Page 1: KANJI 77-221 (Second Grade) - Second Grade 77-221.pdf会話 kaiwa, conversation (221) (meeting words) 会社 kaisha, company, corporation (137) 会議 kaigi, meeting,

KANJI 77-221 (Second Grade)



bow and a line

(string, ready

to be drawn)

IN, hiki, pulling; hi(ku), to pull, draw [弓 yumi, a bow], to

catch (風邪 kaze, a cold), attract (注意 chūi, attention), to

cite (例 rei, an example), to tow (船 fune, a boat), to install

(電話 denwa, a telephone), to lay (水道 suidō, water pipes)

引き出し hikidashi, drawer; withdrawal (bank account)


引き出す hikidasu, to pull ~ out; to withdraw money (34)

百円引き hyaku-en biki, 100-yen discount (67, 4)

割引 waribiki, discount (823)

一割引 ichiwaribiki, 10% discount (823)

値引き nebiki, discount (933)

引っ越しする hikkoshi suru, to move (house) (--)

福引き fukubiki, lottery (386)

取引 torihiki, business, transaction, dealings (301)

索引 sakuin, index (1299)

引退する intai suru, to retire [for personal reasons] (746)

引き立てる hikitateru, to patronise, support, encourage (73)

引力 inryoku, gravitation; magnetism (74)

引用 in’yō, quotation, citation (215)

引用符 in’yōfu, quotation marks (215, 1753)

引火する inka suru, to catch fire (8)



雲 rain +



UN, kumo, cloud; kumo(ri), cloudy; kumo(ru), to become


星雲 seiun, nebula (154) (star-cloud)

雲集 unshū, throng, crowd, swarm (309) (cloud-gather)

積乱雲 sekiranun, cumulonimbus (521, 989)

雲行きが怪しい kumoyuki ga ayashii, the weather looks

threatening (118)

雲脂、フケ fuke, dandruff (1319)



遠 long


EN, tō(i), far, distant

遠慮 enryo, (Japanese) reserve, diffidence (1903)

どうぞ遠慮しないでください Don’t stand on ceremony/ be shy

遠方の enpō no, distant; remote; far-away (204)

遠視である enshi de aru, to be longsighted (878)

遠足 ensoku, excursion, outing, long walk (51)

永遠 eien, eternity (615)

Page 2: KANJI 77-221 (Second Grade) - Second Grade 77-221.pdf会話 kaiwa, conversation (221) (meeting words) 会社 kaisha, company, corporation (137) 会議 kaigi, meeting,

敬遠する keien suru, to shun, stay away from, avoid (846)

遠視です enshi desu, I’m long-sighted (878)

遠近感 enkinkan, sense of perspective (103, 246)

望遠鏡 bōenkyō, telescope (585, 462)

遠回り tōmawari, detour, roundabout way (86)



何 KA, nan(i), what, how many? nan de, why? nan de mo,

anything [is okay], whatever; nani ka, something, anything;

nani mo, nothing

何時間 nanjikan, how much time? / several hours (135, 92)

何と無く nantonaku, somehow… just… (796)

何回 nankai, how many times? (86)

何度 nando, how many times/degrees? (356)

何曜日 nanyōbi, what day of the week? (216, 62)

何日 nan’nichi, what day of the month? (62)

何処 doko*, where? (896) (what-place?)

何時も itsumo*, always (135)

如何 ikaga*, how (about) … (1383)

何千 nanzen, thousands (47)



科 rice plant +

measure =



KA, course, branch, department, section; academic subject

科学 kagaku, science (10)

学科 gakka, school subject; university department (10)

教科書 kyōkasho, textbook (101, 142)

必修科目 hisshūkamoku, compulsory/required course (568,

704, 72)

選択科目 sentakukamoku, optional/elective course (527, 1551..)

理科系 rikakei, science degree (220, 844)

文科系 bunkakei, liberal arts degree (68, 844)

研究科 kenkyūka, research section (272, 253)

内科 naika, (dept. of) internal medicine (364)

外科 geka, (dept. of) surgery (91)

歯科医 shikai, dentist (290, 225)



夏 a person


holding a mask

KA, GE, natsu, summer

夏休み natsuyasumi, summer holiday (13)

真夏 manatsu, midsummer (514) (true-summer)

初夏 shoka, early summer (507)

立夏 rikka, first day of summer (73)

夏至 geshi, summer solstice (875) (summer-peak)

春夏秋冬 shunkashūtō, the four seasons (141, 140, 182)

夏季 kaki, summertime (448)

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家 roof +


KA, KE, ya, ie, house; specialist

家族 kazoku, family (333)

家賃 yachin, [house/room] rent (942)

家内 kanai, my wife (364) (less polite than 妻 tsuma)

家具 kagu, furniture (265)

家庭 katei, household (352) (house-garden)

大家 ōya, landlord (53)

家主 yanushi, landlord, landlady (299) (house-master)

画家 gaka, painter, artist (85)

作家 sakka, author (127)

政治家 seijika, politician (724, 544)

専門家 senmonka, specialist, expert (914, 211)

農家 nōka, farmhouse (366)



歌 KA, uta, song; uta(u), to sing

歌舞伎 Kabuki (1761, --) (song-dance-performer)

歌手 kashu, singer (32)

短歌 tanka (342) (short-song)

和歌 waka, Japanese poem, i.e. tanka (416)

演歌 enka (Japanese ballad) (621)

国歌 kokka, national anthem (123)

歌詞 kashi, lyrics (879)

歌劇 kageki, opera (848) (song-theatre)

賛美歌 sanbika, hymn (690, 376)

子守歌 komoriuta*, lullaby (25,300)

数え歌 kazoeuta, counting-rhyme (151)



画 to partition

fields with a

brush (on a


GA, a picture; KAKU, stroke (of a Japanese character)

映画 eiga, movie, moving picture (813)

漫画 manga, cartoon, comic (1838)

洋画 yōga, Western film/painting

邦画 hōga, Japanese film/painting

版画 hanga, woodblock print (770)

図画 zuga, a drawing (150)

録画 rokuga, videotape recording (611)

画家 gaka, artist, painter (83)

画面 gamen, screen (395)

漢字の画数 Kanji no kakusū, kanji stroke count (442, 28, 151)

計画 keikaku, plan, project, scheme (105)

計画を立てる keikaku o tateru, to draw up a plan (105, 73)

画策する kakusaku suru, to plan, to scheme (873)

画一的な kakuitsu-teki na, uniform, standard (1, 551)

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回 KAI, a turn; a time; mawa(su), to turn, pass (sth.) round

(v.t.); mawa(ru), to turn, rotate, make a tour (v.i.)

何回 nankai, how many times (80)

回送 kaisō, out-of-service car/train (331)

四回目 yonkaime, the fourth time (26, 72)

1ヵ月に二回 ikkagetsu ni nikai, twice a month

今回 konkai, this time, lately (125)

前回・次回 zenkai / jikai, last time (159) / next time (292)

回転 kaiten, revolution, rotation (354)

回転寿司 kaitenzushi, conveyor-belt sushi, sushi-go-round

回数券 kaisūken, coupon ticket (151, 661)

数回 sūkai, several times (151)

回教・回教徒 kaikyō / kaikyōto, Islam / Moslem (101, 554)

回復する kaifuku suru, to regain (health 健康 kenkō),

to restore (trust 信用 shin’yō)

回想 kaisō, recollection, reminiscence (532)

回覧 kairan, circulation (e.g. newspaper) (991)

言い回し iimawashi, turn of phrase, expression; diction (274)

回り道 mawarimichi, roundabout way (188)

歩き回る arukimawaru, to walk to and fro (202)



会 put a lid on a

pot of

steaming rice

KAI, E, meeting, society; a(u), to meet

会話 kaiwa, conversation (221) (meeting words)

会社 kaisha, company, corporation (137)

会議 kaigi, meeting, conference; convention (454)

会を開く・閉じる kai o hiraku/tojiru, to open/close a meeting

会員 kai’in, member of a society/club/association (228)

会計 kaikei, accounts; (o-kaikei) the bill (105)

社会 shakai, society (137) (shrine-meeting)

機会 kikai, chance, opportunity, occasion (453)

出会う deau, to meet (by chance) (34)

大会 taikai, large meeting, tournament (53)

忘年会 bōnenkai, year-end party (974, 64) (forget-year…)

歓迎会 kangeikai, welcome party (639, 1207)

送別会 sōbetsukai, farewell party (331, 579)

音楽会 ongakkai, concert (6, 218)

教会 kyōkai, church (101)

学会 gakkai, academic society; academic meeting (10)

国会 Kokkai, the Diet (123)

会場 kaijō, site of a gathering or event, venue (144)

会長 kaichō, board chairman, society president (173)

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海 water +every

KAI, umi, sea, ocean

海老 ebi*, shrimp, prawn, lobster (609)

海苔 nori*, laver, edible seaweed (--) (sea-moss)

海草 kaisō, seaweed (162) (sea-grass)

大海 taikai, ocean (53)

海外 kaigai, overseas, abroad; (~no) international (91)

海岸・海辺 kaigan, seaside, coast (248) / umibe, seaside (580)

海軍 kaigun, navy (466) (sea-army)

海兵隊員 kaiheitai’in, Marine (578, 540, 228)

海産物 kaisanbutsu, marine products (491, 387)

海水浴をする kaisuiyoku o suru, to bathe in the sea (40, 595)

瀬戸内海 setonaikai, Inland Sea (1469, 108, 364)

海女 ama*, female pearl diver (35)



絵 thread + put

together =



KAI, E, picture; 絵をかく[e o kaku], to draw/paint a picture

絵画 kaiga, picture, painting (85)

絵本 ehon, picture-book (70)

浮世絵 ukiyoe, Japanese print (1752, 327)

絵葉書 ehagaki, picture postcard (405, 142)

挿絵 sashie, illustration (in a book) (1517)

絵の具 e no gu, paints (265)

絵筆 efude, paintbrush (569)

油絵 aburae, oil painting (400)



貝 kai, sea shell, shellfish

貝類 kairui, shellfish (602)

帆立貝 hotategai, scallop (1711, 73)

貝拾い kaihiroi, shell gathering (305)



外 crack in a


used for


GAI, GE, outside, foreign; hoka, other; soto, outside, outdoors;

hazu(su), take off [glasses, watch]; miss [機会 kikai, chance]

外国人 gaikokujin, foreigner (123, 39)

外食する gaishoku suru, to eat out (146)

外出する gaishutsu suru, to go out (34)

外交・外交官 gaikō/gaikōkan, diplomacy/diplomat (115, 441)

意外 igai, unexpected, surprising (226) (thought-outside)

以外 igai, except for, with the exception of (419)

外来語 gairaigo, loanword (217, 112)

外務省 Gaimushō, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (795,


郊外 kōgai, suburbs, outskirts (1254)

外科 geka, surgery, surgical unit (81)

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外側 sotogawa, exterior (535)



間 sun in door

KAN, KEN, aida, interval, space, gap;

ma, interval, room, time

人間 ningen, human being (39) (person-space)

時間 jikan, time, hour (135)

期間 kikan, period (of time) (251)

間に合う ma ni au, to be in time (121)

この間 konoaida, the other day, recently

間違い machigai, mistake, error; fault (1006)

昼間 hiruma, daytime (172)

居間 ima, living room, family room (649)

手間 tema, trouble, labour (32)

日本間 Nihonma, Japanese-style room (62, 70)

一週間 isshūkan, (for) a week (1308)

食間 shokkan, between meals (146)

空間 kūkan, space, the infinite (15)

間接の kansetsu no, indirect (730)

間接税 kansetsuzei, indirect tax (730, 727)

間接的な影響 kansetsuteki na eikyō, indirect influence

(730, 551, 1017, 1171)



顔 GAN, kao, face

顔面 ganmen, face (395)

顔色 kao-iro, complexion (145)

顔付き kaotsuki, look, expression, (574)

笑顔になる egao ni naru, to smile, to beam (900)

悲しそうな顔をする kanashisō na kao o suru, look sad (375)

顔料 ganryō, cosmetics; paints; pigment (599)

洗顔する sengan suru, to wash one’s face/eyes (916)

顔負けする kaomake suru, to be shocked, embarrassed (383)



汽 KI, steam, vapour

気圧 kiatsu, steam pressure (612)

汽船 kisen, steamship, steamboat (158)

汽車 kisha, steam(-driven) train (31)

夜汽車 yogisha, night train (212, 31)



KI, chronicle, account; shiru(su), to record, write down

日記 nikki, diary, journal (62)

記者 kisha, journalist (298)

記念 kinen, commemoration; memorial; souvenir (561)

記念日 kinenbi, anniversary, memorial day (561, 62)

