Page 1: Karyawan Sehat, Karyawan Produktif

Karyawan Sehat, Karyawan Produktif

Cerita Mekanik dari BalantangCCP 1, untuk Pangkas Biaya Produksi

SBA: Slam Dunk Lintas Generasi

Halo Vale


Page 2: Karyawan Sehat, Karyawan Produktif

Pelindung/Patron: Board of Directors PT Vale Indonesia Tbk, Penasihat/Advisor: Basrie Kamba (Director of External Relations & Corporate Affairs), Penang-gung jawab/Editor in Chief: Teuku Mufizar Mahmud (General Manager Communications), Redaksi Pelaksana/ Managing Editor: Sihanto B. Bela, Redaksi/ Editors: Rohman Hidayat Yuliawan, Nala Dipa Alamsyah, Nuki Adiati, Maman Ashari, Eko Rusdianto, Fotografer/Photographer: Doni Setiadi, Desain & Tata Letak/Design & Layout: Sandy Pauling, Alamat Redaksi/Address: Jl. Ternate No. 44 Sorowako, Kabupaten Luwu Timur, Sulawesi Selatan, Telp. 021-5249100, Ext. 9628 & 3656 Fax. 021-5289587.

Redaksi Halo Vale menerima sumbangan naskah dari pembaca. Naskah ditulis dengan bahasa yang mudah dimengerti dan populer. Panjang naskah mak-simal satu setengah halaman kuarto, spasi satu setengah. Sertakan foto atau ilustrasi baik gambar maupun grafik jika diperlukan. Saran dan naskah diki-rimkan ke alamat email editor: [email protected] dan [email protected].

Readers are welcome to contribute articles for publication in Halo Vale. Articles should be written in prose that is easy to understand, with a line-space of 1.5 and a maximum length of 1.5 A4 pages. Include photos or illustrations, drawings or graphs, if necessary. Please send suggestions and articles to the editor at [email protected] and [email protected].


Pembaca yang budiman,

Seorang teman yang bekerja pada kelompok penerbitan surat kabar terbesar negeri ini bercerita, dia pernah menitikkan airmata menerima surat dari CEO tempatnya bekerja. Bukan, bukan surat pemecatan yang dia terima. Sebaliknya, surat itu justru berisi perhatian sang CEO kepada dia dan bersifat personal.

“Mas, berprestasi dalam kerja memang kemuliaan bagi seorang karyawan. Namun lebih penting lagi adalah kesehatan Anda sendiri. Istri dan anak Anda masih membutuhkan kehadiran dan tanggung jawab Anda…,” demikian salah satu isi surat CEO. Ternyata, hasil general check-up kesehatan rekan kita itu buruk dan harus mengikuti program kesehatan yang dicanangkan oleh perusahaan.

Usut punya usut, kesehatan karyawan di tempat rekan tersebut bekerja menunjukkan gejala merosot tiga tahun terakhir. Celakanya, yang diderita adalah penyakit degeneratif yang dipicu oleh jeleknya pola hidup dan pola makan, bukan akibat kerja. Termasuk rekan kita yang baru berumur 45 tahun itu.

Tak mau kecolongan, perusahaan bergerak cepat dengan meminta para karyawan struktural yang hasil general check-up kesehatannya jelek untuk ikut program kesehatan. Program dirancang tanpa mengandalkan obat-obatan kimiawi, melainkan dengan menjalankan program diet dan hasilnya dipantau setiap bulan oleh para dokter.

Membaca kisah tersebut, apa yang bisa kita petik? Beruntung kita punya dua kata yang dapat menyarikan pelajaran dari rekan kita itu: ‘terlena’ dan ‘tergiur’. Tentu Anda, Pembaca, sudah mafhum makna dua kata tersebut. Yang pertama merupakan akibat dari yang kedua. Karena tergiur maka seseorang terlena.

Laporan utama Halo Vale edisi kali mengangkat topik kesehatan di perusahaan kita. Seperti halnya di tempat kerja rekan kita itu, data kesehatan karyawan PT Vale juga menunjukkan tren yang tidak menggembirakan. Penyakit diderita juga sama, yakni penyakit degeneratif akibat pola hidup dan pola makan semau gue.

Membahas topik penting tersebut, Redaksi berusaha menyajikan ulasan dari berbagai sudut pandang. Kami berharap Anda dapat memperoleh manfaat. Lebih penting lagi, semoga Anda bisa berefleksi apakah telah ikut-ikutan ‘terlena’ dan ‘tergiur’ dalam menjalankan pola hidup dan pola makan keseharian.

Selamat membaca.


Dear readers,

A friend working at the largest newspaper publishing group in this nation told me that he once cried over a letter he received from the CEO at his place of work. No, this was not a termination letter. Quite the opposite, this letter contained the CEO’s thoughts about him and was personal in nature.

“Brother, achieving career goals indeed brings glory. Yet more important is your own health. Your wife and children still need you to be around and responsible…,” so said part of the contents of the CEO’s letter. In reality, the results of a general check-up of our friend here were terrible and he had to follow a health program introduced by the company. It turned out that employees’ health in that workplace had declined over the last three years. Unfortunately, those suffering had degenerative illnesses triggered by bad lifestyles and eating habits they were not a result of work. This included our colleague, who was just 45 years old.

Not wanting to overlook anything, the company responded quickly by asking employees whose general check-ups showed poor health to follow a health program. This program was designed not to rely on chemical drugs, but around a dietary program with monthly monitoring by a doctor.

What can we learn from this story? Fortunately, we can learn two words from our colleagues: ‘complacency’ and ‘temptation’. Certainly, dear readers, you already know the meaning of these two words. The first results from the second. Temptation makes a person complacent.

The main report in this edition of Halo Vale raises the topic of health in the company. Like the workplace of our colleague mentioned above, data about the health of PT Vale employees also indicates a trend that is not encouraging. The disease people are suffering is also similar that is, degenerative illness caused by reckless lifestyles and eating habits.

In discussing this important topic, the editorial team has tried to present reviews from a variety of perspectives. We hope you can benefit from them. More importantly, hopefully you can reflect on whether you, too, follow ‘complacency’ and ‘temptation’ in your daily lifestyle and eating habits.


02 Halo Vale I Edis i Februar i 2014

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Semua orang menginginkan diri-nya sehat. Namun hanya sebagian dari mereka yang sadar dan mau melakukan hal-hal yang bisa men-dukung kesehatannya. Faktor kesi-bukan kerja kerap menjadi alasan untuk menjalani pola hidup praktis ”semau gue” yang justru membuat tubuh tidak sehat.

Everyone wants to be healthy. But only some people are willing, and are aware of the need to engage in activities that are beneficial to their health. Work is frequently used as an excuse to live a lifestyle that is practical and carefree, which is unhealthy for the body.

Cover Illustration: Cedhar

Cover Design: Maman Ashari



LAPORAN UTAMA I COVER STORYKaryawan Sehat, Karyawan 05Produktif Healthy Employees, Productive 09Employees Mengintip Program Sehat 12Perusahaan Lain Checking Out Other Companies’ Health 14 Programs Dari Kampanye hingga Edukasi 16From Campaigning to Educating 18Awas Penyakit Degeneratif 19Beware of Degenerative Diseases 20Mulailah dari Pola dan Menu Makan 21Start from Eating and Dietary Patterns 23Istirahat dan Olahraga Kuncinya 25Rest and Exercise is the Key 27RS Inco: Tiga Dekade Melayani 29Kesehatan Karyawan dan Masyarakat Inco Hospital: Three Decades Serving 31Employees and Communities

KINERJA I PERFORMANCECSMS, Panduan Baru Keselamatan 33 Kerja Kontraktor CSMS, A New Work Safety Guide for 35Contractors Mengatasi Pemborosan Plant Air 37untuk Produksi Efisien dan Stabil Tackling Plant Air Leakage for Stable 39and Efficient Production

HED 2013: Penerapan Standar Baru 41HED 2013: Implementing New Standards 43

INTERAKSI I INTERACTIONTown Hall Meeting: Hasil Positif 45Cost Saving Mulai Tampak Town Hall Meeting: Positive Results of 47Cost Saving Starting to Emerge Wisuda LSP Batch I & II 49LSP Batch I & II Graduation 51 ATMOSFER I ATMOSPHERECCP1, untuk Pangkas Biaya Produksi 53CCP 1 to Cut Production Costs 55

PROFIL I PROFILEPaulus Patabang: Cerita Mekanik 57dari Balantang Paulus Patabang: The Story of a 59Mechanic from Balantang

KOMUNITAS I COMMUNITIESSorowako Basketball Association: 61 Slam Dunk Lintas Generasi Sorowako Basketball Association: Slam 63 Dunking Across Generations

SEHAT SELAMAT I HEALTHY SAFETYJangan Biarkan Anak di Bawah 65Umur Menunggangi Motor Don’t Allow Minors to Drive Motorbikes 68

KUIS I Quiz 70


03Edis i Februar i 2014 I Halo Vale

Page 4: Karyawan Sehat, Karyawan Produktif


PDF HALO VALE DI WEB BERAT Beberapa waktu lalu saya sempat membuka website PT Vale. Ternyata di salah satu bagiannya (publications) terdapat semua edisi Halo Vale yang pernah terbit, termasuk edisi terbarunya. Menurut saya, ini usaha bagus dari redaksi untuk memotong waktu keterlambatan distribusi versi cetak yang masih terjadi.

Meski demikian, versi PDF Halo Vale itu, menurut saya, masih terlalu berat. Saya pernah coba mengunduhnya, tapi lama sekali. Mungkin file-nya terlalu berat. Mohon dipertimbangkan lagi ukuran file-nya untuk memudahkan pembaca mengunduh. Terima kasih. M u h a m m a d H i r f a n [ E k s p l o r a s i , P T. S a w e r i g a d i n g U t a m a ]

Menurut kami, file PDF Halo Vale yang kami unggah ke website berukuran moderat untuk sebuah majalah. Rata-rata ukurannya hanya belasan megabyte (10-13Mb). Dengan ukuran itu pula, hasil unduhan pembaca membuat kualitas PDF Halo Vale tetap baik dan nyaman untuk dibaca. Kami menyarankan, cek kembali kecepatan internet Anda ketika mengunduh.

Selain itu, kami ucapkan terima kasih karena sudah berkunjung ke versi PDF Halo Vale di website. Sebagai informasi untuk pembaca lainnya, Halo Vale dapat Anda akses melalui website PT Vale ( dengan menyorot cursor ke section “Press” dan kemudian mengklik sub-section “Publications”.

LAPORAN UTAMA ”PENSIUNAN” MENGINSPIRASISaya sangat antusias dengan laporan utama Halo Vale edisi 5 yang mengulas topik pensiun. Artikelnya ringan dan berbobot. Apalagi laporannya juga mengangkat pengalaman karyawan dan eks karya-wan PT Vale. Bagi saya yang masih muda, cerita seperti itu dapat mem-buka pikiran bagaimana mempersiapkan masa depan dan karir. Bagi yang menjelang pensiun, cerita-cerita narasumber dapat menjadi pengingat kembali agar ketika pensiun semakin siap. Selamat untuk redaksi. Good job!A r i y a n t o B h r a t a [G e n e r a l Fa c i l i t i e s a n d S e r v i c e s, P T F i r a d M a n d i r i ]

Terima kasih atas pujiannya. Kualitas laporan memang salah satu concern redaksi. Khususnya di laporan utama, kami akan terus berusaha mengangkat topik-topik di sekitar kita yang bermanfaat dan menginspirasi pembaca.

KURANG GREGETEdisi 5 Halo Vale menurut saya kurang mengigit dan nilai surprisenya melemah. Sebab sebagian besar beritanya pernah di-release dan di Kabar Vale, khususnya artikel-artikel di rubrik Kinerja dan Interaksi.

Saran saya, sebaiknya Halo Vale memiliki berita yang berbeda dengan Kabar Vale. Kalaupun sama, sebaiknya pembahasan dan foto berbeda dengan berita di Kabar Vale. Agar greget sebagai majalah lebih terjaga. Semoga berkenan dan sukses selalu buat redaksi Halo Vale dan Kabar Vale.We l d y P u r w a n t o [C i v i l D e s i g n e r, P r o c e s s a n d Te c h n o l o g y ]

Terima kasih kritik dan masukannya. Akan menjadi bahan perbaikan kami ke depan.

Kirimkan kritik, saran, dan tanggapan Anda tentang Halo Vale ke [email protected] atau kirimkan surat ke DP 23B. Pengirim surat yang dimuat akan mendapatkan suvenir menarik. Suvenir dapat diambil di External Relations Department pada hari dan jam kerja.

Send your opinion, comment and feedback about Halo Vale to [email protected] or letters to DP 23B. For each letter published will receive a souvenir. Kindly pick up your souvenir at External Relations Department during the days and working hour.

Halo Vale I Edis i Februar i 2014 04

HALO VALE’S PDF FILE SIZE TOO LARGE Recently I browsed PT Vale’s website and found all the past and current editions of Halo Vale on the site’s “Publications” section. I think this is a good effort by the editorial team to reduce distribution delays that have been affecting the magazine’s print editions.

However, I think the file size of the web version of Halo Vale is excessive.I have tried to download one edition and it took a very long time; perhaps the file is too big. Please reconsider the magazine’s file size so it is easier for readers to download. Thank you.M u h a m m a d H i r f a n [ E k s p l o r a s i , P T. S a w e r i g a d i n g U t a m a ]

We believe the PDF files of Halo Vale are of a moderate size for a magazine; on average each edition is about 10 to 13 Mb. This size enables the quality of the PDF version of Halo Vale to be maintained so it is still enjoyable to read. We suggest you check your Internet speed when downloading.

We would also like to thank you for reading the web version of Halo Vale. For other readers who are not yet informed, Halo Vale can be accessed through PT Vale’s website (, under the “Press” section and “Publications” subsection.

INSPIRING MAIN REPORT ON “RETIREMENT”I was very enthusiastic to read the main report of Halo Vale’s Edition 5 on retirement. The article was light but packed with information, particularly as it told the stories of employees and former employees of PT Vale. For someone young like me, experiences like these are eye-opening and give me an idea of how to prepare for my future and career. For those approaching retirement age, the stories provide a wealth of knowledge that reminds people to better prepare for their retirement. Congratulations to the editorial team. Good job!A r i y a n t o B h r a t a [G e n e r a l Fa c i l i t i e s a n d S e r v i c e s, P T F i r a d M a n d i r i ]

Thank you for your compliments. The quality of our reports is indeed one of our main concerns. Regarding the magazine’s main reports, we will continue to strive to present readers with relevant topics that are both useful and inspiring.

FRESHER NEWS, PLEASEIn my opinion, the surprise value of Halo Vale 5th edition is getting weak. Because most of the news has been written in Kabar Vale, especially the articles in section Performance and Interaction.

My suggestion, Halo Vale should have different stories to Kabar Vale. Even if it’s same, the writings and photographs should be different from the news in Kabar Vale in order to maintain the magazine quality. Success for the editorial team of Halo Vale and Kabar Vale.We l d y P u r w a n t o [C i v i l D e s i g n e r, P r o c e s s a n d Te c h n o l o g y ]

Thanks a lot for your critique and input. Your advice is important for our future improvements.

Page 5: Karyawan Sehat, Karyawan Produktif

Karyawan Sehat, Karyawan Produktif


Apak ah Anda sudah menjalank an pola dan gaya hidup sehat? Awas, dampak pola hidup tidak sehat k adang baru dirasak an 10-20 tahun kemudian.

05Edis i Februar i 2014 I Halo Vale

Ratusan karyawan PT Vale dari Support Service mengikuti senam jantung sehat. Senam ini merupakan inisiatif Medical Department, Support Service bekerja sama dengan Puskesmas Kecamatan Nuha digelar setiap Jumat pagi.

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06 Halo Vale I Edis i Februar i 2014

Semua orang menginginkan dirinya sehat. Namun hanya sebagian dari mereka yang sadar dan mau melakukan hal-hal yang bisa mendukung kesehatannya. Faktor kesibukan kerja kerap menjadi alasan untuk menjalani pola hidup praktis ”semau gue” yang justru membuat tubuh tidak sehat. Sebut saja mengonsumsi makanan yang gizinya tidak berimbang dan jarang berolahraga. Gangguan kesehatan pun kerap mengintai mereka di usia produktif.

Data Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, AS pada 2010 menyebutkan, sedikitnya terdapat 1,7 juta pekerja usia produktif di negeri Paman Sam itu meninggal setiap tahunnya akibat penyakit kronis seperti jantung, kanker, stroke, dan gangguan pernapasan akut. Dari jumlah itu, diperkirakan memakan biaya sampai 2 triliun dolar AS untuk pengobatan medis atau sekitar 1.685 dolar AS setiap karyawan yang ditanggung perusahaan tempat si karyawan bekerja, asuransi pribadi, maupun yang dibebankan ke negara. Hal itu juga berimbas pada aktivitas bisnis yang merugi hingga 226 miliar dolar AS per tahun akibat hilangnya tingkat produktivitas dan kesehatan karyawan beserta keluarganya.

Bagaimana di Indonesia? Fenomena hampir serupa juga berlangsung. Catatan Kementerian Kesehatan dua tahun silam menyebutkan, tiga penyakit kronis di AS itu merupakan penyakit-penyakit teratas yang merenggut nyawa penduduk Indonesia, khususnya mereka yang berusia produktif (15-64 tahun).

Di Sorowako, RS Inco menelusuri fenomena ini dan terangkum dalam survei kesehatan karyawan atau Occupational Health Surveillance Report pada 2012 lalu. Survei yang melibatkan 2.741 karyawan usia produktif (sebanyak 53% berusia 31-40 tahun) itu menyimpulkan, lebih dari 30% karyawan memiliki risiko tinggi

terhadap penyakit jantung, stroke, dan ginjal. Mereka yang masuk kelompok ini juga menjadi kelompok kurang produktif karena membutuhkan berobat jalan, termasuk merujuk pengobatan ke rumah sakit lain (OMT/Off-site Medical Treatment).

Sebaliknya, data survei menunjukkan, gangguan kesehatan yang berhubungan dengan lingkungan dan jenis pekerjaan lebih sedikit. Gangguan pendengaran dan sakit tulang belakang, misalnya, hanya 17% dan 10% dari seluruh sampel.

Temuan survei tersebut sangat penting, karena penyebab utama tiga penyakit degeneratif yang diderita karyawan bukan berasal dari lingkungan kerja, melainkan dari gaya dan pola hidup karya-wan sendiri.

“Makan yang tidak terkontrol dan kurang olahraga merupakan penyebabnya. Akibatnya, banyak karyawan mengalami kadar gula dan kolestrol yang tidak normal. Berat badan juga naik. Menurut saya, hal ini terjadi karena pekerja hanya 8 jam di tempat kerja, selebihnya (16 jam, red) tidak terkontrol,” ungkap dr. Kristiawan Basuki Rahmat, Manager of Occupational & Public Health.

Istirahat Kerja karena S akitKondisi tubuh karyawan yang rentan juga berimbas kepada lemah-nya kemampuan tangkal tubuh terhadap penyakit yang selama ini dianggap remeh, sebut saja flu, infeksi saluran pernapa-san akut, diare, atau sakit kepala. Rekam data RS Inco menyebutkan, terdapat 60 karyawan yang mendapat istirahat sakit (sick leave) pada Januari 2013 lantaran menderita flu dan 10 orang karena sakit kepala dan diare.


