ipr-****mmwmmm -w— ^~ «my ly-uojuj-wui. mm W-* Vmmwmmmmm^i mmmw m— mim^mm
NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Office of the Board of Commissioners
for Pitt County 'I;,V' Statement of the number of meetings held by the Boa* of
Commissioners for Pitt county, number of days each member has 1 . ••:e_™' : :L1.!!,!,-°; ' ats-mUl »nl amounts allowed for services as Commissioners for
:». J
i ,, ,or i tow tl ,\,\, n ulead ii reco ry.
T 11 - re. A mx • !' D. 11 M
t.'. 5tw.
Amount allowed J. J. Elks chairman, for 1 day as commissioner
for 1 day as committeemen for 20 miles traveled at 5c. Amount allowed W. R. Home for 1 day as com-
missioner for 21 miles traveled at 5c.
1 . Cerk of t»e Sap Pitt co i u h ring isauva '
. . ,. . | . eel, on
Eh ' • ";' ''"' .-' u .i 'e w Owe p. A ceased. N- ti : i - • • ven to a I |i n \,.. . . allowed J- R. Spier for 1 day as com-
missioner for 1 day as coinmittepman
I for 40 miles traveled at 5c
$ 2.00 200 1 00
• teto pv.-;
. i [ce -1 I: l- .d n 6 irof their re • ry.
T n. ihduyi.fN< v< mb< r 19 '. ?a he I. 0»i '
A . '' ' ' •''''' ' f,W" l' lV.1 . •' ' •'
B . i
Amount allowed J. R. Barnhill for 1 day PS com- ui'-..
for ••; days as committeemen at 2.00 for 66 miles traveled at oc
NEW BOARD Amount allowed R. W. King, chairman for 22
ii:i.\ s as commissixiT at $2.00 for 21 days a--- committeeman for 3'1 miles traveled at 5c
$ 2.00 2 03 2 00
$ 2.00 0.00 3 30
1 Pomes Amount allowed John Z. Brooks for 11 days as J "' . imissioner
'or 12 days as. committeeman ,'V for 930 miles traveled at 6c
.... : ' li

Amount allowed M. T. Spier for 22 day J as com- missioner at 2-00
for 17 days as committeeman at 2.00 for 833 miles traveled at 5c.
Amount allowed D J. Holland for 21 days as commissioner at 2 00'
- commitb eman at 2.00 7:41 eledat Be.
Ami u • a'lowcd X T. Cox for 21 days as com- misia .. r ac 2 00
for ll lays committeeman at 2.00
% .1100 -12.00 17.05
$ 44.00 24.00 4U.50
$ 11.00 34.00 41.66
S 12.00 8.00
.'.. >aid .. Mate
i lard .:..;.
.. Total amount allowed Board f North Carolina. 1 itt county.
I, Rieliard Williams, Regis U i of Deeds and ox-officio clerk of • ird Commissioners for the ounty aforesaid do certify that
e foregoing is a correct statement as doth ul record appear in n y . (Bee.
I liven under my hand and .seal of said Board of Commission- (Bee in Greenville, this 26th day of November 1907.
Where you will find a complete line at all limes. They handle paints in car lots always keeping good assortments, quality unex- celled, tney guarantee it 100 per cent pure- Don't fail to see their line, of Heaters, cook stoves, shot guns, highgrade Enamel ware itc. It is the place to buy your shells. They also keep on hand the celeDrated American Wire Fence, the kind that is pig tight and different heights. Their place is head- quarters for Roofing, which you will finu in Iron, Gravel, Ruber- roid and Paper Take a look at their plows and other Asricultur al implements In fact almosT every want in the Hardware can be supplied bv
r t ker& Hart
' .
. .-. r.
R. WILLIAMS. Clerk Board Com. for Pitt Co. (',;.'.. Pit! Cn N. C
. oncE. Nolle i i Inn by gi n that 1
will ma! application to I.. • ' wrd i . , untj commissioners ''ii the fir* Monday in January, L! 88, to
A HAM.i I.I • - mta i.o'i;
ihat fometimes terminates fatally, is the stoppage of liver and bowel tune- lions. To quickly end this coi.duioi without cl.sagaeulile tens n ions, l)i King's N v. i. t • i i la should always i.
Sole Agent for Devoos Lead ami Zlno Paint. Jewel Stoves and Ranges. Syracuse farm Implein. .:. Gant'a fertilizer sower
Keeii-Kuttcr Edge Tools.
t.! Ex-' I.'. Campbell, retail liquors in the town of Pac- lour remedy. Guaranteed absolutely
.... aatisfi.ctory in every case or money i iSi T\ n 1 A- !m.\, «t Jin.. 1. W.ui.n's <iru< store, j
- • " 'Ihis Dec. 2, 1 07. 26c. N tice. 2 it
Kotic i • • r iytn that I il! make :i ilicutio i tn the ia \ of C urty C >m nissiot er« -.,..••,. 'i • H • t Mor ,>• ii) .Tai tin 1908, r lie nst i r, tail Ii : town u mvill . S'. C. Tl ia Lvc. :'-!. Ii* 7.
R. »Vhit rt.cad.
I Farm of about 26 acres in one mile of Farmvillo Small hous», stables and barn, and water.
i Fine lund for any crops and good ! Incatlo" Will sHI ren'o'-able for i cash. Clayton Joyn>*r,
How . Irncli'il
One oitvii hcar.i the exprebsiona "ltycbild ciiu.iitu CJI.I which' developed into dipatberia,'1 when the truth was that the cold h id limply left the litte one particularb buseeptible 10 to tl;e waiuk-rin^ diplttheris geims, when Chamberlain s Cough Kemtiiy iai
R. F. I). Farmvil.e, N. C. given ,t quickly turos the cold and le«-
ale of Personal Property. Notice i; h '.-' given that the idi-rsigned administrator, will
Friday ' 2 Ith tlay of Do- mhi r, 1907, «:"<r for public .-• al the r of the late I'. Alls'- in Bi :>" r Dam Town ip, Pitt i . ... North Caroli- ,. all the I- ra .1 property of i. . state of the said J. F. Allen, sisting of mules, horse-,
rts, hogs, one cattle beast, rn, fodder, cotton seed and msehold and kits h. n furriture, <> one mowing machine and ike- This sale will begin at 11
'clock A. M. and continue till all the afi n laid property in sold.
This the 30th day of November, )i)7 Zeno Alien, dministrator J. F. Allen, Dec'd
Entry of Vacant Land.
Entry NO. S I.— R. H.Garris, by F. C i ii r, M ; , enters and claims about
, a,,-, i - less, i f vacant land .-, rt i: i c u il iwnsbip, Pitt county. N. luSwifl croo . swamp, on both ildea
,: .' the lands of M, . i:\viia IA.B, Oarrls on the so .In;
M. Ewelland K. H. Qarrisonthowest; . lands known a Littlejohn's, on north, ,| |,v l.i. ii tl di rsor and he Liltle- i, |a d ..i the i ast, This No .:.., .'J '. , .
It. II. I.arris. byF. t: Harding,Atty.
Any person I r persons claiming title • lorinterestin the roregoing dee r.bed
ndmust file their protest in writing iih me»ithi.ithe next thirty c'ays, or
. iey will be barred by law. It. williims.
Bntrj Takerox-ollicio.
27 1 mo. , t-ens tho uanger oi diphtheria cr any ' : other germ i.'.tease tii-ing contracted. , ' For Male i>y all drua-gi'ta and dealers in I patent n.edicintj.
There is quite a contrast in the Weather this week and last.
A UK All ttoMH.,0.\Mi
North Carolina I In Superior Pitt county I Court.
Mary Brown vs. Richard Brown. The defendant above named
will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com ' South Dakota, with in rich silver mencod in tho Superior Court of j mine*, torn i ia tarn a, wide ranges and Pitt county to obtain fmm <h^ ^^^"."d^^oond^tyr'nl defendant a decree oi absolute lhebomo u Mr-> B o. ciapp. • wot" divorce for statutory causes set dtrful uatu ot hea tng has latelyoecur- ou- in th" complaint that he LI red. Kers-n seemed near death with required to appear at lhe next «'« »'•'' «'roat iroutie. •;> aa.ting term of the Sunerior Court of;
sai 1 county to be held on the. second Monday in January 11108, at the Court House of said coun- ty in Greenville, N. C, and ans- wer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintilf will r.pply to the Court tor the relief demanded in said com plaint.
This the 30th day of Novem- ber 1!K»7.
I). C, Moore, C. S C F. G. James. Atl'y. for Plaintill
Spoils LCCuned every ti.e minute , ' writes Mrs. Ci,ip:-, "when I begin giving Dr. King's Now liisBOV- cry, th-.- great IDSXiicillu, thai »aveit his llje and con p;e.ely CJro.l him." Ouar- aiiteed toreuuKhianJ colds, ihroatanJ lunRtroubl.-f, |iy J. I, Wuoten.drug- gist. 60c and SI.'*". T.ial Lottie
Notice is hereby given that I ill make application to the .ird of county commissioners
t the first Monday in January. KI8, for license to retail liqjors i the town of Oakley, N. C This Dec. 2nd- 1907-
x td 3tw. E. Carson.
Notice. By \ irtue of the power of sale con
taimd in a Mortgage deed executed and delivered by Oscar H. Hathaway to.. A. Handofiih o;i the 21st day Ol November, ll-Ot, and dulv recorded in tho Iti Bitter of deeds office1 of I'itl county, North Csrollna. in book P-S, page iM4. the undersigned wilexpisc to public sale, before the court hoire door in Greenville, for cash to the highest bidder, on Monday, the 16th day of December, 1907 the following real property to wit: A certain tract of land contaiuing fifty (10) acres, more or less, ad joining the landi of C. A. ltnndol|.h. tne Feathentone Spain heirs. th« homestead of J. J. Hath- away and known as the Standfield, said tract of land situated in Belvoir township, Pitt county. State of North Carolina, to ratisfy said mortgage deed.
This 13th daj of November, 1907. L. A. Randolph, mortgage.