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words +

thread (from

end to end) =


verbal account

結婚記念日 kekkonkinenbi, wedding anniversary (472, 1278)

記録 kiroku, record, chronicle, document (611)

記憶力 kiokuryoku, memory (1039, 74)

記憶力が良い kiokuryoku ga yoi, has a good memory

暗記する anki suru, to learn by heart, to memorise (224)

暗記力が強い ankiryoku ga tsuyoi, has a good memory

記号 kigō, mark, sign, symbol (281)

古事記 Kojiki, [Ancient Chronicles of Japan] (109, 293)

伝記 denki, biography (553)

記事 kiji, news story, article [in newspaper] (293)

速記 sokki, shorthand (534) (speed-account)

明記する meiki suru, to write clearly, to specify (208)

記入する kinyū suru, to make an entry, to fill out/in (63)



帰 follow +

broom (wife)

KI, kae(ru), to return (home); to leave

お帰りなさい o-kaeri nasai = said to greet a family member

on their return to the house

帰り道に kaerimichi ni, on one’s way home/back (188)

帰省する kisei suru, to return to one’s hometown (516)

帰化 kika, naturalisation (238)

帰化人 kikajin, naturalised person (238, 39)

帰国する kikoku suru, to return to one’s country (123)

帰宅する kitaku suru, to return, to come home (928)

復帰する fukki suru, to come back to work [e.g. after

maternity leave] (782)



牛 GYŪ, ushi, cow, bull, ox

牛乳 gyūnyū, milk (951)

低脂肪牛乳 teishibōgyūnyū, low-fat milk (548, 1319, 1810, 951)

高脂肪牛乳 kōshibōgyūnyū, high-fat milk (119, 1319, 1810, 951)

牛肉 gyūniku, beef (365) (in Japan, usually fatty;

the fish and seafood here is infinitely superior to the meat)

乳牛 nyūgyū, dairy cow (951)

牛丼 gyūdon, a bowl of rice topped with sliced, fatty,

usually American, beef (--)

仔牛 ko’ushi, calf (--)

仔牛の肉 ko’ushi no niku, veal (--, 365)

闘牛 tōgyū, bullfight (1659) (fight-bull)

水牛 suigyū, water buffalo (40)

野牛 yagyū, bison, buffalo (213) (wild-cow)

牛飼 ushikai, cowherd (1322)

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魚 GYO, uo, sakana, fish

焼魚 yakizakana, grilled fish (509)

魚屋 sakanaya, fishmonger(’s) (236)

魚市場 uo’ichiba, fish market (130, 144)

鮮魚 sengyo, fresh fish (1501)

魚つり uotsuri, sakanatsuri, fishing

金魚 kingyo, goldfish (14)

人魚 ningyo, mermaid, merman (39)

熱帯魚 nettaigyo, tropical fish (560, 539)

淡水魚 tansuigyo, freshwater fish (1565, 40)

深海魚 shinkaigyo, deep-sea fish (325, 88)



京 house on a hill

KYŌ, capital; KEI

東京 Tōkyō (184) (East-Capital)

京都 Kyōto (355) (capital-capital)

北京 Pekin, Beijing (205) (North-Capital)

京阪神 keihanshin, Kyōto-Ōsaka-Kobe area (--, 324)

京浜 keihin, Tōkyō-Yokohama area (1743)

上京する jōkyō, to go to Tokyo (37)



強 big, strong

insect that



KYŌ, GŌ, tsuyo(i), strong

勉強 benkyō, study (390)

強力 kyōryoku, strength (74)

強情 gōjō, obstinacy (719)

強弱 kyōjaku, strength (137)

強風 kyōfū, strong wind (198)

強化する kyōka suru, to strengthen, to intensify (238)

強国 kyōkuni, strong country, great power (123)

強制的な kyōseiteki na, compulsory, forced (722)

強調 kyōchō, emphasis, stress (348)



教 force a child to


KYŌ, oshi(eru), to teach

教室 kyōshitsu, classroom (136)

教育 kyōiku, education (227)

教会 kyōkai, church (87)

教科 kyōka, subject, curriculum (81)

教科書 kyōkasho, textbook (81, 142)

教師 kyōshi, instructor, teacher (693)

教授 kyōju, professor (702)

教務課 kyōmuka, Academic Affairs Section (795, 433)

宗教 shūkyō, religion (889)

キリスト教 kirisutokyō, Christianity

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玉 a string of

beads with

jade discs

GYOKU, tama, jewel, round object, ball

水玉 mizutama, drop of water (40)

目玉 medama, eyeball (72)

十円玉 jūendama, ¥10 coin (33, 4)

玉座 gyokuza, the throne (870) (jewel-seat)

珠玉 shugyoku, gem, jewel (1349)

玉乗り tamanori, balancing on a ball (320)

玉突き tamatsuki, billiards (1668) (ball-thrust)



近 movement +

axe (phonet.:

short) = short


KIN, chika(i), near, close to; almost; chika(ku), near, nearby

最近 saikin, recently (484)

近所 kinjo, neighbourhood (312)

近眼です kingan desu, I’m short-sighted (640)

近視です kinshi desu, I’m short-sighted (878)

近代 kindai, modern ages (338)

近代化 kindaika, modernisation (338, 238)

近代思想 kindaishisō, modern thought (338, 131, 532)

付近 fukin, neighbourhood, vicinity (574)

近道 chikamichi, shortcut (188)

近年 kin’nen, in recent years (64)



形 grille +hairs

KEI, GYŌ, katachi, ~gata, shape, form, pattern

人形 ningyō, doll, puppet (39)

形容詞 keiyōshi, adjective (802, 879)

形式 keishiki, (external) form; formality (295)


tegami no keishiki de kakareta shōsetsu, epistolary novel

円形の enkei no, circular (4)

半円形 han-enkei, semicircle (195, 4)

長方形 chōhōkei, rectangle (173, 204)

形見 katami, keepsake (18)

形作る katachizukuru, to form, shape (127)



計 words + 10 =

to count in


KEI, haka(ru), to measure [身長 shinchō, height];

to take [熱 netsu, temperature]

時計 tokei, watch, clock (135)

会計 kaikei, account(s); bill [in restaurant] (87)

計算する keisan suru, to calculate, to compute (128)

計算が合う keisan ga au, the figures add up (121)

計画する keikaku suru, to plan (85) (measure-partition)

計画どおりに keikaku dōri ni, according to plan (85)

生計を立てる seikei o tateru, to make/earn a living (42, 73)

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地震計 jishinkei, seismograph (167, 1444)

統計 tōkei, statistics (757)

合計 gōkei, sum, total (121)

小計 shōkei, subtotal (36)

会計学 kaikeigaku, accounting (87, 10)

会計士 kaikeishi, accountant (87, 494)

会計係 kaikeigakari, accountant (87, 268)

温度計 ondokei, thermometer (237, 356)

体温計 taionkei, clinical thermometer (165, 237)

寒暖計 kandankei, weather thermometer (245, 932)

設計 sekkei, design, planning (731)



元 the head: the

prime part,

the origin

GEN, GAN, moto, beginning, foundation, source, root, origin

元気な genki na, healthy, fine, energetic, vigorous (11)

元日 ganjitsu, New Year’s Day (62)

お中元 o-chūgen, midsummer gift (55)

根元 kongen, nemoto, root, origin, source, base (282)

地元の jimoto no, local (167)

地元民 jimotomin, local people (167, 590)

元素 genso, (chemical) element (737)

三次元の sanjigen no, three-dimensional (23, 292)

身元保証人 mimotohoshōnin, guarantor (323, 787, 715, 39)

元首相 motoshushō, ex-Prime Minister (139, 530)

元で motode, capital, funds

元通りにする motodōri ni suru, to restore (176)



原 cliffside spring

→ source/


GEN, origin; original; hara, field, meadow, plain

原因 gen’in, cause, source, origin (614)

原宿 Harajuku (505)

秋葉原 Akihabara (140, 405)

原子爆弾 genshibakudan, atom bomb (25, 1702, 1570)

原子力 genshiryoku, atomic energy (25, 74)

原子 genshi, atom (25)

原始人 genshijin, primitive man (288, 39)

草原 kusawara, sōgen, grassland, savannah, prairie, steppe (162)

原色 genshoku, primary colour (145)

原料 genryō, raw materials (599)

原油 gen’yu, crude oil (400)

原文 genbun, original text (68)

原形 genkei, original form (104)

原稿 genkō, manuscript (1266)

高原 kōgen, plateau (119)

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戸 half a gate

KO, to, door

江戸 Edo (1244) (huge river/inlet-door)

神戸 Kōbe* (324) (God-door)

網戸 amido, screen door (1855) (net-door)

雨戸 amado, (sliding) shutter, storm door (3)

戸棚 todana, closet, cupboard (1562)

引き戸 hikido, sliding door (77) (pull-door)

井戸 ido, (water) well (1470)

戸外の kogai no, outdoor, open-air (91)



古 mask worn at




KO, furu(i), old, ancient

古代 kodai, ancient times (338)

古風 kofū, old style, old custom (198)

古本屋 furuhonya, second-hand bookshop (70, 236)

中古車 chūkosha, used car (55, 31)

考古学 kōkogaku, archaeology (117, 10)

古都 koto, former capital (355)

古今 kokon, past and present (125)

懐古 kaiko, nostalgia (1067) (yearn-old)



午 pestle– strikes

the centre of a

mortar: central

horary sign

GO, noon

午前 gozen, morning, a.m. (159)

午後 gogo, afternoon, p.m. (111)

正午 shōgo, noon (41)

午餐 gosan, luncheon (--)

端午の節句 tango no sekku, Children’s Day (May 5; once called

‘Boy’s Day’; changed for some unknown reason) (1567, 523, 655)



後 to make little

progress →

to delay →

come after

GO, KŌ, ushi(ro [ni, de]), behind; ato, back, rear; after, later;

the rest; nochi, after, afterwards; oku(reru), to be behind, to

be slow [clock, watch]

時間に後れる jikan ni okureru, to be late (135, 92)

電車に後れる densha ni okureru, to miss a train (180, 31)

後で ato de, later, after (e.g. have drink served after meal)

後四人 ato yonin, another four people (26, 39)

午後 gogo, (in the) afternoon (110)

Aの後ろに A no ushiro ni, at the back of A, behind A

食後 shokugo, after meals (146)

最後の saigo no, the last, the final (484)

最後になりましたが saigo ni narimashita ga, last but not least

以後 igo, after; from now on; hereafter (419)

午後6時以後 gogo rokuji igo, after 6 p.m.

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今後 kongo, from now on, hereafter (125)

後半 kōhan, the latter half, second half (195)

後悔する kōkai suru, to regret, feel remorse (1063)

後の nochi no, later; future

後世 kōsei, posterity (327)

後味 atoaji, aftertaste (393)

後楽園 Kōrakuen, famous garden in Okayama (218, 234)



語 match


verbally →

speak well →


GO, word, speech; katari, narration; kata(ru), to tell, speak

日本語 Nihongo, Japanese (62, 70)

国語 kokugo, the national language =Japanese (123)

国語辞典 kokugojiten, Japanese dictionary (123, 500, 552)

英語 Eigo, English (426)

言語 gengo, language; speech (274)

外国語 gaikokugo, foreign language (91, 123)

単語 tango, a word; vocabulary (542)

物語 monogatari, tale, saga (387)

敬語 keigo, honorific language (846)

落語 rakugo, Japanese comic oral story (408)

語り手 katarite, narrator (32)

言語学 gengogaku, linguistics (274, 10)

真実を語る shinjitsu o kataru, to speak the truth (514, 296)

語彙 goi, vocabulary; glossary (--)

原語 gengo, (original) language (107)

語調 gochō, tone (348)



工 carpenter’s


KŌ, KU, worker, construction; craft, industry, work

工場 kōjō, factory; kōba, (small, private) factory (144)

工事中 kōjichū, under construction (293, 55)

道路工事 dōrokōji, road repairs (188, 415, 293)

大工・木工 daiku / mokkō, carpenter (53) / woodwork (69)

工学 kōgaku, engineering (10)

土木工学 doboku kōgaku, civil engineering (60, 69, 10)

工業 kōgyō, (manufacturing) industry (260)

重工業 jūkōgyō, heavy industry (311, 260)

軽工業 keikōgyō, light industry (269, 260)

人工的な jinkōteki na, artificial, manmade (39, 551)

工員 kōin, (factory) worker (228)

工夫 kōfu, workman, labourer (573)

石工 ishiku, (stone) mason (45)

細工 saiku, craftsmanship (284) (slender/fine work)

