson, Usher is Steve Dyer, Organist is SusanGarrett and Acolyte is Owen Yeadon.

Trinity Lutheran Church, (ELCA)1500 S. WabashSt., Wabash, IN 46992, 260.563.6626,[email protected]. We worship our Lord eachSunday at 9 a.m. with a Gospel-based message andHoly Communion. There is a time of fellowship andrefreshments immediately following the service. Weare handicap accessible and everyone is welcome atTrinity!CONGREGATIONAL CHRISTIAN CHURCHESCongregational Christian Church, 310 N. WalnutStreet, North Manchester; Phone: 260-982-2882;; Sunday Praise & WorshipServices - 8:30 & 11:00 AM. Sunday School for allages: 10:00 AM. Celebrate Recovery to help overcomelife’s hurts, habits & hangups Thursday - Worship at7-7:40 PM; Gender-based small groups at 7:45-8:30PM. Celebration Station for children 12 and underduring the same time. Pastors JP Freeman and SebrenaCline.

WESLEYAN CHURCHWashington Street Wesleyan Church, 480Washington Street, Wabash. Sunday School 9:30a.m.; Morning worship 10:30 a.m.; Evening service6:00 p.m.. Wednesday Service 7:00 p.m. Prayer andPraise. Pastor Rev. Steve Hudson. Home phone 260-569-1121. Cell 260-571-3219

NON-DENOMINATIONALChristian Fellowship Church, 1002 State Road 114 EastN. Manchester, IN 46962; Service times:Sundays -- Sunday School, 9 AM; Worship and KidsChurch, 10 AM; Evening Service, 7 PM; BirthdayDinner the first Sunday night of the month: 6 PM.Wednesday night: Adult Bible Study: 7 PM;Missionettes and Royal Rangers: 7 PM. Youth Group:Sunday Nights at 6 PM. Children's Choir: Wednesdaysat 6 PM. Second Sunday of each month, 7 PM,Possibilities Support Group for parents of children withspecial needs. We specialize in ministering to people withspecial needs and welcome families of children withautism and developmental delays. Come as you are. Wedon't follow rules, we follow Jesus. Everyone is welcomeno matter what walk of life you are from.Pastors Eddie and Karla Akins 260-578-0190. On theweb: Email:[email protected]

Dinner Table Ministries, 31 E. Market St. Wabash,IN. Phone: 260-571-7686 or 260-274-2145. PastorRoxane Mann;;Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m., Kids Church 12 p.m.,wednesday 6 p.m.; Our focus is on a Verse by Versestyle, to better know Christ and His word is to betransformed in His light of lasting truth. Feast from His Table of spiritual food.; Celebrating Life inRestoration; Friday 7:15 p.m. Support group ofRestoration from addictions, and hang ups and habits.Men/Women. Wednesday noon women only.

Encouraging Truth Ministries, Nixon Room in theHoneywell Center; Pastor Jackie Weaver; phone 765-833-4793. Sunday School 9:00 a.m.; Sunday Worship10:00 a.m.

Faith Harvest Fellowship Church, meets in the BowenCenter gymnasium at 255 N Miami St. Wabash, IN.Pastor Bruce Hostetler can be reached at 260-571-0548 or 260-563-4282. The church office is located at2609 S. 100 W. Wabash, IN. We focus on knowingChrist and making Christ known through personal andcommunity transformation. Join us on Sunday at 10a.m. for food and fellowship followed by our worshipcelebration and Children’s worship at 10:15 a.m. YOUare also invited to our Wednesday evening GoingDeeper class from 6:30-8 p.m.

New Foundations Ministries Freedom Center, 111Falls Ave., Wabash; phone 260-569-0630; Pastor RickTolley. Sunday Adult Bible Study & Fellowship 9:30a.m.; Worship 10:30 a.m.; Tuesday 7pm Bible Study.Center for biblical council by appointment.

St. Paul’s County Line Church, 3995N 1000W,Phone 786-3365. Non-Denominational. PastorConrad Thompson. Sunday School at 9:00 a.m.Worship at 10:00 a.m. Youth program 6-8 p.m. onSunday. Wednesday night Bible Study at 7 p.m.

Walk by Faith Community Church, corner of Chippewa &Beamer Sts. in Roann; phone (765) 833-9931; fax (765) 833-6561 Sunday School: 9:00 a.m.; Worship: 10:00 a.m.;Children’s Worship: 10:00 a.m.; Pastor - Brad Eckerley;Youth Pastor - Jody Tyner; Pastoral Care Minister - DonnaStiver; Sunday, July 29, 2012; Our worship leader for thisSunday is Jeremey Sweeten. Our greeters for this Sunday willbe Richard and Cathy Whybrew and Tim and Donna Stiver.Brad Eckerley will be sharing the message with us. We inviteall to come and worship.; July 29 - Church Pool Party atWabash Honeywell Pool 7-9 a.m.; July 30 - Evangelism &Outreach meeting 7 p.m.; Men’s Bible Study meetsWednesday mornings at 6:30 a.m.; “The Source” YouthMinistry meets every Sunday at 6 p.m.; Small groups meet at6:00 p.m. Sunday evenings.