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Lima bulan kemudian, Mei 2013, jumlah karyawan sick leave karena flu dan sejenisnya naik menjadi 65 orang dan 16 orang yang menderita diare. “Dalam catatan kami, bahkan ada satu karyawan dalam setahun memiliki sick leave 148 hari,” tambah dr Kristiawan.

Soal cuti sakit, Roesdi Hasbi (46), karyawan dari Process Technology, punya pengalaman kurang mengenakan. Tekanan darahnya yang kerap labil memaksa dia menjadi ”pelanggan” ruang rawat inap di RS Inco. ”Dalam periode dua bulan, saya pasti opname selama tiga hari sampai seminggu. Orang rumah sakit sampai kenal saya semua,” kenang Hasbi sambil tertawa.

Hasbi menderita hipertensi akut sejak 1989. Tekanan darahnya bisa menembus 170/120. Padahal usianya ketika itu 22 tahun. ”Kalau sudah begitu, kepala saya berat sekali, jalan juga sudah enggak bisa,” ungkap pria yang bergabung di PT Vale sejak 1988 ini.

Dorongan IstriNamun sejak 2003, Hasbi mulai pintar menstabilkan hipertensinya. Berbagai cara dia lakukan agar terhindar ”serangan” tekanan darahtinggi tersebut, misalnya mengontrol menu makan dan berolah-raga. ”Hal ini berkat istri saya yang selalu mengingatkan saya soal makanan dan olahraga. Saya juga banyak dapat masukan dari dokter dan konselor di RS Inco tentang menu sehat bagi penderita hipertensi dan browsing di internet,” ujar pria kelahiran 1 November 1967 ini.

Selviani, istri Hasbi yang kerap disapa Evi ini, memang ketat mengatur menu makanan sang suami. ”Sejak menikah 2003, Bapak selalu saya bawakan bekal makan yang sesuai untuk dia sebagai penderita hipertensi. Soalnya, kalau makan di luar, kita tidak bisa mengontrol kandungannya pas atau tidak untuk beliau,” ujar Evi.

Menurut Evi dan Hasbi, mengatur menu makan bagi penderita hipertensi memang gampang-gampang susah. Kita perlu tahu komposisi makanan, pantangan makan, dan disiplin si penderita sendiri. Menu bekal Hasbi, kata Evi, tidak jauh-jauh dari sayur bening dan ikan bakar dengan rendah garam setiap harinya. ”Bayangkan bila orang itu tidak disiplin. Pasti sudah tidak tahan 11 tahun makan siang sayur bening,” ungkap Hasbi tertawa.

Meski sekarang Hasbi dapat menetralisir hipertensinya, atas saran dokter, dia masih mengonsumsi obat anti-hipertensi dan diminta rutin check-up. ”Hipertensi itu kan, penyakit seumur hidup. Menja-laninya, tinggal si penderitanya saja mau berusaha bisa stabil atau enggak,” tambah Hasbi.

Apa yang membuat Hasbi memiliki tekanan darah yang tidak stabil? Padahal orangtuanya tak satu pun yang menderita hipertensi akut.”Waktu masih bujangan, saya itu suka makan semaunya dan enak-enak. Porsinya juga banyak, apalagi kalau libur,” kenang Hasbi ten-tang gaya hidupnya yang tidak sehat ketika itu.

Olahraga dan Menjaga MakanLain dengan Nyoman Arsa Widyana (33). Manager Reliability Engi-neering & Training ini punya kesadaran hidup sehat yang luar biasadan dilakoni sejak muda. Sejak bergabung dengan PT Vale dan hijrahke Sorowako, pria ini rutin olahraga dan menjaga menu makanan-nya untuk menjaga kebugaran. ”Yang saya sadari, kesehatan itu sesuatu yang akan dinikmati kelak. Mungkin sekarang saya tampak sehat, tapi saya tidak bisa jamin beberapa tahun kemudian bila tidak hidup sehat sejak sekarang,” ungkap Arsa. Dia rutin jogging saban sore tiga kali seminggu dengan rute Salonsa-bandara. Arsajuga tidak mengonsumsi daging merah, alkohol, soda, dan merokok.

Tidak semua orang mau dan menyempatkan diri untuk berolahraga. Lantas, apa yang memotivasi Arsa? ”Olahraga itu memang membuatbadan terasa capek. Namun capek setelah olahraga, justru membuatsaya bisa beristirahat dengan kualitas lebih baik dan besok pagi menjadi segar untuk bekerja,” ujar dia.

Namanya manusia, Arsa pernah pula ”kedodoran” dengan komit-men untuk rutin berolahraga. ”Pernah saya berhenti olahraga sela-ma setahun. Akibatnya, badan terasa tidak fit dan berat badan naik. Akhirnya saya kembali berolahraga dan akan terus melakukannya,” tambah dia.

Dalam catatan medis RS Inco, Arsa adalah salah satu pemegang rekor rekam medis terbaik. ”Arsa merupakan karyawan PT Vale yang memiliki status medical check up dengan hasil excellent,” ujar Health Education Officer Siskasofita Hatam.

Pengalaman Hasbi dan Arsa itu mengingatkan kita adagium ”You are what you eat”. (Kondisi) Anda saat ini dan kemudian hari bergantung pada apa yang Anda makan. Menurut dr Kristiawan, kesehatan itu tidak seperti keselamatan kerja yang berdampak langsung dan seketika bila lalai. ”Sehat atau tidaknya seseorang itu baru terasa 10-20 tahun kemudian. Tidak heran banyak orang belum aware dengan hal ini. Padahal kesehatan adalah aset terbesar manusia,” tambah dr. Kristiawan. []

07Edis i Februar i 2014 I Halo Vale

Page 8: Karyawan Sehat, Karyawan Produktif

Fakta Kesehatan KaryawanFacts and Figures

Jumlah karyawan yang disurveiNumber of employees surveyed2741


1090Karyawan MiningMining Departement Employees

789Karyawan Process PlantProcess Plant Departement Employees

Risiko penyakit yang diderita akibat pekerjaanRisk of occupational disease

Departemen dengan karyawan mengalami obesitasDepartement with obese employees

Mining Departement

DSS Departement

Central Engineering & GFS Departement

Jumlah Karyawan/Number of Employee20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200


6 Orang

9 Orang


1160 Orang

220 Orang


Kelebihan Berat BadanOverweight



Mengalami Obesitas Obesity


Risiko penyakit yang diderita akibat gaya hidupRisk of lifestyle disease


30 % OrangMemiliki risiko penyakit


Have high risk of disease (CARDIAC, STROKE, & KIDNEY




Hasil tes darahBlood test results

47%Kolesterol Tinggi

High CholesterolOrangEmployees1295 10% Orang






1% LDL KolesterolLDL Cholesterol



08 Halo Vale I Edis i Februar i 2014

6% OrangEmployees162

Hepatitis BHepatitis B


Sumber: Occupational Health Surveillance Report 2012

31 % OrangOrang Memiliki risiko penyakit Asam UratEmployees have a risk of Uric Acid

Sakit tulang belakang menjadi keluhan terbesar

di Departemen Mining dan

Process Plant

Back pain became the biggest

complaints in Mining Departement and

Process Plant

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Keep Yourself Healthy and Productive Do you lead a healthy life? Beware, it may take 10 to 20 years before the effec ts of an unhealthy lifestyle become apparent.

Everyone wants to be healthy. But only some people are willing, and are aware of the need to engage in activities that are beneficial to their health. Work is frequently used as an excuse to live a lifestyle that is practical and carefree, which is unhealthy for the body. Take for example a person who consumes meals with poor nutritional value and seldom exercises: they are likely to deal with health issues during their productive years.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported in 2010 that at least 1.7 million American workers in their productive age die each year due to chronic diseases such as heart attack, cancer, stroke and acute respiratory failure. Medical treatment for these cases is estimated to cost up to $2 trillion, or about $1,685 per worker paid for by the worker’s employer, private insurance or by the state. This also means that businesses incur losses of up to $226 billion per year due to employees’ and their families’ lower productivity and health.

What is the situation in Indonesia? A similar phenomenon is taking place. The Ministry of Health reported two years ago that the three chronic diseases in the US were also the most likely cause of death in Indonesia, particularly among people in their productive age (15 to 64 years old).

In Sorowako, Inco Hospital conducted a study on this phenomenon through an employee health survey called the Occupational Health Surveillance Report. Conducted in 2012 and involving 2,741 employees in their productive age (53% were aged between 31 and 40), the survey concluded that more than 30% of the employees had a high risk of contracting heart, stroke and kidney diseases. People in this group were also less productive because they were on long-term medication, which included being referred to other hospitals (or receiving OMT/Offside Medical Treatment).

On the other hand, the survey showed that there were less environmental and job related health problems. Hearing loss and back pain, for example, affected just 17% and 10% of the entire sample, respectively.

The survey findings were very important because they showed the three degenerative diseases suffered by employees were not caused by their work environments but by employees’ personal lifestyle.“Uncontrolled eating and lack of exercise is the cause of these pro-blems. As a consequence, many employees have abnormal blood sugar and cholesterol levels, as well as being overweight. I think this is because employees spend just 8 hours in the workplace, while the remaining (16 hours ed.) time is spent uncontrolled,” said Manager of Occupational & Public Health, dr Kristiawan Basuki Rahmat.

Taking Sick Leave Having a weak physique also means the body will have reduced immunity against illnesses which would otherwise be considered minor ailments, such as the flu, acute respiratory infection, diarrhea or headaches. According to Inco Hospital records, 60 employees had to take sick leave in January 2013 due to flu, and 10 due to headaches and diarrhea.

Five months later, in May 2013, the number of employees on sick leave caused by flu and similar ailments increased to 65, and to 16 for diarrhea. “Our records even show one employee having taken 148 days of sick leave a year,” added dr Kristiawan.

Roesdi Hasbi (46) from Process Technology has had unpleasant experiences in relation to sick leave. His blood pressure, which wasoften unstable, had made him a frequent visitor of Inco Hospital’s inpatient wards. “In the course of two months, I would be hospita-lized anywhere between three days to a week. I was well known to most people at the hospital,” Hasbi said with a laugh.

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Hasbi had acute hypertension since 1989, sometimes reaching 170/120, at a time when he was only 22. “When it happens, my head feels very heavy, and it becomes very hard to walk,” said Hasbi, who joined PT Vale in 1988.

Wife Support Since 2003, however, Hasbi has become better at stabilizing his hypertension. He has done many things to avoid high blood pressure “hits”, such as controlling his diet and engaging in exercise. “This is thanks to my wife, who constantly reminds me to eat and exercise properly. She also gets her knowledge on the suitable types of food for people with hypertension from doctors and counselors at Inco Hospital, as well as from browsing the Internet,” said Hasbi, who was born on 1 November 1967.

Indeed, Hasbi’s wife Selviani, or Evi as she is fondly called, has strict control over her husband’s diet. “Since we got married in 2003, I have always packed him hypertension friendly meals because eating out means there is no control over what the food contains and how suitable it is for him,” Evi said.

Evi and Hasbi said organizing hypertension friendly meals can be both easy and hard. It is important to know the composition of foods as well as the dietary restrictions and willpower of the person with hypertension. Hasbi’s meals, Evi said, consist of nothing more than low-salt clear vegetable dishes and grilled fish every day. “Imagine if a person is not disciplined: it would be 11 years of eating sayur bening (vegetable soups),” Hasbi said with a laugh.

Although Hasbi has managed to neutralize his blood pressure, the doctor still recommends anti-hypertension medication and routine check-ups for him. “Hypertension is a lifelong illness. Tackling it simply means the patient must choose whether or not to stabilize the condition,” Hasbi added.

So what destabilized Hasbi’s blood pressure in the first place, considering neither of his parents had acute hypertension? “When


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I was a bachelor, I used to eat whatever I wanted and the food was always very rich. I also ate in large amounts, especially when I was on holiday,” Hasbi said, reminiscing his past unhealthy lifestyle.

Exercise and Healthy DietNyoman Arsa Widyana (33) has a different experience altogether. The Manager for Reliability Engineering & Training has had an extraordinary awareness of healthy living since he was young. Since joining PT Vale and moving to Sorowako, he has been exercising on a regular basis and controls what he eats to maintain his health. “What I realize is that health is something we will enjoy in future. I might seem healthy now, but I can’t guarantee how I will be in the future if I don’t start living a healthy lifestyle now,” Arsa said. He goes jogging in the afternoons three times a week, taking the route from Salonsa the airport. Also, he does not consume red meat, alcohol, soft drinks and cigarettes.

Not everyone is willing, or takes the time to engage in exercise. So what motivates Arsa? “Indeed, it is true that sport makes you physically exhausted. But being tired after exercising means I have a better quality rest, and this will refresh me for work the following morning,” he said.

Being human, Arsa has experienced lapses in his commitment. “There was a time when I stopped exercising for a year. As a result, I felt terribly unfit and gained weight. In the end, I went back to exercising, and I will continue to do so,” he added.

According to Inco Hospital records, Arsa has one of the best medical records. “Arsa is a PT Vale employee with an excellent medical check-up result,” said Health Education Officer Siskasofita Hatam.The experiences of Hasbi and Arsa remind us of the saying “You are what you eat” your condition today and in future depends on what you eat. Dr Kristiawan said that health is not like work safety, which impacts on a person immediately and directly when that person is negligent. “Whether someone is healthy or not can be seen 10 to 20 years later it is no wonder that few people are aware of this. Health is, in fact, a person’s most valuable asset,” added dr. Kristiawan. []


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At the cafetaria, choose healthy food.

Page 12: Karyawan Sehat, Karyawan Produktif

Mengintip Program Sehat Perusahaan LainBeberapa budaya sehat sudah diimplementasikan perusahaan-perusahaan di dunia dan Indonesia.

Karyawan merupakan aset perusahaan. Maka bisa dibayangkan jika suatu perusahaan berisi karyawan yang sakit-sakitan. Roda bisnis bakal macet atau bahkan terbengkalai dan akhirnya menderita kerugian. Ini tidak main-main.

Departemen Tenaga Kerja Australia, misalnya, pada 2010 menye-butkan, ”negeri kanguru” ini dalam setahun menderita kerugian bisnis yang berimbas pada ekonomi negara sebesar 7 miliar dolar Australia per tahun. Gara-garanya, 1,1 juta pekerja Australia ber-status kurang fit atau menderita suatu penyakit. Mereka yang dima-sukkan dalam kelompok ini, dalam setahun rata-rata mengambil cuti sebanyak 9 kali untuk keperluan berobat jalan atau istirahat atas rekomendasi dokter sehingga mengganggu kinerja perusaha-an. Penelitian tersebut juga menyebutkan, karyawan sehat memiliki tingkat produktivitas kerja tiga kali lebih baik daripada karyawan yang kurang atau tidak fit.

Australia hanyalah sebagian potret yang terjadi di banyak perusahaan di seluruh dunia. Melihat fenomena tersebut, tak heran perusahaan di dunia maupun di Indonesia semakin concern dengan kesehatan karyawannya. Hal tersebut diwujudkan dalam beberapa program yang bersifat preventif dan membudayakan hidup sehat.

Majalah Harvard Business Review pada tahun 2010 yang melapor-kan, 97 persen dari 500 perusahaan besar di dunia melakukan pro-gram corporate health yang mendorong gaya hidup sehat bagi karyawan. Beberapa kegiatan bisa menjadi inspirasi.

Lihat misalnya yang dilakukan AutoNation, perusahaan ritel otomo-tif terbesar di AS. Pada jam makan siang, perusahaan mengizinkan karyawannya pergi ke pusat kebugaran dan berolahraga selama 30 menit.

Ada pula usaha yang dilakukan L.L. Bean, perusahaan pakaian dan peralatan outdoor yang bermarkas di Maine, AS. Perusahaan ini mewajibkan karyawannya mengambil jeda dari pekerjaan selama beberapa kali dalam sehari untuk melakukan peregangan. L.L. Bean juga melakukan sosialisasi berhenti merokok, informasi nutrisi, serta pengendalian berat badan dan stres.

Meja Kerja TreadmillLain lagi dengan Confluence, firma perangkat lunak yang berbasis di Pittsburgh. Firma ini mendorong gaya hidup sehat dengan caramemasang rak sepeda dan shower di kantor agar karyawan tergerak naik sepeda atau berjalan kaki ke kantor. Diadakan juga aneka tan-tangan berhadiah perangkat olahraga, keanggotaan gym, hingga paket spa.

Sementara itu, stasiun televisi Discovery mengadakan “tantangan bugar” yang diikuti oleh 2.600 karyawan yang tersebar di seluruh dunia. Discovery menantang karyawan untuk berjalan minimal 10.000 langkah per hari.

Kini tren meja treadmill juga sedang mewabah di AS. Produsen perangkat tersebut terinspirasi oleh Dr James Levine–seorang endokrinolog dan peneliti obesitas dari Mayo Clinic–membuat sendiri meja treadmill pada tahun 1999. Sambil tetap bekerja, seseorang bisa berjalan santai selama 3-4 jam di treadmill demi membakar 350 kalori. Perusahaan besar seperti Google, Microsoft, Evernote, Coca Cola, dan Procter & Gamble telah meletakkan unit-unit meja treadmill yang bisa digunakan kapan pun oleh seluruh karyawan.


12 Halo Vale I Edis i Februar i 2014

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Jalan Sehat hingga Fruit DayDi Indonesia, sering sekali terdengar perusahaan mengadakan event jalan sehat, sepeda santai, atau senam bersama. Beberapa perusahaan malah menerapkan program kesehatan yang unik. PT Nutrifood menyediakan kudapan rendah lemak, bebas gula, dan rendah garam untuk sajian rapat dan makan siang karyawannya. Pada jam-jam tertentu, di komputer karyawan akan muncul panduan relaksasi dan peregangan otot.

IBM Indonesia punya program rutin Fruit Day, yaitu pembagian buah-buahan kepada karyawan yang diikuti aneka games bernuan-sa kudapan sehat. Perusahaan pengembang real estate Bandung Inti Graha mengadakan pekan olahraga dan seni dua tahun sekali yang melombakan cabang olahraga bulu tangkis, bola voli, tenis meja, futsal, billiard, gerak jalan, tari daerah, band, vokal grup, dan karaoke.

Inisiatif Kar yawanInisiatif menjaga kesehatan tidak melulu datang dari perusahaan. Bisa juga karyawan yang menggagasnya. Seorang karyawan wanita yang bekerja di grup ritel perabot rumah tangga di AS, City Furniture, melihat teman kerjanya melakukan Zumba–kombinasi dansa dan aerobik–di ruang konferensi pada sore hari dua kali seminggu. Dia lantas bergabung dengan rekan kerjanya, dan mereka makin rutin berlatih sejak semakin banyak karyawan yang tertarik.

Sekelompok karyawan di Marico, penghasil produk kesehatan dan kecantikan yang berbasis di India, memodifikasi gudang di area kantor menjadi sebuah arena olahraga. Di Siemens, para karyawan membuat kelas yoga yang tidak hanya meningkatkan kebugaran, tapi juga mempererat kerja sama antar-karyawan.

Selain berolahraga, keinginan mengonsumsi makanan sehat yang datang dari sendiri punya pengaruh besar terhadap kesehatan. Juga terhadap produktivitas kerja. Para peneliti dari Health Enhancement Research Organization (HERO), Brigham Young University, dan Center for Health Research di Healthways menemukan, pekerja yang makan makanan sehat seharian penuh memiliki performa kerja 25% lebih tinggi. Karyawan yang makan buah dan sayur minimal empat kali dalam sepekan memiliki produktivitas 25% lebih tinggi daripada mereka yang tidak makan buah dan sayur.

