
Laboratory System Specification

Published December 2016

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© Crown Copyright 1999

Cervical Screening System

HA/Pathology Laboratory Links

(One Way and Two Way)

Laboratory System Specification Version Number : 6

Issue Date : 21.11.1999

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Project: HA/Pathology Laboratory Links (One Way and Two Way) Date: 21.11.1999 Document Type: Laboratory System Specification Version: 6


AMENDMENT HISTORY ....................................................................................................... 4

DISTRIBUTION LIST ............................................................................................................. 5

1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 6

1.1. General ........................................................................................................................ 6

1.2. Purpose of Document ................................................................................................. 6

1.3. Overview ...................................................................................................................... 6

1.4. Benefits ........................................................................................................................ 8

2. System Pre-requisites ...................................................................................................... 10

2.1. Data Transfer ............................................................................................................ 10

2.2. Backup and Recovery............................................................................................... 10

2.3. EDIFACT .................................................................................................................. 10

3. List of Functions .............................................................................................................. 18

3.1. Results Transfer (One Way Link) .......................................................................... 18

3.2. Invitation List (Two Way Link) .............................................................................. 20

3.3. PID Request (Two Way Link) ................................................................................. 21

3.4. Supply Screening History (Two Way Link) ........................................................... 23

3.5. PID Inconsistencies (Two Way Link) ..................................................................... 24

3.6. Registration Transaction Processing (Two Way Link) ......................................... 25

3.7. Outstanding Logged Smears (Two Way Link) ...................................................... 26

4. Message Definitions ......................................................................................................... 28

5. References ........................................................................................................................ 28

6. Glossary ............................................................................................................................ 29

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A. Data Descriptions

B. Message RECEP:0:2:FH:

(Receipt Report)

C. Message FHSREG:0:1:FH:FHS002

(PID, Invitation List, Screening History, Registration Changes)

D. Message FHSPRV:0:2:FH:FHS003

(Logged Smears and Results)

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Project: HA/Pathology Laboratory Links (One Way and Two Way) Date: 21.11.1999 Document Type: Laboratory System Specification Version: 6

AMENDMENT HISTORY Version: Date Issued: Brief Summary of Change: Owner's Signature: 0 07.12.94 First Published Version 1 06.03.95 Amendments to include Phase

II, III and IV

2 09.10.95 Various improvements to


3 08.11.95 Amendments as a result of

quality review of Version 2

4 27.09.96 Converted to WORD

document; include logged smears message; amend FHSA to HA; clarify wording of two way links data and processes.

5 17.08.98 More detail added to Appendix


6 28.05.1999 Amend two way links to use

FHSREG:0:1:FH:FHS002 only for PID requests. Amend data types for message. Clarify data descriptions and standards.

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Project: HA/Pathology Laboratory Links (One Way and Two Way) Date: 21.11.1999 Document Type: Laboratory System Specification Version: 6

DISTRIBUTION LIST Owner : Steve Daniels Name Title

This is a controlled document. On receipt of a new version, destroy all previous versions (unless a specified earlier version is in use throughout the project).

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Project: HA/Pathology Laboratory Links (One Way and Two Way) Date: 21.11.1999 Document Type: Laboratory System Specification Version: 6

1. Introduction

In order to improve the effectiveness of the NHS Cervical Screening Programme, one way and two way links between pathology laboratories and Health Authorities (HAs) have been developed.

1.1. General

The HA/Pathology Laboratory Links software will allow an exchange of patient and cervical cytology test data between HAs and pathology laboratories. One way and two way links are available; however the two way link cannot be implemented at a pathology laboratory without the one way link being in place. Both one way and two way links are explained in this document.

1.2. Purpose of Document

The intended audience for this document is the suppliers of Cytopathology systems. This document details the processing and transfer requirements needed to provide two way links which will allow laboratories to exchange data with HAs via the Network. Note: Throughout this document reference to "the Network" will indicate any suitable NHS approved network for the transfer of data in accordance with the NHS Wide Networking Strategy. Any unusual or technical terms can be found in the glossary (section 6).

1.3. Overview

The HA/Pathology Laboratory Links consists of seven different functions, each of which is described in more detail in section 3.

1.3.1. Results Transfer (One Way Link)

This function enables the transfer of cervical cytology smear test results and logged smears from the laboratory to the HA system. Logged smears are optional, but their use prevents the HA system from producing unnecessary reminders. If results are received from patients who are known to have moved to another HA, the data can be redirected automatically to the new HA where the patient is now registered. This process utilises existing HA-HA links.

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The one way link is a pre-requisite of the two way link.

1.3.2. The Invitation List (Two Way Link)

The laboratory has the option to receive a list of patients invited for screening. This consists of an EDIFACT message containing a list of basic PID (Patient Identity Details) data for all patients, sent at the time of invitation. The laboratory has the option to include or exclude the patient's address. The laboratory notified is the main laboratory known to be used by the patient’s GP. Laboratories who are the GP’s secondary laboratories may also elect to receive the Invitation List. The laboratory can use this data to help plan workloads and update their patient data.

The HA also has the option to send the patient an HMR101/5 form with the cervical screening invitation. This will include the patient's address and last screening details. Ideally, this form will be taken by the patient when attending for screening and will accompany the test to the laboratory. An HMR101/5 form can be produced for every woman on the Invitation List, which should assist laboratories in processing the smear test, by providing legible PID data.

1.3.3. The PID Request (Two Way Link)

The laboratory has the option to electronically request PID data from the HA. The request can be by individual or group of patients. The HA will supply the data requested. The request and the data will be transferred as an EDIFACT message.

1.3.4. Supply Screening History (Two Way Link)

The laboratory may request that HA cervical screening history be supplied with the PID data. The screening history will be sent with the PID data for both individual and group PID Requests. The laboratory will receive the full screening history for the patient as known to the HA, (i.e. cervical smears only). The PID data and screening history data will be supplied in the form of an EDIFACT message.

1.3.5. The PID Inconsistency from the Smear Test Result (Two Way


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The HA can return PID data in an EDIFACT message to the laboratory in response to receiving smear test results or logged smears which contain registration inconsistencies (e.g. Address, name etc.). Test results are either automatically or manually matched and both can produce a PID inconsistency. All available PID data on the patient concerned will be sent to the laboratory. The laboratory can use the PID information to update their data and improve the chances of any future matching processes relating to the patient.

1.3.6. Registration Transaction Processing (Two Way Link)

The laboratories may choose to receive details from the HA containing all changes in PID data for women eligible for Cervical Screening. This can be new registrations, deductions or changes to registration details.

1.3.7. Outstanding Logged Smears (Two Way Link)

If laboratories send logged smears to HAs they will also have the option of receiving information on outstanding logged smears (where the result has not followed shortly afterwards).

