
Kate Sicolo

Anti-Bullying and Homophobia Worker

The Intercom Trust and ABC project

1)To highlight some of the education work going on in Cornwall to make LGBT history

2)To give you a ‘best practice’ primary school example of LGBT inclusion

Cornwall is the only county in the UK to have a dedicated, local authority funded anti-homophobia worker in schools …

… this unique, LA support means that last year we…

…worked with 70% of secondary schools to lead LGBT inclusion sessions

…provided 93 one-one sessions with young LGBT people who needed individual help

… worked with over 8000 young people to address issues of homophobia, bullying and LGBT inclusion

To celebrate LGBT History Month 2009 we…

… delivered sessions to 1526 pupils throughout the county raising awareness of LGBT history (Jan-Mar)

… supported LGBT history pride in Exeter through our community development team

… supported a panel evening at a local museum

Equality and Diversity Focus…

1) Self-assessment for all students, staff and parents2) Setting of priority areas for improvement3) New equality and diversity scheme and anti-bullying

policies4) Modern Britain Week

Class 1 Class 3 Class 4 Staff/ Parents

Mon 8:50-9:15 Assembly (Introduction to 7 strands)

9:15-3:10 Workshops. Russian and migrant workers in Yurt, LGBT Awareness, Appropriate Language, Mask-making, T-shirt making, Anti-racism DVD and Gyspy, Roma, Traveller


Training with 2 other schools. 3:30 LGBT Parenting4:00 Food4:30 E and D legislation5:00 Challenging homophobic/ racist and inappropriate behaviour.

Tues Am- Trip to GoonhillyPm- Cornish and Polish singing

Am- Cornish and Russian singingPm- Drumming Assembly

Am- Cornish language and songsPm- Slavery and migration into Cornwall

Wed 8:50-9:10 Assembly (Samba)

9:10-3:10 Samba workshops

Thurs Pm- Baha'i tranquillity zone Am- Trip to GoonhillyPm- Baha'i tranquillity zone

Am- Trip to GoonhillyPm- Baha'i tranquillity zone

Fri 8:50 Assembly (Christian)

9:10-12:00 Food preparation and decorations

12:00-2:00 Mediterranean picnic and games outside

2:00-3:00 Samba parade and final celebration

an Outstanding school…The school has taken an unusually proactive approach to the promotion of equality and diversity, having recently consulted parents and pupils over a new scheme in this area. As a result of these and other initiatives, pupils are tolerant, polite and confident. They demonstrate this through their excellent spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. The school makes an outstanding contribution to community cohesion.

The school's work to promote equality and diversity has had an outstanding impact, both on the school's promotion of equality of opportunity and to develop community cohesion.

Contact us…

[email protected]

01209 211360

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