  • Let us be glad and rejoice in Gods Let us be glad and rejoice in Gods Let us be glad and rejoice in Gods Let us be glad and rejoice in Gods salvation, poured out for us in Jesus salvation, poured out for us in Jesus salvation, poured out for us in Jesus salvation, poured out for us in Jesus Christ. Welcome, one and all!Christ. Welcome, one and all!Christ. Welcome, one and all!Christ. Welcome, one and all!

  • October 16th, 2011

    Gathering for Worship (Greetings and Congregational Concerns)

    11:00 am The Worship of God

    The Worthy Life Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Ephesians 5:21

    Prelude ...................................................... Ann Coleman, organ

    Call to Worship .. When I Look into Your Holiness .. Choir and Congregation (1st time-choir; 2nd time-all) When I look into Your holiness, when I gaze into Your loveliness; When all things that surround become shadows in the light of You. When Ive found the joy of reaching Your heart, When my will becomes enthralled in Your love. When all things that surround become shadows in the light of You; I worship You, I worship You; the reason I live is to worship You. I worship You, I worship You; the reason I live is to worship You.

    Prayer of Invocation ................................................. Hal Roach

    Hymns of Praise .................Holy, Holy, Holy ................No. 2 (1,3,4) Holy, Holy .....................No. 254 (3) Precious Jesus, precious Jesus, were so glad that Youve redeemed us, precious Jesus; And we lift our hands before You as a token of our love, Precious Jesus, precious Jesus.

    Conversation with God Scripture .................Ephesians 5:15-21 (pg. 829) ................ Pastor Silent Reflection .................................................. Congregation Morning Prayer ............................................................ Pastor

    A Time for Children................................................ James Lucas

    Offertory Hymn of Dedication ..............Be Strong in the Lord.............. No. 476

  • Preparation for Worship

    Lord, open our hearts to your Word of truth. Speak to us and help us listen. Amen.

    Prayer of Thanksgiving and Adoration ........................ Korey Hatch Presenting the Tithes and Offerings ................. Dana Coleman, piano Congregational Response ..........Glorify Thy Name ...........No. 249 (1) Father, we love You, we worship and adore You; Glorify Thy name in all the earth. Glorify Thy name, glorify Thy name, Glorify Thy name in all the earth.

    Proclamation of the Word Message ............... Conflict Management 101: Part 2 ............... Pastor Ephesians 4 & 5 (pg. 828)

    Depart to Serve Hymn of Invitation................. Speak to My Heart ............... No. 281 Benediction................................................................. Pastor

    Postlude..................................................... Ann Coleman, organ All hymn and chorus texts are copyrighted and used by permission under CCL#775853. All videotapes are copyrighted and used by permission under CVLI#501943570.

    Prayer Concerns

    Gene Anthony Phillip Blake Katie Shearon Margaret Timmons

    Names are removed from the Prayer Concerns after one month. Please feel free to resubmit them for continued prayer.

    Shelby Braswell Walt Leonard Shirley Mason Vickie Smith Joey Binns

    Our Military Personnel

    David Poole Patrick Polky Eric Hudson Kevin Mahon Greg Hershman John Hudson Mark Erik Williams Dr. Andy Mullins Scott Hudson Tommy Wallis

    Ryan Witt Gwinn Mullins Shirley Rice Maggie Horton Craig Hampson and


    Our Christian sympathy is extended to the Seawell family in the death of Eleanor

    Wall Seawell.

