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Sabbath School

The Prodigal’s

New Clothes Luke 15:32

The Church at Study 9:30 a.m. to 10:40 a.m. Superintendent: Max Mantari

Musician: Cliff Munro Praise Leader: Max & Juliana

Next Week: Super: Jack Polihronov Music: Gordon Baptiste Praise: Pat Carter

Worship Hour

Song and Praise ………………………………………………………Choir Men

Opening Song…………….No.622……………..Come, Come ye Saints

Intercessory Prayer……………………………………………......Mike Keim

Praying for Evangelism Next Week Praying for Students

Offering Appeal…………Church Budget ……………Edwin Onyango

Children Story…………………………………………………Aroldo Anniehs

Special Music……………………………………………………………………Choir

Scripture Reading…Matthew 10: 5-8…..Marilyn & Don Topper

Radical Discipleship

Welcome to “not being normal” Pastor Alex Golovenko

Closing song…........No.623..............I will follow Thee my Savior

Benediction….......................................................Ray Thompson

Sunset this Sabbath 8:59 pm Next week 9:03 pm Please send all the bulletin related information to:

[email protected]

Announcements 1. We invite every church member to

the time of Prayer, every Wednesday 7 pm. A Prayer Group is also meeting at North London Church every Wednesday morning 10am-12noon. You have an option of “shifts” to come and interceded for our church family, for our city, for leaders. We have seen miraculous answers to prayer, and experienced the goodness of God, connecting to His Mystery and presence in prayer.

2. Adventist Youth Camp for Western Ontario – July 1-4 in Plymton Wyoming, Ontario. Registration fee is $50 per person (food included) Ages 13-30 are welcome. Two guest speakers, Wanito Bernadin & Massiel Davila. Anticipated attendance is 80 people, if more are registered, additional capmsites will be provided. Transportation will be organized by the church. If interested in attending – contact Stepan Golovenko or pastor Alex.

3. 2011 is the Year of Mission. TONIGHT at 6 pm pastor Alex will continue Mission 316 class, speaking on communicating the Gospel to the animistic tribal cultures, focusing on the work in Africa, relating to Native American First Nations way of life, and dealing with renewed interest among youth in wiccan practices. Mission is our purpose, and is not optional for a healthy Adventist church.

4. June 18th during the worship hour pastor Alex Golovenko will present Friendship Evangelism workshop.

5. The annual Simcoe is on June 10-11, 2011 at Norfolk County Fairgrounds, Simcoe. The main speaker is Pastor Lonnie Melashenko, former Voice of Prophecy speaker/director. Pastor Sung Kwon, executive director of Adventist Community Services, North American Division, will speak on the camp theme, “Young Enough to Serve”. Dr. Mansfield Edwards, Ontario Conference president, will lead the main Sabbath School discussion.

6. Pathfinders will be holding a Fundraiser Yard sale on June 12 toward the Camporee cost. Bring your extras, declutter the house, and sponsor a Pathfinder.

7. Lord’s Supper will be served Friday night, June 17th by elders Mantiri and Munro.

8. An Adventist family has rental townhouse available in London. It is available for rent or to purchase. If interested you may contact Ivan Gill at 519 954 6863 or via email [email protected].

9. VBS, it‟s almost that time again and we are looking for volunteers to work as leaders and assistant leaders. VBS this year is on July 18 – 22 for children ages 4-12 from 5:30-8 pm. If you can help; please contact: Doris Van Leeuwen @ (519) 452-7073. Thank You.

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10. CELEBRATE THE ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF THE YOUNG PEOPLE IN OUR CHURCH! On June 18th, during the worship hour, we will be celebrating the year-long accomplishments of the children (ages 0 - 12) and youth (13 - 25) in our church. Parents, grandparents, or other family members can register their children and youth for this special recognition day. Please fill out a card with the child's/youth's name and age and special accomplishments over the last year and drop it off in the box in the foyer marked "Celebrating Our Children & Youth". Accomplishments come in all different forms depending on the age of the child for example: learning to walk, learning to cross the street by themselvs, learning to swim, learning to read, overcoming an obstacle, learning to drive, graduating from highschool/university - the list is endless! Our young people are valuable members of our church and we would like to recognize as many as possible so we encourage you to register those special young people in your lives by the deadline of June 11th. If you would like to make a donation towards this special recognition day, or would like more information, please contact Lucy Simoes.

11. Wedding shower for Nathan Dowdell and Leanne Pelissero on Sunday, June 12th at 2 p.m. Please plan to attend and celebrate this joyous occasion. Father‟s Day Potluck on Saturday, June 18th. Everyone please join us as we share a meal and our honor fathers. Please bring an item from the section of the first letter of your last name. Note that we will change the categories each month. Feel free to bring additional items from any category. A-C Main course/Casserole D-F Cooked vegetable/Soup G-I Dessert/ Fruit J-M Drink/Juice N-R Salad/Raw vegetables S-Z Bread/Bun.

12. Social Life Committee members, please come for a brief meeting on June 18th 2 p.m. (following the potluck).

Happy Birthdays Jun 3 Justin Wood Jun 13 Gary Carreiro

Jun 3 Faith Maphosa Jun 14 Earl Biggs

Jun 7 James Wood Jun 21 Mike Keim Jun 12 Mario Carcamo Jr. Jun 23 Evelyn Bromfield

Pastor’s Blog.

Talking with teens recently I heard a comment how it‟s tough not

to be normal. “Normal” was being referred to secular norm, to an average teen living life without any connection with God. Last Sabbath Abner Lopez, the youth speaker from Windsor, commented in his sermon that “normal” may have different meanings. Secular person living in sin is not normal according to the standard to which God has created us originally. According to our origins – “normal” is being in the presence of God. Yet, in this sinful nature “normal” means being carnal, living selfish life, taking care of “number one” – me!

How “normal” are you? Have you ever considered this question? I invite you to look at people we admire as heroes of faith. Joseph and his Special Robe – not normal! His brothers were normal – he was special, different, with his dreams and trouble. His life was anything but normal. David – normal shepherd teen boy until anointed by prophet Samuel, and then his life was far from normal – from killing a blasphemous giant, to becoming the King. Daniel – how normal could it feel in the lion‟s den? Elijah – is it normal to run for 40 days without food? What about Peter walking on water? How “normal” is that? What Jesus did on the cross was not “normal” by any means.

So, how “normal” are you? Do you want to be normal? Is that your aspiration? In a letter to Romans 12:2 apostle Paul tells us not to become so well-adjusted to this world, not to be conformed to the worldly standards, but turn our attention to God. In essence, Paul is saying “don‟t try to look „normal‟”

Today I invite you to study Matthew 10 – Jesus‟ call to discipleship and consider how unusual, uncommon, unordinary, anything but normal it is. To be truly Christian, a disciple and a follower of Jesus one has to be peculiar, special, rare and exceptional to this world.

Today I invite you to embrace the difference to which you are empowered by the Holy Spirit as he desires to change each one of us into likeness of Christ. “Normal” is not enough to enter the Kingdom of God. It is not enough to make a difference in this world. Discover God‟s norm, and be “normal” with God.

In service of the Great Shepherd, pastor Alex Golovenko



A Place where Every Believer is a Minister. Discover Your Calling!

Sabbath, June 4, 2011

805 Shelborne Street, London, ON. N5Z 5C6

Pastor: Alex Golovenko (519) 281-9706

[email protected]

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