Ketika individu mulai tergerak menjaga kesehatan, kemampuan bekerja meningkat. Bukankah sebuah kepuasan dan kebanggaan jika kita bisa bekerja maksimal dan memberi kontribusi positif bagi tempat kita mencari nafkah? []

13Edis i Februar i 2014 I Halo Vale


Seorang karyawati Google menggunakan meja kerja treadmill, salah satu

inovasi untuk mengurangi risiko pekerja kantoran yang kerap minim gerak.

Treadmill ini mampu membakar 350 kalori bila digunakan selama 3-4 jam.

Salah satu perusahaan buah-buahan (Sunpride) mengadakan kampanye buah-buahan kepada pengunjung di salah satu mal di kawasan Jakarta Pusat.

Karyawan dan karyawati Pertamina di Sangatta, Kalimantan Timur sedang

malakukan program senam jantung sehat yang dilakukan secara rutin.


Dok. nytim

Dok. hum



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14 Halo Vale I Edis i Februar i 2014

Checking Out Other Companies’ Health Programs Several “health cultures” have been implemented by companies around the world and in Indonesia.


Employees are company’s assets. It is therefore easy to imagine what it would be like for a company to have sickly employees. The business could not run smoothly and would, in fact, come to a halt and suffer losses. This is not something to be taken lightly.

According to the Australian Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations in 2010, the country incurred business losses which in turn affected the national economy to a sum of up to AUD$7 billion a year due to the poor health of 1.1 million unfit or sick employees. Those in this category took up to 9 instances of sick leave, requiring them to rest or take ongoing medication on doctors’ recommendation, therefore disrupting the company’s performance. Studies also show that healthy employees are three times more productive than employees who are unhealthy or less fit.

The case of Australia is a reflection of a worldwide phenomenon. Therefore, it is not surprising that companies all over the world, including Indonesia, are becoming increasingly concerned withthe health of their employees. This is apparent from the imple-mentation of various preventative programs and healthy lifestyle campaigns.

The Harvard Business Review reported in 2010 that 97 percent of 500 large-scale global corporations were engaged in corporate health programs encouraging employees to live a healthy lifestyle. Some of the activities are truly inspiring.

Take for example AutoNation, the biggest automotive retailer in the US. During their lunch break, the company allows its employees to work out at the gym for 30 minutes.

Then there is the initiative by L.L. Bean, a manufacturer of outdoor clothing and equipment based in Maine, US. It is compulsory for employees at the company to take several breaks from work every day to perform stretches. L.L. Bean also has campaigns against smoking and provides information on nutrition, weight control and stress for employees.

Treadmill In The WorkstationA different approach is taken by Pittsburgh-based software com-pany Confluence. This firm supports a healthy lifestyle by installing bike racks and showers in the office so employees are encouraged to ride their bikes or walk to work. There are also various challenges that are rewarded with sports equipment, gym membership and spa packages.

Meanwhile, Discovery television channel holds a “fitness challenge” in which its 2,600 employees from around the world are challenged to walk at least 10,000 steps a day.

The popularity of the treadmill workstation is currently also on the rise in the US. The production of the equipment was inspired by Mayo Clinic endocrinologist and obesity researcher Dr James Levine, who made his own treadmill workstation in 1999. The equipment allows an employee to continue working at desk while walking for 3 to 4 hours on a treadmill, burning 350 calories. Large corporations such as Google, Microsoft, Evernote, Coca Cola, and Procter & Gamble have treadmill workstations that can be used at anytime by all employees.

Google’s employee uses treadmill in the workstation. This inovation could burn 350 calories for 3 to 4 hours walking on the treadmill.


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15Edis i Februar i 2014 I Halo Vale

From Healthy Walks to Fruit DaysIn Indonesia, there are many instances of companies hosting walk-for-health, leisurely bike-ride, or mass exercise events. In fact, some companies implement quite unique health programs. PT Nutrifood provides low-fat, low-salt, sugar-free snacks at corporate meetings and for their employees’ lunch. At certain times of the day, a guide on relaxation and stretching techniques will appear on employees’ computer screen, encouraging them to exercise.

IBM Indonesia holds Fruit Days, during which fruit is distributed to employees, followed by several games involving healthy snacks. Bandung-based real estate company Inti Graha holds a sports and arts week once every two years, during which employees participate in badminton, volleyball, table tennis, futsal, billiard, marching, ethnic dancing, band, vocal group and karaoke competitions.

Employees’ Initiative The initiative to stay fit does not only come from the company. In many cases, it comes from motivated employees. A female employee working for furniture retail group City Furniture in the US saw her friend doing Zumba the dance and aerobic combination

workout in the company’s conference room two afternoons a week. She joined her colleague and they exercised routinely, attracting the further interest of other employees.

A group of employees in Marico, an India-based health and cosmetics manufacturer, turned the warehouse in their office area into a sports arena. At Siemens, employees set up a yoga class that benefitted not just their personal well-being but collegial relationships as well.

Besides engaging in sports, the self-motivation to eat healthily is a factor that significantly affects health and work productivity. Researchers at the Health Enhancement Research Organization (HERO), Brigham Young University, and the Center for Health Research in Healthways discovered that the workers who eat healthy meals throughout the day perform 25% better than those who do not. Employees who eat fruit and vegetables at least four times a week are 25% more productive than those who do not.

When individuals are motivated to stay healthy, the ability to work improves. Isn’t it satisfying and worth feeling proud when we can work optimally and contribute positively to the place where we earn a living? []


Fruit Day program in IBM Indonesia. On this program, employees can eat fruits provided by company.

At lunch break, Discovery’s employees usually do light exercise and eat healthy food.

Elevators at PT Nutrifood’s office, Jakarta, equipped with signage suggesting employees to use stairs.



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Sadar hidup sehat kadang perlu dorongan dari luar. Menyadari hal itu, Departemen Medical Services melalui unit Occupational Health dan Public Health Services melakukan serangkaian program, baik secara internal maupun eksternal.

Menurut Siskasofita Hatam, Health Education Officer PT Vale, pro-gram dibagi dalam dua hal, yakni preventif berupa program medi-cal check up (MCU), kampanye, dan edukasi kesehatan, serta kuratif beru-pa tindakan perawatan dan rehabilitasi.

Kampanye kesehatan dengan target karyawan, misalnya, berfokus pada satu sasaran tiap tahunnya. “Bila tahun lalu kami fokus ke kam-panye ergonomi, tahun ini fokus melakukan edukasi pola hidup sehat selama 15 menit sebelum karyawan melakukan MCU tahunan di RS Inco. Program ini sudah berjalan sejak 1 Februari 2013 dan diikuti 1.800-an karyawan,” ujar Siska.

Topik kampanye sehat internal juga mengangkat “Pola Hidup Bersih Sehat” (PHBS) di tempat kerja. Materi yang disampaikan, antara lain,cuci tangan dengan sabun, periksa jentik nyamuk, gunakan APD (alat pelindung diri) dengan benar, dan buang sampah pada tempatnya.

Program edukasi digelar dengan topik bervariasi, misalnya kelas edukasi bagi karyawan penderita diabetes yang dilakukan tahun lalu dalam dua kelas. Pesertanya diberi penyuluhan hidup mandiri bersama diabetes. ”Mereka diberi pengertian bahwa ini adalah penyakit seumur hidup tapi masih bisa dikendalikan melalui pola makan dan terapi. Setiap kelas diikuti 10 peserta. Pemateri adalah tim yang beranggotakan dokter internis, fisioterapis, ahli gizi, dan dokter umum,” tambah Siska.

Dari Kampanye hingga Edukasi Ragam program dan aktivitas yang dilakukan PT Vale untuk peningkatan kesehatan kar yawan.


16 Halo Vale I Edis i Februar i 2014

Suasana penyuluhan pola hidup sehat kepada karyawan sebelum mengikuti medical check up di RS Inco. Sesi ini dilakukan untuk memberikan kesadaran kepada karyawan arti penting hidup sehat dan bagaimana melakukannya.

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Selain itu, edukasi ini juga menyasar kelompok kontraktor yang biasanya berfokus pada materi kesehatan di Safety Meeting. ”Misalnya yang diadakan PT Trakindo setiap bulan. Temanya bervariasi, mulai dari kecukupan gizi pekerja, DBD, edukasi hidup sehat, hingga PHBS,” ungkap Siska.

Inisiatif DepartemenDi luar edukasi, RS Inco juga mendukung program sehat yang inisiatifnya berasal dari departemen-departemen. Misalnya, di Departemen Support Services dan Construction Services rutin diadakan senam bersama tiap Jumat. Bekerja sama dengan Puskesmas Nuha, drg Suryani menjadi instruktur senamnya.

Ada pula edukasi kesehatan dengan target keluarga karyawan, pelajar, maupun masyarakat umum. Untuk program ini, biasanya dilakukan melalui kegiatan yang digalang bersama Ikatan Keluarga PT Vale Indonesia (IKVI), sekolah, atau Puskesmas-Puskesmas yang dilakukan di empat wilayah pemberdayaan PT Vale (Sorowako, Towuti, Wasuponda, dan Malili). Topiknya bervariasi, mulai dari kanker serviks, PHBS, demam berdarah, hingga HIV/AIDS.

Yang tak kalah seru adalah upaya Occupational Health RS Inco yangmengaktifkan kembali ”Senam Jantung Sehat” sejak 15 September 2013 silam. Senam yang digelar saban hari Minggu pukul 6 pagi di Lapangan Camp Site ini, diharapkan menjadi alat promosi kesehatan yang dapat menjangkau keluarga karyawan dan masyarakat umum. []


17Edis i Februar i 2014 I Halo Vale

Senam jantung sehat yang digelar setiap hari Minggu di Camp Site, Sorowako, rutin diikuti oleh puluhan warga.

Medical check up rutin dilakukan karyawan PT Vale setiap tahun.

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From Campaigning to Educating PT Vale conducts various programs and activities to ensure employees are healthy.


The awareness to live healthily sometimes needs to come from outside. This has led the Medical Services Department, through its Occupational Health and Public Health Services unit, to conduct a series of internal and external programs.

According to Siskasofita Hatam, PT Vale’s Health Education Officer, the program uses two approaches: preventive, in the form of medical check-ups, campaigns and health education; and curative, in the form of treatment and rehabilitation activities.

The health campaign targeting employees, for example, has one focus every year. “Last year we focused on ergonomic campaigns; this year the focus is on conducting a 15-minute educational session on healthy living, which we give to employees before they undergo their annual medical check-up (MCU) at Inco Hospital. We have held this program since 1 February and 1,800 employees have participated,” Siska said.

The theme of the internal health campaign also includes “A Healthy and Clean Lifestyle” (Pola Hidup Bersih Sehat, PHBS) in the workplace. This campaign covers issues such as hand-washing with soap, checking for mosquito larvae, wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) correctly, and throwing rubbish in right place.

The educational programs cover a variety of topics. For example, there were two educational classes for diabetes patients held last year. The participants were informed on how to live self-sufficiently with diabetes. “They were told it was a lifelong disease, but also that it could be controlled through diets and therapies. Each class had 10 participants. The resource team consisted of internists, physiotherapists, nutritionists and general practitioners,” Siska added.

The educational programs also target contractors, usually focusing on health issues brought up in Safety Meetings. “For example, PT Trakindo holds sessions every month. The theme varies, starting from employees’ nutritional requirements, dengue fever, learning to live healthy, to PHBS,” Siska said.

Departmental InitiativeBesides providing education, Inco Hospital also supports health programs initiated by various departments. For example, the Department of Support Services and Construction Services holds group exercises every Friday, led by Dr Suryani as instructor, in collaboration with the Nuha Puskesmas (Community Health Center).

Then there is the health educational program aimed at employees’ families, students and the public. These programs are usually held in collaboration with Vale Indonesia Family Association (Ikatan Keluarga Vale Indonesia, IKVI), schools or puskesmas in the four empowerment areas of PT Vale (Sorowako, Towuti, Wasuponda, and Malili). Topics of the program range from cervical cancer and PHBS, to dengue fever and HIV/AIDS.

Not to be underestimated is the effort by Inco Hospital’s Occupa-tional Health section to revive “Healthy Heart Exercises” since 15 Sep-tember. The exercises, held every Sunday at 6 am on Camp Site Field, are expected to promote health among employees, as well as the general public. []

18 Halo Vale I Edis i Februar i 2014

Fiftteen minutes educational session on healthy living in RS Inco. Employees get the session before they undergo annual medical check up.

Construction service employees do regular exercise in friday morning.

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Evaluasi kesehatan yang dilakukan sepanjang 2012 menyebutkan, risiko terserang penyakit degeneratif di kalangan karyawan PT Vale terbilang tinggi. Penyakit degeneratif adalah penyakit tidak menular yang disebabkan oleh penurunan fungsi jaringan mau-pun organ tubuh. Penurunan fungsi tersebut datang seiring bertambahnya usia maupun pilihan gaya hidup.

Pertambahan usia tidak dapat dihindari, tapi gaya hidup bisa diperbaiki. Penyakit jantung, stroke, dan kerusakan ginjal—tiga jenis penyakit degeneratif yang potensial diderita karyawan PT Vale—bisa dicegah. Data Kementerian Kesehatan RI menyebutkan, pe-nyakit degeneratif kini mengincar usia produktif, tidak melulu kelompok lansia. Gaya hidup, terutama pola makan tinggi lemak dan kurang olahraga, menjadi penyebab utama.

Penyakit jantung, stroke, dan gagal ginjal punya faktor risiko yang hampir sama. Sebagian besar akibat komplikasi tekanan darah dan kolesterol tinggi serta diabetes mellitus. Maka menjaga tekanan darah, kadar kolesterol, dan kadar gula menjadi sangat pen-ting dalam upaya mencegah tiga penyakit tersebut. Obesitas, merokok, dan mengonsumsi minuman beralkohol juga menjadi faktor yang memperbesar risiko penyakit degeneratif. []

Awas Penyakit Degeneratif Berbagai penyakit yang dulu hanya diderita para lanjut usia, kini menginc ar kelompok usia produktif.


19Edis i Februar i 2014 I Halo Vale

Cek dan Lakuk an dengan Disiplin Penyakit Jantung Stroke Gagal ginjal

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- Turunkan tekanan darah tinggi

- Cegah/kendalikan diabetes

- Kendalikan kadar kolesterol

- Jaga berat badan sehat

- Batasi konsumsi lemak jenuh dan lemak trans

- Perbanyak konsumsi buah dan sayur

- Batasi konsumsi garam 1 sendok teh tiap hari

- Olahraga rutin, 30 menit tiap hari

- Hindari/berhenti merokok

- Hindari/kurangi minuman beralkohol

- Hindari/kendalikan stres

- Konsultasikan dengan dokter jika Anda mengalami gangguan bernapas

saat tidur (obstructive sleep apnea)

- Waspadai pemakaian obat bebas, terutama pereda rasa sakit yang dapat

mengakibatkan kerusakan ginjal

- Lakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan rutin

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Beware of Degenerative DiseasesMany diseases that once affected only older people are now having an impact on people in the productive age group.

Health evaluations conducted throughout 2012 show that the risk of developing degenerative diseases among PT Vale employees is quite high. Degenerative diseases are non-contagious diseases caused by deterioration in the ability of tissues and organs of the body to function. The deterioration may either come with time, with normal bodily wear, or with lifestyle choices.

Aging is unavoidable, but lifestyle can be improved. Heart disease, stroke and kidney failure the three degenerative diseases that PT Vale employees are likely to develop are preventable. According the Indonesian Ministry of Health, degenerative diseases have become increasingly prevalent among people in their productive years, and not just among the elderly. Lifestyle, particularly one involving a high-fat diet and lack of exercise, is the main culprit.

Heart disease, stroke and kidney failure are caused by similar risk factors. Mostly, they result from a complication of high blood pressure and cholesterol, as well as diabetes mellitus. For that reason, controlling blood pressure and cholesterol and sugar levels is extremely important if the three diseases are to be prevented. Obesity, smoking, and excessive alcohol intake are other factors that increase the risk of developing degenerative diseases. []

Check and Do with Discipline Heart Disease Stroke Kidney Failure

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Preventive action

- Reduce hypertension

- Prevent/control diabetes

- Control cholesterol levels

- Maintain a healthy body weight

- Limit intake of saturated and trans fats

- Increase fruit and vegetable intake

- Limit salt intake to 1 teaspoon per day

- Exercise regularly, 30 minutes a day

- Avoid/stop smoking

- Avoid/reduce intake of alcoholic beverages

- Avoid/control stress

- Consult your doctor if you suffer from obstructive sleep apnea

- Beware of over the counter drugs, particularly pain killers, which may

lead to kidney failure

- Have routine health checks

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Mulailah dari Pola dan Menu Makan Mak an sehat membuat per forma tubuh prima, mudah mengendalik an stres, dan mencegah bahk an meredak an berbagai penyakit.

Sebagian dari kita mungkin pernah menjalankan program diet yang bersifat sementara. Saat menjalani diet, begitu banyak yang kita korbankan. Kita sering merasa lapar dan justru memikirkan makanan sepanjang waktu. Ketika program diet berhenti, banyak orang yang ”balas dendam” lalu makan sesuka hati.

Kebiasaan makan sehat atau healthy eating, jauh berbeda dari program diet. Makan sehat memastikan tubuh mendapat vitamin, mineral, dan nutrisi lain dalam jumlah seimbang. Mengonsumsi variasi makanan sehat dalam jumlah seimbang adalah salah satu hal terbaik yang bisa Anda lakukan untuk mencegah berbagai masalah kesehatan, seperti penyakit jantung, tekanan darah tinggi, diabetes tipe 2, dan beberapa jenis kanker.

Pola Makan DASHDi negara-negara maju, DASH telah lama diterapkan. DASH singka-tan dari dietary approaches to stop hypertension atau pendekatan pola makan untuk menghentikan tekanan darah tinggi. Pola makan tersebut menekankan pengurangan sodium dan mengonsumsi bermacam makanan yang kaya nutrien yang dapat menurunkan tekanan darah, seperti potassium (atau kalium), kalsium, dan magnesium.

Dengan mengikuti DASH, tekanan darah dapat turun beberapa poin hanya dalam waktu dua minggu. Seiring waktu, tekanan darah sistolik bisa turun 7-12 poin, yang memberi perbedaan besar pada kondisi kesehatan.

DASH tak hanya dianjurkan bagi penderita hipertensi. Penelitian membuktikan, DASH mampu menurunkan risiko penyakit jantung hingga 24% dan risiko stroke hingga 18%, serta menurunkan kadar kolesterol total dan kolesterol jahat hingga 7%. Pola makan DASH juga sejalan dengan rekomendasi para ahli gizi dalam pencegahan osteoporosis, kanker, penyakit jantung, stroke, dan diabetes. Berikut panduan untuk Anda.

Sodium: maksimal 2.300 mg per hari. Mengurangi konsumsi garam merupakan hal paling penting untuk menurunkan tekanandarah, juga bagian paling penting dalam DASH. Asupan 2.300 mg setara dengan 1 sendok teh garam meja, sesuai yang direkomen-dasikan WHO. Jika Anda sudah terbiasa menjalankan DASH untuk beberapa waktu, coba kurangi lagi konsumsi garam menjadi 1.500 mg yang setara dengan 2/3 sendok teh garam meja. Jumlah tersebut sudah termasuk jumlah garam alami yang terdapat dalam bahan makanan serta jumlah garam yang ditambahkan saat memasak.