J. L. Fleming. Atty.
I wish to Pay to rry many friends thai I am now with the Carolina Milling and Manufactur- ing company, where you can y:et all kinds of repair work done on short notice. Thanking you for your past favors. I also solicit a liberal share of your future pat- ronage. Yours to s?r.-e,
Jas. A. Manning.
Notice. Notice is hereby given thatl will make
applications to the i card of county com- missiomrs a', (heir meeting on the first Monday in -leu ry, 1908, for li- cense to rcla I liijii r in the town of Stokes, N. c.
This Nov. 27th, 190?. 1 t d ;(t w. C. F. Page.
I Not Quite!! skt How often you can got a jjjj V~ thing ''not l}ttlle" done—a 5) nail or screw driver or au- ft. Mr lucking. Have a good T^ ibol boi and be prepared for M emergent ios. Our line of tools /») is a »ou could detire, and Vf; we wlli see that your tool 'ft. box does not lack a single WL useful article.
Groceries And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and Ties always on nand
mil Fresh Uoods kept con- stantly in stock. Country j Produce Bought and Sold
Thiilling Siery of Four Ruuian £':- grants—Meu Almitt SUrre
Washington, N. C, Dec. 10 — Four Russian emigrants arrived in thiscity a few days ago- These , men could not speak a word of English and were almost starved when they arrived. Through an interpreter they told of the many hardships they had encountered since their arrival in North Caro- lina. According to their story they were taken to some point, the name of which they could not remember, by a railroad agent to work on a railroad. On arrival there they found all the vacancies filled and the agent discharged them, without a cent of pay and n jthing in the way of food. Next they applied to a captain of an oyster boat for work and went aboard, but after a day or two of this the captain finding them not acquainted with the work, put them off on an island, presumably Indian Island, at ihe mouth of Pamlico river, about forty miles from this city.
Without a scrap of food and no money their condition grew des- perate and finding an old delapi- dated row boat on the island, all four embarked, hoping that they might be picked up by a passing vessel Without any oars and no sail they drifted a! out for forty hours or longer until finally a current carried the boat upon a beach, which they found to be the main land. They then walked until they reached a road and followed it until they arrived in this city.
When they arrived here they were well nigh ttarved, had not a cent of money and were unable to speak a word of English, hiv- ing to communicate hy signs, unfil an interpreter could be found, when through him I hey told their pitiful tale. The four men were given lodging at the city hall and a collection was taken up among the city officers, and they were given enough for teveral meals. The spokesman of the party says that they would like to settle here if they can obtain work. Tn« men are all ablebodied men of pleasing coun- tenance and no doubt u ould make good laborers.
North Carolina.
.1 II -. HI
1 taARMAttntti VMRMfsMOMJ <&>
I Of Courst ! (. You net llnrnt 5 ;?. § Horse (ioods : c .^ | — of — - |
% J P $
I Corey |
Tuesday night a white man, named Will Dunn, while arink-
1 ing struck his wife in the face ' with an axe and cut her quite severely. Hi was arrested and
: held for trial.
Al out two IIU nthl a^o our bady girl had roeas.« s wn.cii settled i n her lunge i ai.dai hut rebUltOiin a severe att.ic, of bronei.ii U. We laid two doctors but | no redei wan obtained. Everyb..dy th, ugbt s'.ie would ote. i went to eight dillerent stUIOSlO (i:u. a certa n remedy which had I e-uieiomni nied to mi and tai ed to gel it, v/hen one of the a'.on- keopora insisted that 1 try Chamber- lains Ceugh he . edy. 1 uid sonndour baby is nhvo nsid well today. Ueo, W. Speuce, tio iy springs, N. c Vuv tale by an i ru, gi=i» u-.d ttalers lii I'ateut Me.I,cine.
Advertisements in The Reflec- tor are good trade co.xers.
O. n mix's aoon *DI I B.
S. Wo llevi r, one of the best known morch,nlu< f I.-i Kaysvile, N. Y,, says- " If ytu are ever troubled with pit, H. apply uucklen's Ainica Saive. It cure I me of them for good un yciir.i »go Uu*rnnteed for sores, burns or abiaskins, .i'.e at Jno. I.. Wooten's drug store.
Sale o'. V tlriM.' Town Lot
H> vi tue of a de roe of the Sunerior Court, made in a c rtala special pn- c.-e In.;: therein pa din.', entitled J. C. Greeneo' a «. ex, nrto, I Will, on Mon- i ay, .lann r-' S'»lh, IW1 , -elf l.-efo'e the court home do r in the towi of Green illotothohlgh stbid or, a certain lot er p iicrl of I o ii, i i'uate in the town of G'ecnvillc, Pitt county, and known in the plan ol tbeol.'pi,- of Mtdtownand part of lo'-n m'H ri ig t;-Ono[81], Bc- ginnng >n Wnshi'<gt Street at the nor hwost corner o lot 82 and running with said street north i i ;lity-(ive feet; I bonce an easterly course, parallel with l-ourth street, one hundred and thirty- two [Kl ] f o t to line of lot number to, thoi ce a sout er y e lUrse eighty-five (86) feel to the northovt orner oflin number81; then o with the line of lot number (U one l.ti d -eil and thirty two (182) feet to the beginning! containing; line fourth of an.i-n-, n.ore or less Terms of silo cash.
p. J. cobb, commi si»ncr, Jarvis & Blow' Attorneys.
W hull to So Homo. Trim the BlufTtoii, Ind , Banner:
"When tired out, go home. When you want conso'ation, go home. When you want fun. i o home. When you want to show others that you have reformed, go home and let your family get ac- quaintvd with the fnct. When you want to show vo rsclf at your best go home and do the act there. When you feel like being extiu liberal go home and practice on your wife and children first. When you want to thine with extra brilliancy go h( me and lightupthe whole household." To which we would ah', wlun you have a bad cold gohomc and take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and a quick cure ic certain. For sale by nil 11ni.-, and Dealers in i'atent Sedicines.
The meeting of the county teachers' association here on Sat- urday, 14th, promises to be a very interesting onr.
A t'likling eough, from any cuus.', is ! quickly (topped by Dr. Shoop's Cough ! euro Mid it is su thoroughly l.armleta I and safo, that Dr. Shoop tells rr others over\ wluro to give it without hesita- tion, evewto '.ery young lubes. The wliolctome green leivcs and tender stems of a lunghealing mountainous shrub, furnish the curative properties to I'r. ^h'op's eough cure. It calms the cough, and heals the sore and sen- tttiva bronchial membranes. No opium, sio chloroform, nothing har.Jhused to in- jure or suppreFS. Simply a resinous plant extract, that helps to heal aching lungs. Tho Spaniards call this shrub which the Doctor uses, "The Sscred Herb". Alwayc demand Dr. Shoop's cough cure, bryans Diug Store.
An effort is being made ia have ex-Cashier T. W. Dewey, who a few years ttro defaulted for a larcc amount at New Bi rn and was sent to the penitentiary, pardoned by the governor. The New Bern Sun says a delegation from Ihat city has gone to Ral- eigh to protest against the pro posel pardon.
The Weldon Light Infantiy has been mustered the National Guard of the Slate. The company has •18me,.\
A new hospital, the gift of C. W. Watts, is to be built at Dur- ham at a cost of something like a half million dollars.
A bill has been presented in congress by Hon. W. W. Kitchin, to make Guilford Battle Ground, near Greensboro, a natio.ial mili- tary park.
Resolutions tf Respect. Whereas t,he Great Spirit has
seen fit in his infinite love and mercy to take frem our Bro. S. T. White his beloved brothc r. Therefore be it rcsoived,
1st. That we. themembers of Withlacoochee Tribe No. 35 e:<- tond to Bro. White our heartfelt sympathy in this his sad hour t f bereavement and assure him that in some measure we feel htl loss.
2nd. That we commend him to the Great Spirit who doeth all thing3 well as being the only true comforter in such sorrow.
3rd. That a copy of these res- olutions be sent Bro. White, a copy be spread upon our minis- ters, and a copy sent to The Re- flector for publication.
W. S. Moye, J. E. Ayscue,
i R. G. Flanagan.
ilk*." CsAtJ l'LJLVll r. (Tiey*1 /*> r;:
D J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner. '; rulu in Preference to Fiction. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAK
Rev. R- L Davis Rpesits to Large Audience.
Rev. R. L. Davis, State organ- izer of the Anti-Saloon League, preached in Ji rvis Memorial church Sunc'ay morning, and at night made an ad Vcss onprohibi tion. H: said prohibition is the paramount, issue that confronts the churches of North Carolina for t'ie next i ighteen months- not that other dcc'.rines andprin- ciplcsaie not important, prohibition is more important because 80 much depends on rttdimr the Stat. of theliauor license evil.
Mr. Davis took the ground that no State or municipality his the right to license a business that destroys manhood and •weeks homes, that there i.-; no civil law that is not subordinate to Divine law. Housed quota- tions not only front the Bible, th<- foundation of law, but also from the declaration of independ- nee the constitution of the United States, antl from the legal writ Ingsof Blackstonu tu sustain this po. itior. Re pointed out the fact that more than half the places in North ^ar j olina in which liquor is legally: sold ; re located in half a dozen : Counties, in this immediate sec-' tion. Pitt being one of them, and with this condition it is no won- dcr that the State boards of the different denorninstims have to help pay for tho G-v-ji-1 being preached in these counties
Mr Davis said State prohibi- tion is one of the certainties of th< i ear future and North Can lina will see it with the begin- ning of the year 1910. There are row hut twenty five counties in North Carolina in which liquor is legally sold, and the otho1 seven- ty, three counties will say tu thesa twenty five in the next le<n.<la lure "you must come over with us and rid North Carolina of the sale of liquor."
The objection some people make to prohibition because some Stater, that had it bad abandons d it, was fully answered. Mr. Davis said the mistake, those Stat' s made was in thinking the lav/ '.vnild enforce itself. The
tile Ec- Paued Away at Old Fort While rostt to Ashtville-
Telegrams from Old Fort an- nounce that Mr. Willis T Flem- ing, of Greenville, died there this morning, bv.t no further particulars were given.
