Page 1: KEHILLAT ISRAEL RECONSTRUCTIONIST CONGREGATION …...manifest in your life – compassion, justice, caring, love, patience, commitment, responsibility. October 13 | Bereyshit (Genesis



Volume 62 | Issue 1

Attitude is Everything


Every one of us has the exact same power within to transform our lives at any moment. Each of us has available every single day the exact same magic formula. That magic is the overwhelming power of attitude, and it works regardless of our dreams, regardless of our goals, regardless of our past, our wealth or education. Roger Crawford was born with only one leg and two totally deformed hands. By all rights he should have grown up angry, depressed, helpless and victimized by the circumstances of his birth. Instead, his parents gave him one of the greatest gifts that any parent can bestow upon a child - the magic power of a positive attitude. “My parents taught me that I was only as handicapped as I wanted to be,” Roger said. And so he decided that his physical situation was just that, his physical situation - but would not become the determiner of his destiny.

By age twelve he had earned a place on his school’s football team. He went on to teach himself tennis so well that he not only played on his college team, but became the first physically challenged tennis player to be certified as a teaching professional by the United States Professional Tennis Association. Now that’s the power of attitude to transform failure into success.

Then there was Glen Cunningham. As a child he received major burns over the lower half of his body in a tragic accident and was told he was doomed to be a cripple for life, with no use at all of his lower limbs. Instead, he took his fate in his own hands. With the magic of attitude and an iron-clad resolve, he went on to stand,

then walk, then run, then set the record for the world’s fastest mile in Madison Square Garden.

And who wasn’t moved to tears and awe-struck by the inner strength and sheer heroism when Christopher Reeve rode out in his wheel chair to make a special presentation at the Academy Awards only months after the tragic fall from a horse that left him a quadriplegic? It wasn’t a medical miracle that allowed him to transform his personal tragedy into a source of inspiration for tens of millions of others; it was his mental attitude that gave him the ability to transcend the physical prison of his paralysis.

Fortunately, most of us are not called upon to face such dramatic physical challenges. Most of us are blessed with more ordinary challenges - the challenge

of raising children to be moral and ethical, to do the right thing when facing the inevitable moral dilemmas of life; the challenge of creating loving, nurturing relationships with our life partners and friends; and the challenge of bringing a sense of meaning and purpose to our lives.

The real challenge for each of us is to reflect the gentle wisdom of the wonderful French writer Antoine de Saint Exupery, who wrote, “The meaning of things lies not in the things themselves, but in our attitude toward them.” This can be your secret weapon as well as you travel the road to personal success in the year ahead.

Page 2: KEHILLAT ISRAEL RECONSTRUCTIONIST CONGREGATION …...manifest in your life – compassion, justice, caring, love, patience, commitment, responsibility. October 13 | Bereyshit (Genesis




from thepresident BY KaTHLEEN RaWSON

My family and I had the amazing opportunity this summer to travel with members of our Kehillat Israel congregational family to Israel. I will admit, when Cantor Frenkel approached us to convince us to go, all I could think of was, traveling to the Middle East in the summer was not at all appealing. And, admittedly, it was SO hot.

I fondly remember the first morning in Tel Aviv when Rabbi Bernstein and Cantor Frenkel gathered us in a circle for a Sheheheyanu. We blessed our children and each other as we embarked together on what would be a powerful journey. One that made strangers into friends, would forever change my relationship with our congregation, my identity as a Jew and fuel a new understanding of Israel, her complexity, beauty, tenacity and 10,000 opinions.

There were defining moments throughout the trip - Rabbi Bernstein holding a service on the bus as we entered Jerusalem; at least half our group on the Red Bus was moved literally to tears. We participated in an archeological dig, the first people in 2200 years to touch pieces of pottery and bone we unearthed. We dined with Bedouins and welcomed Shabbat in the Negev, celebrating four young women in our congregation as they were called to the Torah for the first time.

If you are ever blessed with the choice to go to Israel, go. Say Yes. Go and find your history, your people, your tribe and experience the power of standing on the ground where time and tide converged to give birth to our peoplehood.

Studies show that for kids, going to Israel and attending Jewish summer camp are two of the most defining ways of establishing a lifelong connection to Judaism. Claire, our daughter, and David, son of Karen Shapiro and Syud Sharif again attended Camp JRF in the Pocono mountains. The power of spending a few weeks within a peer group of other Reconstructionist Jewish kids has been deeply enriching for Claire and David. We must constantly remember, KI kids are not just the future of the Jewish people, they are the future leadership of this congregational family. In October, Camp JRF Director Rabbi Isaac Saposnik will be in Los Angeles. Lisa and I will host an opportunity for parents and prospective campers to meet Rabbi Isaac and learn more about our camp, Camp JRF.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank our outgoing Board of Trustees: Robert Resnick, Jessica Dishell, Lani Farar, Stephanie Kerley Schwartz, Rick Nasch, Rosanne Ziering, Richard Klein, Michael Rosen, and Pamela Solomon. They have worked diligently, with care and compassion, helping nurture our community. I feel especially blessed to have been the recipient of their insight and guidance through my first year as Temple President.  Also welcome to our new Trustees: Michael Lurey, Jane Gutman, Wendy Broudy, Sheri Roberts, Susan Green, Melissa Appelbaum-Schwartz, Linda Rosen, Lorie Kraus, John Benun and Michelle Ross. I look forward to working with you most especially as we guide our community through the challenges and changes ahead.

Photo by Lisa Dannenbaum

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shabbat prayer

t o u c h o f t o r a hSeptember 1 | Ki Tetzey (Deuteronomy 21:10-25:19)We read in this week’s portion that in the Torah even going to war demands that we act ethically. We are to treat all people with dignity and respect for their humanity, protect the environment and trees that bear fruit and are commanded to go out of our way to help animals even if they belong to our enemies. How might you contribute to a more ethical attitude about the strangers in our midst this week?

September 8 | Ki Tavo (Deuteronomy 26:1-29:8)In his week’s portion, we find this interesting commandment: “You shall rejoice in all the good which Adonai your God has given you.” (Deut. 26:11). When the skeptic asked if this means we only have to be grateful when good things happen to us, the rabbi answered that just to live is a blessing, so every single day is the right time to “rejoice in all the good” which God has given us – that’s the fundamental blessing of life itself. Think of three things every day that are worthy of your gratitude this week.

September 15 | Nitzavim (Deuteronomy 29:9-30:20)Sometimes we feel disconnected to Jewish traditions or rituals or ancient sacred texts, especially when we aren’t comfortable with the ancient language in which they are written. This week’s portion contains a remarkable twist of language – “I give this Torah to those of you who are standing here with us this day before Adonai your God and those who are not here this day.” The rabbis remind us that “those who are not here this day” refers to you and me – every succeeding generation of Jews for the past 3,000 years. Our challenge is to take the Judaism we inherit and make it uniquely ours, with our own language, our own meaning, and our own sense of purpose. Find one Jewish idea or ritual to think about in a new way this week.

September 22 | Vayeleh (Deuteronomy 31:1-31:30)In this week’s Torah portion Moses hands the mantle of his leadership to his successor, Joshua. The Torah specifically says that he does so in the sight of all the people, and with the words “Be strong and of good courage.” Moses knows the strength and courage that it takes to lead others, often in the face of adversity and doubt. Imagine what you might say to someone to whom you are passing your own passions and goals in life and the advice you would give them this week.

September 29 | Ha’azinu (Deuteronomy 32:1-52)Just as the Jewish people began their 40 years of wandering with a song from Moses, in this portion they will end their wandering with another Moses song. Think of songs that have meant a lot to you at important times in your life (a wedding, a first date, “your song” with a loving partner, songs from your youth, protest songs) and imagine the lyrics you might write in a song to describe what is most important in your life right now.

October 6 | Sukkot (Exodus Chapter 33)The traditional Torah reading for Shabbat of Sukkot contains the attributes of God which we are to emulate in our own lives and the commandments to keep the festival of Sukkot for a week. Each day this week think about one divine attribute you desire to manifest in your life – compassion, justice, caring, love, patience, commitment, responsibility.

October 13 | Bereyshit (Genesis 1:1-6:8)We begin the Torah anew with the story of creation. Judaism teaches that God renews the act of creation every day. Think of three things this week that you want to create in your life this year. Perhaps a new relationship, or a new job, or a new attitude about something that has been bothering you.

October 20 | No’ah (Genesis 6:9-11:32)We read the famous story of Noah and the flood this week and remember that Judaism sees the world as governed by a moral code. Though other cultures had flood stories, only Jewish civilization taught that the quality of life on our planet is a direct result of the quality and integrity of our choices. In this portion, God destroys the world because human beings are oppressing each other. Think of three ways this week that you can lighten the oppressions of others, whether family, friends, colleagues or strangers.

October 27 | Leh Leha (Genesis 12:1-17:27)This week we meet Abraham and Sarah, the father and mother of the Jewish people. Abraham believes that his destiny is to leave the past behind and create a society based on spiritual and ethical laws. God tells him that his main task in life is for him (and his descendents) to become blessings in the world. This week you might think of three ways that you can bring more blessings into your world.

November 3 | Vayera (Genesis 18:1-22:24)We read in this week’s portion about the births of Isaac and Ishmael. These two sons of Abraham go on to father both the Jews and Arabs. Perhaps this week is a good time to think about two ways that prejudice and fear have kept us and the Arabs from creating peace. You might come up with two things that you can do to further the process of reconciliation between Arabs and Jews this week, whether by writing a letter, supporting a cause, engaging in a dialogue or studying the facts about the history of the Middle East.

November 10 | Hayey Sarah (Genesis 23:1-25:18)This week we read of the death of Sarah, the marriage of her son Isaac to Rebekah (whose outstanding qualification for marriage was her compassion for all living things), and the death of Abraham. We are told that Abraham died “in a good old age, an old man, and full of years.” Think about how you would have to live your life so that at the end it would be said of you that your years were “full” and “good,” and take steps this week to live in accordance with those goals.

November 17 | Toldot (Genesis 25:19-28:9)This week’s portion tells of the dramatic sibling rivalry between Jacob and Esau, the pain caused by parental favoritism, and the treachery of Jacob in stealing his brother’s blessings from his father. The famous phrase, “The voice is the voice of Jacob, but the hands are the hands of Esau,” reminds us of the price we pay for lack of integrity in our own lives. Think of at least two ways this week in which you can make “voice” and “hands” consistent so that your words and actions reflect the integrity you desire in your life.