PRESBYTERIANPresbyterian Church, 123 W. Hill St., Wabash;phone 260-563-8881; fax 260-563-8882; MinisterRev. Jonathan Cornell; Worship is at 9:30 AM, Juniorchurch is offered to children Kindergarten through 4thgrade. Coffee hour is at 10:30 AM.; NurseryAvailable; e-mail: [email protected];website:, handicap accessiblesanctuary.

UNITED METHODISTChrist United Methodist Church, intersections ofWabash, Stitt & Manchester Ave.; phone 563-3308.Phil Lake, pastor. Facilities & provisions for thephysically handicapped, hearing & sight impaired. Airconditioned. Worship 8:00am & 10:00am. with kidsmessage and wee-worship at 10am service, Multi-Media Worship W/Praise Team; Sunday School 9:00a.m.

First United Methodist Church, 110 N. CassSt. Wabash, IN; Senior Pastor Rev. Kurt

Freeman, Minister of Family Life and Outreach Rev.Heather Olson-Bunnell; Sunday Schedule 8:00 &10:00 a.m. Worship Service, 9:00 a.m. Teen & AdultSunday School; Children’s Breakfast Club &Activities, 10:15 a.m. Sunday School for Pre-Schoolthru 5th Grade following Children’s Message (exceptfor 1st Sunday each month.), Kids First Child Care,Monday through Friday 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.Missie Edwards, Director

LaFontaine United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 57(Kendall & Main St.), LaFontaine; Phone:765.981.4021; Email:

[email protected] Pastor BradGarrett. Sunday School Adult & Teens: 9:00a.m.; Children’s Breakfast Club & Activities:9:00 a.m.; Worship & Children’s SundaySchool: 10:00 a.m.; Nursery is provided;Men’s Fellowship is the 1st Sunday of eachmonth 8:00 a.m.; Prayer and Share everyWednesday 5:45 p.m.; Bible Study everyThursday morning 10:00 a.m.

North Manchester United MethodistChurch , 306 East Second St., NorthManchester; (260) 982-7537; Pastor KevinG. Dekoninck. (260) 578-2160; Worship8:15 a.m.; Coffee Fellowship Time 9:00a.m.; Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Worship10:30 a.m.

532 N. CASS ST., WABASH, IN 46992



24 July 25, 2012

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25vwww.thepaperofwabash.comJuly 25, 2012





��������� �������

MS ConstructionAmish Builders

Cell: (260) 609-36836182 W. 1000 S.

South Whitley, IN 46787

Free Estimates • Insured

Framing • Roofing • Remodeling Pole Barns Concrete • Decks

Drywall • Fencing (all types)

Framing • Roofing • Remodeling Pole Barns Concrete • Decks

Drywall • Fencing (all types)

�������� ������������� ������������������� ��������

Bailey Remodeling


Owner: Mike Bailey Cell: 260-571-4771


Page 26: July 25, 2012

26 July 25, 2012



10:00 A.M.Location: 3892 E 00NS,Kokomo, IN, Howard Co.,east of Kokomo on SR 22 &35, 3 3/4 miles to KokomoShrine Club.Articles: Over 400 pieces offarm toys, new & old.Owner: Private collection.Auctioneer: Otto’s AuctionService.


10:00 A.M.Location: Kosciusko Co.Fairgrounds, Warsaw.Articles: 1975 CorvetteStingray, go-kart, quad,boat, tools, trap guns, dou-ble barrels, muzzle loaders,hang guns, rifles, shot guns,vintage sporting goods,300+ fish baits, vintageammunition.Owner: Parker Gun Repair.Auctioneer: MetzgerAuctioneers & Appraisers.


AUGUST 5, 2012


Location: Wabash County


Articles: Massey tractor

w/finishing mower, pedal

tractors, toy tractors,

antiques, household, riding


Owner: Mr. & Mrs. Jack


Auctioneer: Snyder & Lange



JULY 30, 2012

10:00 A.M.

Location: Kosciusko Co.

Fairgrounds, Warsaw, IN.

Articles: Glassware, paper-

weights, antiques, John

Deere mowers, tools &


Owner: Mary Evelyn Knight


Auctioneer: Metzger

Auctioneers & Appraisers.


AUGUST 19, 2012

11:00 A.M.



Location: SR13 850S,

Wabash Co.

Articles: 3 bdrm ranch w/2

baths, household items,

antiques, 1998 Chevy pick-

up truck, 1955 T-bird.

Owner: Mary Metzger


Auctioneer: Snyder & Lange




NOON.Location: 328 E. First St.,

Warren, IN.

Articles: 3 bdrm home w/2

baths, riding mower, guns,

tools, collectibles.

Owner: Mr. & Mrs. Nikkia


Auctioneer: Snyder & Lange


Wabash County

BIG BLUE Barn Sale: Wed.,July 25, 9-3. 1.8 miles northof SR16 on SR15. Comebuy my junk!