1.4. Benefits

The main benefits of Electronic Data Interchange as a medium for data transfer are as


Reduction in paper usage Reduction in transcription errors

Greater level of security than paper transfer, e.g. the transfer will not be

misplaced, overlooked or misdirected. Easy reproduction and automatic re-transmissions

Improved timeliness of data transmission

The benefits to be gained by using the Network as the transfer medium between

Pathology Laboratories and HAs are as follows:

All HAs are currently linked to the Network A Laboratory may have links with many HAs using one connection

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Standardised method of transfer The Network will be used by the wider healthcare community, e.g. GPs

Increased speed of transfer

Increased data security

Improved reliability

Greater degree of flexibility in sending and receiving data at times suitable to

the sender and recipient More specific benefits are covered in the Business Case (HA/Pathology Laboratory

Links Business Case, Version 0, Date 11/07/95). Copies are available from NHS Information Authority at the address on the front on this document.

Only one message type per interchange is permitted for all EDI messages that go

from and to the Health Authority core system.

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2. System Pre-requisites

2.1. Data Transfer

The EDIFACT message formats for transferring information from pathology laboratories to HAs via the Network are detailed in the Appendices of this document.

The transfer of test results from pathology laboratories to HAs must only occur where the pathology laboratory and the HA have consistent use of codes. Where this is not the case, the data transfer will be rejected by the HA system.

2.2. Backup and Recovery

Provisions for re-transmissions of data must be made in case of laboratory system, Network or HA system failure.

In the event of any failure, it is important that data is not lost. As a result, sufficient backup facilities must exist to allow the regeneration of data files.

In the unlikely event of extended periods of Network failure, an alternative method of data entry and transfer must be provided so that work can continue with minimal disruption. The only option available for two way links is to return to manual methods. The HA software may produce prints instead of electronic transfer. In practice it is likely transfer will be postponed until the Network service is resumed.


2.3.1. Introduction

This section outlines the requirement for the translation and transmission of EDIFACT messages and the ability to track files in transit. The convention of sequence numbers, delivery reports and receipt reports and standards used are addressed.

Data files will be transmitted in accordance with the rules and syntax of EDIFACT (Electronic Data Interchange For Administration, Commerce and Transport). The EDIFACT standard includes rules on the structuring of user data within a message.

The EDIFACT standard specifies that data comprises a sequence of Segments, each commencing with a TAG, and terminated by a segment terminator. Segments may be either service segments or data segments, and are arranged with the following hierarchical structure:

INTERCHANGE Corresponds to a 'file' or single transmission

from a pathology laboratory, and will include

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patient details and test results. Note : only one message type per interchange is allowed in this implementation.

FUNCTIONAL GROUP This level is optional within EDIFACT and will

not be used. MESSAGE In this context, a MESSAGE constitutes one or

more sets of information e.g. cervical cytology smear test results from a pathology laboratory.

SEGMENTS These are composed of data elements which may

be simple or composite. They have a three character name or 'tag'.

2.3.2. EDIFACT Translation

As mentioned above, the syntax of data transfer messages is governed by the

rules of EDIFACT and, as such, all data passed between the HA and the Pathology laboratory system must conform to those rules.

When data is extracted from the application ready to be sent, it must be

translated into the EDIFACT message format. When a message is received from a HA, data must be extracted and passed to the relevant application.

It is strongly recommended that an EDIFACT translation package is used.

MediFACT is recommended, as it has been used in conjunction with HA, GP and Laboratory systems.

2.3.3. Delivery/Receipt Reports Delivery Report

This section deals with Network delivery reports, which are generated

by the Healthlink store and forward/collect (S & F/C) system if sending to a non-X.400 system, or by the X.400 system over the NHS Wide Network. A delivery report is a file automatically created for the sender. The Healthlink delivery report will have the following format :

<Filename> <Creation Time> <Delivery Code> <Delivered Time> or <Non-delivery Code> <Non-delivery Diagnostic> Where :

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<Filename> = Name of file this report relates to: yyyymmm.SND (where yyyy=destination site, mmm=Network send sequence)

<Creation Time> = Date and time this report was actually created (in

the format ddmmyy hh: mm) <Delivery Code> = 1 DELIVERED or 2 NON-DELIVERED <Delivered Time>= Date and time delivery took place (ddmmyy hh:

mm) <Non-delivery = 01 = Transfer failure Code> 02 = Unable to transfer <Non-delivery = Reason for non-delivery Diagnostic> These system-generated files have a 'REP' extension (e.g.

IDENTnnn.REP) if using the 'collect' facility of the S & F/C. In the case where this is generated by the S & F/C, this does not signify that the file has reached its destination, merely that it has arrived at the store and forward facility.

A typical Healthlink Delivery Report following a successful

transmission may look like: FPCXX039.SND 011291 11:20 1 DELIVERED 011292 14:00 In this case, the interchange was contained in the file FPCXX039.SND

and destined for the site whose Network code is FPCXX. The interchange arrived at the S & F/C at 11:20 on 1 December 1991 and was delivered at 2.00 p.m. that same day.

A typical Healthlink Delivery Report following an unsuccessful

transmission may look like: FAAXX040.SND 041291 09:30 2 NON-DELIVERED 01 07 Content too long Here, the interchange was contained in the file FAAXX040.SND and

was destined for the site FAAXX. The non-delivery code indicates that

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there was a transfer error and the reason for the error was that the transfer file was too long.

It is expected that any Network errors will have to be resolved by

support intervention. Receipt Report

This section applies to any system exchanging messages with HAs. Upon receipt of an interchange, the destination will send a 'Receipt

Report' file back to the original source site. This will detail the contents (message sequence number(s)), date and time of delivery/processing and the received statuses of those messages received. The last will cover all events including:

• successful message processing • EDIFACT transmission failure (where appropriate) • EDIFACT translation failure The receipt report does not necessarily indicate that application

processing is complete/successful. Receipt reports are separate from any application level acknowledgements.

This will be processed by the original interchange sender, and from this

report the success of the past transaction determined. If the report indicates corruption or loss of data, the interchange will be re-transmitted. If errors are due to an EDIFACT translation mismatch in the data, the data or the translation process will have to be manually supported.

Please refer to Appendix B for details of receipt report message. The receipt report message will be transferred in the next interchange.

Receipt reports are not generated for receipt reports. Following rejection of received data (interchange or part thereof) by

the receiving HA, no further processing will be performed by the HA after returning the receipt report.

Following receipt of a successful report and generation of its associated

report (see below), the laboratory system should update the status for each processed message on the system.

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2.3.4. System Reporting and File Tracking System Reporting

The following is a suggested method of reporting on Network transfers

on a Pathology laboratory system. Each stage of the transmission process should be accompanied by a

printed summary report of the transfer to be kept by the laboratory. This will detail each transmitted message, its type, its sequence number, destination site, date and time of transmission, and status.

