  • 7/25/2019 Labor Standards Study Guide 2




    The existence o !n EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE "e#!tionshi$ is the condition sine qua nono"

    the !$$#ic!tion o the L!%o" &o'e( s$eciic!##). Boo* in +A"tic#es ,-/0 on &on'itions o

    E$#o)ent to !$$#). Li*e2ise( the 34"is'iction o #!%o" t"i%4n!#s is $"eise' on the "e#!tionshi$.

    Exc#4'e' e$#o)ees5 Go6e"nent e$#o)ees. M!n!7e"i!# e$#o)ees( Othe" oice"s o" e%e"s

    o the !n!7e"i!# st!( !n' Doestic se"6!nts !n' $e"sons in the $e"son!# se"6ice o !nothe".

    The te" 8EMPLOYER8 "ee"s to one 2ho en7!7es the se"6ices o ! 2o"*e" o" e$#o)ee

    !n' $!)s his 2!7es o" s!#!"ies. It inc#4'es not on#) the $"inci$!# e$#o)e" %4t !n) $e"son !ctin7 in

    his inte"est( 'i"ect#) o" In'i"ect#). A #!%o" o"7!ni9!tion( o" !n) o its oice"s !n' !7ents is not !n

    e$#o)e" exce$t 2hen !ctin7 !s s4ch.

    An :EMPLOYEE8 is one 2ho "en'e"s se"6ice to !nothe" 4n'e" ! cont"!ct o" hi"e( ex$"ess

    o" i$#ie'( o"!# o" 2"itten( !n' is co$ens!te' o" his #!%o" o" se"6ice %) 2!7es.

    An In'i6i'4!# 2hose( 2o"* h!s ce!se' !s ! "es4#t o( o" in connection 2ith !n) 4n!i" #!%o"

    $"!ctice o" ! c4""ent #!%o" 'is$4te. Inc#4'in7 those 2ho $!"tici$!te In ! ULP o" econoic st"i*e is

    sti## consi'e"e' !n e$#o)ee.

    The e$#o)ent "e#!tionshi$ is essenti!##) &ONTRA&TUAL !n' ;OLUNTARY. The

    "e#!tionshi$ c!nnot %e i$ose' on eithe" the e$#o)e" o" the e$#o)ee. The 2o"*e" is "ee to se##

    his #!%o" to !n)%o') 34st !s the e$#o)e" c!n $4"ch!se #!%o" "o !n)one he chooses. To co$e#

    the e$#o)ee to 2o"* !7!inst his 2i## is in6o#4nt!") se"6it4'e5 it is o$$"ession to o"ce !n 4n2i##in7

    e$#o)e" to 7i6e 2o"* to ! 2o"*e".


    >o4"-o#' test o" ?cont"o# test@

    St!"tin7 2ith the c!se o ;i!n! 6. A# L!7!'!n 99 Phil 408( the S4$"ee &o4"t 4se' theo##o2in7 c"ite"i! in 'ete"inin7 the existence o e$#o)e"-e$#o)ee "e#!tionshi$

    !0 se#ection !n' en7!7eent o the e$#o)ee5


  • 7/25/2019 Labor Standards Study Guide 2


    %0 $!)ent o 2!7es5

    c0 $o2e" o 'isiss!#5 !n'

    '0 $o2e" to cont"o# e$#o)ee:s con'4ct.

    The 8cont"o# test8 is 2hethe" the e$#o)e" cont"o#s o" h!s "ese"6e' the "i7ht to cont"o# thee$#o)ee not on#) !s to the "es4#t o the 2o"* to %e 'one %4t !#so !s to .the e!ns !n' etho's%) 2hich the s!e is to %e !cco$#ishe'.

    The $o2e" o cont"o# "ee"s :e"e#) to the 8existence8 o the $o2e" !n' not to the 8!ct4!#exe"cise8 the"eo.

    Not e6e") o" o cont"o# th!t ! $!"t) "ese"6es to hise# o6e" the con'4ct o the othe"$!"t) in "e#!tion to se"6ices %ein7 "en'e"e' !) %e !cco"'e' the eect o est!%#ishin7 !ne$#o)e"-e$#o)ee "e#!tionshi$. R4#es th!t e"e#) se"6e !s 74i'e#ines to2!"'s the !chie6eent othe 4t4!##) 'esi"e' "es4#t !n' 'o not cont"o# o" ix the etho'o#o7) o" "est"ict the $!"t) hi"e' to

    4se s4ch e!ns 'o not est!%#ish !n e$#o)e"-e$#o)ee "e#!tionshi$.

    Econoic "e!#it) test

    In the e!"#) c!se o S4n"i$e &ocon4t P"o'4cts 6. &IR 83 Phil. 518( the S4$"ee &o4"t4se' the ?econoic !cts o the "e#!tion@ in 'ete"inin7 the existence o e$#o)e"-e$#o)ee"e#!tionshi$.

    In Sevilla v. Court of Appeals(1 the S4$"ee &o4"t o%se"6e' the nee' to consi'e" theexistin7 econoic con'itions $"e6!i#in7 %et2een the $!"ties( in !''ition to the st!n'!"' o "i7ht-o-cont"o# #i*e the inc#4sion o the e$#o)ee in the $!)"o##s( to 7i6e ! c#e!"e" $ict4"e in 'ete"inin7 theexistence o !n e$#o)e"-e$#o)ee "e#!tionshi$ %!se' on !n !n!#)sis o the tot!#it) o econoicci"c4st!nces o the 2o"*e".

    Th4s( the 'ete"in!tion o the "e#!tionshi$ %et2een e$#o)e" !n' e$#o)ee 'e$en's4$on the ci"c4st!nces o the 2ho#e econoic !cti6it)(

  • 7/25/2019 Labor Standards Study Guide 2


    T2o-tie"e' test

    In Fransisco v. !"C( G.R. No. 1F,F( A474st 1( EMPLOYMENT

    Art. 279. Security of tenure.In c!ses o "e74#!" e$#o)ent( the e$#o)e" sh!## not te"in!te the se"6ices

    o !n e$#o)ee exce$t o" ! 34st c!4se o" 2hen !4tho"i9e' %) this Tit#e. An e$#o)ee 2ho is 4n34st#)

    'isisse' "o 2o"* sh!## %e entit#e' to "einst!teent 2itho4t #oss o senio"it) "i7hts !n' othe" $"i6i#e7es

    !n' to his 4## %!c*2!7es( inc#4si6e o !##o2!nces( !n' to his othe" %eneits o" thei" onet!") eC4i6!#ent

    co$4te' "o the tie his co$ens!tion 2!s 2ithhe#' "o hi 4$ to the tie o his !ct4!# "einst!teent.