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広 KŌ, hiro(i), wide, spacious; hiro(maru), to be spread;

hiro(geru), to spread out (v.t.) [地図 chizu, map]; to open [本

hon, book]; to extend [知識 chishiki, knowledge]; to enlarge

hiro(garu), to spread (v.i.) [伝染病 densenbyō, disease],

[噂 uwasa, rumour; to spread out [枝 eda, branches];

広島 Hiroshima (358) (wide-island)

背広 sebiro, business suit (957)

広告 kōkoku, advertisement (481)

広場 hiroba, open space, public square, plaza (144)

広大な kōdai na, vast (53)

広報 kōhō, publicity (789)



交 a person

sitting with

crossed legs

KŌ, ma(jiru), to be mixed; maji(waru), to associate with, to

mix with; to intersect; ka(wasu), to exchange

交番 kōban, police box (196)

交通 kōtsū, traffic, transportation (176)

激しい交通 hageshii kōtsū, heavy traffic (1210, 176)

交通費 kōtsūhi, travel expenses (176, 567)

交通事故 kōtsūjiko, traffic accident (176, 56293, 668)

外交・外交官 gaikō/gaikōkan, diplomacy/diplomat (91, 441)

外交家 gaikōka, diplomatic person (91, 83)

外交関係 gaikōkankei, diplomatic relations (91, 444, 268)

国交 kokkō, diplomatic relations (123)

交差する kōsa suru, to cross, intersect (482)

交差点 kōsaten, intersection, crossroads, junction (482, 179)

交際(する) kōsai (suru), intercourse, company; (to socialise) (683)

Aと交際する A to kōsai suru, to become friends with A

交代(する) kōtai (suru), shift; relay; (to take turns) (338)

交換 kōkan, exchange (意見の iken no, of views) (1105)

。。。と交換に …to kōkan ni, in exchange for…



光 fire carried


KŌ, hikari, light, ray; hika(ru), to shine, sparkle, flash

観光 kankō, sightseeing (445) (carefully look at light)

観光客 kankōkyaku, tourist (445, 252)

観光地 kankōchi, tourist resort (445, 167)

日光 Nikkō (62) (light of the sun)

風光 fūkō, (beautiful natural) scenery (198)

光年 kōnen, light-year (64)

光学 kōgaku, optics (10)

光線 kōsen, beam (329)

光波 kōha, light-wave (367)

光景 kōkei, scene, sight, spectacle (469)

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考 old man with

long hair, bent

with age

KŌ, kanga(e), thought, idea, opinion;

kanga(eru), to think, consider

Aにいい考えがある A ni ii kangae ga aru, A has a good idea

参考 sankō, reference (490) (thought-in-attendance)

考え事 kangaegoto, (matter for) concern (293)

考古学 kōkogaku, archaeology (109, 10)

考案 kōan, idea, plan, scheme (418) (thought-on-table)

考査 kōsa, examination; test (678)

選考 senkō, selection, choice (527)

熟考 jukkō, consideration, deliberation (894) (ripe-thought)



行 crossroads

KŌ, GYŌ, AN, i(ku), yu(ku), to go;

okona(u), to hold, to conduct [選挙 senkyo, election]

銀行 ginkō, bank (263)

旅行する ryokō suru, to travel (410)

急行 kyūkō, express (train) (254)

~行き ~iki/yuki, bound for ~, going to ~ [train]

行き先 iki-, yukisaki, destination (49)

歩行 hokō, walk(ing) (118)

歩行者 hokōsha, pedestrian (118, 298)

歩行者天国 hokōsha tengoku, pedestrian precinct (118, 298,

58, 123) (pedestrian’s heaven)

行列 gyōretsu, procession, queue (414)

三行目 sangyōme, the third line (on a page) (23, 72)

実行する jikkō suru, to carry out, implement, execute (296)

代行 daikō, agent, proxy (338) (fee-go)

行方 yukue*, whereabouts (204)



高 a tall


KŌ, taka(i), high, tall, costly; taka(sa), height; taka(maru),

to rise; taka(meru), to raise

高等学校 kōtōgakkō [kōkō], high school (361, 10, 21)

最高の saikō no, highest, maximum, best, greatest (484)

最高点 saikōten, highest score (484, 179)

残高 zandaka, bank account balance (493)

円高 endaka, strong yen (4)

高価な kōka na, expensive, high-priced (626)

高値 takane, high price (933)

売上高 uriagedaka, sales, proceeds (192, 37)

高級 kōkyū, high-grade, -class, -rank (255)

高給 kōkyū, high salary (457)

高血圧 kōketsuatsu, high blood pressure (270, 612)

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高熱 kōnetsu, high fever; intense heat (560)

高気圧 kōkiatsu, high atmospheric pressure (11, 612)

高貴な kōki na, noble (by birth) (834)

高潔な kōketsu na, noble (character) (659)

高度 kōdo, altitude, height (356)

高台 takadai, elevated land (166)

高笑い takawarai, loud laughter (900)

高原 kōgen, plateau, tableland (107)



黄 flaming arrow

KŌ, Ō, ki, ko, yellow

黄色 ki-iro, yellow (145)

黄葉 kōyō, golden autumn leaves (405)

卵黄 ran’ ō, yolk (990)

硫黄 iō, sulphur (--)

黄熱病 ōnetsubyō, yellow fever (560, 381)

黄金 ōgon, kogane, gold; money (14)

黄砂 kōsa, yellow sand (869)



合 a cover over a

mouth: to cap

off a remark

GŌ, a(u), to be together, to fit; a(waseru), to put together, to

join, to unite, to combine

都合がいい tsugō ga ii, convenient (355, 598)

都合が悪い tsugō ga warui, inconvenient (355, 222)

具合 guai, state [of health], condition (265)

具合が良い・悪い guai ga yoi/warui, to feel well/ill

場合 baai, situation, circumstances, case (144)

そんな場合には sonna baai ni wa, in that case… (144)

試合 shiai, match (499)

お見合い o-miai, meeting for arranged marriage (18)

知合う shiriau, to get acquainted (169)

似合う niau, to suit, to match (696)

合格する gōkaku suru, to pass (an exam, a course) (633)

会合 kaigō, meeting (87)

合意 gōi, mutual consent, agreement (226) (meeting-minds)

合気道 aikidō (11, 188)

話し合う hanashiau, to discuss (221)

待合室 machiaishitsu, waiting room (337, 136)

組合 kumiai, union (160)

合図 aizu, signal, sign (150)

合計 gōkei, total (105)

合衆国 gasshūkoku, U.S.A. (705, 123)

合理的な gōriteki na, rational, logical, practical (220, 551)

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谷 deeply split


KOKU, tani, ya, valley, ravine, gorge

渋谷 Shibuya (1364) (astringent valley)

谷川 tanigawa, mountain stream (48)

谷間 tanima, valley (92)

峡谷 kyōkoku, gorge, ravine, canyon (1164)

渓谷 keikoku, ravine, canyon (1199)

谷底 tanizoko, ravine-bottom (549)

大渓谷 daikeikoku, large valley (53, 1199)

幽谷 yūkoku, deep ravine (1865) (dark-ravine)



国 enclosed jewel

KOKU, kuni, country, region

外国人 gaikokujin, foreigner (91, 39)

中国 chūgoku, China (55) (middle-country)

四国 Shikoku (26)

全国~ zenkoku~, national (330)

国立~ kokuritsu~, national (Park, University) (73)

国語 kokugo, national language (Japanese) (112)

国内 kokunai, domestic, internal (364)

国際的な kokusaiteki na, international (683, 551)

国際化 kokusaika, internationalisation (683, 238)

先進国 senshinkoku, developed country (49, 326)

国会 kokkai, the National Diet (87)

国旗 kokki, National Flag (451)

国民 kokumin, the people, nation (590)

国籍 kokuseki, nationality, citizenship (1486)

国家 kokka, state (83)

国連 kokuren, United Nations (607)

国土 kokudo, territory, country (60)

国境 kokkyō, border, national boundary (651)



黒 window with

soot, over a


KOKU, kuro(i), black

黒人 kokujin, negro (39)

黒海 kokkai, Black Sea (88)

黒板 kokuban, blackboard (373)

真っ黒な makkuro na, deep-black, jet-black (514)

黒豆 kuromame, black soybean (1640)

黒死病 kokushibyō, the Black Death (286, 381)

暗黒 ankoku, darkness, blackness (224)

黒字 kuroji, in the black (28)

黒潮 kuroshio, the Japan Current (941)

黒子 hokuro*, (facial) mole (25)

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今 to cover, hide

→ sudden →

imminent →


KON, KIN, ima, now, the present

今日 kyō*, today (62)

今朝 kesa*, this morning (175)

今週 konshū, this week (308)

今月 kongetsu, this month (16)

今年 kotoshi*, this year (64)

今度 kondo, this time; next time (356)

今夜 kon’ya, tonight, this evening (212)

今言ったこと ima itta koto, what I/you said just now (274)



才 dam across a


SAI, talent, suffix for counting age

十六才 jūroku-sai, 16 years old (33, 76)

天才・秀才 tensai / shūsai, genius (58 / 1355)

才能 sainō, talent, ability (766)

才気 saiki, talent, resourcefulness (11)

商才 shōsai, business ability (317)

多才 tasai, many talents (163)



作 adze on wood

SAKU, SA, tsuku(ru), to make, to grow, to cultivate; to

compose (詩 shi poem); to slice (刺身 sashimi : お作り)

作文 sakubun, essay, (literary) composition (68)

作家 sakka, writer, novelist (83)

操作する sōsa suru, to operate, to handle (1528)

製作 seisaku, production (726)

名作 meisaku, masterpiece (71)

作品 sakuhin, a work, opus; a creation (382)

原作 gensaku, original (work) (107)

作曲家 sakkyokuka, composer (261, 83)

工作 kōsaku, construction, engineering (113)

耕作 kōsaku, farming, cultivation (673)

豊作・不作 hōsaku / fusaku, good/bad harvest (790 / 572)

作法 sahō, manners, etiquette, decorum (584)

濃い作り kōi tsukuri, heavy make-up (1681)



算 bamboo; two

hands holding

an abacus

SAN, reckoning, calculation

算数 sansū, arithmetic (151)

計算 keisan, computation, calculation (105)

暗算 anzan, mental arithmetic (224)

足し算 tashizan, addition (51)

予算 yosan, budget (403)

決算する kessan suru, to settle an account (271)

通算(すると) tsūsan, the sum total; (all told, in all) (176)

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止 a (left)

footprint: to

plant the foot

= to stop

SHI, to(maru), to stop (v.i.); to(meru), to bring to a stop;

tome, stop; ya(mu), to stop (v.i.); ya(meru), to stop (v.t.),

give up (タバコ)

雨が止んだ ame ga yanda, it’s stopped raining (3)

中止する chūshi suru, to stop, to cancel, to give up (55)

中止になる chūshi ni naru, to be cancelled, called off,

rained off, broken off, suspended (55)

禁止 kinshi, prohibition (654)

停止する teishi suru, to suspend, stop (train service)


終止 shūshi, termination; cessation (306)

防止 bōshi, prevention (791)

通行止め tsūkōdome, closed to traffic (176)

休止(する) kyūshi, pause, suspension; (to discontinue) (13)

止血する shiketsu suru, to stop bleeding (270)

行き止まり ikidomari, dead end, impasse (118)

止め処 tomedo, end (1638)

止り木 tomarigi, perch (69)



市 place where

things level

out and stop



SHI, city; ichi, market

都市 toshi, city (355)

千葉市 Chiba-shi, Chiba city etc.

