Page 1: Just how safe is cow's milk for humans

Just how safe

is Cow’s Milk

for Humans?

Page 2: Just how safe is cow's milk for humans

To go straight to the point, the milk of any animal is basically unsafe for humans. Milk is highly

acidic and mucus forming. Furthermore, the fact that man needs to drink the milk of another

creature after it has been weaned of his own mother’s milk is actually laughable and propaganda

promoted by its endorsers basically for their gain.

Being a predigested food, milk has been shown to cause various complications in the stomach

and colon, such as cramps and convulsions. Its calcium is highly difficult to assimilate and this

results in its introduction in free form into the blood stream and an eventual deposition in the

tissues, cells and joints where it may cause intense pain and suffering.

Animal milk is for the animal’s offspring and not for humans. Think about it. That being said, it

is advisable to eliminate milk and all dairy from the diet for optimal health.

Now, I assume owing the years of misinformation, the average person may ask why milk should

be avoided.

Well, let’s go over some points.

From an ethical standpoint, it should be noted that most cows that are commercially raised for

their milk and meat are treated in a complete violation of nature and humaneness. Folks, as

would have been the ideal case in nature, just like with any other animal, cows nurture their

young and form lifelong friendships with one another and they also have a wide range of

emotions and personality traits. However, most cows raised for the dairy industry are overly

confined, leaving them unable to fulfill their most basic desires, such as nursing their calves,

even for a single day.

Very tellingly, these cows are treated more like machines rather than animals or creatures and are

genetically manipulated and pumped full of antibiotics and hormones that cause them to produce

more milk.

So, while these poor cows suffer on factory farms, as is the case with all forms of evil, there is a

repercussion. Humans who partake of their milk and meat increase their chances of developing

heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and many other ailments.

As has been said before, being mammals, cows produce milk for the same reason that humans

do—to nourish their young. However, calves on dairy farms are taken away from their mothers

when they are just 1 day old and are given a replacement of sorts that includes cattle blood in the

aim of selling their mother’s milk to humans!

So, let’s be honest, not only have we seen that the milk of these cows are medically unsafe for

humans, look at what cruelty is done to these animals to produce something that is not even ideal

for consumption all in the name of making money. This isn’t about trying to preach or pushing

dogma here, this is common sense!

Take a look at what some of these cows have to go through to produce milk:

Page 3: Just how safe is cow's milk for humans

-Female cows are artificially inseminated shortly after their first birthdays. After giving birth,

they lactate for 10 months and are then inseminated again, continuing the cycle.

-Most of these cows spend their whole lives confined on concrete floors eating God knows what

without adequate sunshine, access to natural vegetation (grass) and are of course overcrowded

and forced to live in their own waste. Inevitably, they become diseased, sometimes lame and

while they are raised solely for them to make unhealthy milk for people to drink, soon as the

cows become inevitably incapable of being of much use anymore (which is about 4 years of their

lives compared to a natural lifespan of about 20 years), they are pretty much sent to be

slaughtered. You only have to think of how unhealthy their meat will be for human consumption

considering all the hormones the cows have been injected with and the WRONG diet of synthetic

food items they have been fed versus what all herbivores should eat in the first place, green


-These cows are fed unnatural, high-protein diets—which include dead chickens, pigs, and other

animals—because their natural diet of grass would not provide the nutrients that they need to

produce such massive amounts of milk. Again, no dogma or propaganda here, just facts to make

you reconsider certain things that will be beneficial to you and your offspring!

-Painful inflammation of the mammary glands, or mastitis, is common among cows raised for

their milk, and it is one of dairy farms' most frequently given reasons for sending cows to

slaughter. Just as it is with humans, white blood cells—also known as "pus"—are produced as a

means of fighting infection. So, in the dairy industry, the milk makers are allowed to combine

the milk of inevitably infected and uninfected cows to make a “bulk tank" somatic cell count

(BTSCC). Milk with a maximum BTSCC of 750,000 cells per milliliter can be sold. A BTSCC

of 700,000 or more generally indicates that two-thirds of the cows in the herd are suffering from

udder infections.

By now, it should have started to sink in that milk and all dairy products (especially from

inhumanely treated and inevitably unhealthy cows) is just not safe for humans to consume,

especially when based on the information in chapter 4 of this book it is (even in its most ideal

form) still a disease forming food.

Again, it should be noted that besides humans (and pets who are fed by humans), no species

drinks milk beyond infancy or drinks the milk of another species.

Dear Readers, a cow’s milk is suited to the nutritional needs of calves, which have four stomachs

and gain hundreds of pounds in a matter of months, sometimes weighing more than 1,000

pounds before they are 2 years old.

There is an order to everything in nature and with God being in control of it, nature is not in

chaos! Cow’s milk is designed for the cow’s babies not for humans (and vice versa) and even if

milk was to be consumed, suffice it to say that it shouldn’t be from cows who were not fed their

proper diet. Let’s think about this logically people.

Page 4: Just how safe is cow's milk for humans

So, I have given you the ethical reasons why milk should not be consumed. But wait, there’s


If you may have scoffed at this information or disregarded it as being insignificant, from a

medical standpoint, let’s go over some other documented facts as to how milk adversely affects

our health.