    +As !en'e' %) Section ( Re$4%#ic Act No. /F1( M!"ch

  • 7/25/2019 Labor Standards Study Guide 2



    A "e74#!" e$#o)ee en3o)s sec4"it) o ten4"e !n' the "i7ht to seI-o"7!ni9!tion.

    The o##o2in7 !"e consi'e"e' "e74#!" e$#o)ees

    1. Those 2ho !"e en7!7e' to $e"o" !cti6ities 2hich !"e 4s4!##) necess!") o"'esi"!%#ein the 4s4!# t"!'e o" %4siness o the e$#o)e".

  • 7/25/2019 Labor Standards Study Guide 2


    o-se!son( the e$#o)ent is e"e#) s4s$en'e'5 the se!son!# e$#o)ees !"e e"e#)te$o"!"i#) #!i'-o +A'asolo vs. !"C$ (.". o. 1184)5$ ov. *9$ *0000.

    In +enares vs. Pancho$ April *9$ *005 ( the S4$"ee &o4"t c#!"iie' !n' ex$#!ine'its seein7#) con#ictin7 "4#in7s. In Me"c!'o c!se( the 2o"*e"s 2e"e en7!7e' to 'o !$!"tic4#!" $h!se o !7"ic4#t4"!# 2o"*( !te" 2hich the) 2o4#' %e "ee to "en'e" se"6ices toothe" !" o2ne"s 2ho nee' thei" se"6ices. In the H!cien'! >!ti! c!se +G.". No.1( !n.

  • 7/25/2019 Labor Standards Study Guide 2


    $"oisin7 o" !'6e"tisin7 o" e$#o)ent( #oc!##) o" !%"o!'( 2hethe" o" $"oit o" not P"o6i'e'( Th!t

    !n) $e"son o" entit) 2hich( in !n) !nne"( oe"s o" $"oises o" ! ee( e$#o)ent to t2o o" o"e

    $e"sons sh!## %e 'eee' en7!7e' in "ec"4itent !n' $#!ceent.

    c. 8P"i6!te ee-ch!"7in7 e$#o)ent !7enc)8 e!ns !n) $e"son o" entit) en7!7e' in "ec"4itent!n' $#!ceent o 2o"*e"s o" ! ee 2hich is ch!"7e'( 'i"ect#) o" in'i"ect#)( "o the 2o"*e"s o"

    e$#o)e"s o" %oth.

    '. 8License8 e!ns ! 'oc4ent iss4e' %) the De$!"tent o L!%o" !4tho"i9in7 ! $e"son o" entit)

    to o$e"!te ! $"i6!te e$#o)ent !7enc).

    e. 8P"i6!te "ec"4itent entit)8 e!ns !n) $e"son o" !ssoci!tion en7!7e' in the "ec"4itent !n'

    $#!ceent o 2o"*e"s( #oc!##) o" o6e"se!s( 2itho4t ch!"7in7( 'i"ect#) o" in'i"ect#)( !n) ee "o the

    2o"*e"s o" e$#o)e"s.

    . 8A4tho"it)8 e!ns ! 'oc4ent iss4e' %) the De$!"tent o L!%o" !4tho"i9in7 ! $e"son o"!ssoci!tion to en7!7e in "ec"4itent !n' $#!ceent !cti6ities !s ! $"i6!te "ec"4itent entit).

    %llegal recruitmentis coitte' %)

    1. Non-#icensees o" non-ho#'e"s o !4tho"it) 2ho en7!7es in "ec"4itent !cti6itiesconte$#!te' 4n'e" A"tic#e 1+%0 o the L!%o" &o'e o" 2ho coits !n) o the $"ohi%ite'

    !cti6ities 4n'e" A"tic#e o the L!%o" &o'e5 !n'

  • 7/25/2019 Labor Standards Study Guide 2


    h. To !i# to i#e "e$o"ts on the st!t4s o e$#o)ent( $#!ceent 6!c!ncies( "eitt!nce o o"ei7n

    exch!n7e e!"nin7s( se$!"!tion "o 3o%s( 'e$!"t4"es !n' s4ch othe" !tte"s o" ino"!tion !s !) %e

    "eC4i"e' %) the Sec"et!") o L!%o".

    i. To s4%stit4te o" !#te" e$#o)ent cont"!cts !$$"o6e' !n' 6e"iie' %) the De$!"tent o L!%o" "o

    the tie o !ct4!# si7nin7 the"eo %) the $!"ties 4$ to !n' inc#4'in7 the $e"io's o ex$i"!tion o the s!e

    2itho4t the !$$"o6!# o the Sec"et!") o L!%o"5

    3. To %ecoe !n oice" o" e%e" o the Bo!"' o !n) co"$o"!tion en7!7e' in t"!6e# !7enc) o" to %e

    en7!7e' 'i"ect#) o" in'i"ect#) in the !n!7eent o ! t"!6e# !7enc)5 !n'

    *. To 2ithho#' o" 'en) t"!6e# 'oc4ents "o !$$#ic!nt 2o"*e"s %eo"e 'e$!"t4"e o"

    onet!") o" in!nci!# consi'e"!tions othe" th!n those !4tho"i9e' 4n'e" this &o'e !n' its i$#eentin7 "4#es

    !n' "e74#!tions.

    I##e7!# "ec"4itent is ! c"ie se$!"!te !n' 'istinct "o est!!. In People vs. #anun,as*31 SC"A 1( the S4$"ee &o4"t he#'

    ?Th4s( !cc4se'-!$$e##!nt is 74i#t) o the c"ies o Est!! !n' I##e7!# Rec"4itent. Un'e"A"tic#e , o the L!%o" &o'e( !s !en'e'( the c"ie o i##e7!# "ec"4itent is C4!#iie' 2hen thes!e is coitte' !7!inst th"ee +0 o" o"e $e"sons. A $e"son 2ho 6io#!tes !n) o the $"o6isions4n'e" A"tic#e 1+%0 !n' A"tic#e o the L!%o" &o'e c!n %e ch!"7e' !n' con6icte' se$!"!te#) oi##e7!# "ec"4itent !n' estafaKRe6ise' Pen!# &o'e( A"tic#e 1(

  • 7/25/2019 Labor Standards Study Guide 2



  • 7/25/2019 Labor Standards Study Guide 2


    '. 8A$$"enticeshi$ !7"eeent8 is !n e$#o)ent cont"!ct 2he"ein the e$#o)e" %in'shise# to t"!in the !$$"entice !n' the !$$"entice in t4"n !cce$ts the te"s o t"!inin7.