A report is produced for each of:

send receipt of delivery report receipt of transfer transmission or receipt of receipt report

If the report is printed, the suggested retention period for such a report

is 3 months. To aid the checking of Network billing, it is recommended that a report

is available for laboratory system users. File Tracking

This section applies to any systems exchanging data with HAs. For

each HA with which the Pathology laboratory communicates, a series of counts may be kept by the Pathology laboratory system to allow the tracking of individual interchanges and messages within those interchanges. These counts will serve as sequence numbers and will be used to uniquely identify each message and each interchange.

The number associated with each message will be incorporated into the

message header at the EDIFACT translation stage. The number associated with each interchange will be incorporated into the interchange header when the interchange is created.

Send Interchange Sequence (SIS): Every Interchange to a HA will incorporate a SIS. This will be in the

range 1 to 99999999 and will increment by one for each interchange sent. When the maximum number is reached, the number is reset to 1.

If an interchange is to be re-sent because of received errors then the interchange will be identified by its SIS. A duplicate interchange being resented will have the SIS of the original.

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Send Message Sequence (SMS): Every message sent to a HA will incorporate a SMS. The SMS

will be in the range 1 to 99999999 and will increment by one for each message sent. When the maximum number is reached, the number is reset to 1.

Received Interchange Sequence (RIS): Every Interchange received from a HA will incorporate a

unique RIS. This will be in the range 1 to 99999999 and will increment by one for each interchange. When the maximum number is reached, the next expected RIS would be 1. If the RIS of the interchange received is not the one expected or a RIS is duplicated, a query is to be generated and operator confirmation sought for acceptance or rejection. If such a case occurred, information regarding the interchange (e.g. RIS, RMS's of messages, source etc.) to allow the decision to be made.

Received Message Sequence (RMS):

Every message received by a HA will incorporate a RMS. The RMS will be in the range 1 to 99999999 and will increment by one for each message received. When the maximum number is reached, the number is reset to 1.

Provisions must be made to accommodate messages and/or

interchanges that are duplicated or are delivered out of sequence. In the event of transmissions being lost, delayed or cancelled and the

received RIS is greater than the one expected, the validity of that interchange must be sought from the operator in the form of a query. If the interchange is accepted, the next expected RIS is to be set to one greater than the one just received.

A 'windowing' mechanism to check sequence numbers of received

messages would be useful for users. This would allow the user to check which messages and interchanges had been received over a pre-defined period and the status of each transaction.

Missing or duplicated entries should be highlighted for further

attention. Users of MediFACT may have the above counts handled automatically.

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2.3.5. Data Transmission General

The NHS Wide Network operates an X.400 and a Store and Forward/Collect (S & F/C) system. The principle of the S & F/C facility is that interchange/files are deposited for subsequent retrieval by the intended recipient at a convenient time, thereby avoiding the need for a direct connection between the systems concerned.

For all links with HAs, a system of sequence numbers, and receipt

reports are used to ensure both parties are aware of the status of transfers.

Details are given in section 2.3.4 above. Frequency of Transmission

In order to avoid incurring message storage charges on the Network, it

is important that the pathology laboratory system should connect to the Network at least once a day to receive any waiting transfers.

Frequency of transmission of test results to HAs should be agreed by

the laboratories and the HAs implementing the link. It is recommended that a daily or weekly transfer is agreed. Methods of Connection

The following methods of connection to the NHS Wide Network are


Leased line connecting directly to a Network Access Point (NAP) operating at 48 KBits/second (Digital) or 9.6 Kbits/second (Digital and Analogue)

Modem dial-up connecting to a local access point using:

V.21 at 300 bits/second full duplex, V.22 at 1200 bits/second full duplex, V.22 at 2400 bits/second full duplex (NHS Information

Authority recommend this if dial-up connection is used).

However, it should be noted that there are restrictions on modem dial-

up connections from sites connected to the NHS Wide Network. For further details of connection, please contact the applicable Network


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Project: HA/Pathology Laboratory Links (One Way and Two Way) Date: 21.11.1999 Document Type: Laboratory System Specification Version: 6 Communication Protocols

Having achieved a connection to the Network, file transfer will be

possible according to one of two protocols. These are:

Using the Kermit protocol to transfer files to and from the Network. Kermit is public domain software.

Using a 'pure OSI' protocol stack using X.400 over the X.25

Network service.

It is strongly recommended that the OSI X.400 protocol is used. Purchasers of the MediFACT product will have the choice of

communications protocols available. For suppliers not using MediFACT requiring further details, please

contact the applicable Network provider.

2.3.6. Technical Specification

For further details of technical aspects of connection with the NHS Wide

Network, please contact the applicable Network provider. Unfortunately, NHS Information Authority cannot supply this information.

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3. List of Functions

This section describes the following functions in more detail: Results Transfer Datatype 003 for results only Datatype 9 for results with outstanding logged smears Invitation List Datatype 152 PID Request Datatype 153 for Individual PID request Datatype 154 for Group PID request Datatype 152 for PID response Screening History Datatypes as for PID request PID Inconsistencies Datatype 152 Registration Transactions Datatype 242

3.1. Results Transfer (One Way Link)

3.1.1. Introduction

This function allows the transfer of Cervical Smear test results and logged

smears to be sent from a Laboratory to a HA. The messages applicable to this function are in Appendix D.

See Section 3.7 for more details on outstanding logged smears.

3.1.2. Function Benefits

The benefits of this function include:

More speedy result notification (for both patient and HA). Data will not be "entered" twice thereby reducing possible data entry

errors. Greater level of security at both Laboratory and HA.

The opportunity for data reproduction and automatic re-transmission if

necessary. Opportunity to develop the two way link in the future.

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3.1.3. Optionality of Function

Although this function is optional, the opportunity for a Laboratory to gain the

benefits of the Two Way Link will not be possible without the results only function being available.

3.1.4. Incoming Data

If the one way link only is in place, no data will be sent to the laboratory from

the HA as a result of this function, with the exception of the receipt report message.

If the two way link is switched on for this laboratory, the laboratory will have the option to receive PID inconsistencies (see sections 1.3.5 and 3.5). There will be the option to receive a list of outstanding logged smears from the HA (see sections 1.3.7 and 3.7).

3.1.5. Processing Outline

While results are being updated on the laboratory system, they should be saved and batched together for sending at the agreed interval to the HA. The batch of results is then translated into an EDIFACT message just prior to transmission over the network.

The transfer of cervical cytology results and logged smears takes place, usually overnight. The results can then be processed and updated automatically at the HA overnight, leaving only the outstanding matching to be performed on the next working day.

It is recommended that the facility be developed at the laboratory so that the

batch transmission of results can take place on a daily basis unattended by the user.

3.1.6. Outgoing Data

The message design is contained in Appendix D . The implementation of the

message should always using EDIFACT character set A. This character set ensures that all alphabetic characters are upper case.

An explanation of some of the data elements (or fields) that are used by the

Cervical Screening system are detailed in section 1 of Appendix A and this information should be used in conjunction with the message design documentation.