GARAGE SALE: Fri., July27, 1-5p.m. & Sat., July 28,8:30-1:30 at the paper dockentrance. Clothing-lots ofjunior girls & guys, manyfavorite brand names(American Eagle, Hollister,Abercrombie &Aeropostale), somewomen’s clothing, shoes,purses, jewelry, dog stroller,Nintendo DS w/games &case (sold as 1 unit),Leapster, electronic dartboard, pine wood cabinetw/glass door & many, manymisc. items.

GARAGE SALE: Sat. 8-2,east on 24 to 400E, houseon corner, nice clean cheap,must come! Most items $1 orless. Build-a-Bears, XLladies clothes, 8 1/2-9 ladiesshoes, rugs, DVD’s, dogitems, saddle & lots more!Rain or shine.

GARAGE SALE: Thurs.,July 26, 8-1 (everything 25cents), Fri. July 27, 8-1(everything 15 cents), Sat.,July 28, 8-1 (everything 10cents), 3564 S. SR 15(Southside Gardens), over1,000 items-women’s, men’s& kids clothing; shoes; purs-es; coats (some new, someused). Toys, dolls, dollclothes, sheets, curtains,material, doilies, scarves &misc.

LARGE SALE: Fri., July 27,8-5 & Sat., July 28, 8-noon,475W 250S. Antique furni-ture, table, couch, crocks,trunk, signage, woodenboxes, 1960’s kids toys, fur-niture, stuffed animals, dolls,Longaberger baskets,Harley shirts & motorcycleparts & travel bags, toy trac-tors, trains, Christmas deco-rations, trees, home decor,Playstation 2, file cabinet,gardening yard decor & sup-pies, car & home stereoequipment, weight bench &weights, Craftsman toolbox-es & tools, golf clubs, cornermedia cabinet, quilting sup-plies & much more!

PORCH/YARD SALE:Thurs., Fri., Sat., July 26-28,8a.m.-5p.m., (Estate salecontinues), many itemsadded since last sale,including small appliances,China, silver table service,dishes, picture frames &much more. Prices reduced.East on Dora Rd. (250S),turn left on 75E, 6th place onright. No early sales!!

Wabash City

YARD SALE: July 27-28, 9-6, 1866 Wabash St. (behindKISS FM).

WABASH FIRST BrethrenChurch Yard Sale: July 26-27, 8-5, corner of Walnut &Huntington streets, useentrance off Huntington St.Interior doors, Andersonwindows (1 bay & 5 reg.),fiberglass bathtub/showerenclosure, lamps, recordcabinet, albums, 8-tracks,dishes, adult clothes, littlegirl’s clothes 2T-6x, boysclothes 8-16, toddlers &other misc. items.

GARAGE SALE: 941LaFontaine Ave., July 26 &July 27, 8a.m.-5p.m., July28, 8a.m.-12p.m., pool table,tools, microwave stand &many more items.

GARAGE SALE: 693 SiveySt., Thurs. & Fri. 9-5, Sat. 9-1, girl’s clothing 10-16, somejr. sizes, boys Jeep, toys,boy’s clothing & lots more.Rain or shine.

MULTI-FAMILY SALE Fri. &Sat., July 27 & 28, 8-2, 4-HFairgrounds, Elrod Building.Patio furniture, table &hutch, 31 ft. goose necktrailer, 300 gal. plastic tank,chainsaw’s, 5th wheelcamper hitch, trolling motor,weed eater, blue vehiclelight (1st responder light),kid’s picnic table, stroller,sm. truck toppers, roof a/c,love seat, RC cars, AliceChalmers C tractor, 1999Stratos boat 225 Evinrudemotor, power wheels,clothes of all sizes, cola colabar, misc.

SATURDAY ONLY, July 28,333 Linwood Ln., girls cloth-ing size 18mo.-4T, toys,books, ladies, misc., cancelif rain.

INSIDE MOVING Sale: 270Ross Ave., Sat., July 28,8a.m.-4p.m., knives, fishing& hunting items, die-cast,furniture, clothing,Longaberger. Cash Only, noearly sales.

GARAGE SALE: July 27-28, 800 N. Wabash St.,8:30-3. Lots of women’sclothing, baby items, lamps,furniture, Weber grills & lotsof misc.! Great deals, a mustsee!!

GARAGE SALE: Sat., July28, 9-1, 369 Walnut St., nice7 piece patio set, fishingboat, clothes, cook books &lots of misc.

LARGE RUMMAGE Sale:boys/girls clothes (premie-5T), home-schooling sup-plies, puzzles, books(preschool-adult), misc. 115W. Gladstone (in alley), July28, 8-3.

WABASH LIGHTHOUSEMission Thrift Store End ofthe month storewide 1/2price sale, includesChristmas in July items. 9-4,Thurs.,Fri.,Sat., July26,27,28, 806 N. Cass St.Free bottled water while youshop.

‘the paper’ of Wabash County, Inc., P.O. Box 603, Wabash, IN 46992. Classified Ads: $9.00 for first 20 words in advance: 15¢ each word thereafter. Deadline 12:00 noon on Monday

Mike OlingerSales Representative

Cell 574-930-0534


Foundations & Crawlspaces

Gauranteed Work, References, Free Estimates.

