

Title:implementing a circuit and finding a B-H curve using Matlab.

Aim:Step vise analysis of the circuit using Matlab& B-H curve.



The procedure is taken out in steps.


In this step we open the “Simulink library” icon in the matlab.

Step 2:

After opening Simulink library here we will find

In electric sources pick up AC voltage source by right clicking it and adding it to the new model.

Step 3:

Simspace Sim Power System

Electric sources

In this pick 3 elements

I. Linear transformerII. RLC branchIII. Ground.

Step 4:

Simspace Sim Power System


After this we move up to measurement block and pick two voltage measurement elements to untitled.

Step 5:

Click “SimPowerSystems” and select Power Gui

Step 6:

From Simulink library

Add two scopes to untitled.

Set one scope to input and one to output.

Simspace Sinks


Scope settings:By double clicking on scope the following window will appear, by clicking the arrow pointing in left screen, the right screen will appear. Uncheck the arrow pointing option.

Step 7:

After selecting all the devices the untitled page will be like…..

Transformer settings:

As the change I made are as under.

I. As you need linear transformer uncheck the option “Three windings transformer”

II. I made primary windings to [ 2e3 0.002 0.08 ].III. I made secondary windings to [ 1e3 0.002 0.08 ].

AC voltage settings:I. Change peak amplitude to “rno*sqrt (2).II. Frequency to 50 hz.

Step 9:After this connect the components by attaching them through the wires.

Step 8:My roll number is 10 so I enter my roll number in the command window.

Output signal:After simulation input signal is

Output signal is

Comparing both the signals:

Input signal output signal.

Explanation:As per above output and input signal, let’s have an overview

I. As my roll number is 10 so in input voltage signal

Vpeak = 10 * sqrt (2)Vpeak = 14.14 volts

II. If we see the input signal the peak value is 14.14 which corresponds the theoretical value.

III. As from transformer the turn ratio I set was 2:1 means the output will be exactly the half of input voltage.


=N 1N 2

Vs = (14.14 * 1)/2Vs = 7.07 volts

Hysteresis loop:

For hysteresis loop click “hysteresis loop design”


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