    Art. '9. =ualifications of apprentice.To C4!#i) !s !n !$$"entice( ! $e"son sh!##

    !. Be !t #e!st o4"teen +10 )e!"s o !7e5

    %. Possess 6oc!tion!# !$tit4'e !n' c!$!cit) o" !$$"o$"i!te tests5 !n'

    c. Possess the !%i#it) to co$"ehen' !n' o##o2 o"!# !n' 2"itten inst"4ctions.

    T"!'e !n' in'4st") !ssoci!tions !) "ecoen' to the Sec"et!") o L!%o" !$$"o$"i!tee'4c!tion!# "eC4i"eents o" 'ie"ent occ4$!tions.

    Art. 50. 6mployment of apprentices.On#) e$#o)e"s in the hi7h#) technic!# in'4st"ies!) e$#o) !$$"entices !n' on#) in !$$"entice!%#e occ4$!tions !$$"o6e' %) the Sec"et!") oL!%o" !n' E$#o)ent. +As !en'e' %) Section 1( Exec4ti6e O"'e" No. 111( Dece%e"

  • 7/25/2019 Labor Standards Study Guide 2


    c. In ! De$!"tent o L!%o" !n' E$#o)ent t"!inin7 cente" o" othe" $4%#ic t"!inin7instit4tion.

    Art. 5'. %n!estigation of !iolation of apprenticesip agreement. U$on co$#!int o !n)inte"este' $e"son o" 4$on its o2n initi!ti6e( the !$$"o$"i!te !7enc) o the De$!"tent o L!%o" !n'E$#o)ent o" its !4tho"i9e' "e$"esent!ti6e sh!## in6esti7!te !n) 6io#!tion o !n !$$"enticeshi$!7"eeent $4"s4!nt to s4ch "4#es !n' "e74#!tions !s !) %e $"esc"i%e' %) the Sec"et!") o L!%o"!n' E$#o)ent.

    Art. 55. Appeal to te Secretary of +abor and 6mployment. The 'ecision o the!4tho"i9e' !7enc) o the De$!"tent o L!%o" !n' E$#o)ent !) %e !$$e!#e' %) !n)!77"ie6e' $e"son to the Sec"et!") o L!%o" !n' E$#o)ent 2ithin i6e +0 '!)s "o "ecei$t o the'ecision. The 'ecision o the Sec"et!") o L!%o" !n' E$#o)ent sh!## %e in!# !n' exec4to").

    Art. 57. 6?austion of administrati!e remedies. No $e"son sh!## instit4te !n) !ction o"the eno"ceent o !n) !$$"enticeshi$ !7"eeent o" '!!7es o" %"e!ch o !n) s4ch !7"eeent(4n#ess he h!s exh!4ste' !## !6!i#!%#e !'inist"!ti6e "ee'ies.

    Art. 58. Aptitude testing of applicants. &onson!nt 2ith the ini4 C4!#iic!tions o!$$"entice-!$$#ic!nts "eC4i"e' 4n'e" this &h!$te"( e$#o)e"s o" entities 2ith '4#) "eco7ni9e'!$$"enticeshi$ $"o7"!s sh!## h!6e $"i!") "es$onsi%i#it) o" $"o6i'in7 !$$"o$"i!te !$tit4'e tests inthe se#ection o !$$"entices. I the) 'o not h!6e !'eC4!te !ci#ities o" the $4"$ose( the De$!"tento L!%o" !n' E$#o)ent sh!## $e"o" the se"6ice "ee o ch!"7e.

    Art. 59. Responsibility for teoretical instruction. S4$$#eent!") theo"etic!# inst"4ctionto !$$"entices in c!ses 2he"e the $"o7"! is 4n'e"t!*en in the $#!nt !) %e 'one %) thee$#o)e". I the #!tte" is not $"e$!"e' to !ss4e the "es$onsi%i#it)( the s!e !) %e 'e#e7!te' to!n !$$"o$"i!te 7o6e"nent !7enc).

    Art. 70. >oluntary organi@ation of apprenticesip programs e?emptions.

    !. The o"7!ni9!tion o !$$"enticeshi$ $"o7"! sh!## %e $"i!"i#) ! 6o#4nt!") 4n'e"t!*in7 %)e$#o)e"s5

    %. When n!tion!# sec4"it) o" $!"tic4#!" "eC4i"eents o econoic 'e6e#o$ent so 'e!n'(the P"esi'ent o the Phi#i$$ines !) "eC4i"e co$4#so") t"!inin7 o !$$"entices in ce"t!int"!'es( occ4$!tions( 3o%s o" e$#o)ent #e6e#s 2he"e sho"t!7e o t"!ine' !n$o2e" is'eee' c"itic!# !s 'ete"ine' %) the Sec"et!") o L!%o" !n' E$#o)ent. A$$"o$"i!te"4#es in this connection sh!## %e $"o4#7!te' %) the Sec"et!") o L!%o" !n' E$#o)ent!s the nee' !"ises5 !n'

    c. Whe"e se"6ices o o"ei7n technici!ns !"e 4ti#i9e' %) $"i6!te co$!nies in !$$"entice!%#et"!'es( s!i' co$!nies !"e "eC4i"e' to set 4$ !$$"o$"i!te !$$"enticeshi$ $"o7"!s.

    Art. 71. eductibility of training costs.An !''ition!# 'e'4ction "o t!x!%#e incoe oone-h!# +1

  • 7/25/2019 Labor Standards Study Guide 2



    Art. 7. +earners defined.Le!"ne"s !"e $e"sons hi"e' !s t"!inees in sei-s*i##e' !n'othe" in'4st"i!# occ4$!tions 2hich !"e non-!$$"entice!%#e !n' 2hich !) %e #e!"ne' th"o47h$"!ctic!# t"!inin7 on the 3o% in ! "e#!ti6e#) sho"t $e"io' o tie 2hich sh!## not excee' th"ee +0onths.