This sad intelligence was in- deed a shock to Mr. Fleming's people'and host of friends here at his home. He had been in poor health several lr.onts. Two weeks ago he went to a hospital in Baltimore for treatment, but th -re was advised that he would obtain more benefit at a moun- tain sanitarium and he returned home. Last Thursday moriiin,. he left here to go to Asheville, but his death occuring at Old Fort it i:, inferred that he must have been taken worse enroute and stopped oir there. The re mains will be shipped bonu-, probably reaching here Tuesday evening or Wednesd y no in
\!>'. Fleming was 40 years ol!, and a s n of Mr. and Mrs. K. II. Flemin-.-, who with on-; daugh- ter, Miss Lennie Fleming, sur vive him To thi aged parents* and the sister all hearts go out in sympttiv
Mr. Fleming was senior'part- ner of the mercantile firm of Fleming & Mooring, who did a large business here, lie was a young man of spotless character and integri:y ami was held in high esteem by every one. He was a prominent member of both tho Masonic and Red ..i-n fra- ternities here.
PreMBtstMn to ii'ttirng ioiitcr The congregation of the
Christian church at Grifton last
State Expiates.
fhe legislative comm'ttee for the inspection and comparison of the books and vouchers in the office of the State feasurer have found the records correctly and
(Bid Enca,h ter Tbae Who Mak.t BO
Claim to Hunui (jod With Their
This is not a piece of "Fogy- ism'' but ii. is a solemn fact,— that dancing and card pltving customs which are professedly neat,y "P* and warrants and woridlv and "of ; the earth vouchers to correspond, all intact. earthy"gre bad en Ugh in their They enter the following as the effects upon those who care noth- sfalus of the treasury at the ing for religion-trimplj from a close of bu«ness Nov.mber30, worldly view point, but when itj190'-the end of tne fiaca! vear:
com.-s to church members and! General fund-Balanc on hand Sunday school teachers and "day [December 1, 1906, $347,534 38, school" teachers havin-i t'loir receipts for fiscal year ending names published abr wd (as if it were an honor) as ha vifv danced or fil'Hvedcardsit istiiie tii it -<>mi one should enquire in»« i caiis.. We matp the modest i»ls-a X'^r suclt peoj-)'.' to stop and c mpider what effect will al! this have on their usefulness? Surely the cla.-s mentioned is not without some apnrecia'ioi of the mand of Jesus. "Let your light j4
for fiscal year er-di November 30, 1907$2,6 « 293.33; total receipts for the fiscal >ear ending November o . 1907, S2,850,817.73. Disburs' m 'tits, Drcemberl, 190G to November
Farmville, N.C., Dec- 17,1907. Two People Caugat Under OmtbBiJ On Monday, the 9th inst, just btttJ-
as the sun was sinking behind the .Mr L J.Satterthwaiteof Mao- western hills, there was a little ?'"•• waaintownTtiesday. Not.-> group .standing around a bed of '"8 one of his eyes considerably suffering in the home of Mr. W. i hFmsed- the reporter asked him H. Wilkinson, two miles from lor an ••xplanation. He said that Farmville. With tear dimmed "'" Sunday his .n thtr-i:.-.:.- . eyes and sorrowing hearts, they »"-Fernado Ward, with one of stood eagerly watching the last "** >"':md ct.ildiv.: was goin faint spark of life as it slowly flickered away firm th? manly f. rm of a young man just as he had reached his 28th year, Wil- liam Mos<s Wilkinson.
from her h me to herd gfetera at Grimesf«nd. Meeting Mr Satterthwaite t.^r his home she told him her horse had b> come so skittish and was shying so
On the 0th of last June this!,nuch flt ohj.ctg ato.ig the road young man was at his pos: of jthat she had become afraid of the duty as a euard of the county :animal-a,!'' 'sk him to g .. n t.,
Griniesland with \\ev- Mr Satterthwaite suggested a
so shine before men that thsSjr PJ^ may see your good works"—Wil- 5 W,453.9:>; totai receipts, -S107.- ville, and a few days later son Messenger. 885.51; disbursements, Decem- removed to his father's hi
Resolutions of Synpatby.
The Sup-erne Architect of i he universe having visited cur lodge with death and called from labor torssi tin- soul of our brother, W. II White, Greenvillo Lodge No a 1. A. F. & A M. di sires to express this testimonial of es- teem toll is memory.
Resolved, That in the death of Urolher White this lodge has lost
»ight presented the Rev. W. Y. i(,n' "f its most faithful mem- Bvertun, pastor of the Method- Be,>' one true t0 it" principles 1st church, a set ef silver km'vM!a,:(1 " ho liv?d a,lfi Practiced the and forks, aa an expression of teachiugsof Masonry. He was their appreciation of the efficient" |ov:i1 brother, a true friend, a:.d courageous manner in which Ia" upright citizen, and while we heledthfl prohibition torees to!deP'olp,s hisdeathwabow in hum- victory in the recent iijuor elec- jl,;''' nbnus.-i.-n to ih-i will of God tion at Grifton. Mr- Bverton wJ,°doeth »" things well. We was untiring in his efforts to wil1 "ver cherish his memory
| ir, cur hearts, and commend his
3', 1907, $2,656.282 2 ; balance!convict camp, when quick as a on hand, uenerai fund, D.-c mburiflash he was stricken with pa- 1,1907,1295,585.53. ra lysis and fell helpless to the
Educational fund~Balar.ce in ground. It was thought fur treasury December 1, 1906 • .- quite a while he would not sur-,
receipts December 1 'vivo the strcke, but he slowlyIWard'e buggy at rnmp to November 30. 1907, j rallied and was taken to Green-1—"* went toGrimesiand without
was trouble, but the nor* • wa - i otic- fen ^~.«». mm—,u„io, ...u,„- .«»„« IU ,„o lamci o home. »••'-'"u i,..,.o nervous and siiy
The Messenger might also have Der !- 1906' to November 30,1 With parental care, loving atten- includcd in the IUE those church —^» $97,91808;balanceintreas*|t:on andchserinjc words ho im- members - are ;„•;,. ;ury i'ecemberl, 1907, $9,072.48. | proved so he could be out to som< lished as chan.'roiies of dan ts Total balance, botis general j extent for a few week1'. l»u' > In this age it is hsrd to distln-1—n- educational, funds in the;confined to his bed a,-ai:i i.i Buishthelin»l.etvvee.t the world I tMMI~*?' Decembe!' *- 1!)07' «rew worse until angels cam - aid the church. ' '08,508.02, .vni'ted his spirit through lIn
j portals above, During his long suffer'; K h
:was exceedingly meek arri
change or buggies to give more room, and hitched the horse to
j his own top buggy. ! saving Mr. ' Ward's
than usual Returning home that afternoon, the horse .-hied
if baskets by the roadside ti m do ruch a heavy lunge '" •' • :-' 'mi y complete-
i'-y a Fkillful handling ' '-••-•- '•:.". tat tort hwaite
Ii ''•' down before the •"''''"'' ' ' U| ::y c .light both
I .
example purge Grifton of the liquor c. il Mr. Even on was anpnointed to the Bal tleboro circuit for th-; en- suing year, at the Methodist con- ference in Newbem and will r°-
law was simply the instrument,!n>°ve from Grifton toBattleboro. some day this week.—Kiiwton ««*<! brother our heartfeu ,.
ithy in their •»•r"' v<-m«nt I
' fait i-fnines . as an worthy of emulation.
1 Resolved further, That we ex- I tend to the widow, parent8, broth-rs and sister of our d«-
pa- lntTi -' id Mrs. Ward under it. Re:olulioos of Reipect.
On November 8th, 1907, at the tierit| ,lfte|. fenJgrjrfng jt wiilldp Washington Hospital, washing- «„,,„ h„ nv„ vith him and ex. "«nnin»r off end perhaps serious* ^oon I.e o\-i r wiih lum. ton, N.C., died Mrs. Psttie W- pres,ed a d Bireasto where he Harrell, wife of our worthy should be buried, brother, W. T. Harreli. Among hl, many„ds h(.
Remedies were unavailing and wa8 always a favorite on all oc- as a last resort she was sent to casior.s, at.d bv these he will be Washington, where she spent gre..|ly mis8ed_ ,,,„. four ypars
two weeks in uncomplaining stif-1 hc Wils a r,,\olnVdn for his broth. tenng. Gods ways are notier C>L, Wilkinson, of Greenville,
iy injuring t hem. A s it was they •scaped with only few bruiss-s aid a very black eye for Mr. Satterthwaite,
clear to our human understand- ing We can only kn.iw that, n His infiriie lo\e and wisdom, He saw iit to c°il up higher tho soul of Ihis young woman, leaving
part of the time being in a branch store in Tarboro, In both of these town he made a ho.-t ci fri.'i ils.
Father, mother, four sisters behind on earth a devoted, lais- and two brothers survive hif
and i" took men to enforce it. Mr Davis spoKe for mcura thsn
in hour, his address being inter- esting and full of sound aigu- ment.
hand, two loving children, other loved o-.iesand many friend-..
Whereas. It has pleased the Supreme Master of the univt n t t.) summons cur friend, from la bor in the earthly hous.; of this tabcrnatae to eternal rest, in the ht.u.-e not made with hands And Whereas, we deeply feel onr loss and bow in humble submits on to Hint, who'doeih all things fo* the
Free I'iess, lG-li. , svminti therefore be it Received,
anocommind them to GHJ W ho That we th» members
Marriage Licenses.
Register of Deeds II. Williams has issued the following licenses since last rcaort:
WH! Th.
Charles Grubbsar.d Annie Wil- son.
Joshua Lovic and Florence Hamilton.
W. G. Hales and Maggie Dunn. COLORED,
Moses E Kennedy and Roena CllT.
Robert Pollard and Lena Vass John Cox and Rachael Nobles. W. A. Langley and Pe/nelh
Spier. Lawrence Hines and Lillie
Moore. Aliumus Fleming and Annie
Datii.'v,ty. Jrmes Nelson and Pearly
Tobacco Market Holiday.
