
Keeping Our Patient At The Centre Margaret Gilligan Unit Manager Eye J Day Case & Pre-Assessment Clinic Our Unit Day Case Unit 16 reclining chairs and trolley bay area. Pre-Operative Assessment Nurse Led service Suite of 4 clinical rooms In The Beginning Patients attending the unit have: increased dependency due to visual impairment require practical assistance to move around department, and often experience mobility problems due to their age or other medical conditions. Identifying The Problem Tackling The Problem! We aimed to introduce changes that would: Ensure privacy and dignity is maintained Reduce the unnecessary movement of patients that was creating anxiety, and Ensure an overall positive patient experience of the clinic visit The Solution All pre-assessment rooms needed to be multi functional A consulting room became the treatment room The treatment room became a consulting room Two rooms were completely swapped The Result Number of steps for the patient reduced to 6! Room more aesthetically pleasing Total Privacy and Dignity Reduced anxiety for the patient WOW A3 Report What Next.. Continue to keep the patient at the heart of what we do and why we do it Constantly evaluate our data Use the Improving Quality Programme as a whole team approach to bring about changes for our patients ..Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didnt do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.. Mark Twain Thank You Margaret Gilligan Unit Manager Eye J Day Case & Pre-Assessment Clinic

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