  • Announcements

    Food Pantry Sunday - Sunday, October 30th. Dont forget to bring grocery items this month to support the local food pantry. Upward Registration has begun - Sign your child up by October 23rd! The next Upward evaluation will be Saturday, October 29th from 9:00 am - 1:00 pm. Nominating Meeting - A brief meeting today at 12:15 pm in the Conference Room. Deacons Meeting - Today at 5:00 pm in the Conference Room. Quarterly Business Meeting - Today at 6:00 pm. Minutes from the last business meeting and the financial report can be found in the vestibule this morning if you would like to review them before the meeting tonight. Cemetery Meeting - Monday, October 17th at 7:00 pm in the Conference Room. Finance Committee Meeting - Tuesday, October 18th at 7:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. American Legion Meeting - Tuesday, October 18th at 7:00 pm in the Conference Room. Childrens Ministry Team Meeting - Tuesday, October 18th at 7:30 pm in the Library. Weathers/Knight Circle - Thursday, October 20th at 10:00 am in the Conference Room. Personnel Committee Meeting - Thursday, October 27th at 7:00 pm in the Conference Room. Meet-n-Eat - Thursday, October 27th at 7:00 pm. Kids Night Out - Friday, October 28th from 7:00 - 8:30 pm. HVAC - The HVAC is paid for, however, the funds to finish paying for the HVAC were taken from other resources and this money needs to be put back.

  • Announcements

    Your help is needed, so please continue to make your donations to help pay for the HVAC. Thank you for all you do for KBC! Equipment Needed - Properties is in need of donations of used, but working, lawn equipment; lawn mowers, weed eaters, leaf blowers, etc. Please see Sam Maise if you have equipment to donate. Harvest Offering - This year the harvest offering will be used to purchase 15 more tables and 90 more chairs for the FLC. If your family is interested in purchasing a table or two and/or chairs, the cost would be as follows: tables are $227 and chairs are $40. A table with six chairs would be $467. 2012 Budget - The Finance Committee will be presenting the 2012 budget to the church on Sunday, November 6th with discussion set for Wednesday, November 9th and voting on Sunday, November 13th. Please keep the Finance Committee in prayer as we prepare a budget that is pleasing to God. Veterans Day Service - The TwoGreen Thumbs Garden Club will be honoring our veterans throughout the community in the annual Veterans Day service on Sunday, November 6th at 12:30 pm at the Bluestar Memorial by the caboose. All are invited to attend.

    Blood Drive

    Sunday, October 30th

    12:30-5:00 pm

    Please mark your calendar!

    Sign up sheets are up outside

    the church office.

  • Sundays Schedule 9:15 am Koffee Before Church

    9:45 am Bible Study

    11:00 am Morning Worship

    12:15 pm Nominating Committee Mtg. - C.Rm.

    5:00 pm Faith Expressions

    5:00 pm Membership Development - Parlor

    5:00 pm Deacons Meeting - C.Rm. 6:00 pm Snack-n-YAK

    6:00 pm Quarterly Business Meeting

    Monday Schedule 7:00 pm Cemetery Committee Meeting - C.Rm.

    7:30 pm Basketball - FLC

    Tuesday Schedule 10:00 am BALL Club

    7:00 pm American Legion - C.Rm.

    7:00 pm Finance Committee Mtg. - F.H.

    7:00 pm Outlive Your Life - Home Study

    7:30 pm Childrens Ministry Team - Library

    Wednesday Schedule 6:30 pm Dessert Fellowship

    6:30 pm Mission Friends

    6:30 pm YAK 360

    6:30 pm Adult Bible Study

    6:30 pm Childrens Choir Practice

    7:15 pm GAs and RAs

    7:30 pm Worship Choir Practice

    Thursday Schedule 10:00 am Weathers/Knight Circle - C.Rm.

    Next Sundays Schedule Communion Sunday 9:15 am Koffee Before Church

    9:45 am Bible Study

    11:00 am Morning Worship

    5:00 pm Faith Expressions

    5:00 pm Membership Development - C.Rm. 6:00 pm Snack-n-YAK

    Weekly Calendar Reminders

    Flower Ministry

    The flowers in the sanctuary today are given by Greg and Monique Mackey to the glory of God and in honor of their

    32nd anniversary.

    This weeks Deacon Greeter: Sam Maise

    This weeks Deacon of the Week: Korey Hatch

    Deacon Greeter for 10/23/11: Cindy Russell

    Deacon of the Week for 10/23/11: Sam Maise

    Baptist Knight of the Week: Kameron Abshire

    October Ushers: Mark Beasley, Nelson Crider, Billy Murray, Vane Polky

  • Childrens Time for: 10/23/11: Jim Farrington 10/30/11: Monique Mackey

    Childrens Worship Leaders Today..

