Page 1: Kris Allen [No Boundaries ]

Kris Allen- No Boundaries


Page 2: Kris Allen [No Boundaries ]

Mid shot:

This mid shot shows the skater getting ready to skate or to warm up. It is effective as you can only see the body showing the skaters body position and not the face. This way it make you think and makes you wonder what her facial expressions are like and as a result what she is thinking. Close ups helps you to see the person’s or characters facial expressions which links to how they are feeling but as this is not a close up, it makes the audience think more.

This shot is a mid shot showing the figure skating but focuses on the skates whilst they move. I could include s snapshot or video of just me moving in my skates which would be really effective.

Page 3: Kris Allen [No Boundaries ]

Close ups:

During the music video, few close ups are shown of skates and etc..This picture right, is very effective in it’s own little way. Due to it being at the beginning you can clearly see what the video is about. I am going to include a varied amount of close ups in my music video. I could even include a close up of my own skate or me getting ready to warm up.

Also included is a close up depth of field shot. The depth of field shot is used so that the audience focuses on the sharper object or person. Like the picture above, this shot also shows the skates but in a different way and unexpectedly the skates aren’t sharpened.

Page 4: Kris Allen [No Boundaries ]

Long shot:

Longs shots are very important as they show the persons body position or the setting/location. This shot right, shows both the setting and the skaters body position. The body position talks for itself and by this I mean we can sometimes tell what people are thinking about or getting ready to do. This skater is getting ready to start training or ready to start the beginning of her routine. Once again the Mise-en-scene is essential as we can tell just by the clothing that she is in fact a figure ice skater.

This shot is another long shot that shows similar things, such as the body position even though it is not the same. In this shot the skater is moving rapidly this time. I could include this in my music video, I could include me or a fellow team mate going quickly skating or racing or doing tricks.

Page 5: Kris Allen [No Boundaries ]

Quick cuts:

At the beginning a range of quick cuts and shots are used which creates this sense of chaos, rush or tension. During these shots is also shows the figure skater through different stages of her life, such as from a young child to a young teenager. This is very effective as you can see how she has changed and how she could of improved. The Mise-en-scene is also very different and varied. The old setting from when she was a young child is completely different from her presently as the new ring looks a lot more cleaner and ‘modern’. The clothing is also very important, especially in figure ice skating. The little costumes are very effective as they give away what the sport is.

Here editing is used when slowing down the girls actions. This is called slow motion and it’s very effective in a music video along with fast motion.

Quick cuts are used in this video to build up tension and to show the gradual growth of the figure skater over time, and how much she has changed and improved.

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Long shots:

These shots are various long shots that show the figure skater once again at different stages of her life, from a young child to a young teenager. The first picture is very effective, as the picture has been taken through a barrior watching the figure skater in training. Due to her being older it is showing her past memories and how much she has improved since she was younger. The other 2 pictures show the skater falling from a long shot. Even though these are long shots we can make out their facial expressions and therefore how they might be feeling., such as feeling pain. I could include some of these in my video such as the barrior shot, but as regarding the other photo’s I cannot as I do not have shots or video’s of me falling (thankfully).The bottom two photos show her falling over as a young child, compared to the first one. These photos or pictures are shown when the part of the song lyrics are ‘ What if my changes are already gone’.

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Even though these two pictures look similar there are major changes to both pictures. The right handed picture is in darkness with the spotlight shinning on the figure skater which makes the skater for visible and is very effective whereas the left handed picture is in light however the skater is in dark clothing meaning she will be easier to see.The Mise-en-scene is essential in music video’s as it can show and link to the type of genre of the music. The top picture looks like it can link to a Ballard due to the elegant use of dress and the bottom looks much like the typical rock look meaning the music she’s skating to may be linked to rock.The different place in setting may also show that she travels a lot and visits different places and will therefore be well known.

This picture above shows how the figure skater has improved over time and shows her as a young adult or teenager. Her body language establishes that she can be a very aggressive skater compared to how she was before hand as a child.

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