November 24 | Vayetzey (Genesis 28:10-32:3)Jacob has his famous dream this week of the ladder which stretches from the ground into the heavens, with Angels going up and down. In his dream God promises that if he follows God’s ways in the world, God will protect him, and bring him safely home again. When he wakes up he says, “Surely God was in this place and yet I didn’t know it.” From this we learn that we can discover God’s presence in anyplace, as long as we are open to perceiving the Angels (messengers of Godliness) that are around us in life. Pay attention this week to at least two Angels in your life.

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Jeremy Shine son of Lisa and Joel Shine will be called to the Torah with his brother Cameron as B’nai Mitzvah  on November 3, 2012 at 10:00 AM  

Danielle Leshgold daughter of Wendy and Gary Leshgold will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on September 8, 2012 at 4:30 PM

Chloe Weitman daughter of Amy and Brian Weitman will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on September 22, 2012 at 4:30 PM

Sabrina Halper daughter of Priscilla and Jamie Halper will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on September 15, 2012 at 10:00 AM

alexander Klein son of Kristin and Jerry Klein will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on September 29, 2012 at 10:00 AM

alex Reiner son of Kimberly and Steven Reiner will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on September 15, 2012 at 4:30 PM

abigail Nathanson daughter of Audra and Jeff Nathanson will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on October 6, 2012 at 10:00 AM

Gabrielle Gordon daughter of Melanie Sommers and Jonathan Gordon will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on October 13, 2012 at 10:00 AM 

Jared Dodson son of Robin and Hugh Dodson will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on October 13, 2012 at 4:30 PM

Macoy Ohlbaum daughter of Jennifer Dion and Mitchell Ohlbaum will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on October 20, 2012 at 4:30 PM

Matthew Kors son of Mary Beth and Robert Kors will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on October 27, 2012 at 10:00 AM

Benjamin Rothberg son of Joy and Jason Rothberg will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on October 27, 2012 at 4:30 PM

Madison Kiper daughter of Dana and Chris Kiper will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on September 1, 2012 at 10:00 AM

Jason Freedland son of Cindy and Alan Freedland will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on September 1, 2012 at 4:30 PM

Max Hernand son of Stephanie Kaufman and David Hernand will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on September 8, 2012 at 10:00 AM

Our B’nai Mitzvah

Page 5: KEHILLAT ISRAEL RECONSTRUCTIONIST CONGREGATION …...manifest in your life – compassion, justice, caring, love, patience, commitment, responsibility. October 13 | Bereyshit (Genesis




Cameron Shine son of Lisa and Joel Shine will be called to the Torah with his brother Jeremy as B’nai Mitzvah on November 3, 2012 at 10:00 AM  

Jordan Weiner son of Susan and Jonathan Weiner will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on November 17, 2012 at 10:00 AM

Chloe Gottlieb daughter of Rosalind Robinson and Sam Gottlieb will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on November 10, 2012 at 10:00 AM

Charlie Cooper son of Kira and Greg Cooper will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on November 17, 2012 at 4:30 PM

Zoe Pelikan daughter of Rose and Peter Pelikan will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on November 24, 2012 at 4:30 PM

Eliza Solomon daughter of Dana and Jerry Solomon will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on November 10, 2012 at 4:30 PM

HIGH HOLY DAYSFOOD DRIVEHelp KI continue setting records for our food drive collection for The Westside Food Bank. Look for the shopping bag being mailed to you. Fill it with the items listed and bring it to High Holy Days services at the Wadsworth Theatre or KI Sanctuary.





an Evening with UCLa’s Traumatic Brain injury Expert, Dr. Christopher Giza Wednesday, October 17, 7:30 PM

Free and open to the communityDr. Christopher Giza, Head of Pediat-ric Neurology at UCLA, comes to KI to discuss sports-related head trauma in children. This public service will shine light on how children's sports injuries can affect their development. Dr. Giza is one of the world's leading authorities on Traumatic Brain Injury (concussions) in the developing brain. Don't miss out on learning the most current scientific knowledge.

Ki Cooks events sold out last year. This incredibly popular series

is not to be missed!

Healthy Cooking for Your KidsTuesday, November 13, 10:00 aM Learn to make delicious, nutritious meals both you and your children will enjoy. Gourmet Caterer (and ECC dad) Eric Glaser will teach this dynamic course.Cost: $45 per person (lunch is included)

Mixology 101Saturday, December 1, 8:00 PM Learn to prepare delicious craft cocktails over passed appetizers with Mark Schwarz, spirits and gourmet food buyer at The Wine House. Enjoy this evening as a date night or a chance to catch up with old friends and mingle with new ones while mixing delicious drinks!Cost: $30 per person


RSVP at or contact Program Associate Julia Hubner at [email protected] or 424.214.7453.

Page 6: KEHILLAT ISRAEL RECONSTRUCTIONIST CONGREGATION …...manifest in your life – compassion, justice, caring, love, patience, commitment, responsibility. October 13 | Bereyshit (Genesis




Upcoming Ki EvEnts September-November

SeptemberMon. 3 Labor Day

Tue. 4 ECC Begins

Wed. 5 1:30-3:00 PM Sages Bridge 7:00 PM ECC Back to School Night

Fri. 7 6:00 PM Tot Shabbat 7:30 PM "On the Rabbis' Mind" Shabbat

Sat. 8 10:30 aM Ki Monthly Minyan

Sun. 9 9:00 aM-5:00 PM OJE at Brandeis Bardin

Wed. 12 3:00-4:30 PM Sages Class - Current Events with Rabbi amy

Fri. 14 7:30 PM Shabbat Service

Wed. 19 3:00-5:00 PM Sages Documentary & Discussion "The iron Lady"

Fri. 21 7:30 PM Limmud Shabbat - a Shabbat of Learning

Fri. 28 7:30 PM Shir Shabbat - a Shabbat in Song

Sun. 30 9:00-11:30 aM First Sunday aM Session of JEC 12:30-3:00 PM First Sunday PM Session of JEC

OctoberTue. 2 11:15 aM-12:00 PM ECC Lunches in Sukkah 3:45-6:15 PM First Tuesday afternoon Session of JEC 6:45-8:30 PM First Seventh Grade Session of JEC

Wed. 3 1:30-3:00 PM Sages Bridge 3:45-6:15 PM First Wednesday Session of JEC

Fri. 5 6:00 PM Tot Shabbat in the Sukkah 7:30 PM "On the Rabbi's Mind" Shabbat Sun. 7 5:15 PM annual Sukkot Dinner & Simhat Torah

Wed. 10 3:00-4:30 PM Sages Class - Current Events with Rabbi amy 7:30 PM JLi - an Evening with Dr. Christopher Giza

Fri. 12 7:00 PM Family Shabbat

Sat. 13 10:30 aM Ki Monthly Minyan

Thu. 11 7:00-9:00 PM KiBN Event

Fri. 12 6:15 PM Family Shabbat Dinner 7:00PM Family Shabbat/ New Members Shabbat

October cont.Mon. 15 7:00-8:30 PM K-6 Parent Night

Tue. 16 6:00 -7:30 PM First Confirmation Session

Wed. 17 3:00-5:00 PM Sages Documentary & Discussion 6:30-8:00 PM KiSS New Member Cocktail Party

Thu. 18-Fri. 19 Board of Trustees Retreat

Fri. 19 6:00 PM Sages Opening Event / Shabbat Dinner 7:30 PM Limmud Shabbat - a Shabbat of Learning Wed. 24 3:00-4:30 PM Sages activity

Thu. 25 7:00-9:30 PM ECC Speaker Series

Fri. 26 7:30 PM Shir Shabbat - a Shabbat in Song

November Fri. 2 5:00-6:00 PM ECC Red Room Shabbat Dinner 6:00 PM Tot Shabbat 7:30 PM "On the Rabbi's Mind" Shabbat

Sun. 4 4:00 PM JLi Concert - Music of the People

Wed. 7 1:30-3:00 PM Sages Bridge

Fri. 9 6:15 PM Family Shabbat Dinner 7:00 PM Family Shabbat

Sat. 10 10:30 aM Ki Monthly Minyan

Sun. 11 2:00-5:00 PM Grave Matters Seminar

Mon. 12 Veterans Day Observed-Ki Closed

Tue. 13 10:00 aM JLi Ki Cooks

Wed. 14 3:00-4:30 PM Sages Class - Current Events with Rabbi amy 7:00-9:00 PM KiSS Fall Event

Fri. 16 6:30 PM Sages Shabbat Dinner 7:30 PM Limmud Shabbat - a Shabbat of Learning Wed. 21 Ki Offices Close at Noon

Fri. 23 Day after Thanksgiving - Ki Closed 7:30 PM Shir Shabbat - a Shabbat in Song

Sun. 25 No JEC - Closed for Thanksgiving

Wed. 28 ECC Picture Day 3:00-4:30 PM Sages activity

Fri. 30 7:30 PM Tikkun Olam Social Justice Shabbat

Page 7: KEHILLAT ISRAEL RECONSTRUCTIONIST CONGREGATION …...manifest in your life – compassion, justice, caring, love, patience, commitment, responsibility. October 13 | Bereyshit (Genesis




September4, Friday

1, Saturday | Ki Tetzey9:00 AM Torah Study 10:00 AM Shabbat Morning Service Madison Kiper becomes Bat Mitzvah4:30 PM Shabbat Afternoon Service Jason Freedland becomes Bar Mitzvah

7, Friday 9:45 AM Torah Study 6:00 PM Tot Shabbat 7:30 PM “On the Rabbi’s Mind” Shabbat

8, Saturday | Ki Tavo9:00 AM Torah Study 10:00 AM Shabbat Morning Service Max Hernand becomes Bar Mitzvah10:30 AM KI Monthly Minyan4:30 PM Shabbat Afternoon Service Danielle Leshgold becomes Bat Mitzvah9:00 PM Selihot / Tashlih Service