The Greenville tobacco market will close for the Christmas holi- days from Friday, Dec. 20th, to Monday. Jan 6.h, and there will
Voice Lilti Capt. Swift c;'a;l. v...-
Mr. H. E. C. Bryant writing I to the Charlotte Obs3iver from! Washington, refers to a well | known and well beloved citizen of Greene county in the follow- ing:
Rev. Edward Everett Hale, chaplain of the senate, is unique in appearance. With his deep, termendous mellow bass voice, his long, peculiary trimmed hair, he looks like a relic of a century ago. His voice, when praying,
l.i in alone cm PUsWin them great sorrow.
Resolved further, That a copy of this testimonial be sent tho widow of our brother, and copies furnished The Reflector and The Orphans' Friend fcr publication.
D. J. Whichard A. J. Griffin C. C Vines.
Rev. W. Y. Evtrton and family
. ImertlineLodgeNo 2981 0 O. F. sucn I extend to the bereaved liusbai d, his two children and other loved one.; our heartfelt sympathy in their affliction antl commend to them the unfailin; hope and con- solation of the resurrection. Resolved, that those resolutions be spread on the records of our Lodge, a copy be font to the Dally Reflector for publication and a copy be sent to our broths r the bereaved husband.
Geo. II. Cole D. C. Las: iter W. T. Sledge.
The funeral took place in Fa:: ,\ iI!. jenieterv, service be- ing comiu •tftl by Rev. D W. Arnold, of Gresenvillo, The pail oi ari-rs w.-rc Messrs. J T, Thome. Ii. K. Ueicher, A. S. J i'i an, 15 B. Smith, .j. S. Smith and Jack Smith,
Mri. Fa.'.sie 'ii-rd-e Dead.
At 4o*cl >:-k Monday afternoon, , at the homo of her son in South Greenville, .Mr.-. Fain ie llardie p s-.-d awuy after an illness of right weeks, 8 w was G7 years old and two sons, Mi fsrs. D. S. Smith and W. J. hardeo,
I one dang.ittr, Miss Fannie Har- Idee, at.d one sister, Mrs. Bettie Tucker. She was an excellent
I woman ;'.:.d her death is mourned thy tn.i.y friends.
'lhe remains were taken to I Greeno county today for inter
OAKLEY ITEMS. Oakley. N. C. -i ^ec. 17th, 1S07.
Mrs S. A, Onrialeton is quite sick.
Little Irma Hines is sick this we-1:
J. R. Jenkins made busines calls in R 4-. rsonville and Green- villo last week.
Mrs E Roper* and little son, Per: jam in, spent laat week in Rs cky Mount.
Hud Reddick and family fpe t Sunday here. Andrews, of Rocky Mount, is spending this week hc-i.: with r. Ltitar.
Gray Cony wont to One ivil! • Fri.l.'.y.
J J. J.11r-vs is I trilling :, n. vf house just Jouth of ;,;.-. present home.
Section Master F. A, Manning has moved in town.
Mrs Sarah Overtoil of Evereit, spent Sunday herewith tors. S. G- Williams
Benjamin Manning and sister. Misscarrir, apent Sunday heie with friends.
Itr.r Parker has returned mer.t in the family burial ground p**9 Virginia. o:-. ino Marion Hardeo place. | Jo« Gurganus spent a
is not unlike that of Capt. Swift jpagaed through this morning Galloway, of Greene county, going from Qriftonto BaUlehorc, when speaking to a Democratic his PCW charge, Mr. Everton his state convention. Mr. Hale is a do; e a good work at Grifton and man of ripe old age; in his numy hosts of friends there. He younger days he was a grea ,Sa:dhe regrett..d to leave there, IGroem force in the religious world and | but owing to tho condition of his I Greene who is on
Oakley last week. Z no Briley ia
It Is a b •;,-. Miss Mil nie Whiti hurrt
day in
happy mar. Mother Is Worth Most,
In a recent suit 'or iamaaes] Miss Minnie Whitthurft has Com. j brought in the State of New I gone to Norfolk lo i ipand n few
Jersey by two small children, |ws»ek* whose patents had bovn killed in ] Leon Wnitehurs.', of Gri idool,
Monday afternoon Mr. Oscar'0 wreck, the award was (20,000 wasacal rhcreSati and Mrs. R.|butitw sspecifled -ls.oo.i was! Mrr. Mntiluu l.iy.,;- «pont a
of the cor.-1 fl '•th.-i.i--s of th,- f-.ihtr. while few says la t week in Winter- a giant in the pulpit. He wears lwil-t,'s iv,a]th ihought it bcbt to 8sruction crew of the local uL- ' ' " " ««" allowed forthe villiwith h,r daughter. MH. J.
Eye lajarcd.
his hair long and r-quare cut as did men in the time of Washing- ton, tho Adameses and Tr.os. Jefferson—Ktnston Free Press.
Eye Defects F you have eye troubles, don't
put them oif, but nee Dr. Taylor,
have her r.orhei people, hence!phone system, was at work put- the recent conference changed ting a telephone in a icsiderce himtoBattleb'.ro.v | While driving c : i through H
parcel in knob on which >o fasten ttNtwRw | the wire, the knob broka and n
mothev. This brings up the K. ''an lill. quest! of iwo thofa mother to small cl.i.d. ui. In New Jer- sey ii v.-. ul app -.! that not a very hi^h value i i p!i < . .i •-•n
Jim Taylor id on the .itc;-: list.
Fvjwn I of W. V. Fuming.
Therein ii .iof W. 7. Fleming, piiceof itstrvcn him in ihe left)motherhood, and yet it is the Mr. R. L amith has moved m- t.;v,._ The injury to Ins aye was loonWMUi of .pinion that "the whodied at Old Fort Monday
to his handsome new residence J go Mvera that he went to Norfolk hHnd thatrocks thecradle rules inrrnlng. reached here on Tues- of Graensboro, who will bo at his c rnerEvarwand Eighth streets*; tojav for treatme'.t old efftco in Ayden. Monday and'tint is naaring completion. He'th* bjury to his eye will not be Tuesday, Dec. 23 and 24, for the! has an idea1, and it is an purposcof correcting eye defects. Don't fail t J see bint. Small eye troubles make bit? cnes when
be no sales between those dates, i neglected. Ail work guaranteed-
ornament to tho t »wn. permanent.
Apples, ciangas and banana.-, candies. J. 15. Johiuton.
L<irgo assortment of nuts and J. 1!- Johnston-
(Jamagri of .day evening's train and the in- allowed fcrll • [terinoi.t to-.k pl.tceat 3 o'clock
the world." Whv 31S.0W should b father, and bu^. .,'.',(.) •. • ..c.'}^ after ioon in Cherry Hill mot:.;r, is ^haid problem for tho|°emei,ery, He was bu-'e ! »;•:, women, at 1 aaal, to :-\e, and'Mas.nic horors by Qi . • |. many m"n ar-^ • <: n-.lly ;.- rn!e:;e;\ !Lodge, reliirious service —Danville tie,,-. . . conducted by Rev. J. E. Ay„„ .
w PPW psrap PT""« miimtmm^m^m
|-V, K GOODS Arriving
Come in and look Them Over? Assortn ent to aelect
from. Come to sec us for new
Silks, Ribbons, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, Caps, I 'on FurnishingGooj
r. iture. Crockery, Glass Ware, Fancy Bric-A-Brac Toys
Groceries, iGur,?, ! i ware, We can and » you both in i u dity an • i • v ur patro; is I.
I ... - OVE
WARNING. All persons are hereby warned,
under penalty of the law, not to hunt or in any way trespass upon any of my lands near the town of Greenville, either the iarm on South side of the river or "-he lo.v grounds on north s;de of the river. Frank Johnston.
The store and one warehouse at present occupied by F. V, Johrston will bo for rent Jan 1st.
J- A. Andrews.
You can find chickens every day. and turkeys mien they can be had, at my store near A. C- L- depot.
Full stock of groceries always on had. C. C. Parkerson.
Havinjr been away for several months 1 wisi. to announce to my friends and patrons of the "empire" of Pitt that I am *till connected with the ti."m of Chas. M. Stieff. and if bachelors are allowed to misuse the happy term home as a synonym for a '•hanging out place" 1 still call Greenville my home, and while 1 into d to be away from Green- ville a great deal of my timedur- in this fall.. postal care of b«x 326, Greenville, will reach me within a d:;y or two We now have a number of slightly used upright pianos, some of which have been rented during the summer months, others which were temporarily ustdby artists at the exposition and for orches- tra work, at bargain prices.
We also offer a special school piano for $2*," Oil fully measui ini up in siandd ird to any $350 00 instrument. This piano is es-
.:.!;,• built for college and ichool work l r ri. • icial price named above and is full guaran- I ;cd by my firm for lo years-
Inter ted in a school pi. in a go -' • htly used pia
for the hon should write mo at o»ce and will profit by it. and as ever I am always
| mindful of my patrons' protec- tion and interest is well as my
tlrm's ii sc. Grateful of past I patrons v. V ry respt.,
G. G. Pinemnn, Box 325 Greenviile, N. C.
Masonic Opera House
II ,,
NEW YORK A Rolicking Comedy of Rural Indiana with the
losier In the Best Part she has had in many seasons.
All the Posey county characters will be there.
Seats on Sale Friday al Reflec-
tor Book store.
ur lituris 'i . ; : :• i' -:- linn, VV-' i " I
ivever, il.m im'il I i< w «•• i <>l i • rgi '.'.' .:... ::. ! low
• bui of in . : t 111 ll • 1 , I,.'! I : • • ;. I '.',-:-
; ~ »i S' -.
PI r lit til" . : < .' littln II .-.- . i . lot! ' ime in
i i ' i I i . .
C A Dickens
No Heavenly Visitor ci aid bo more welcome than wc
in the time of
Trouble with your Tinning and Slating.