    Crib Babies: Debbie Betts Toddlers/2-3 yr.: Volunteers Needed

    Childrens Church: James Lucas; Edith Tew Assistants: Jessica Jones, Courtney

    Glover, Valerie and Mark Beasley

    Next Sundays Leaders Crib Babies: Bobbie Earnhardt, Peggy

    Altice Toddlers/2-3 yr.: Kim Cameron, Volunteers

    Needed, Bridgett and Jesse Ward

    Childrens Church: James Lucas; Edith Tew Assistants: Brian and Holly Martin

    Nursery Coordinator for October: DeAnne Talley (919) 217-8076

    Please note: If for some reason you are not available to help on the day that you volunteered to work, we ask that you please dont forget to find a replacement for yourself so there is adequate coverage during the worship service. Also, if you have a change in the schedule for the childrens nursery or childrens church, please contact the monthly coordinator so that the change can be made prior to the printing of the worship bulletin. However, any permanent changes in the schedule should continue to be handled by the lead coordinator.

    Thank you for all your help.

    Attention KBC Parents: If you have a child participating in childrens worship, please make sure they are picked up at the end of the church service by a parent or adult. The childrens worship leaders will only allow children to be picked up by a parent or adult from the nursery, toddler, 2-3 year old, 4-5 year old, or 6-7 year old classrooms. We love our children at KBC and want to ensure their safety!

    Thank you

    Welcome Guests! Please fill out the following to let us know how we may

    be of service to you. Please place in the offering plate

    or give to an usher.

    Date ______________________________

    Name(s) ___________________________




    City___________________ State _______

    Zip ____________ Phone_____________

    Email _____________________________

    Current Church Membership & City



    A Student at ______________________

    Single Married

    Adult Age Group Please Circle

    18-25 26-35 36-45

    46-50 51-59 60+

    School Grade of Each Child Please Circle

    K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    8 9 10 11 12

    Age of Preschooler(s) Please Circle

    Infant 1 2 3 4 5

    I learned of Knightdale Baptist Church





  • Deacons

    Name _____________________________



    Phone _____________________________

    I am interested in...

    Becoming a Christian

    Becoming a member

    Being baptized

    Preschool/Childrens Ministries

    Youth Ministries

    College Ministries

    Singles Ministries

    Adult Bible Study

    Music Ministries

    Missions Organizations

    Wednesday Evening Activities

    Receiving Additional Information

    Sign up for the Wednesday Night Fellowship


    Number Attending: ______ Adult(s)

    ______ Children 4-9

    ______ Children 3 and Under

    Members and Guests:

    Please use this space for prayer requests...


    Dr. Charles Dorman ............................... 872-9515 ............................ Interim Pastor

    Rev. George W. Pullium, Jr. ............................................................Pastor Emeritus

    Rev. Hal Roach...............................217-1764............................Minister of Worship

    Mrs. Dana Coleman ................................................................................Keyboardist

    Mrs. Ann Coleman ....................................................................................... Organist

    Mrs. Patty Jones ............................................................................Church Secretary

    Mrs. Christi Boggs........................................................................Preschool Director

    Knightdale Baptist Church 15 Main Street, Knightdale, NC 27545 (919) 266-2471 fax (919) 266-0984

    For last Sunday, October 9, 2011:

    Weekly Budget Requirement: $8,282.00 General Offering Received: $4,464.02 FLC/ROC Offering Received: $544.00 HVAC Total to-date: $29,008.27 Harvest Offering Total to-date: $4,058.00

    FLC initial Campaign Total: $774,754.10 FLC Phase II Total to-date: $804,744.46

    Capital Stewardship Grand total: $1,579,498.56


    Morning Worship 147 Sunday School 99

    2012 2013 2014

    Robin Farrington Melissa Abshire Don Holmes Korey Hatch Mark Beasley Philip Humphries (Chair) Sam Maise Pete Harrell Richy Narron Billy Murray Rick Talley Preston Peterson Jean Raybon Mary Weathers Cindy Russell

    KBC Mission Statement The Mission of Knightdale Baptist Church, as a loving, unified body, is to worship God and share Christ through various Christian ministries, teaching, service, prayer and fellowship.

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