市役所 shiyakusho, city/municipal office (397, 312)

市民 shimin, citizen (590)

市民権 shiminken, citizenship (590, 851)

市場 ichiba, shijō, market, marketplace (144)

魚市 uoichi, fishmarket (98)

市況 shikyō, market conditions (1163)

市長 shichō, mayor (173)

株式市場 kabushiki shijō, stock exchange (824, 295, 144)

都市工学科 toshi kōgakka, Dept. of Urban Engineering

(355, 113, 10, 81)



思 SHI, omo(u), to think; to consider, regard, feel;

omo(idasu), to recollect, recall, remember sth. from the past

思い遣りのある omoiyari no aru, considerate (1220)

思い出 omoide, remembrance, recollection, memory (34)

意思 ishi, intention, purpose (226)

思想 shisō, thought, idea, conception, ideology (532)

国民思想 kokumin shisō, national sentiment (123, 590, 532)

思考 shikō, thought; consideration (117)

不思議な fushigi na, strange (572, 454) (not-think-proper)

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思春期 shishunki, puberty, adolescence (141, 251)



紙 thread-smooth

SHI, kami, paper

手紙 tegami, letter (32) (hand-paper)

紙袋 kamibukuro, paper bag (1546)

和紙 washi, Japanese paper (416)

ボール紙 bōrugami, cardboard

紙屑 kamikuzu, wastepaper (--)

表紙 hyōshi, book-cover, binding (379)

方眼紙 hōganshi, graph paper (204, 640)

包装紙 hōsōshi, wrapping paper (583, 1524)



寺 active &

methodical use

of the hands =

clerical work

JI, tera, temple

寺院 ji’in, (Buddhist) temple (229)

山寺 yamadera, mountain temple (24)

東大寺 Tōdaiji (184, 53)

金閣寺 Kinkakuji, the Golden Pavilion (14, 822)

銀閣寺 Ginkakuji, the Silver Pavilion (263, 822)

清水寺 Kiyomizudera (517 ,40) (pure-water-temple)

竜安寺 Ryōanji (1899, 223) (dragon-rest-temple)

社寺 shaji, shrines and temples (137)



自 from the nose

JI, SHI, self; mizukara, personally, in person

自然 shizen, nature (528)

自動車 jidōsha, car (362, 31)

自転車 jitensha, bicycle (354, 31)

自分 jibun, self (199)

自身 jishin, self (323)

自信を得る jishin o eru, to gain self-confidence (513, 761)

自信を失う jishin o ushinau, to lose self-confidence (513, 501)

自由(な)jiyū (na), freedom (399); (free, unrestricted)

自殺・自殺者 jisatsu/ jitsatsusha, suicide/a suicide (488, 298)

自殺を図る jisatsu o hakaru, to attempt suicide (150)

自然美 shizenbi, natural beauty (528, 376)

自然食品 shizenshokuhin, natural foods (528, 146, 382)

自衛 jiei, self-defence (617)

自衛隊 jieitai, ‘Self-Defence’ Forces (617, 540)

自営業 jieigyō, self-employment (616, 260)

自慢 jiman, vanity, pride (1837)

自宅 jitaku, one’s own home/house (928)

自給自足 jikyūjisoku, self-sufficiency (457, 51)

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時 regular

movement of

the sun

JI, toki, time, hour (一時 ichiji, one o’clock)

時間 jikan, time; period; hour (92)

時々 tokidoki, sometimes

時計 tokei, watch, clock (105) (time-measure)

時代 jidai, period, epoch, era (338)

縄文時代 Jōmon 弥生時代 Yayoi 飛鳥時代 Asuka

時限 jigen, time limit (665)

同時に dōji ni, simultaneously; concurrently (187)

時速 50マイル jisoku 50 mairu, 50 miles per hour (534)

時給 jikyū, payment by the hour (457)

時価 jika, current price (626)

時雨 shigure*, late autumn rain (3)

時と場合によって toki to baai no yotte, should time and

circumstances permit (144, 121)



室 place under

roof where one

can stop =


SHITSU, room, house; muro, storeroom, cave

教室 kyōshitsu, classroom (101)

和室 washitsu, Japanese-style room (416)

寝室 shinshitsu, bedroom (1441)

浴室 yokushitsu, bathroom (595)

居室 kyoshitsu, living-room (649)

会議室 kaigishitsu, conference room (87, 454)

地下室 chikashitsu, basement (167, 7)

五号室 gogōshitsu, room no. 5 (19, 281)

個室 koshitsu, private room (669)

空室 kūshitsu, vacant room (15)

暗室 anshitsu, darkroom (224)

温室 onshitsu, hothouse, greenhouse (237)

王室 ōshitsu, royal family (5)

室内 shitsunai, indoors (364)

室外 shitsugai, outdoor(s) (91)



社 altar, ground

SHA, a company; yashiro, (Shintō) shrine

会社 kaisha, (business) company (87)

社員 shain, (company) employee (228)

入社する nyūsha suru, to join a company (63)

神社 jinja, shrine (324)

社長 shachō, (company) president (173)

社会 shakai, society, the world, the community (87)

社会人 shakaijin, member of society (87, 39)

本社 honsha, head office (70)

支社 shisha, branch office (691)

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商社 shōsha, trading company (317)

公社 kōsha, public corporation (277)

社交的な shakōteki na, sociable, friendly (115, 551)

社交 shakō, social life (115)

社会科学 shakaikagaku, social sciences (87, 81, 10)

寺社 jisha, shrines and temples (133)



弱 doubled bow

bending +

delicate hairs

= something

bent as easily

as delicate


JAKU, yowa(i), weak; yowa(ru), to grow weak, be perplexed;

yowa(maru), to abate, wane; yowa(meru), to weaken,

soften, lower, dilute, turn down (gasu); yowa(sa), weakness;

yowa(mi), weakness, weak point, shortcoming

強弱 kyōjaku, strength (100) (strength-weakness)

弱点 jakuten, weak point, a weakness (179)

弱震 jakushin, minor tremor (1444)

弱火 yowabi, low heat [for cooking] (8)

弱気 yowaki, faintheartedness, timidity (11)

弱虫 yowamushi, weakling, coward (56)

虚弱な kyojaku na, weak, feeble, sickly (1156)

弱音 yowane, complaints (6) (the sound of weakness)

貧弱な hinjaku na, scanty, meagre; poor; limited (777)

病弱 byōjaku, delicate constitution (381)

弱者 jakusha, the disadvantaged; weak person (298)

弱風 jakufū, gentle wind (198)



首 eye + eyebrow

SHU, kubi, neck, head; chief

手首 tekubi, wrist (32)

足首 ashikubi, ankle (51)

部首 bushu, kanji radical (384)

首都 shuto, capital city (355)

首長 shuchō, leader; chief (173)

首位を占める shui o shimeru, to occupy first place (421, 1491)

首輪 kubiwa, (dog) collar; necklace (601)

首飾り kubikazari, necklace (1427)

首切り kubikiri, decapitation (156)

斬首 zanshu, decapitation (--)

首尾 shubi, result, issue, outcome (1734)

首領 shuryō, leader (806)

党首 tōshu, party leader (946)

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秋 rice-plant +


SHŪ, aki, autumn

秋田県 Akita-ken, Akita Prefecture (59, 273)

秋刀魚 sanma*, mackerel (181) (autumn-blade-fish)

初秋 shoshū, early autumn (507)

晩秋 banshū, late autumn (961) (evening-autumn)

秋分 shūbun, autumnal equinox (199) (autumn-divide)

秋雨 akisame, autumn rain (3)

秋風 akikaze, autumn breeze (198)

秋晴れ akibare, clear autumn weather (155)

春夏秋冬 shunkashūtō, the four seasons (141, 82, 182)



春 vigorous

growth of


plant in


SHUN, haru, spring

春風 harukaze, spring breeze (198)

春着 harugi, spring clothes (343)

春雨 harusame, spring rain (3)

春一番 haruichiban, first storm of the spring (1, 196)

早春 sōshun, early spring (50)

晩春 banshun, late spring (961)

春分 shunbun, vernal equinox (199) (spring-divide)

春闘 shuntō, the spring labour offensive (1659)

青春 seishun, springtime of life, youth (43)

売春 baishun, prostitution (192) (sell-spring)

小春日和 koharubiyori, Indian summer (36, 63, 416)

春日 Kasuga* (62)



書 hand holding

brush + thing


copy) = to

copy a thing

by brush

SHO, ka(ku), to write

辞書 jisho, dictionary (500)

読書 dokusho, reading (189)

書類 shorui, documents, written materials (602)

証明書 shōmeisho, certificate, diploma (715, 208)

申込書 mōshikomisho, application form (322, 1275)

教科書 kyōkasho, textbook (101, 81)

図書館 toshokan, library (150, 247)

書留 kakitome, registered mail (805)

葉書 hagaki, postcard (405)

秘書 hisho, secretary (964)

書き順 kakijun, stroke order (for Kanji) (506)

書道 shodō, (oriental) calligraphy (188)

書店 shoten, bookshop (178)

参考書 sankōsho, reference book (490, 117)

書斎 shosai, study (room) (1291)

書法 shohō, penmanship (584)

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少 smaller than

small; 4 points

instead of 3

SHŌ, suko(shi), suku(nai), few, little, scarce; suko(shi) mo,

[not] at all; suko(shi) zutsu, little by little

最小 saishō, fewest, youngest (484)

少女 shōjo, girl (35)

少年 shōnen, boy, lad, youth (64)

多少 tashō, somewhat, more or less (163)

少量 shōryō, small amount (600)

減少 genshō, decrease, reduction (667)

少数 shōsū, minority (151)



場 sun rising and

shedding light

→ clear, open


JŌ, ba, place, ground, track, hall, (golf) course

工場 kōjō, kōba, factory (113)

場所 basho, place, location, spot (312)

場合 baai, case, occasion; circumstances (121)

そんな場合には sonna baai ni wa, in that case… (121)

仕事場 shigotoba, place of work (285, 293)

入場券 nyūjōken, admission/entrance ticket (63, 661)

駐車場 chūshajō, parking lot (1587, 31)

会場 kaijō, meeting-place (87)

市場 ichiba, shijō, market, mart (130)

広場 hiroba, plaza; square; open space (114)

立場 tachiba, standpoint, position (73)

劇場 gekijō, theatre (848)

運動場 undōjō, playground, sports field (231, 362)

競馬場 keibajō, racetrack (463, 191)

球場 kyūjō, baseball ground (257)

戦場 senjō, battlefield (526)

牧場 bokujō, pasture; meadow; ranch (586)

三幕一場 sanmaku-ichiba, Act 3 Scene 1 (23, 977, 1)



色 person

bending over




SHOKU, SHIKI, iro, colour, sensuality

顔色 kaoiro, ganshoku, complexion (93)

景色 keshiki, scenery (469)

色々な iroiro na, various

色を失う iro o ushinau, to turn pale, to lose colour (501)

特色 tokushoku, characteristic (760) (special-colour)

無色 mushoku, colourless (796)

好色 kōshoku, amorousness (859)

色情・色欲 shikijō/shikiyoku, lust (719) / carnal desire (987)

原色 genshoku, primary colour (107)

色素 shikiso, pigment (737)

保護色 hogoshoku, camouflage (787, 670)

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食 covered food

in dish

SHOKU, food, meal; eclipse; ta(beru), to eat; ku(u), to eat

食べ物 tabemono, food (387)

食堂 shokudō, dining hall (557)

定食 teishoku, set course meal (351)

和食 washoku, Japanese food (416)

食事(をする) shokuji (o suru), meal, dinner; (to dine) (293)

外食する gaishoku suru, to eat out (91)

食欲 shokuyoku, appetite (987)

飲食 inshoku, eating and drinking (230)

主食 shushoku, staple food (299)

食前 shokuzen, before meals (159)

食後に shokugo ni, after meals (111)

食間 shokkan, between meals (92)

大食い ō-gui, glutton (53)

食物 shokumotsu, food, edibles (387)

菜食主義者 saishokushugisha, vegetarian (483, 299, 645, 298)

食い物 kuimono, food; victim, prey (387)



心 SHIN, kokoro, spirit, heart, mind, feelings; core (of fruit)

心臓 shinzō, heart (924)

心配 shinpai, worry, anxiety (368)

安心 anshin, peace of mind (223)

関心 kanshin, concern, interest (444)

感心する kanshin suru, to admire, be impressed by (246)

感心な kanshin na, admirable, praiseworthy (246)

良心 ryōshin, conscience (598)

熱心 nesshin, enthusiasm (560)

一心 isshin, whole-heartedness (1)

好奇心 kōkishin, curiosity (859, 1123)

大和心 yamatogokoro, the Japanese spirit (53, 416)

以心伝心 ishin-denshin, telepathic/tacit understanding,

(mis) understanding without words (419, 553)

心遣い kokorozukai, concern, consideration (1220)

心電図 shindenzu, ECG (180, 150)

心不全 shinfuzen, heart failure (572, 159)

中心 chūshin, centre, core (55)

衷心から chūshin kara, from the bottom of one’s heart (1585)

重心 jūshin, centre of gravity (311)

心持ち kokoromochi, mood, feeling, frame of mind (294)

真心 magokoro, sincerity, devotion (514)

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新 take an axe to

a standing tree

SHIN, atara(shii), new; arata ni, newly, anew, afresh, again

新聞 shinbun, newspaper (200)

新幹線 Shinkansen (637, 329)

新宿 Shinjuku (--)

新鮮な shinsen na, fresh (1501)

新年 shinnen, the New Year (64)

新製品 shinseihin, new product (328, 382)

新品の shinpin no, brand-new (382)

真新しい ma’atarashii, brand-new (514)

新世界 shinsekai, the New World (327, 240)

新学期 shingakki, new school term (10, 251)

新人 shinjin, newcomer, new face (39)

