Download - Kcb102 week 7

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"Everybody knows

journalism is in crisis"Dr Stephen Harrington

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Why does journalism matter?

• Because it is "not just another business"

• It is not just another type of media content

• Central part of the public sphere

• Fundamental for a healthy democracy:

• “[News’] claimed objectivity and independence from political or government agencies is argued to be essential for the workings of a democracy.” (Fiske, 1989: 281)

• Journalism is “a job that is crucial to society” (Cunningham, 2003: 31)

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So, what's the problem, then?

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"Overall, newspaper circulation has dropped 13.5% for the dailies

and 17.3% for the Sunday editions since 2001; almost 5% just in

2008. In what some are calling the Great Recession, advertising

revenue is down—23% over the last two years—even as paper

costs are up. Nearly one out of every five journalists working for

newspapers in 2001 is now gone. Foreign bureaus have been

shuttered—all those of the Boston Globe, for example, New

England’s major paper. I recently met the Chicago Tribune’s South

Asia correspondent, responsible for India, Pakistan, and

Afghanistan, with five years of experience there. Having been

recalled to work on the Metro desk in Chicago, she resigned." (Todd

Gitlin, 2009)

So, what's the problem, then?

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So, what's the problem, then?

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Hang on a second...

Is this really a crisis or 'decline'?

Or, is this merely a change?

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Crisis? Or change?

•'I’m sure there was a time when they were

saying, “you know, only half the people get

their news from town criers that used to”E'

– Jon Stewart (cited in Schlosser, 2003: 28)

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Hang on a second...

If journalism really is in 'crisis',

how would we know?

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The Four Criteria

1. Number of Outlets

2. Diversity of Outlets

3. Critical interrogation of other


4. Connection with Audiences

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• 1. Number of Outlets

If the profession is healthy, we should see

more journalism being produced

If the profession is unhealthy, we should see

less of it being produced

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1. Number of Outlets


In 1965, how many hours of news

programming would air on CBS (US TV

channel) each day?



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1. Number of Outlets


In 2012, how many hours of news

programming are on the ABC TV (Aust.

channel) each day?



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The Four Criteria

• 1. Number of Outlets

2. Diversity of Outlets

3. Critical interrogation of other


4. Connection with Audiences

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2. Diversity of Outlets

Diversity is important, because if there's lots of

journalism being produced, but it's all saying

the same thing, there's no point in having a lot

of it.

Comes back to a question of how we define

'journalism' in the first place...

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The Four Criteria

• 1. Number of Outlets

2. Diversity of Outlets

3. Critical interrogation of other


4. Connection with Audiences

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3. Critical interrogation of other


�The primary function of journalism

�Here’s where we have debate...

�Do we have adequate information

about/interrogation of powerful people?

� Has the quantity/diversity of news helped?

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Page 19: Kcb102   week 7

The Four Criteria

• 1. Number of Outlets

2. Diversity of Outlets

3. Critical interrogation of other


4. Connection with Audiences

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4. Connection with Audiences

� The “measure of journalists’ success is

their relationship with their audience”

(Windschuttle, 1998: 41)

� Are audiences engaging with news output?

� Declining readership/viewership

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The Four Criteria

• 1. Number of Outlets

2. Diversity of Outlets

3. Critical interrogation of other


4. Connection with Audiences

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The Four Criteria

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