
Keep wack" The Greater Rochester Track Club Rocheste r, NY June 2004

A Great Weekend for Everyone but the Turkey Every April, with John Prohira's encouragement, a substantia l contingent of area runners joins him at the Bull Run Run ( This year the race fell on the same weekend as the Boston Marathon with the same unseasonably hot weather to challenge the runners . And, for some, as Dan Kress reports on page 4, just getting to the race was an adventure.

Rochester Contingent at the 2004 Bull Run Run

Kneeling L-R: Jim Blaakman, Joe Gilroy, Bill Heame, Dan Kress. Standing L-R: Glen Burkhartt, Anna Beresniewicz. John Prohira, Marissa Gordon, Doug Jones, Sue Allen, Rosemary Jones, Patti Hahn. Photo by: Joe Gil roy

Keep Track 1


President Paul Kala

Secretary, Bob Dyjak Runner or th e Year

Treasurer, Rose Linscott Newsletter

Membership Doug Jones

Advertising Anne Procopio

Greater Rochester Track Club Rochester, New York Member of Niagara Association, USA Track & Field #031

[email protected] 585.415.6189

[email protected] 585.125.6560

rlinsco [email protected] 585248.8062

[email protected] 585.248.5065

[email protected] 585.663.62 19

The GRTC newsletter is the official news-magazine of the Greater Rochester Track ClUb. Membership in the GRTC entitles one to receive the GRTC newsletter which is published 10 times per year.

Articles and Photos for publication are welcomed and encouraged. Send electronic files to Rose Linscott Photographic files should be in JPEG or TIFF format.

Race Calendar Information: There is no charge for listing a race in the newsletter calendar. Send e-mail with all pertinent race information to John Osowski.

Race Entry Forms can be published in the newsletter for a fee. Send electronic form (in WORD, PDF or EPS) to Rose Linscott at [email protected] and remit payment of $30 to GRTC c/o Rose Linscott, 48 Greenwood Park, Pittsford, NY 14534.

Annual Awards Pete VanPeurscm [email protected]. com

Race Entry Form Restrictions - In order for GRTC to qualify for bulk mailing rates as a not-for-profit organization, the USPS requires that we strictly adhere to the following qualifications. 1. Conditions of awards must be clearly stated . 2. There must be no reference to drawings that might conflict with Postal Service regulations, especially the use of the term "raffle ."


Wchmastcr Roger Howe

Race Ca Icndar John Osowski

Spring Track, John Hultz Club Assets

Merchandise Wilt A lston

Fall Seminars Bob Withrow

Uhra Distances Tom Perry

Race Certification Kevin Lucas

Coup les Run Rick Cronise

Race Committee Greg Brooks

[email protected] 585.227.0776

[email protected]

[email protected] 585.586.479 1


[email protected] 585.248.2207

IperryO l 585.388.5270

k ---.p [email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

c» _ .. .. __ ........ _k __

Advertising from commercial sources will be accepted at the rates listed below. Submit ads to Anne Procopio. Size of ad 1 mo. 3 consecutive mos. 5" x 7.5" (1/2 page) $50 $135 5"x3" (1/4 page) $25 $70 3.5" x 2" (business card) $15 $40

Newsletter Deadline is the 1 st of the month for inclusion in the issue for the following month. For example, articles and race forms for the April issue must be submitted by March 1.

Available for Rent - Finishing line clock, Chronomix time recorder, cones, mile markers, road marshall flags, water cooler, etc. The charge to rent both the clock and Chronomix is $150 or either item can be rented individually for $75. The charge to rent the entire package is $200. Contact John Hultz for more information.

GRTC Contacts; Individuals are listed under Board of Directors. Hotline to hearlleave messages: (585)234-0565 Online: Mail: PO Box 92608, Rochester, NY 14692

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Keep Track 2

President's Colwnn By Paul Kato

It 's now the midway point of 2004. Hard to believe when it seems like only a few weeks ago we were complaining about snow, cold weather and rain! It 's funny how the change of seasons gives us something to talk about, and at times complain about, here in "pstate New York. I look forward to Spring, Summer and Fall - winter is a season I simply try to survive.

1 am having a down year from the perspective offaces. I didn't even do the last four Freezeroo races. I missed the Spring Forward race. And di tto for tl,e CATS half maratllOn and the half marathon at Ontario Shores. 1 tell myself just as we sometimes are able to focus and peak, there are times when we are in a "valley". I certainly feel the valley part of the cycle. I still run during the week, but Ijust don' t race as often. One of tbe guys I run with at lunch, "Pinky", has been asking difficult questions -the kind of questions you'd like to run away from rather than answer, The truth hurts sometimes. And I also reaLize that it takes a lot of energy to do some of the things I did in the past -energy that lately I simply don 't have. Maybe that is it; I'm in a low energy cycle. We ll , let's see how the summer progresses.

Kevin Lucas has agreed to join OUf board. He is another very talented and welcome addition to the board (we added three people last month). Kevin is a specialist in measuring and certi fying race courses. About 30% of the area races are actually certified distances. Any race directors who don't have a certified course, 1 ask that you contact Kevin and work out a schedule with him to certify your course.

We are stiB in need of a Freezeroo series race director. The planning cycle really kicks into high gear in another 6 - 8 weeks, so we need someone to volunteer soon to keep this wonderful series going. Laurie Smith, the past race director, has created a wonderful notebook which will serve as the foundation of wbat needs to be done. Some of the raccs have wonderful race directors such as the Greece race captained by Bob Dyjak and the Powder Mill race organized by Bill Hearne and the Oven Door runners. My point is, tbere is support in place for some oftbe deta ils. However, don't underestimate the effort to direct a series of six races every two weeks. Luckily, to counterbalance things, the races are considered low key. For more information, contact me or Laurie.

A new running store is slated to open in the Rochester area - Fleet Feet. I understand Ellen and Boots will be the owners. J don 't have much more information at this lime. Maybe by the next newsletter 1 can teU you more. Look for ads or emails in the weeks ahead.

I wish each runner a pleasant summer - enjoy your runs and races!

Keep Track 3

GRTC Board of Directors Meeting Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Attendees: Wilt Alston, Greg Brooks, Rick Cronise, Bob Dyjak, Roger Howe, John Hultz, Doug Jones, Paul Kato, John Osowski, Tom Perry, Pete Van Peursem

G uests: Kevin Lucas

The previous meeting minutes were approved as written .

Rose Linscoll did not attend the meeting but provided the month's treasurer's report via email.

Doug Jones reported that our membersbip is currently at 5 17.

Ann Procopio indicated via email tbat sbe is pursuing a couple of new advertisers.

John Hultz stated that tbe Spring Track Workouts will be Thursday evenings at Nazareth College beginning April 29th The clinics will start at 5:45 PM w ith the workouts following at about 6: 15 PM. Sign-ups tbus far are lagging previous years with only 30 commitments to date.

Wilt Alston is now on Board and has assumed responsibili ty for mercbandise.

Kevin Lucas attended our meeting 10 introduce himself. He is a race course certifier, having been active some years ago in Texas and recently relocated to Rocbester. Oftbe 125 races in the Rochester area, only about 30% are certified . His goal is to bave tbe majority (75-80%) of tbe races in Rocbester certified.

Tbe Board spent the bulk. of the meeting discussing our immediate need for a newsletter editor. Tbe June newsletter is definitely in jeopardy. The quality of the publication is at an all time best, but we may bave raised the bar too high for one person to consistently produce it. Formatting race results appears to be one of tbe big time consumers so we may either significantl y reduce or totally eliminate them from the newsletter content since most of our members can access them on the web. We will also consider this as a paid position, since it appears to go beyond a volunteer assignment. We will also pursue the Messenger Post and RlT students as a less-expensive way to assemble, edit and produce future newsletters. We need to survey our membership to see what the expectation is for newsletter content and availability of hard copy versus the web.