14, Friday 9:45 AM Torah Study 7:30 PM Shabbat Service

15, Saturday | Nitzavim 9:00 AM Torah Study 10:00 AM Shabbat Morning Service Sabrina Halper becomes Bat Mitzvah4:30 PM Shabbat Afternoon Service Alex Reiner becomes Bar Mitzvah

16, SundayErev Rosh Hashanah

17, MondayRosh Hashanah

18, Tuesday Rosh Hashanah

21, Friday9:45 AM Torah Study 7:30 PM Limmud Shabbat – A Shabbat of Learning

22, Saturday | Vayeleh9:00 AM Torah Study 10:00 AM Shabbat Morning Service Carlisle Weitz becomes Bat Mitzvah4:30 PM Shabbat Afternoon Service Chloe Weitman becomes Bat Mitzvah

25, Tuesday Kol Nidre - Erev Yom Kippur

26, WednesdayYom Kippur

28, Friday 9:45 AM Torah Study 7:30 PM Shir Shabbat – A Shabbat in Song

29, Saturday | Ha’azinu9:00 AM Torah Study 10:00 AM Shabbat Morning Service Alexander Klein becomes Bar Mitzvah

30, SundayErev Sukkot


1, Monday Sukkot

5, Friday9:45 AM Torah Study 6:00 PM Tot Shabbat in Sukkah7:30 PM “On the Rabbi’s Mind” Shabbat

6, Saturday | Sukkot 9:00 AM Torah Study 10:00 AM Shabbat Morning Service Abigail Nathanson becomes Bat Mitzvah

8, Monday Sh'mini atzeret9:00 AM Sukkot Yizkor

12, Friday 9:45 AM Torah Study 7:00 PM Family Shabbat New Members Shabbat

13, Saturday | Bereyshit 9:00 AM Torah Study 10:00 AM Shabbat Morning Service Gabrielle Gordon becomes Bat Mitzvah10:30 AM KI Monthly Minyan4:30 PM Shabbat Afternoon Service Jared Dodson becomes Bar Mitzvah

19, Friday9:45 AM Torah Study 7:30 PM Limmud Shabbat – A Shabbat of Learning

20, Saturday | Noah9:00 AM Torah Study 10:00 AM Shabbat Morning Service Emily Cox becomes Bat Mitzvah4:30 PM Shabbat Afternoon Service Macoy Ohlbaum becomes Bat Mitzvah

26, Friday9:45 AM Torah Study 7:30 PM Shir Shabbat – A Shabbat in Song

27, Saturday | Leh Leha9:00 AM Torah Study 10:00 AM Shabbat Morning Service Matthew Kors becomes Bar Mitzvah4:30 PM Shabbat Afternoon Service Benjamin Rothenberg becomes Bar Mitzvah

November2, Friday 9:45 AM Torah Study6:00 PM Tot Shabbat 7:30 PM “On the Rabbi’s Mind” Shabbat

3, Saturday | Vayera9:00 AM Torah Study 10:00 AM Shabbat Morning Service Jeremy and Cameron Shine become B’nai Mitzvah

9, Friday 9:45 AM Torah Study 7:00 PM Family Shabbat Service

10, Saturday | Hayey Sarah9:00 AM Torah Study 10:00 AM Shabbat Morning Service Chloe Gottlieb becomes Bat Mitzvah10:30 AM KI Monthly Minyan4:30 PM Shabbat Afternoon Service Elisa Solomon becomes Bat Mitzvah

16, Friday9:45 AM Torah Study 7:30 PM Limmud Shabbat – A Shabbat of Learning

17, Saturday | Toldot9:00 AM Torah Study 10:00 AM Shabbat Morning Service Jordan Weiner becomes Bar Mitzvah4:30 PM Shabbat Afternoon Service Charlie Cooper becomes Bar Mitzvah

23, Friday9:45 AM Torah Study 7:30 PM Shir Shabbat - A Shabbat in Song

24, Saturday | Vayetzey9:00 AM Torah Study 4:30 PM Shabbat Afternoon Service Zoe Pelikan becomes Bat Mitzvah

30, Friday9:45 AM Torah Study 7:30 PM Tikkun Olam Social Justice Shabbat

S H A b b A t S E R V I C E S C H e D U L e

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HIGH HOLY DAYS 5773/2012

For questions, please contact Masha Fleissig, Congregant Services Coordinator,

at 424.214.7463

Kehillat Israel's main service at the Wadsworth Theatre offers the opportunity to celebrate the High Holy Days with the larger KI community. Experience the liturgy through the choral music that has characterized Kehillat Israel's High Holy Days services for many years. Rabbi Reuben will be leading all services and giving all sermons, except on Rosh Hashanah Day when Rabbi Bernstein will be leading and giving the sermon. Cantor Frenkel and the choir will be at all Wadsworth services.

The KI Sanctuary service is a longer, more intimate service for those seeking an emphasis on congrega-tional participation in prayer and song. The service offers opportunities for learning and reflection with extended time for personal prayer. Rabbi Bernstein and Cantorial Soloist Julie Silver will lead the service all days except Rosh Hashanah morning when Rabbi Reuben will lead the service. Seating at the Sanctuary service will be limited, and available on a first-come, first-seated basis. Those arriving after the Sanctuary is full will be able to view the service in the Social Hall or can attend services at the Wadsworth Theatre.

All Clergy will lead one Adult Erev Rosh Hashanah service, which will be held at the Wadsworth Theatre. There will be no Adult service in the KI Santuary.

NEW! K-2nd grade programming at Wadsworth Theatre. NEW! K-6th grade programming at KI Sanctuary.

The Family Service at KI Sanctuary on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur evenings geared towards JEC families will take place from 5:30 - 6:30 PM on both Erev Rosh Hashanah and Erev Yom Kippur (Kol Nidre).

Led by Rabbi Carrie Vogel, the service will feature our youth choir.In addition, Kol Nidre will be played on the piano by Jaxon Blumenthal and sung by Jenna Handler.

Tot Services led by all clergy will be offered at Wadsworth Theatre 3:00 – 4:00 PM on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur afternoons.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to overcrowding at the KI Sanctuary in previous years, tickets are checked at the entrance to the Sanctuary. Please plan to arrive at services on time. Once capacity has been reached, overflow will be directed to the Social Hall where services will be broadcast. The Chapel will once again be available for families with babies and toddlers where services will be broadcast as well.

Both venues are open to all renewed congregants this year.

All Clergy will lead our one Adult Erev Rosh Hashanah service, which will be held at the Wadsworth Theatre. There will be no Adult service in the KI Sanctuary.

high holy daysprayer

Page 9: KEHILLAT ISRAEL RECONSTRUCTIONIST CONGREGATION …...manifest in your life – compassion, justice, caring, love, patience, commitment, responsibility. October 13 | Bereyshit (Genesis




High Holy Days Services Schedule

KI SANCTUARYRosh HashanahEve - Sunday, September 16 Family Service - 5:30 - 6:30 PM led by Rabbi Vogel All congregants directed to Wadsworth Theatre for adult services led by all clergy.

Morning - Monday, September 17 1st Day Service - 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM led by Rabbi Reuben / Julie Silver

Morning - Tuesday, September 18 2nd Day Service - 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM led by all clergy

Yom KippurEve (Kol Nidre) - Tuesday, September 25 Family Service - 5:30 - 6:30 PM led by Rabbi Vogel Adult Service - 7:30 - 9:00 PM led by Rabbi Bernstein / Julie Silver

Morning - Wednesday, September 26 Adult Service - 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM led by Rabbi Bernstein / Julie Silver

Afternoon - Wednesday, September 26 Congregational Discussion - 2:30 PM Minhah Service - 4:00 PM Yizkor / Memorial Service - 4:30 PM Neilah Closing Service - 5:30 - 6:30 PM

WADSWORTH THEATRERosh HashanahEve - Sunday, September 16 ONE SERVICE ONLY - 7:30 - 9:00 PM led by all clergy

Day - Monday, September 17 Early Service - 8:30 - 11:00 AM Late Service - 12:00 - 2:15 PM led by Rabbi Bernstein / Cantor Frenkel

Yom Kippur Eve (Kol Nidre) - Tuesday, September 25 Early Service - 6:00 - 8:00 PM Late Service - 9:00 - 11:00 PM led by Rabbi Reuben / Cantor Frenkel

Morning / Noon - Wednesday, September 26 Early Service - 8:30 - 11:00 AM Late Service - 12:00 - 2:15 PM led by Rabbi Reuben / Cantor Frenkel

Late Afternoon - Wednesday, September 26 Minhah Service - 4:00 PM Martyrology - 4:30 PM Yizkor / Memorial Service - 5:00 PM Neilah Closing Service - 5:30 - 6:30 PM led by Rabbi Reuben / Cantor Frenkel

FAMILY SERVCESFamily Services at KI SanctuaryRosh Hashanah Eve - Sunday, September 16Yom Kippur Eve - Tuesday, September 255:30 - 6:30 PMled by Rabbi Carrie Vogel

Tot Services at Wadsworth TheatreRosh Hashanah Day - Monday, September 17Yom Kippur Day - Wednesday, September 263:00 - 4:00 PMled by all clergy

CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING Drop o� is available 30 minutes in advance of services.

At Wadsworth TheatreFor Children 2.5-5 years old Concurrent with the following services: Rosh Hashanah Eve and DayKol Nidre Early Service and Yom Kippur Day

For Children in K-2nd Grade (NEW!)Concurrent with the following services: Rosh Hashanah DayYom Kippur Day

At KI For Children 2.5-5 years old Concurrent with the following services: Rosh Hashanah 1st and 2nd DaysKol Nidre and Yom Kippur Day

For Children K-6th Grade (NEW!)Concurrent with the following services: Rosh Hashanah DayYom Kippur Day




high holy days

Page 10: KEHILLAT ISRAEL RECONSTRUCTIONIST CONGREGATION …...manifest in your life – compassion, justice, caring, love, patience, commitment, responsibility. October 13 | Bereyshit (Genesis




Services and Torah Study Schedule2012-2013









Yom Kippur - Wednesday, September 26, 2012 - 4:30 PM (KI Sanctuary) 5:00 PM (Wadsworth Theatre)Sukkot - Monday, October 8, 2012 - 9:00 AM Pesah - Monday, April 1, 2013 - 9:00 AM Shavuot - Wednesday, May 15, 2013 - 9:00 AM

7:30 PM Tikkun Olam Shabbat - Social action and environmental themes in discussion and prayer.