(317) 469-8300

$����!��������������$�������������$� ���������� $�����������������$����������$���������������������$���������������

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Estate Number 85C01-1207-EU-74

Notice is hereby given that DAN ROBERT SLAGLE was on July9, 2012, appointed personal representative of the estate ofNORMA JEAN SLAGLE, Deceased, who died on May 16, 2012.

All persons having claims against said estate, whether or notnow due, must file the claim in the office of the clerk of this Courtwithin three (3) months from the date of the first publication ofthis notice, or within nine (9) months after the decedent’s death,whichever is earlier, or said claim will be forever barred.

Dated at Wabash, Indiana this July 11, 2012.

Larry C. ThrushThrush Law OfficeOne North WabashWabash, Indiana 46992260-563-8485Attorney for the Estate

Elaine J. Martin Clerk, Wabash Circuit Court

Now HiringNeeded 2 full time licensed staff

to sell & service insurance at the newAllstate office that will be opening

September 2nd at1005 North Cass Street.We will offer a base pay

plus commissions.Send resumes to:

AllstateC/O Karol & Rusty Jack

4007 S. Western Ave., Marion, IN 46953or email to: [email protected]


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��-/'�-�'�3����'�#&���.)�The Ford Meter Box Co., Inc.Attn: HR/Facility Engineer

P.O. Box 398Wabash, IN 46992

or e-mail (as an MS Word document) [email protected]




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Equipment1830 South Wabash St.,

Wabash, IN 260-563-1173 or 1-800-201-1173

CommunityRummage Sale!

August 18th

8 a.m. to 2 p.m. @ The Wabash County YMCA

Enjoy the air conditioning & makesome extra money foryourself by renting a

booth to sell your rummage items.

OR forgo the hassle and

donate your unwanteditems to the Y!

Anyone that donates priorto Aug. 18th will receive an

entry in a drawing for aFREE 6 month familymembership to the Y.

Call for details. Patty/Chelsie(260) 563-9622All proceeds from the Y’sportion of the rummagesale will be doubled by a


Page 27: July 25, 2012

July 25, 2012

GARAGE SALE: Fri., July27, 1-5p.m. & Sat., July 28,8:30-1:30 at the paper dockentrance. Clothing-lots ofjunior girls & guys, manyfavorite brand names(American Eagle, Hollister,Abercrombie &Aeropostale), somewomen’s clothing, shoes,purses, jewelry, dog stroller,Nintendo DS w/games &case (sold as 1 unit),Leapster, electronic dartboard, pine wood cabinetw/glass door & many, manymisc. items.

North Manchester

INDOOR TWO-FAMILYGarage Sale! Located atDale Farms, 1359W 800N.Sofa & loveseats, othermisc. furniture, loft bed,entertainment towers/cen-ters, home decor, bar stools,holiday decor, tables, men’s& women’s clothes, girlsclothes 6m-6x, boys clothesnb-10/12, shoes, larger babyitems, outdoor kids toys &much more! Thurs., July 26,6-9p.m., Fri., July 27, 9-3p.m. & Sat., July 28, 8-noon.

GARAGE SALE: Thurs. &Fri., July 26-27, 8-4, 703 N.Mill St.

1603 FRANTZ Dr., Fri., July27, 7-5 & Sat., July 28, 7-12.Infant-toddler 5 boys, shoes,coats, adult size 1, plussizes-all name brand,changing table, stroller, carseat combo jogging stroller,jumper, riding toys, games,dolls, stuffed animals, knick-knacks, household items,computer desk, sheets,comforts, sewing material,lots of everything.Something fro everybodyfrom 5 families. Casper,Shaw, Dalisio, Creager &Weirick.

YARD SALE: Fri. 27, 8-5 &Sat. 28, 8-1. Take 13 northout of North Manchester to1150S in Kosciusko Co. (theroad before 13 & 14 inter-section) turn right, go to thefirst stop sign, little whitehouse on the corner.Firetuck bunk bed, twin bedw/book shelf, boys clothes6-8, girls clothes 4-6 (somesmaller), baby boy clothes,toys, books, movies, infantcar seat, some baby items,baby play mat, Disney &Boyds Bear pieces, Wiigames, trail camera & manymore items.

NORTH MANCHESTERTown Wide Garage Sale,Aug. 3-4. Last year, morethan 85 sales took place.Listings & maps printed inlocal newspaper, the NewsJournal. Call Chamber ofCommerce at 260-982-7644with any questions.

Other Rummage

BARN SALE: Mt. EtnaSawmill, Tues. & Wed., 11-7,Off 9, 1/2 mile down 124, Mt.Etna. CASH ONLY. Tools,freezer, riding mowers, com-pressors, pet cages, babygates, chainsaws, diningtables & cedar chests, rolltop desk.

HUGE YARD Sale:Maternity, women’s, misc.,large selection of girlsclothes, 2831W 1300N,Macy. Thurs., July 26, Fri.,July 27, Sat., July 28 & Sun.,July 29, 9a.m.-7p.m.