It should be noted that cow's milk is the number one cause of food allergies among infants and

children, according to the American Gastroenterological Association. Most people begin to

produce less lactase, the enzyme that helps with the digestion of milk, when they are as young as

2 years old. This reduction can lead to lactose intolerance. Millions of Americans are lactose

intolerant, and an estimated 90 percent of Asian-Americans and 75 percent of Native- and

African-Americans suffer from the condition, which can cause bloating, gas, cramps, vomiting,

headaches, rashes, and asthma. A U.K. study showed that people who suffered from irregular

heartbeats, asthma, headaches, fatigue, and digestive problems "showed marked and often

complete improvements in their health after cutting milk from their diets."

Very tellingly, even though American women consume large amounts of calcium, their rates of

osteoporosis are among the highest in the world.

On the other hand, Chinese people consume half as much calcium (most of it from plant sources)

and have a very low incidence of the bone disease.

It is noteworthy that medical studies indicate that rather than preventing the disease, milk may

actually increase women's risk of getting osteoporosis.

A Harvard Nurses' Study of more than 77,000 women ages 34 to 59 found that those who

consumed two or more glasses of milk per day had higher risks of broken hips and arms than

those who drank one glass or less per day. T. Colin Campbell, professor of nutritional

biochemistry at Cornell University, said, "The association between the intake of animal protein

and fracture rates appears to be as strong as that between cigarette smoking and lung cancer."

As will be illustrated in chapter 15, Humans can get all the protein that they need from fruits and

vegetables and a few nuts, seeds and permissible whole grains.

It should be noted that in spite of what the dairy industry has led us to believe, many medical

doctors and nutritionists are now saying that cow's milk is not healthy for human consumption,

and that it can lead to many serious diseases.

In all honesty, after an assessment of the credentials of the doctors making these statements, it

would be hard for the dairy industry, or anyone who says they must drink milk, to accuse these

physicians of being wrong!

Let's go over a little of what some of these doctors have to say about how drinking milk is

actually wrong for the body.

Page 5: Just how safe is cow's milk for humans

1. Frank Oski, M.D., author of Don't Drink Your Milk! is the Director of the Department of

Pediatrics of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Physician-in-Chief of the Johns

Hopkins Children's Center. He is the author, co-author, editor or co-editor of 19 medical

textbooks and has written 290 medical manuscripts.

In the first chapter of his book, Dr. Oski states, "The fact is: the drinking of cow milk has been

linked to iron-deficiency anemia in infants and children; it has been named as the cause of

cramps and diarrhea in much of the world's population, and the cause of multiple forms of

allergy as well; and the possibility has been raised that it may play a central role in the origins of

atherosclerosis and heart attacks."

Dr. Oski comments, "Being against cow milk is equated with being un-American," but still he

notes, "Among physicians, so much concern has been voiced about the potential hazards of cow

milk that the Committee on Nutrition of the prestigious American Academy of Pediatrics, the

institutional voice of practicing pediatricians, released a report entitled, "Should Milk Drinking

by Children Be Discouraged?'

Although the Academy's answer to this question has (as of this writing) been a qualified 'maybe,'

the fact that the question was raised at all is testimony to the growing concern about this product,

which for so long was viewed as sacred as the proverbial goodness of mother and apple pie."


2. Another very prominent critic of cow's milk is Dr. William Ellis, a retired osteopathic

physician and surgeon in Arlington, Texas, who has done research on the effects of dairy

products for 42 years. It should be noted that Dr. Ellis is listed in Marquis' Who's Who in the

East, Leaders of American Science, the Dictionary of International Biography and Two

Thousand Men of Achievement. Dr. Ellis says dairy products are "simply no good for humans...

There is overwhelming evidence that milk and milk products are harmful to many people, both

adults and infants. Milk is a contributing factor in constipation, chronic fatigue, arthritis,

headaches, muscle cramps, obesity, allergies and heart problems."

Now reading all these statements, suffice it to say that in spite of what we have been taught all

our lives and in spite of what so many people believe about milk along the lines of "Milk is the

Perfect Food"... "Milk is a Natural"... "Everybody Needs Milk," indeed, many people are in the

wrong about this substance!

Part of the very definition of a mammal is that the female of the species has milk-producing

glands in her breasts which provide nourishment for her OWN young.

Nature has made it so that each species of mammal produces its unique type of milk designed

specifically to strengthen the immune system and provide nourishment for their babies, which

are weaned after their birth weight has approximately tripled. In other words, in drinking milk,

one might as well just have babies breast fed by cows or adults should suck the breasts of these

creatures. I mean, that indirectly is what is happening now when consuming milk.

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Well, there is plenty of information on this subject, however, I have ensured to at least give you

enough facts and points so you will be able to make a well informed decision on your choice to

consume dairy.

Suffice it to say, I believe you will make a safe and healthy choice for you and your family.

Here’s to health.

Foras Aje

To learn more tips on how to improve and maintain your

health using all natural methods:





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