6:00 PM Tot Shabbat - Families with our youngest children enjoy prayers, songs, and a story.7:30 PM “On the Rabbi’s Mind” Shabbat - Rabbi Steven Carr Reuben speaks on a variety of themes from a Reconstructionist perspective.

6:15 PM Family Shabbat Dinner7:00 PM Family Shabbat Service - All are invited to join us for our Family Shabbat service with band.

7:30 PM Limmud Shabbat - A Shabbat of Learning - KI rabbis teach along with occasional guest speakers.

7:30 PM Shir Shabbat - A Shabbat in Song - A spiritual meditative musical service.

Friday Torah Study (Weekly)9:45 -10:45 AM in the ChapelA lively and inspiring study of the week’s Torah portion led by Rabbi Amy Bernstein.

Saturday Torah Study (Weekly)9:00 -10:00 AM in the ChapelA weekly discussion based on the wisdom of the Torah, led by a KI rabbi, and recitation of Kaddish.

Bar/Bat Mitzvah Shabbat Morning/Afternoon Services 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM / 4:30 - 6:00 PM (All are welcome to worship)

KI Monthly Minyan (2nd Shabbat of the month)10:30 AM - NOON, Nosh from 12:00 - 1:30 PMThis lay-led minyan offers an opportunity for KI congregants to accept an aliyah to the Torah, engage in learning about tefillah (prayer), and enjoy a communal nosh.

Beginning Friday, September 7, 2012

(November 30, 2012, March 29, 2013, May 31, 2013)



new members

nahamuwords of comfort

• To Alicia Albek, on the death of her friend, Halina Wolicki• To Billy Goldenberg, on the death of his father, Irving Meyer Goldenberg• To Tracey Steinfeld, on the death of her mother, Carolyn Morrison• To Lorna Auerbach and Heidi Farkash, on the death of their mother, Lisa Auerbach• To Kate Cohen, on the death of her mother, Maribeth Curtis• To James Newton Howard, on the death of his mother, Joan Sonnenburg; to Jackson and Hayden Howard on the death of their grandmother• To Lisa Dannenbaum and Kathleen Rawson, on the death of a family member, Stephanie Tehrani; to Claire and Jonas Dannenbaum, on the death of their godmother• To Margot Morrison, on the death of her brother-in-law, John Glass• To Jeanne Mitchell, on the death of her mother, Judith Silva• To Alice Greenwald, on the death of her friend, Michael Izbicky• To Stephanie Liner, on the death of her father, George Hershey• To Eleanor Powers, on the death of her friend, Jacqueline McCarthy• To Keith Radack, on the death of his mother, Elinor Radack• To Todd, Tom, and Richard Morgan, on the death of their mother, Evelyn Sachs Morgan• To Angela Milstein, on the death of her cousin, BJ Luxmore• To Elliot Zorensky, on the death of his mother, Doris Jean Zorensky• To Miranda Tollman, on the death of her father, Lee Rich• To Suzi Patrusky, on the death of her brother, Dr. Stephen Ginsberg; to Pamela Mass, on the death of her uncle; to Nolan, Oliver, and Theo Mass, on the death of their great-uncle• To Bea Meshekow, on the death of her husband, Alex Meshekow; to Marc, Paula, and Robert Meshekow, on the death of their father; Pamela Mass, on the death of her uncle; to Nolan, Oliver, and Theo Mass, on the death of their great-uncle• To Michael Kapland, on the death of his mother, Shirley H. Kapland• To Deborah Fried, on the death of her father, Jack Hendricks• To Jeffrey Finkelstein on the death of his mother, Suzanne Lax• To Emilie Fox, on the death of her husband, Paul Bernard Fox• To Lee Leventhal, on the death of his wife, Beba Leventhal; to Mary and Michael Leventhal, on the death of their mother• To Didi Carr Reuben, on the death of her uncle, Lenny Zuckerman• To Randy Tichauer, on the death of his mother, Hanni Tichauer; to Alex Tichauer, on the death of his grandmother• To Richard Rogg, on the death of his dear friend, Steve Chatoff• To Janice Silver, on the death of her mother, Bernice Frankel

Meredith and Jesse AlexanderStephanie and David BoxerbaumWendy and Scott BremenSara and Matthew DorbandCarol and Bruce EisenKim and David EismanNina and Joshua FreedmanLaura and Daniel GoldbergMary Benjamin and Rick GottfriedLisa and Matt HumistonClaudia and Nathan KormanJessica and Chris KudlacekStephanie and Robert LakinElisa and William MarksBeverly Palef and Bonnie PalefSheryl and Ken PressbergLauren and Michael Rauch

Lisa Rojany BuccieriAimee and Mark RosenbaumJennifer and Kevin SabinNikky and Andrew SchulmanSharon and Ian SilversteinTara and Sam SinaiMiranda and Brett TollmanJanet Schulman and Philip TraskSheri Bernstein and Peter TurmanAmy and Peter ZackeryKatherine Trisolini and Jon ZasloffGodeleine and Ira Ziering

mazal tov• To Harvey and Judith Freed, on the birth of their grandsons,

Andrew Nobu Ohashi-Freed and Jonathan Tomo Ohashi-Freed; to Adam Freed and H. Ken Ohashi, on the birth of their sons

• To Dana and Sumner Fein, on the birth of their granddaughter, Rachel Hannah Fein; to Debbie and Michael Fein, on the birth of their daughter

• To Amelie and Adam Stewart, on the birth of their daughter Lila Stewart

• To Geraldine and Jack Weichman, on the birth of their great grandson, Jack Turner Weichman

ki scrip program

kvell• To Jake Steinfeld for being selected to run with the Olympic Torch in London.• To Jill Grey for being honored by Operation Smile.• To Deborah Klein and Mort Marcus for being honored by the Zimmer Museum.• To Jacqueline and Marvin Jubas for receiving the Humanitarian Torch of Learning Award from the American Friends of Hebrew University.• To Janet Leahy for being on the cover of Writer’s Guild Magazine.• To Ellie Kanner-Zuckerman on the success of her film, “For the Love of Money.”• To Tom Elias for winning first prize from the Los Angeles Press Club, in its “commentary” category for large newspapers, for his political column,"California Focus."• To Catherine Schreiber for winning a Tony as a producer of “Clybourne Park” and five Tonys as a producer of “Scottsboro Boys,” which was nominated for 12 Tonys.• To seventh-grader Gabrielle Gordon for making it to the National Gymnastics Championship in June.• To Nicole Howard for her appointment as President of the Pacific Palisades Chamber of Commerce.

Thank you to the following people who supported the Scrip Program from April-July.

$265.00 from GelsonsLinda and Tony RubinCynthia Chapman and Neil SelmanLisa and Jeff SimonPatti and Richard Sinaiko

Year in Review

Page 11: KEHILLAT ISRAEL RECONSTRUCTIONIST CONGREGATION …...manifest in your life – compassion, justice, caring, love, patience, commitment, responsibility. October 13 | Bereyshit (Genesis




KISS (KI Society of Sisters)The highlight of the year for KISS was of course the 1st annual women’s retreat, where Rabbi Bernstein led a Shabbat weekend of renewing the spirit and the body. 38 women spanning multiple generations bonded and came together as the women of KI at this wonderful weekend.

At this year’s revamped version of the women’s seder, the women of KI raised nearly $4,000 in donations to KIVA to help women entrepreneurs in low-income countries around the word.

kehillah builders luncheon 110 KI congregants joined together on January 8 to honor Fay Samulon and Sheila & Andy Garb for their decades of commitment to KI.ew view

shabbat at the beach

women's retreat

women's passover celebration

what a year it has been!Year in Review


Page 12: KEHILLAT ISRAEL RECONSTRUCTIONIST CONGREGATION …...manifest in your life – compassion, justice, caring, love, patience, commitment, responsibility. October 13 | Bereyshit (Genesis




the ki community

jli (jewish learning initiative)Under the dynamic leadership of Rabbi Amy Bernstein, JLI is building a new model to serve the needs of the congregation in terms of education, entertainment and enrichment. Among the highlights this year were: a continuation of KI's unique "Understanding" series, this year featuring noted scholars from UCLA and exploring the history of the founding of the modern State of Is-rael. It attracted 500 people to its 4 sessions. Three cooking classes, all of which were sellouts. "A priest, a rabbi and a minister walk into a bar" series of 3 interfaith discussions which attracted over 600 people to KI, Corpus Christi and Saint Mathews. For many, it was their first experience in a church or synagogue. 


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& Mar 13, 2012

For information and to register online:, or call Eleanor

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Come and learn withWorld-class UCLA scholars

Led by Dr. David Myers,Chair, UCLA History Dept.


A Sunday afternoon classical piano recital featuring David Syme, a world renowned vir-tuoso. The KI Cabaret, an original show written and performed by KI members celebrating the American Songbook. This was part of the ongoing Lonky Music Series and was enjoyed by an audience of over 250. In addition Rabbis Reuben and Bernstein taught 18 classes, Rabbi Lewart conducted a book club and we offered more than a dozen movie nights. The JLI season concludes on June 3 with a concert given by 3 Altos featuring Rabbi Bernstein in their west coast premier.

kibn (kehillat israel business network) KIBN sponsored a great lineup of events this past year including: Speed Networking • Google tools presentation • Financial investment strategies panel featuring 3 high-powered (KI congregant) wealth advisors • 3rd annual Super-Networking evening featuring 5 KI congregants who are top industry leaders in their respective fields (media, entertainment, PR, startups)

ki sagesKI Sages have had a wonderful year of expanded programming due to the tremendous efforts of Jessica Simon, our part-time social worker. In addition to the old standbys such as bridge, classes with the clergy, and of course Shabbat dinners. Jessica has also introduced new activities such as documentary and discussions, memoir-writing workshops, exercise class, art exhibits and much more.