GARAGE SALE: July 27-28, 8a.m.-?, 4858 W. SR 16.Lots of brand name clothing,boys size 6-8, juniors,men’s, Harley, Dale Jr.shirts, lg. women, purses &misc.


GARAGE SALE: Fri., July27 & Sat., July 28, behindmini-mart, multi-family, 250N. Washington St. Jr., miss-es & women’s clothes infantboy size 4, dishes, homedecor, baby items, car ramp,boat seats, pet cages, airhockey table & more. Movedup a week early from lastyear.

Articles For Sale

GOOD APPLIANCES: usedwashers, dryers, ranges &refrigerators. 30 day warran-ty! 35 E. Canal St., Wabash,260-563-0147.

GAS PUMPS for sale, origi-nal, primered or painted-your choice of colors. Manyoptions of nozzles, globes,etc., 260-563-0215 or 260-560-0209.

FOR SALE: 1 cemeteryspace, Falls Cemetery,Wabash, 574-491-2745.

EXTRA LARGE, 3 ft. wide,white gas stove; blackleather love-seat, 64”, stillhas tags, $200, 260-782-2365.

FIREWOOD, $60 per truckload. 260-571-3842, callafter 8:30 a.m.

$125 QUEEN PILLOWTOPMattress Set. NEW inPlastic, Can Deliver(260)493-0805

A BRAND NEW KING PIL-LOWTOP Mattress Set,$225, Still in Factory Plastic(260)493-0805.

$350 CHERRY Sleigh Bed,NEW, Solid Wood w/NEWPILLOWTOP Mattress Set,un-opened, (260)493-0805.

NICE ENTERTAINMENTcenter (Sauder), lots of stor-age, $65, 260-571-0807.

3-205/65/15 general tires,very good shape, $125, 260-740-1097.


HELP WANTED: Lookingfor someone for equipmentmaintenance & ground work.Tree service knowledge &CDL required, 260-901-9865.


WET BASEMENTS,Cracked Foundations,Crawlspaces, Sagging FloorLeveled, All Problems, AllRepairs, 38 yrs. experience,Free Estimates, 317-469-8300.

BANKRUPTCY: Free initialclient conference. Dischargeall or most consumer debt.Chapter 7 & Chapter 13relief available...we cansave your home.Zimmerman Law Office, PC,Attorney Alan J.Zimmerman, 81 E. Hill St.,Wabash, 260-563-2178. Weare a debt relief agency. Wehelp people file for bankrupt-cy under the bankruptcycode.

BOZARTH MASONRY,LLC., residential & commer-cial brick & block work, 36years experience, free esti-mates, 765-981-4055.

PERSONAL INJURY: Freeinitial client conference, norecovery, no fee, contingentfee agreement available,over 20 years of experience.Zimmerman Law Office, PC,Attorney Alan J.Zimmerman, 81 E. Hill St.,Wabash, 260-563-2178.


NEEDED: SOMEONE tomow my lawn once a weekduring the month of August.Moderate size lawn, takesabout 1 hour to mow & I willsupply the mower & gas. Ifreasonable, I may haveother jobs. Interested?Please call 260-571-3676during the noon hour or after6:00p.m.

INSTANT CASH for doingodd jobs, 260-563-0107,leave message.

WANTED TO BUY!!! GoldJewelry: rings, bracelets,necklaces, watches, etc., tietacks, service pins, goldcoins & even gold teeth.Silver: Pre-1965 US coins,flatware, teapots, etc.Wabash Valley ProspectorsLLC, Tim Ravenscroft, 260-571-5858.

WANTED: DOG walker in

the Lagro area 1 hour a day

Monday-Friday, 260-782-



BEAUTIFUL BEAGLEPuppies, males & females,CKC registered, $100, 260-578-0075 or 260-982-6479.

OLD ENGLISH Bulldogpups for sale, 3 brindlefemales, 8 wks., IEOBA reg.,vet checked, shots all butrabies, tails docked, dewclaws removed, $1,000each/trades considered,260-224-9204 or 260-388-7754.


FOR SALE: Gleaner 13 ft.grain table & 3 point singleripper, 765-981-2602.

‘the paper’ of Wabash County, Inc., P.O. Box 603, Wabash, IN 46992. Classified Ads: $9.00 for first 20 words in advance: 15¢ each word thereafter. Deadline 12:00 noon on Monday

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TERMS: Cash or check with proper I.D. Not responsible for accidents or items after sold.Statements made day of sale take precedence over any printed matter. Food available.



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AUO #10200145


765-437-8694 CellAUO #1052757


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�#13+#1�+�7� #�+�'*#"�2- The Ford Meter Box Co., Inc.

Attn: HR/Environmental EngineerP.O. Box 398

Wabash, IN 46992or e-mail (as an MS Word document) to





Watch for a full ad soon!