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3.2. Invitation List (Two Way Link)

3.2.1. Introduction

The Laboratory can receive a list of all women who are invited for Cervical

Screening by the HA and whose smear test is likely to be analysed by the Laboratory.

The messages applicable to this function are in Appendix C. See sections 3.4

and 3.6 for more information on screening history and registration changes respectively.

3.2.2. Function Benefits

The benefits of this function include:

It allows the laboratory to know future workloads.

It allows the laboratory to update patient registration details (which

have normally been updated on the GP system and transferred directly into the HA system via the Network).

3.2.3. Optionality of Function

The laboratory can in consultation with the HA decide whether to receive the

Invitation List. The option to receive the Invitation List is controlled by the HA software. It is possible for a print to be sent to the Laboratory instead of an electronic transfer.

3.2.4. Incoming Data

List of patients invited for cervical screening. The list is transferred electronically via an EDIFACT message. The laboratory system must be capable of receiving the Invitation List. The patient's address may be included with the Invitation List at the request of the laboratory. A decision should be made locally to determine whether the address is required. The option to receive the address is controlled by the HA software although the laboratory system must be capable of receiving patient addresses in the Invitation List. The Invitation List can be sent to the GP's primary laboratory only and may also be sent to the secondary laboratories if required. The laboratory and HA

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must agree locally which protocol is required. Again this option is controlled by the HA software.

The data on the Invitation List is shown in section 2 of Appendix A.

3.2.5. Processing Outline

The laboratory will receive an Invitation List of patients that have been invited

for cervical screening. If the laboratory requires, the patient’s address may be included. The Invitation List can be sent to the GP’s Primary Laboratory but the Secondary Laboratories may also elect to receive the list.

At the laboratory, processing of the Invitation List will involve matching against the current patient index. The Invitation List should be used to update the patient index on the laboratory system, so that it can be available for later use. It is expected that if the laboratory does not receive a smear for analysis within a specified period of time (e.g. 6 months) patient details received will be deleted automatically.

3.2.6. Outgoing Data

No data will be sent to the HA from the laboratory as a result of this function

except for the Receipt Report.

3.3. PID Request (Two Way Link)

3.3.1. Introduction

The laboratory may request from the HA an individual or group of PIDs

(Patient Identity Details). The laboratory system must be capable of sending/receiving individual or group PID data.

3.3.2. Function Benefits

The laboratory may request PID data automatically when booking in and so the

system can be kept up to date with the HA, thereby reducing the time spent matching patients later in the screening cycle.

3.3.3. Optionality of Function

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This function is optional. Each laboratory can request to receive PID details after consultation with their local HA(s). The option to receive PID data is controlled by the HA software.

3.3.4. Incoming Data

The PID transfer data is explained in section 3 of Appendix A.

3.3.5. Processing Outline

The laboratory may request PID (Patient Identity Details) data from the HA for

a patient or group of patients. It is expected that the individual PID data will be on the patient index. Where

more than one possible match is given matching should also be performed.

For group PID data, automatic matching should be performed for patients previously known and if not possible (e.g. similar PID details already held on the laboratory system) manual matching should be performed. Where more than one possible match is given manual matching should also be performed.

PID requests for a group of patients are made to a HA. This method may be

used to 'populate' a laboratory database if required. PID requests for an individual patient may be requested at any time.

However, it is normally expected that the PID request will be generated automatically at booking-in time if data is not sufficient on the HMR101/5 form as completed manually by the smear taker.

3.3.6. Outgoing Data

Individual PID request The laboratory may request Patient Identity Details from the HA (where

patient details are incomplete or believed to be incorrect) via a PID request. The minimum and maximum dataset for an individual patient PID request will contain the data shown in Appendix A (sections 4 and 5).

Group PID request

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The parameters for a group PID request depends on the scope of data required. The minimum and maximum datasets are shown in Appendix A (sections 6 and 7). Further explanation of group PID is in Appendix A (section 8).

3.4. Supply Screening History (Two Way Link)

3.4.1. Introduction

This function will allow the laboratory to request cervical cytology screening

history from the HA. The screening history consists of smear data and is accompanied by PID data. The applicable message for this function is shown in Appendix C.

3.4.2. Function Benefits

The laboratory will have a patient’s full Cervical Screening history available

when deciding which course of action to take when analysing a cervical smear test.

3.4.3. Optionality of Function

This function is optional. The laboratory can request the screening history of a

patient when requesting a PID transfer.

3.4.4. Incoming Data

The incoming data is described in section 9 of Appendix A.

3.4.5. Processing Outline

The laboratory system will generate screening history requests as appropriate (probably user initiated).

The laboratory system will then receive a full Cervical Screening history

transfer from the HA. The laboratory will need to decide locally how it will action the data returned

by the HA. It could have automatic or manual update processing with the relevant audit reports being generated. The data may be incorporated into the data held at the laboratory, or held as a note for viewing and even deleted when utilised at the laboratory.

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3.4.6. Outgoing Data

The outgoing data from the laboratory will be as per the PID request shown in

Appendix A, with the additional Screening History request field in the request as shown in Appendix A (section 10).

Note: The screening history request field can be added to any PID request

(individual or group), so long as the appropriate message is used.

3.5. PID Inconsistencies (Two Way Link)

3.5.1. Introduction

This function will allow the laboratory to receive PID data from the HA in

response to smear test results and logged smears received which contain registration inconsistencies relating to the patient such as address or name.

In the event of the HA receiving a smear test result or logged smear containing

registration inconsistencies with the patient details, all available PID data at the HA can be sent to the laboratory to use in updating their database.

The relevant message is shown in Appendix C.

3.5.2. Function Benefits

This function will allow the laboratory to update their database in line with the

necessary details.

This will be particularly helpful as many other parts of the healthcare community will keep PID data in step with the HA, including linked GPs.

3.5.3. Optionality of Function

This function is optional. The laboratory should confirm to the HA whether or not it wishes to receive PID inconsistency data. The option to receive PID inconsistencies is controlled by HA software.

3.5.4. Incoming Data

The incoming data is as for a PID request. Details are given in section 3 of Appendix A.

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3.5.5. Processing Outline

The processing required at the laboratory will be as the PID request function.

3.5.6. Outgoing Data

No extra outgoing data is required by this function. The standard one way

transfer of results and logged smears will be utilised.

3.6. Registration Transaction Processing (Two Way Link)

3.6.1. Introduction

This function will inform the Laboratory of specified registration changes to

patients eligible for Cervical Screening. The following registration changes can be sent to the laboratory:

New Registrations

Change of Address

Change of Date of Birth

Change of Name

Change of GP

Change of NHS number

Change of Title

Change of Sex


The message relevant to this function is in Appendix C.

3.6.2. Function Benefits

This function will allow the laboratory to receive any registration changes in a

timely manner, which will allow the Laboratory database to be kept up to date and in step with the HA.