In December we celebrated those in our community who have chosen to become Jewish, who are somewhere along the path to becoming Jewish, or are part of an intermarried household with a launch of Rabbi Reuben’s new book: "Becom-ing Jewish: The Challenges, Rewards, and Paths to Conversion."



ki movie nights

Page 13: KEHILLAT ISRAEL RECONSTRUCTIONIST CONGREGATION …...manifest in your life – compassion, justice, caring, love, patience, commitment, responsibility. October 13 | Bereyshit (Genesis




jec (jewish experience center)550 students participated in what was formerly called the Religious School, now renamed the Jewish Experience Center. This new name now reflects our evolution into a center for creative and experiential Jewish Education and programs where the lines have been blurred between “youth activities” and “religious school.”

120 students in grades 3-6 participated in the monthly camp-style Outdoor Jewish Experience program at Brandeis Bardin Institute in Simi Valley.

Fabulous retreats were also held at Brandeis-Bardin this year for 3-5 grades, along with the 6th grade family B’nai Mitzvah retreat. Yom HaMishpaha (Family Days) were held on various Sundays for the lower grade students and their families.

Post 7th grade programming included Madrihim, BBYO, KITT, Rosh Hodesh, Confirmation, and a new program called AVODAH. Avodah was a huge success in its first year. Once a month, 8th-11th graders went out into the community to volunteer and participate in learning and social action projects. Projects ranged from preparing and serving meals at a shelter to beautifying an elementary school.

Over Presidents’ Day weekend, 8 teens, along with our HUC intern traveled to Selma, Birmingham, Atlanta and Montgomery to learn first-hand about the civil rights movement from a Jewish perspective.

ki kids

kitt (ki tzedakah teens) awardsOn June 3rd, the 37 8th -12th grade teens participating in the KI Tzedakah Teens presented $44,000 to non-profit organiza-tions making an impactful difference in our world.

ecc (early childhood center)We welcomed Julie Dubron, our fabulous ECC Director on July 1, 2011.

Our year was filled with wonderful experiences and learn-ing. Children delved into a curriculum rich in hands on experimentation, messy fun and school readiness skills. The ECC embraced the holidays with joy and discovery; A petting zoo and "trip to israel" for yom haatzmaout, a teacher lead Purim speil, and a wonderful hannukah pajamica performance for all our families are just a few of the ways we celebrated together.

A big part of our program is tzedaka. This year we raise money to help elephants in africa, to build water wells and homes to habitat for humanity. We also had a book drive with hundreds of books donated for children in need. Additionally many of our children and families participated in both westside food bank food sorts and the synagogue wide mega mitzvah day.

early childhood center

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tikkun olamKI congregants continued to serve dinner once a month at Turning Point Shelter, helped deliver groceries to families in South LA through One-on-One Outreach, and continued out mentoring relationship with aged-out foster youth. Through the extraordinary generosity and loving-kindness of the entire KI family, we exceeded our High Holy Days Food Drive goal by collecting 31,325 pounds of food! As a result, the Westside Food Bank was be able to provide over 31,000 meals for the homeless and hungry, half of whom are children.

KI families partnered with Kidsave to help support, host and spread awareness about foster kids from around the world that need homes. 2 of our hosted kids have been or are on their way to being adopted! Rabbi Amy led the spirited KI team at the annual Jewish World Watch Walk to End Genocide.

purim extravaganzaThe Purim Extravaganza was a smashing success-we served 840 slices of pizza to over 500 people in 25 minutes.

ki goes to collegeOn Sun, Feb 12, over 15 KI parents gathered to put to-gether care packages for their college students.  They were thrilled by our thoughtfulness, loved the clergy note and were excited to reconnect with their KI friends.  For many it was their first time back at KI since the high holy days. 

KINCaringKINCaring sponsored the first: Caring for Aging Parents fair, offering valuable resources to people in our community who may be struggling with the challenges of caring for their aging parents.

ki boychicksThe KI Boychicks were resurrected this year after a long absence. KI’s new softball team included 25 congregants on the roster representing a true cross-section of KI featuring ECC dads, JEC husbands and wives, middle aged singles and even a grandfather!

more community

jfs social workerThis Spring KI welcomed Keren Hendel, our new part-time JFS Social Worker on Mondays & Thursdays as part of a pilot program launched by the Jewish Federation.


Page 15: KEHILLAT ISRAEL RECONSTRUCTIONIST CONGREGATION …...manifest in your life – compassion, justice, caring, love, patience, commitment, responsibility. October 13 | Bereyshit (Genesis

Julia HubnerAs Program Associate at KI, Julia works extensively with the Communications team and many of KI’s lay-led groups. Julia’s commitment to and enthusiasm for the Jewish community has been evident throughout her career history. Before starting her position at KI, Julia served as Assistant Dean for Student Affairs at the American Jewish University in Los Angeles. Previously she also worked as an Admissions Counselor for the school’s Undergraduate Program. While an undergraduate at USC, Julia interned with the Shoah Foundation Institute, worked in a PR firm, and taught creative writing at her childhood camp, Camp Newman.A Northern California native, Julia received a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Southern California (magna cum laude), with a double major in Religion and Communication. She currently lives in West Los Angeles.

Tony GuerreroAs Facilities Manager at KI, Tony is responsible for overseeing the maintenance and care of our lovely building. He comes to KI with over a decade of synagogue experience, having held the same position at Temple Israel of Hollywood. Born in Mexico, Tony came to the United States at the age of 5 with his mother. He credits his mentor, Arthur Louis Richman, who gave him his first job at the age of ten in his auto body shop for “raising” him and helping to shape him into the man he is today. Tony picked up more tools of the trade when he got his first maintenance job at Valley Cities Jewish Community Center. Raised a Catholic, Guerrero says he isn’t religious, “but I have a lot of faith. I live by the Ten Commandments and I try to be the best person I can be.”

Over the summer I had the privilege of co-leading our family Israel mission with Rabbi Bernstein and Matt Davidson, along with our families. Seventy-two KI family members took the long journey to settle into the Holy Land for 12 glorious days. Amidst record heat, we experienced the sweet taste of milk and honey. Two busloads – the red and blue bus each with a cheer - took off every morning for a new adventure. From the north to the south, and east to west, Israel's flourishing land enchanted us and captured our love for her golden sun.

What I love most about these missions is the bonding experience our families have. Most of the travelers didn't know each other prior to signing up for the trip. Yet, by the end, we became one close knit family. From ages 5 to 19, our youngsters identified with each other through common Jewish values. They related to one another based on the Sh'ma Yisrael - Hear Oh Israel Adonai is One. That oneness permeated their psyche in Israel like no other place. At that point, the age difference no longer mattered. It was such a pleasure to see the older teenagers envelop the younger ones and include them in all the activities. From throwing each other in the pool to splashing each other in the Jordan River to playing soccer in the kibbutz to sharing a Shabbat drumming circle in the north to holding them close at Yad Vashem as Rabbi Bernstein and I led a poignant memorial service, we are one community.

Am Yisrael Chai and a sweet Shana Tova.

kehillat israel welcomes...


There were so many priceless moments to share. One in particular for me was the privilege of holding our ancient scroll - The Sefer Torah - over the land our ancestors walked at Mitzpei Ramon, deep in the south of Israel (see picture on page 19 courtesy of Lisa Dannenbaum). While standing with the Torah floating above our heads, I prayed for my family, for all who joined us there, and for the entire KI community for a healthy and joyful year of 5773, filled with wholeness and peace. Please join us on our next mission in the summer of 2014.

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For three days in July, our kids had the amazing opportunity to work with KI congregant and renowned artist Ed Massey to transform our Youth Lounge into a vibrant, color-filled space. Ed described the project in this way:

“The focus of the collaborative painting project was to have KI students work together as a team to create an artwork from beginning to end that would be displayed in an area that they frequent regularly and associate in a most positive way.

On day one we reviewed the activities that would be part of the creative process. The kids spread out the vinyl tarpaulins, took turns applying coats of primer on them by passing paint rollers from student to student until both panels were completely covered.

On day two, I asked the kids to think about shapes as a central theme of the artwork – any and all types of shapes. I wanted the students to consider using both organic (natural, less well defined edges) and geometric forms of their choosing and design. I set a few guidelines to have some cohesiveness in the artwork.

Then I gave the kids colorful chalk to practice laying out their shapes and designs. Once everyone felt comfortable we moved onto the large tarpaulins. The students each worked on both art panels creating an intricate chalk drawing. Once all the students were satisfied with their team effort, the composition was complete. Next, the students were given opaque, black paint and a paint stick. The students then re-outlined their chalk drawing in paint.

On day three, the panels were ready to paint in a vibrant color palette. Each student worked on multiple sections adding color as they navigated through the design. Quickly, the painting began to take on a life of its own. Popping with color, the energetic painting was completed. Smiles, enthusiasm and a sense of accomplishment were had by all.”

Ed Massey’s amazing template is a perfect fit for our synagogue seeing that the connective shapes symbolize the interconnectedness of our community. Through teamwork, togetherness, and community, we made our dream of a vibrant kid-friendly space a reality!

Everyone is invited to come to the Youth Lounge, enjoy the art, play a round or two of ping pong or just hang out.  We now have a space we are proud of and can’t wait to share it!

Youth Loungin'Reinventing the Youth Lounge with Ed Massey and Kids


jewish experience center education

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Constructing Knowledge


early childhood education

Our children’s learning emerges. It unfolds moment by moment, with each new thought and experience. In our ECC we take joy in those magical moments and plant the seeds for future ones.

While playing outside a child heard a noise, looked at his teacher and asked, “What’s making that sound?” Guesses abounded. Could it have

been a garbage truck? We know that sound but first we have to figure out if it’s garbage day. Or could it be a dump truck, or maybe a big bus? “Let’s ask Julie to go out onto the street and look,” the teacher suggested. My office phone rang, I picked up a camera and off I went to brave the intersection of Muskingum and Sunset. A quick snap of the camera revealed a jack hammer. The story could have ended there, with the children ooohing and ahhhing over the photo. But when teachable moments come they have to be grabbed before opportunities are lost. So the moment was captured and stretched to last an entire month. Our curriculum always begins with a question. “What do you know about something?” In this case it was “What do you know about construction?” This recognizes that children are fully capable of containing valuable knowledge even at a young age. The children’s answers inform the teacher’s path of teaching. The idea is that children and teachers together create the road of learning. The road is curved and there are other roads that branch off, each leading to new discoveries. At KI we know that children will learn when their genuine interests are nurtured.