Minutes respectfully submitted by 1.806 (j)yjaf(

Trip Report: "Bull Run Run 50" 2004 By Dan Kress

"Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of- but do it in private and wash your hands ajren vords . . , Robert Heinlein

We knew it was going to be an exciting weekend when we were attacked by a low-flying homicidal turkey at 75 m.p.b.

But let' s, as they say, begin at the beginning. This was a rough winter to try to go out and train . After the morning of 8 miles at 18-below-zero (January 10), I even adopted a I O-below rule. But [ wanted to train bard and improve on last year's times - by a lot! In particular, on 10 hours and 9 minutes in Virginia. So with the help of a manic Border Collie and more than a few of the Oven Door Runners, that's what [ spent the last 3 months getting ready to do.

And after weeks of running in the winter weather, April finally arrives, and with it the annual woodland bacchanalia known as the Bull Run Run. This year, Jim Blaakman, John Prohira, Doug Jones, Patti Hahn, Anna Beresniewicz, Joe Gilroy and [ aU signed up for a return visit to the Hemlock Overlook Regional Park, in Fairfax County just east of Manassas. Glen Burkhartt and Sue Allen were miling their first trip to the race. And Bill Hearne, Marissa Gordon and Doug' s wife Rosemary were along for moral support and pacing duties as required.

On the Thursday morning before the race, I meet Joe and Bill for the long drive to Virginia, by way of Maryland and West Virginia. Our goal was to climb the higbest points in those states on our way south to the woods and trails of the Bull Run/Occoquan River valley.

'~s God is my witness, llhoughl turkeys couldfly!!!" -- Gordon Jump, WKRP in Cincinnati

• ••

In Pennsylvania, south of Erie, Bill is driving, and Joe is in the passenger seat. If the answer to the question, "why did the turkey try to cross the interstate?" is "to get to the other side," aliI can tell you is that it didn 't work out that way. Suddenly there is about 30 pounds of bird directly between us and the road ahead. We can see it coming and there is absolutely no way to avoid it. At 75 m.p.h., it doesn 't come through the windshield, but it makes a substantial dent in the glass before it bounces over the top of the vehicle. The glass is fractured from the top comer wbere the bird hit, directly in front of Joe, al l the way across to the inspection and registration stickers, and tiny pieces of glass are everywhere.

After Joe has started breatlling again, we spend the next two hours calling the insurance company and glass shops in searcb of a new windshield. Fortunately we are able to find a nearby shop that has tbe right windsbield in stock, and are able to get it cbanged and be on our way south. I remind Joe that, by any measure, we are still baving a better day than the turkey.

The next point of interest on tbis already too-exciting tour is Rowlesburg, West Virginia. About loca l law enforcement in Rowlesburg I will only say that it is a good thing we did not have a bumper sticker that said, "BAD COP! NO DONUT!"

Eventually the next morning we made it to tile top of Backbone Mountain in Maryland, and Spruce Knob in West Virginia. Next year we won't be going througb Rowlesburg.

• •• "If you're not projecti le vomiting and there are no compound fractures, you keep moving." - Last-minute advice given 10 Sue Allell

A total of339 people have signed up to run tltis race. At 6: 15 a.m. on Saturday morning, we start into the woods. Quickly it was light enough to actually see clearly, and we headed down lhe hill to the water. Sbortly the sky cleared and the sun came down through the trees to shine on Virginia bluebells just beginning to bloom.

Continued on page 5

Keep Track 4

It's about 40 degrees at the start, but we know it is not going to stay that way for long. We've been warned at the pre-race briefing that the forecast is for temperatures close to 80. So many of the runners go out aggressively, to cover as much ground as they can, before it gets too warm. We head north along the stream and then back to the start, covering the first 13 miles quickly. I want to mn between 10- and II-minute miles, and that is exactly what I do. Just before running up the hill to the aid station at the start, another runner next to me remarks that "we'll be back here again in only 7 hours." "That's the plao; we' ll see how it actually works out," 1 reply. It's already getting noticeably warm.

The sun is shining. It 's good to head back into the woods and a little shade. At the Marina there are fresh strawberries; at the next stop, Wolf Run Shoals, there are ice cream sandwiches. I can't say enough nice things about the volunteers who put on this race aod the great job they do. From there jt's on to the Fountainhead, but first the seemingly never-ending Whjte Loop. It feels like l'm runnjng in circles for 45 minutes before I fmally come out of it and arrive at the Fountainhead. At this point it 's 4 hours, 55 minutes into the race. The good news is l've already gone 27 miJes 5 minutes faster than last year; the not-sa-good news is that I can't keep up the pace any more.

* * *

"Do you hear that, Mr. Anderson? That is the sound of inevitability."

- Hugo Weaving, The Matrix

It's a vety long 2 miles from the Fountainhead to the infamous Do Loop. The Loop is uke some kind of temporal vortex in a bad Star Trek epjsode- the faster I try to push the more I slow down. It might have something to do with the fact that it feels like it's about 95 degrees back in there. 1 pass Jim Blaakman, already on the way back out, looking either in the zone or slightly dazed by the heat. H's hard to tell which. H takes 2 hours to get to and through the Loop, and back to the Fountainhead. I can feel my plan for a sub-I O-hour goal Slipping away, and like the turkey about to hit the windshield, there doesn't seem to be anything to do to avoid it.

At the Fountailthead Joe and Anna bave called it a day, and Bill and Marissa are waiting for the rest of the group to come through. 1 feel awful but am too proud to admit it to them, let alone that I have been thinking about dropping out myself. Moral support works wonders. After 35 miles I finally figure out how to take care of a liule problem I've been having since the start. J decide to try a science experiment, aod see what happens when I take electrolytes, ibuprofen and kaopectate all at once. Then it ' s back out onto the trail again.

Heading back towards the White Loop and Wolf Run Shoals 1 pass Pani, looking unperturbed by the heat or anything else, then Sue, looking like she's having a great time, and Glen, looking entirely too laid back. Seeing the thrce of them reminds me the point of this is not just to endure but to bave fun , and I try to relax, stop worrying about the clock, enjoy the sun and the insistently honking geese on the water, and an exceptional day .

• * *

"If we don't succe~d, we run the risk of failure ." - Dan Quayle

At the Marina 1 am greeted by Anna and Rosemary, who reload my water bottles and tell me everyone else is still moving. I bead out quickly, but the last 5 :I, miles from the Marina to the fmish take an interminable 79 minutes, just like last year. I won't do what I came to do, but just fiillshing (in what I find out later is 82-degree weather) seems like enough. Tbe last big hill just before the finish is really annoying. But on the other band, it's no Garnsey Road either.

At 10 hours and 4 I minutes after the start, I run across the finish line. Jim greets me and we wait for John, Doug, Patti, Sue and Glen to come on in. Even the first-timers beat the cutoff. A total of262 people fini shed. It's the single toughest race I have ever run, including Haliburton.

It was a great weekend, for everyone but the turkey.

"Finish each day / And be done with it / YOli have done whal YOIl could / Some blunders and / Absurdities have crept in / Forget them as S0017 as YOll can / TomOlTow ;s a new day / YOll shall begin it serenely / And with too high a spirit / To be encumbered by / YOllr old nonsense." ~ R. W. Emerson


Keep Trad~ J



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Keep Track 6

It All Began With Ted By Kevin P. Lucas, USATFIRRTC National Certifier May 2004

Wilh lhe Augusl1964 publishing of Ted Corbitt's book, Measuring Road Running Courses, began the long

journey to what we have come to know today as

"Certifying" a road-running course. Almost 40 years later the difficulty of running events with inaccurate road

running courses still exists. Certainly runners today do

not have to deal with the consistenl problems of 40 years ago. like an advertised 5-mile race lhat was really 4 miles or, at times. even 6 miles in length. Yet runners

across the counlry do run many 5KM's (3.1068560 miles) thaI are really 3 miles in length or lhe occasional 10KM (6.2137119 miles) that is much closer to 6.1 miles.