We make thioga right so i i ptly, quickly and thorough. ly, yi o :; dly know the trouble i as begun b< fore it Is onded, Tl at kind of work Is worth a bi« price, i j '11 find our bi I na moderato .i^ i the work had been done aa poorely as possible
Simp In rear of M< Fleming's Still l'.
J. . STOKES ropriotor.
Shot in Wins! >w's Stables on Fourth ^ti :. All worn done
nromiitly and satisfactorily SgNu ME VOUi: OKuKRS,
CHICKENS Chickens, Turkeys- Geese and
Ducks for sale at Rainbow
Stables, in front of market house.
For Sale.
Com meal, cracked corn, hay, cotton seed meal and hulls, | at the gin on corner of Fifth and Cotnnch streets, neu mar- ket house.
W. B. Hij.'nson.
Beginning Monday, December 2nd. we will gi*e free to the first 288custom rs that buy $1.00 or more of Holiday g< ods ne of these presents free. Only on;1
(river to a customer. Remember this is for Holliday goods, only, and does not apply to other arti- ticles. Our holiday stock is ready for you to see. so come in, make your selections and go' one of these beautiful presents. Only a limited .lumber to bo giv- en away. Come quick.
Hi ' eauf
i TTON: Strict Ml I iiinii Mill llin. Sir [.ui MMdiinR Low Middling
PSANOTSl—DolI, Kanev 3 l-'l to 3 3-S Strictly Pilmw S l-s Prime 3 I.i-w Grade* ". 7-S
Armilla Bracelets* .-. a . .. .i-M-jscfseamtiartn:—:.'
iune li
«w«P \}i.mi\mmw*mw
\N"ho,.e-,iileand i-t>-;'li'; roeei Dealer. Ca»h »ldt«ir Bides, Fur, Cotton Seed, - Raj rels, Turkeys, Egg, . tc. lep Bteads, vrattressei*, Oalt Knp« Baly rarri«jges,Uo-Crns Par| u suits Taiiles. Lo-mgi • ten ,\ Lorelardand Gail A A* Snufl.
i li Lite Tobacco K«y *osl '"hhrootH, Henty Oeorgu ' .'.J-S, Cnaned CherrieB, Psao i, Ap pies. Pine Apples, Syrup, Ml/, Meat Flour, nugar, C°fl "'. Sowp.Lye Mairic i', ati'iiws Oil,d,ot'. in Seed Mn«l and ".Mils. Harden Se^ds, or '..:., Vppl«- Nuts, Cr.ndlo*; Dr t>d \.\i ! • , Peaches, Prunes, ourrauts, Kai« sins Glassat-dchl a »'.:•. Tip an p. Wooden Ware, cake* and orackers, Macaroni, tihde-«e, 8 «l Butter, JJew i'i.-»• i| tiawinij Ma ahinesand auiaer .u-,, theruo -i Quality and quanity. niup f r ctsh. Oome sue mo.
Wired br Cobb Broi & Co., Banker! i"il Brokora, Norfolk.
NK'.V MlltK PUTURES: lap. Ill '.'.: 11(9 Mr.-h 11 0» 1113 Hay 11 Id 11 IS VHKPOOL FBTUBEB: IT an.l Dee. 5 35 590
•;:ii lago Markets: DreWh»-i 951-3 93 1-4 P.c Lorn :", 8-4 55 Inn. Kil ; 6 f0 012 May liihs 7 05 695 Ian '«TI 7 >,r. 7 72 May 7 93 7 M>
(J-ec vi'l I o ti M II ?t. rep rtcn by 1,1' &).(.. Mve MM' in • 11 1-
Atlantic Coast Line Account of CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. Round trip Tickets on Sale December 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 30, 31st. and January 1st. Final limit January 6th
For further information cammunicate witti nearest Agent, or write , W. J. Craig,PTM TC White,GP A
wo Dcauttifu: - resents Hunford's \ xtrava.^ant Buying A Mighty Good Thing For Evervbndv ut Hunford.
H< has gone to work and loaded hit atart with about four times mere goods than he needed, owing to the short season we have had, «nd now he owes for them, and the only way to get rut or the hole is to slay the prices in order that he may realize money quick to meet his obligations. Be is ret looking forward to making moo
cy, he only wants to psy his 1 ore:.; debit; and to raise some quick money or benk sscripbe began on die morning of December 4,1907, opened ti:e dcois to the world and said NC are here to raise money, not to make money, during this 20-day* sale. Come One, Come all, to this mighty
Bedstead FREE To the one holding the
lucky Dumber, we will
give absolutely free a
—WIIMIMT m**mmm» •-♦-«'
When you buy your sifts for Christmas you should endeavor to jrive some- thing nice however small Quality not quantity should be your motto. We kept this in view when we bought our hol- iday line and we have the daintiest ar.d most ap- propriate gift" that can he given.
CHRISTMAS GREETINGS A gift should be romethlng
that gives to him wbo re-
ceives itja better impress-
also something that will keep that impression in
mind. You .surely will
our stock.
Central Barber Shop. Edncnd & Rl»*»f Pror--
Locat 1 in 'i ai i buaiiwao b> • Monof the town. Four chair, in operation and erth one nn sided over by a skilled I I Our place is inviting, ra»>i sharp. Our towelsch in. We thank you for past patronaje and ask vou to call Bgainwl en good work is wanted - - - - •
L. 1. MOORE * 11- W>NG
CJ ll R K N V I I. L.R N <"
If a man is h^Uhy hecan»' • ford to t&O rtiMe»0B m-* fnod,
Vila,- Vm 8t»m«»h, Heart, I ncy ncr\^» »flt w»-".., tb,
.1. DWt i Stomach, nor • imulalo I C i *•« Kidnoya, Thai ia timply > »»;lklM
Ciot H prescription kuo*n 11 '1|Ua _ everywhere a U -••'.' '• 1,lliv
it,: Keatoraiivi' i> i • rorthese ., - m "'••' " ,:
en th««j m r\m I ' Dr. Sh i.|i II •' ' , ' ' liiiuid 910 ii «" I*"01
C ui'-. I r. ,• . quest '. Ui ;:!i " '. IOICIIW w to
i M...-.V v n thni m • ' l.r.-
.1 ..... . Hi
r gs ab '.' . ' '
i VI 1
"— " .,"! I TTTiiett Af evervthinp* we have. Suffice This space is too small to give you a list ot everyw' "S to s«y that we have the largest and most elabo a.e line
of holiday goods we haveeverhad.
Our line of toilet and manicuis] sets is without doubt. Fomethirg (•pa: " i /
The use of candies at the Cntlslmsi sc.nson is as
'?""<; f-~\Wt sets i\rf
.... ' "Ush an 6 : A :• have
Wi ' • i:avc a line oi .' pocket books a»-:
ciose]y identified with theLj, snC|1 pretty designs too & will tempt you to I-,, •• • oks 'o suit, anc a;e hoVdsy as Santa cl^)0u, pr«.C:, wta^UMf We have them from $i to $12.50: prib that are reasonable. hiraseU we nave B""J;L fc . , :hador —_— • without rival ranging HOI.. ^
A book of oo 30c to 3.00 per doze.:
NOBLES' Barber Shop.
Next to PoatOfflje. Sharp ra- zora clean towela and good work guaranteed -
COSMETICS A SPECIALTY. H it android Baths- ThanKins one and all for your past pat-
e • r,d hopii t for your •';'.,;'„;; j continuanoi, Irei n ir youra to ;1. w„ .. . aervi -..------
'.. A i ii i,,...
The ri. aw ' I'I pip ' wtU ' pi,a eclto : on i ii >' re i« a l*«
• ,.• , |i 0 lucuri in til ii ' i' < • IhHl i I'.Htarr . :; I I rrh Co i f the only po«ltlvo uro wn» kiiuwn :-' ,:., mi nil li I ll) i I i: li I" i aron i: ti i. II
Cure ..- i.. i-riiall iy upon : nd ii if the ''.
mn lal ioi (iiitivnt ''•''''.'
J.LO'OU! '/." - -'-;
v •\ kli ' ici>cu
•; . .
;: If evew :.-•"''. , .. - lin • ! lull tori ' .
^'«1 tytinr'.! r'- * iim K In leather good,, | Christy Boo!-, RU^.ivl :l.l,,!''
, . m Kotni.ieof l.iU- .-. !#•#•.,' '"'<{•• '', ":!
mand '-:lji "'" • ' ^"&"&&*'l i \.w :>.- ,vi.r,i::i . BiM.. - th. rhr!«t««a 'e£ul IloUdfly ' in?M,coloi ol leather. Ourpric to: Bibles at the ( - tntss seas a
' td i a! .
for Bibles at the Christmas ;,,. , . , '... .;< -^*^ season. Tno Bib:- maises . t... ., ; • BUti . _ , , , amostapproprlat? ti for ,rryado( • ^ ,^ either young or cld< W«p»ctu e DOks,no\ • ' f have them from 50c. 3.60 trj _, ^ |0 ,. .... ~..- i;, B ,.., v... / " - ' '

^.- sun seo on ' li •
E I 3 J All - ery post- col! n . In bisq i Igirea ive hi ai •. ;,; that will app •..
iy, ur . te-il '.. N. ; ver small oi " .•;•
to ses the Rbe
; : and l lit triple |
>.' ?
No where will you find such a collect i o D In china goods as at our store. Our shelves are profuse ) * with t h t world's china crem- ations; the rich and modest Hns of hand painted Old
IT ;; f | •
• • • h.n I'ireds of art! ' \ • ra gnm il i \
that wTil appeal to every h I „ and the vicinity. Dainty and origfci \ the person to whom they are I n
' We have heard nothing b j/ wheitever they have been s
of the same materials withoul Ir e thai are creations of beauty, jewelry
„V D'ii'f boxe'. pin trays, Ink stand ', p in cttshio i \:. i %!=sa^ I ;—
-.- A The taikitig machine is ;•. -,- . -> dift to the family. Mr Mar.
you can do nothing better f- ^sfo than buy one now The
whole family Will enjoy it. land none of tht family more than yon. We handle both 'the dison an'i the Victor
t rs
: i
,'.:, . ^.
pretty creations from the German toe. When you come to see us don't leave the store until you have sees our souvenir line of blue cobalt Trom Germany. 1 hi. line consists of dozens of useful ornamental prices COrtalnj ing views of Greenville. When you give a gift out of town give something that will give local touch to the one who receives it
- gjiomi
POt ' '" ' . 1 1,„
, ! i :± andbelh f.