What they knew was that construction vehicles fix the road, that they repair and build things. A walk around the school revealed all different construction materials. “So what can we build”? The teacher asked. “A road,” was the answer. “What are roads

made of?” “Blocks.” Another walk around the school to gather all different types of blocks so the children could bring their imaginings to life netted a network of structures that would have made a highway engineer proud. The children worked together and separately, they left and came back to it as the days flew by. They talked to each other, little voices making sense of their world and talked as a group, expanding their understanding together.

We are proud of our emergent curriculum, of how we follow the children’s leads and build their knowledge from the foundation up. The learning that emerges, that unfolds before our eyes, and our cameras, remind us of how rich an experience a quality early childhood program is and how early education, an emergent curriculum, and exceptional teachers construct foundations built to last.

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Every New Year brings new changes in the way we communicate and relate with one another. And at KI, where we like to say, “Change Happens,” change in our

Communications world is more exciting than ever. Our beloved Matt Davidson in his new role as Director of Programming and Marketing has reorganized the KI Communications team to better serve the growing needs of our congregation. With the hiring of Julia Hubner as Program Associate and the ascension of Mariana Grosz to Communications Associate, Matt has put together a powerful group to allow for better and more focused new ways to engage our congregation.

In response to the significantly different needs of both inward and outward communications, we have divided the Communications Board of Trustees position into three distinct more responsive groups. Veteran board member Miriam Bookey has assumed the role of Internal Member Communications Trustee and we welcome John Benun as New Member Acquisition and Outreach Trustee. In my new role as VP of Communications, I will focus on the general PR and the Branded messaging that KI and its clergy will share with our local, national and international communities.But people can only do so much if they don’t have the latest tools

deliver our messages. So after a long period of development and testing, we are pleased to announce the formal release of the new KI website. While many of you have already been using the new site, we have tirelessly been improving and refining the website and will continue to do so as new opportunities for better communications emerge. The site is now available for your smartphones and tablets, increasing the ease with which you can stay connected to the KI Community. Next up we are working on profiles and pictures of the KI Staff so that anyone’s issues can be directed to a real person and not just a general email address.For the KI News you’ll notice a reinvigorated full color publication to be distributed to all congregants as a quarterly document with more articles of greater substance.

On the horizon for 2012-13 are KI video Apps, easier blogging opportunities and an expanded Facebook presence that will feature special youth sections to address the important new ways our congregation learns, plans, engages friends and continues to be part of our thriving KI community.

Stay Tuned…And Happy New Year.

Yours truly,Steven Lewis, VP Communications Trustee

ki communications changes

19th Century Music Focus of Upcoming Concert



Karen Benjamin and Alan Chapman have been performing the Great American Songbook as well as Chapman’s original compositions for decades. The husband and wife team are bringing their latest show, “Music of

the People: Songs of 19th Century america,” to Kehillat israel on Sunday, November 4 at 4:00 PM.

“Music of the People” is comprised of music from the 19th cen-tury, including folk songs, spirituals and protest songs written by the Hutchinson Family, who were vehemently anti-war and anti-slavery. It has been seen in churches, however, the performance at KI marks the first in a synagogue. Conceived by Benjamin in 2010, she was inspired by the struggles many Americans were having several years ago when the econo-

my crashed and how the old songs had meaning in a contempo-rary context. “Each song has an aura about it, and when you sew them together it’s like a quilt,” says Benjamin.

Benjamin, a soprano, will be accompanied by Chapman on stand-up bass and vocals, bass-baritone Cedric Berry, and pianist Victo-ria Kirsch. Both Benjamin and Berry sing solos, while Chapman, who arranged some of the songs, will provide some commentary during the 80-minute show, which is set to include “When Johnny Comes Marching Home,” “Amazing Grace” and “Shenandoah.”

The show will be performed in the style of an “art song” recital, common for classical singers when not performing opera. “Clas-sical singers are trained to sing without microphones and be heard,” Benjamin says, which is certain to add to the intimacy of the afternoon. In the background, images from the 19th century will be shown.

For more information, go to

Page 19: KEHILLAT ISRAEL RECONSTRUCTIONIST CONGREGATION …...manifest in your life – compassion, justice, caring, love, patience, commitment, responsibility. October 13 | Bereyshit (Genesis




Dead Sea & Masada• 20 kids and teens smearing themselves with Dead Sea mud before floating in the HOT sea.• Standing on top of Masada and picturing the Jews who chose to die there.

Memories of KI Israel Trip 2012 BY SHERRY BURDORF

Tel Aviv• Swimming at night in the warm Mediterranean with my daughters.• Hearing recording of the night Ben-Gurion courageously declared Israel a Jewish State.• Winding down hidden stairway to clandestine bullet factory.

Hills of Galilee• Nighttime soccer game with a dozen KI kids battling it out on the kibbutz lawn.• My daughter Rachel ATV’ing with Chayim – no one looks cool in goggles.• Eating home-cooked meal prepared by women of economically depressed Galilee town, and dancing the horah with them afterwards.• Sitting in King Herod’s ancient bathhouse in Caesarea as our guide delivered 3000 years of Israeli/Jewish history in 6½ minutes with amazing clarity. • Meeting 20-year-old tank commander and crew at IDF base.

Jerusalem • Security officers with their cool ear pieces speaking many languages in the lobby of our hotel, since Hillary Clinton was staying there as well.• 11-year-old daughter choosing bat mitzvah tallit.• Walking under the Old City through narrow 2,000-year-old tunnels in pitch blackness with icy water up to our shins.• 8-year-old son writing his note to put in the cracks of the Western Wall,

“I pray my Mom never leaves me.”• Crying at the Wall.• Crying at Yad Vashem.

Negev• Scrambling through a half-excavated tunnel system in an archeological site • Feeding camels. • My kids riding on older kids’ shoulders in the pool.• Dining on ground around low tables in Bedouin tent (another amazing feast).• Chayim lit by the setting sun as he lifted the torah over his head on the edge of a massive Negev Desert crater.

Photo by Lisa Dannenbaum

Final Dinner• Daughter Carly reflecting on the trip during the final group dinner: “When we got off the plane from L.A. and everyone didn’t really know each other, but when we leave it will be like a piece of us is missing. And also, when we go to a restaurant, we fill it all up because we’re a community and we’re all together.” • Hating for this trip to be ending.• Making friends, making friends, making friends.

Page 20: KEHILLAT ISRAEL RECONSTRUCTIONIST CONGREGATION …...manifest in your life – compassion, justice, caring, love, patience, commitment, responsibility. October 13 | Bereyshit (Genesis





“Maybe that is what Israel does to you: makes you open up with people that are ... proud to be here, proud to live in a country of their own, united as much as possible.

I have learned how important it is to feel pride.”-Aliza McHugh

(Written upon completing the eight week Alexander Muss High School in Israel (AMHSI) program this year.)

Aliza and her family have been congregants since before Aliza was born. She attended preschool and religious school, was confirmed (early) in 9th grade, became a Madriha for two years and assisted in teaching first grade religious school classes. Aliza also participated in the KITT program last year, in which she will take part for a second year beginning in September.

The Alexander Muss trip promised to be a transformative experience, but Aliza felt changed in a different way than she imagined. In fact, her shift was not a change of identity or self, but a strengthening of self. The pride she mentions above was needed when she discovered that not only was she the only Reconstructionist Jew on her trip, but the other students knew barely anything about the movement. Aliza realized that, in order to answer the questions of her peers, she needed to more thoroughly understand her own background and traditions. She began researching Reconstructionist Judaism, and in time, was able to explain what it meant to her personally. It was always difficult for her to describe KI to peers, as she connects less with religious definitions and more to how she feels when she arrives at KI. She notes that her unique tradition always made her feel special rather than different.

Just one of two Californians on the trip, Aliza didn’t attend Jewish summer camp after the age of eight, where most other participants learned about the Alexander Muss program. Instead, Aliza discovered the program during a presentation at KI in the 8th grade. She decided right away that she’d like to participate.

Aliza’s exciting journey to Israel, strengthened by her foundations at KI, made her realize the importance of keeping and carrying on her Jewish traditions. She plans to continue learning about Jewish history and culture in order to better pass on this knowledge to others.

aliza mchugh

Life becomes infinitely more meaningfuland wonderful when lived in community.

- Mordecai Kaplan

Page 21: KEHILLAT ISRAEL RECONSTRUCTIONIST CONGREGATION …...manifest in your life – compassion, justice, caring, love, patience, commitment, responsibility. October 13 | Bereyshit (Genesis





KETERBENEFACTORDiana and Robert FriedmanJo Ann and Charlie KaplanJess Ravich

TIFERETSUSTAINERLaurie Hasencamp and Michael Lurey

NESHAMASUPPORTER Deborah and Mark AttanasioRachel and Bruce JefferAngela and Mark MilsteinAudra and Jeff NathansonPatti and Richard SinaikoMiranda and Brett TollmanBlossom TrustmanRosanne Ziering

TZEDEKCONTRIBUTORAnonymous Lauren and Austin FiteJill GreyBeth and Kenneth KarminElizabeth and Mark KoganSusan Purcell and Yair LandauTherese and Jeff LotmanTodd MorganAnn and Jerry MossJodi and Steve SchwartzLauren and Bobby TurnerGina Deutsch-Zakarin and Mark Zakarin

HESEDBUILDERPamela and Alan BergmanSherry and Gary BurdorfRobin and Robert EatmanKristen KleinRebecca and Michael NeidorfGail and Gary RachelefskyGail Geyer and Bernard ResserAimee and Mark RosenbaumGretchen and Daniel RushLoni and Jeff Rush

YESODFRIENDAnonymousSamantha and Jonathan FirestoneJannell and Randy BanchikFran and Jonathan BaruchHarriet Leva and Norm BeegunNancy and Russell BelinskyRobin and Ed BermanJudy and Mitchell CohenJan and Chuck DavisMary and Chuck DemboJessica and Jon DishellBarbara and Ed DreyfusJill and Robert EisfelderLeslie and William ElkusDana and Rick EntinBernard Katz and Geoffrey EvansJo and Larry FeldmanPat Train Gage and Sanford GageGordon GersonValerie Karno and Eric GlaserMarianne and Irwin GoldWendy Felson and David GoodmanRon GrossblattJane Gutman