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3.6.3. Optionality of Function

This function is optional and each type of change is also optional. After agreement with the laboratory and HA, the HA will switch the relevant options on or off.

3.6.4. Incoming Data

The incoming data is the same as for PID requests. Details are given in section 3 of Appendix C.

3.6.5. Processing Outline

The laboratory users should control the action at the laboratory system.

Details may be updated automatically or manually.

3.6.6. Outgoing Data

No outgoing data is required of this function, except for a receipt report


3.7. Outstanding Logged Smears (Two Way Link)

3.7.1. Introduction

This function allows the laboratory system to receive information on logged smears that have been sent to the HA and have not been followed by a smear with a result. The message required by this function is given in Appendix D.

3.7.2. Function Benefits

This will allow laboratories to be aware of smears that have been logged and require follow-up action at the HA. Patients are "frozen" in the screening system while they have a smear logged, so smears that are only logged and outstanding for a long period of time should be audited regularly. This allows for the timely and accurate working of the system.

3.7.3. Optionality of Function

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This function is optional. It is, however, desirable for all laboratories using two way links and sending logged smears. Laboratories wishing to receive information on outstanding logged smears should contact their local HA(s).

3.7.4. Incoming Data

The incoming data is the same as for the data sent to a HA to "log" a smear. Details are given in section 1 of Appendix A.

3.7.5. Processing Outline

The laboratory will receive incoming logged smears that have been outstanding (e.g. for 2 months). The system should check the details held and if possible send the results to the HA without user intervention. Any manual follow-ups will require reports to be made available to the users. Audit reports on any automatic processing should also be produced.

3.7.6. Outgoing Data

There is no mandatory outgoing data required of this function, except for a receipt report message. However, reference should be made to results message, which may be produced. Please refer to section 3.1 above for further details.

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4. Message Definitions

Function Description Message Name Appendix

Results Transfer FHSPRV:0:2:FH:FHS003 D

Results and logged smears Transfer FHSPRV:0:2:FH:FHS003 D

Invitation List FHSREG:0:1:FH:FHS002 C

PID Request FHSREG:0:1:FH:FHS002


Screening History FHSREG:0:1:FH:FHS002 C

PID Inconsistencies (for smear tests). FHSREG:0:1:FH:FHS002 C

Registration Transactions FHSREG:0:1:FH:FHS002 C

Receipt Report RECEP:0:2:FH B

Outstanding Logged Smears FHSPRV:0:2:FH:FHS003 D

5. References

Information on national standard result and action codes is available on request from the NHS Information Authority. Details of accreditation services are also available on request from NHS Information Authority.

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6. Glossary

Batch Mode Items grouped together and sent together at one time at a later time.

Booking In Recording the receipt of a smear test at the laboratory.

Data Capture The extraction of data from manual inputs.

Demographic Inconsistency

Patient details which do not match data on the HA database.

DHA District Health Authority. DHAs and FHSAs were merged in April 1996 to form HAs. The notion of DHA is still included in screening.

EDI Electronic Data Interchange. A standard method of transmitting data over an electronic link. The standard being used for this project is UN/EDIFACT.


HA Health Authority. The HA runs the Cervical Screening System for it's area.

Interchange (EDIFACT) The unit for transfer of EDIFACT data, consisting of one or more EDIFACT messages.

Message (EDIFACT) A group of related data structured in EDIFACT format.

Network Any suitable NHS approved network for the transfer of data in accordance with NHS Wide Networking Strategy.

PID Patient Identity Details. Contains patient name, address, NHS number and GP details.

Primary Laboratory The HA system records the laboratory the GP is most likely to use for cervical smear analysis. See also "Secondary Laboratories".

Screening History Details of a patients' cervical cytology screening history.

Secondary Laboratories Other laboratories used by the GP other than the primary laboratory, recorded by the HA. A Primary Laboratory must exist before a Secondary can be specified. See also "Primary Laboratory".

Sender The Sender is a GP or other authority who has responsibility for a smear test. The code denoting the sender is defined locally. National GP code may be used where the sender is a GP.

Smear Test Cervical smear test.

UN/EDIFACT United Nations standard for 'Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport', also referred to as EDIFACT.



Appendix A HA/Pathology Laboratory Links Laboratory System Spec. (Version 6 21.11.99)


1. Results Transfer (Section 3.1 - Datatypes 003 or 9) and Outstanding Logged Smears (Section 3.7

Datatype 9)

Data element Format Validation information

Pathology Laboratory Code

1 alphanumeric character

This is a local code used at the HA to denote the laboratory. This should normally be agreed with each HA. It should be noted that 'X' is not a valid local laboratory code as this is used by the HA system for historic tests where the laboratory is not known. National codes are not currently available for use with the results message, but may be introduced at a future date.

NHS Number up to 14 characters There is a standard set of formats, including the new NHS number of 10 numeric characters. The laboratory should always send the NHS number if it is available. By sending the NHS number it greatly improves the likelihood of an exact match for the patient being found on the HA system.

Surname up to 35 characters Patient’s surname as known to the laboratory

Previous surname up to 35 characters Patient’s previous surname as known to the laboratory (may be maiden name).

Forename(s) up to 4 forenames fields are defined in the message, each of maximum 22 characters in length

The 4 forename fields may each contain more than one forename if they separated by a space character and the overall field length is no more than 22 characters in length.

Date of birth 8 characters Patient’s date of birth in format DDMMCCYY

Address up to 2 address fields are defined, each up to 35 characters in length

The patient’s address.

Appendix A HA/Pathology Laboratory Links Laboratory System Spec. (Version 6 21.11.99)


Data element Format Validation information

Test Date 8 characters DDMMYY Data Type 9 YYMMDD Data Type 003 This is the date that the smear test was taken.

Slide Number up to 8 characters Slide number should be in one of the following formats: 1. YYSSSSSS 2. YY/Ss 3. Sss/YY 4. free format Where 'S' is mandatory slide number, 's' is optional slide number and YY is current year (e.g. 95). It should be noted that no matter which format is used by the laboratory, all tests must use the same format. Forward slashes and spaces must be

removed before sending over the network.

All slide numbers (whatever the format) should be converted to the format YYSSSSSS (including leading zeros). These are validated before tests are updated on the HA system

Result code 1 numeric character Result code 1 to 8 (as defined on the HMR101/5 form). Valid codes are as follows: 1 Inadequate 2 Negative 3 Mild dyskariosis 4 Severe dyskariosis 5 Severe dyskariosis/?invasive carcinoma 6 ?Glandular neoplasia 7 Moderate dyskariosis 8 Borderline changes This data item is not required for logged smears

Action code 1 alpha character Action code as national standard for assigning management action required. A document on standard action codes and their meaning is available from NHS Information Authority on request. This data item is not

Appendix A HA/Pathology Laboratory Links Laboratory System Spec. (Version 6 21.11.99)


required for logged smears.