Karbohidrat: 3-4 porsi per hari. Yang termasuk di dalamnya adalah nasi, roti, sereal, dan pasta. Satu porsi dihitung sebagai satu lembar roti gandum, 1 piring kecil nasi, pasta, atau sereal. Pilih nasi merah dibanding nasi putih, pasta gandum dibanding pasta biasa, dan roti gandum dibanding roti putih. Biji-bijian sudah rendah


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lemak secara alami, maka hindari menambahkan krim atau saus keju, serta mengoleskan margarin.

Sayur-sayuran: 4-5 porsi per hari. Tomat, wortel, brokoli, ubi jalar, dan sayuran hijau adalah makanan kaya serat, vitamin, dan tinggi mineral. Satu porsi penyajian dihitung sebagai ½ mangkuk sayuran masak. Sayuran segar maupun beku sama baiknya. Namun jika Anda membeli sayuran beku atau sayuran kaleng, pilih produk berlabel ”rendah sodium” atau ”tanpa tambahan garam”.

Buah: 4-5 porsi per hari. Seperti sayuran, buah juga kaya serat, kalium, magnesium, dan rendah lemak—kecuali alpukat dan kelapa. Satu takaran penyajian adalah 1 buah ukuran sedang atau ½ cangkir buah potong, buah beku, atau buah kaleng, juga termasuk 120 ml jus buah asli. Konsumsilah buah setelah makan. Pilihlah buah beserta yogurt rendah lemak jika Anda ingin mengudap. Jika Anda mengonsumsi buah kaleng atau jus, pastikan bebas gula.

Produk susu: 2-3 porsi per hari. Susu, yogurt, keju, dan makanan berbahan dasar susu lainnya adalah sumber kalsium, vitamin D, dan protein. Kuncinya adalah memastikan produk susu yang Anda konsumsi tergolong rendah lemak atau bebas lemak. Satu porsi dihitung sebagai 1 cangkir susu skim, 1 cangkir yogurt, atau 3 sendok makan keju. Khusus untuk keju, jangan terlalu sering dikonsumsi karena keju rendah lemak sekalipun biasanya tinggi sodium.

Daging sapi tanpa lemak, unggas, dan ikan: 1-2 porsi per hari.Daging memang kaya protein, vitamin B, zat besi, dan seng. Namunbahkan daging tanpa lemak sekalipun masih mengandung lemak dan kolesterol. Jangan jadikan daging sebagai makanan utama Anda. Kurangi sepertiga atau setengah porsi daging yang biasa Anda konsumsi, lalu ganti dengan sayur-sayuran. Satu porsi penyajian setara dengan 1 potong sedang daging sapi tanpa lemak, daging ayam rebus tanpa kulit, ikan, atau 1 butir telur.

Kacang-kacangan: 4-5 porsi per minggu. Kacang almon, biji bunga matahari, kacang merah, kacang polong, dan aneka kacang-kacangan yang lain merupakan sumber magnesium, kalium, dan protein. Kacang juga kaya serat serta fitokimia yang melindungi tubuh terhadap beberapa jenis kanker dan penyakit kardiovaskular. Produk berbahan dasar kedelai, seperti tahu dan tempe, bisa menjadi alternatif pengganti daging karena mengandung semua asam amino yang dibutuhkan tubuh untuk membuat protein lengkap. Porsi penyajian yang disarankan memang kecil, dan sebaiknya tidak dikonsumsi tiap hari, karena jenis makanan ini tinggi kalori. Satu porsi berarti ½ cangkir kacang rebus.

Lemak dan minyak: 2-3 porsi per hari. Lemak membantu tubuh menyerap vitamin penting dan meningkatkan kekebalan. Namun terlalu banyak minyak akan memperbesar risiko penyakit jantung, diabetes, dan obesitas. Satu porsi penyajian dihitung sebagai

1 sendok teh margarin, 1 sendok makan mayones, atau 2 sendok makan salad dressing. Pembatasan konsumsi daging, mentega, keju, susu, telur, dan makanan yang mengandung lemak babi, minyak kelapa, dan minyak kelapa sawit, akan mengurangi konsumsi lemak jenuh dan lemak trans yang dapat meningkatkan kolesterol darah. Makanan yang mengandung lemak tak jenuh tunggal dan lemak tak jenuh ganda—seperti alpukat, kacang almon, minyak zaitun—dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol. Konsumsi secukupnya saja karena, bagaimanapun, semua lemak tergolong tinggi kalori. []

MENU HARIANSarapan. Dua lembar roti gandum dan segelas susu rendah lemak.

Camilan siang. Buah pir ukuran sedang yang dikonsumsi dua jam setelah sarapan.

Makan siang. Nasi merah 150 gram (atau 15 sendok makan), ikan atau ayam, sayuran bening atau sup, satu buah apel merah.

Camilan sore. ½ cangkir melon atau pir potong yang dikonsumsi empat jam setelah makan siang. Bisa juga sesekali diganti kacang-kacangan yang direbus.

Makan malam. Nasi merah 150 gram dengan ikan atau ayam bumbu rempah, sayuran bening atau sup, satu buah jeruk. Jika Anda masih merasa lapar, sebelum tidur minumlah segelas susu

rendah lemak.

MAKANAN YANG PERLU DIHINDARISodium. Garam meja, ikan asin, telur asin, kecap, terasi, petis, tauco, MSG, soda kue, pengawet makanan yang mengandung benzoat, dan pemanis buatan yang mengandung natrium siklamat.

Gula. Batasi konsumsi sirup, cake, soft drinks, dan permen.

Lemak jenuh. Produk susu tinggi lemak dan protein hewani seperti daging berlemak, gulai, dan sosis mengandung lemak jenuh.

Lemak trans. Jenis lemak ini dijumpai pada biskuit pabrikan, margarin, dan mentega putih.

Kolesterol. Sumber kolesterol antara lain produk susu tinggi lemak dan protein hewani seperti kuning telur, kerang, dan organ dalam sapi.

Kopi. Diet DASH tidak menyarankan konsumsi kafein. Meskipun pengaruh kafein terhadap tekanan darah dalam jangka panjang belum jelas, kafein dapat meningkatkan tekanan darah minimal untuk sementara. Jika tekanan darah Anda tergolong tinggi atau Anda merasa kafein punya pengaruh terhadap tekanan darah, konsultasikan konsumsi kafein kepada dokter.

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Start from Healthy Diet Eating healthy enables the body to per form at peak level, control stress and prevent and even relieve a variety of diseases.

Some of us may have embarked on various temporary diets. During such diets, we sacrifice so much the feeling of hunger lingers, and the thought of food is constantly there. Then, when the program is finished, many of us go on a “revenge” trip, eating to our heart’s content.

The habit of healthy eating is very different from a diet program. Healthy eating ensures that the body receives vitamins, minerals and other nutrition in balanced amounts. Eating well-balanced healthy meals is one of the best things you can do to your body and prevent health problems such as heart disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes and various types of cancer.

The DASH DietDeveloped countries have long implemented DASH. An acronym for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, the diet emphasizes the reduction of sodium levels and the consumption of various nutrition-rich meals that can potentially cut down blood pressure, such as potassium (or kalium), calcium and magnesium.

The DASH diet allows blood pressure to drop by several points in just two weeks. Over time, systolic blood pressure may decrease 7 to 12 points, which has a significant impact on overall health.

The DASH diet is recommended not only for people with hypertension. Studies show the diet can reduce the risk of heart diseases by 24% , the risk of stroke by 18% and the level of total and bad cholesterols by 7%. The diet follows the recommendations made by nutritionists in preventing osteoporosis, cancer, heart disease, stroke and diabetes. A guideline is provided here for you.

Sodium: a maximum of 2,300 mg per day. Cutting back on salt intake is the most important way to reduce blood pressure, and the most important aspect of the DASH diet. The 2,300 mg amount is equivalent to 1 teaspoon of table salt, as recommended by WHO.

When you have become accustomed to the DASH diet, try reducing your salt consumption to 1,500 mg, or 2/3 teaspoonfuls of table salt. These amounts consist of salt occurring naturally in ingredients as well as salt added during the cooking process.

Carbohydrates: 3 to 4 portions per day. This includes rice, breads, cereals and pasta. One portion is measured as a slice of whole wheat bread, 1 small plate of rice, pasta or cereals. Choose red rice instead of white rice, whole wheat pasta instead of regular pasta, and whole wheat bread instead of white bread. Grains are naturally low in fat, so avoid adding cream or cheese sauces, and using margarine spreads.

Vegetables: 4 to 5 portions per day. Tomatoes, carrots, broccoli, sweet potatoes and leafy greens are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. One portion measures ½ a bowl of cooked vegetables. Fresh vegetables are as good as frozen. However, when buying frozen or tinned vegetables, choose products labeled “low sodium” or “no added salt”.

Fruit: 4 to 5 portions per day. Like vegetables, fruit is also rich in fiber, kalium and magnesium and, except for avocado and coconut, is low in fat. One serve measures 1 medium-sized piece, or ½ cup of cut-up frozen or tinned fruit, as well as 120 ml of pure fruit juice. Have fruit after meals. Choose fruit and low-fat yogurt when you feel like a snack. If you eat tinned fruit or juice, make sure it is sugar-free.

Dairy products: 2 to 3 portions per day. Milk, yogurt, cheese and other dairy products are a source of calcium, vitamin D and protein. The key is to ensure the dairy products you consume are low- or non-fat. One portion measures 1 cup of skim milk, 1 cup of yogurt or 3 tablespoons of cheese. Limit your cheese intake because even low-fat cheeses are usually high in sodium.

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Non-fat beef, poultry and fish: 1 to 2 portions per day. Meet is rich in protein, vitamin B and zinc. However, even non-fat meat contains fat and cholesterol. Do not make meat your main meal. Cut back your meat consumption by a third or a half of what you normally eat and replace with vegetables. One serve is equivalent to 1 medium piece of non-fat beef, boiled skinless chicken, fish or 1 egg.

Nuts and legumes: 4 to 5 portions per week. Almonds, sunflower seeds, red beans, peas and pulses are a source of magnesium, kalium and protein. Nuts are rich in fiber and phytochemicals that protect the body against various types of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Soybean-based products, such as tofu and tempeh, are good meat substitutes because they contain all the amino acids required by the body to build complete proteins. The recommended serving portions are small and foods like these are preferably not consumed daily as they are high in calories. One portion measures ½ cup of boiled peanuts.

Fats and oils: 2 to 3 portions per day. Fat helps the body absorb important vitamins and improve immunity. Too much oil, however, will increase the risk of heart diseases, diabetes and obesity. One serve is equivalent to 1 teaspoon margarine, 1 tablespoon mayonnaise or 2 tablespoons salad dressing. Limiting meat, butter, cheese, milk, eggs and food items containing lard as well as coconut oil and palm oil means reducing saturated and trans fat, which can potentially increase blood cholesterol levels. Food containing monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat such as avocado, almond oil and olive oil can reduce cholesterol. Consume only as much as needed because all fats are in fact high in calories. []

DAILY MEALSBreakfast. Two pieces of whole wheat bread and a glass of low-fat milk.

Mid-morning snack. A medium-sized pear, eaten two hours after breakfast.

Lunch. 150 grams (or 15 tablespoons) of red rice, fish or chicken, clear vegetable dish or soup, one red apple.

Afternoon snack. ½ cup of cut-up melon or pear pieces, eaten four hours after lunch. This may be replaced with boiled peanuts or beans.

Dinner. 150 grams of red rice with a spiced dish of fish or chicken, clear vegetable dish or soup, one orange. If you are still hungry, drink a glass of low-fat milk before going to bed.

FOOD TO BE AVOIDEDSodium. Table salt, salted fish, sweet soy sauce, shrimp paste, petis seasoning paste, tauco soybean paste, MSG, baking soda, food preservatives containing benzoate, and artificial sweeteners containing sodium cyclamate.

Sugar. Syrups, cakes, soft drinks and sweets.

Saturated fat. Products made of full fat milk and animal prote-ins, such as fatty meats, gulai curries and sausages containing saturated fat.

Trans fats. Factory-manufactured biscuits, margarine, and white butter.

Cholesterol. Products made of full fat milk and animal prote-ins such as egg yolk, shellfish and offal.

Coffee. The DASH diet does not recommend caffeine. Although the long-term effect of caffeine to blood pressure is unclear, caffeine is known to increase blood pressure temporarily. If you have high blood pressure, or you feel that caffeine has an effect on your blood pressure, consult your doctor about your caffeine consumption.


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Istirahat dan Olahraga KuncinyaPerlu kiat untuk menjaga stamina prima, terutama bagi para pekerja shif t .

Bagi karyawan yang bekerja di jam kerja normal (8 pagi-5 sore), mengatur waktu istirahat dan olahraga tidaklah sulit. Kuncinya hanya mendisiplinkan diri dan konsisten. Namun bagi mereka yang bekerja di luar waktu normal atau mereka pekerja shift, tentu perlu mengaturnya lebih jeli. Pasalnya, waktu kerja mereka bisa berputar kapan pun. Bisa dimulai sore atau selesai pada pagi-pagi subuh.

Karena itu, bagi mereka yang bekerja shift, pengaturan pola istirahat dan olahraganya tidak sama dengan mereka yang bekerja normal. Ada perlakuan khusus atau kebiasaan yang perlu dilakukan agar pekerja shift tetap memiliki stamina dan konsentrasi yang baik ketika bekerja.

Pekerja shift lebih rentan terhadap terjadinya kecerobohan, kurang disiplin, dan turunnya produktivitas karena kelela-han. Pekerja shift juga lebih rentan terhadap penyakit kronis seperti kardiovaskular dan gangguan gastrointestinal.

Di luar itu, menurut hasil penelitian National Sleep Founda-tion, lembaga nirlaba yang bergerak di bidang kesehatan yang bermarkas di Arlington, AS, beberapa gejala yang se-ring dikeluhkan pekerja shift di antaranya: insomnia, keti-dakteraturan jadwal istirahat, kinerja yang melorot, suasana hati yang cenderung depresif.

25Edis i Februar i 2014 I Halo ValeKaryawan shift malam tiba di area parkir Mine Harapan, Sorowako. Pekerja shift malam perlu memiliki kiat untuk menjaga stamina lebih prima dibanding pekerja non shift malam.

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Untuk mengantisipasi tersebut, lembaga ini menyarankan beberapa tips bagi para pekerja shift, yakni menghindari perjalanan jauh, tidur sejenak ketika istirahat, ketika beker-ja perlu ada rekan sehingga bisa saling menjaga dan mem-peringatkan, dan tetap aktif ketika istirahat dengan mela-kukan gerakan ringan seperti jalan santai dan peregangan otot.

Lawrence S Lewin, konsultan eksekutif dari National Sleep Foundation juga menyarankan dua rekomendasi lainnya. ”Pekerja shift boleh mengonsumsi minuman berkafein seperti kopi atau teh karena dapat meningkatkan kewas-padaan dan konsentrasi. Selain itu, prioritaskan pekerjaan yang memerlukan konsentrasi ekstra di awal kerja. Jangansisakan di akhir jam kerja. Sebab kantuk biasanya menye-rang pekerja shift malam pada jam 4-5 pagi,” ungkap dia.

Cukup Gerakan RinganSelain pola istirahat atau tidur yang baik, stamina tubuh Anda juga dapat ditingkatkan melalui olahraga. Olahraga rutin dapat menyelamatkan tubuh dari penyakit, sebab kita mengaktifkan hormon serta membuat metabolisme lebih baik. Olahraga rutin juga dapat mengurangi risiko penyakit jantung, kanker, tekanan darah tinggi, diabetes, dan penuaan dini.

Olahraga juga dapat mengontrol berat tubuh. Seperti diketahui, kelebihan atau kekurangan berat tubuh dapat mengundang penyakit. Termasuk membuat pikiran dan tubuh lebih segar. ”Olahraga juga dapat mengimbangi pola hidup kurang sehat yang banyak dilakoni banyak orang saat ini,” ungkap Health Education Officer RS Inco, Siskasofita Hatam.

Namun tidak sedikit orang yang berpikiran olahraga justru membuat badan kelelahan karena mengeluarkan banyak energi. Jangan khawatir, sesungguhnya olahraga tidak perluberlebihan. Ada banyak pilihan olahraga ringan yang tidak memerlukan banyak energi, misalnya jalan, joging, atau bersepeda. Idealnya, olahraga berdurasi 200 menit per -minggu atau 60 menit per sesi sudah cukup baik. Ingat, jangan sepelekan pemanasan sebelum melakukan olahra-ga. Durasi 10-30 detik atau sekitar 10 gerakan untuk pere-gangan otot, sudah cukup. Mudah bukan? []


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TIPS TIDUR YANG BAIK1. Upayakan jadwal tidur dan bangun Anda pada waktu yang sama (konstan). Termasuk ketika Anda libur atau akhir pekan. Kebiasaan itu akan membantu metabolisme tubuh Anda bekerja baik. 2. Hindari kafein dan alkohol ketika jelang jam tidur Anda. 3. Kenakan penutup mata berwarna gelap. Cahaya lampu atau matahari yang menembus mata kerap membuat tidur kurang pulas dan dalam. Bila tidak nyaman dengan penutup mata, Anda dapat menggantinya dengan mematikan penerangan ketika hendak berangkat tidur.4. Kurangi atau hindari suara berisik di sekitar Anda. Polusi suara dapat mengganggu kenyamanan dan pulasnya tidur.

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Rest and Exercise is the KeyImpor tant tips to maintain stamina, especially for shift workers.

For employees working normal hours (8 am to 5 pm), orga-nizing the time to rest and exercise is not hard; the only key to this is consistency and self-discipline. For those working shifts outside normal hours, however, it is more complicated. They may have to work at various times of the day, perhaps starting at dusk or at the crack of dawn.

For this reason, shift workers cannot have the same rest and exercise regime as those working normal hours. There are some habits or special considerations that shift workers need to have so they can maintain an optimum level of stamina and concentration at work.

Shift workers are more susceptible to negligence, lack of discipline and reduced productivity that comes with exhaustion. They are also more exposed to chronic illnesses such as cardiovascular diseases and gastrointestinal disorders.

According to research by the National Sleep Foundation, a non-profit health research organization based in Arlington, US, shift workers frequently suffer from insomnia, irregular resting schedules, reduced performance, and depression.

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Night shift workers enter Mine Harapan, Sorowako. Shift workers need an extra efford to organize their rest time to maintain an optimum level of stamina and concentration at work.

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To anticipate these conditions, the foundation recommends shift workers avoid making long trips; take naps during break times; work with co-workers, so they can warn or look out for each other; and stay active during breaks by doing light exercises such as taking a stroll and stretching.

Lawrence S Lewin, executive consultant at the National Sleep Foundation, made two more suggestions. “Shift workers may consume caffeinated beverages, such as coffee or tea, which can improve alertness and concentration. Also, they should prioritize jobs requiring extra concentration and do them earlier; don’t leave them until the end of the shift, as drowsiness among shift workers usually occur at around 4 or 5 o’clock in the morning,” he said.

Light Exercise is EnoughApart from following a good resting or sleeping routine, your stamina can be improved through exercise. Routine exercise can protect the body against illnesses because hormones are activated and metabolism is improved. Routine exercise also reduces the risk of heart disease, cancer, hypertension, diabetes and early aging.

Exercise helps control bodyweight as we know, excessive or insufficient bodyweight makes the body susceptible to diseases and also freshens the mind and body. “Exercise can balance out the unhealthy lifestyle that many people follow these days,” said Inco Hospital’s Health Education Officer, Siskasofita Hatam.