    Art. 7. )en learners may be ired.Le!"ne"s !) %e e$#o)e' 2hen no ex$e"ience'2o"*e"s !"e !6!i#!%#e( the e$#o)ent o #e!"ne"s is necess!") to $"e6ent c4"t!i#ent oe$#o)ent o$$o"t4nities( !n' the e$#o)ent 'oes not c"e!te 4n!i" co$etition in te"s o #!%o"costs o" i$!i" o" #o2e" 2o"*in7 st!n'!"'s.

    Art. 7'. +earnersip agreement.An) e$#o)e" 'esi"in7 to e$#o) #e!"ne"s sh!## ente"into ! #e!"ne"shi$ !7"eeent 2ith the( 2hich !7"eeent sh!## inc#4'e

    !. The n!es !n' !''"esses o the #e!"ne"s5

    %. The '4"!tion o the #e!"ne"shi$ $e"io'( 2hich sh!## not excee' th"ee +0 onths5

    c. The 2!7es o" s!#!") "!tes o the #e!"ne"s 2hich sh!## %e7in !t not #ess th!n se6ent)-i6e$e"cent +F0 o the !$$#ic!%#e ini4 2!7e5 !n'

    '. A coitent to e$#o) the #e!"ne"s i the) so 'esi"e( !s "e74#!" e$#o)ees 4$onco$#etion o the #e!"ne"shi$. A## #e!"ne"s 2ho h!6e %een !##o2e' o" s4e"e' to 2o"*'4"in7 the i"st t2o +

  • 7/25/2019 Labor Standards Study Guide 2


    ReC4i"es DOLE !$$"o6!# o" 6!#i'it) Not "eC4i"e'

    Exh!4stion o !'inist"!ti6e "ee'ies in c!se

    o %"e!ch o cont"!ct is ! $"econ'ition o" i#in7


    Exh!4stion o !'inist"!ti6e "ee'ies in

    c!se o %"e!ch o cont"!ct is not !

    $"econ'ition o" i#in7 !ction

    BA&%(APP6 )-R/6RS

    Art. 78. efinition.H!n'ic!$$e' 2o"*e"s !"e those 2hose e!"nin7 c!$!cit) is i$!i"e' %)!7e o" $h)sic!# o" ent!# 'eicienc) o" in34").

    Art. 79. )en employable. H!n'ic!$$e' 2o"*e"s !) %e e$#o)e' 2hen thei"e$#o)ent is necess!") to $"e6ent c4"t!i#ent o e$#o)ent o$$o"t4nities !n' 2hen it 'oes notc"e!te 4n!i" co$etition in #!%o" costs o" i$!i" o" #o2e" 2o"*in7 st!n'!"'s.

    Art. 80. 6mployment agreement.An) e$#o)e" 2ho e$#o)s h!n'ic!$$e' 2o"*e"s sh!##ente" into !n e$#o)ent !7"eeent 2ith the( 2hich !7"eeent sh!## inc#4'e

    1. The n!es !n' !''"esses o the h!n'ic!$$e' 2o"*e"s to %e e$#o)e'5

  • 7/25/2019 Labor Standards Study Guide 2


    ho4"s o 2o"* in the ie#' c!nnot %e 'ete"ine' 2ith "e!son!%#e ce"t!int).

    Art. 8. &ormal ours of or.The no"!# ho4"s o 2o"* o !n) e$#o)ee sh!## not

    excee' ei7ht +,0 ho4"s ! '!).

    He!#th $e"sonne# in cities !n' 4nici$!#ities 2ith ! $o$4#!tion o !t #e!st one i##ion

    +1((0 o" in hos$it!#s !n' c#inics 2ith ! %e' c!$!cit) o !t #e!st one h4n'"e' +10 sh!## ho#'

    "e74#!" oice ho4"s o" ei7ht +,0 ho4"s ! '!)( o" i6e +0 '!)s ! 2ee*( exc#4si6e o tie o" e!#s(

    exce$t 2he"e the exi7encies o the se"6ice "eC4i"e th!t s4ch $e"sonne# 2o"* o" six +/0 '!)s o"

    o"t)-ei7ht +,0 ho4"s( in 2hich c!se( the) sh!## %e entit#e' to !n !''ition!# co$ens!tion o !t #e!st

    thi"t) $e"cent +0 o thei" "e74#!" 2!7e o" 2o"* on the sixth '!). >o" $4"$oses o this A"tic#e(

    8he!#th $e"sonne#8 sh!## inc#4'e "esi'ent $h)sici!ns( n4"ses( n4t"itionists( 'ietiti!ns( $h!"!cists(

    soci!# 2o"*e"s( #!%o"!to") technici!ns( $!"!e'ic!# technici!ns( $s)cho#o7ists( i'2i6es(

    !tten'!nts !n' !## othe" hos$it!# o" c#inic $e"sonne#.

    Art. 8. Bours ored.Ho4"s 2o"*e' sh!## inc#4'e +!0 !## tie '4"in7 2hich !n e$#o)ee

    is "eC4i"e' to %e on '4t) o" to %e !t ! $"esc"i%e' 2o"*$#!ce5 !n' +%0 !## tie '4"in7 2hich !ne$#o)ee is s4e"e' o" $e"itte' to 2o"*.

    Rest $e"io's o sho"t '4"!tion '4"in7 2o"*in7 ho4"s sh!## %e co4nte' !s ho4"s 2o"*e'.

    Art. 8'. #eal periods. S4%3ect to s4ch "e74#!tions !s the Sec"et!") o L!%o" !)

    $"esc"i%e( it sh!## %e the '4t) o e6e") e$#o)e" to 7i6e his e$#o)ees not #ess th!n sixt) +/0

    in4tes tie-o o" thei" "e74#!" e!#s.