With race entry fees bejng what tlley are, what can a runner"expect in return? uA T-Shirt" some might say, while we all know most runners already have too many race T-Shirts stuffed away in closets not seen for years long after we received them. So what can be expected in return for our $15-20 entry fees? Can runners expect an accurate finish time and place? Can runners want to run in a safely conducted event with plenty of water available, First Aid from EMS personnel on site, and Police protection when sharing the roads with vehicles, which isUSATF Sanctioned? A loud "Yes, of course!" should be heard from most as the answer to each question.

What good is an accurate finish time and place run in a safely conducted USA TF Sanctioned event without the importance of an accurately measured course that has been USATFfRRTC Certified? These tllree simple key elements are married together and make for a great race worth most runners' entry fee: Safety and Sanctioning, Timing. and Certifying the measurement of a run course. Area runners should always insist on these three basic criteria of every event they participate in.

Currently, it is a little disappointing to say that Rochester Area runners have only demanded that 30% of all 125 or so Rochester area running events are run on USA TFfRRTC Certified courses.

The entire world of road running, which includes USATF, RRCA, IAAF, and AIMS, has adopted Ted Corbitt's calibrated bicycle method for measuring road-running courses. How a road-running course is measured for Certification locally is identically tbe same procedures used in measuring Boston or New York

City marathons and at the upcoming Summer Olympics marathon in Athens.

Some areas in the United States, like Texas and lIJinois, have seen as high as 150 newly USATFIRRTC Certified courses in a single year. In comparison, in 2003 all of New York had 56 courses Certified and just 3 courses were from the Greater Rochester Area. 2002 was a better year for NY with 68 courses Certified with 13 courses from Greater Rochester Area.

2004 looks brighter for local runners, there are at least 6 races that have sought Certification Renewals for their previously Certified run courses. Course Certifications carry a limited 10-year life. Courses measured and Certified prior to 200 I can renew their course Certification for an additional 10 years or until December 31 , 2011, which ever comes first.

Another 2 courses in the Rochester Area are scheduled to be re-measured and replace existing Certified courses like the Airport 5KM on June 12'" or lbe M.M edved 5KM to Cure ALS on June 20'h The biggest higblight is that there might be an additional 10 newly Certified courses, some are: the May 29" Sunset House 5KM in Irodequoit, May 30'" Waterloo Celebrate Commemorate 2004 5KM, June 12" SI. Christophcr's 5KM in Chili, July 24'" Ten Ugly Men 5KM at Genesee Valley Park, and tbe October 2'd Barktoberfest 10KM in Perinton at Lollypop Farm. Continued 01/ page 8

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K~Track 7

I have personally measured and USA TFlRRTC Certified to be Accurate tbe May 23'" Lilac 's new SKM course and (beir annual lOKM course, the May 30'" Canandaigua 's Bruce Bridgman Memorial SKM Run, YellowJacket Racing's Annual July 3,d FireCracker 5 M ile in Perinton, the August 71h Stepping Stones Learning Center's Race to M ake the Pieces Fit 5KM in Irondequoit, and tbe October 9'h Sca recrow Safe Journey SKM in Fairport. Be sure to support the hard efforts oflbese event coordinators, who have created events that give runners their moneys worth, by participating in these races with USATFIRRTC Certified Courses.

When deciding on which runs to participate in, consider looking for road race information listing their course as Cer tified to be Accurate by th e USA TF/RRTC, witb their individual course Certification Code number, i.e. NY04000KL. USATF is the acronym for USA T r ack & Field, which can be found at: The USATF is the national governing body for track and fi eld and road racing in the United States. RRTC is the acronym for Road Running Technical Council, which can be found at: http :// RRTC "works to establish and maintain a credible technical basis for the sport of road running, which includes Course Certification. Certified road running courses can be found by visiting: http :// rch/and typing in the Certifi cation Code number or course name, city, and state. The course map is also available to be viewed and can be printed.

It is my hope tJlat Rochester Area runners wi ll continue to insist that race coordinators measure their courses for USATF/RRTC Certifica tion. With a free "How To" Measurement Procedures Manual available online at: http://www.r rtc.oet, and a little time in measuring, filling out an application, and drawing a detailed course map, anyone can measure a running course and submit it for Certification. ] f a running course is being measured, why not measure it using the tried aod true world standard method, the calibrated bicycle method Ted Corbitt founded.

I continue to welcome anyone wanting to learn how to measure a running course to come along on a measurement with me to see how it is done. Additionally, I will be conducting a GRTC Measurement Clinic, re-measuring the GRTC 's Couple's SKM RUD course in Mendon Ponds Park. All interested future measurers please contact me at k p [email protected] for more details.

Ted Corbitt would be proud to run in any Rochester Area event wi th a USATF/RRTC Certified course, so should you. Choose wisely where you are spending your road running entry fees. You' ll never have to say again, U] think I ran a PR today, but was the course accurate?"


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Keep Track 8

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Kame: Gcnd~r : f\·taJe Female PLEASE SIGN WAIVI1R

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AIrtl)unl cnd(Jscd with \.'!l~' form {$}; $ _ ___ (M~kt i hcoo p3J'.3blt: to: Temple Belh EJ)

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Regist ration - 7:UO am Start tin'le - 8: 15 am

Keep Track 9

Sponsors • (;Io,",'insky and 1ff!'l.rding

Dentis try for Children • Fleisc1ter' s Bagels LLC • Or. Steven l\L KalJey

Orthodontics • One i\lQI'e 1\ liIe Ronning


• lloatJ fO

WAIVER: l, t1lc: una:.m.l".'TlCd, acc..--pc full responsibility (or myself:md ror any iqiurics E m.:Jy in....-ur during thj~ Bclh E) 51(. I mn:: read t>oth JXl~ of ODS :tW1iC'.:llion ::md 'I fully undcl"51:.ud U\!II pmricip:JIin~ in tlus C\'C1lI may be dangrmll5 to Ol.r be;tlth_ Spr.lincd arJdcs and wri!'iIS, ellIs, bruises. brnk.c:u bones,. in.~ biles. and he.d C..'Ul!lustion ~ re::al JlOS!OibUitics, 1 fl)ll~' untk·.rsttmd tbcrc mly be no rucdiml or emergency pcrSQlIneJ on II\: COO~, I 1l:IYC trninc:d suf11:knUy for thi!'i e\'C1l1. J rim 3W:UC tIL'l1 'Lb=n:: m::l} be high 'spc:cd \1:ltid~ on ro:lds aod :at m.:td crossinS"', J wjJJ no. hold :my of lile orgmiJJ:~ L'lnd own:l'!i. Temple Beth El, TJSAIF, :tD)' ;lSCOC!' l\ jthill thl: $1:1111; of New York. or 311)'

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I . r '\.. __ --_~ STEVEN ~I. KAl.l, EY ---- .'.;'--. ---

o RT I-iCl nON""!" ICS.

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Keep Track 10

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sponsoredby ~ M&T Bank co-sponsored by WOODS OVIATT GILMAN,UP

A R ochester R unner Series R ace!

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i ~ § e

8,00am 5k Jungle Jog 9,00am Seneca Park Mile 93 0a m Kid's Fun Run

930am In-line Skating 10,00a m Awards Ceremony


5k Jungle Jog

Seneca Pa rk Mile

In-line Ska ting

Kid's Fun Run


$ 15 in advance. $20 same day (i ncl udes t-shirt) Ages, Up to 14 . 15- 19. 20-24. to 75-79. 80+ yea rs (5yr. age groups) $ 10 (includes t-shirt ). New thIs year-open to all ages, run OR walk Awards only for ages, Up to 8. 9 & 10. I 1 & 12. 13 & 14 $ 15 in adva nce. $20 same day (includes t-shirt ) Ages, Up to 14 . 15- 19.20-24. to 75-79. 80+ years (5yr. age groups) No registratio n o r entry fee Ages, I -7 years Adva nce registration must be received by 5 ;OOpm Wednesday, July J 4 , 2004.