However, many people believe exercise causes fatigue to the body due to the exertion of energy. Don’t worry exercise does not need to be excessive. There are many types of sport that do not require much energy, such as walking, jogging or cycling. Ideally, doing sport for 200 minutes a week, or 60 minutes per session, is enough. Just remember never to underestimate the importance of warming up before engaging in an activity. Moving for about 10 to 30 seconds, or doing 10 stretches, is enough. Easy, right? []

TIPS FOR A GOOD SLEEP1. Try going to and getting out of bed at the same time every day, including on weekends and holidays. This habit will help improve your metabolism. 2. Avoid caffeinated and alcoholic beverages before your bedtime.3. Use dark-colored sleep masks. Brightness coming from lights or sunlight, which penetrates the eyelids, makes sleeping less sound and less deep. If you are uncomfortable wearing a sleep mask, turn off any lights before going to bed. 4. Reduce or avoid noises around you. Sound pollution can cause discomfort and affect the soundness of sleep.

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Rumah Sakit Inco

Tiga Dekade Melayani Kesehatan Karyawan dan MasyarakatDilengk api pelayanan poliklinik umum hingga spesialis.


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Sejak diresmikan 31 Maret 1977, Rumah Sakit Inco (RS Inco) telah menjadi pusat pelayanan kesehatan bagi karyawan dan keluarga PT Vale. Termasuk kontraktor PT Vale dan masyarakat Luwu Timur, khususnya Sorowako dan sekitarnya.

Catatan RS Inco menyebutkan, jumlah rata-rata pasien rawat inap sebanyak 4.217 orang dalam setahun. Sedangkan jumlah rata-rata kunjungan pasien rawat jalan sebanyak 285 orang setiap hari, dan jumlah rata-rata kunjungan pasien di Unit Gawat Darurat sebanyak 33 orang per hari.

RS Inco dilengkapi berbagai layanan kesehatan. Mulai dari poliklinik umum dan poliklinik spesialis seperti gigi, mata, THT, kulit dan kelamin, jantung, bedah tulang, dan sub- spesialis lainnya. Juga layanan seperti kebidanan, medical check up, fisioterapi, radiologi, laboratorium Medik madya, dan Unit Bank Darah Rumah Sakit.

Sedangkan dari sisi tenaga medis, RS Inco memiliki dokter purna waktu sebanyak 12 orang (dokter umum), 2 orang (dokter gigi), 5 orang (spesialis) ditambah 15 orang dokter paruh waktu. Sedangkan tenaga medis berjumlah 70 orang belum termasuk paramedis tambahan paruh waktu sebanyak 59 orang.

RS Inco juga mendatangkan dokter-dokter ahli lainnya sesuai kebutuhan. Di samping itu, juga melakukan rujukan ke rumah sakit di Makassar, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, dan Jakarta bahkan sampai ke Singapura (offsite medical treatment/OMT).

Bangunan RS Inco dirancang oleh Bechtel, konsultan konstruksi dari AS, dan memiliki kapasitas 50 tempat tidur untuk layanan rawat inap. ”RS Inco merupakan rumah sakit yang memiliki fungsi lebih spesifik, karena bagian dari perusahaan, yakni bagaimana agar karyawan dan keluarganya dapat bekerja dan beraktivitas dengan sehat, mencegah terjadinya penyakit akibat kerja, maupun memberikan tindakan medis bila terjadi kecelakaan kerja di area operasional perusahaan. Namun dalam perjalanannya, RS Inco juga membuka pelayanan kesehatan untuk kontraktor maupun masyarakat umum,” ujar Manager of Occupational & Public Health dr Kristiawan Basuki Rahmat.

Lima KlinikUntuk layanan medis kepada karyawan, RS Inco membuka unit-unit pembantu berupa klinik yang tersebar di Wawondula, Wasu-ponda, Malili, Petea, dan Plant Site. RS Inco juga memiliki unit pe-nanganan dan penanggulangan HIV/AIDS, yang merupakan bagian dari Komisi Penanggulangan AIDS Nasional dan tingkat Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. RS Inco berperan sebagai unit yang memberikan pelayanan VCT (voluntary counseling and testing) dan obat ARV (antiretroviral) bagi pengidap HIV positif.

Pada tanggal 27 September silam, RS Inco menyisihkan tujuh rumah sakit di Indonesia dan menyabet juara pertama sekaligus “The Best Performance Team” di lomba Resusitasi Trauma (penanganan cepat terhadap pasien trauma) dalam ajang “1st International Conference on Emergency Medicine in Indonesia” yang digelar di Malang, Jawa

Timur. []

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Ruang unit gawat darurat RS Inco.

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Inco Hospital

Three Decades Serving Employees and CommunitiesEquipped with ever ything from a general polyclinic to specialist units.

Since its inauguration on 31 March 1977, Inco Hospital has become a center providing health services to employees of PT Vale and their families, as well as to PT Vale’s contractors and Luwu Timur communities, particularly those in Sorowako and surrounds.

According to Inco Hospital records, the average number of inpatients a year is 4,217; outpatients number 285 a day; and patients using the emergency unit has reached 33 a day.

Inco Hospital provides various health services. It has a general polyclinic as well as specialist polyclinics, including those providing dental services; eye care; ear nose and throat specialist services; dermatological care; cardiovascular care; orthopedics; and other sub-specialist care. The hospital also provides medical check-ups as well as services in obstetrics-related fields, physiotherapy and radiology. It has a mid-size medical laboratory and Blood Bank Unit.

In terms of medical personnel, Inco Hospital’s fulltime employees consist of 12 general practitioners, 2 dentists and 5 specialists. It also employs 15 part-time physicians. There are 70 other medical personnel, which does not include 59 part-time paramedics.

Inco Hospital also brings in other specialist doctors as required. It makes referrals to hospitals in Makassar, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Jakarta and even Singapore (for offsite medical treatments/OMT).

The hospital building, designed by US-based construction consultant Bechtel, was built to accommodate 50 inpatients. “Inco Hospital has a more specific function because it is part of the company. It deals with how employees and their families can work and conduct their activities in a healthy way; prevents work-related illnesses; and provides medical treatment for accidents occurring in the company’s operational areas. Over time, however, Inco Hospital has also opened its doors to contractors and the general community,” said Manager of Occupational & Public Health, Dr Kristiawan Basuki Rahmat.

Five ClinicsInco Hospital’s medical services for employees are provided through the hospital’s auxiliary units and clinics in Wawondula, Wasuponda, Malili, Petea, and Plant Site. The hospital also has an HIV/AIDS handling and control unit, which is part of the National and South Sulawesi Provincial-level Commission on AIDS Control. Inco Hospital is the unit that provides voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) and antiretroviral (ARV) medication for patients who are HIV positive.

On 27 September, Inco Hospital beat seven other hospitals across Indonesia to win the Trauma Resuscitation competition and receive “The Best Performance Team” award in the “1st International Conference on Emergency Medicine in Indonesia” held in Malang, East Java. []


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Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Medical ultrasonography

Medical personel of Inco Hospital. The facility provdes health services to PT Vale’s employees and their families, as well as to contractors and communities.

Eye careLaboratory in Blood Bank Unit.

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CSMS, Panduan Baru Keselamatan Kerja KontraktorSistem ini kini telah berlaku penuh.

Pada September 2013 lalu, Tim CSMS (contractor safety management system) merilis dan mensosialisasikan materi baru pengontrol kesiapan keselamatan kerja bagi perusahaan kontraktor PT Vale. Aktivitas digelar maraton sepanjang pekan kedua hingga ketiga September dengan audiens internal perusahaan, perusahaan-perusahaan kontraktor PT Vale, dan pemerintah.

Audiens dari perusahaan, selain Tim CSMS dan manajemen, adalah Contract Engineer, ETDS, Mining, Process Plant, Uti-lities & Maintenance, HR, Legal, dan Project. Dari pemerintah hadir perwakilan Pemda Luwu Timur, Disnakertrans Luwu Timur, dan Departemen ESDM. Sementara dari pihak kon-traktor, hadir asosiasi-asosiasi kontraktor lokal dan nasional seperti HIPSO, HIPAKAT, ASPETI, HIPELTA, HIPTI, APTA, HIPWAS, ASPEDI, AKAL, dan GAPMAL.

Menurut Team Leader CSMS Abu Ashar, CSMS merupakan panduan pemeriksaan kepatutan dan kelayakan suatu perusahaan kontraktor PT Vale dalam mengikuti kriteria standar kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja. Kriteria yang dimaksud berupa aspek legal, teknis, peralatan, dan kapasitas pekerjanya. CSMS terdiri atas tujuh tahap, yakni pra-kuali-fikasi, persiapan kontrak, pemilihan kontraktor, pemberian kontrak, pelatihan, pengaturan pekerjaan, dan evaluasi periodik.

Sedangkan sasaran panduan adalah perusahaan kontraktor yang bersifat self supervised (kontrak-kontrak yang disuper-visi oleh kontraktor sendiri). Saat ini terdapat sekitar 400 kontrak yang bersifat self supervised dengan kategori kon-trak bersifat low, medium, dan high menyangkut kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja.

“Jenis kontrak inilah yang berpotensi masuk CSMS. Tinggal dinilai masuk kategori mana. Intinya, CSMS lebih bersifat antisipatif. Semua hal yang terkait keselamatan kerja, dinilai di depan sebelum pekerjaan dimulai,” ujar Abu Ashar.

Sebelumnya, PT Vale menerapkan aspek penilaian keselamatan dalam contractor performance review (CPR). Dalam CSMS, penilaian keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja dipisahkan dari CPR. CSMS juga mengamanatkan evaluasi kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja perusahaan kontraktor dilakukan setiap bulan.

Pembinaan KontraktorBerdasarkan data Tim CSMS, saat ini PT Vale memiliki reka-nan kerja sebanyak 400 perusahaan kontraktor. Sebanyak 200 perusahaan di antaranya bersifat existing. “Untuk me-reka yang di kelompok existing contractor, dilakukan pem-binaan agar mereka dapat memenuhi kriteria-kriteria yangperlu dipenuhi. Kecuali kontraktor baru, langsung diberla-kukan CSMS,” ujar Abu Ashar.


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Pembinaan terhadap existing contractor telah dilakukan Tim CSMS mulai September hingga Desember 2013. Dengan demikian, pada awal tahun ini, CSMS sudah berlaku penuh Menurut Andi Baso Makmur dari PT Bujaya Karya Makmur, salah satu kontraktor lokal, CSMS merupakan regulasi yang bagus karena dapat memperkuat aspek keselamatan kerja. “Ini program bagus dan perlu dipatuhi. Namun harus win win solution antara PT Vale dan kontraktor lokal agar bisa diikuti,” ujar Andi Baso Makmur.

Tim CSMS terdiri atas 18 orang dari berbagai departemen di PT Vale. Mereka yang merancang panduan CSMS dan aktivitas pembinaan kontraktor hingga akhir tahun 2013.CSMS dilatarbelakangi adanya norma Vale, sekaligus pem-baruan kebijakan Health and Safety Management System (HSMS), Environment Management System (EMS), dan Gol-den Rules. Pelatuknya adalah peristiwa fatal yang menimpa operator dozer perusahaan kontraktor eksplorasi di Blok DPetea pada November 2012 silam. ”Secara statistik, angkakecelakaan kerja masih tinggi. CSMS juga untuk penyem-purnaan mekanisme dan sistem yang ada sebelumnya. Ha-rapannya adalah zero harm, zero injuries,” ujar Abu Ashar. []


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Suasana sosialisasi CSMS kepada kontraktor di Gedung Ontaeluwu. Tercatat terdapat 400 perusahaan kontraktor di PT Vale, 200 di antaranya berstatus kontraktor existing.

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CSMS, A New Work Safety Guide for Contractors The system is now fully effec tive.

Last September 2013, the Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS) team released and held familiarization sessions on new material controlling work safety prepara-tions for PT Vale’s contractor companies. The activity was held over the second and third weeks of September, with audiences consisting of personnel from within the company, PT Vale’s contractors, and the government. The audience from within the company apart from the management and CSMS team included personnel from Contract Engineer, ETDS, Mining, Process Plant, Utilities & Maintenance, HR, Legal, and Project divisions. Government officials consisted of representatives of the Luwu Timur local authorities, the Luwu Timur Employment and Trans-migration Office, and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. Contractors were represented by various national and local contractor associations, including HIPSO, HIPAKAT, ASPETI, HIPELTA, HIPTI, APTA, HIPWAS, ASPEDI, AKAL, and GAPMAL.

According to CSMS team leader Abu Ashar, CSMS is a fit-and-proper guideline for checking whether or not a company contracted by PT Vale follows health and work safety standards. These criteria cover legal and technical aspects as well as issues relating to equipment and workers’ capacity. CSMS consists of seven stages: pre-qualification, contract preparation, selection of contractor, awarding of contract, training, job organization, and periodical evaluations.

The guideline is aimed at self-supervised contractors. There are currently 400 self-supervised companies with contracts categorized as low, medium or high in terms of health and work safety.

“These contracts can potentially be included in CSMS after determining which category they belong to. Basically CSMS is anticipative, and everything related to work safety is assessed upfront, before the job is started,” Abu Ashar said.

In the past, PT Vale’s reviews of safety aspects were made in the contractor performance review (CPR). Under CSMS, health and work safety is reviewed separately from CPR. CSMS also requires contractors to conduct health and work safety evaluations each month.

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Coaching Contractors Based on CSMS team’s records, PT Vale has associations with 400 contractors, 200 of which are existing associates. “We coach existing contractors so they can achieve the required standards; new contractors are immediately subject to CSMS,” Abu Ashar said.

Coaching for existing contractors has been conducted by the CSMS team, from September to December 2013. This way, CSMS can take full effect early this year.

Andi Baso Makmur, from local contracting firm PT Bujaya Karya Makmur, said CSMS was a good regulation as it strengthened work safety. “It is a very good program that needs to be followed. But it should still be a win-win solution for PT Vale and local contractors,” Andi Baso Makmur said.

The 18-member CSMS team, consisting of personnel from various departments at PT Vale, designed the CSMS guideline and contractor coaching activities that are being held until December. The background to CSMS relates to Vale’s company values and the renewal of policies regarding the Health and Safe-ty Management System (HSMS), the Environment Manage-ment System (EMS), and the Golden Rules. It was triggered by a fatal incident at the Blok D Petea site in November 2012 in which a dozer operator from an exploration contractor died. “Statistically, we still have a high rate of workplace accidents. CSMS is implemented to perfect past systems and mechanisms. The expectation is to have zero harm, zero injuries,” Abu Ashar said. []


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Dok. Foto D


en Rehability &


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Atasi Pemborosan Udara Bertekanan Hasil kerja Departemen Maintenance & Utilities, Tim Improvement, dan Departemen Process Plant untuk menunjang produksi yang efisien dan stabil.

Banyak alat dan instrument pneumatic (alat yang digerakkan oleh udara bertekanan) yang digunakan di area ProcessPlant. Sebut saja blow pot yang meniup dan mengalirkan debu-debu dari proses pengolahan nikel ke tanki penampu-ngan debu. Daya tiup blow pot didapatkan dari udara berte-kanan yang dihasilkan belasan kompresor berukuran raksa-sa yang disuplai Utilities untuk area furnace, dryer, dan kiln. Namun suplai udara bertekanan ini banyak yang terbuang percuma akibat kebocoran dari pipa-pipa yang telah meng-alami korosi. Hal ini ditemukan dari pengumpulan data dan observasi lapangan yang dilakukan Tim Improvement Air Supply sejak akhir tahun lalu.

Ukuran kebocoran pipa tersebut sangat beragam. Namun sekecil apapun dapat mengakibatkan terganggunya kerja alat-alat produksi dan berujung pada kerugian. Dalam perhitungan Tim Improvement, lubang berukuran satu inci saja dapat mengakibatkan kerugian sekitar 5,5 juta rupiah dalam sehari.

“Untuk memproduksi udara bertekanan perlu menggerak-kan kompresor. Penggerak kompressor perlu tenaga listrik.Jika terjadi kebocoran udara pada pipa, maka udara berte-kanan yang sudah diproduksi dibuang percuma. Hal terse-but merupakan pemborosan. Menghilangkan kebocoran berarti mengefisienkan pemakaian udara bertekanan,” ujar GM Utilities Operations Pamrih Pammu.


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Kebocoran Udara Bertekanan itu juga menimbulkan polusi suara yang dapat mengganggu alat pendengaran. Terkadang juga Udara Bertekanan kerap digunakan pekerja untuk membersihkan debu yang menempel di pakaiannya. “Padahal hal itu dapat mengganggu kesehatan,” ujar Rustam, GM Utilities Maintenance.

Selain masalah kebocoran pipa, Tim Improvement juga menemukan ada pemborosan berupa pemakaian Udara Bertekanan yang tidak semestinya, contohnya adalah untuk meniup peralatan lain yang sedang mengalami panas tidak normal. Di sisi lain juga ditemukan masalah pada tidak berfungsinya beberapa alat ukur pemakaian udara dan pengatur tekanan di jalur pipa udara.

Melihat kondisi tersebut, Departemen Maintenance & Utilities, Tim Improvement, dan Departemen Process Plant di area furnace, dryer, dan kiln telah melakukan langkah-langkah perbaikan. Salah satunya adalah melakukan peng-gantian pipa Udara Bertekanan yang bocor yang telah dieksekusi sejak Maret silam. Hingga Oktober ini, perbaikan atas kebocoran pipa yang telah ditemukan telah rampung

sekitar 90%. Selebihnya, perbaikan kebocoran pipa akan te-tap diteruskan dan dimonitor oleh area yang bersangkutan. Pemakaian Udara Bertekanan yang tidak semestinya juga telah cukup banyak dikurangi oleh para supervisor di area furnace, kiln, dan dryer.

Cukup S atu atau Dua KompresorHasilnya, sejak upaya mengatasi pemborosan Udara Berte-kanan tersebut dilakukan, Utilities sebagai penyuplai udara bertekanan melalui kompresornya dapat bekerja lebih efisien. “Tidak adanya kebocoran membuat Utilities tidak perlu menghidupkan semua kompresor yang berjumlah 12 unit tersebut. Dengan menstandbykan satu atau dua kompresor ternyata sudah cukup untuk kebutuhan Process Plant sehingga kita lebih efisien dan operasi tetap stabil,” kata Pamrih Pammu.

Upaya tersebut juga dibarengi dengan sosialisasi penting-nya pengecekan kondisi pipa Udara Bertekanan secara ru-tin. Sosialisasi ini dilakukan kepada Process Controller di Uti-lities. “Dengan demikian, kesempatan melakukan preventive maintenance check pada kompresor dapat dilakukan sesuai jadwal karena tidak semua unit kompresor beroperasi,” tam-bah Pamrih Pammu. []


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Tackling Plant Air LeakageWork done by Maintenance & Utilities Department, Improvement Team, and Process Plant Department for a stable and efficient production.

Many pneumatic instruments that is, instruments driven by compressed air are used in the Process Plant area. Take for example the blow pot that moves and drives dust from the nickel processing area to the dust collecting tank. The blow pot’s power comes from compressed air produced by dozens of gigantic compressors supplied by Utilities for the furnace, dryer and kiln areas.

However, much of this supply of compressed air is wasted due to leaks in pipes that have corroded. Since late last year, the Air Supply Improvement Team noted large variations in the level of leakages. Needless to say, no matter how small, a leak affects production equipment, which leads to losses. Based on the Improvement Team’s calculations, a one-inch crack can potentially cause about IDR5.5 million a day in damages.