    Art. 85. &igt sift differential.E6e") e$#o)ee sh!## %e $!i' ! ni7ht shit 'ie"enti!# o

    not #ess th!n ten $e"cent +10 o his "e74#!" 2!7e o" e!ch ho4" o 2o"* $e"o"e' %et2een ten

    oc#oc* in the e6enin7 !n' six oc#oc* in the o"nin7.Art. 87. -!ertime or.Wo"* !) %e $e"o"e' %e)on' ei7ht +,0 ho4"s ! '!) $"o6i'e'

    th!t the e$#o)ee is $!i' o" the o6e"tie 2o"*( !n !''ition!# co$ens!tion eC4i6!#ent to his

    "e74#!" 2!7e $#4s !t #e!st t2ent)-i6e $e"cent +

  • 7/25/2019 Labor Standards Study Guide 2


    necess!") to $"e6ent se"io4s o%st"4ction o" $"e34'ice to the %4siness o" o$e"!tions o the


    An) e$#o)ee "eC4i"e' to "en'e" o6e"tie 2o"* 4n'e" this A"tic#e sh!## %e $!i' the

    !''ition!# co$ens!tion "eC4i"e' in this &h!$te".

    Art. 90. (omputation of additional compensation.>o" $4"$oses o co$4tin7 o6e"tie

    !n' othe" !''ition!# "e4ne"!tion !s "eC4i"e' %) this &h!$te"( the 8"e74#!" 2!7e8 o !n e$#o)ee

    sh!## inc#4'e the c!sh 2!7e on#)( 2itho4t 'e'4ction on !cco4nt o !ci#ities $"o6i'e' %) the



    1. NORMAL HOURS EIGHT +,0 HOURS 2ithin 2o"*'!)

  • 7/25/2019 Labor Standards Study Guide 2


    "eC4i"e' to t"!6e# to his "e74#!" $#!ce o 2o"* o" to soe othe" 2o"* site( !## the tie s$entin s4ch t"!6e# is 2o"*e' tie.

    ./. ASSEMBLY TIME 2he"e the !sse%#) tie is so st"4ct4"e'( %oth !s to '4"!tion !n'$4"$ose. Into the 2o"*'!)( !s to %e !n Inte7"!# $!"t the"eo( since the tie 2!s 4se' to

    chec* !tten'!nce( to 7i6e o4t 2o"* !ssi7nents !n' to %"ie the 2o"*e"s on thei""es$ecti6e t!s*s( the s!e !) %e consi'e"e' 2o"*e' tie.

    .F ATTENDAN&E AT MEETINGS Atten'!nce is not consi'e"e' ho4"s 2o"*e' 2hen the!tten'!nce is o4tsi'e o the e$#o)ee:s "e74#!" 2o"*in7 ho4"s5 !tten'!nce is( in !ct(6o#4nt!")5 !n' the e$#o)ee 'oes not $e"o" !n) $"o'4cti6e 2o"* '4"in7 s4ch!tten'!nce.

    .,. POWER OUTAGE &o$ens!%#e i o" ! sho"t '4"!tion o I;E +

  • 7/25/2019 Labor Standards Study Guide 2


    - !##o2!%#e on#) 4n'e" the o##o2in7 con'itions

    6o#4nt!") on the $!"t o the 2o"*e"5

    no 'iin4tion o the 2ee*#) o" onth#) t!*e-hoe $!) !n' "in7e %eneits o thee$#o)ees5

    the 6!#4e o the %eneits th!t 2i## !cc"4e to the e$#o)ees 4n'e" the $"o$ose'sche'4#e is o"e th!n o" !t #e!st coens4"!te 2ith the 1-ho4" o6e"tie $!) th!t is'4e the '4"in7 2ee*'!)s

    the 1-ho4" o6e"tie $!) 2i## %ecoe '4e !n' $!)!%#e i the) !"e !'e o" $e"itte'to 2o"* on ! '!) not sche'4#e' o" 2o"* on the co$"esse' 2o"*2ee*5

    the 2o"* 'oes not in6o#6e st"en4o4s $h)sic!# exe"tion !n' e$#o)ees 4st h!6e!'eC4!te "est $e"io's5

    the !""!n7eent is o te$o"!") '4"!tion.


    Art. 91. Rigt to eely rest day.

    !. It sh!## %e the '4t) o e6e") e$#o)e"( 2hethe" o$e"!tin7 o" $"oit o" not( to $"o6i'e

    e!ch o his e$#o)ees ! "est $e"io' o not #ess th!n t2ent)-o4" +

  • 7/25/2019 Labor Standards Study Guide 2


    %. When the n!t4"e o the 2o"* o the e$#o)ee is s4ch th!t he h!s no "e74#!" 2o"*'!)s

    !n' no "e74#!" "est '!)s c!n %e sche'4#e'( he sh!## %e $!i' !n !''ition!# co$ens!tion o !t #e!st

    thi"t) $e"cent +0 o his "e74#!" 2!7e o" 2o"* $e"o"e' on S4n'!)s !n' ho#i'!)s.

    c. Wo"* $e"o"e' on !n) s$eci!# ho#i'!) sh!## %e $!i' !n !''ition!# co$ens!tion o !t

    #e!st thi"t) $e"cent +0 o the "e74#!" 2!7e o the e$#o)ee. Whe"e s4ch ho#i'!) 2o"* !##s onthe e$#o)ees sche'4#e' "est '!)( he sh!## %e entit#e' to !n !''ition!# co$ens!tion o !t #e!st

    it) $e" cent +0 o his "e74#!" 2!7e.

    '. Whe"e the co##ecti6e %!"7!inin7 !7"eeent o" othe" !$$#ic!%#e e$#o)ent cont"!ct

    sti$4#!tes the $!)ent o ! hi7he" $"ei4 $!) th!n th!t $"esc"i%e' 4n'e" this A"tic#e( the

    e$#o)e" sh!## $!) s4ch hi7he" "!te.

    Premium Pay for Rest ayEBoliday )or

    R6S A: E SP6(%A+ B-+%A: PA: !''ition!# THIRTY +0 PER&ENT o "e74#!" $!) o"

    2o"*in7 on the !7"ee' "est '!) +10.

    SP6(%A+ B-+%A: and R6S A: PA: 2he"e the s$eci!# ho#i'!) is !#so the e$#o)ee:s "est'!)( he sh!## %e entit#e' to !n !''ition!# >I>TY +0 PER&ENT o his "e74#!" $!) +10.

    The"e !"e t2o *in's o s$eci!# ho#i'!)s( n!tion!# !n' #oc!#. On N!tion!# S$eci!# Ho#i'!)s+No6e%e" I(8 Dece%e" 10 !n' Loc!# S$eci!# Ho#i'!)s +Lo$e9 !en!( E6e#io !6ie"0 the $"inci$#eo no 2o"*( no $!)8 !$$#ies.