Packets ava ilable fo r p i ck-up race day fro m 6:45-7:45 a .m . Runner must wear number o n front of shirt t o have t ime recorded . Bar Cod e t iming by Paul Richards, peR Timing Service.

5k Jungle Jog

Seneca Park Mile

In-line Skating

Kid 's Fun Run

5k Jungle Jog

Seneca Park Mile In-line Skating Kid's Fun Run




Bar bell shape, TAC Certified course in Sen eca Park & Zoo

Accurate I-mile course

Three times a ro und Tro ut Pond

Flat grass course. out and back. approximat ely 100 yards

$ I 00 presented to first overa ll ma le and fe ma le fi nishe rs. Awards to top three i n each age divis ion (male & fem ale). Bo nus: $50 prize t o first m a le an d fe ma le fi nishe rs wearing 2004 M&T Ba nk JungJe log t-shirts. Bonus , $50 prize fo r b reaking t h e course record of 14:54 m a le an d 18:32 female. Certificate to each fin isher. Awards to top three in each age group (male & rem ale).

Award t o fi rst place fin isher in each age g ro up . Everyon e w ins an award!

Ava ila ble in lowe r Seneca Park until 7A5a m . You will NOT be permitted to leave until 9 :30 a.m. If you need t o leave b e fo re 9:30 a.m ., please use the Sen eca Park Zoo parking lo t o r nearby streets t o en sure runners' sa fety.

Free (July 18 o nly) t o runners, volunteers and their families.

Call the Zoo Sodety a t (585 ) 336-7200 wi th q uestions .

Keep Track 11

1 werseneca P~.

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"pond .riJ .. .IIoo. .... ~ IA to nonlr. "" ~ -WI'WUlVOO geneca. ........ .: "' •. :~~ NnI9h From the East - take 104 West, get off at the Seneca/Clinton exit, take a right on Seneca Ave . . The first light will be Ridge entrance will be ) ,5 miles north on your left hand side.

From West - take Ridge Road Westto the Keeler Street Expressway, get off at the St. Pau l Street North exit, foll ow north about y, mile, park entrance wi ll be on your left hand s ide.

namna: Follow the park road from St. Paul. past the zoo (you will see a yellow gate) through the lower park entrance, follow fh-; ~~ bearing right, you will see volunteers directing cars. U you need to leave the park before 9:30 a .m. PLEASE park in the zoo parking lot before the yellow gate. The gate will be closed from 7045 to 9,30 a.m, to protect the runners. Thank you for your cooperation.

9taNdng & Mnlghina IIn99: The starting line for all races wi ll be on the zoo road, past Trout Pond , near the big brown building nefore the ;';;;;Y ci rcles back up to the Seneca Park Zoo.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---You may register online at

Mail completed form with payment to: Jungle Jog, do SPZS, 2222 St Paul St, Roches ter, NY 14621- 1097. Advance registration must be received by 5 :00pm Wednesday, July 14,2004.

Last Name First Name Sex __ Age

Address City State Zip

~ Day Phone E-Mail Address

Event: 0 5k Jung le Jog 0 Seneca Park Mile 0 In-line Skating 0 Kid's Fun Run I

Amount Enclosed

(check as many as you want to participate in) S .::..

Payme nt: 0 Check Ipayable to Seneca Park Zoo Society) 0 Credit Card Idrde one)

~ MC VISA Discover AMEX

Card No. Exp. Date et Waiver: J am aware that running is strenuous. physically demanding activity with inherent risks of illness andlor Injury. I am medically able. properly trained and physically prepared fo r this race. I agree to abide by any decision of a race official relative to my abiUty to sa fely complete the race. J assume and accept all rIsks associated with this running event. including but not limited to falls, humidity, temperature. traffic, road conditions, will all s uch risks being known and appreciated by me. Having read this waiver, and knowing these facts, and in consideration with your accepting my entry I intend to be legally bound for myself, my heirs. executors and administrators, and anyone else entitled to act on my behalf. waive, release and hold harmless, the Jungle Jog and its related events, the Race Director. the Seneca Park. Zoo Society. the City 01 Rochester, Monroe County, The State of New York and all sponsors, promoters, vol unteers. and all contributors, and their representatives and successors, from any and all claims of liability, whether due to negligence or otherwise. arising from Hlness. injury andlor physical consequences I may suffer as a result of my participation in th is race. I further grant permission to any sponsor to use my name andlof picture of m)' participation in this event, including photographs, videotape, Of any other recorded data of this event, for any legitimate purpose wIthout obligation or liability to me. I also anderstand that the entry fee Is non~refundable . 1 have read the information provided and certify my agreement and compliance by my signature below.

Signature Date

Parent (if under 18) Date

3Td Annual

Keep Track 12




8:30 a.m Walk / 9:00 a.m Run Registration begins 7 :30

Course is certified to be accurate by USATF/RRTC #NY02028AM r.,. WHERE: Sodus, NY . Course starts in front of the United Third Methodist Church on Main St., and loops through the

village. Parking is in the Church lot on Belden Ave. r.,. ENTRY FEE: * $12 Pre-Registration by July 15,h. *$15 tbereafter and race day. * $10 grade 12 & under and all US

Military. r.,. AGE DIVISIONS: 14-1 8, 19-29,30-39,40-49,50-59,60-69,70 & over. r.,. AWARDS: * Overall male & female winners, * 1 ", 2"d and 3"' male & female in aJ] age divisions, * walker bringing in top

money amount from sponsors. (No award duplications) First place in all divisions wi J] receive a beautiful band crafted mug by Lucacs Pottery.

r.,. FREE T -SHllRTS to first 100 registered runners and to any walkers bringing in a minimum of$15 in donations. WALKERS: All pledges must be paid on or before race day.

r.,. INFORMATION: Call Karen at (3 I 5) 483-8588 or e-mail [email protected] (please indicate "5KU in subject line). Cbeck out our website: www.soduscsd.orglcommunitvlbuycklbuyck.htm

NAME _ ___ _______ ________ MALE FEMALE

MAILING ADDRESS _ ___ ____ ___ _ ___ CITY _____ _



AMT. ENCLOSED _ _ _ _ _ _ Optional donation to Memorial Fund _ _ _ Thank You ·

Waiver: 1, the undersigned, know tbat participating in a road race is a potentially hazardous activity. J should not participate unless I am medically able and properly trained. I agree to abide by any decision of a race official relative to my ability to safely complete the event. I assume all risks associated with running this event, including, but not limited to, falls , contact with other participants, the effects of weather, lraffic, and conditions of the road, all such risks being known and understood by me, having read this waiver and knowing these facts and in consideration of your accepring my entry, I, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release the Town and Village of Sodus, Karen and James Buyck, the Sodus United Third Methodist Churcb, Sponsors and agencies and municipalities, their representatives, and successors from all claims or liability of any kind aris ing out of my participation in this event.l grant permiss ion to all of the foregoing to use any photographs, motion pictures, recording or otber record of this event for any legitimate purpose. I understand that in the event the race is cancelled, there will not be a refund of the entry fee.