Appendix A HA/Pathology Laboratory Links Laboratory System Spec. (Version 6 21.11.99)


Data element Format Validation information

Repeat Months 2 numeric characters (fixed length)

Number of months until the next smear test is advised. Leading 0 if 1-9 months used. Where a repeat smear is advised (along with the result and action), the repeat months is required. Repeat months are not normally required for negative results (result code 2) as the standard recall for the DHA would be used.

GP code up to 6 alphanumeric characters

Code denoting the patient's GP which must correspond with one of the following GP codes used by the HA: Local Code- Issued by the HA. National Code - Issued by the Department of Health. NB The GP National Code is described in Annex 4 to RFA4 (page A-5). It is also used by the PPA where it may have a pre-fix of ‘G’ and a check digit at the end. Either is acceptable.

Source type 1 numeric character Code denoting the source type of the smear. Valid codes are: 1 GP 2 NHS Community Clinic 3 GUM Clinic 4 NHS Hospital 5 Private 6 Other or not known 7 Consultant Gynaecologist

Sender code

up to 6 alphanumeric characters

Code allocated locally denoting the individual or organisation responsible for sending the smear to the laboratory. The sender codes used must correspond with the sender codes used with the HA. These must be agreed locally. It is permissible to send local or national code for sender if the sender is a GP.

Appendix A HA/Pathology Laboratory Links Laboratory System Spec. (Version 6 21.11.99)


Data element Format Validation information

Correspondence Marker

1 alpha character Denotes whether or not the patient will receive correspondence from the HA about the result. 'Y' Correspondence is required. 'N' Correspondence is not required. If left blank, it will be interpreted as 'N' If the Correspondence Marker is 'N' the result notification will be sent to the GP.

Infection code 1 numeric character This is an optional field denoting infection identified: 1 Trichomonas 2 Candida 3 Wart virus 4 Herpes 5 Actinomyces 6 Other 7 Several infections identified

Hysterectomy Marker

Not used The Hysterectomy Marker is no longer applicable for HA/Pathology Laboratory transfers. It has, however, been allowed for in the message. If sent in the message it will be ignored by the HA system.

Appendix A HA/Pathology Laboratory Links Laboratory System Spec. (Version 6 21.11.99)


2. Invitation List (Section 3.2) Datatype 152 (Minimum Data Set)

Data Element Format Validation Information

NHS Number up to 14 characters There is a standard set of formats, including the new NHS number of 10 numeric characters with a Modulus 11 check digit which supersedes all the other formats.

Surname Up to 20 characters Patient surname

First Forename Up to 22 characters Patient first forename

Other Forename Up to 22 characters Patient other forename

Previous Surname Up to 20 characters Patient previous surname

Extra Name Up to 22 characters Patient extra name

Title Up to 10 characters Patient’s Title

Date Of Birth 8 characters Patient date of birth in the format CCYYMMDD

Practice Address Up to 118 characters GP's practice address

Invitation List (Section 3.2) Datatype 152 (Maximum Data Set)

Data Element Format Validation Information

NHS Number up to 14 characters There is a standard set of formats, including the new NHS number of 10 numeric characters with a Modulus 11 check digit.

Surname Up to 20 characters Patient surname

First Forename Up to 22 characters Patient first forename

Other Forename Up to 22 characters Patient other forename

Previous Surname Up to 20 characters Patient previous surname

Extra Name Up to 22 characters Patient extra name

Title Up to 10 characters Patient’s Title

Date Of Birth 8 characters Patient date of birth in the format CCYYMMDD

National DHA Code 3 characters District as defined on the HA

Appendix A HA/Pathology Laboratory Links Laboratory System Spec. (Version 6 21.11.99)


Data Element Format Validation Information


Old NHS Number Up to 17 Characters Patient’s old format NHS Number

Deduction Type Up to 3 Characters Reason for deduction

Screening History Identifier 1 Character Identifies whether a screening History exists for a patient. Y or N

Address Up to 120 characters Patient’s current address. Optional field showing patient current address (including house number and name).

Postcode Up to 8 characters Patient’s address postcode

GP National Code Up to 6 alphanumeric characters

Patient GP national code National Code - Issued by Department of Health.

NB The GP National Code is described in Annex 4 to RFA4 (page A-5).

It is also used by the PPA where it may have a pre-fix of ‘G’ and a check digit at the end. This format is not used by the HA software.

GP Name Up to 20 characters GP's surname

Practice Address Up to 118 characters GP's practice address

Appendix A HA/Pathology Laboratory Links Laboratory System Spec. (Version 6 21.11.99)


3. PID Response (Section 3.3) Datatype 152, PID Inconsistencies (Section 3.5)

Datatype 152 and Registration Changes (Section 3.6) Datatype 232.

Data element Format Validation information

Lab unique identifier Up to 14 characters Unique for patient that was sent by laboratory in PID response

NHS Number Up to 14 characters There is a standard set of formats, including the new NHS number of 10 numeric characters. The laboratory should always send the NHS number if it is available. Sending the NHS number improves the likelihood of an exact match for the patient being found on the HA system.

Match code Up to 3 characters Code denoting the match type of the patient.

Matching text Up to 70 characters Text associated with the match code. Indicates whether a match has been found.

Surname Up to 20 characters Patient surname

First forename Up to 22 characters Patient first forename

Other forename Up to 22 characters Patient other forename

Previous surname Up to 20 characters Patient previous surname

Extra name Up to 22 characters Patient extra name

Title Up to 10 characters Patient’s Title

Date of Birth 8 characters Patient date of birth in the format CCYYMMDD

Sex 1 character M, F or I (indeterminate)

National DHA code 3 characters District as defined on the HA system.

Old NHS Number Up to 17 Characters Patient’s old NHS Number

Deduction Type Up to 3 characters Reason for deduction

Screening History Identifier 1 character Identifier to show whether a

Appendix A HA/Pathology Laboratory Links Laboratory System Spec. (Version 6 21.11.99)


Data element Format Validation information

patient has a screening history or not. Y or N.

Address Up to 120 characters Patient’s current address

Postcode Up to 8 characters Patient’s address postcode

GP National Code Up to 6 characters Patient GP national code National Code - Issued by Department of Health.

NB The GP National Code is described in Annex 4 to RFA4 (page A-5).

It is also used by the PPA where it may have a pre-fix of ‘G’ and a check digit at the end. This format is not used by the HA software.

GP name Up to 20 characters GP's surname

GP Practice address Up to 118 characters GP's practice address

Appendix A HA/Pathology Laboratory Links Laboratory System Spec. (Version 6 21.11.99)


4. Individual PID Request Minimum data set (Section 3.6) Datatype 153

Data element Format Validation Information

Lab unique identifier Up to 14 characters Unique for patient that was sent by laboratory in PID response. The identifier used could be the slide number, so that the laboratory can easily identify the patient when details are returned.

