Download - Kito Gen1 Prologue

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Welcome to the Kito Legacy! In all honesty this story is just an exercise in storytelling for me, so it’s not the greatest. Hopefully as time goes on I will improve. Meanwhile, this is our legacy founder, Elena Kito as a university student. As I mentioned this is really an exercise in writing with the philosophy practice makes perfect in mind, so this isn’t exactly a traditional legacy by any means, I.E. I’m sure I break a lot of rules. Anyway, expect cheesy dialogue and surface-level characters, but again, I hope to improve. Otherwise, enjoy!

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Elena’s heart was beating hard in her chest, her lungs burning so she could hardly breathe.

She needed to find someplace, someplace where they couldn’t find her. Where she could live

and raise her family undetected. That’s all she knew… all that… woman had told her.

Elena looked over over her shoulder as if she would see someone running after her. She

knew there wold be no one there of course. But she could feel the danger pulsating after her -

that panicked feeling that someone evil was right behind her. This feeling had settled into her

consciousness the second she had aged up… just as she had promised.

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Elena stopped to catch her breath. Gasping for air, each intake of breath sent a sharp pain into her chest, so Elena decided to take a break. She knew she was in no

immediate danger, so rest was necessary. In her exhaustion, Elena let her mind wander, and unfortunately it wandered over to… her.

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Elena had tried to keep her out.

She had sworn to herself she would never forgive Alana for the way she had treated Elena and her siblings. Her brother and sister seemed to have forgiven their mother

but Elena clutched to her resentment with a stubborn passion unlikely to crumble anytime soon. Alana knew her daughter hated her too.

“So why choose me?” Elena wondered aloud.

Elena had been chosen to found the Kito legacy, and by strengthening the family blood line, Elena would strengthen the now feeble protection offered by the WYD challenge

Elena’s mother had attempted.

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“But why is it my responsibility to save them?”

Elena’s mother had been part of a failed WYD challenge. She had managed to have all ten kids to complete generation one, but none of the kids cared to carry on the challenge and chose instead to lead their own lives. Elena and her twin David had

chosen to attend Academie Le Tour with their younger sister Fariah.

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All three siblings had graduated at nearly the same time, and had spent much of their time at the university together.

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Elena longed to share this burden with her siblings. They were all protected under the force created by the one successful generation of the challenge by her mother.

“I suppose I do have that to thank her for. But at the same time, none of this would have happened if she hadn’t been such a bitch to begin with.”

Elena silently scolded herself for thinking that. She didn’t want her resentment to turn her into a bitter person.

Instead, Elena began to take in the scenery trying to avoid the memories that haunted her.

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But the memories refused to let her go. She had no idea where David was now. She was so lonely. Her mother had told her once that as the legacy blood line continued the protection would gain strength. Once that happened, she would be able to reveal

her family lineage and contact her siblings again.

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But that was a long way off.

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She didn’t know how to do this without the support of David or her sister, Fariah. They had been there for each other all through college. It was hard to be alone


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Especially without Castor.

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Castor was her fiancé and quite frankly the love of her life. However, he was also a year and a half younger than her and still needed to complete his degree. It would

be awhile before she could see him again.

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Exhausted, Elena collapsed on the ground and began to take in her surroundings.

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It was quite beautiful actually. She was right on the edge of the Outer-Forest and Pleasentview. It was secluded but with easy access to the main part of town so the neighbors wouldn’t get suspicious of her reclusive lifestyle , yet the forest could still

provide a hiding place if everything really hit the fan. There was also a stream where Elena could fish and save money on groceries while keeping a low profile. It was


Realizing how difficult and dangerous her new life would be, anger suddenly rushed into Elena’s consciousness as she remembered how this all came to pass.

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“Elena, I need to talk to you. It’s urgent.

“Ah, what mother? I almost went a full four years without seeing you. It was quite lovely actually.

“Listen, I know I was a terrible mother to you and blah blah blah but this is more important. You are in danger. Because you and your brother were twins I thought I only needed nine baby-daddys to complete my part of the WYD challenge, but it

turns out I was wrong and it’s too late to correct.”

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“So, without the full protection that a completion of a generation in the challenge provides, all of the daddys can find out your whereabouts. The second you become an adult you will no longer be hidden from them, and they are angry. They all loved me and I betrayed them, so they are looking to exact revenge. They are looking for

blood Elena. Yours, your siblings, and of course mine.”

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“What the eff are you talking about Mom? You’re saying they want to kill us? I don’t want any part of this. No thank you.”

“You have to! The only way for your family to survive is to strengthen the the family bloodline and increase the original protection created by the challenge. Elena, you

have to found a legacy. If I die, and they are out to kill me, any protection I was able to afford you will be cut off immediately.

“I don’t understand why they are so angry as to want to kill!”

Elena was suddenly terrified. This was starting to seem real and not just some crazy story Alana had cooked up.

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“I don’t understand either. It all seems very strange but I have already received threats. I will need to go into hiding so this will be the last time you see me. You have

to listen! I think someone else may be behind this, but I have no idea who. It just seems to crazy for the men to create this much hatred on their own.”

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“Whoa, are you talking brainwashing Mom?”

“Maybe, I don’t know. It all seems so extreme. But that is really all I know. That, and that it is you that who needs to found this legacy.

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Elena sighed. Now it was time to get started on the future.

“I suppose we will need a roof over our heads before winter comes.”

Not to mention she desperately needed new clothes. The clothing she had transitioned into were a bit horrendous.

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So that’s all for now! A bit of a short prologue, but that’s all for now! Until next time, I will leave you with my favorite smustling face on

Elena. Take care!

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