“Compressed air is produced by a compressor, which is driven by electricity. If a pipe leaks, compressed air that has been produced will go to waste. Reducing leakage means improving the efficiency of compressed air usage,” said GM for Utilities Operations, Pamrih Pammu.

Leakage also results in noise pollution which is hazardous to workers’ hearing. Sometimes, compressed air is used by employees to remove dust on their clothing. “This, in fact, is detrimental to their health,” said GM for Utilities Maintenance, Rustam.

The Improvement Team also discovered excessive waste caused by the inappropriate use of compressed air for example, to blow other equipment experiencing abnormal heat levels as well as non-functioning air measuring gauges and pressure regulators.

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The leaked compressor has been repaired.



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These conditions prompted Maintenance & Utilities Department, the Improvement Team and Process Plant Department in the furnace, dryer and kiln areas to take steps towards making repairs. One of these was to replace compressed air pipes that had been leaking since March.

As of October, repairs to leaking pipes were 90% complete. They are still ongoing and being monitored. The inappropriate use of compressed air has also been reduced by supervisors in the furnace, kiln and dryer areas.

Just One or Two CompressorsAs a result, Utilities as the supplier of compressed

air through its compressors can work more efficiently. “Not having leaks means Utilities does not have to operate all 12 compressors. It turns out that putting one or two compressors on stand-by provides enough supply for Process Plant. The result is we become efficient while operations stay stable,” Pamrih Pammu said.

Repairs are taking place alongside campaigns emphasizing the importance of checking the condition of compressed air pipes on a regular basis. Campaigns are also held for process controllers at Utilities. “This way, the opportunity to conduct preventive maintenance checks on compressor can be done on schedule, because all the compressors are not operating at once,” Pamrih Pammu added. []


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Condition before improvement. Leakage pipe at K5 Main Burner area and L.Bow main drive kiln 4 area.

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Hospital Emergency Drill 2013

Standar Baru Penyelamatan Korban Kecelakaan Jalan RayaUntuk pertama kalinya tim medis langsung turun ke lokasi kecelakaan.

Tingginya frekuensi kecelakaan di jalan raya dan kondisi korban yang bervariasi mem-buat Rumah Sakit Inco bersama Departemen Fire & Emergency Service; Defense & Secu-rity Service; General Facilities & Service; dan Emergency Response, Health & Safety ter-panggil untuk menggelar Hospital Emergency Drill-Emergency Respons Group Drill (HED-ERG Drill) pada akhir September silam. HED-ERG Drill kali ini bertema ”Traffic Accident Drill” dengan penerapan standard operating procedure (SOP) management of prehospital mass casualties atau aksi petugas tambahan (non-petugas respons pertama) untuk menstabilkan kondisi korban di lokasi kejadian sebelum dievakuasi ke unit gawat darurat di rumah sakit. SOP ini menekankan upaya pertolongan tambahan dari petugas medis emergency unit hospital jika diminta oleh petugas pertama yang tiba di lokasi untuk keperluan stabilisasi korban.

Kegiatan dimulai dengan skenario terjadinya kecelakaan bus di pertigaan Enggano yang menjatuhkan 25 korban luka ringan hingga berat. Dalam tempo 10 menit, tiga ambulans dan satu unit truk pemadam kebakaran merapat ke lokasi. Secara sigap tim


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Medical dan FES memberikan pertolongan pertama, melakukan penge-cekan korban dan memberikan tindakan medis sesuai kategori kondisi korban. Sementara itu, pihak DSS mensterilkan lokasi dari kerumunan warga yang menonton. Dalam tempo beberapa menit, korban dilarikan ke rumah sakit sesuai tingkat kedaruratannya.

Koordinator HED-ERG Drill dr. Zulkarnain Haroen Arrasjid mengatakan, kece-lakaan di jalan raya seperti disimulasikan dalam HED-ERG ini memiliki banyak probabilitas. Bisa melibatkan karyawan dan keluarga, bisa dekat atau jauh dari rumah sakit, dan angka korban bisa kecil maupun besar.

”Dengan SOP kali ini, istilahnya tim medis “menjemput bola” dengan me-ngirimkan bantuan petugas lapangan tambahan untuk keperluan sta-bilisasi. Tentunya dari kondisi tersebut, seluruh petugas respons lapanganmemerlukan waktu dalam mengevakuasi korban ke rumah sakit,” ujar dia.

Komunikasi Antar TimSelain itu, tambah dokter spesialis anestesi ini, tujuan HED adalah menso-sialisasikan kepada masyarakat bagaimana harus bersikap dan membe-rikan ruang kepada tim medis yang sedang memberikan pertolongan.

Menurut Zulkarnain, hasil HED-ERG Drill kali ini cukup memuaskan. Wak-tu respons berlangsung cepat dan peran masing-masing tim respons sudah sesuai standar. Namun ada beberapa lesson learned dari hasil evaluasi HED-ERG Drill. ”Misalnya soal komunikasi di TKP. Karena sinyal kurang bagus, petugas sulit dihubungi sehingga rantai komunikasi sempat terputus. Hal itu akan menjadi bahan masukan untuk diperbaiki ke depan-nya,” ujar Zulkarnain.

HED-ERG merupakan agenda rutin tahunan RS Inco dengan bantuan penuh tim responder lain (FES, DSS, Safety, GFS). Sebelumnya, tahun 2012, fokus materi HED-ERG Drill ”Earthquake Drill”. Tema ini dipilih karena Sorowako dan seki- tarnya merupakan daerah patahan dan rawan terjadi gempa. []


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Hospital Emergency Drill 2013

New Standards for Rescuing Road Crash VictimsFor the first time, the medical team goes on-site, straight to the location.

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The high frequency of road accidents and the subsequent conditions suffered by victims has prompted Inco Hospital to hold a Hospital Emergency Drill–Emergency Response Group Drill (HED-ERG Drill) in collaboration with the departments of Fire & Emergency Service, Defense & Security Service, General Facilities & Service and Emergency Response, Health & Safety.

Held in late September, the theme of HED-ERG Drill this time was “Traffic Accident Drill” and focused on the implementation of standard operating procedures (SOP) for the management of pre-hospital mass casualties. The SOP focuses on the additional assistance that should be administered by medical personnel stationed at the hospital’s emergency unit upon request by personnel who arrive first on-location to stabilize the victim.

The program started with a scenario in which a bus crash at an intersection in Enggano results in 25 victims sustaining light to heavy injuries. Within 10 minutes, three ambulances and one fire truck arrived at the scene. The Medical and FES team efficiently administered first aid, checked the victims and provided the most appropriate treatment for each victim. Meanwhile, DSS isolated the location, keeping onlookers away from the site of the accident. Within minutes, the victims were transferred to the hospital based on the severity of their injuries.

Coordinator of HED-ERG Drill Dr Zulkarnain Haroen Arrasjid said road crashes, such as the one simulated in the HED-ERG Drill program, are fraught with countless probabilities. They may involve employees and their families, they may occur close or far from the hospital, and casualty numbers may be high or low.

“The SOP this time ensures that medical teams are proactively ‘fetching the ball’ by sending additional field personnel to stabilize the victims. Of course, this means all field personnel will need time to evacuate victims and bring them to the hospital,” he said.

Communication among TeamsZulkarnain, who is an anaesthetist, said the purpose of the HED was to disseminate into the community the appropriate action to take in case of an accident, and the importance of giving room for the medical team to do their job.

Zulkarnain said results of the HED-ERG Drill this time were satisfactory. The response time was short and the role of each response-team member was up to standard. However, there were a few lessons learned from the HED-ERG Drill evaluation. “For example, there was the issue of communication on the scene of the accident. Poor (telecommunication equipment) signals meant that personnel were hard to reach, and there was a time when the chain of communication was broken. This is valuable input for future improvement,” Zulkarnain said.

The HED-ERG Drill is an annual event held by Inco Hospital in collabo-ration with other response team (FES, DSS, Safety and GFS). Previously, in 2012, the HED-ERG Drill focused on “Earthquake Drill”, relating to the fact that the location of Sorowako and surrounding areas on fault lines make them prone to earthquakes. []

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Cost Saving Mendongkrak Kinerja PerusahaanInisiatif penghematan perlu konsisten dilakuk an.

Melemahnya nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dolar AS memberi tekanan terhadap industri Indonesia sepanjang 2013. Hal itu juga dihadapi PT Vale. Namun tantangan semakin bertambah bagi PT Vale, mengingat harga nikel sepanjang 2013 belum beranjak naik seperti yang diharapkan.

Pada kuartal III dan IV-2013 misalnya, harga nikel di pasar dunia masih bertengger 13.000-14.000 dolar AS per metrik ton. Sementara tren dolar AS terhadap rupiah pada dua periode tersebut antara Rp10.800-10.900 dan Rp11.105-11.200 per dolar AS atau jauh lebih buruk dibanding kuartal I-2013 yang masih berada Rp9.800-10.120 per dolar AS.

Namun di tengah situasi sulit itu, kinerja PT Vale cukup baik. Hal ini tampak pada volume produksi kuartal III-2013 yakni sebesar 20.109 metrik ton dengan nilai keuntungan sebesar 31,5 juta dolar AS. Volume produksi itu naik 3% dibanding periode yang sama pada 2012. Angka itu juga lebih tinggi dari perolehan kuartal I-2013 dengan volume 19.613 metrik ton.

Dalam waktu yang sama, pengeluaran kuartal III mampu turun 10%, dimana 9% merupakan kontribusi dari ber-operasinya Coal Convertion Project (CCP 1) pada perte-ngahan kuartal III yang mampu menekan konsumsi bakar high sulphur fuel oil (HSFO).

Pencapaian itu berkat dukungan dari inisiatif penghematan biaya perusahaan (cost saving) yang dirilis pada akhir Juli silam. Inisiatif ini bertujuan meningkatkan arus kas secara signifikan melalui efisiensi biaya dan upaya menambah pemasukan. Konkretnya dengan cara mengevaluasi biaya operasional, belanja modal, serta biaya riset dan pengembangan untuk memahami komponen biaya serta area dengan eskalasi biaya terbesar melalui Task Force, tim khusus untuk mengawal inisiatif ini.

Hasilnya cukup positif. Catatan Task Force, sejak berlang-sungnya cost saving selama tiga bulan pertama (Juli-September), kas perusahaan berada di angka defisit 9 juta dolar AS. Hal ini cukup signifikan dibanding ketika inisiatif penghematan biaya belum diaktifkan, yakni defisit sebesar 70 juta dolar AS.

Namun, eksekusi inisiatif penghematan biaya tersebut belum dapat dikatakan sebagai solusi permanen. Upaya itu masih soal penundaan spending. Di sisi lain, Task Force juga melakukan penyesuaian asumsi harga nikel dunia dengan mematok harga 14.000 dolar AS per ton untuk bujet ke depan. Hal itu dilakukan agar perusahaan lebih siap dengan kondisi ke depan.

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Semangat Gotong-royongSementara Presdir & CEO PT Vale Nico Kanter menyampaikan apresiasi kepada departemen-departemen yang antusias memberikan masukan dan ide-ide penghematan perusaha-an sejak inisiatif ini digelar.

Hal itu terbukti dengan masuknya 107 usulan yang diterima Cost Saving Task Force. ”Hal ini sungguh melegakan, karena di tengah tantangan yang kita hadapi, semangat gotong royongnya sangat besar,” ujar Nico Kanter.

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Di luar itu, Task Force telah mengidentifikasi dan mengek-sekusi beberapa usulan beberapa departemen, seperti GFS, IT, EHS, Operation, dan Exrel untuk menambah pemasukan untuk kas perusahaan. Tindakan penyehatan kas juga terbantu oleh forecast capital expenditure dan research & development, yang mampu menghemat 28 juta dolar AS.

Menurut Wakil Presiden Direktur PT Vale Bernardus Irmanto, hasil pencapaian dari cost saving cukup baik dan mampu mendongkrak kinerja perusahaan. Namun yang terpenting menurut dia yakni inisiatif ini perlu konsisten dilakukan. []

Presdir Nico Kanter berdiskusi dengan anggota Cost Saving Task Force dan perwakilan dari berbagai departemen. Dalam diskusi tersebut, ide penghematan biaya diajukan, termasuk usulan untuk mengadakan lomba inisiatif penghematan biaya yang dapat diikuti seluruh karyawan.

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The fall of Rupiah against U.S. dollar put pressure on the In-donesian industry throughout 2013. It was also faced by PT Vale. It is a big challenge for PT Vale, considering the nickel price has not been rising throughout 2013 as expected.

In the third and fourth quarter 2013, for example, the global nickel price still stands at 13,000-14,000 US dollars per metric ton. Meanwhile, the trend of US dollar against Rupiah in between the two periods is Rp10,800-Rp10.900 and Rp11,105-11.200 per US dollar or much worse than the first quarter of 2013 which stands at Rp9,800-10,120 per US dollar.

But in the midst of a difficult situation, the PT Vale demon-strates a good performance. This is shown in the production volume of the third quarter of 2013 amounted to 20,109 metric tons with a value of profits of 31.5 million US dollars. Production volume was increased 3% over the same period in 2012. That figure is also higher than the achievement of the first quarter 2013, with the volume of 19,613 metric tons.

At the same time, production cost during third quarter fell 10%, of which 9% is contributed by the operation of Coal Conversion Project (CCP 1) in the middle of the third quarter which is able to reduce the consumption of fuel of high sulfur fuel oil.

The savings achieved due to the support of the company’s cost savings initiatives that began in July 2013. The initia-tive aims to significantly increase cash flow through cost efficiencies and increasing the revenue. Concretely by eva-luating operational costs, capital expenditures, and cost of research and development to understand the cost com-ponents as well as the area with the largest cost escalation through Task Force, a special team to oversee this initiative.

The results were quite positive. According to Task Force, since the implementation of cost savings during the first three months (July to September 2013), the company’s cash deficit down to US dollars 9 million. It is quite significant compared to before the cost savings initiatives began, the deficit amounted to 70 million US dollars.

However, the execution of cost reduction initiatives can not be said as a permanent solution. That effort is still the matter of delay spending. On the other hand, the Task Force also makes adjustments to the world nickel price assumption to fix the price of 14,000 US dollars per ton for the next budget. This was done so that company is better prepared to future conditions.

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Cost Saving Improve Company’s PerformanceS aving initiatives need to be consistently done.

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The Spirit of Mutual CooperationPresdent director & CEO of PT Vale Nico Kanter expressed

his appreciation to the departments who enthusiastically provide input and ideas of cost savings from the first time this initiative was held.

This was evidenced by the entry of 107 proposals received by the Cost Savings Task Force. “It is a relief, because in the midst of the challenges we face, the spirit of mutual cooperation is huge,” said Nico Kanter.

Beyond that, the Task Force has identified and executed several ideas proposed by departments, such as GFS, IT, EHS, Operations, and Exrel to add revenue to the company’s cash flow. Cash restructuring actions also helped by forecast capital expenditure and research & development, which is able to save 28 million dollars.

According to Vice President Director of PT Vale BernardusIrmanto, achievement of cost savings is good enough and able to boost the performance of the company. But most importantly, according to him, is this initiative needs to be consistently done. []


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President Director, Nico Kanter, led a discussion with Cost Saving Task Force members and representatives from several departments. Several cost saving ideas have been proposed during the meeting, as also the inauguration of a cost saving initiatives contest.

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Sepanjang 2013, LSP PT Vale memiliki 227 k ar yawan asesi.

Wisuda LSP

Sertifikasi, Kebanggaan Sekaligus Tantangan

Sambil menyematkan emblem bertuliskan “Certified Operator” kepada salah seorang asesi (karyawan yang mengikuti assessment), Direktur Eksekutif Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi PT Vale (LSP) Eko Nugroho, berujar, “Emblem ini sebagai pembeda antara karyawan yang sudah diakui kompetensinya dengan mereka yang belum. Kita harap di hari-hari mendatang semua karyawan sudah punya emblem di baju masing-masing.” Penyematan emblem diikuti tepuk tangan para asesi. Suasana siang itu begitu semarak.

Sepanjang 2013, LSP memiliki 227 karyawan asesi. Angka itu merupakan hasil dari empat batch wisuda dengan perincian 40 orang, 83 orang, 65 orang, dan 39 orang karyawan. Seluruh karyawan tersebut berasal dari Departemen Mining, Process Plant, GFS, Medical Services, MEM, dan Security. Setelah diresmikan oleh Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi

(BNSP) bulan Mei 2013, LSP PT Vale telah dihasilkan 86 asesor di berbagai lini kerja. Kini giliran lembaga tersebut mengeluarkan sertifikat bagi para asesi.

Hingga kini, ada 65 LSP di Indonesia yang telah mendapat-kan lisensi BNSP. Di bidang pertambangan, LSP PT Vale adalah lembaga sertifikasi pertama yang langsung berada di bawah naungan BNSP. “Jadi kita semua boleh bangga bahwa Anda yang hadir di sini adalah asesi pertama yang punya sertifikat kompetensi teknis bidang profesi pertambangan,” kata General Manager Sertifikasi LSP PT Vale Irwan Usman.

Para asesi mendapatkan sertifikat profesi yang menurut PermenakerTrans No. 8 Tahun 2012 tentang Standarisasi Kompetensi Kerja Nasional. “Pada era perdagangan bebas ASEAN akhir 2015 nanti, tenaga kerja dari negara lain bisa bekerja di Indonesia berbekal sertifikat profesi.


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Akan menjadi adil ketika tenaga kerja kita juga punya kesempatan sama untuk bekerja di negara lain. Sertifikat inilah modalnya, karena dengan memiliki sertifikat artinya kompetensi kita diakui,” kata Eko.

Menjaga Kompetensi”Buat saya, ini kebanggaan,” kata Dominggus, penerima sertifikat 001 LSP PT Vale dari Furnace yang diwisuda sebagai Certified Operator dari Departemen Proses Plant Operation. ”Selain pengakuan yang lebih luas, sertifikat ini juga syarat untuk naik ke jenjang karir berikutnya. Saya jadi lebih semangat lagi bekerja,” kata dia.

Hal senada diungkapkan Aloysius Nurak dari Medical Services yang kini kompetensinya sebagai nurse sudah diakui. Dia bangga mendapat pengakuan atas kemampuan yang dia miliki.


Sertifikat kompetensi berlaku selama tiga tahun. Setelah itu, akan ada evaluasi yang disebut recognition of current competence (RCC). “Portofolio karyawan selama tiga tahunbekerja akan dilihat. Kami akan observasi dan kumpulkanpenilaian dari atasan dan rekan kerja untuk menentukanapakah karyawan yang bersertifikasi dapat mempertahan-kan kompetensinya,” kata Irwan.

Mempertahankan memang menjadi bagian paling sulit. “Sertifikasi ini sebaiknya bukan menjadi tujuan, melainkan tantangan. Tantangan untuk mempertahankan, bahkan meningkatkan, kompetensi yang sudah dimiliki juga me-nantang diri sendiri agar dapat menjadi panutan bagi re-kan-rekan. Jangan sampai Anda yang punya sertifikat dan emblem “Certified” justru terlihat tidak produktif,” kata Wasis Budiharto, salah seorang asesor dari Departemen Process Plant.

Pada tahun 2014, LSP PT Vale menargetkan 1.000 karyawan mendapatkan sertifikat kompetensi. Di sisi lain, LSP juga mencoba menjaga kualitas kelembagaannya. []

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Throughout 2013, PT Vale’s LSP cer tifies 227 employees.