    Loc!# S$eci!# Ho#i'!)s( 4n#ess 'ec#!"e' !s ?non-2o"*in78( !"e 7ene"!##) "e74#!" 2o"*in7 '!)s !n'the e$#o)ee is on#) entit#e' to his "e74#!" $!) i he 2o"*s.

    R6;,+AR B-+%A: !''ition!# ONE HUNDRED +10 PER&ENT o "e74#!" 2!7e +

  • 7/25/2019 Labor Standards Study Guide 2


    !. E6e") 2o"*e" sh!## %e $!i' his "e74#!" '!i#) 2!7e '4"in7 "e74#!" ho#i'!)s( exce$t in

    "et!i# !n' se"6ice est!%#ishents "e74#!"#) e$#o)in7 #ess th!n ten +10 2o"*e"s5

    %. The e$#o)e" !) "eC4i"e !n e$#o)ee to 2o"* on !n) ho#i'!) %4t s4ch e$#o)ee

    sh!## %e $!i' ! co$ens!tion eC4i6!#ent to t2ice his "e74#!" "!te5 !n'

    c. As 4se' in this A"tic#e( 8ho#i'!)8 inc#4'es Ne2 Ye!"s D!)( M!4n') Th4"s'!)( Goo'

    >"i'!)( the ninth o A$"i#( the i"st o M!)( the t2e#th o 4ne( the o4"th o 4#)( the thi"tieth o

    No6e%e"( the t2ent)-ith !n' thi"tieth o Dece%e" !n' the '!) 'esi7n!te' %) #!2 o" ho#'in7 !

    7ene"!# e#ection.

    Art. 9'. Rigt to ser!ice incenti!e lea!e.

    !. E6e") e$#o)ee 2ho h!s "en'e"e' !t #e!st one )e!" o se"6ice sh!## %e entit#e' to !

    )e!"#) se"6ice incenti6e #e!6e o i6e '!)s 2ith $!).

    %. This $"o6ision sh!## not !$$#) to those 2ho !"e !#"e!') en3o)in7 the %eneit he"ein

    $"o6i'e'( those en3o)in7 6!c!tion #e!6e 2ith $!) o !t #e!st i6e '!)s !n' those e$#o)e' in

    est!%#ishents "e74#!"#) e$#o)in7 #ess th!n ten e$#o)ees o" in est!%#ishents exe$te' "o

    7"!ntin7 this %eneit %) the Sec"et!") o L!%o" !n' E$#o)ent !te" consi'e"in7 the 6i!%i#it) o"

    in!nci!# con'ition o s4ch est!%#ishent.

    c. The 7"!nt o %eneit in excess o th!t $"o6i'e' he"ein sh!## not %e !'e ! s4%3ect o

    !"%it"!tion o" !n) co4"t o" !'inist"!ti6e !ction.

    * "P+ #areting Promotions !s. (A "uly 8$ 200'

    Whi#e co$4t!tion o" the 1 th onth $!) sho4#' $"o$e"#) %e7in "o the i"st '!) o

    e$#o)ent( the se"6ice incenti6e #e!6e $!) sho4#' st!"t ! )e!" !te" coenceent o se"6ice(

    o" it is on#) then th!t the e$#o)e" is entit#e' to s!i' %eneit.

    Art. 95. Ser!ice carges.A## se"6ice ch!"7es co##ecte' %) hote#s( "est!4"!nts !n' sii#!"

    est!%#ishents sh!## %e 'ist"i%4te' !t the "!te o ei7ht)-i6e $e"cent +,0 o" !## co6e"e'

    e$#o)ees !n' iteen $e"cent +10 o" !n!7eent. The sh!"e o the e$#o)ees sh!## %e

    eC4!##) 'ist"i%4te' !on7 the. In c!se the se"6ice ch!"7e is !%o#ishe'( the sh!"e o the co6e"e'

    e$#o)ees sh!## %e consi'e"e' inte7"!te' in thei" 2!7es.


    Art. 97. efinitions.As 4se' in this Tit#e

    !. 8Pe"son8 e!ns !n in'i6i'4!#( $!"tne"shi$( !ssoci!tion( co"$o"!tion( %4siness t"4st(

    #e7!# "e$"esent!ti6es( o" !n) o"7!ni9e' 7"o4$ o $e"sons.

    %. 8E$#o)e"8 inc#4'es !n) $e"son !ctin7 'i"ect#) o" in'i"ect#) in the inte"est o !n

    e$#o)e" in "e#!tion to !n e$#o)ee !n' sh!## inc#4'e the 7o6e"nent !n' !## its %"!nches(

    s4%'i6isions !n' inst"4ent!#ities( !## 7o6e"nent-o2ne' o" cont"o##e' co"$o"!tions !n'

    instit4tions( !s 2e## !s non-$"oit $"i6!te instit4tions( o" o"7!ni9!tions.

    c. 8E$#o)ee8 inc#4'es !n) in'i6i'4!# e$#o)e' %) !n e$#o)e".

    '. 8A7"ic4#t4"e8 inc#4'es !"in7 in !## its %"!nches !n'( !on7 othe" thin7s( inc#4'es

    c4#ti6!tion !n' ti##!7e o soi#( '!i")in7( the $"o'4ction( c4#ti6!tion( 7"o2in7 !n' h!"6estin7 o !n)


  • 7/25/2019 Labor Standards Study Guide 2


    !7"ic4#t4"!# !n' ho"tic4#t4"!# coo'ities( the "!isin7 o #i6estoc* o" $o4#t")( !n' !n) $"!ctices

    $e"o"e' %) ! !"e" on ! !" !s !n inci'ent to o" in con34nction 2ith s4ch !"in7 o$e"!tions(

    %4t 'oes not inc#4'e the !n4!ct4"in7 o" $"ocessin7 o s47!"( cocon4ts( !%!c!( to%!cco(

    $ine!$$#es o" othe" !" $"o'4cts.

    e. 8E$#o)8 inc#4'es to s4e" o" $e"it to 2o"*.