Signatu re _ ___ ________ ____ _ ____ _ Date _ _ _____ _ _

Under 18 - Parent/Guardian (m ust be signed to participate) _ _____ ______ ____ ___ _

Mail completed form with entry fee (checks payable to Jasoll Buyck Memorial Film!) to : Karen Buyck

8093 Ridge Rd. Sodus, NY 14551

Keep Track J 3


Check for full race calendar And Out of Town calendar

May 27 Thur 7:00 pm JPMorgan Chase Corporate Challenge, 3.5 miles; Corporate Team Race, entry deadline is May 18th; Contact Jane laculli, 396 Mendon Center Road, Honeoye Falls, NY 14472 at 585-624-8245 or [email protected]; Race is at RIT May 29 Sat 9:00 am Sunset House 5K Run & Fitness Walk; $15 pre by 5/22, $1 8 post; T-shirts to all. Contact Ann Cunningham @ 338-1766 or annecc1; Location: Irondequoit United Church of Christ, 644 Titus Ave. Benefits S'unset House, a Hospice house. May 30 Sun 8:30 am Waterloo Celebrate Commemorate 2004 5K Walk/Run; walk starts at 8:35 am; $10 entry; Officia l T-Shirts to all; Contact Jack Sutliffe at 315-539-3889 or 209 West Main St, Waterloo 13165 or [email protected]. Race is @ Lafayette Park. May 30 Sun 8:30 am Bruce Bridgman Memorial 5K Run (8 :30 am) & 5K and 1 Mile Walk (8:15 am, $5); $12 Pre 5/27; post $15; Contact John Coons of FLCC @ 585-394-3500 x7257 or 585-394-2436 or [email protected] Race @ Canandaigua Academy, 135 East St. , Canandaigua. T-shirts to 1st 100

. runners. Helps fund Bridgman Scholarship fund.

June 3 Thur 5:45 pm GRTC Spring Track Clinic & Workout #5, at Nazareth College; All levels, Speed work coached by Mike Reif and Stacy Barkstrom; 5:45 pm - clinic: 6:15 pm - 7:30 pm: warm-up & stretching, Track Workout, Contact John Hultz at 585-5864791 or [email protected] June 4 Fri 6:00 pm Westside Relay for Life 2004; benefits American Cancer Society; run or walk arou nd track for 12 hours or less, team or individual; location : Spencerport Soccer Stadium, 71 Lyell Ave, Spencerport; Contact ACS at 1-800-ACS-2345 or Gerianne Puskas at 288-1951 x117 or [email protected] Entry: $10 June 5 Sat 9:00 am FLRC Tortoise & Hare Trail Run 10K & 1 M fun run; Ithaca, NY; Contact Jen Stanton at 15 Locust St, Waterloo, NY 13165 or 315-539-8574 or [email protected]. FLRC website: June 5 Sat 9:00 am Nunda Fun Days 5K Run & Walk; Race fee is $1 5; t-shirts to first 75 runners; Contact Bill Pollock at [email protected] or at H: 476-2612 or w: 359-0700 or Box 129, Hunt, NY 14846. Race is at Four Comers Nunda. June 6 Sun 1:15 pm Lyons Elks 5K RunlWalk; benefits Cerebral Palsy; $12 by 6/5, $15 post. Contact Tom Gowan at [email protected] or 315-946-3185. June 6 Sun 8:30 am The 1st Annual Beth EI 5K, $15 by 6/1, $18 after, or $50 for family of 4 or more; GRTC discount. Contact: Matt Field, 473-1 770, [email protected] Race is at Temple Beth EI, 139 Winton Rd South.

June 6 Sun 7:00 am Town of Pittsford 1st Annual Triathlon. 300 yard swim in Pit. Mendon pool, 15 mi bike, 5K run. Contact Darin Barr at (585) 248-6280, [email protected], www.townofpittsford .com June 6 Sun 10:00 am Down & Dirty at the Ore Bed Triathlon; Contact Bill Riddell at Ontario Parks & Recreation, 6551 Knickerbocker Road, Ontario, NY 14519 @ 315-524-7447; $20 by 5/19, $25 by 5/27, $35 Post; Race is at Casey Park, Ontario, NY; Take Rt. 104 to Knickerbocker Rd . June 10 Thur 5:45 pm GRTC Spring Track Clinic & Workout #6, at Nazareth College; All levels, Speed work coached by Mike Reif and Stacy Barkstrom; 5:45 pm - clinic: 6:15 pm - 7:30 pm: warm-up & stretching, Track Workout, Contact John Hultz at 585-586-4791 or [email protected] June 10 Thur 6:00 pm Thursday Nite Races; Mcquaid High School, Brighton; $3 adults, $2 18 & under. Contact the Genesee Valley Harriers @ GVH, PO Box 16375, Rochester, NY 14616 or [email protected] or WWrN.gvh .net. Various track events. June 12 Sat 6:45 pm TENTATIVE!! Day may change: St. Christopher's 5K; Pre­Reg. by 617 is $12; Post $15; Contact Bryce Walker at 475-1440 x 730 or [email protected] or [email protected]; Race is at St. Christopher's Church, 3350 Union St. , N. Chili June 12 Sat 9:00 am Mendon 5K Run; $17 by 6/7 , $20 after. Contact Bill Kehoe, 1255 University Ave, Rochester 14607, at 473-8337 or [email protected], CATS web page is; Race is at Mendon Firehouse at Taylor Rd. & Rt. 64, Mendon, NY, post race party June 12 Sat 9:30 am PowerBar Trail Race, 4.5 or 9 mile events. Beach parking lot, Mendon Ponds Park. Contact Dave Boutillier, 244-5181 or [email protected]; June 12 Sat 9:00 am Airport 5K, certified course; Pre-Reg. by 6/12 is $15; Post is $18; Contact Jeanne Piersa at 585-4264120 x3102 or [email protected] or; Race is at Piedmont Hawthorne West entrance off of Scottsville Rd . DO NOT GO TO AIRPORT MAIN TERMINAL. Post race party w/food!! June 12 Sat 8:00 am Albion Strawberry Festival Phoenix Fitness 5K & 8K run and walk; Pre-Registration by 6/11101 is $1 2, Post: $15; T­Shirts to 1 st 100 registered; Contact Judy Christopher @ 585-589-1825; Race is @ Orleans Court House at State Street & Main St., Albion. Certified courses.

June 13 Sun 9:00 am Reader's Run 5K, $13 pre by 6/12, $15 Post, T-shirts to 1st 100, Contact Elly Dawson, c/o Newark Public Library, 121 High St. , Newark 14513, or 315-331-4370 or p.rl~w~nn(rj)nl~_np..t nm" Ihp. N p.w;::ark I ihr;::arv

KeLp Track 11

June 17 Thur 5:45 pm GRTC Spring Track Clinic & Workout #7, at Nazareth College; All levels, Speed work coached by Mike Reif and Stacy Barkstrom; 5:45 pm - clinic: 6:15 pm - 7:30 pm: warm-up & stretching, Track Workout, Contact John Hultz at 585-586-4791 or [email protected] June 17 Thur 6:00 pm Thursday Nite Races; McQuaid High School, Brighton; $3 adults, $2 18 & under. Contact the Genesee Valley Harriers @ [email protected] or Various track events. June 19 Sat 9:00 am 22nd Annual Don R. Carroll Batavia Scholarship Race: 5K RunlWalk, 10K Run, Team and Indiv. Duathlon; Contact Genesee Cty Cham. of Com. at 1-800-622-2686; Race is at Genesee Community College, College Rd, Batavia, NY 14020; [email protected] for more info June 20 Sun 8:30 am M. Medved 5K to Cure ALS and 3K walk, at Frontier Field, Contact: Peter Glavin at P.O. Box 16375, Rochester, NY 14616 or [email protected]. June 24 Thur 6:00 pm Thursday Nite Races; McQuaid High School, Brighton; $3 adults, $2 18 & under. Contact the Genesee Valley Harriers @ GVH, PO Box 16375, Rochester, NY 14616 or [email protected] or www.gvh.nel. Various track events. June 26 Sat 9:00 am Jim Ferris Memorial5k, $10 Pre by 6124, $12 Post, Contact Dan Goodwin at 637-7979 or [email protected], Race is at Holley Elementary School , 3800 N Main St, Holley, NY 14470; Take Rte. 31 West to Rte. 237 North then N. Main SI. to school. Benefits Holley Running Club. June 27 Sun TBO am Sulphur Springs Duathlon, 5K Rf30K BI5K R, Clifton Springs, USAT New England Region Duathlon Championship. Contact Dave Boutillier at 244-5181 or yel lowjacketracing@hotmail .com; Benefits Clifton Springs Hospital. July 1 Thur 6:00 pm Thursday Nite Races; McQuaid High School, Brighton; $3 adults, $2 18 & under. Contact the Genesee Valley Harriers @ [email protected] or www.gvh.nel. Various track events. July 3 Sat 8:30 am Firecracker Five Mile; Contact Dave Boutillier, 244-5181 or [email protected]; Race Location: Perinton Park, RI. 31 in Fairport, next to canal. Registration at BOCES Center. Benefits Perinton Chamber of Commerce July 4 Sun 8:30 am 33rd Annual Irondequoit July 4th 2 Mile and 10K Race; Pre-Reg. by 6/25 $12, Post: $15; Contact Charles Tanck, 467-4993; Start: Christ the King Church, 445 Kings Hgwy (2 mile race @8:30, 10K at 8:45); Finish: Irondequoit Town Hall , 1280 Titus Ave. July 4 Sun 8:00 am Brighton Chamber of Commerce 5K, Contact Bill Kehoe, at 473-8337 [email protected], CATS web page is http://www.catspage.comf ; Race is at Brighton High School, Brighton, NY.