We have been very frugal in marking our line of Christ
mas goods and we believe the people of the community
will appreciate the fact You must come to our store ||subacribed W J.MOORE,
Notary Public.
. ..<-..:, Cashiei
if you see the real holiday line All goods wi?l be sold
at prices marked
Corn et- Acteal : A. \l. MOSELEY, J.L WOOTEN, 11. A. WHITE.
My com. expires ^P'- I7- 1'l;':)- Director
"SnK-i'iI 58 fecor.U clfs matter Jan. 4, 1937 at the postoffice at Greenville. N
C undi r Actof Congress of March 3. 1879
tTmth in QttUxtntt to $idion GREENVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY. DEC. 20, 1907
Tradi'ion has said that new in the United States Sen- ate were expected to observe a degree of silence, be seen but little and heard less, letting; the old*r heads have the floor and give the new ones lessons. But Senator Jeff Davis, the new mcrrb.T from Arkansas, pave precedence a jolt, and waded in for a speech when he had been there only a few days that made the old heads sit up and take notice. He waded in to trusts and extravagance in high places, an! took a fall out of the prcs dent for jetting §50,000 salary, (that alone not bang considered exeessiw) and In addition g t- ting $26,000 for traveling ex- penses and $113,000 annuallv foj living ixponses. Too rr.ueh for a family with five c: ildren to be blowing in for living expenses thinks S nator Davis, and he is
light. These- two quotations from his
speech are something '>> think
ov< "' is is an : • when men
have cone mad "'. th ir fr< as<ed effort i forth •• >ll ir. 'i his is an age wh m moni y i; plac d abovt man: when ^'' is p!ac d Lefi re God. v, ' aid sell our souls, ' '•''' '''''* one • liltfl • Mami n. W'\ ' ' • ' Presi I -. :..: iti less? i anno '•' ' • Vl '''
no r iv;-1>
v.;:: . rec.ive i Imission ii • :' il I
As the president has settled the matter of his not being candidate aj^in, the rest of them can make him the scape goat to bear the sins of the party.
If the Boston preachers' calcu- lation, that the^ eiKn of the devil on earth will cease in eight years, comes true some folks are going to lose their jobs.
Speaker E. J. Justices letter to tS^vernor Glenn relative to the 1 itter's proposed retirement from counsel for the State in the raii- road rate matter, makes the re tirement effective in the event the legislature is called in extra session to consider a compromise
THE DAHLIA. Story of th* Plant's Strang. Introduc-
tion Into E. gland.
A SPELLING LESSON. With Wis* Child's Comment About
tho English Language.
There is a touching phrase in the poet laureate's last letter to the London Times which ought to cause
A negro who was hanged in Nebraska, picked a tune on his banjo just before going from the ceil to the gallows. Guess he thought he would be happy as 1"^ eras ho could.
Who th? Democratic national convention will nominate for
is pretty w II assured, < t>sev« It out of it
al! on t'ue
At every session of congress some fellow bobs up with a bill .anting to reduce Southern rep-
resentation. A good indication that all the fools are not dead. Some of these days they will learn that the South is the big- cesi end of the country.
Some papers are already talk- ing about what the next legisla ture will do in the way of rail- road rates. Far better will it be to settle the matter now for all time ar.d let the controversy be a*, an end.
._ publ turiiipy potato or a remarkably po-, "Spell toes," said the mother, tatoey turnip, and whichever it was who was teaching her little daugh- she did not like it. She summoned Vr, seven years old, to spell.
prfxidint but with Mr Iv 'be Republics
sea jf uncertainty.
Mr. Edgar S Carlton, of Ricn- mond iias ben made head of the leaf buying department of the
Imperial Tobacco Company in the I. United States, to succeed the! late Mr. W. C. Red.
'"!:• sup 'rintendenc of the rad d shoo] of Lumberton has
• i a prec lert that will doubt- less call d i much wrath upon his oTe iding thead. by ordering that the seven young ladies who compose the facultv of tho school refrain from receiving company any time between Monday mora- ine- and Friday afternoon.
'•"&: s say thai Presi lent Roosevelt h is already I me Planning a European tour as s«or as his term of office expires.
': - : he wants to st pai tt 11 •' >m tl e ru npuss .is so
; ible,
I As President Roosevelt has
a:rai:i r h rated the fact that he positively will not accept a
im m as!
H EC Bryant, special Wash- ington correspondent of the
[Charlotte Observerf writes tha there is more talk of opposition io Dry:: ii among Democrats of all - K>ts ;!v; there has b en for v i. 'S. He says Governor J •i, ' ll;nn sota, is devi' iping
ich - n ngth for the n .... a* tion.
"Ir -,' ; dav and time m iney is king.m.v.eyUCo . With n il the doors of opportui ity are closed, the doors oi soci : are soul. Yes, even in some in- Bt inces the di or "the c! urch do i. »t ' Icom oeni ly th • man ; ra :: ' iters as the man ; i i iill
R ] ' m pr sid itial v-.--.-i-
biliti1 i p.i na . wii t down to Hu hi .' afl in d C, • lyou.
This mi n will wail until Christi ' an exam- ple some folk ite.
wm rer thi d : r qi I :.
• an I the hot headed
I advocates should keep
To tail: of the foolishness of hoarding money makes little im- pression on the fellow who has
none to board-
There is a prospect that labor will not be . o hard t« get Tor the coming year as it has been the past year.
Some other fellow comes for- ward with the suggestion of Bryan and Hearst as running mates. ____________
A3 long as Mr. Roosevelt "ill not have it. we guess there is hardly a doubt that he vill Ldic- tate who it shall be.
people who patch up excuses to keep fri m paving tfc ir bills make times worse than they would ' . and in manycasea pre-
! -y thi i ,-: o would pay from I do ngso becau • ::i >• can lot gi I 'what is due thi
When Christmas giving is re- duced to a mere swapping of presents much of the signifi- cance is lost. The Bible teaches "it is more blessed to give thi n to receive.'' follow this ideal and let your best giving bei where you expect nothing in re- turn.
Senator Tillman i3 after get- ting an investigation of recent proceedings of the .secretary of the treasury in connection with the currency panic. But an in- vestigation is just what the sec- retary and some others close to him in official circles do not want
S nator Tillman, of South Caro- lina, expressed himself as ashamed of the spectacle the .. w senator of , Arnansaa made of
in his maiden sp • ch. Perhaps the Soutl, Caroliniandoes not consider how often he him- self has brought a blush. May- be he is j alou. that the Ai- kansan will take his laurels
•lie cook, and inquiry presently re- vealed, to her dismay, that it was neither, but some of her choicest etctni dahlias, innocently mistaken for a vegetable.
The error wasdess disastrous than the famous one of the Dutch house- keeper who during the prevalence of the hi.-toric tulip mania acciden- tally boiled for onions a handful of tulip bulbs worth a fortune. Hut it was certainly vexatious as well as funny.
According to historic tradition, the original introduction of the dah- lia into England occurred through an error exactly opposite in charac- ter. It was imported for a vegeta- ble and turned out a flower.
A little over a century ago, so the story runs. Lady Holland, traveling in the south of Europe, was regaled Upon a soup of delicious Ilavor, which her hostess informed her was called "Palestine soup.'' because its chief ingredient was the Jerusalem artichoke.
Lady Holland, always on the alert for interesting novelties, or- dered a root of the artichoke to be sent to hi r garden* r at Holland House. 'ii;i' M'as done, as every- body supposed, but when the strong shoots, thrusting up boldly in the vr 'ti:b!e garden, and, tend< I under I . i-i, hinp '}es of gar . . cook and v v-.! lady, arrived at maturity and bloomc !. they bore a new and splendid flower, inedible, but glori- ous.
The plant was transferred to the parterre and became the pride of the :.. • Ion, all hough at first Lady Ilollai I's te ilings were mixed, for she di i n : like to Io 3 ! or "Pales- tine so ip." Bui when a London
.. e to Io ik al il and o '- 1 for the - it I or
la-t tr lapporhtn I vanish- ed, and her husband's gra . I tr <• ute, '.' Ilk': was soon pa , lip Io : hrough the :' ' draw im . ns of Lor I a. i I tha i! I touch to her - tisfai a i. L ird Ii dl md, who ha I n pr . b n . rsc, wrote g illantly:
1 I : ou ! roughl ; i • ir pn.t*ca forever shall
:-\ ct as y< A. 1 colors na bright I -s yi ur ch
—Touth's Co D .
"T-o-z-e," answered the child. "No, dear, that's not right.
T-o-e-s spe'ls toes." "But it sounds like t-o-z-e." "I know it, but you cannot go by
the sound." Then in order to enforce the
proposition the mother called upon her daughter to spell froze.
"F-r-o-e-s," said the child. "No. You're \yong again. This
time we do use the 'z' and spell the word f-r-o-z-e."
"Huh!" exclaimed the child. "Now spell rose," said the moth
er. The child hesitated. Finally she
said, "I don't know whether to say r-o-z-c or r-o-c-s."
"Spell it r-o-s-c," said the moth- er, "though there is another word pronounced just like it that's spell- ed r-o-c-s. That word is the name of the spawn (if fishes."
The child looked perplexed. "Just one word more," said the
mother. "Tell me how you spell blows."
"Well." said the little girl, who had had quite enough nonsense, as she viewed it, from her mother and had suddenly made up her mind to pay back in kind, "1 spell it three ways. 1 spell it 5-1-o-s-e for break- fast, b-1-o-c-s far dinner and U-1-o-z-e for supper."
