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March/April 2011

Parent Child Discussion Board on Today’s Growing Problem.


Paper PandaChick Mask and Finger Paint!

Make your own:Making Money

Savvy Kids!

Busy?Tips on How to Spend More

Time with the Family

Parents Corner

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Ramona High School

91 Fwy.

California Ave.


Riverside, CA 92504951.689.9622

YOUTH DEVELOPMENTHi-Y Club • Adventure Guides • Youth Sports • Before/After School Child Care

HEALTHY LIVINGModern Fitness Center and classes; including Spin, Yoga, Pilates, Zumba and Bodypump classes

Raquetball courts • Full-size gymnasium • Indoor salt water pool

SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITYScholarships for low-income families • Fellowship • Family Strengthening Programs

KidZone babysitting center

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Parents Corner17. 12 tips: Spending More Time with the Family By Jenny Johnson18. Making Money Savvy kids By Jenny Johnson

ContentsMarch/April 2011

The Really Cool Stuff Other Cool StuffVice President, Publisher/Father

Marc Garrett

Editor/ Creative Director/MotherSarai Garrett

Art Director/MotherPriscilla Dominguez

Copy EditorLinda Heckendorf

Assistant EditorBreanna Humes

Contributing WritersJenny Johnson

Stephanie Butterfield

Graphic DesignersAlex Olarte

Jeremy WyngaardQuentin Dzara

IllustratorsDiana DanielsDerek Lipscomb

Theron Langhorne

Contributing PhotographersBlanca Munoz

Advice ColumnBobby Antillon

(Child Psychologist)

V O L U M E 1 • N U M B E R 2

www.Just4Kids ie .com

Make your own:Paper PandaMaskHomemade Finger Paint

Bullying: Parent Child Discussion Board on Today’s Growing Problems

Responsibility Chart

Food Maze

Dear Bobby Bobby AntillonFun Page

Nutrition Word Search and Coloring8.








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Can you help the people in the food

maze choose healthy food

s? C

ircle all the foods that are good

for you.

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Dear Bobby,Girls at school call me names, and when I want to play with them, they tell me there are already too many people playing, so I can’t play with them. How can I get them to stop saying mean things to me? I just want them to like me and play with me. Thank you for helping me get along with people at school, because I feel left out. - Anna V., Age 8.

Dear Anna V.,It is important to understand that not all people are going to like you or want to play with you, but that doesn’t give them the right to call you names. Talk with your teacher and explain to your teacher what is going on with the girls. I am sure your teacher will guide you in the right direction and discipline the girls accordingly. Remember that those girls are probably not the kind of girls you want to be around anyway, so find some other people that will be true friends.

Dear Bobby, Why do I have to do homework? The

teachers say that doing homework helps me for college, but I do not know if I want

to go to college. My parents tried to help me, but ended up confusing me instead. I like math, social studies, and P.E.. Do you think I could find a job someday that I only have to use those subjects? Why do teachers make stuff so hard?

-Andrew S., Age 10

Dear Andrew S.,The simple answer to your 1st question is, “so you can get good grades or not have to do as good on your tests and still get a decent grade”. As far as it helping you for college, I’d have to agree with your teacher but I also would like to add that it will help you in life as well. Homework is practicing something that you’ve previously learned so that it becomes easier and you get better at it. Therefore, in life you are always wanting or having to get better at something. It’s important to understand your weaknesses and improve them if not you’ll keep making the same mistakes over and over again. It’s all the same, whether it’s with a math problem or managing your bank account when you get older. So don’t think your teacher is trying to make

it so difficult for you…..she has to follow directions from someone else too! If you are still having trouble with your homework, look for a tutor.

Dear Bobby,

My name is Sean and I am nine years old. My dad makes me play sports. I think some sports are okay, but he wants me to play baseball. Baseball is boring and I’m not that good. What can I tell my dad so he will stop making me try out for the team? -Sean B., Age 9

Dear Sean B.,I know it can be difficult if you’re not interested in something and have no desire to get better at it, especially with a sport like baseball. I think you might ask your dad if you can play an alternative sport that you like or try to find a hobby you enjoy. Either way never quit, always try to get better, and after that your dad should respect your feelings and understand.