Keiko and Laurence JacobsonEve and Glenn JaffeJoan and Arnold KalanWendy Bishop and David KendallCelia Bernstein and Brad KesdenCarol and Bert KleinmanIlana and Klaus KochMelissa and Brian LattStephanie and Stuart LinerShelley and Phil LondonRuth Sorotzkin and Bert MandelbaumPatricia and Gilbert MartinPamela and Ron MassAndie and Mark MillerRachael Jeck and Hank MillnerJennifer and Robert MortonHolly Moss-Naim and Kevin NaimZuzka and Phil PolishookMelissa and Glen PolsonSynthia and Gary PraglinJoan Herman and Richard RasiejJill and Jeffrey ReichwaldLisa and Richard RoggMaxine and Eugene RosenfeldLisa and Ian SchapiroLinda and Robert SchibelCarole SchwartzNatalie Blake and Steven SchwartzBeth Abrams and Stuart SenatorLainie and Barry SugarmanSandra Gottlieb and David SwedelsonRobin and Mark TermanJanet Schulman and Philip TraskLinda and Robert WaxmanAmy and Brian WeitmanLori and Tim WilsonDeborah Lehman and Marc WishingradSunny and Lewis ZiontsJodi and Elliot Zorensky



As of July 27, 2012

Page 22: KEHILLAT ISRAEL RECONSTRUCTIONIST CONGREGATION …...manifest in your life – compassion, justice, caring, love, patience, commitment, responsibility. October 13 | Bereyshit (Genesis





Tribute cards are a wonderful way to remember your friends and relatives on important occasions: birthdays, anniversaries, recoveries from illness, as well as condolences. A tribute card will be sent in your name and an acknowledgment published in the KI News.The synagogue extends its sincere appreciation for the following donations:

AnnuAl GivinG CAmpAiGnin Memory of• Halina Wolicki by Avi and Alicia Albek • Irving M. Goldenberg by Bernard Katz and Geoffrey Evans • Henry and Fay Samulon by Alfred and Eliot Samulon

AueRbACh fAmilY ReliGious sChool fund in Memory of• Lisa Auerbach by Florence Elfant • Fay Samulon by Florence Elfant • Lisa Auerbach by Helayne and Joe Levy • Lisa Auerbach by Charlotte Winokur

beAutifiCAtion fund in Honor of• Judith Ubick by Richard Greenberg

in Memory of• Jack Kapland by Mike Kapland • Her dad, Julius Truelson and daughter Yanina Ubick Donnelly, by Judith Ubick • David Levinson by Judith Ubick • John G. Truelson by Judith Ubick • Richard Ubick by Judith Ubick

beRRie libRARY fundin Memory of• Joe Gillerman by Shelly Rosenberg • Fay Samulon by Ken and Shelly Rosenberg • William Rosenberg by Ken and Shelly Rosenberg

buRton J. moRRison musiC fund in Honor of• Barbara Cohen's Bat Mitzvah by Margot Morrison • The Adult B'nai Mitzvah class by Margot Morrison

in Memory of• Louis Kleinman by Bert Kleinman • Fay Samulon by Margot Morrison • Claire by Margot Morrison and Family • Martin Baum by Margot Morrison • Barbara Wolkon by George Wolkon

CAntoR's disCRetionARY fund in appreciation of• The recent evening of music by Bob and Gloria Murray

in Gratitude to • The Cantor for a very thoughtful Father's Day service at Hillside by Toni Cordier

in Honor of• Engagement of Elizabeth Bell and Daniel Shields by Bernice Bell • Annual Giving Campaign by Lawrence Bond • Cantor Frenkel by Lloyd Braun • Cantor Frenkel by Dan and Sharon Brecher • Bat Mitzvah of Sienna Brooks by Eric and Heidi Brooks • Aaron Dinkin's Bar Mitzvah in Israel by Jeff and Marci Dinkin • Justin Eatman's Bar Mitzvah in Israel by Robert and Robin Eatman • Chayim's great work with our KI Youth by Tom and Marilyn Elias • Chayim's Birthday by Rick and Dana Entin • Talia Goodman's Bat Mitzvah by David Goodman and Wendy Felson • Cantor Frenkel by Melinda Goodman • Hannah Greenwald's Bat Mitzvah by David and Elaine Greenwald • Bat Mitzvah of Chase Kirshbaum by Bruce Kirshbaum and Stacy Green-Kirshbaum

• Cantor Frenkel by Kristen Klein • Veronica Pickard's Bat Mitzvah by Daniel and Jill Leanse • Israel and the upcoming birth of our son by Curtis and Susan Palmer • Jakob and Ariel's B'nai Mitzvah by Jonathan Pollack and Rachel Berman • KI B'nai Mitzvah Program by Damon and Jenifer Porter • Shira Frankel's graduation from medical school by Daniel and Fala Powers • Cantor Frenkel by Jonathan Schurgin • Veronica Pickard's Bat Mitzvah by Carey Schwartz • The good work that Cantor Frenkel does at KI by Martin and Deena Singer • Sam Lieber's Bar Mitzvah by Paul Lieber and Gwenn Victor Lieber • Cantor Frenkel by Jay and Laura Weinman • Their 25th Wedding Anniversary by David and Carole White

in Memory of• Lenny Zuckerman by Rabbi Steven and Didi Carr Reuben • Ida E. Cypers by Robert and Karen Cypers • Tia Palermo Ravich by Stephanie DiPietro • Sally Druss by Martin and Barbara Druss • Jack Hendricks by Helene Eisenberg • Kyle Robinson by Diana Friedman • Stephen A. Wolstan by Jon and Michelle Girard • Rose Goodman by Melinda Goodman • Marilyn Green by Neal and Pam Green • Amram "Abe" Grundstein by Estelle Grundstein • Isadore Hendel by Norma Hendel • Shirley H. Kapland by Michael Kapland • Hyman Lonky by Stewart and Marilyn Lonky • Her mother, Bessie Pearl, by Bob and Gloria Murray • Ruth Orenstein by Allan and Janie Orenstein • Edward Snyder and Anne Hollick by Roger and Marlene Schaffner • Arthur Macofsky by Howard and Sheryl Sher • Annette Silver by Richard and Paulette Silver • Mona Silverman by Charles Silverman • Murray Refkin by Mark and Robin Terman • Robert L. Barnett by John and Jolie Whitesell • Betty Wilson by Tim and Lori Wilson

ConGReGReGAtionAl CommitmentAssistAnCe fund • Harry and Ellen Sondheim

in Memory of• Fay Samulon by Ellen and Harry Sondheim

eARlY Childhood CenteR fund • Lyle and Melanie Green

in Memory of• Jennie Behar by Deborah Abram • Murray Finebaum by Richard and Jane Abrams • Betty Drachman by Winifred Davis • Nathan Hershkowitz by Florence Elfant • Don Freeman by Meg Freeman • Beba Leventhal by Laura Gross • Sylvia Lurie by Keri Kraft • Ceil Ostrow by Michael and Fran Ostrow

ethel luReY memoRiAl fund in Memory of• Paul Scopp by Ken and Karen Scopp • Robert Alan Scopp by Ken and Karen Scopp

isRAel tRAvel And studY fund • Rick and Dana Entin • Benjamin and Doreen Leeds • Steven and Christie Schnur

in Memory of• Murray Refkin by Jonathan McHugh and Karen Rappaport McHugh • Harry Goldenberg by Marion Schwartz • Her mother, Selma Roblin, by Carole White

Jewish leARninG initiAtive fund in Memory of• Mollye Jochnowitz by Harriet Leva

Ki soCietY of sisteRs (Kiss) in Memory of• Molly Elfant by Florence Elfant

Kin CARinG fund in Memory of• Jack Kanowith by Susan Kanowith-Klein • David Manning by Dorothy Liener • Bob Prentice by Bea Prentice

KehillAt isRAel GeneRAl fund • Dennis Gorman in Memory of• Bernard Appelbaum by Rebeca Appelbaum • Harriet Ellen Bergman by Richard and Barbara Bergman • Howard Hirsch by Isaac and Shirlene Comfortes • Ruth Eatman by Robert Eatman • Celia Kurtyman by Rochelle Feinberg • Geraldine Betty Gutterson by Jill Grey • Fay Samulon by Laura Gross • Amram “Abe” Grundstein by Estelle Grundstein • David Cossuth by Laura Guthman • Dorothy Karsh by Bruce Kagan • Evelyn Giesser by Barbara Giesser • Margaret Weinberger by Phil London • Fay Samulon by Bea Prentice • Darci Ross, wife of Scott Ross and mother of Sydney Ross, by Scott Ross • Sam Abramowitz by Ken and Karen Scopp • Sherman Sinaiko by the Sinaiko Family

livinG leGACY fund in Memory of• Thomas Ambrosi by Adlai Wertman and Janet Ambrosi Wertman

newmAn homeless fund in Memory of• Carolyn Morrison, Tracey Steinfeld's mother, by The Eckmann Family • Sara Sarari by Eva Kathok • Meyer "Monty" Saperstein by Frank Saperstein • Dorothy Goldenberg by Jules and Marion Schwartz

RAbbi beRnstein's disCRetionARY fund • Lynne and Phillip Himelstein • Debra Matsumoto • Michael Schwartz and Stephanie Kerley Schwartz • Rosanne Ziering

in Gratitude for• The Three Altos' performance at KI by Arnold and Joan Kalan • Rabbi Bernstein by Patti Sinaiko • Rabbi Bernstein's support by the White Family

in Honor of• Sienna Brooks' Bat Mitzvah by Eric and Heidi Brooks • Talia Goodman's Bat Mitzvah by David Goodman and Wendy Felson • Hannah Greenwald's Bat Mitzvah by David and Elaine Greenwald • Sam Lieber's Bar Mitzvah by Paul Lieber and Gwenn Victor Lieber • Their 25th wedding anniversary by David and Carole White • Mother's Day and Father's Day by Cooper Zale and Sally Rosloff

in Memory of• Morris Brooks by Mel and Pearl Brooks • Howard Bernstein, Rabbi Bernstein's father, by Rick and Dana Entin • Paul Bernard Fox by Emilie Fox • Herbert Heiden by Steve Gomer and Jane Heiden Gomer • Amram "Abe" Grundstein by Estelle Grundstein • Sydney Grundstein by Estelle Grundstein