July 4 Sun 9:00 am Sodus Point Lighthouse 5K and Kids Fun Run, $12 by 713, $17 post. Contact Mike DeMay, 131 Brizee, E. Rochester 14445 or 381-4812 or [email protected], Race is at Sodus Point Lighthouse July 4 Sun 11 :00 am Powerhouse Gym Firecracker 5K Run for the Arts, $12 pre by 712, $15 post, T-Shirts to 1st 100, Centennial Park, Richmond Ave. Batavia, NY, Contact Kelly Kiebala at 585-343-9313 ext. 26 or [email protected]. Website . July 8 Thur 6:00 pm Thursday Nite Races; McQuaid High School, Brighton; $3 adults, $2 18 & under. Contact the Genesee Valley Harriers @ GVH, PO Box 16375, Rochester, NY 14616 or [email protected] or Various track events. July 8 Thur 6:00 pm Big Valley Strider's 5th Annual All-Comers Track & Field Meet, free admiSSion, donation appreciated, registration starts at 5:30pm, Race at Geneseo High School. Contact Mike Garger at 585-346-3095 or [email protected] or [email protected] for meet schedule. details: July 11 Sun 7:00 am The Geneva Musselman Triathlons, Sprint and Half­Ironman Distances . Costs TBD. Contact: Jeff Henderson, [email protected], website: July 15 Thur 6:00 pm Thursday Nite Races; McQuaid High School, Brighton; $3 adults, $2 18 & under. Contact the Genesee Valley Harriers @ GVH, PO Box 16375, Rochester, NY 14616 or [email protected] or www.gvh.nel. Various track events. July 15 Thur 6:30 pm GRTC Couples & Other Mixed DoublesRun, partners each run 5K, relay style, free picnic after. Mendon Ponds Park. Contact: Paul Kato, [email protected] or 359-0785. July 15 Thur 6:00 pm Big Valley Strider's 5th Annual All-Comers Track & Field Meet, free admission, donalion appreciated, registration starts at 5:30pm, Race at Geneseo High School. Contact Mike Garger at 585-346-3095 or [email protected] for meet schedule.

July 15 Thur 6:30 pm FLRC RRCA Women's Distance Festival 5K; Dryden, NY; Contact Lorrie Tily at PO Box 185, Locke, NY 13092 or 315-497-3743 or [email protected]. FLRC website: July 18 Sun 8:00 am 14th M & T Bank Jungle Jog 5K: RUN, WALK, SKATE. ; Pre-Reg. is $15; Post is $20; Contact Jan Preston, 336-7200, [email protected] or Don McNelly at 342-1533 or [email protected]. Race at Seneca Park Zoo, 2222 SI. Paul SI. Rochester. Also 1 mL kids run at 9 am ($10, includes shirt), 5K in-line skate and under age 6 race at 9:30 am.

Keep Track 15

July 24 Sat 9:00 am Seneca Falls 5K & 10K Convention Days Race; 25th annual; $11 by 7/2, $14 after; Contact Dominic Christopher at Seneca County Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 70, Seneca Falls, NY 13148 or 315-568-2906 or [email protected] July 24 Sat 9:00 am Ten Ugly Men 5K & Kid's Dashes. Contact Genesee Valley Harriers, P.O. Box 16375, Rochester, NY 14616 or [email protected]. July 24 Sat 9:00 am The Jason Buyck Memorial 5K Run/Walk, Sodus United Third Methodist Church, 56 W. Main SI. Sodus; $12 Pre by 7/19, $15 Post , $10 for any military and students grade 12 & under. Contact Karen at 315-483-8588 or [email protected]. Website: July 25 Sun TBD am Shoreline Triathlon benefiting Crohn's and Colitis Foundation , at Hamlin Beach State Park, A5 mi S/13.1 mi B/5K R, and kids trL Contact Dave Boutillier at 244-5181 or yellowjackelracing@hotmail .com; August 4 Wed 7:00 pm SI. John's Fish & Loaves 5K, $12 Pre by7/30, $15 Post, T­shirts to first 150 registrants, Benefits Habitat for Humanity. Andrew Smith, 624-7888 or [email protected], St John's Church , Directions: Rt 65 South (Clover St) to Honeoye Falls. Tum right at first street past stoplight in town. Church located behind Post Office on West Main SI.

August 5 Thur 6:30 pm Innovative Edge Summer 5K Cross Country Series, $5. Contact Peter Glavin, P.O. Box 16375, Rochester, NY 14616 or [email protected], race is at Cobbs Hill Park, comer of Highland & Monroe Ave. August 6 Fri 7:00 pm Father Murphy's 5K & .8 Mile Children's Run, $15 Pre by 7/31( $12-pre to 2003 registrants), $18 Post, Contact Paul Contestable at 247-5568 or [email protected], Race is at St Pius X Church, 3032 Chili Ave, Rochester. Web site: wwwJrontiernet.neV-FrMurphy5kJ August 6 Fri 7:00 pm East Rochester Despatch 5K; Park at Techniplex Mall in East Rochester. Contact: Gerri Raschiatore at 586-3553; Checks payable to: Village of East Rochester. August 7 Sat 9:00 am Phelps Sauerkraut 20K Road Race; In conjunction with Sauerkraut Festival; $20, Shirts to 1st 300; Contact Jim Phillips, 26 Church St, Phelps 14532, at 315-548-3607 or [email protected] or [email protected], Race Start: Phelps Elementary School, Main St, Phelps, NY August 7 Sat 9:30 am Race to Make the Pieces Fit, benefits Stepping Stones Learning Center's Autism Program. 5K race, 5K family walk, kids fun run, $15 by 7/1, $20 post. Contact: Jill Zugner at 467-4567 or [email protected] Location: Irondequoit (exact location TBD) August 12 Thur 6:30 pm Innovative Edge Summer 5K Cross Country Series, $5. Contact Peter Glavin , P.O. Box 16375, Rochester, NY 14616 or [email protected], race is at Cobbs Hill Park. corner of Hiphland & Monroe Ave.