新入生 shinnyūsei, new student/pupil (63, 42)

新築の shinchiku no, newly-built (751)

新妻 ni-iduma, newly married woman (681)



親 the kin one


SHIN, oya, parent; shita(shimu), to make friends with, to

take kindly to; shita(shii), intimate, familiar, close [friend]

両親 ryōshin, parents (411)

親切 shinsetsu, kindness (156)

母親 hahaoya, mother (203)

親類 shinrui, relative, relation (602)

親子 oyako, parent and child (25)

親友 shinyū, close friend (214)

肉親 nikushin, blood relation(s) (365)

親方 oyakata, boss; chief; foreman (204)

親分 oyabun, (gangster) boss; ringleader (199)



図 partitioning

fields on a


ZU, drawing, plan, diagram (~を書く~o kaku, to draw); TO;

haka(ru), to strive for; to attempt (e.g. 自殺 jisatsu, suicide)

図書館 toshokan, library (142, 247)

地図 chizu, map (167)

案内図 annaizu, guide/information map (418, 364)

天気図 tenkizu, weather map (58, 11)

設計図 sekkeizu, plan, blueprint (731, 105)

図画 zuga, drawing, picture (85)

図面 zumen, drawing; sketch; plan (395)

図表 zuhyō, chart, diagram (379)

図鑑 zukan, picture book (117)

図星 zuboshi, the bull’s eye (154)

図星をさすzuboshi o sasu, to hit the mark, to guess right (154)

図-3 zu-san, Figure 3

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数 to chant while




SŪ, SU, kazu, number; kazo(eru), to count; ~ni kazoerareru,

to be reckoned among~

数学 sūgaku, mathematics (10)

数字 sūji, figure, numeral, digit (28)

算数 sansū, arithmetic (128)

回数 kaisū, frequency; number of times (86)

多数の tasū no, a large number of, many (163)

少数 shōsū, few, minority (143)

人数 ninzū, the number (of people) (39)

数珠 juzu*, (Buddhist) rosary (1349)

数々の kazukazu no, many; numerous; various



西 basket/


falling drops

of wine =

falling sun

SEI, SAI, nishi, west

関西 Kansai (444) (barrier-west)

西洋 seiyō, the West, the Occident (404)


西洋人 seiyōjin, Westerner (404, 39)

大西洋 Taiseiyō, Atlantic Ocean (53, 404)

西瓜 suika*, watermelon (--)

西半球 nishihankyū, Western Hemisphere (195, 257)

東西 tōzai, east and west, Orient and Occident (184)

北西 hokusei, northwest (205)

西暦 seireki, Christian Era, A.D. (1927)

西経 seikei, west longitude (658)

西日 nishibi, afternoon sun (62)



声 what enters

the ear when a


instrument is


SEI, SHŌ, koe, voice

泣き声 nakigoe, weeping, crying, sobbing [human] (838)

鳴き声 nakigoe, crying, howling, twittering [animal] (209)

音声 onsei, sound, voice, audio (6)

音声学 onseigaku, phonetics (6, 10)

名声 meisei, reputation (71) (name/fame-voice)

声明 seimei, statement, declaration (208)

擬声 gisei, onomatopoeia (1139)

擬声語 giseigo, onomatopoeic word (1139, 12)

大声で ōgoe de, in a loud voice (53)

声楽家 seigakuka, vocalist (218, 83)

声帯 seitai, the vocal cords (539)

声価 seika, reputation, fame (626)

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星 many points of

active light

SEI, JŌ, hoshi, star

惑星 wakusei, planet (1942)

星占い hoshiuranai, astrology; horoscope (1491)

星座 seiza, constellation (870)

衛星 eisei, satellite, moon (617)

彗星 suisei, comet (--)

水星 suisei, Mercury (40)

火星 kasei, Mars (8)

金星・明星 kinsei / myōjō, Venus (14) / (208)

木星 mokusei, Jupiter (69)

土星 dosei, Saturn (60)

天王星 tennōsei, Uranus (58, 5)

海王星 kaiōsei, Neptune (88, 5)

冥王星 meiōsei, Pluto (--, 5)

図星 zuboshi, bull’s eye (150)

流星 ryūsei, shooting star (409)

流れ星 nagareboshi, shooting star, meteor (409)



晴 clear open sun

SEI, ha(re), fine weather; ha(reru), to clear [up] (weather)

秋晴れ akibare, clear autumn weather (140)

素晴らしい subarashii, wonderful (737)

晴雨計 seiukei, barometer (3, 105)

晴れ着 haregi, one’s best clothes (343)

晴れやかな hareyaka na, cheerful; bright

晴天 seiten, fine weather, cloudless sky (58)



切 seven-sword

SETSU, SAI, ki(ru), to cut

切符 kippu, ticket (1753)

切手 kitte, stamp (32)

親切な shinsetsu na, kind (149) (kin-cut)

大切な taisetsu na, important (53) (big-cut)

切腹 seppuku, hara-kiri (965)

缶切り kankiri, can-opener (1095)

爪切り tsumekiri, nail-clippers (--)

期限切れの kigengire no, overdue, expired (251, 665)

期限の切れた kigen no kireta, expired (251, 665)

締め切り shimekiri, deadline (1622)

一切れ hitokire, one slice (1)

一切 issai, all, everything (1) (one-cut)

切り倒す kiritaosu, to fell (a tree) (1643)

小切手 kogitte, cheque (36, 32)

切断 setsudan, cutting, amputation (750)

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雪 rain + hand

(clearing away

what has

fallen from the


SETSU, yuki, snow

雪だるま yukidaruma, snowman

雪祭り yukimatsuri, Snow Festival (283)

除雪する josetsu suru, clear away the snow (711)

粉雪 konayuki, powder snow (577)

雪靴 yukigutsu, snowshoes (1052)

雪上車 setsujōsha, snowmobile (37, 31)

雪降り・降雪 yukifuri / kōsetsu, snowfall (863)

雪解け yukidoke, thaw (632)

雪焼けした yukiyake shita, snow-tanned (509)

雪曇りの yukigumori no, threatening to snow (1672)

雪原 setsugen, snowfield (107)

雪嵐 yukiarashi, snowstorm (--)

吹雪 fubuki*, blizzard, snowstorm (1452)



船 hollowed-out


SEN, fune, funa, boat, ship

船橋 Funabashi (259)

造船 zōsen, shipbuilding (739)

漁船 gyosen, fishing boat (459)

船員 sen’in, sailor (228)

船長 senchō, captain (173)

船便 funabin, seamail (582)

渡し船 watashibune, ferry (1636)

汽船 kisen, steamboat, steamship (94)

助け船 tasukebune, lifeboat

風船 fūsen, balloon (198)

飛行船 hikōsen, airship, blimp (566, 118)



前 ZEN, mae, before; in front of; previous, ago; o-mae, you!

午前 gozen, morning, a.m. (110)

食前 shokuzen, before meals (146)

前菜 zensai, hors d’œuvre (483)

以前 izen, ago, since, before (419)

前日 zenjitsu, the previous day, the day before (62)

一人前 ichininmae, one helping, one portion (1, 39)

気前 kimae, generosity (11)

前髪 maegami, fringe (1706) (before-hair)

前半 zenhan, the first half (195)

前妻 zensai, ex-wife (681)

前の夫 mae no otto, ex-husband (573)

前後 zengo, before and after; order; context (111)

前列 zenretsu, front row (414)

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組 thread +


SO, kumi, (school) class, group, set, corporation, gang;

ku(mu), to join, to unite, put together; to form (団体 dantai,

organization); to cross (足 ashi, legs); to fold (腕 ude, arms)

番組 bangumi, (TV) programme (196)

組み立て kumitate, construction, structure (73) (join-rise)

組み立てる kumitateru, to assemble, to construct (73)

組み合わせる kumiawaseru, to combine, assort; to pair (121)

組合 kumiai, union, guild (121)

一組 hitokumi, one set, one class (1)

骨組み honegumi, skeleton, framework (867) (bone-group)

組曲 kumikyoku, (musical) suite (261)

組閣する sokaku suru, form a Cabinet (822)



走 frantic


with the feet

SŌ, hashi(ru), to run

御馳走 gochisō, feast, treat (1158)

御馳走様でした gochisōsama deshita, Thank you for the food

競走 kyōsō, race, running match (463)

走行注意 sōkōchūi, Drive Carefully (118, 344, 226)

暴走族 bōsōzoku, noisy, puerile, shit-for-brains bastards

on motorcycles (793, 333)

走者 sōsha, runner (298)

走行距離 sōkōkyori, distance covered, mileage (118, 1157, 1897)

滑走路 kassōro, runway (1088, 415)

走り書き hashirigaki, hasty writing (142)

走り去る hashirisaru, to run away (258)

逃走する tōsō suru, to run away, to flee (1642)

脱走する dassō suru, to escape, flee; to desert (1560)

脱走者 dassōsha, deserter; runaway (1560, 298)

小走り kobashiri, running with short steps (36)

師走 shiwasu, year-end, December (693)



草 grass/plant

+ early

SŌ, kusa, grass, vegetation, plant

海草 kaisō, seaweed (88)

草原 kusahara (kusawara), grassy plain (107)

草取り kusatori, weeding (301)

草葉 kusaba, blade of grass (405)

草分け kusawake, pioneer (199) (grass-divider)

草食の sōshoku no, herbivorous (146)

草地 kusachi, grassland, meadow (167)

草色の kusairo no, green (145)

草履 zōri*, zori, (straw) sandals (1896)

煙草 tabako*, tobacco (1027)

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多 many evenings

TA, ō(i), many, much, abundant

多分 tabun, perhaps; probably (199)

多過ぎる ōsugiru, too many (629)

滅多に metta ni, rarely (+negative form verb) (1848)

多数の tasū no, a large number of, many (151)

多数決 tasūketsu, majority decision (151, 271)

多音節 taonsetsu, polysyllable (6, 523)

多量 taryō, great quantity (600)

多大 tadai, great amount (53)

多様な tayō na, various, diverse, manifold (407)

本多 Honda (70)

多額の tagaku no, large, a large sum of (money) (635)



太 TAI, TA, futo(i), big; deep (voice); bold (lines); shameless;

futo(ru), to put on weight; futo(rasu), to fatten; futo(tta), fat

太陽 taiyō, the sun (406)

太平洋 Taiheiyō, Pacific Ocean (388, 404)

太子 taishi, Crown Prince (e.g. Shōtoku Taishi) (25)

太もも futomomo, thigh

太鼓 taiko, (big) drum (1234)

太古 taiko, ancient times (109)

太字 futoji, bold (type) (28)

太刀 tachi*, (long) sword (181)

丸太 maruta, log (830)



体 plentiful bones

TAI, TEI, karada, body

体重 taijū, (body) weight (311)

体育 tai’iku, physical education (227)

体温 taion, body temperature (237)

体温計 taionkei, (clinical) thermometer (237, 105)

大体 daitai, generally; on the whole; roughly (53)

固体・気体 kotai, solid (476) / kitai, gas (11)

体長 taichō, body length [animals] (173)

団体 dantai, group; organisation; body; party (749)

具体的な gutaiteki na, concrete (not abstract) (265, 551)

文体 buntai, (literary) style (68)

体格 taikaku, physique (633)

体操 taisō, gymnastics, callisthenics (922)

死体 shitai, corpse (286)

車体 shatai, body of a vehicle, chassis, frame (31)

本体 hontai, substance; main part; true form (70)

体付き karadatsuki, body-build, physique, figure (574)

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台 self + mouth

TAI, DAI, stand, base, platform; counter (machines, cars, etc.)