"i spell it b-l-o-w-s," said the mi Ihor.
rouse the slumbering spirit of the nation by verse." I must admit my- self that I have not the faintest rec- ollection of any appeal that Alfred has made to my slumbering spirit, and I can only conclude, with shame that my slumber was BO deep that I did not even hear his modest pipe calling me to the war dance. This confession applies, so far as I am concerned, to all the bards who, it we arc to believe the laureate, have been playing the same tune. The way he puts it suggests that the slumbering public is to blame lot not having woke up and faced the music. But it is just possible that the fault may be with the music or the musicians. One remembers many patriotic poets, from Tyrtacus to Bouget de Lisle, who have had no reason to complain that when they piped the audience did not dance.— London Truth.
Mexico In London. "Modern Mexico" announces that
a Mexican national exhibition on a larger scale of importance than any previous event of the kind is now purposed to be held at the Crystal palace, London, from May to Octo-
,bor of next year. The directors of the Crystal palace have extended an invitation to President Diaz to
rizc and i ncourags such an ex- n in I ic hope of strengthen-
I lie i ntentc c ordialo between the two countries and of largely increas- ing the commercial, financial and
: relationships that have begun to ripi n. The invitation was pre-
The child was silent for a minute j seated by John W. Ryckman, spe- as if wrapped in thought Then, looking up, she solemnly remarked. "I think, mamma, that the English lai . \..:; i lade for persons very, ve;y well ed :c:tiJ."
A I '• i
! had bei 11 I i Sunday • lirsl t'l.i • and had
in the I - HI,
round ; n die test lot cd ; . ;e - i "i • : in the Lord si !
cial commissioner, on behalf of the Crystal palace, through the British minister, Mr. Tower, 'and is now be- ing considi red. It offers practically the whole available floor space of the immense structure to .Mexico ind to assume the entire expense
.' tho exhibits are installed. It will I d inctively a Mexii an ex
• •'•: . i i other country being al- rt.
Speaker a J. Justice U>K.<?S
issue with th govi rnor and all •'. ierl .••• • lin the pn po ed
< i ipr n tisc of the railroad rate matter, and '-ays he will with" draw '. m th i case rather than i)..- a party to the compromise • And the governor says he can withdraw if he wants to.
i.o i i pr:: he re-
. . Ifi . le i she found ling tho eoc'
.••..' • .; Uy. Sue I ii were I"-1
. resent ' .•• ..:i i: p .
A Frto Agent. Altl ougli the "ii! gentleman wi i
lie. - ' - rfectly s re tl I tho |>ei i .": was I e n u hind i, v ..'i gave vent to .. - ':'• !
1 tin • tho ti ind >. was opi Al last the eh ileric . . le man turned i h iat.
"Sir," he EI id i , "you ore ctidi one of < In se • '! ' • • :.• [re ii . ir, I i iu who cont ro ;' -^ indow, I
Hie hi ml int excli
' »V ; i. t'vi . ono of .i . . ...
. tt'o
I'm very much • '. fi r 1 had eo mted on
i nted i" finish my jelly
. . .i . :.
"11 ' '• times clinn c!" says a • • ! I'r r Zertung.
' days of our no do- i a homelike, cozy ro n
v. ithout a refcrt nee to . ' k. h was this gen-
i 1 -. Iiich emphasized the of the place People bad no
nern in those days. Today the tl 111 of a machine ticking oil the i onds and striking the hours is a Eource of worry and distri Time is going, but they do nol wish to be n : 'i di d of it continually. -'••'• clock i- bi tter than the ticking i o lie. And now to meet the re-
"I could hi : . . . b . •. mam-, Quir I lents of th - nervous p.-..pie a only hi Sunday thai facton al S liramhurg is making: a
Missli'iiin -'•.• .
0 ::;
I i.s to pat our noisch - clock." In an article i i J t . i - . . • in con tl
.', 7 ' . nd
The • ir' .
This year's record is almost made. Greenville should pret a mighty hump on her?elf for great things in the coming year.
It is said that the Southern and Seaboard Air Line railways and Governor Glenn have reached an agreement, but that the Atlantic Coast Line will likely block a compromise of the rate matter.
When the saloon keepers of Asheville recently applied to the aldermen of the city for an ex- tension of time in which to close their business, and were refused, they applied to Judge Guion for a mandamus compelling the alder-
President Roosevelt has np- pointed a commission to investi- gate '.he recent horrible W< it Virginia mine disaster. What's the use now? Better to have had the investigation before half a thousand people lost their lives. That is usually the order, how- ever, investigate after a disaster has occurred instead of looking into conditions beforehand to prevent it.
The Atlantic fleet is all in readiness for the voyage from
Hampton Roads to the Pacific coast, and will sail Monday. A rather signicant incident has occurred in the dismissal of all the Japanese, several of whom were employed as cooks and ser- vants on the vessels, and their
the ; .• n i . i!u . ir the one I hind tr"
"'. II i ' Id si ake a I " -• •' his i ";•• I'd soon di i rer that i i
i that window, sir—:u.t even i e I. ike in or the conduct- or."—Eschon
a, bab,
ni • subject an aper «' -. "'i. H antinoiso cii :e made '- :' •' ei le and unendura >le some of the i .. Iiich were oi ic lo us, a . we will find a way to sileni o tho rds and to in le the
-i"'j '" . sound II tho rustling lcavos."
i i from
Origin of tho Dogwatch.
i il ...... ii on shipboard is eitl • of the shoA spoils from 1 to G'o' ; in tho evening or from C to i-' i break the monotony of the regular four hour watches, so that the same men will not stand watch iluii.i- tho -anio hours every day. If,l er, you should ask the most naul ii al person of your oc |uaint- anei lood, all the nautical pco- P-e 3 . why this is so called, you would probably find them un- able to toll >ou. The true answer is this: Dogwatch is a corruption of dodgo watch, The dogwatch was
, civic, i I. d led, d i- , eve. i . eye, j ig,
I, inuda . noon, olio, •;. .... p, pap, nddor, re-
fer, rep: . , ri ator, se is, sexes, : i.. is, tut, lit, toot. Tlus leads us to ask, "What is the matter with Hannah.-"' Her name i also
i D ical. Dr. Moxom's fom- : me is equally capable of being
:.!. But can wo not add lo the ah ive li^ii' Adam's id- le .1 i Eve, "Uadtsai, I'm Ada ," an I Napoleon's "Able was I ere 1 saw Elba" should be barred on account of a
"-. ,o of Trads*. Each player l t choose a trade
end go i 'ough the motions of working sit it. for instance, if ho is a tailor he must pretend to sew or iron; if n. , ucksmith to hammer
The Moon's Movements. The moon is the nearest and, be-
ing tho noan i, appears to us, with the single exception of the sun, the large.-t, although it is in reality one- of the smallest of tho heavenly bodies. Just as the earth goes round the sun and the period of revolution
men to grant the time asked for. /piaceg being fiHed wich ^^3. Judge Guion decided that the aldermen had no authority to grant the extension asked for, and the saloon men will appeal to Supreme court. They are only wasting time and money by this course.
As the appearance of the fleet in the Pacific is somewhat expected to be a flaunt in the face of Japan, perhaps Uncle Sam though' the wise course was not to take chances with any of the Mikado's subjects on his ships
the routine or to bo doing dodge watch.—Philadelphia Record.
Tha Love Thst Lasts. Oh, the dear hats of my girlhood,
the kind I wore at school! I really thought them pretty. I must have been a fool. And yet I used to think myself on hats a tasteful miss. Perhaps I was, as fashion went. But what was that to this? Oh, the love- ly little pancake, the charming little mat! It makes my head look fetch- ing when tilted from the flat. Oh, a sister's love is charming, as every- body knows, nnd a handsome cous- in's love is nice—that is, I should suppose. And the love of a true lover is the love that cannot pall.
four hours, thus causing the alter- nations of light nnd darkness, day and night, the moon takes a month to revolve on hers, so that she al- ways presents the same or very nearlv the same surface to us.
Ha Cut It Short. It was growing very late, but the
young man in the parlor scene show- ed no signs of making a home run.
"You evidently have a very vivid imagination, Mr. Borcm," said the dear girl as she made an unsuccess- ful attempt to strangle a yawn.
"Why do you think so?" queried the unsuspecting Borcm.
"I thought perhaps you imagined , yourself in the arctic regions, where
but the love of a stylish new hat the nights arc six months long," sho lasts longer than them all!—Loo-! explained.—Kansas City Indeuend- don Scraps. .1 ent.
a bar of iron or si. io a horse. One is the king, and he, 1oo, chooses a trad-, livery one works away as hard as he can until the king suddenly gives up his trndo and takes up that of ii : • one else. Then all must =t"P except the one whose business i io king has, and he must starl with the k ng*a work. The i' [o on iill the king chooses to go back In his own trade, when all be- gin working again. Any one who fails to stop m- to begin again at the r ;lil time must pay a forfeit.
His Majesty's Knee.
A Norwegian journal tells the Dg Btorj about the crown
prince of Norway. Too much at- tcntion from those about him made little Prince Olaf somewhat bead- strong and, like most children, in- cline! to be a little tyrannical to- ward his playfellows. The other day he became angry with another little boy who had placed himself on a certain chair. "You mustn't sit there!" he cried. "It's my father's place." King llaakon happened to be present and took the offending boy on his own knee by way of con- solation. Prince Olaf was angrier than ever. "You mustn't sit there either," he insisted. "It's my moth- er's place."—Dundee Advertiser.
Said It First. "Any woman can marry any man
sho wants," says Gertrude Atherton in her new book. Probably this is as true now as it was when Thack- eray first said it, though he put it stronger by saying that she could do it even when handicapped with a hump.—New York Sun.
— ' "May-
Wir TERVILLS DEPARTriENT ri ^Department is in c«?-rgeof f5. <• NYE, who is authorized to rep
resent the Sastorn Reflector in Wintervillo and territory
,,- i\ v ._ A Nnti^o— finr strck of station- Rubber shoes of all sizes and We sell Ladghlm. Edit* an d ^Notjcc Our .^ck oi^s ^ ^^ ^ ^ R ^ ^^ &
room f01 our immense stock cf Co- Prker . fountain pens.