LSP Graduation

Certification, about Pride and Challenges

While pinning the “Certified Operator” emblem to one of the graduate employee, Executive Director of Institute of Professional Certification (LSP) PT Vale Eko Nugroho said, “This emblem act as a distinguish between employees with recognized competence and those who have not. We hope that in the days to come all of the employees already have this emblem on each shirt.” The ceremony followed by applause. The ambience was so lively that afternoon.

Throughout 2013, PT Vale’s LSP certifies 227 employees. That number is the result of four graduations; each batch of 40 employees, 83, 65, and 39 employees. The employees came from Mining Department, Process Plant, GFS, Medical Services, MEM, and Security.

Once inaugurated by the National Agency on Professional Certification (BNSP) in May 2013, LSP PT Vale has graduated 86 assessors in various lines of work. LSP now issue certificates for the certified professionals.

Until today, there are 65 LSP in Indone- sia, which has license from BNSP. In mining sector, LSP PT Vale is

the first certification institution directly under BNSP. “We shall be proud to have our employees being the first to hold certificate of technical competence in mining professions,” said the General Manager Certification LSP PT Vale Irwan Usman.

The assessed employees were declared as competent and certified under the The Ministry of Labor and Transmigration Regulation No. 8/2012 referring to national work competen-cy standards. “Upon the starting of ASEAN free trade area by 2015, workers from other countries will be permitted towork in the Indonesian armed with a professional certifi-cate. Our workforce will have an equal chance to work overseas. This kind of certificate is the key, as it declares the worker’s competency,” said LSP Executive Director Eko Nugroho.

Maintaining Competencies“For me, it’s a pride,” said Domingoes, certificate recipients 001 from Furnace is graduated as a Certified Operator of

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Process Plant Operation Department. “In addi-tion to wider recognition, this certificate is also a require-ment for my next career level. I become more excited to continue my work,” he said.

The similar thing said by Aloysius Nurak of Medical Services, which is now recognized as a certified nurse. He is proud to be recognized for the ability that he has.

Competency certificate is valid for three years. After that, there will be an evaluation called recognition of current competence (RCC). “The employees’ working portfolio for three years will be seen. We will observe and collect assessment from superiors and co-workers to determine whether certified employees are able to maintain their competences,” said Irwan.

Maintaining indeed is the most difficult part. “This certifi-cation should not be a goal, but a challenge. Challenge to maintain, even increase, your competencies. Also challenge yourself to be a role model for colleagues. The certified employees who has emblem on their shirts should look much more productive,” said Wasis Budiharto, one of the assessors of the Process Plant Department.

In 2014, LSP PT Vale is targeting 1,000 employees received competence certificate. On the other hand, LSP is also trying to maintain institutional quality. []

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CCP1, untuk Pangkas Biaya Produksi


Proyek konversi ke batubara tahap pertama (Coal Conversion Project Phase 1/CCP1) akhir-nya berhasil diujicobakan (commissioning) perdana pada pertengahan Agustus silam. Proyek yang mulai digulirkan kembali tahun 2010 ini, diharapkan dapat menjadi andalan dalam penghematan biaya produksi melalui penggantian minyak bakar berkadar sulfur tinggi (high sulphur fuel oil/HSFO) dengan batubara di ketiga tanur pengering (rotary dry-er). Proyek juga sejalan dengan upaya PTVI untuk meningkatkan kualitas emisi gas buang pabrik pengolahan.

Sebelumnya, PT Vale mengandalkan HSFO untuk proses pengeringan di tiga dryer. Namun tren harga HSFO di pasaran dunia yang kian meroket, berimbas pada biaya produksi peru-sahaan. ”Harga HSFO semakin mahal dan lebih tinggi daripada batubara. Hal tersebut yang melatarbelakangi realisasi proyek ini,” ungkap Joni Parinding, Project Manager CCP1.

Dalam Laporan Tahunan Perusahaan 2012 disebutkan, biaya produksi perusahaan meroket sebesar 72,2 juta dolar AS dari 730,6 juta dolar AS (2011) menjadi 802,8 juta dolar AS (2012). Sedangkan konsumsi HSFO di pabrik pengolahan naik sebesar 8% atau menjadi 2,3 juta barel dengan harga rata-rata 110,5 dolar AS per barel.

Emisi SO2 di cerobong tanur pengering menurun.

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Tumpukan batubara di coal bunker. Proyek CCP diharap dapat menurunkan kapasitas emisi SO2.

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Di sisi lain, harga batubara pada tahun 2012 berada di kisaran 85 dolar AS. Juga disebutkan dalam laporan, konversi sumber energi ini dapat mengurangi biaya produksi sebesar 2-3%. Pengoperasian proyek CPP1 dapat menurunkan biaya produksi di atas 100.000 dolarAS per hari. Hitungannya, konsumsi HSFO sebelumnya sekitar 144.000ton per tahun turun menjadi 44.000 ton per tahun. Sementara kon-sumsi batubara menjadi sekitar 160.000 ton per tahun. “Namun ang-ka itu belum final dan masih bisa lebih, karena CCP1 saat ini masih dalam tahap hot commissioning, belum berjalan dalam performa terbaiknya” ungkap Joni.

Di tempat terpisah, ketika digelar Town Hall Meeting pada perte-ngahan September lalu, Chief Operating Officer Josimar Pires me-nyampaikan bahwa CCP1 merupakan proyek penting dalam mengu-rangi biaya produksi perusahaan. “Terhitung mulai September hing-ga akhir tahun ini, peran CCP1 dalam penghematan biaya dapat di-lihat. Semoga sesuai target, apalagi pada Oktober nanti sudah ber-operasi 70%,” ujar Josimar.

Hasil Pantauan EmisiIde pembangunan CCP telah muncul sejak 2005. Sempat ditunda pada 2009, proyek kembali mendapat ”lampu hijau” tahun 2010. Menurut Joni, CCP dibagi dalam dua bagian, yaitu fasilitas konversi batubara dengan sejumlah equipment pendukungnya di area Plant Site, Sorowako, dan transportasi batubara yang meliputi fasilitas di Balantang dan Plant Site.

Proyek melibatkan 2 konsultan, yaitu FL Smidth dan Beca serta 2 kontraktor utama, yaitu PT Thiess dan PT Truba. Dari internal PT Vale, proyek merupakan hasil kerja sama antar-departemen yang melibatkan tim Process Plant, Maintenance, Engineering, dan Procurement. ”Dalam pengerjaannya, sedikitnya melibatkan 600-700 pekerja.”

Berdasarkan hasil pemantauan emisi udara di cerobong tanur pe-ngering selama uji coba proyek, hasilnya menunjukkan telah terjadipenurunan emisi SO2 dari rata-rata 250-400 mg/Nm3 menjadi 75-100 mg/Nm3. Pengukuran dilakukan oleh laboratorium independen yang telah terakreditasi. “Hal ini merupakan salah satu pencapaian yang luar biasa di tahun 2013, dan menjadi salah satu wujud komit-men PT Vale terhadap pengelolaan lingkungan,” ujar Sunarso, GM Environment. []

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Conveyor belt yang membawa batubara ke coal storage.

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CCP1 to Cut Production CostsReducing SO2 emissions from rotar y dr yer stacks.

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The first stage of the coal-conversion project (Coal Conver-sion Project Phase 1/CCP1) was finally commissioned in mid-August. The project, which restarted in 2010, is expected to play a major role in production-cost savings through the replacement of high sulfur fuel oil (HSFO) with coal in three rotary dryers. The project is in line with PT Vale’s efforts to improve the quality of the processing facility’s waste gas emissions.

Previously, PT Vale had relied on HSFO for the drying pro-cess at the three dryers. However, as HSFO prices on the world market started climbing, production costs also beca-me increasingly high. “The price of HSFO became more ex-pensive than coal. This is what prompted this project,” said CCP1 Project Manager, Joni Parinding.

The company’s 2012 Annual Report stated that production costs had jumped by $72.2 million, from $730.6 million in 2011 to $802.8 million in 2012, while HSFO consumption at the processing factory went up by 8% to 2.3 million barrels, costing $110.5 per barrel.

Meanwhile, coal was priced at $85 in 2012. The report also stated that the conversion of energy sources could reduce production costs by 2 to 3%. Implementing the CPP1 pro-ject meant that production costs could be reduced by more than $100,000 a day because HSFO consumption would be lowered from 144,000 tons a year to 44,000 tons. In the meantime, coal consumption would be 160,000 tons a year.“But these figures are not final, and could be higher, becau-se CPP1 is currently in a hot commissioning stage; it is not performing optimally,” Joni said.

Separately, during a Town Hall Meeting in mid-September, Chief Operating Officer Josimar Pires said CCP1 was an important project for cutting the company’s production costs. “From September to the end of this year, the role of CPP1 in cost savings will be apparent. Hopefully it will be on target, especially as it is expected to be 70% operational by October,” Josimar said.

Emissions Monitoring ResultsThe development of CCP has been considered since 2005. It was shelved in 2009 then given the green light in 2010. Joni said CCP consisted of two parts: a coal conversion plant equipped with supporting facilities in the Plant Site area, Sorowako, and coal transportation equipment consisting of facilities in Balantang and Plant Site.

The project involves 2 consultants, FLSmidth and Beca, and 2 main contractors, PT Thiess and PT Truba. Internally, the project is a collaboration of teams from PT Vale’s Process Plant, Maintenance, Engineering and Procurement departments. The project involves 600 to 700 employees.

Emissions monitoring at the dryer’s stacks during theproject’s trial period revealed a reduction of SO2 emissions, dropping from an average of 250-400 mg/Nm3 to 75-100 mg/Nm3. The measurement was made by independent accredited laboratories. “This is an extraordinary achieve-ment for 2013, and is a reflection of PT Vale’s commitment to environmental management,” said Environment GM, Sunarso. []

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Coal is being transferred by conveyor belt to storage warehouse.

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Paulus Patabang

Cerita Mekanik dari BalantangMemperbaiki c rane , tugboa t , hingga pipa HSFO.


Bagi seorang mekanik di industri tambang, memperbaiki kendaraan berat ataupun mesin pabrik adalah pekerjaan yang menantang. Namun tantangan itu lebih mendebarkan lagi ketika seorang mekanik memperbaiki peralatan operasi perusahaan berupa alat transportasi air maupun crane-cra-ne yang berada di pinggir pantai. Paulus Patabang, mekanik di Mobile Equipment Maintenance (MEM) di Pelabuhan Balantang, merasakan betul hal tersebut.

Pelabuhan Balatang merupakan salah satu ”nadi” operasi PT Vale. Di tempat ini berlangsung pemuatan nickel matte untuk dikirimkan ke negara tujuan produksi, yakni Jepang. Balantang juga sekaligus merupakan pintu masuk batubara bagi pabrik pengolahan.

Paulus punya pengalaman menarik menyangkut pekerjaan-nya. Pada pertengahan 2011, dia bersama tim MEM Balan-tang seperti berburu waktu untuk dua pekerjaan besar, yak-ni memuat berton-ton kantong nickel matte menuju kapal dan membongkar batubara dari kapal menuju gudang pe-nyimpanan dalam waktu bersamaan. ”Semua alat diminta harus ready. Tapi ketika itu mesin dua unit crane, yang se-harusnya ready mendadak rusak. Padahal batubara sudah di muara sungai dan kantong nikel siap dimuat,” kenang dia.

Pekerjaan tidak bisa ditunda. Akhirnya tim MEM Balantang diminta ”menghidupkan” setidaknya satu unit crane. Namun pekerjaan itu bukan perkara mudah. Sistem mesin yang cu-kup kompleks dan posisinya yang berada di bibir sungai, di-tambah soal ketersediaan stok komponen, membuat peker-jaan amat berat. Juga perhitungan keselamatan yang super-ekstra. ”Normal perbaikan satu unit perlu tiga hari. Tapiuntuk hal ini, kami harus selesai kurang dari sehari,” tutur pria kelahiran Toraja, 31 Agustus 1969 ini.

Crane merupakan alat pengangkat yang berada di pinggir Pelabuhan Balantang. Fungsinya sebagai alat bongkar dan muat material seperti kantong-kantong nikel dan batubara. Seluruh kru MEM Balantang yang berjumlah 20 orang terjun ke lapangan ketika itu. ”Semua orang, semua shift turun. Semua atasan juga datang,” kenang dia.

Berjibaku dengan waktu, tim MEM Balantang merasa puas. Satu unit crane dapat kembali beroperasi seperti yang ditar-getkan. ”Banyak yang kelelahan waktu itu. Kami saling ber-gantian dan gotong-royong. Namun kami senang karena pekerjaan dapat selesai,” tambah dia.

Tidak Malu BertanyaPaulus Patabang bergabung diPT Vale sejak 2001. Sebelum-nya, selama 11 tahun dia be-kerja sebagai mekanik di dua perusahaan kon-traktor. Pos pertama-nya di PT Vale di MEM-Plant Site Sorowako. Di sanadia dipercaya sebagai meka-nik khusus komponen. Peker-jaannya selalu berhubungan

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dengan perakitan komponen mesin, transmisi, silinder, starter motor, dan alternator. Kemudian dia pindah ke bagian elec-trician dan MEM Balantang sejak 2006.

Apakah tantangan pekerjaan seorang mekanik di Sorowako dan Balantang berbeda? Menurut Paulus Patabang, dua area kerja tersebut punya tantangan masing-masing. Kalau di Sorowako lebih sering berhadapan dengan kendaraan berat mining. Namun kalau di Balantang, selain kendaraan berat seperti loader dan forklift, ada crane dan transportasi air seperti tugboat dan speedboat. ”Kadang jadi heran sendiri, mekanik tambang tapi memperbaiki transportasi air,” ujar dia sambil tertawa.

Lingkup kerja MEM Balantang juga meliputi perbaikan pom-pa high sulphur fuel oil (HSFO) dan high speed diesel (HSD) yang berada di Mangkasa Point. ”Kalau ada kerusakan, tim Balantang yang dipanggil,” ujar dia. Namun bagi pria yang menggemari olahraga tenis meja ini mengaku banyak bela-jar perbaikan alat dari rekan kerjanya di PT Vale.

”Ilmu saya adalah tidak malu bertanya dan mau belajar,” ujardia yang ketika ditanya dari mana mendapat keahlian mem-perbaiki alat-alat tersebut. Bagi dia, semua pekerjaan punya tantangan dan risiko yang berbeda-beda. Namun yang pa-ling penting adalah menyenangi pekerjaan yang dilakoni. ”Kalau cinta, maka hasilnya pasti akan bagus,” ujar dia. []

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Tugboat di Pelabuhan Balantang.

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Paulus Patabang

The Story of a Mechanic from BalantangFixing cranes, tugboats, and HSFO pipes.

For a mechanic working in the mining industry, fixing heavy vehicles or factory machinery will always be seen as a challenge. But fixing company equipment, such as water transport vehicles or cranes by the sea, will surely take the challenge up a notch. This is the sentiment felt by Paulus Patabang, a mechanic with Mobile Equipment Maintenance (MEM) in Balantang Harbor.

Balantang Harbor is a major artery in PT Vale’s operations. Here, nickel matte is loaded then sent to Japan, the product’s destination country. Balantang is also an entry gateway for coal used in the processing factory.

Paulus has an interesting experience regarding his job. In mid-2011, he and his colleagues in the MEM Balantang team were racing against time to complete two major jobs simultaneously: loading tons of nickel matte bags onto a ship and off-loading coal from a ship for transfer to warehouses. “We requested all necessary equipment to be ready. All of a sudden, the two cranes which should have been ready broke down. Meanwhile, the coal was already waiting at the river mouth, and the nickel was ready for loading,” he said.

The job could not be postponed. The MEM Balantang team was asked to fix at least one crane, which was not easy. The machine’s complex system, its position by the river, as well as the availability of spare parts and components, made the job very difficult to do. Also, we had to follow extra safety precautions. “Normally, it takes three days to repair one unit. For this, however, we had to finish in less than a day,” said Paulus, who was born in Toraja on 31 August 1969.

Cranes, which are used for lifting loads, are stationed on the edge of Balantang Harbor. They upload and offload material such as nickel and coal bags. That day, each of MEM Balantang team’s 20 members worked together on-site. “Everyone, on every shift, was involved. All the supervisors were also there,” he said, reminiscing.

The MEM Balantang team was satisfied with the results of their race against time. One crane became operational, as targeted. “Many of us were exhausted. We took turns and worked together. But we were very happy because the job was completed,” he added.

“Normally, it takes three days to repair one unit. For this, however, we had to finish in less than a day”

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Eager to learn Paulus Patabang joined PT Vale in 2001. He had previously worked for 11 years as a mechanic at two contractors. His first posting with PT Vale was at the MEM Plant Site in Sorowako, where he worked as a mechanic specializing in components. His job has always been related to the assembly of machinery, transmissions, cylinder, starters, motors and alternator components. Later he transferred to electrics and MEM Balantang in 2006.

Are the challenges faced by a mechanic in Sorowako different from those in Balantang? Paulus Patabang said the two work areas posed different types of challenges. In Sorowako, he deals mostly with heavy mining vehicles. In Balantang, besides heavy vehicles such as loaders and

forklift, there were also cranes and water transport vehicles such as tugboats and speedboats. “Sometimes I’m left wondering how a mining mechanic can end up fixing water vehicles,” he said with a laugh.

MEM Balantang’s scope of work also includes fixing high sulfur fuel oil (HSFO) and high speed diesel (HSD) pumps located at Mangkasa Point. “If there is something wrong, the Balantang team is called in,” he said. However, according to the table tennis enthusiast, he learns much of his equipment reparation techniques from colleagues at PT Vale.

“My philosophy is to not be ashamed of asking, and to be willing to learn,” he said, explaining how he gained his knowledge. For him, every job posed a different and unique set of challenges and risks. What he felt most important, however, was that a job should be enjoyable. “If you like something, the result will be good, and it will show,” he said. []

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Sorowako Basketball Association

Slam Dunk Lintas GenerasiMelakuk an regenerasi dan menggelar invitasi.


Melompat melayang menuju keranjang, sigap meliuk mengoper danmengejar bola menjadi atraksi utama permainan bola basket. Itulah yang terjadi saban Selasa dan Sabtu pagi atau sore di Lapangan Bas-ket Botak, Salonsa, ketika anggota komunitas Sorowako Basketball Association (SBA) berkumpul dan berlatih.

Kalau anak-anak SBA sudah ngumpul, mereka seperti tak kenal le-lah. Bermain basket selama dua jam secara bergantian, justru seper-ti mood booster bagi mereka. Napas boleh tersengal-sengal, namun wajah segar sumringah. ”Meski bekerja, tidak menjadi alasan untuk

tidak bermain basket. Soalnya kalau sudah main, hati jadi tenang,” ujar Ketua SBA Herman Cuke, yang juga karyawan Process Plant Ore Transport ini. SBA terbentuk 15 Juli 2007 sebagai pemersatu anggota tim-tim yangsudah ada. Anggota SBA, misalnya, tim Golongan Lupa Umur yangjadwal latihannya setiap Selasa dan Kamis malam, tim dari departe-men-departemen, hingga tim kontraktor. Tim dari departemen, mi-salnya, Process Plant, Eksplorasi, SCM, Mining, dan MEM. Sementara tim dari kontraktor sebut saja Beca, Trakindo, Truba, Puma Jaya Uta-ma, dan United Tractor. Kata Herman, anggotanya kini 68 orang. ”Awalnya cuma 15 orang,” ujar dia.