    . 8W!7e8 $!i' to !n) e$#o)ee sh!## e!n the "e4ne"!tion o" e!"nin7s( ho2e6e"

    'esi7n!te'( c!$!%#e o %ein7 ex$"esse' in te"s o one)( 2hethe" ixe' o" !sce"t!ine' on ! tie(

    t!s*( $iece( o" coission %!sis( o" othe" etho' o c!#c4#!tin7 the s!e( 2hich is $!)!%#e %) !n

    e$#o)e" to !n e$#o)ee 4n'e" ! 2"itten o" 4n2"itten cont"!ct o e$#o)ent o" 2o"* 'one o" to

    %e 'one( o" o" se"6ices "en'e"e' o" to %e "en'e"e' !n' inc#4'es the !i" !n' "e!son!%#e 6!#4e( !s

    'ete"ine' %) the Sec"et!") o L!%o" !n' E$#o)ent( o %o!"'( #o'7in7( o" othe" !ci#ities

    c4sto!"i#) 4"nishe' %) the e$#o)e" to the e$#o)ee. 8>!i" !n' "e!son!%#e 6!#4e8 sh!## not

    inc#4'e !n) $"oit to the e$#o)e"( o" to !n) $e"son !i#i!te' 2ith the e$#o)e".

    7. Art. 98. Application of itle.This Tit#e sh!## not !$$#) to !" ten!nc) o" #e!seho#'('oestic se"6ice !n' $e"sons 2o"*in7 in thei" "es$ecti6e hoes in nee'#e 2o"* o" in !n) cott!7e

    in'4st") '4#) "e7iste"e' in !cco"'!nce 2ith #!2.


    1. 8WAGE8 inc#4'es "e4ne"!tion o" e!"nin7s( ho2e6e" 'esi7n!te'( c!$!%#e o %ein7ex$"esse' in te"s o one)( 2hethe" ixe' o" !sce"t!ine' on ! tie( t!s*( $iece( o" coission%!sis( o" othe" etho' o c!#c4#!tin7 the s!e( 2hich is $!)!%#e %) !n e$#o)e" 4n'e" ! 2"itten o"4n2"itten cont"!ct o e$#o)ent o" 2o"* 'one o" to %e 'one( o" o" se"6ices "en'e"e' o" to %e"en'e"e' !n' inc#4'es the !i" !n' "e!son!%#e 6!#4e( !s 'ete"ine' %) the Sec"et!") o L!%o" !n'E$#o)ent( o %o!"'( #o'7in7 !n' othe" !ci#ities c4sto!"i#) 4"nishe' %) the e$#o)e" to thee$#o)ee.

  • 7/25/2019 Labor Standards Study Guide 2


    F&- )-R/. &- PA:F The $"inci$#e o 8! fair da&s /a,e for a fair da&s la'or is the "4#ein 'ete"inin7 2!7es. I no 2o"* is "en'e"e' no 2!7e is 'e!n'!%#e 4n#ess the 2o"*e" 2ho is"e!')( 2i##in7 !n' !%#e is $"e6ente' "o 2o"*in7 %) the e$#o)e"( i.e. s4s$ension#oc*-o4t('isiss!# etc. I sto$$!7e o 2o"* is not !tt"i%4t!%#e to eithe" $!"t( e!ch 4st %e!" his o2n #oss( i.e.%"o2n-o4ts!cts o Go'( etc.

    A 8A%+: PA%8 e$#o)ee is one 2ho is $!i' 4n'e" the $"inci$#e o 8no-:2o"*( no $!)8. The!cto"s o" 'i6iso"s 4se' to 'ete"ine his 2!7es !"e 7ene"!##) ( 1( >E&TI;ELY OBLITERATE the 2!7e'istinctions in s4ch 2!7e st"4ct4"e %!se' on SILLS LENGTH O> SER;I&E !n' OTHERLOGI&AL BASES O> DI>>ERENTIATION.


    In o"7!ni9e' est!%#ishents( the 'isto"tion sh!## %e "eso#6e' th"o47h the 7"ie6!nce!chine") !n' 6o#4nt!") !"%it"!tion5 in 4no"7!ni9e' est!%#ishent( the 'isto"tion sh!## %e thes4%3ect o e'i!tion %) the N&MB !n' co$4#so") !"%it"!tion %) the NLR&.

    The co""ection o the 'isto"tion 'oes not "eC4i"e th!t the $"e6io4s 'ie"ence %e "esto"e' inex!ct#) the s!e !o4nt. It is eno47h th!t ! s4%st!nti!# 'ie"ence is !chie6e'.

    &ondiminution Rule



  • 7/25/2019 Labor Standards Study Guide 2


    These !"e %eneits %ein7 7i6en to e$#o)ees c!nnot %e t!*en %!c* o" "e'4ce' 4ni#!te"!##)%) the e$#o)e" %ec!4se the %eneits h!s %ecoe $!"t o the e$#o)ent cont"!ct( 2"itten o"4n2"itten


    It is !$$#ic!%#e i it is sho2n th!t the 7"!nt o the %eneit is %!se' on !n ex$"ess $o#ic) o"h!s "i$ene' into ! $"!ctice o6e" ! #on7 $e"io' o tie !n' th!t the $"!ctice is consistent !n''e#i%e"!te



    It is ! s4$$#eent o" e$#o)ent %eneit 7i6en 4n'e" ce"t!in con'itions.

    It is !n !o4nt 7"!nte' 6o#4nt!"i#) to !n e$#o)ee o" his in'4st") !n' #o)!#t) 2hichcont"i%4te' to the s4ccess !n' "e!#i9!tion o $"oits o the e$#o)e"s %4siness5 !n !ct o



    It is not 'e!n'!%#e !n' eno"ce!%#e o%#i7!tion5 %4t it %ecoes so 2hen it is !'e $!"t othe 2!7e o" co$ens!tion

    It is $!"t o the 2!7e i it is !n !''ition!# co$ens!tion 2hich the e$#o)e" $"oise' to7i6e 2itho4t !n) con'itions i$ose' o" its $!)ent %4t i it is $!i' on#) i $"oits !"e "e!#i9e' o" !ce"t!in !o4nt o $"o'4cti6it) !chie6e'( it c!nnot %e consi'e"e' $!"t o the 2!7e

    1t mont Pay

    ONE-TWEL>TH +11

  • 7/25/2019 Labor Standards Study Guide 2


    sixteen +1/0 '!)s

    Place of Payment

    W!7es sh!## %e !'e !t o" ne!" the $#!ce o 4n'e"t!*in7( exce$t !s othe"2ise $"o6i'e' %) s4ch"e74#!tions !s the Sec"et!") o L!%o" !) $"esc"i%e 4n'e" con'itions to ens4"e 7"e!te" $"otection

    o 2!7es.