Auction Location: 29 State Rd. 13S, Urbana, IN

Chad Metzger, AU10200057 1 (800) 424-2324


������������ ���������" ���������������


������������ • Mowing• Landscaping

• Property clean-up,• Dry wall • Paint • Roofs • Siding • Plumbing &

CALL(260) 750-2709

(Wabash)Leave Message

ALL ODD JOBS!ALL ODD JOBS!Playful PuppyPet Grooming

Call Tiffanytoday

&set up an

appointment(260) 224-7065

Certified Groomer


(esp WWII), Furniture, Pottery, Vintage Clothing,Paintings, Quilts, Coins,Jewelry, Watches, Signs,

Light Fixtures, Guns,Knives, Musical

Instruments, Railroad &Boy Scout Items

Call(260) 569-1865

���������������� ��+ #��($%��$!!�&�$&��!���$ #'����&�%���)�!&+�������&'��*%���$$"",,''���$$ ##''


(continued on page 30)

Page 28: July 25, 2012

30 July 25, 2012

2 YR. old stud colt, 1/2haflinger/POA, lots of hair,gorgeous, $400; yearlingbreedstock paint filly, blackw/blaze & back white sox,$800, nice bloodlines; year-ling miniature Appaloos studcolt, $400, sire & dam onsite, call anytime, 260-782-0811.

2 BEAUTIFUL horses, good

dispositions, call 260-715-


Real Estate

FOR SALE: 11 room farm-house in Gilead. Mastersuite. Two baths. Big rooms.Almost 2 acres. 3 cargarage. Remodeled. Extraland available. 260-982-8542

4 SMALL houses in Wabashcity limits, 2 1/2 car garage,all land fenced in, lots of newupdates, $85,000/obo, 865-545-4065.

LIVE IN THE COUNTRY!Northfield schools, 3 bdrm, 2bath on 1.10 acres, ownerwill consider land contract,$48,900, broker owned. CallJody at 260-466-2519, moreinformation available

HOME FOR Sale by Owner:One story, 3 bdrm, 2 bathhome on 1.3 acres, 30x32heated pole building, utilityshed. Near SouthwoodSchools. 6060 S. Old St. Rd.15. Call 260-563-2646 for anappointment to see.

For Rent

DOWNTOWN APARTMENTfor Rent: 2 bdrm, 1 bath,kitchen, living/dinning room,Beautiful apartment onCanal St., $400/mo.(includes water), call 260-563-4780, leave message.

2 BDRM, 1 bath, stove,refrigerator, washer/dryerhook-up, C/A, northside,$100 wk. plus deposit, 260-563-1556 or 765-863-1453.

2 BDRM duplex for rent,$450/mo., references &deposit required, 260-563-5912.

2 BDRM Duplex w/1 carattached garage, $500/mo.,stove & refrigerator includ-ed, w/d hook-up, pay ownutilities, 260-571-0620.

3 BDRM, 1 bath,washer/dryer hook-up,$450/mo., $450 deposit, nopets, 409 Congress St., 260-569-1303.

SMALL 2 bdrm house,$400/mo. plus deposit; 3bdrm house $500/mo. plusdeposit, 260-571-3844.

1 BDRM Rentals: smallhouse or A-frame duplex,w/d hook-up, $400/mo. plusutilities, 260-563-7743.

EXECUTIVE HOUSE forrent, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, fire-place, lots of extras, 260-563-0107 leave message.

2 BDRM Rentals: Smallhouse w/large garage,duplex w/C/A or largeupstairs unit, 260-563-7743.

1 BDRM Apt. for rent,$250/mo. plus deopsit & util-ities, no pets, NorthManchester area, 260-823-1035.

2 BDRM w/combined bath-room & utility room, totallyelectric, 1 car garage,Southwood Schools, mustsee to appreciate, no pets,$475/mo., $600 deposit. Callanytime after 8:30 a.m., 260-571-3842.

HOUSE IN country for rent,5 minutes fromNorthfield/Sharp Creek, 8minutes from Wabash, 1/2mile north of new 24, west ofWabash. Modern ranch, 2car attached garage, naturalgas heat & C/A, full finishedbasement, $750/mo.,deposit & referencesrequired, no smoking, nopets, 260-409-4639 for infor-mation.

1 BDRM upstairs apt., stove,refrigerator, $90/wk., plusdeposit, 260-563-1556 or765-863-1453.

2-3 BDRM house, attachedstorage shed, $475/mo.,$475 deposit, 260-563-6411.


2006 CHRYSLER Town &Country Touring, dual powersliders, power lift gate,loaded, 142K miles, red &runs great, $6,800, 260-568-4660.