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SBA tidak muncul begitu saja. Pembentukan komunitas ini berawal dari keprihatinan pencinta basket yang melihat olahraga ini kurang populer di Sorowako. ”Dari situlah kami mulai berpikir, bagaimana agar olahraga basket ini bisa kembali digemari dan menumbuhkan minat dan semangat masyarakat, khususnya generasi muda,” tambah Herman.

Menurut mereka, salah satu penyebab minimnya peminat basket karena letak lapangan yang kurang strategis dan tidak sesuai standar dari segi ukuran. ”Namun kekurangan itu bukan alasan bagi kami untuk kembali membangkitkan semangat dan minat berolahraga basket,” ungkap Dahlan Landao, salah satu anggota SBA.

Dari misi tersebut, salah satu agenda rutin SBA adalah melatih generasi muda pencinta basket, khususnya siswa tingkat SMA di Sorowako. ”Biasanya tiga kali seminggu melatih mereka,” tambah Dahlan.

Selain melakukan regenerasi, setiap bulan SBA rutin melakukan latih tanding bersama tim basket yang ada di Luwu Timur. ”Kami juga pernah latih tanding dengan tim dari Makassar dan luar Luwu Timur lainnya,” timpal Riswan, anggota SBA dari kontraktor PT Puma Jaya Utama dan mengidolakan pebasket Kobe Bryant ini.

SBA juga rutin menggelar Turnamen Basket antar-klub se-Sulawesi Selatan setiap tahunnya. ”Invitasi ini sudah kami gelar sejak tahun 2008 hingga tahun 2013 dan berjalan sukses. Tim Masamba dan Makassar juga datang sebagai peserta,” ungkap Herman.

Inovasi turnamen baru juga mereka gulirkan awal September lalu, yakni Turnamen 3 On 3 selama dua hari penuh. Turnamen ini diikuti 21 tim dari berbagai departemen di PT Vale, seperti Process Plant, Eksplorasi, dan SCM. Juga dari tim kontraktor seperti Beca, Trakindo, Truba, dan United Tractor.

”Ke depan, turnamen 3 On 3 akan menjadi agenda rutin, berdurasi lebih panjang dan mengundang lebih banyak lagi tim, baik dari dalam dan luar Sorowako,” ujar Dahlan yang mengidolakan pebasket legendaris Michael Jordan.

Invitasi TahunanIde penyelenggaraan invitasi basket itu, menurut Tri Rachman Batara, anggota SBA yang juga mengurusi internal engagement and communications, merupakan salah satu wujud implementasi “value our people”, di mana bukan hanya melibatkan dan dapat dinikmati karyawan dan kontraktor PT Vale, tapi juga masyarakat umum. “Event basket juga dapat bertujuan menyalurkan aspirasi dan hobi untuk mempererat kebersamaan dan kekompakan antar semua elemen,” ujar Batara.

Hal itu diamini Dahlan dan Herman. ”Kami berharap perusahaan mendukung dengan menyediakan fasilitas lapangan basket yang layak dan standar juga mudah dijangkau,” tambah Dahlan.

Tahun ini, SBA berencana menggelar SBA Tournament yang te-lah terselenggara keenam kalinya. Turnamen direncanakan berlang-sung bulan Maret atau April 2014. []


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Sorowako Basketball Association

Slam Dunking Across GenerationsRegenerating and holding an invitation match.

Leaping and bounding towards the hoop, weaving, ducking and snatching the ball these are attractions that audiences can look forward to in a game of basketball. And this is what happens on Tuesday and Saturday mornings or evenings at the Botak Basketball Court in Salonsa when members of the Sorowako Basketball Association (SBA) gather for training. When the SBA crew members get together, they seem to have boundless energy. Playing basketball for two hours in turns seems to boost their mood. They may slightly puff and pant, but their faces are radiant. “Working is no excuse for not playing basketball. Once you start playing, you’ll feel much calmer,” said Herman Cuke, SBA Chairperson and employee at Process Plant Ore Transport.

SBA was formed on 15 July 2007 to unite members of various exis-ting teams. SBA includes, for example, members of Golongan Lupa Umur (HV 1) team (which literally translates to the “Age ForgettingGroup”), who train on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, as well as various departmental and contractor-based teams. The Process Plant, Exploration, SCM, Mining and MEM departments, for example, have their own teams, as do contractors like Beca, Trakindo, Truba, Puma Jaya Utama and United Tractor. Herman said SBA now has 68 members. “We started with just 15 people,” he said.

SBA did not appear overnight. The community began with a con-cern shared by basketball enthusiasts at seeing the sport’s low popularity in Sorowako. “From there, we started thinking about how basketball could be popularized, and attract community members,

particularly young people,” Herman added.

They decided that one of the reasons basketball lacked popularity was because the courts were not strategically located and not designed according to standard measurements. “But these things did not discourage us from building up the enthusiasm for, and interest in basketball,” said SBA member Dahlan Landao.

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With this mission in mind, SBA has established that training young basketball enthusiasts particularly senior high school-aged teenagers should be part of its routine agenda. “Usually we train them three times a week,” Dahlan added.

Besides attempting to regenerate basketball players, SBA is also involved in monthly training matches against other teams in Luwu Timur. “We have had training matches with teams from Makassar and several others from outside Luwu Timur, said Riswan, an SBA member from PT Puma Jaya Utama and fan of basketball player Kobe Bryant.

SBA also hosts routine inter-club basketball tournaments at the South Sulawesi level. “We have held these invitation matches successfully from 2008 to 2013. Teams from Masamba and Makassar also participate,” said Herman. They rolled out a new innovation for the most recent tournament the 3 On 3 Tournament in early September, which took place for two whole days. This tournament involved 21 teams from various departments at PT Vale, such as the Process Plant, Exploration and SCM departments, and from contractors like Beca, Trakindo, Truba and United Tractor.

“In future, 3 On 3 tournaments will be on our routine agenda, taking place for a longer period and involving more teams from in and out of Sorowako,” said Dahlan, who idolizes legendary basketball player

Michael Jordan.

Annual Invitation Matches According to the SBA member in charge of internal engagement and communications, Tri Rachman Batara, the idea to host basketball matches is a manifestation of the “value our people” principle, in which activities should involve and be enjoyed not just by PT Vale employees and contractors, but the general public as well. “The basketball event can also be used to channel people’s aspirations and hobbies, while strengthening the bonds of friendship and building unity among all elements,” Batara said.

Dahlan and Herman agreed. “We hope the company will support us by providing a decent and accessible standard-size basketball court,” Dahlan said.

This year, SBA plans to hold the next SBA Tournament, which has so far been held six times. The tournament is scheduled for March or

April 2014. []

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Jangan Biarkan Anak di Bawah Umur Menunggangi MotorDari 143 k asus kecelak aan sepeda motor di tingk at kota/k abupaten di Indonesia, 64,3 persen k arena pengendara tidak memiliki SIM.


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Sepeda motor merupakan transportasi terpopuler di Indo-nesia. Harganya yang lebih terjangkau dibanding mobil, irit bensin, dan lincah membuat sepeda motor menjadi andalan banyak orang.

Namun di balik kelebihannya, bersepeda motor memiliki tingkat risiko kecelakaan lebih besar ketimbang kendaraan roda empat. Bentuk fisiknya yang hanya ditopang dua roda dan tanpa bodi tertutup membuat gerakan sepeda motor lebih labil dan kurang aman bagi pengendaranya bila tidak hati-hati. Itu baru perhitungan teknis kendaraan, belum melibatkan faktor si pengendara.

Data Korps Lalu Lintas Kepolisian Republik Indonesia menyebutkan, terdapat kecelakaan yang melibatkan 172.887 unit kendaraan di seluruh Indonesia pada 2012. Jumlah korban 29.544 jiwa, artinya dalam satu jam tiga nyawa melayang.

Sepeda motor merupakan kontributor terbesar dengan melibatkan 111.015 unit. Sementara itu, jumlah rata-rata kecelakaan sepeda motor di tingkat kota/kabupaten mencapai 143 kasus, 64,3 persennya terjadi pada pengendara yang tidak memiliki SIM. Mereka terutama dari kelompok di bawah umur. Sangat disayangkan bahwa pesepeda motor di bawah umur atau tidak memiliki SIM ini telah menjadi fenomena di Indonesia.

Menurut karyawan Emergency Response, Health & Safety Department PT Vale Fachmy Amier Baso, ada tiga pemicu fenomena pengendara di bawah umur merebak. “Aktualisasi diri anak-anak yang diikuti kurangnya kontrol keluarga dan minimnya penertiban dari pihak kepolisian. Potensi kecelakaan semakin besar karena pengendara di bawah umur juga tidak memiliki pengetahuan berlalu lintas yang baik,” ujar dia.

Fenomena ini, tambah Fachmy, adalah pekerjaan rumah semua pihak. Baik itu di lingkungan keluarga maupun kepolisian dan masyarakat. Dari lingkungan keluarga, orangtua dapat memberikan pemahaman kepada anaknya tentang layak-tidaknya si anak untuk memiliki dan mengendarai sepeda motor. Apakah sudah cukup umur untuk memiliki SIM dan mengerti tentang berkendara yang aman. Termasuk menyampaikan risiko dan bahaya

yang dapat terjadi dalam berkendara. ”Hal ini ditentukan ketegasan dan kedisiplinan orangtua terhadap anaknya,” ujar Fachmy.

Sedangkan dari lingkup non keluarga, perlu ada kerja sama antara pihak sekolah dan kepolisian untuk melakukan edukasi dan penertiban. ”Beberapa program yang bisa ditempuh, misalnya, ada kebijakan dari sekolah untuk tidak mengizinkan siswanya membawa sepeda motor ke sekolah dan ada sanksi bila melanggarnya. Sanksi juga berlaku bila siswa itu berkendara di luar jam sekolah dan tertangkap razia polisi,” ujar Fachmy. []

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Perilaku berkendara yang melanggar hukum.

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TIGA KONTROL UTAMA KESELAMATAN1. Kemampuan Kontrol Kendaraan Melakukan pemeriksaan kendaraan, persiapan perlengka- pan berkendara, cara membawa penumpang, dan posisi duduk yang benar.

2. Kemampuan Kontrol Mental Penting ketika melakukan pengereman, menghindar, bere- aksi, dan menjaga jarak aman.

3. Kemampuan Kontrol Diri Dapat mengendalikan faktor psikologis/emosional yang menyebabkan kecelakaan seperti terburu-buru, marah, sedih, dan mengantuk.

PERSIAPAN SEBELUM MENGENDARAI MOTOR1. Lakukan pengecekan (lihat boks 3).2. Cek perlengkapan berkendara ,seperti: jaket, helm, glove, kacamata, dan jas hujan.3. Cek alat-alat darurat seperti kunci-kunci, senter, dan kotak P3K.4. Cek STNK dan SIM

CEK SEPEDA MOTOR DENGAN KONSEP “T-CLOCK”T (Tires/ Ban) • Cek tekanan angin, perhatikan kondisi ban. Apakah ada retak, sobek, atau benda seperti paku atau batu menempel di ban.• Periksa pelek roda. Apakah ada penyok atau retak. Juga cek ke- renggangan jeruji (spoke), kondisi bearing dan karet-karet roda.

C (Controls/ Kendali)• Cek tuas-tuas rem, kopling, dan perseneling apakah normal, tidak bengkok, retak, atau patah. • Cek kabel, selang, dan kabel gas apakah bekerja sempurna, tidak membelit, dan tidak macet.

L (Lights & Electrical/ Lampu & Kelistrikan)• Cek aki dan lampu beserta kabel dan soketnya.

O (Oil & Fluids/ Bahan Bakar & Pelumas)• Cek oli, minyak rem, dan bahan bakar termasuk selang dan tangkinya.

C (Chassis/ Rangka) • Cek kondisi bodi, rangka, shock absorber, dan rantai.

K (Kickstand/ Penyangga) • Periksa penyangga samping dan tengah. Pastikan kondisinya baik (tidak bengkok dan pegasnya berfungsi normal).

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Don’t Allow Minors to Drive MotorbikesFrom 143 motorbike accidents occurring in cities/regencies across Indonesia, 64.3 percent are caused by drivers without licenses.


Motorbikes are the most popular form of transport in Indo-nesia. More affordable, fuel efficient and flexible compared to cars, the motorbike is undoubtedly the vehicle of choice for most people.

Despite these advantages, however, the fact remains that motorbikes are more prone to accidents compared to four-wheel vehicles. Running on just two wheels and without an enclosed body to protect its drivers, motorbikes are more unstable and unsafe for riders. These are all technical considerations and do not take into account the human factor.

Records published by the Indonesian Police’s Traffic Corps state that 172,887 vehicles were involved in road accidents across Indonesia in 2012. The number of fatalities was 29,544, meaning that three lives were lost every hour.

At 111,015 units, motorbikes made up the biggest propor-tion of vehicles involved in these accidents. At the city/regency level, an average of 143 motorbike accidents occurred, 64.3 percent of which involved drivers without a license. A significant number of these were minors. It is most unfortunate that there is such a high occurrence of under-aged or unlicensed motorbike drivers in Indonesia.

According to Fachmy Amier Baso, an employee at PT Vale’s Emergency Response, Health & Safety Department, the widespread phenomena of under-aged driving is caused by three things: “The self-actualization of children, which is not followed by adequate parental supervision and poor

law enforcement by the police. The potential for accidents is particularly high because minors who drive motorbikes do not have the adequate traffic knowledge or manners,” he said.

Fachmy said this phenomenon should be considered everyone’s “homework”, whether it is the family, the police or the community. In the family, parents could give children an understanding of their suitability to have or drive a mo-torbike, discuss whether their age allows them to own adriver’s license, and share with them the principles of safedriving as well as the risks and dangers of riding a motorbike. “These things rely on the strictness and discipline of the parents,” said Fachmy.

Within the non-family setting, schools should collaborate with the police in educating children and enforcing road rules. “Several programs can be carried out. For example, schools could prohibit students from riding motorbikes to school and impose a penalty for those who violate this rule. Penalties may also be imposed if the student drives outside of school hours and is caught in a police raid,” Fachmy said. []

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THREE MAIN SAFET Y CONTROLS1. Vehicle Control Capability Conduct vehicle checks, prepare driving gear, know how to carry a passenger, and know how to sit correctly.

2. Mental Control Capability This is important when having to brake, evade, react and maintain a safe driving distance.

3. Self-Control Capability Able to control psychological/emotional factors, which are the cause of many accidents, such as impatience, anger, sadness and drowsiness.

PREPARING TO DRIVE THE MOTORBIKE1. Conduct a check up (see Box 3).2. Check driving gear such as jacket, helmet, gloves, glasses and raincoat.3. Check emergency equipment such as keys, flashlight and first aid.4. Check legal papers and driving license.

CHECKING MOTORBIKES USING THE T-CLOCK CONCEPTT (Tires) • Check air pressure and tire condition. Check for the presence of cracks, tears or objects like nails or stones attached to tires.• Check wheel rims for dents or cracks, as well as the spacing of spokes, the condition of bearings and rubber on wheels.

C (Controls)• Check the brake levers, clutch and gears to see if they are normal and not bent, cracked, or broken.• Check cables, hoses and gas cables to see if they work normally, are not twisted and jammed.

L (Lights & Electrical)• Check the battery and lights, as well as wires and sockets.

O (Oil & Fluids)• Check oil, brake fluid and fuel, as well as the hose and fuel tank.

C (Chassis) • Check the condition of the body, frame, shock absorber and chains.

K (Kickstand) • Check the motorbike’s side and middle kickstands. Ensure they are in good condition (with springs that function normally and are not bent).


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70 Halo Vale I Edis i Februar i 2014

1. Terlalu banyak kolesterol akan memengaruhi kesehatan jantung dengan cara: Too much cholesterol affects your heart by: A. Mempercepat denyut jantung | Increasing the rate of your heartbeat B. Mempersempit arteri koroner | Narrowing the coronary arteries C. Menurunkan energi sehingga Anda cepat lesu | Decreasing your energy levels and making you lethargic2. Manakah yang membantu Anda mengendalikan kadar kolesterol? Which of these will help you control your cholesterol levels? A. Olahraga rutin | Regular exercise B. Mengatur pola makan | Modifying your diet C. Olahraga rutin dan mengatur pola makan | Regular exercise and modifying your diet3. Untuk mendapat manfaat dari olahraga, Anda perlu: Togetanyhealthbenefitfromexerciseyouneedto: A. Berolahraga berat selama dua jam satu minggu sekali | Exercise vigorously for two hours once a week B. Olahraga sampai merasa lelah | Exercise until you’re exhausted C. Olahraga ringan 30 menit setiap hari | Exercise moderately for 30 minutes most days4. Semua jenis kolesterol tidak baik bagi jantung. | All cholesterol is bad for your heart. A. Benar | True B. Salah | False5. Perokok punya risiko menderita penyakit jantung koroner 70% lebih besar dibanding bukan perokok. | Smokers have a 70% greater risk of coronary heart disease than non-smokers. A. Benar | True B. Salah | False6. Lima belas tahun setelah berhenti merokok, risiko mantan perokok terhadap sakit jantung adalah: | Fifteen years after giving up smoking, a smoker’s risk of heart disease is: A. Sama seperti baru pertama kali berhenti | The same as when you gave up smoking B. Berkurang setengah | Halved C. Sama seperti tidak pernah merokok | The same as if you had never smoked

Uji wawasan Anda dengan kuis singkat seputar kesehatan jantung di bawah ini. Jawab minimal 4 (empat) pertanyaan dengan benar maka nama Anda berhak mengikuti pengundian.

Test your heart healthy knowledge with this quick quiz. Answer at least 4 (four) questions correctly then you are eligible for the draw.

S c a n a t a u f o t o k o p i j a w a b a n A n d a d a n k i r i m k e i n t e r n a l . c o m m u n i c a t i o n @ v a l e . c o m a t a u m a s u k k a n k e D P 2 3 B. Pe n g u n d i a n s e c a r a a c a k d i l a k u k a n m e l a l u i s i t u s r a n d o m . o r g . Pe m e n a n g a k a n d i u m u m -k a n d i H a l o V a l e e d i s i m e n d a t a n g . S e m o g a A n d a b e r u n t u n g !

S e n d y o u r a n s w e r b y e m a i l t o i n t e r n a l . c o m m u n i c a t i o n @ v a l e . c o m o r P h o t o c o p y a n d c u t o u t t h i s q u i z f r o m a n d d r o p i t t o D P 2 3 B . R a n d o m d r e w w i l l c o n d u c t e d t h r o u g h r a n d o m . o r g . W i n n e r w i l l b e a n n o u n c h e d i n u p c o m i n g i s s u e o f H a l o Va l e . G o o d L u c k .

Pemenang Kuis Halo Vale edisi 6

1. Ahmad Pathujiral, 68002. M. Riansah, 105583. Yakop Tandiayu, 83344. Davidson Tungka, 79775. Aswan Halil, 108946. Joko Mulianto, 56367. Liel Mariu Padang, 71898. Marthen Lobo Siang, 63539. Mahmuddin YPS, 301210. Jasdin, 8761

Selamat kepada pemenang. Hadiah dapat langsung diambil di External Relations Department pada hari dan jam kerja.

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71Edis i Februar i 2014 I Halo Vale

Rubrik Zoom In memuat potret unik dan menarik seputar tempat, orang, atau kejadian di sekitar kita. Kirimkan foto Anda ke [email protected].

Zoom In publishes unique and interesting pictures about places, people, or events around us. Send your photograph to [email protected].

Waspada sapi berkece-patan tinggi.Beware of high speed cow

- Saldy Fidyawan -

Pinang ngesot .Unusual pole climbing.

- Doni Setiadi -

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