台風 taifū, typhoon (198)

台所 daidokoro, kitchen (312)

台湾 Taiwan (1944)

台北 Taihoku, Taipei (205)

天文台 tenmondai, (astronomical) observatory (58, 68)

燈台 tōdai, lighthouse (- - simplified as 556 灯)



地 undulating


CHI, JI, earth, ground, land

地震 jishin, earthquake (1444)

地球 chikyū, the earth, the globe (257)

地下 chika, underground (7)

地階 chikai, basement (242)

地下鉄 chikatetsu, underground, metro, Tube (7, 353)

地図・地図帳 chizu, map / chizuchō, atlas (150, 347)

地理学 chirigaku, geography (220, 10)

地質学 chishitsugaku, geology (699, 10)

地形学 chikeigaku, topography (104, 10)

地位 chi’i, social standing/status/position (421)

教授の地位 kyōju no chi’i, professorship (101, 702, 421)

地中海 chichūkai, the Mediterranean Sea (55, 88)

土地 tochi, (piece of) land; estate; lot; soil; earth (60)

土地の者 tochi no sha, a native (60, 298)

墓地 bochi, graveyard (788)

耕地 kōchi, arable land, farmland (673)

地名 chimei, place name (71)

地区 chiku, district; section (465)

地方の chihō no, local; regional; provincial (204)

地域差 chi’ikisa, regional differences (809, 482)

地平線 chiheisen, horizon (388, 329)

地上の chijō no, ground; earthly (37)

地租 chiso, land-tax (1506)

天地 tenchi, heaven and earth (58)

地獄 jigoku, hell (1274)



池 water

encircled by


CHI, ike, pond, lake

池袋 Ikebukuro (1546)

電池 denchi, battery (180)

古池 furuike, old pond (109)

用水地 yōsuichi, reservoir (215, 40)

貯水池 chosuichi, reservoir (546, 40)

池畔 chihan, pond-side, edge of a pond (1713)

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知 CHI, shi(ru), to know; shi(raseru), to inform

お知らせ o-shirase, information, notice

知識 chishiki, knowledge (698)

知識人 chishikijin, an intellectual (698, 39)

知識が十分ある chishiki ga jūbun aru, to have a good

knowledge of (698, 33, 199)

知性 chisei, intelligence, intellect (723)

知恵 chie, knowledge, intelligence, wisdom (1196)

物知り monoshiri, walking dictionary (387)

知り合い shiriai, acquaintance (121)

知り合いになる shiriai ni naru, make one’s acquaintance (121)

知人 chijin, an acquaintance, a friend (39)

知事 chiji, prefectural governor (293)

承知する shōchi suru, assent/agree; allow; be aware, know (713)

通知する tsūchi suru, to notify, to inform (176)

知覚 chikaku, perception; consciousness (439)

感知 kanchi, perception, sensing (246)

無知 muchi, ignorance (796)



竹 CHIKU, take, bamboo

竹の子 take no ko, bamboo shoots (25)

竹林 chikurin, bamboo grove (75)

竹製 takesei, made of bamboo (726)

竹細工 takezaiku, bamboo-ware, bamboo-work (284, 113)

竹刀 shinai*, bamboo sword (for kendō) (181)

竹かご takekago, bamboo basket

竹馬 takeuma, chikuba, stilts (191)

爆竹 bakuchiku, firecracker (1702)



茶 plant + ample



CHA, SA, tea, tea plant; annoy; お茶 o-cha, green tea

喫茶店 kissaten, café, coffee shop, teahouse (1143, 178)

日本茶 Nihoncha, Japanese (green) tea (62, 70)

紅茶 kōcha, black tea (862)

茶色 cha’iro, light brown (145)

茶道 sadō, (the art of) the tea ceremony (188)

茶碗 chawan, teacup, rice bowl (1945)

茶の湯 cha-no-yu, tea ceremony (359)

茶室 chashitsu, tea-ceremony room (136)

茶話会 sawakai, tea party (221, 87)

麦茶 mugicha, barley tea (194)

茶菓 saka, tea and cakes, light refreshments (1047)

無茶な mucha na, unreasonable; excessive; absurd (796)

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昼 the bright

section of the


CHŪ, hiru, noon, daytime

昼間 hiruma, daytime (92)

昼ごはん hirugohan, lunch

昼食 chūshoku, lunch, noon meal (146)

昼休み hiruyasumi, lunch break (13)

昼寝 hirune, nap (1441)

昼飯 hirumeshi, lunch (565)

白昼に hakuchū ni, in broad daylight (65)

昼行性 chūkōsei, diurnal (118, 723)

昼夜 chūya, day and night (212)



長 old man with

long, flowing

hair, bent with

age, leaning

on a stick

CHŌ, head of an institution or organization;

naga(i), long; naga(sa), length

課長 kachō, section chief, section head (433)

部長 buchō, department head (384)

社長 shachō, President (of a company) (137)

身長 shinchō, one’s height (323)

校長 kōchō, school principal (21)

店長 tenchō, store manager (178)

会長 kaichō, President (of a society) (87)

市長 shichō, mayor (130)

長生き nagaiki, long life (42)

長年 naganen, many years, a long time (64)

長くかかる nagaku kakaru, to take a long time

長男 chōnan, eldest son (54)

長女 chōjo, eldest daughter (35)

長所 chōsho, strong point (312)

細長い hosonagai, long and narrow (284)

長靴 nagagutsu, knee-high boots (1052)

船長 senchō, captain (of a ship) (158)

長短 chōtan, length; merits and demerits (342)

長期 chōki, long-term, long-range (251)

長閑な nodoka na*, peaceful; tranquil; calm (1109)



鳥 CHŌ, tori, bird

鳥肉 toriniku, chicken (365)

焼鳥 yakitori, grilled skewered chicken (509)

渡り鳥 wataridori, bird of passage, migratory bird (1636)

水鳥 mizudori, waterfowl, aquatic bird (40)

白鳥 hakuchō, swan (65)

七面鳥 shichimenchō, turkey (30, 395)

鳥居 tori’i, sacred arch at entrance of Shinto shrine (649)

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駅長 ekichō, useful bird (619)

害鳥 gaichō, pest (bird) (437)

鳥類 chōrui, birds (as a species) (602)

野鳥 yachō, wild bird, wildfowl (213)

保護鳥 hogochō, protected bird (787, 670)

鳥籠 torikago, bird cage (--)

鳥小屋 torigoya, henhouse (36, 236)

小鳥 kotori, small bird (36)

一石二鳥 isseki-nichō, killing two birds with one stone



朝 sun rising

through plants

+ river

CHŌ, asa, morning; dynasty, court; period, age

朝ご飯 asagohan, breakfast (565)

朝食 chōshoku, breakfast (146)

今朝 kesa*, this morning (125)

毎朝 mai’asa, every morning (206)

朝日 asahi, morning sun (62)

平安朝 Heianchō, Heian Period (388, 223)

明王朝 Minōchō, Ming Dynasty (208, 5)

朝刊 chōkan, morning paper, morning edition (636)

早朝 sōchō, early morning (50)

朝廷 chōtei, imperial court (1610)




通 sun rising

above a


fence =



TSŪ, tō(ru), to go along/through, to pass; -dōri, -Street

tō(su), to pass through; kayo(u), to commute;

tsū(jiru), to pass, run (street); to be connected (train, phone)

普通の futsū no, usual, normal, ordinary (1754)

通訳 tsūyaku, interpreter (982)

通勤する tsūkin suru, to commute (842)

通勤快速 tsūkinkaisoku, commuter’s express (842, 631, 534)

通過 tsūka suru, pass through without stopping [train] (629)

交通 kōtsū, traffic, transportation (115)

大通り ō-dōri, main street (53)

共通の kyōtsū no, common, shared (460)

共通点 kyōtsūten, something in common (460, 179)

一方通行 ippotsūkō, one-way traffic (1, 204, 118)

バス通り basu tōri, street with bus service

通信 tsūshin, correspondence, communication (513)

通学する tsūgaku suru, to attend/ go to school (10)

通学生 tsūgakusei, student living at home (10, 42)

通夜をする tsuya o suru, to hold a vigil, keep a wake (212)

通常 tsūjō, usually, normally (718)

夜通し yodōshi, all night long (212)

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弟 order of sons

other than


TEI, DAI, DE, otōto, younger brother

兄弟 kyōdai, brother(s); sister(s) (267)

弟妹 teimai, younger brothers and sisters (207)

師弟 shitei, master and pupil (693)

義弟 gitei, brother-in-law (645)

子弟 shitei, children, sons (25)

弟子 deshi, pupil, apprentice, disciple (25)

徒弟 totei, apprentice (554)



店 building where

goods are

arranged on


TEN, mise, tana, store, shop, premises

喫茶店 kissaten, café (1143, 171)

商店 shōten, store, shop (317)

書店 shoten, bookshop (142)

売店 baiten, stand, stall (192)

百貨店 hyakkaten, department store (67, 432)

専門店 senmonten, specialty store (914, 211)

開店時間 kaiten jikan, store opening time (241, 135, 92)

閉店時間 heiten jikan, store closing time (968, 135, 92)

店長 tenchō, store manager (173)

店員 ten’in, store employee (228)

夜店 yomise, night-stall (212)

本店 honten, main store, head office (70)

支店 shiten, branch store/office (691)

店番をする miseban o suru, to tend a store (196)



点 small black


TEN, point, marks, dot

点火する tenka suru, to ignite, to light (8)

点灯する tentō suru, to light (lamp), switch on (light) (556)

点字 tenji, Braille (28)

句読点 kutōten*, punctuation mark (655, 189)

百点 hyakuten, 100 points; full marks (67)

重点 jūten, emphasis (311)

利点 riten, advantage, good point (596)

欠点 ketten, defect, flaw; weak point (471)

欠点のある ketten no aru, defective; faulty (471)

共通点 kyōtsūten, something in common (460, 176)

問題点 mondaiten, controversial point (396, 340)

沸点 futten, boiling point (1767)

凝固点 gyōkoten, freezing point (1175, 476)

点検 tenken, inspection (663)

点線 tensen, dotted line (329)

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電 rain-lightning

DEN, lightning, electricity

電気 denki, electricity (11)

電話 denwa, telephone (221)

電車 densha, train (31)

電池 denchi, battery (168)

終電 shūden, last train (306)

電源 dengen, power source (853)

携帯電話の電源をお切りください Keitaidenwa no dengen o

o-kiri kudasai, Please turn off your mobile phone

停電 teiden, power cut (550)

電報 denpō, telegramme (789)

電球 denkyū, light-bulb (257)

電子 denshi, electron (25)

電子工学 denshikōgaku, electronics (25, 113, 10)

電力 denryoku, electric power (74)

電流 denryū, electric current (409)



刀 TŌ, katana, sword

剃刀 kamisori, razor (--)

小刀 kogatana, pocketknife (36)

刀身 tōshin, sword blade (323)

大刀 daitō, long sword (53)

太刀 tachi*, (long) sword (164)

短刀 tantō, short sword, dagger (342)

竹刀 shinai*, bamboo sword (used in kendo) (170)

軍刀 guntō, sabre, military sword (466)

木刀 bokutō, wooden sword (69)



冬 hanging ropes

tied together,

from which

cured meat

was hung

TŌ, fuyu, winter; fuyu(meku), to become wintry

冬休み fuyuyasumi, winter holiday

冬将軍 fuyushōgun, ‘Jack Frost’ (899, 466)

冬眠 tōmin, hibernation (1842)

冬至 tōji, winter solstice (875)

冬期 tōki, winter season (251)

立冬 rittō, the first day of winter (73)

初冬 shotō, early winter (507)

越冬する ettō suru, to (pass the) winter (1021)

春夏秋冬 shunkashūtō, all year round (141, 82, 140)

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当 offering a field

as surety for a


TŌ, this, the very; a(taru), to hit, to be equal to, to win (v.i.);

a(teru), to hit, to apply, to guess (v.t.)

お弁当 o-bentō, bento, Japanese lunchbox! (786)

本当 hontō, true, real (70)

見当 kentō, guess, estimate (18)

担当者 tantōsha, person in charge/who served you (929, 298)


tōten wa mamonaku heiten itashimasu, this store will be

closing (for the day) soon [accompanied by ‘Auld Lang Syne’]

突き当たり tsukiatari, at the end of the/this street (1668)

手当 teate, allowance; provisions (32)

一日当たり一万円 ichinichi atari ichiman’en, 10,000 yen a day

適当な tekitō na, suitable; adequate; proper (755)

相当な sōtō na, appropriate; suitable; worthy; becoming (530)

不当な futō na, unfair, unjust, unreasonable (572)

当然に tōzen ni, justly; naturally; as a matter of course (528)

…のは当たり前です…no wa atarimae desu, It goes without

saying that…

当人 tōnin, person involved/concerned, the said person (39)

日当たり hiatari, (to be) sunny (62)

当日 tōjitsu, that day

選する tōsen suru, to be elected; to win (the prize) (527)



TŌ, higashi, east

関東 Kantō (444) (barrier-east)

東側 higashigawa, east side (535)

東亜 tōa, East Asia (997)

東洋 tōyō, the East, the Orient (404)

中東 chūtō, the Middle East (55)

北東 hokutō, northeast (205)

東南 tōnan, southeast (190)

東西南北 tōzainanboku, N, S, E, W (152, 190, 205)

東大 Tōdai (Tōkyō Daigaku) (53)

東海 Tōkai, eastern sea, the Pacific (88)



答 fit + bamboo

TŌ, kota(e), answer; kota(eru), to answer (shitsumon ni...)

