
HÖNNUN OG SMÍÐI HUGBÚNAÐAR 2015L18 Object Relational Mapping

Reading▪ Hibernate (Wikipedia)▪ ORMHate▪ Introduction to NoSQL

Agenda▪ Object Relational Mapping – ORM ▪ NoSQL ▪ Hibernate

Object Relational Mapping – ORM

Object Relational Mapping (ORM)▪ Use a mapping layer to map between objects and tables– Mapping a data representation from an object model to a

relational data model with a SQL-based schema▪ Mapping requires

metadata– XML▪ Authoring and

maintaining metadata is less work than maintaining SQL

Advantages of ORM▪ Can radically reduce the amount of code you need to write– 30% compared to JDBC for server side application▪ More Productivity▪ Applications are easier to maintain▪ Fosters thinking about an OO domain model

Disadvantages of ORM▪ Some loss of control over the persistence process▪ May be more difficult to tune queries▪ Performance characteristics of the tool may affect your application’s


When to use ORM?▪ Well-suited to ORM– Read-modify-write lifecycle– Little requirement for stored procedures▪ Poorly suited to ORM– “Window on data” application– Significant use of stored procedures– Write centric apps, where data is seldom read

When to use ORM?▪ Typical server-side applications are fairly well suited for ORM– 90%-95% of applications– But there are always some special cases– Mix and match as needed


Hibernate▪ Object/relational mapping tool– A persistence service that stores Java objects in relational

databases– Provides an object oriented view of existing relational data▪ Uses reflection and XML mapping files to persist POJOs– No changes to business domain objects– The goal is to relieve the developer from a significant amount of

common data persistence-related programming tasks

Architecture▪ High-level architecture

Properties file define data access

Mapping definition maps classes to tables


Database Properties▪ File–

▪ Contains information to access the database– Username and password– URL– Database driver▪ Hibernate will automatically read the file from the classpath

hibernate.connection.username=andri hibernate.connection.password=abc123 hibernate.connection.url=jdbc:jtds:sqlserver:// hibernate.connection.driver_class=net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver

Mapping File▪ File– hibernate-mapping– In the same package as Nemandi class

<hibernate-mapping> <class name="" table="NEMENDUR">

<id name="kennitala" column="kennitala" type="string"> </id>

<property name="nafn" column="nafn" type="string" length="64" not-null="false"/> <property name="netfang" column="netfang" type="string" length="64" not-null="false"/> <property name="hopur" column="hopur" type="string" length="32" not-null="false" /> </class> </hibernate-mapping>

Using Hibernate▪ Usually an application will– Create a single Configuration– Build a single instance of SessionFactory– Then instantiate Session objects

Configuration cfg = new Configuration(); cfg.addClass(theClass); SessionFactory factory = cfg.buildSessionFactory(); Session session = factory.openSession();

Using Hibernate▪ Configuration– Allows the application to specify properties and mapping

documents to be used when creating a SessionFactor▪ SessionFactory– Factory class to create Session objects▪ Session– Interface that represents a transaction– The main function is to offer create, read and delete operations for

instances of mapped entity classes

Example▪ NemandiGateway

public interface NemandiGateway { public Nemandi findNemandi(String kennitala); public Collection getNemendur(); public void addNemandi(Nemandi nemandi); }

Example▪ NemandiData– Constructor creates the configuration and the factory– Variable factory is used when a Session is needed

public class NemandiData implements NemandiGateway { SessionFactory factory = null;

public NemandiData() { Configuration cfg = new Configuration(); cfg.addClass(Nemandi.class); factory = cfg.buildSessionFactory(); }

Example▪ NemandiData– findNemandi

public Nemandi findNemandi(String kennitala) { Session session = factory.openSession(); Nemandi nem = (Nemandi)session.get(Nemandi.class, kennitala); session.close(); return nem; }

Example▪ NemandiData– getNemendur

– Uses the Hibernate Query Language, HQL

public Collection getNemendur() { Session session = factory.openSession(); List l = session.createQuery( "SELECT n FROM AS n").list(); session.close(); return l; }

Example▪ NemandiData– addNemandi

public void addNemandi(Nemandi nemandi) { Session session = factory.openSession(); Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();; tx.commit(); session.close(); }

NoSQL Databases

Matin Fowler on NoSQL

Data Model

Key-Value▪ Basically Map<String, Object>▪ They are also referred to as "schema on read" as one entry may be a

String, another a Date, a third PNG image▪ Key-Value stores offer no indexes, and no querying capabilities▪ Examples:– Property files, Dynamo, Riak, Redis, Aerospike, Voldemort

Document Store▪ Mesh of documents– Documents can have any structure – “no schema” or implicit

schema– Json is popular▪ Examples– MongoDB, MarkLogic, CouchDB, RavenDB,

Tablestyle Database▪ The value stored is sort of a transposed table in it self– Sort of like Map<String, Map<String, Object>>– Such structures are extremely useful to store sparse data in▪ Examples:– Cassandra, Hadoop/HBase, Apache Fink, Monet

Graph Databases▪ Graph or network structure of data: Entities and facts about these in

the relations on them– Graph Databases resembles Prolog in their use to infer new insights

based upon facts and rules▪ Really good at relation magic, e.g. if you have a "friends" relation on

"user" entities▪ Examples:– Neo4J, GraphBase, Trinity

Summary▪ Object Relational Mapping – ORM – Useful tools that work in most cases– Still controversial ▪ Hibernate– An example of a mapping tool– One of the possible options▪ NoSQL– New bread of 21. century web databases

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