August 14 Sat 9:00 am Heritage Christian 5K; Pre-Reg. $17 by 8/5 is; $20 Post; T­Shirts to 1st 500; Contact Diane Hill @349West Commercial St, E. Roch, NY 14445, PH: 585-340-2086 or dhi [email protected]; Race is @ Heritage Christian Home, 1305 State Rd, Webster, NY 14580 (Church of the Good Shepherd parking lot). August 14 Sat 8:30 am Jenny Kuzma Annual 5K Memorial Race, certified course, $14 Pre by 8/10, $15 Post, Contact Ralph Marsocci, PH: 585-494-2049 or cell 585-414-2199 or e-mail: [email protected]. Race is at Bergen Park on Roule 19, Bergen, NY; 490 West, exit at Bergen, Right on 33 , Right on 19 into village; August 19 Thur 6:30 pm Innovative Edge Summer 5K Cross Country Series, $5. Contacl Peter Glavin, P.O. Box 16375, Rochester, NY 14616 or [email protected], race is at Cobbs Hill Park, comer of Highland & Monroe Ave. August 21 Sat 9:00 am Young Life 5K in Penfield, $12 Pre-reg by 8/14 , $15 post. Contact: Jorge Cajiga, jcajiga l or 388-9827. Part of Penfield Country Fair Days. More info: htlp:/ August 21 Sat 9:00 am 5K Run for Lupus, part of the Oatka Festival, Scottsvi lle. $1 2 by 8/14, $15 post Contact: Lynn Girven at girvenmc@yahoo,com. August 21 Sat 8:30 am United Way of Eastem Orleans 4th annual 5K run/walk; Contact Douglas or Eileen Bloom at eileen [email protected] or 589-6455 Race @ Orleans County Marine Park, Point Breeze, NY August 22 Sun TBD am Sodus Point Triathlon, benefrts Sodus Point Neighborhood Assoc, A5 mi S/13.1 mi B/5K R, and kids trL Contact Dave Boutillier at 244-5181 or [email protected]; August 26 Thur 6:30 pm Innovative Edge Summer 5K Cross Country Series, $5. Contacl Peter Glavin, P.O. Box 16375. Rochester, NY 14616 [email protected], race is at Cobbs Hill Park, comer of Highland & Monroe Ave. August 26 Thur 6:00 pm "Tour de Pain" X Cross Country, 5K XC Race at Cobbs Hill Park, Highland at Monroe Ave. 1 mile & 400m at McQuaid HS. $8 pre-reg by mail, $10 post Contact Peter Glavin, [email protected],com or check info at

August 28 Sat 8:00 am Greece Police Athletic League 5K, Greece Town Hall, $12 pre-Aug 16. $15 day of race. Contact: Steve Chatterton. 581-4017 or [email protected]

September 4 Sat 9:00 am Crosswinds 5K, certified; $15 fee, $13 GRTC members; Benefits the Sands Cancer Center; Contact Bob or Becky Andrus @ 585-229-2475 or [email protected]; T-Shirts to pre-registered runners by August 17th; race is at Crosswinds Wesleyan Church, 3360 Middle Cheshire Road, Canandaigua, NY. Directions on form or call above.

Keep Track 16

September 6 Mon ' 9:00 am 4th Annual Rochester Midland Labor Day 5K Canal Run to benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Rochester. $1 5 by 8/30, $20 post. At Genesee Valley Park Canalside Shelter; web is, or Contact Ellen O'Connor at [email protected] or 442-2332 ext 109. September 11 Sat 10:00 am 9th Annual Glen Iris 5K Run and Walk, Kids event, $14 by Sept 4, $20 post. Contact Pam Bliss at 585-493-2622 or [email protected] or www.castile.pls­ Race at Trailside Lodge in Letchworth State Park. For Castile Library. September 11 Sat 9:00 am The Victor Y 5K Run; from Victor YMCA on High St., ends on Adams St. near fire hall. $15 by 8/29, $20 Post. Contact: Holly Malley, Victor YMCA, 200 High St. Victor, NY 14564, 742-4941 or [email protected]. Web: . Benefits YMCA Invest in Youth campaign. September 12 Sun 9:30 am Bruegger's Bagel 5K Run ,$15 by 9/8, $20 post. Contact Brian Dengler at 461-2000 ext. 248; Race is at JCC, 1200 Edgewood Ave, Rochester 14618 September 18 Sat 11 :00 am Upstate New York Cross Country Series @ site TBA, $8. Contact Genesee Valley Harriers, GVH, P.O. Box 16375, Rochester, NY 14616 or [email protected]. September 18 Sat 10:00 am CAP's 4th Annual 5K Race for Families, and Foster Care & Adoption Awareness Walk; In support of Children Awaiting Parents, Inc.; $10; Contact Veronica Allen at 585-232-5110 or [email protected]. Picnic to follow race; Location is at 595 Blossom Road (comer of Winton), Suite 306 , Rochester, NY; September 18 Sat 7:00 am Canandaigua Lake 50 Mile Relay and Ultramarathon, race #3 in Western NY Ultra Series. Start/finish at Finger Lakes Community College. Solo: $50 by September 1 ; $70 thereafter. Relay: 10 legs, up to 5 members; costs TBD. Contacts: Tom Perry, 585-388-5270; E-mail: [email protected] September 18 Sat 8:30 am 6th Annual Sara's Race 5K run/walk; benefits the National Center for Missing & ExplOited Children; point to point from Christ the King Church (445 King's Highway) to Camp Eastman (Lakeshore Blvd.) Irondequoit, Contact Karen Suitor at 302-892-2965 or [email protected]

September 19 Sun TBD am Finger Lakes Triathlon @ Canandaigua Lake. Olympic and Sprint Distances. Contact: Dave Boutillier, 244-5181, [email protected]. Race location: Kershaw Park, N. end of Canandaigua Lake , Lake Shore Blvd. . Benefits Mary M. Gooley Hemophilia Center

September 19 Sun TBD Palmyra Canaltown Days 5K, $15 pre-, $20 post. Contact: Wendi Gagliano, 315-597-3536 , [email protected]

September 25 Sat 11 :00 am Upstate New York Cross Country Series @ site TBA, $8. Contact Genesee Valley Harriers, GVH, P.O. Box 16375, Rochester, NY 14616 or [email protected]. September 26 Sun 8:00 am Penfield Challenge 5K, $15 by 9/19 , $20 post. Contact: Chris Billow, 340-8655, [email protected], Location: Penfield Community Center, Baird Rd. October 2 Sat TBD am Barktoberfest 10K, benefits Humane Society at Lollypop Farm. Contact Dave Boutillier, 244-5181 or [email protected]; October 2 Sat 4:30 pm McQuaid Invitational Open Race, 3 Mile XC Race, . Genesee Valley Park, $5, contact Pete Glavin at P.O. Box 16375, Rochester, NY 14616 or [email protected] October 2 Sat 9:45 am 6th Annual Greg Greve Alumni 5K, 1 K Kids Fun Run; Pre by 9/24 is $10; Post $15 . Contact Paul Kurtz, 585-594-6513 or [email protected]; Race @ Roberts Wesleyan College, Voller Athletic Center, 2301 Westside Dr, Rochester, 14624. October:i Sun 8:30 am Rochester Autumn Classic Formula 1 Duathlon; YellowJacket Series Championship, 2 mi Rll0 mi B/2 mi Rll0 mi B/2 mi R. Contact: Dave Boutillier, 585-244-5181> yellowjacketracing@hotmaiLcom . Race location: Mendon Ponds Park, Beach Parking area . Benefits Hillside Children's Center. October 9 Sat 9:00 am Scarecrow Safe Journey 5K. $15 by 10/5, $20 after. Benefits Safe Joumey. Info: Kim Hunt-Uzelac, Safe Journey, PO Box 21 , Fairport, NY 14450, or 425-1580 or [email protected] . October 10 Sun 1 :00 pm Run Around Honeoye Lake, 18 mile run, Individual and Team Run. $12 by 8/15, $14 after, $16 Day of Race. Start/Finish at Sandy Bottom Park on the Northwest end of Honeoye Lake . Contact: Jane laculli , 585-624-2804 or [email protected]. Chicken Bar-B-Que and Cold Refreshments and music after the race.