Mr. Bobby Antillon, M.S., has 10 yrs. experience as a School Psychologist/ Behavior Specialist. He is a certified trainer for Non-violent Crisis Prevention Intervention. Mr. Antillon works with a variety of students ranging from preschool through high school.

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Create a Paper

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1. Cut out square on solid black line.2. Make a fold on the dotted lines.




3. Flip over and fold in half diagonally.











4. Take corner A and fold it to corner B while holding in the indicated spot.

Hold Here

5. Fold E to F, bringing corner C down to corner D.















6. Flip over.

8. Take corner C and fold on the dotted line. Repeat for corner A.



7. Take corner D and fold on the dotted line. Repeat for corner B.


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Instructions9. Fold in half along the dotted line.



10. Fold along the dotted line. Then unfold and fold in the opposite direction along the same dotted line. Unfold.

11. Push the top corner inside the panda folding along the dotted line.

Push Here

13. Fold back end of the panda inside along the dotted line. Repeat on opposite side.

16. Here’s the hard part. Your going to push part of the face into the panda along the dotted lines.

Push Here

Hold Here

Push Here

14. The Face. Fold and unfold in both directions on the three dotted lines.

15. Push the nose inside the panda folding along the dotted line.

12. Fold part of the front leg inside the panda along the dotted line. Repeat for the opposite front leg.

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Chick Mask Spring is coming, Spring is coming!Fit right into Spring with this adorable Chick Mask!

Materials: Scissors (with parent)String Directions:With scissors cut along dotted line; cut out the holes on either side of the mask. Insert string into the smaller holes and make a knot at the end of each string (knots will be in the front of the mask)

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½ - t + + ent !

A. Have an excellent Spring!


- u + the .24 + get

B. Don’t forget to smell the roses.



Rebus Puzzle

Knock knock.Who’s there?Phillip.Phillip who?Phillip my bag with candy!

Knock Knock!Who’s there?Sadie.Sadie who?Sadie Pledge of Allegiance.

Knock Knock!Who’s there?Britney Spears.Britney Spears who?Knock knockWho’s there?Oops I did it again.

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Making your own finger paints is easy and fun! The best part is you may already have all the ingredients in your home! Please note this recipe requires some cook time on the stove top, so make sure your parents are helping you!

Put flour and 1 cup of water in a saucepan and stir until smooth. Slowly add the rest of the water, stirring, while over medium heat. Do not stop stirring until it is smooth and it bubbles gently; after it bubbles let it cook for about 1 minute. Make sure the heat is not too high or it can burn the mixture at the bottom of the pan. (If the mixture is burnt the mixture will have brown specks.) Remove the saucepan from the heat and let the mixture cool completely. It may take up to 2 hours.

Pour the mixture into 3 or 4 cups, for each separate color, add a couple of drops of food color in each cup. Stir well until the desired color is achieved. (If you would like a deeper color just add more food coloring.) Use the finger paints right away or store in an air tight container to use within the next 2 days.

Makes about 2 cups of paint

1 cup: All-purpose flour 4 cups: Water

And: Food coloring

( )This recipe requires your parents help!

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Magnolia Ave.





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Ramona High School

91 Fwy.

California Ave.


Riverside, CA 92504951.689.9622

OUR WORK IS CHILD’S PLAYYMCA of Riverside City & County has a wide array of Childrens’ programs and services including:

• Before / After School Child Care• Youth Sports: Basketball & Football Leagues• Summer Day & Resident Camp• Dance Classes, Swimming Lessons, and much more!

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Parents’ Corner

As many parents know, time is fleeting and in today’s modern age spending time with family has become a challenge. Often parents are finding themselves with not enough hours in a day to spend the necessary quality time that is needed for children. More often than not, parents are finding themselves exhausted juggling work, household chores, finances and spending less time enjoying their children.There are many small ways parents can set aside time to get back in touch with their family.

1. Create a family calendar and put it where everyone in the family can add events. Only put family activities on the calendar, not doctor appointments, soccer practice, or bills. Highlight special days of the month to spend quality time together doing an activity everyone in the family would enjoy.