答案 tōan, examination paper (418)

解答 kaitō, answer [solution] (632)

回答 kaitō, answer [reply] (86)

確答を与える kakutō o ataeru, give a definite answer (634, 1873)

即答 sokutō, prompt reply (1534)

口答え kuchigotae, retort (20)

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頭 vessel that is

the head

TŌ, ZU, atama, head, top, brain; kashira, head, chief, leader

頭がいい・悪い atama ga ii / warui, clever / stupid (222)

頭が痛い atama ga itai, my head hurts (943)

頭痛 zutsū, headache (943)

頭骨 tōkotsu, skull (867)

頭脳 zunō, brains (954)

頭金 atamakin, downpayment, deposit (14)

先頭 sentō, leader, head (49)

教頭 kyōtō, head teacher (101)

店頭 tentō, shop front, shop window (178)

羊頭狗肉 yōtōkuniku, crying wine & selling vinegar (986, --, 365)



同 convey


together → say

the same thing

DŌ, ona(ji), same; the said

同時 dōji, (at) the same time (135)

同情 dōjō, sympathy, copassion (719)

同意 dōi, agreement, consent (226)

同級生 dōkyūsei, classmate (255, 42)

同居する dōkyo suru, to live together (649)

共同 kyōdō, cooperation, collaboration (460)

同上 dōjō, as above, ditto (37)

一同 ichidō, all (of us, them), all concerned (1)

同一 dōitsu, sameness, identity (1)

異同 idō, difference (807)



道 Chief means of



DŌ, TŌ, michi, road, path, way; The Way [of Tao]

神道 Shintō (324) (God-way)

柔道 jūdō (1363) (soft/gentle-way)

北海道 Hokkaidō (205, 88) (North-sea-road)

武士道 Bushidō, the Samurai Code (781, 494)

茶道 sadō, the tea ceremony (171)

書道 shodō, (oriental) calligraphy (142)

片道 katamichi, one-way [e.g. ticket] (969)

歩道 hodō, pavement; footpath (302)

道路 dōro, road, street, highway (415)

道路工事 dōro kōji, road works, repairs (415, 113, 293)

高速道路 kōsoku dōro, superhighway, expressway (119, 534, 415)

鉄道 tetsudō, railroad, railway (353)

水道 suidō, water supply, tap water (40)

道具 dōgu, tool (265)

道徳 dōtoku, ethics, morality (762)

道教 dōkyō, Taoism (101)

道を聞・尋ねる michi o kiku/tazuneru, to ask the way

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読 call out words

DOKU, TOKU, yo(mu), to read

読み方 yomikata, reading [how to read a kanji] (204)

立ち読み tachiyomi, browsing in a bookshop (73)

読書 dokusho, reading (142)

読者 dokusha, reader (298)

読解力 dokkairyoku, reading comprehension (632, 74)

読み返す yomikaesu, to reread (389)

音読する ondoku suru, to read aloud (6)

読唇術 dokushinjutsu, lip reading (1435, 708)

解読 kaidoku, deciphering, decoding (632)

句読点 kutōten*, punctuation mark (655, 179)



南 the warm side

of a tent

NAN, minami, south

東南アジア tōnan ajia, Southeast Asia (184)

南アメリカ minami amerika, South America

西南・南西 seinan / nansei, southwest (152)

南東・東南 nantō / tōnan, southeast (184)

南極 nankyoku, South Pole (464)

南向き minamimuki, facing south (278)

南風 minamikaze, south wind (198)

南部の nanbu no, southern (384)

南東の風 nantō no kaze, southeasterly wind (184, 198)

南蛮人 nanbanjin, ‘southern barbarians’ – the early

Europeans (Portuguese & Dutch) in Japan (1722, 39)

南北 nanboku, north and south (205)

南下する nanka suru, go south (7)

南緯 nan’i, southern latitude (1009)

南瓜 kabocha*, pumpkin [after ‘Cambodia’] (--)



馬 BA, uma, ma, horse

馬車 basha, (horse-drawn) carriage (31)

競馬場 keibajō, race track (463, 144)

乗馬 jōba, horse riding (320)

絵馬 ema, votive picture of a horse (89)

馬肉 baniku, horsemeat (365)

木馬 mokuba, rocking horse, vaulting horse (69)

馬力 bariki, horsepower (74)

馬術 bajutsu, horsemanship, equestrianism (708)

竹馬 takeuma, chikuba, stilts (170) (bamboo-horse)

馬鹿 baka, fool, idiot (--)

馬乗り umanori, horse-riding (320)

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売 put out for

buying; legs

behind a


BAI, u(ri), sale; u(ru), to sell, u(reru) to sell, to be in demand

売場 uriba, (shop) counter (144)

売り上げ uriage, sales, proceeds (37)

売店 baiten, kiosk, newsstand, stall, booth (178)

売り切れる urikireru, to be sold out

自動販売機 jidōhanbaiki, vending machine (134, 362, 1715, 453)

商売 shōbai, trade, business, commerce (317)

販売している hanbai shite iru, to sell, be on sale (1715)

売り物 urimono, items for sale (387)

売り手 urite, seller (32)

売買 baibai, dealing, trade, buying and selling (193)

売春 baishun, prostitution (141) (sell-spring)

発売する hatsubai suru, to sell, to put on the market (370)

発売中である hatsubai naka de aru, to be on sale (370, 55)

販売されている hanbai sarete iru, to be on sale (1715)

発売日 hatsubaibi, the day of release for sale (370, 62)

発売を禁止する hatsubai o kinshi suru, to suppress (a book)

(370, 654, 129)

新発売 shinhatsubai, newly on sale (148, 370)

特売 tokubai, special/bargain sale (760)

前売り maeuri, advance sale (159)



買 a net of shells

(money) =


BAI, ka(u), to buy, to purchase

買い物 kaimono, shopping (387)

買収 baishū, purchase (703)

売買する baibai suru, to buy and sell, deal, trade (192)

買い手 kaite, buyer, customer (32)

買値 kaine, purchase price (933)

買い占める kaishimeru, to buy up, corner the market (1491)

購買部 kōbaibu, co-operative store (1268, 384)



麦 wheat plant

with spiky ears

BAKU, mugi, barley, wheat, rye, oats

大麦 ōmugi, barley (53)

小麦 komugi, wheat (36)

蕎麦 soba, buckwheat (noodles) (--)

ライ麦 raimugi, rye

生麦 namamugi, raw wheat (42)

麦芽 bakuga, malt (434)

麦畑 mugibatake, wheat field (369)

麦茶 mugicha, barley tea (171)

麦刈り mugikari, mowing barley (1092)

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半 butchering a

cow by

splitting it in


HAN, naka(ba), half

半分 hanbun, half (199)

半額 hangaku, half-price (635)

半分にするhanbun ni suru, divide into halves; cut in half (199)

半年 hantoshi, half a year (64)

半月 hantsuki, half a month (16)

一年半 ichinenhan, one and a half years (1, 64)

半島 hantō, peninsula (358)

半球 hankyū, hemisphere (257)

前半 zenhan, the first half (159)

後半 kōhan, the second half, latter half (111)

半袖 hansode, short-sleeves (--)

半月 hangetsu, half-moon; semicircle (16)

半人前 hanninmae, half portion (39, 159)



番 field + rice;

rice planted by


BAN, number, guard, order, (one’s) turn

番号 bangō, number (281)

交番 kōban, police-box (115)

一番 ichiban, no. 1, the most, the first (1)

二番目 nibanme, the second (61, 72)

三番線 sanbansen, track/platform 3 (23, 329)

順番に junban ni, in order; turn by turn (506)

番組 bangumi, (TV) programme (160)

留守番をする rusuban o suru, to take care of a house during

the occupant’s absence (805, 300)

番付 banzuke, ranking list for Sumo (574)

番人・番犬 bannin, watchman (39) / banken, watchdog (17)

番地 banchi, lot number, address (167)

当番 tōban, [person] on duty, person whose turn it is (183)



父 a hand holding

a stick

FU, chichi, father; father/originator of…

お父さん・お父様 otōsan / otōsama, father (407)

父親 chichioya, father (149)

祖父 sofu, grandfather (736)

お祖父さん ojiisan*, grandfather (736)

父母 fubo, parents (203)

伯父 oji*, uncle (parent’s older brother) (1694)

叔父 oji*, uncle (parent’s younger brother) (1367)

義父 gifu, father-in-law, stepfather (645)

父兄会 fukeikai, parents’ association (267, 87)

父方 chichi kata, on the father’s side (204)

神父 shinpu, priest, father (324)

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風 Phoenix:

believed to

ride the wind.

Then bird

replaced with


FŪ, kaze, fu, wind; appearance; style; manner, custom

風邪 kaze*, fūja, a cold (1340) (wind-wickedness)

台風 taifū, typhoon (166)

和風 wafū, Japanese style (416)

洋風 yōfū, Western style (404)

風呂 furo, bath (--)

風呂敷 furoshiki, wrapping cloth (for presents) (--. 1756)

扇風機 senpūki, electric fan (1492, 453)

強風 kyōfū, strong wind (100)

風景 fūkei, scenery (469)

古風 kofū, old style, old custom (109)

神風 kamikaze, ‘divine wind’ (324)

春風 harukaze, spring breeze (141)

風船 fūsen, balloon (158) (wind-boat)

風速 fūsoku, wind speed (534)

送風 sōfū, ventilation (331)

学風 gakufū, academic traditions (10)

南風 minamikaze, south wind (190)



分 cut and split

FUN, minute; BUN, BU, part, share;

wa(keru), to divide, to separate; wa(karu), to understand;

wa(kareru), to be divided, to branch off

自分 jibun, self (134)

気分 kibun, mood, feeling; atmosphere (11)

多分 tabun, perhaps; probably (163)

随分 zuibun, quite, fairly, very (1462)

十分な jūbun na, enough, sufficient (33)

十分 jippun, ten minutes / enough (33)

半分 hanbun, half (195)

部分 bubun, part (384)

二人分 futaribun, (pay) for 2 people; 2 helpings (39, 61)

三日分 mikka-bun, 3 days’ worth (of medicine) (23, 62)

身分 mibun, social standing, rank, identity (323)

身分証明書 mibunshōmeisho, ID card (323, 715, 208, 142)

糖分 tōbun, sugar content (947)

春分 shunbun, vernal equinox (141)

一分 ichibu, one tenth (1)

分解 bunkai, analysis, breakdown (632)

分子 bunshi, molecule (25)

草分け kusawake, pioneer, settler (162) (grass-divider)

引き分け hikiwake, a draw (drawn football match) (77)

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聞 ear at a gate

BUN, MON, ki(ku), to hear, to listen to, to ask, to obey;

ki(koeru), to be heard, to be audible

新聞 shinbun, newspaper (148)

新聞社 shinbunsha, newspaper office (148, 137)

聞き取る kikitoru, to catch (something said) (301)

見聞 kenbun, information; experience, knowledge (18)

風聞 fūbun, report, rumour, hearsay (198)

外聞 gaibun, reputation, respectability (91)

旧聞 kyūbun, old news (638)

聞き手 kikite, listener (32)

聴聞会 chōmonkai, public hearing (1598, 87)



米 BEI, America, rice; MAI, kome, rice

白米 hakumai, polished (white) rice (65)

玄米 genmai, unmilled, unpolished (brown) rice (1227)

米国 Beikoku, the United States (123)

米軍 beigun, American armed forces (466)

中南米 chūnanbei, South and Central America (55, 190)

日米 nichibei, Japan and the U.S. (62)

欧米 ōbei, Europe and America (1034)

米俵 komedawara, (straw) rice bag (775)

米作 beisaku, rice-growing; rice crop (127)

米価 beika, (government-set) price of rice (626)

新米 shinmai, newly-harvested rice (148)

米屋 komeya, rice dealer (236)



歩 putting one

foot in front of

the other

HO, ayu(mu), aru(ku), to step, to walk

散歩する sanpo suru, to go for a walk, to take a stroll (492)

歩道 hodō, pavement (188)

横断歩道 ōdan hodō, pedestrian crossing (235, 750, 188)

歩行する hokō suru, to walk (118)

歩行者 hokōsha, pedestrian (118, 298)

歩行者天国 hokōsha tengoku, pedestrian precinct

(118, 298, 58, 123)

徒歩 toho, walking- (554)

第一歩 dai-ippo, the first step (339, 1)

進歩 shinpo, progress (326)

長足の進歩をする chōsoku no shinpo o suru, to make great

progress (173, 51, 326)

退歩 taiho, retrogression (746)

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母 BO, haha, mother

お母さん okāsan, mother

母の愛 haha no ai, mother’s love, maternal love (417)

母の日 Haha-no-hi, Mother’s Day (62)

母親 haha’oya, mother (149)

祖母 sobo, grandmother (736)

お祖母さん obāsan, grandmother (736)

父母 fubo, parents (197)