October 10 Sun 11 :00 am Upstate New York Cross Country Series @ Black Creek Park, $8. Contact Genesee Valley Harriers, GVH, P.O. Box 16375, Rochester, NY 14616 or [email protected]. October 16 Sat 8:45 am 9th Annual Run for Hospice 10 Mile & 5K & 2.5 mile fitness walk, $17 by 10/2, $20 by 10/16, $22 Day of Race. $13000 in prizes. Contact Pete Van Peursem, 585-594-4197, or [email protected]. or; Race at First Bible Baptist Church, 1039 North Greece Rd . Greece, NY. October 30 Sat 3:00 pm Run Like Hell 5K, Halloween theme run , Race starts @ Johnny's Irish Pub, 1382 Culver Rd, near corner of Merchants.$17 pre, $20 post; Contact Bill Kehoe at 585-473-8337 or [email protected]

Keep Track 17

October 31 Sun 11 :00 am Upstate New York Cross Country Series @ site TBA, $8. Contact Genesee Valley Harriers, GVH, P.O. Box 16375, Rochester, NY 14616 or [email protected]. November 6 Sat 9:00 am Elks 15K, Canandaigua, $15 by Oct . 30, $20 post. Contact: Jim Kerr, 585-396-9593 or [email protected] . Race location: Elk's Lodge, 1844 Niagara St. (off Main SI.). November 7 Sun 9:00 am 2nd Annual Pirate Toy Fund Run for Toys 5K, sponsored by World Gym. Race start at School #1 , $12 pre-reg by 11/1 , $15 post. Contact: Melissa, 585-271-5519, or [email protected], November 13 Sat 9:30 am Mendon Trail Run ; 5K, 10K, 20K, 50K trail runs; 50K starts at 8:00 am; all others at 9:30 am. $8 by 11 /5,$10 after. Contact Larry Zygo at [email protected] or 585-227-7618; Sponsored by Roch. Orienteering Club & Monroe Co. Parks Dept. Race is at Mendon Ponds Park East lodge; html November 14 Sun 10:00 am $5,000 GVH Cross Country Invitational , $8. Contact Genesee Valley Harriers, GVH, P.O. Box 16375, Rochester, NY 1461 6 or [email protected]. November 21 Sun 9:00 am 21 st Annual Turkey Classic 5 Mile road race for invest in youth campaign; $16 Pre by 11114, $22 Post, T-shirts to first 400, ContactLori Woods-Luther at Southeast YMCA, 111 E Jefferson Rd, Pittsford 14534, 585-249-5394 or loriw((j)rochestervmca.ora .

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November 25 Thur 9:00 am 14th Annual Race with Grace 10K, a Rochester Runner of the Year Race. $15 by 11 /23, $18 on 11 /24 , $20 day of race, Sweatshirts to first 200, T-shirts to balance. Contact Bob Dyjak @ 585-225-6560 or [email protected]; Race at First Bible Baptist Church, 1039 N. Greece Rd, Greece. November 25 Thur 10:00 am 32nd Annual Webster Herald Turkey Trot, 4.4 mile Trot & 2.5 mile Chase run at Webster Park, Webster, NY. Contact Dave Boutillier at 244-5181 or [email protected]. Benefits Jim May Scholarship Fund

November 25 Thur 10:00 am Hornell YMCA Thanksgiving 11th Annual Turkey Trot 5K Run & Walk (9:30 am), $15 by 11124 , $20 day of race. Contact Dan Galatio, at 607-324-5520 or [email protected], Race is at Hornell YMCA, Hornell , NY November 25 Thur 10:00 am 29th Annual Newark Turkey Day 5 Mile Race, $15. Registration at Newark Community Center. More info: contact Joe Contra rio at 315-789-0222 or e-mail [email protected]

November 27 Sat 10:00 am RT Turkey Run, 5 Miles, $10 pre-reg, Post: $15. Contact GVH, PO Box 16375, Rochester, NY 14616 or [email protected]. Race meets at Mendon Ponds Park beach parking lot. Add $5 to entry fee for T-shirt if wanted.

QVALiTY 926 Ceonesee St. Roc heoste t N .Y. 146'f1 (716) 328 9746

Come in & check out the new winter apparel/rom:

n_"oIV b-alc:t ... ..:-.e-

aaslcs ~ N/KE $PORTHILL

D 0 DAsk us about the GRTC deals in our close-out room! Store Hours: M-F 11 :OOam - 5:30pm, Sat. 10:00a01 - 5:00pm, Sun. Closed Directions: Rt.390 to exil 18A (Brooks Ave East). Take Brooks to Genesee St. (3~d traffic light). Take Left. \Ve're Y: block on Right.

Keep Track 18

Greater Rochester Track Club Membership Application

Name: Gender (M/F) _ Address: Phone # _ ___ _ _ _ City: State: Zip + 4: e-mail address: ---- - -

Birth date: Occupation / School : _ _ _______ _ _ _ U under 18, Parent / Guardian Name: I'd like to help with: Ra-c-es----::-N;-e-w--;sl-etc-te-r- ----cG;::e-n-e-ra-;-I----

Membership Categories: Individual _ $20 / year _ S50 / 3 years (save $10) New Family _ $30 / year _ $75 / 3 years (save $15) Renewal Student _ $ 15 / year _ $35 / 3 years (save$ 10)

Make Checks payable to GRTC, Would like to make a tax deductible contribution $ __ Mail completed application to: GRTC, P. O. Box 92608, Rochester, NY 14692

The Greater Rochester Track Cluh (GRTC) is a not-for-profit, volunteer organization that was founded in 1955. It is one of the oldest and largest organized nmning clubs in the North East. GRTC has approximately 500 members, consisting of mnners, walkers, athletes, and fitness enthusiasts, encompassing an eight county region. Our goals are to help you be more fit, help you learn more about yourself, and provide information to belp prevent common runniog iojuries. So, whether you are a jogger or a runner, ready to race or someone keeping in sbape, GRTC membership is for you . We promise to give you value for your membership dollars.

Is It Time to Renew Your Membership? Membership Benefits:

• GRTC Newsletter:10 issues per year, containing race resIJlts , race calendar, race applications, and articles about running, fitness, and nutrition.

• Race Discounts: Some local races provide discounts to GRTC members. Check the race application form of your favorite race to see if they offer a discount.

• L ink to Road Runner Sports, Discount off order or Free Shippiog, valued @ $25 • Canal Side Therapeutic Massage, $5 discount • Mid Town Athletic Club, One-month FREE trial membership, valued @ $90. • Renew yonr membership @ J im Dalberth 's Spor ting Goods and receive $1 0 offpnrchases over

$60 • Spring track workout, a series of coached track workouts, valued @ $75 • NEW *** Joyous Fool, Yoga studio, 20% off Tuesday eveniog classes • NEW *** G&G Fitness, fitness equipment, 10% off • Annual GRTC summer picnic, valued @ $10 • Annual racing mileage patches recognizing sustained commitment to runniog / racing @ Priceless

Keep Track 19

Greater Rochester Track Club P. O. Box 92608 Rochester, NY 14692

,11 .... 11, ,I ,11.1,.1 1620 2/15/05

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Rochester, NY Permit # 00145

Please Check Your Label for Membership Expiration Date


Trent Jackson 1970 Joe George 1987 Jane lacu ll i 1999 Ed Duncan 1970 Bill Quinlisk 1987 Tim McMullen 2000 Dick Ashley 1971 DaveWinn 1987 Renee Rombaut 2000 Dick Boddie 1972 Dave Coyne 1988 Charlie Andrews 2001 John Coons 1973 Craig Holm 1988 Kim Batten 2001 Len Bagley 1981 Tim McAvinney 1988 Pete Pfitzinger 2001 Gene Osborne 1981 Nedra Osborne 1988 Bill Hearne 2002 Norm Frank 1981 Beth DeCiantis 1992 Carolyn Smith-Hanna 2002 Don McWilliams 1981 Bill Kehoe 1992 Greg Brooks 2003 Pete Todd 1982 Nancy ashier 1992 Kathy Brown 2003 Don McNelly 1982 George Tillson 1992 Ric Perry 2003 Paul Gesell 1982 Marsha Tillson 1992 Lois Hotchkiss 2004 Shirley Gesell 1982 Ben James 1993 Michael Reif 2004 Elroy Turner 1983 Charl ie McMullen 1993 Paul Sadler 1984 Tom Rauscher 1993 Beryl Skelton 1985 Barbara Stewart 1993 Kare Cossaboon-Holm 1987 Scott Bagley 1999

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