B. T. Cox & Bro. During , Our enti^tock of boy- suits ^^^d^e\m mal,
at cost for tne next 10 days. special prices to ap 0Ur customers fhey must go-B. F. Manning, on oar box papers
•''/.ft Co. , ,; ., . , ... ' flA new lot of the best tame oust-
i ..'irt. i ' A. W. Ange&Co. : •' : Glass ware and coffee mills just
', '.'rfcejVed.-Harrington, Barber &
ivH 1 1 -y * i;"i 1 '< ' - -'• .''• The Wilmington .fealiam Band
• gave a most-delightful concert in : the auditorium of Winterville
High school Wednesday night under the auspices of the- Red Men. We are under many obli- gations indeed to this excellent done order for this rare treat.
When in need of nice kid gloves, driving gloves, and work gloves, see B. F. Manning & Co.
The hall was beautifully dec
THE AYDEN DEPAETM^T J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent for Ayden ar.d Vic v.Vy.
B. T. Cox & Bro. MissVenia Crawford has ac
capted a position in the post jtions were excellent, office.
As antswrlaed went tor DAILY, BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATL sndEA8TEBNKiPi.F.oroKwe take 0ne thirty-wven acre form wriptions ab'l « rtting receipt! for 1 jus^ 0U»sJde corporation at $2,00" •wjae ;o arrears We have < UM|A" ^-ill b': eo1'1 03 p^sf ter—^, ^allwhorecHva ih^ir mail at! Ayden Lot-n 4 Ine. Co ihlsotfioe. .: '••'"' ""ierK! Petitions arc being circulated for printing amon£ our ci:i? ':'; as,:in» the
went to Kin- board of idderr en t-iissuea call at an car!v date for an election
Mayor Barwlck ro,H.,.,StOFnJhursday.| ^g ^ ^^^
. .to E. E. Dail & C>., they alway ' J- T- Keel hs , moved his Ay- Iroll, the critic, remarked that have the best. den Lumber Co- commissary to)
T. W. Wood & Sons 1.907 tur- the members had made wonder- nips and rutabaga seed can now be had at the drug store of Dr- B. T. Cox & Bro.
F. A. Edmondson wen- to Greenville today.
Have all your wood turning
We h ive the 1 irg Christmas goods vet • Ayder.; come to see us hefi buying.
J. N. Alexander an I C . L°dles get vour get tiei»«
friend one oi our Gillette tn't* razors fo>-a birthday or :hris mns present, nothing m >r« ni prcciutablc. M M Pauls dn gjh
Lownd's candy direc fr 1 factory at Saul's drug store.
Sf-e our hm utiful line of ic'h yo :
Rev. N. C Duncan left this morning for his home near
The Odd Fellows had an oyster i Ayden and opened in the Lyon! dress goods befcre yon '•. . ." ful improvement during the j supper Monday night. There building. K- Turnas-e and company. fall term. „ were a large number of the mem-1 MiiUum,lit., b'eltincr vilves ' Uj?ht and hmivy '-':"!'"
The Perfectiod ^^"Ibershipp^wit and right ma- -y i 8^ ^^ ^K^';^cigars and tobacco at Tri, ., I r dress shoes for geutlcmcu at is. , ,. •-, r , ., „„„- „ „,:.i,:steam ^ua^c», J. rv. oantii .<> „ p F. Manning's & company. ' ladlt's honor'-'d the occasion wnh | L ^ t,en]ent_ p!asterinj? h;„.
presence, Mess Handa full line of hardware at:
.1. it. Smith Co. Mrs. Gay Dixon and Miss
Olivia Berry after attending the.
work done at tho Carolina Milling ,MriA> G c who always knows (
& Mfg. Co' First clas:, work , '. , . ,_, j ? ""•' i how to mane the students glad, '
We have on hand a lew copies of the history of the San FranFC-^LinCyinton ro spend th^ hoii- co disaster. Usual pries «160. di^ He will fill his regular Our price. 75 Cts. B- 1. Cox intment at Farmvi,le and, *-Bro- . - - •' leave for home from there. !:,>me he generally . considers |
At the close of the exercises, ;««r prince, mmma. WMA,\^T^T^T JTTL«.- ! George and Fred ard, Armstron r and others made interesting ^poec^:e.-' which were
was on hand wilh a lot of nice,"'^enjoyed. fresh roasted oeanuts- Boys. I. A ™2JS? °.'i'?'^ vSIbazaar in Greenville for several „, , . . ilron, positive- permanent and ^ containing tneir Sundiy cloth you II have to come again, for j effectual relief in chills and fc-v days came home /riday. those girls are hard to beat. ;, general tonic only 23c at M. M.! Tripp Hart and Co have re
Sauls' drug store, Ayden, N. ('. ce An Italian string
W irlhiii ' ton left hero or.e dr.; Im week foi Scotland Neck te (Ini some work th^y had left Liijr undone- They placed thi r gri
When a man goes to pur- hue
in the second cl«sa car with oth things. When they went ' • = iev-idand are daily receiving,
ro^i 1 the nicest and freshest line of: them some kind friend liai confectionaries on the market, lieved them of the grip.
te-r.i of W. H..S. I Y;;:r ,ady friend would ap.I TJ->J«!«»L»fc* ^ ! -' Mr Butt, of Beaufort county.:
Boant part of the w« ak with Mrs. W. HL Hamilton oi Fort Barn- The fall wm 01 Wteegie Bui ts* familv near town.' well is spending some time with win ci0PC Dec. 20th. Th/rtpring pieciate one of I hose fr.: c; DOX a "';''.'(;' '':":
The famous Hawks glasses at relatives here, [term will open Dec. 30th. The of Royaters crjdy at Sauls RT. Cox ft Bro Don't neglect j Tho heavy rain Saturday pre-trustees and faculty leel grati-' drug store, Ayd your eye • vented our u: chers fro n and-
.) R. Carroll w?i to Kinston ing u!l0 teachtr's associationl Thursday . . Saturday:
ttached t»l is rd iry 1st, 193 . Forchrii tmi 1 da and pres l'''f ''' •';
brinj :s
1 trustees ana iacuity leei grati- «•»! ,'•'.; . ents for your children, fri • Is ., -i , .tied at the excc-ilcr:!. dem1 nor S—urlineol books and ste- andsw> theurts don't fail to • . . . .. land work of the students during tionerv for holiday presents. Ilripp H<irt and company, .:. .-. : '' lho spring term. A good num- i. R. Smith Co. can please and acco^odate you. sal au"3l',''M '
Bunsucker buggies areeti'lgo- jber of students are expected. »>e will h .. Rainy sloppv weal ler no dread to those who are wen |n^"|f"ywi" wanTa nice up-to The A. G. Cox Manufacturing Royster's 0a provided with good rubber shoe/, date runabou; buggy you had Co. have just received a Hol|d car oranii and boots. We h;t\- the best.better g^ve him an earivcul "Alaska's" Harrington, Barber I &i.,. F M3nr,ing &co. ft-r and company. the nicest c nfectionaiii f all torc,5.ji;,.-
Miss Laura COx came in Friday kinds. ; L. L. Kifr.-1 ont to Puctolu, eveni ndS 1 layathome. HarrTngton, V^pbcr & Co., are; on business Tuesday. She was act m ni ' by Mies having a large double stcr; ivarc- [>on'c be afraid al the banks I,;.-- Da' hoi i erect* I just back oi theii during the 1 1 hoard '-:
Han ing ni Bar er & Co- have gtoro. This will :.(.. greatly to your money at home. their convcnii •.
The cold weather brings . >
'. full line of a!.- > appli s,
raisin: tuts of,; 'atiwus Pittsburgh Fence. »ndianj :' >u ""ant in gro- t 'all r .,1 '']: .,1 '.: -I'll '.- • I.'P iv , ...•.: . • d '. for they offer pric tthajan J N. Al binder and C-J.
Geor ' ' P " and family, who have h ••: visiti ig frit:
Greensb iro, have c >m i ;. ime.
Mrs. V.- L. Brown earns ip - 1 thi ivi si. ••ii v from s vi 0 r llai I •: ' :' : itOl .
P.: t
. ;.»;•...• ,- ;• .-'
' . : - <
h a *!omplet3 stock of ready made him before you r:et clothing see
your next suit. Miss Hattfc Kittreli spent Fn-
daj i'- Greenville. There were regular •• rvicesat
the Fraa kVill B pliat church Sunday mornii
Miss Lola t'hapman came in |a night f] m Stokes to spend &
Sunday. NOTICE -W« will pay I per from a visit to runsto
, on cashier's afternoon A new line of pi
Wo r almost daily occurrence s where money i:; stolen f"om the house or destroyed by fire. l\v. it into
Boyslhave 1 mei line of .. - ."... .' -: :. ;' :'
aa'veUmTaS %£. See ml ' ' J , ' ' |3 1 ]: • brand . '- " • " -''• ' 1 '••'
the ' ank of Winten . gi 1 the dr Bd to those h tvin n nty bed- ding, blankets and comfor' ^ajbeneflt of its circulation and at specialty at A. W At . -.o. the same t>me it is perfectly saje.
We have a lar mi nice J. L. Jackson, Cashier, oak, litsof furiiltun. cjuches, ::i . Aiics Tripp tetUrned chairs, - m: ne
line 01 of socket knives ?! M Sauls 1 •
busin ss, •'•''
: 1
1 lar load of portla <:•• '' '• > ss< rr.ished :'..•. lime and plastering hair at J, i'. Light -: ; y proceti :. originate in i Smith Co. rs and tobacco at Tripp Hai ....... -
1 •aks'iitsoi turn ... CJI aes, -;: . Aucs -j,.;,,., teturned The Ayden Milling and Maim-and con mny. ri • - wwtVa^Mnenv'i ' ^0'from Kinston Tuesday evening facturing plant was sold at pub W M. Butt, chsirm board ' iv few ' Z W InSe'afterhaving spent sever ays lie auction here y^rerday ai« ofeducati . , , K. "

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