1997 CHRYSLER Town &Country, runs good, decenttires, good driver, needssome TLC, $900 firm, 260-740-1097.

1994 FORD F150 Ext. Cab.4x4, AC, CD, 5.0L V8, 102Kmiles, bed liner, topper,hitch, $2,950, 260-568-4661..

Mobile Homes

‘the paper’ of Wabash County, Inc., P.O. Box 603, Wabash, IN 46992. Classified Ads: $9.00 for first 20 words in advance: 15¢ each word thereafter. Deadline 12:00 noon on Monday


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��)+$�)�$�/����)�%*��/�������� #�&(���$� #�%&�#�*�(�*��%��+�+)*�����������%��$+)*�(���(�%���*����(&�+�* &%��* # */�'&) * &%��%�� %�#+����*� #)�&��'�)*�-&("��.'�( �%���*&�����&%) ��(���

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The Ford Meter Box Co., Inc.Attn: HR/Production Utility

P.O. Box 398Wabash, IN 46992

or e-mail (as an MS Word document) [email protected]



�!-*����� �� ������������� � ����������������




1!')!")%��+0/%�+2*/+2*��!"!.&��'/3�+0/%.� 1!')!")%


‘the paper’ of wabash county is seeking anaggressive news person. ‘the paper’ is look-ing for someone who enjoys reporting onlocal community events, doesn’t mind

working evenings and weekends. Must havegood grammatical skills, positive, upbeatpersonality. Photography skills extremely

helpful. Part-Time position.

Apply in person bring resumé:

‘the paper’of wabash countyJunction 13& U.S. 24

Wabash, IN


NEED ROOFING!We are introducing and test marketing an ex-citing new roofi ng system to homeowners in the Greater Fort Wayne area. For a limited time only, we are offering homeowners the ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY to have a Millennium Metal Roofi ng System installed on their home for up to a 25% discount if your home qualifi es!

A Millennium Metal Roofi ng System comes with a lifetime guarantee and will keep your home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter.

A Millennium Metal Roofi ng System will provide your home with unsurpassed “Beauty and Lasting Protection!”

Don’t miss this opportunity to see the newest product on the market and save $$$$.

Call today to see if you qualify!



RN’S/ LPN’S�������������������������������������� ���� � �����

Apply in person,No Phone Calls Please.

1900 N. Alber St.Wabash us @MillersHealthSy

��������������Oji Intertech, in North Manchester has a current

Full-Time Opening for anAccounting Clerk.

This person is responsible for a variety of general accounting support tasks in the

accounting cost center and purchasing cost center.

Job requirements include proficiency in MicrosoftOffice Suite, general accounting experience,

accounts receivable and payable.Experience in Sage Mas 90

accounting software is a plus.

Resume submission to: [email protected],

and or fill out application available at our location.


All utilities&

Cable Included


WANTED!Buying Junk


and will haul awayjunk farm machinery.

Call Larry at



New HomesNow on Display!

Single & Sectional HomesNew & Used

3 Miles South of Wabash

260-563-8078“Family Owned & Operated”Over 39 Years in Business


$$$ Cash $$$$$$ For Cars $$$Highest Prices Paid

Guaranteedfor your Running or Non-

Running Car, Truck, orVan (with or without titles)!

I Pick Up 7 Days a Week(260) 388-5335

�������%�! ����!��

� '�������$������#��%��!!��������������

��������%�&"�� �"�#�� ��#�����$�������������!#�����������


If you are single, lonely or just looking for someone new to talk with,you

may place a For Singles Only ad by sending, in 55 words or less, a brief

description of yourself and your interests and the type of person you are

seeking for a companion to: For Singles Only, ‘the paper’, P.O. Box 603,

Wabash, IN 46992, or you may bring your ad into the office.

Enclose $7 for 2 weeks, plus your name, phone number and full address

for our records. No names should appear in the copy of your ad. We will

assign your ad a file number and forward replies to you, or you may pick

them up in the office. All ads and replies must conform to good taste. ‘the

paper’ reserves the right to edit or reject any ad. Singles ads must be

received in our office before noon on Friday the week before the first pub-

lication. Interested parties may answer For Singles Only ads by writing

‘the paper’, P.O. Box 603,Wabash, IN 46992. Please keep replies within

the bounds of good taste, and BE HONEST!


ages of 65-77 years old for companionship, spending

time together and going to church. I am a nice lady &

would like to hear from you if you are interested. Please

send responses to Box 146 c/o the paper, P.O. Box 603,

Wabash, IN 46992.

(continued from page 27)

Page 29: July 25, 2012

28 July 25, 2012

Page 30: July 25, 2012

29www.thepaperofwabash.comJuly 25, 2012


Directions:2.5 miles east of Wabash, IN on US 24 then south on 524 ½ mile Wednesday August 1st, 10 A.M. & Thursday August 2nd, 9 A.M.