Surname Up to 20 characters Patient’s surname

Forename Up to 22 characters Patient’s forename

Date of Birth 8 characters Patient’s date of birth in the format CCYYMMDD

5. Individual PID Request Maximum data set (Section 3.6) Datatype 153

Data element Format Validation Information

Lab unique identifier Up to 14 characters Unique for patient that was sent by laboratory in PID response

NHS Number Up to 14 Characters Patient’s NHS Number

Surname Up to 20 characters Patient surname

Forename Up to 22 characters Patient forename

Date of Birth 8 characters Patient’s date of birth in the format CCYYMMDD

Screening History Identifier 1 character Identifier to show whether the screening history is required or not. Y or N

Address Minimum of 8 characters Patient’s address. The first 8 characters are currently used in the matching process at the HA.

Postcode Up to 8 alphanumeric characters

Patient’s address postcode

Appendix A HA/Pathology Laboratory Links Laboratory System Spec. (Version 6 21.11.99)


6. Group PID Request Minimum data set (Section 3.6) Datatype 154

Data element Format Validation information

GP National Code Up to 6 numeric characters Patient GP national code National Code - Issued by Department of Health.

NB The GP National Code is described in Annex 4 to RFA4 (page A-5).

It is also used by the PPA where it may have a pre-fix of ‘G’ and a check digit at the end. Either format is acceptable.

Age from Numeric, up to 3 characters The start of age range for selection of group of patients

Age to Numeric, up to 3 characters The end of age range for selection of group of patients

Appendix A HA/Pathology Laboratory Links Laboratory System Spec. (Version 6 21.11.99)


7. Group PID Request Maximum data set (Section 3.6) Datatype 154

Data element Format Validation information

Lab unique identifier Up to 14 characters Unique for patient that was sent by laboratory in PID response.

National DHA code 3 characters District is defined on all HA systems. Needed in order to control the selection of group of patients.

GP National Code Up to 6 characters Patient GP national code National Code – Issued by Department of Health.

NB The GP National Code is described in Annex 4 to RFA4 (page A-5).

It is also used by the PPA where it may have a pre-fix of ‘G’ and a check digit. These will be stripped off by the HA system.

Age range from up to 3 numeric The start of the age range for section of group of patients.

Age range to up to 3 numeric The end of the age range for section of group of patients.

Sex One character Sex may be M, F or I (Indeterminate) for selection of group of patients

Appendix A HA/Pathology Laboratory Links Laboratory System Spec. (Version 6 21.11.99)


8. Further explanation of Group PID (Section 3.6) Datatype 154

Date element Explanation

Lab Indicator A PID request using the LAB INDICFACT will specify all patients registered with GPs associated to that laboratory.

DHA Up to four DHAs may be specified when requesting PID data.

GP National Code Up to six GPs may be specified when requesting PID data. This will include all patients registered with the specified GPs. National Code – Issued by Department of Health.

NB The GP National Code is described in Annex 4 to RFA4 (page A-5).

It is also used by the PPA where it may have a pre-fix of ‘G’ and a check digit at the end. These will be stripped out by the HA software.

Age From


Age To

These parameters will filter out patients that are outside the specified range.

Note: The more parameters specified, the narrower the scope for the group PID will be.

Appendix A HA/Pathology Laboratory Links Laboratory System Spec. (Version 6 21.11.99)


9. Screening History response (Section 3.4) Datatype 152

Data element Format Validation Information

Recall Date In the format of CCYYMMDD

The recall date of the patient

Recall Type 1 character N = Routine R = Repeat Advised I = Inadequate L = Called S = Suspended C= Ceased

Recall Status 1 character 1 = No Action G = GP informed N = GP not informed P = Patient informed 2 = n letter F = First non-responder H = Final non-responder S = Suspended recall C = Ceased recall L = Logged slide Z = Patient from outside HA

Patient notes Up to 60 characters Patient's first line of notes

Patient notes Up to 60 characters Patient's second line of notes

Patient notes Up to 60 characters Patient's third line of notes

Appendix A HA/Pathology Laboratory Links Laboratory System Spec. (Version 6 21.11.99)


For each patient the Screening History will be in a repeating set of data for each test recorded on the HA system:

Data element Format Validation information

Test date In the format CCYYMMDD The date of the smear test

i.e. Date the smear is taken.

Laboratory name Up to 30 characters The name of the laboratory

Laboratory code (local) 1 character This is a local code used at the HA to denote the laboratory. This should normally be agreed with each HA. It should be noted that 'X' is not a valid local laboratory code as this is used by the HA system for historic tests where the laboratory is not known.

Laboratory code (national) 5 characters The national laboratory code

Slide number up to 8 characters Slide number should be in one of the following formats: 1. YYSSSSSS 2. YY/Ss 3. Sss/YY 4. Free format Where 'S' is mandatory slide number, 's' is optional slide number and YY is current year (e.g. 95). Forward slashes and spaces

will be removed before

sending over the network.

All slide numbers (whatever the format) should be converted to the format YYSSSSSS (including leading zeros) These are validated before tests are updated on the HA system.

Sender Code 6 characters The code of the sender of the smear test (as defined by

Appendix A HA/Pathology Laboratory Links Laboratory System Spec. (Version 6 21.11.99)


Data element Format Validation information


Sender name Up to 30 characters The name of the sender of the test.

Appendix A HA/Pathology Laboratory Links Laboratory System Spec. (Version 6 21.11.99)


Data element Format Validation information

Source type 1 character Code denoting the source type of the smear. Valid codes are: 1 GP 2 NHS Community Clinic 3 GUM Clinic 4 NHS Hospital 5 Private 6 Other or not known 7 Consultant Gynaecologist

GP name Up to 20 characters The patient’s GP's surname

Result code 1 character Result code 1 to 8 (as defined on the HMR101/5 form). Valid codes are as follows: 1 Inadequate 2 Negative 3 Mild dyskariosis 4 Severe dyskariosis 5 Severe

dyskariosis/?invasive carcinoma

6 ?Glandular neoplasia 7 Moderate dyskariosis 8 Borderline changes

Action code 1 character Action code as national standard for assigning management action required. A document on standard action codes and their meaning is available from NHS Information Authority on request.

Repeat months 2 characters Number of months until the next smear test is advised. Leading 0 if 1-9 months used.

Appendix A HA/Pathology Laboratory Links Laboratory System Spec. (Version 6 21.11.99)


Data element Format Validation information

Infection code 1 character This is an optional field denoting infection identified: 1 Trichomonas 2 Candida 3 Wart virus 4 Herpes 5 Actinomyces 6 Other 7 Several infections


Screening HA Up to 3 characters The HA cipher where the smear test was first recorded.

