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Kubernetes-Murano Integration in Mirantis OpenStack 7.0

December 3, 2015John Jainschigg (Mirantis), Bhasker Nallapothula (Biarca) andIhor Dvoretskyi (Mirantis)

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A few introductions

John Jainschigg | Technical Solutions Marketing (Mirantis)John Jainschigg works with Mirantis broad partner ecosystem, promoting new solution validation and encouraging customer choice. He is a former software developer, immersive 3D event-platform creator, tech magazine editor and columnist.

Bhasker Nallapothula | Architect (Biarca)Bhasker is a System software product development professional with 18+ years of experience, with primary focus on connected embedded products, in roles ranging from Software Development Engineer to S/W Engineering Management. Prior to Biarca, Bhasker was at AOptix Inc, Vedams, Rovi, LSI and Tata. He has a Master’s Degree in Computer Science from the College of Engineering, Andhra University, India.

Ihor Dvoretskyi | OpenStack Operations Engineer (Mirantis)Ihor is an Operations Engineer at Mirantis Inc - with a huge experience working in IT companies, where he was responsible for a couple of projects, tightly bound to Cloud computing and *nix systems. Ihor is deeply interested in OpenStack cloud platform, other Cloud technologies and Open Source projects, including Kubernetes and related technologies.

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A little housekeeping

● Please submit questions in the Questions pane.

● We’ll provide a link where you can download the slides at the end of the webcast.

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● Kubernetes via Murano on OpenStack: Some History● Next Steps: Multi-cloud and Auto-scaling● Kubernetes on OpenStack: Some Background● Demo: Multi-cloud and Auto-scaling● Q&A

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Why Murano? Complex apps, on OpenStack, easily

Create Catalog● Easily add new apps● Describe forms, app

dependencies, suggested configurations, billing rules etc.

Deploy Apps● Deploy applications and

services with a push of a button

● Choose apps, specify settings, and deploy

Automatically Manage Apps

● Monitor with Ceilometer● Automatically self-heal, scale

up & down, failover, backup● Application specific actions● Track usage

Utilized by the OpenStack Community App Catalog

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Why Murano? Customized, packaged orchestration

OpenStack Catalog Developers and Operators

1. Define

- Raw Application- Murano Packaging and Logic- Heat, etc. (Orches- tration Assets & Templates)- VMs/OS-Images

2. Operate

OpenStack Catalog Users

1. Click 2. Launch

White Box Black Box

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Container benefits

● Container - lightweight technology that lets users launch applications in an

isolated environment on Linux

● Using containers benefits:

○ Performance

○ Repeatability

○ Isolation

○ Portability

● But managing containerized apps requires a different discipline

and different tools

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Kubernetes orchestrates containers

● The predecessor of Kubernetes was the “Borg” container

orchestration tool, originally developed by Google.

● All the best ideas from Borg were incorporated into

Kubernetes, that is open sourced and is available for

everyone and runs everywhere

● Kubernetes is a container orchestrator that runs containers

and supports various underlying environments

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Kubernetes components

● Cluster - a set of nodes used by Kubernetes to run applications

● Node - a virtual or physical machine, where Kubelet runs and where pods can

be created

● Pod - the smallest unit of Kubernetes - a colocated group of applications,

running in the same context (e.g. - “Webserver”)

● Replication Controller - a loop driving current state towards expected state

● Service - a set of running pods that run together (e.g., load-balanced


● Labels - identifying metadata attached to their objects (e.g., dev vs prod)

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Why Kubernetes via Murano on OpenStack

● Docker: light, fast, simple, portable, hub● Kubernetes: Portability, platform abstraction,

management, load balancing, app scaling, HA● Murano: Ready-to-install applications (including

Kubernetes and OpenVPN), orchestration API, local and community app catalogs

● OpenStack: Open, unlocked, API-driven IaaS layer● Fuel: Installs OpenStack and Murano

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Kubernetes via Murano on OpenStack: History

● Kubernetes Pod/Kubernetes Cluster Apps on at opening (March, 2015)

● Rapid, assured deployment of Dockerized apps on a scalable Kubernetes cluster, with Replication Controllers and cAdvisor enabled

● Great solution for a single premise cloud

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Kubernetes via Murano on OpenStack: Vision

● Organizations need multi-cloud ● They want to utilize premise cloud capacity efficiently,

then burst at need to public hosts○ This can’t be too complicated!○ Requires IaaS orchestration responsive to container status

● Securely, efficiently, manageably● From single panes of glass (and toolkits)

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Kubernetes and Murano: Multi-Cloud+Autoscaling

1. Murano installs Kubernetes and OpenVPN on OpenStack2. OpenVPN used to link premise K8S with K8S on GCE (and

other hosts in future)3. IaaS scaling of Kubernetes nodes in response to

Kubernetes resource utilization:● On demand: uses Murano (and underlying orchestrators) to create

and provision new K8S minion node VMs ● On demand: uses APIs to provision new minions on GCE

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Kubernetes multi-cloud architecture

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Kubernetes multi-cloud architecture: simplified


Minion Minion Minion




Smart Kubernetes Cluster, deployed by OpenStack (Private Infrastructure)

Public Cloud (GCE)

Hybrid Cloud Deployment: Simplified Network Diagram


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Metrics-driven scaling

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What can we tell you?

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Thank you

A video will be posted next week.

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