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AUCTION NOTE: : This is only a partial listing, much more will be added by sale day. Consign-ments taken through Tuesday July 31. Pefley’s Farm Equipment is not responsible for lost orstolen property, accidents, or no- shows. All items subject to prior sale through Sat. July 28, 2012.Lunch will be available at auction sight. We will be selling the majority of equipment through ournew drive through facility, but with 2 trucks some of the day. All items must be removed within30 days! All items purchased via online bidding will have a 2.5% buyers premium added totheir winning bid with a $750 Maximum. Next Auction Thursday October 4, 2012. NEXT AUCTION THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2012

Financing options from: SCI Leasing 800-435-4700Agnition “Steve Kreider”


Knights INN:PFE Rates260-563-745Holiday INN:260-569-1189

Charley Creek INN:PFE Rates260-563-0111

Airports: Wabash Municipal or Fort Wayne International

Lodging: AUCTIONEERS: CAL KAUFMAN #AU01051620 • PERRY WILKINSON #AU10900084Auction House: #9104231 • Phone: 260-782-2222 • Fax: 260-782-2224e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] • web address:

NEW COMMISSION RATES AS OF APRIL 5, 2012����"6968>8�%3;��=38��A������)04��9��33�%3;�)6;3�:9��77�)6;3<��A�����)6=73��33�:9��77�)6=732�+356173<��� � ����� ���:;������"0@68>8� ���� ������� ���������� ������� ���������� ������� ���������� ������� ���������� ������� ����

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Page 31: July 25, 2012






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31www.thepaperofwabash.comJuly 25, 2012

Page 32: July 25, 2012

32 July 25, 2012

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260-563-8326www.thepaperofwabash.comOF WABASH COUNTY, INC.


Whitmer July 4,Lilly VandermarkJuly 23

HAPPY BIRTH-DAY KrissaMechling, Luke her-

ring, Chris Marks,July 26; JoyceWillcox, July 27


Dolores Snyder onJuly 5

H A P P YA N N I V E R S A RYMerle and BarbaraEllis and Mark andAmanda Coffelt onJuly 26; Marvin andBecky Schlemmer,July 29

CONGRATULA-TIONS JOHN ANDDOLORES SNY-DER on 64 years ofmarriage! Theyrecently celebratedtheir weddinganniversary at theirdaughter Jean andJeff Whitmer’s home

in Wabash with anevening of dinnerand many joyfulmemories of theirlife together. Alsocelebrating withthem was their sonDavid and TresaSnyder of LenoirCity, TN.G r a n d d a u g h t e rAshliegh Green andgreat granddaughterEleanor Green fromLenoir City TN.Daughter SusanSailors, grandsonJason and wife KerriSailors, great grand-children Jillian andJake Sailors, daugh-ter Becky and CurtWalker and grand-daughters HannaSlagal and EmilyWalker, Hank andBetty Whitmer,Adam Whitmer,jenny and HenryBlair. John andDolores were mar-ried July 5 1948 ather parent’s homeJohn and LeonaThompson.

PAM FINNEY, theL a F o n t a i n ePostmaster will beretiring after almost30 years of service.Her final day will beJuly 31st. Her familywill have cookies inthe post office on herlast day. Also, therewill be a book avail-able for anyone wish-ing to share a postalmemory or wish herwell on her retire-ment that residentscan sign. The bookwill be in the officebeginning July 24th.Pam has enjoyedserving her commu-nity and will missher customers. Shelooks forward tospending time withher family, friends,and dogs, as well asreading and cross-stitching.

L A F O N TA I N ELIONS met July 12at 7 p.m. with LionLarry Eib as host.President Larryopens the meeting,Lion Ethel Eib gavethe payer, and LionBill Ramsey led thePledge of Allegiance.Lion Ethel gave areport on the lastmeeting. Treasurereport read anda p p r o v e d .C o m m u n i t yBuilding report wasgiven and approved.Discussed help forthe Old Boys Toysnext week. Need helpon Thursday, Fridayand Saturday. Stillneed to decide aboutif the club will takekettle corn booth tothe truck show inAugust. Club mem-

bers would like moreinformation. LionLarry will contactDan Wright and getmore information. Two thank you let-

ters were read fromtwo of the scholar-ships winners. It wasreported that theclub paid for a pair ofglasses for a lady inneed. Lion Ethelreported that sheand Lion Larry hadbeen contacted aboutthe use of theC o m m u n i t yBuilding for a bene-fit for the family wholost their house in afire. The club votedto let them use thebuilding rent free.Lion Ethel asks theclub to donatemoney to HoosiersHelping Heroes sincethe motorcycle ridedid not go at the festi-val, because no onecame to ride. Club voted to send

them a check. Themembers would likefor someone from theHoosiers HelpingHeroes to come andbe at our TenderloinFry in September totell people what theyare about. Tailtwister Lion NorineRamsey read a veryfunny joke, and thenshe fined everyone,because she had notfined anyone for awhile. No furtherbusiness meetingwas adjoined. Nextmeeting will be onJuly 26, 7 p.m. at theL a F o n t a i n eC o m m u n i t yBuilding with LionTom Willcox host.

L A F O N TA I N EC H R I S T I A NCHURCH has theirnew steeple. Be sureand drive by andcheck it out.

WORDS OF WIS-DOM: “Problems donot go away. Theymust be workedthrough or else theyremain, forever abarrier to the growthand development ofthe spirit.” M. ScottPeck, M.D.

I WOULD like foryou to send yournews & pictures tome by Thursdaybefore the Tuesday,when The Papercomes out [email protected] 2258 E 1050 SLaFontaine, IN,46940. These can beany club news, fami-ly, birthdays,anniversaries, birthsor parties. I am look-ing forward toreceiving your newsitems.

LaFontaine News... continued from page 22

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