母音 boin, vowel (6)

生母 seibo, one’s real mother (42)

聖母 seibo, Virgin Mary (911)

母国 bokoku, mother country (123)

母国語 bokokugo, mother tongue (123, 112)

母乳 bonyū, mother’s milk (951)

母性 bosei, maternity (723)

母校 bokō, alma mater (21)

酵母 kōbo, yeast (1265)

伯母 oba*, aunt (parent’s older sister) (1694)

叔母 oba*, aunt (parent’s younger sister) (1367)



方 HŌ, direction, square;

kata, side, way of ~ing, method (hanashikata, oshiekata…);

person (polite): この方、kono kata, this gentleman / lady

夕方 yūgata, evening (44)

読み方 yomikata, reading of a kanji (189)

両方 ryōhō, both (sides) (411)

両方とも間違っている ryōhōtomo machigatte iru, both are wrong

方言 hōgen, dialect (274)

一方通行 ippō tsūkō, one-way traffic (1, 176, 118)

仕方 shikata, way, method, means (285)

作り方 tsukurikata, way of making (127)

方法 hōhō, method, means, way (of doing) (584)

方法論 hōhōron, methodology (996)

地方 chihō, region, locality, district (167)

方面 hōmen, (in the) direction of; field (of study) (395)

の方角え no hōgaku e, in the direction of… ; toward… (243)

方角がわからなくなる hōgaku ga wakaranaku naru,

to lose one’s way/bearings (243)

方向 hōkata, direction, course (of wind); aim (278)

親方 oyakata, boss; chief; foreman (149)

味方 mikata, friend, ally (393)

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北 two persons

sitting back to

back; turn

one’s back on

HOKU, kita, north

北海道 Hokkaidō (88, 188) (North-Sea-Road)

東北地方 Tōhoku chihō, Tohoku district (184, 167, 204)

北京 Pekin = Beijing (99) (North Capital)

北極 hokkyoku, North Pole (464)

北極星 Hokkyokusei, North Star (464, 154)

南北 nanboku, north and south (190)

北国 kitaguni, northern provinces/country (123)

北部 hokubu, northern district/part (384)

北米 hokubei, North America (201)

北向き kitamuki, facing north (278)

北側 kitagawa, north bank, north side (535)

北風 kitakaze, north wind (198)

北半球 kitahankyū, Northern Hemisphere (195, 257)



毎 richly-growing


MAI, -goto every, each

毎日 mainichi, every day, daily (62)

毎週 maishū, every week, weekly (308)

毎月 maitsuki, every month, monthly (16)

毎年 mainen, maitoshi, every year, annually (64)

毎朝 mai’asa, every morning (175)

毎晩 maiban, every evening, nightly (961)

毎度 maido, each time, always (356)

毎回 maikai, every time (86)

日毎 higoto, daily (62)

二日目毎に futsukame goto ni, every other day (61, 62, 72)



妹 woman +


MAI, imōto, younger sister

弟妹 teimai, younger brothers and sisters (177)

姉妹 shimai, sisters (498)

妹娘 imōtomusume, younger daughter (1846)

従妹 jūmai, itoko, (younger) female cousin (891)

実妹 jitsumai, one’s younger sister (296)

令妹 reimai, your younger sister (603)



明 sun + moon:

very bright

MEI, MYŌ, bright, clear, open;

aka(rui), light, bright, cheerful;

aki(raka), bright; apparent, obvious (fact)

aka(rumu), to brighten (sky); a(kuru), the following (day)

a(keru), to dawn, to break (day); a(kasu), to disclose (secret)

明日 ashita*, asu*, tomorrow (62)

明後日 asatte*,myōgonichi, day after tomorrow (111, 62)

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説明 setsumei, explanation (524)

説明書 setsumeisho, manual (524, 142)

証明 shōmei, proof, evidence, certification (715)

証明書 shōmeisho, certificate (715, 142)

声明する seimei suru, to proclaim; to declare (153)

文明 bunmei, civilisation (68)

文明国 bunmeikoku, civilised country (68, 123)

発明 hatsumei, invention (370)

発明家 hatsumeika, inventor (as profession) (83)

発明者 hatsumeisha, inventor (298)

明けましておめでとうございます ake… Happy New Year!

明月 meigetsu, harvest moon (16)

明治 Meiji (544)

明年 myōnen, next year

明白 meihaku, clarity (65)

梅雨明け tsuyuake, end of rainy season (1689, 3)

夜明け yoake, dawn (212) (night-open)

明け方 akegata, dawn (204)



鳴 mouth + bird

MEI, na(ku), to sing (birds), to cry (animals), to howl

(animals), to chirp (insects)

鳴き声 nakigoe, cry (of animals), chirping, mooing etc. (153)

耳鳴り miminari, tinnitus, ringing in the ears (29)

雷鳴 raimei, thunder (1888)

悲鳴 himei, scream, shriek, cry of distress (375)

悲鳴を上げる himei o ageru, to scream, utter a cry (375, 37)

鳴動 meidō, rumbling (362)

共鳴 kyōmei, sympathy; resonance (460)

共鳴者 kyōmeisha, sympathiser (460, 298)



毛 a tuft of hair

MŌ, ke, hair

髪の毛 kami no ke, (head) hair (1706)

赤毛 akage, red hair (46)

毛糸 keito, woolen thread, yarn (27)

眉毛 mayuge, eyebrows (--)

毛虫 kemushi, caterpillar (56)

毛皮 kegawa, fur (374)

羊毛 yōmō, wool (986)

毛布 mōfu, blanket (778)

二毛作 nimō saku, two crops a year (61, 127)

直毛 chokumō, straight hair (349)

毛深い kebukai, hairy (325)

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門 double-doored


MON, kado, gate

門口 kadoguchi, door, entrance (20)

専門 senmon, speciality (914)

専門家 senmonka, specialist, expert (914, 83)

専門科目 senmon kamoku, specialised course (914, 81, 72)

正門 seimon, front/main gate, main entrance (41)

開門時間 kaimon jikan, gate opening time (241, 135, 92)

校門 kōmon, school gate (21)

宗門 shūmon, religious sect (889)

仏門 butsumon, (Buddhist) priesthood (784)

禅門 zenmon, Zen sect (1502)

入門する nyūmon suru, to enter (religious training) (63)

門番 monban, gatekeeper, doorman (196)

門限 mongen, curfew (665)

門出 kadode, departure (34)

肛門 kōmon, anus (--)



夜 when the

moon is clear

YA, yo, yoru, evening, night

今夜 kon’ya, tonight (125)

昨夜 sakuya, last night (486)

夜間 yakan, night, nighttime (92)

夜中 yonaka, midnight (55)

夜食 yashoku, midnight snack (146)

深夜に shinya ni, in the dead of night; at midnight (325)

十五夜 jūgoya, night of the full moon (33, 19) (15-night)

通夜をする tsuya o suru, to hold a wake; to keep vigil (176)

夜顔 yorugao, moonflower (93) (night-face)

百夜 hyakuya, white night (in the arctic) (67)



野 village +

already (early


ample space)

YA, no, field, plain, moor; wild

野菜 yasai, vegetables (483)

野球 yakyū, baseball (257)

上野 Ueno (37)

野党 yatō, opposition party (946)

野鳥 yachō, wildfowl (174)

野性 yasei, wild nature; wild- (723)

野性的な yaseiteki na, wild; savage (723, 551)

野蛮な yaban na, savage, barbarous (1722)

平野 heiya, open field, plain (388)

野原 nohara, field, moor (107)

野宿する nojuku suru, to camp out (505)

武蔵野 Musashino (781, 923)

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友 two right hands:



YŪ, tomo, friend

友達 tomodachi, friend (541)

友人 yūjin, friend (39)

親友 shin’yū, close friend (149)

友情 yūjō, friendship (719)

級友 kyūjū, classmate (255)

悪友 akuyū, bad company/companions (222)



用 fencing (to


pasture land)

YŌ, business, errand; mochi(iru), to use

用意 yōi, preparation (226)

用事 yōji, business; errand (293)

用事がある yōji ga aru, to be occupied/busy (293)

用心すう yōjin suru, to exercise caution; to be careful (147)

使用する shiyō suru, to (put to) use; to employ [person] (287)

利用する riyō suru, to use; to utilise (596)

利用者 riyōsha, user (596, 298)

急用 kyūyō, urgent business (254)

不用な fuyō na, useless; unnecessary (572)

私用 shiyō, private use, private business (876)

学生用 gakuseiyō, for students (10, 42)

悪用 akuyō, abuse; misuse (222)

専用の senyō no, private; exclusive (914)

用件 yōken, an important matter (660)



曜 sun+wings+bird

=passing of day

YŌ (term used for days of the week)

土曜日 doyōbi, Saturday (60, 216)

曜日 yōbi, day of the week (216)

七曜 shichiyō, days of the week (30)

七曜表 shichiyōhyō, calendar (30, 379)



来 emerging

wheat plant

RAI, ku(ru), to come, ki(masu), ko(i), come; ~rai, since

出来る dekiru, be possible (34)

来年 rainen, next year (64)

来日する rainichi suru, to visit Japan (62) (来朝 raichōする)

未来 mirai, the (distant) future (794)

将来 shōrai, the (near) future (899)

以来 irai, since, from that time (419)

新来者 shinraisha, newcomer (148, 298)

外来語 gairaigo, foreign loanword (91, 112)

外来受付 gairai uketsuke, outpatient reception (91, 303, 574)

由来 yurai, origin, derivation (399)

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楽 originally: oak


GAKU, music; RAKU, comfort, ease; tano(shii), pleasant;

tano(shimu), to enjoy

音楽 ongaku, music (6)

楽しみ tanoshimi, pleasure

楽しみにしている tanoshimi ni shite iru, I look forward to [it]

行楽 kōraku, excursion, outing (118)

快楽 kairaku, pleasure (631)

快楽主義 kairakushugi, Epicureanism; hedonism (631, 299, 645)

音楽会 ongakukai, concert, musical (6, 87)

楽器 gakki, musical instrument (452)

楽天的な rakutenteki na, optimistic (58, 551)

楽観的な rakkanteki na, optimistic, hopeful (445, 551)

気楽 kiraku, ease, comfort (11)

苦楽 kuraku, joys and sorrows (264)

楽勝 rakushō, easy victory (319)

楽譜 gakufu, sheet music (1759)



里 field + ground



RI, Japanese linear unit (2.44 miles), league;

sato, village, country, one’s native home (usually as viewed by

a woman married into another family)

古里 furusato, home-town (109) (old-town)

村里 murazato, village (52)

郷里 kyōri, one’s native place, home (841)

一里 ichiri, one ri (1)

海里 kairi, nautical mile, sea-mile (88)

里心 satogokoro, homesickness, nostalgia (147)

里子 satogo, foster child (25)

里人 satobito, rijin, rustic, villager (39)



理 jewel + village

(phonet.: split)

= split a jewel

= act carefully,


RI, reason, logic; rational

料理 ryōri, cooking (599)

修理 shūri, repair (704)

無理な muri na, impossible; unreasonable; excessive (796)

無理をする muri o suru, to overwork (796)

理由 riyū, reason, cause; excuse, pretext (399)

病気を理由に byōki o riyū ni, for reasons of ill health (381, 11)

管理 kanri, management (443)

管理人 kanrinin, supervisor; superintendent (443, 39)

理想 risō, ideal (opp: 現実 genjitsu, reality) (532)

理想的な risōteki na, ideal (532, 551)

総理大臣 sōridaijin, prime minister (738, 39, 512)

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義理 giri, duty, honour (645)

理学部 rigakubu, faculty of science (10, 384)

理解 rikai, understanding (632)

理論 riron, theory (996)

理屈 rikutsu, logic, reason; pretext (1188)

理屈を捏ねる rikutsu o koneru, to argue for argument’s sake

理性 risei, reason, faculty of reasoning (723)

整理する seiri suru, to arrange; put in order; readjust (328)

真理 shinri, truth (514)

心理学 shinrigaku, psychology (147, 10)



話 good words


hollowed out


WA, hanashi, story, talk, speech; hana(su), to speak

電話 denwa, telephone (180)

会話 kaiwa, conversation (87)

世話 sewa, aid, assistance (327)

小話 kobanashi, tale (36)

話題 wadai, topic, subject, talking-point (340)

神話 shinwa, myth (god-story)

民話 minwa, folk tale (590)

挿話 sōwa, anecdote (1517)

市外通話 shigai tsūwa, long-distance call (130, 91, 176)

実話 jitsuwa, true story (296)

童話 dōwa, children’s story, fairy tale (363)

昔話 mukashibanashi, legend, folk tale (1481)

笑い話 waraibanashi, humorous story (900)

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