2. Schedule special game nights. Instead of gathering around the television each night of the week, set aside one night a week to pick a game and have each family member participate.

3. Make it a priority to have dinner together as a family every night of the week. Have dinner at a regular time, turn the TV and cell phones off and devote an hour to talking and listening about each others day.

4. Pick a book or author the family agrees on and spend 30 minutes a night reading as a family. Play popcorn where one member of the family starts reading from the book and randomly picks a different member to read at any time. It keeps everyone on their toes and lets parents know who is not paying attention during family time.

5. Have a family sleep over in the living room or pick a different family member’s bedroom each week. Play card games, camp on the floor, make forts and cook s’mores. At the end of the night tell ghost stories by flashlight.

6. Have a bedtime routine for each family member. Individualize the bedtime to make it personal and have one on one time with each child. It ends the day on a positive note and creates a more positive attitude for tomorrow.

7. Depending on the weather, spend a few hours outside each week. Play a sports game, collect pinecones, flowers, or leaves and make art projects out of them. Identify plants and use this time as an informational learning experience for each member of the family.

8. Dance. Schedule an hour each week where every family member puts on their favorite song of the week and have a dance party.

Have a family movie night. Pack up the kids and take them to the video store for a family flick. Pop popcorn, grab your favorite blanket and snuggle up and watch the movie as a family.

Have an art showcase each week where every member of the family participates. During the week have each family member create a piece of art, it could be coloring from a coloring book to painting a masterpiece. Showcase and appreciate each piece of art and have the children explain their inspiration for their piece of art.

Make chores fun by segregating a day each week to clean by making it into a game. Have a point chart and give each child points for a job well done. At the end of the month let the children pick small prizes according to how many points they have acquired.

Go for a mini adventure every week. Pack the kids in the car and discover local hotspots together. Visit street fairs, local museums, or arcades every week for a lively, fun family outing.

Creating special time to spend with family is not as hard as it sounds. Managing your calendar and putting family first will soon be second nature and the benefits of great communication with your children will prove fruitful now and in the future.

12 Tips: Spending More Time with the Family!By Jenny Johnson





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Instructing children on the value of money is a critical part of their growth and is one of the biggest challenges facing parents today. As soon as children can count is a great time to start

introducing the concept of money. Parents can start teaching their young children through familiarizing them with the shapes, sizes and colors of money. Children learn through observation and repetition, likewise parents can start early by explaining how money works, how to save money, and how to spend it wisely. Start teaching children by counting change and create role playing games to get them familiar to the concept of how money works.

There are three categories within the concept of money every parent should explain to their children. First, explain to children how money is earned. Considering how we go to ATM machines for money, children might have the misconception that money just comes out whenever it is needed. Break down how we make money and why it is important to save. Secondly, explain to kids what spending money means and what is important to spend money on. For example, when at the grocery store or buying gas explain to children why it is important to have money to spend on necessities and what it means to be frugal. Demonstrate the pros and cons of making purchases through proper research to make well informed and economically sound selections. On shopping trips explain the need for coupons, sales, and comparison shopping to stretch the almighty dollar.

In Addition to showing children how to properly stretch money, illustrate why it is important to save money. Make saving money fun and exciting by getting your children a piggy bank and have them take time to decorate the bank and show their creativity and pride. Have your child set goals on what they would like to save for. For example, if they want a pizza party or to rent a video game or movie have them reach that goal through the hard work ethic. Give children small chores where they can earn their own money and make it an event when they choose to save it. Have your child create a wish list and have them start out small through saving money to eventually reach their goal with determination. Create a visual saving chart for your child where they can look at it daily, weekly, and monthly to see how far they have come to reaching their goals both big and small.As a result of teaching your children the value of money, they not only will learn but it will give them a sense of empowerment by virtue of working toward a goal on their own. This provides self assurance, confidence and pride at an early age which creates sound adults of tomorrow. Be the example your children can look up to through choosing wisely what you spend money on and how to save for goals like family vacations. Children can get excited and come to understand the concept of money very easily where it will become second nature through good decision making and goals.

Making M o n e ySavvy Kids

By Jenny Johnson

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