    PR-B%C%%-&S R6;AR%&; )A;6S

    NON-INTER>EREN&E IN DISPOSAL +ARTI&LE 11OR LOSSDAMAGE +ARTI&LES 11-110 no 'e$osit "o 2hich to 'e'4ct #oss o"'!!7e o too#s( !te"i!#s( o" eC4i$ent s4$$#ie' %) e$#o)e" exce$t 2hen s4ch 'e$osits !"ec4sto!") o" !4tho"i9e' %) %4siness $"!ctice( o" is necess!") o" 'esi"!%#e !s !) %e 'ete"ine'%) the Sec"et!") o L!%o". De'4ctions c!n %e !'e on#) !te" '4e $"ocess !n' the e$#o)ee:s"es$onsi%i#it) the"eo" is est!%#ishe'.

    WITHHOLDING O> WAGESI&BA&S +ARTI&LE 11/05 2ithho#'in7 o 2!7es %) o"ce( ste!#th(intii'!tion( th"e!ts( etc(

    DEDU&TION TO ENSURE EMPLOYMENT +ARTI&LE 11F05 'e'4ction !s consi'e"!tion o !$"oise o e$#o)ent o" "etention o e$#o)ent

    RETALIATORY MEASURES +ARTI&LE 11,05 "e4s!# to $!) o" "e'4ction o $!) !s "et!#i!tion o" thei#in7 o co$#!int o" 7i6in7 o testion) %) the e$#o)ee !7!inst the e$#o)e".

    >ALSE REPORTING +ARTI&LE 1105 !*in7 !#se st!teents( "e$o"ts o" "eco"'s "e7!"'in72!7es.

    "obE+abor (ontracting

    Permissible "ob (ontracting

    The cont"!cto" c!""ies on !n in'e$en'ent %4siness !n' 4n'e"t!*es the cont"!ct 2o"* on

    his o2n !cco4nt 4n'e" his o2n "es$onsi%i#it) !cco"'in7 to his o2n !nne" !n' etho'( "ee "o

    cont"o# !n' 'i"ection o his e$#o)e" o" $"inci$!# in !## !tte"s connecte' 2ith the $e"o"!nce o

    the 2o"* exce$t !s to the "es4#ts the"eo.

    The cont"!cto" h!s s4%st!nti!# c!$it!# o" in6estent in the o" o too#seC4i$ent(

    !chine"ies( 2o"* $"eises !n' othe" !te"i!#s( 2hich !"e necess!") in e con'4ct o %4siness.

    (onditions for Permissible "ob (ontracting


  • 7/25/2019 Labor Standards Study Guide 2


    The cont"!cto" 4st %e '4#) #icense' %) DOLE.

    The"e sho4#' %e ! 2"itten cont"!ct %et2een the cont"!cto" !n' the $"inci$!# th!t 2i## !ss4"e

    the e$#o)ees !t #e!st the ini4 #!%o" st!n'!"'s !n' %eneits $"o6i'e' %) existin7 #!2s.

    Proibited Acti!ities

    1. L!%o"-on#) cont"!ctin75

    OUR. +0'e#i6e"ies( o" $"e7n!nt 2oen 2hethe" !""ie' o" 4n!""ie'.

    "-C (-&RA(%&; +AC-R-&+: (-&RA(%&;

    The"e is no e$#o)e"-e$#o)ee "e#!tionshi$

    %et2een the $"inci$!# !n' the e$#o)ees o

    the cont"!cto"

    E$#o)e"-e$#o)ee "e#!tionshi$ exists

    The $"inci$!# Is consi'e"e' on#) !n

    8in'i"ect:: e$#o)e" 4n'e" A"tic#e 1F o the

    L!%o" &o'e

    The $"inci$!# is consi'e"e' the 'i"ect

    e$#o)e" 4n'e" A"tic#e 1/ in L!%o"-on#)


    The $"inci$!# in o% &ont"!ctin7 is !'e

    3oint#) !n' se6e"!##) #i!%#e on#)( o" the $!)ent

    o 2!7es. Othe" c#!is !"e not inc#4'e'.

    The $"inci$!# in o% &ont"!ctin7 is

    !'e 3oint#) !n' se6e"!##) #i!%#e o" the

    $!)ent o 2!7es( !n' Othe" c#!is !"e


    The cont"!cto" $"o6i'es s$eciic se"6ices o"

    4n'e"t!*es ! s$eciic 3o% Wh!t is $"o6i'e' is on#) !n$o2e" o"

    $e"sonne# to 2o"* o" the $"inci$!#.


  • 7/25/2019 Labor Standards Study Guide 2


    /.. PATERNITY LEA;E +RA ,1,F0 Le!6e 2ith $!) o" SE;EN +F0 DAYS o" the i"st>OUR +0 'e#i6e"ies o the #e7iti!te s$o4se 2ith 2ho he is coh!%itin7.

    /.. &BAOTHER BENE>ITS5 These !"e not !n'!te' %) #!2 %4t !) %e 7"!nte'$4"s4!nt to cont"!ct4!# !""!n7eents 4n'e" the &BA( the in'i6i'4!# e$#o)ee cont"!ct o"

    the 6o#4nt!") e$#o)e" $o#ic) o the e$#o)e". Ex!$#es !"e ;A&ATION SI& LEA;E(LONGE;ITY PAY( HAARD PAY( BEREA;EMENT PAY( etc. .




    /..1.1 Be#o2 1 )e!"s( on#) 2hen chi#' 2o"*s 'i"ect#) o" his $!"ents o"74!"'i!ns !n' the e$#o)ent 'oes not inte"e"e 2ith his schoo#in7.

    /..1.< Bet2een 1-1, )e!"s( on#) !t s4ch ho4"s !n' '!)s !s 'ete"ine' %) theSec"et!") o L!%o"

    /..1. Be#o2 1, )e!"s( c!nnot %e e$#o)e' in h!9!"'o4s o" 'e#ete"io4s4n'e"t!*in7s !s 'ete"ine %) Sec"et!") o L!%o".



  • 7/25/2019 Labor Standards Study Guide 2


    no"!# 'e6e#o$ent5 !n'( e$#o)e"( $!"ent o" 74!"'i!n $"o6i'es chi#'2ith $"i!") !n' secon'!") e'4c!tion $"esc"i%e' %) DE&S.


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