Page 23: KEHILLAT ISRAEL RECONSTRUCTIONIST CONGREGATION …...manifest in your life – compassion, justice, caring, love, patience, commitment, responsibility. October 13 | Bereyshit (Genesis




• Jerry Rothschild and Renda Hertz by Marlo Longstreet and Family • Rose Presser by Bart Lynn and Beverley Auerbach • Phyllis Shapiro by Reuben and Blanche Rosloff • Fannie Rosloff by Reuben Rosloff • Sinny Stofkooper by Emilie Stern • Rebecca Weintraub by Brian and Jill Weintraub

RAbbi Reuben's disCRetionARY fund • Robert and Robin Burg • Neil Selman and Cynthia Chapman • Michael Schwartz and Stephanie Kerley Schwartz• Cynthia and David Stern

in appreciation of• Rabbi Reuben's mitzvah work by the Bialis Family Foundation

in Gratitude to• Rabbi Reuben by Arnie Semsky and Debra Starkman Semsky • Rabbi Reuben by David and Carole White • Rabbi Reuben's recognition of Marty's Entertainment Lawyer of the Year honor by Deena and Martin Singer • The Rabbi for a very thoughtful Father's Day service at Hillside by Toni Cordier

in Honor of• Camille Cecelia Hurwitz's baby-naming by Cary Hurwitz and Sarah Barney • Engagement of Elizabeth Bell and Daniel Shields by Bernice Bell • His marriage to Amanda Parzan by Adam Gruen • Chase's Bat Mitzvah by Bruce Kirshbaum and Stacy Green-Kirshbaum • Veronica Pickard's Bat Mitzvah by Jill and Daniel Leanse • Rabbi Reuben by Donald Rickman • Rabbi Sheryl Lewart by Tony and Linda Rubin • Camille Cecelia Hurwitz's baby-naming by Murray and Judith Sinclair • Ben and Charlotte's B'nai Mitzvah by Jay and Laura Weinman

in Memory of• Molly Clayman by Sid Clayman • Lisa Auerbach by Elmer and Evelyn Easton • Sondra Marks by Rick and Dana Entin • Lisa Auerbach by Heidi and John Farkash • Irving Rosenfeld by Gene & Maxine Rosenfeld Family Foundation • Paul Bernard Fox by Emilie Fox • Don Freeman by Ann Freeman • Kadish Friedman by Denise Friedman • Kyle Robinson by Diana Friedman • Adolph Goldman by Constance Goldman • Faye Bonios by David Swedelson and Sandra Gottlieb • Amram "Abe" Grundstein by Estelle Grundstein • Minnie Cossuth by Laura Guthman • Stanley Howard by Merrill Shindler and Merri Howard-Shindler • Fay Samulon by Jean Kahn • Michael Kirschenbaum by Bonnie Kirschenbaum • Fay Samulon by Laura Kuper • Beba Leventhal by the Leventhal Family • Joseph Rosloff by Reuben and Blanche Rosloff • Fay Samulon by Alfred and Marta Samulon • Isabel Schwartz by Jules and Marion Schwartz • Alan (Aharon) Shapiro by Bella Shapiro • David Manning by Don and Reta Singer • Sigmund Chapman by Ronda Spinak • Gloria Starkman by Robert Starkman • Sarah Fainblit by Robert Starkman • Hilda Stegall by Ben and Doris Stegall • Phillip Stein by Aileen Stein • Sally Tenenblatt by Henry and Marcy Tenenblatt • Murray Refkin by Robin and Mark Terman • Fay Samulon by Judy Wexler • Murray Feinbaum by Judy Wexler

ReConstRuCtionist RAbbiniCAl ColleGe sCholAR's fund in Honor of• Bob Schibel by Bert Kleinman

in Memory of• Ben Toubar by Charlotte Winokur

senioRs fundin Memory of• Allan E. Elfant by Florence Elfant • Harris Auerbach by John and Heidi Farkash • Melvin Guthman by Laura Guthman • Ennio Dadea B. Giovanni by Laura Kuper • Miriam and Umberto Campagnano by Laura Kuper • Israel Kupferman by Laura Kuper • Alexander Moskowitz by Leah Manning • Maribeth Curtis by Karen Rappaport McHugh

shuli wities toRAh beAutifiCAtion fund in Memory of• Morris Kalan by Arnold and Joan Kalan

the peppY steRn Adult b'nAi mit zvAh fund in Honor of• Peter Gregory on the occasion of his Bar Mitzvah by Susan Kanowith-Klein

tiKKun olAm fund in Memory of• Kermit Hale by Florence Elfant • Alvin Gutman by Jane Gutman • Harris Jeffer by Bruce and Rachel Jeffer • Barney Kleinman by Bert and Carol Kleinman • Albert Brizman by Michael and Nanette Schneir • Marshall Stewart by Adam and Amelia Stewart

Youth no'AR hAdAsh fund in Honor of• Ryan Dishell being elected as the S'gan of BBYO's PacWest Region by Jon and Jessica Dishell

zieRinG tzedAKAh teen fundin Honor of• Tristan Marsh (KITT Havurah Tova Board) by Donald and Lynne Alschuler • Jordan Solomon by Barbara Berkson • Herbie Schwartz (KITT Neshama Board) by Douglas Bond and Therese Blake • Morgan Bostic (KITT Neshama Board) by Gene and Randy Bostic • Darcy Bostic (KITT Neshama Board) by Gene and Randy Bostic • Tristan Marsh (KITT Havurah Tova Board) by Joan Brody • Tristan Marsh (KITT Havurah Tova Board) by Robin Burg • Carly Besser (KITT Neshama Board) by Joannie Burstein Besser • Tristan Marsh by Ben and Adria Cowitt • KITT Aleph Board by Steven and Hillarie Dietz • Tristan Marsh (KITT Havurah Tova Board) by Jules and Jacqueline Fogel • Tristan Marsh (Havurah Tova Board) by The Bernstein-Maslansky Fund of California • Jordan Solomon by Andrew Hersh • Bryce Terman by Syd Hersh • Erica Jaffe by Glenn and Eve Jaffe • Tristan Marsh by Leonard Kolod • Tristan Marsh by Nathan and Eleanor Leanse • KITT Havurah Tova Board by Susan McAdams • David Taylor by Sheila Nasch • Owen Schnur (KITT Havurah Tova Board) by Marilyn Pais-Chambers and RA Chambers • Bryce Terman (KITT Neshama Board) by Murray and Maxine Refkin • Alan and Max Sanders by Barbara Kreitzer and Alan Sanders • Owen Schnur (KITT Havurah Tova Board) by David Schnur • Austin Schnur (KITT Aleph Board) by David Schnur • KITT Havurah Tova Board by Gary Schwartz • Kyle Schwartz (KITT Havurah Tova Board) by Steven and Maria Schwartz • Jordan Solomon by Marjorie Sievers • Jordan Solomon by Pam Solomon • Jordan Solomon by Debra Solomon Pendleton • Bryce Terman by Robin and Mark Terman • Sarah Wishingrad by Marc Wishingrad and Deborah Lehman • KITT Havurah Tova Board by Jean Wood

in Memory of• Randy Entin by Rick and Dana Entin • Mark Kleinman by Bert Kleinman

S@KIKI Singles Group Forming…KI is proud to announce that we are creating our own singles group. S@KI will have fun and exciting events, open to youngsters in their 40’s through 60’s. You and your single friends won’t want to miss being a part of this creative adventure! To join the steering committee, or to find out more information about S@KI, please contact Leslie Zimmer at (424) 214-7466.

let the ki community share in your life-cycle events.

let us know!

If you would like to announce a birth or death in the KI News, please con-tact Leslie Zimmer at 424.214.7466. Or if you would like to congratulate someone for an event or accomplish-ment in Kvell Corner, please send to [email protected].

Page 24: KEHILLAT ISRAEL RECONSTRUCTIONIST CONGREGATION …...manifest in your life – compassion, justice, caring, love, patience, commitment, responsibility. October 13 | Bereyshit (Genesis


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K e h i l l A t i s R A e l , a Reconstructionist Congregation,

is an inclusive spiritual community,

providing a warm, nurturing

environment where we pray, learn,

educate, and perpetuate torah and

Jewish values, while serving the

greater community.

Steven Carr reuben, Ph.D., Rabbi Amy bernstein, Rabbi Chayim Frenkel, Cantormarca Gay, Executive DirectorAlice Greenwald, Director, Youth and Family Education Julie Dubron, Director, Early Childhood Center Abraham Winokur z”l, Founding Rabbi

mickey bienenfeld, Cantor Emeritus

KI board of trustees 2012-13/5772-5773: officers: Kathleen Rawson, President; angela Milstein, VP Governance; Jane Gutman, VP Tikkun Olam; Steve Gomer, VP Member Engagement; Michael Lurey, VP Finance; Steven Lewis, VP Communications/PR; Nancy Handler, VP Youth and Family Education; Moira Tenzer, Ex-Officio, Advisor to the Presidenttrustees: Melissa appelbaum-Schwartz, John Benun, Miriam Bookey, Wendy Broudy, Laura Diamond, Cindy Freedland, Susan Green, Rachael Jeck, Heidi Katz, Bert Kleinman, Lorie Kraus, Jill Leanse, Sheri Roberts, Linda Rosen, Michelle Ross

Ki News art Direction and Production:Gili Wolf, Bigbad IndustriesMatt Davidson, Director of Programs & MarketingMariana Grosz, Communications Associate

KI News is published by Kehillat Israel Reconstructionist Congregation of Pacific Palisades,16019 W. Sunset Blvd., Pacific Palisades, CA 90272

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to KI News, 16019 W. Sunset Blvd., Pacific Palisades, CA 90272

KI's Annual Sukkot Dinner & Simhat Torah CelebrationSunday October 7  5:15 PM Tikkun Olam & art Projects OpenShake the lulav and etrog in the sukkah. Create friendship bags for children living in shelters. Make your own lulav and etrog. Play Sukkot Mad Libs and more...

5:30-6:30 PM Free Pizza Dinner provided by KiKids build their own edible sukkah for dessert! 6:45 PM Simhat Torah Celebration in the Sanctuary

All ages welcome. Bring all your family and friends! Please RSVP online so we have enough food for everyone.



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