Comment line 1 Up to 59 characters Test comments

Comment line 2 Up to 59 characters Test comments

Comment line 3 Up to 59 characters Test comments

Appendix A HA/Pathology Laboratory Links Laboratory System Spec. (Version 6 21.11.99) XIX

10. Screening History request (Section 3.4) Datatypes as for PID requests

This is an example of an individual request. Group requests are also possible.

Data element Format Validation Information

Lab unique identifier Up to 14 characters Unique identifier for patient that was sent by laboratory in PID response

Surname Up to 20 characters The patient's surname

Forename Up to 22 characters The patient's forename

Date of Birth Up to 8 characters The patient's date of birth in the format CCYYMMDD

First Line of address Minimum of 8 characters Patient’s address. The first 8 characters are used in the matching process at the HA.

Post Code Up to 8 characters The patient's postcode

Screening History 1 character "Y" if the screening history is required. N if not.






Version Number: 1.5

Issue Date: 3rd

April 2000

Message Type : RECEP

Version : 0

Release : 2

Controlling Agency : FH

Assoc Assigned Code :

© Crown Copyright 2000

NHS Information Authority Telephone: (01392) 206700

Hexagon House Fax (01392) 206946

P.O. Box 78

Pynes Hill

Rydon Lane



Title: Message Implementation Guidelines Ref: RECEP:0:2:FH:

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version: 1.5 Date: 03/04/00 Page: 2 of 26

DOCUMENT CONTROL This document is controlled by the Networks Section, NHS Information Authority. Owner: MediFACT Product Manager

AMENDMENT HISTORY Date Change Oct 97 National Data Standards Project - Party ID changed to free text 25/01/00 Amended to reflect change of names from FHSA to HA

and from FHSCU to NHSIA 03/04/00 Clarification of data element 3055 in NHS segment.

Title: Message Implementation Guidelines Ref: RECEP:0:2:FH:

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version: 1.5 Date: 03/04/00 Page: 3 of 26

CONTENTS 1 Introduction 2 Scope

2.1 Functional definition 2.2 Field of application 2.3 Principles

3 References 4 Terms and definitions 5 Message definition

5.1 Data segment clarification 5.2 Branching diagram 5.3 Segment table

6 Directories

6.1 Data segment index 6.2 Segment implementation guidelines

7 EDIFACT Reference Directory

7.1 Formal definition of composites 7.2 Formal definition of data elements 7.3 Data element code values

8 Examples of Receipt Reports

Title: Message Implementation Guidelines Ref: RECEP:0:2:FH:

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version: 1.5 Date: 03/04/00 Page: 4 of 26

1. Introduction

This specification provides the definition of the Receipt Report Message (RECEP) to be

used in Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) between partners involved in the area of patient healthcare.

2 Scope

2.1 Functional definition

A receipt report message is sent between a Health Authority (HA) and another

Health Service body in order to acknowledge receipt of an EDIFACT message. 2.2 Field of application

This message may be applied nationally for all HAs and for any body which has

capability for using EDIFACT. 2.3 Principles

The overall structure of the message is one message for one received EDIFACT

interchange. A report will automatically be produced for each interchange received indicating the success or failure of receipt of that interchange.

3. References

The receipt report message conforms to the following standards (please refer to these

standards) :

Syntax ISO 9735 Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport (EDIFACT) Application Level Syntax Rules.

Data Elements ISO 7232 UN Trade Data Elements (UNTDED)

Title: Message Implementation Guidelines Ref: RECEP:0:2:FH:

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The UN/ECE have combined the required data elements from ISO 7232 with the associated segments, composite data elements and codes into a set of directories called the UNTDID. This directory is now revised each year and the 90.2 version has been used in this message definition.

Segments EDSD UN/EDIFACT Data Segments Directory.

Composite Data Elements

EDCD UN/EDIFACT Composite Data Elements Directory.

Data Elements EDED UN/EDIFACT Data Elements Directory.

Code Lists EDCL UN/EDIFACT Code Lists.

These directories are taken from release 90.2.

4. Terms and definitions

See UNTDID, Part 4, Section 2.5, UN/ECE UNSM General introduction, Section 1 or

the SITPRO EDIFACT service, volume 3, data definitions.

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5. Message definition

5.1 Data segment clarification

This section should be read in conjunction with the Branching diagram and the Segment table which indicate mandatory, conditional and repeating requirements.

Segments additional to the 90.2 directory are marked with "+". Segments modified from the 90.2 directory are marked with "*".

Heading section

Information to be provided in the Heading section:

UNH, Message header

A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message

type code for the receipt report message is RECEP.

BGM, Beginning of message

A segment to indicate the beginning of a message and to transmit the job type and transmission date and time.

+NHS, National Health Body

A segment referencing Health organisations.

DTM, Date/Time/Period

Contains the date and time an interchange is received.

Detail section

Information to be provided in the Detail section:

RFF, Reference

A segment referencing the sequence number and status of a received

interchange. Will also contain the sequence number and status for each received message.

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Summary section

Information to be provided in the summary section

UNT, Message trailer

A service segment ending in a message, giving the total number of segments in

the message and the message sequence number.

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5.2 Branching Diagram

Level 0







RFF M 999999

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5.3 Segment table

UNH Message Header

M 1

BGM Beginning of Message

M 1

+NHS Health Body

M 1

DTM Date/Time/Period

M 1

RFF Reference

M 999999

UNT Message Trailer M 1

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6. Directories

6.1 Data segment index (Alphabetic sequence)

The following list of segments without any prefixed sign are included in the 90.2 TRIAL


6.2 Segment implementation guidelines

The full definitions of the segments are to be found in UNTDID part 5, chapter 3,

UN/EDIFACT Data Segment Directory (EDSD). NB: For elements defined as being at conditional status, the following additional

codes are used to clarify the requirement for this implementation: R = Required (ie mandatory) for this implementation N = Not used by this implementation

NB: The change in name from FHSA to HA has been reflected where possible. Where a qualifier or code value was originally defined containing FHSA, the change shows the new name of HA but retains the previous name in parentheses. eg. HA(FHSA)

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BGM BEGINNING OF MESSAGE Function: To indicate the beginning of a message and to transmit message type, job

code, and transaction date and time.

No Data Element and value/description Usage Format

C002 DOCUMENT/MESSAGE NAME N 1001 Document/message name, coded C an..3 1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 3055 Code list responsible agency,

coded C an..3

4774 Textual equivalent of the associated coded representation

C an..35

1004 DOCUMENT/MESSAGE NUMBER - Job code = 600

R an..35

C507 DATE/TIME/PERIOD R 2005 Date/Time/Period qualifier

- 243 = Transmission of document date M an..3

2782 Date/Time/Period - Relevant date

M an..35

2781 Date/Time/Period format qualifier - 306 = CCYYMMDDHHMM CC = Century, YY = Year, MM = Month, DD = Day HH = Hour, MM = Minute

M an..3

1225 MESSAGE FUNCTION, CODED - 64 = Message receipt report

R an..3

C506 REFERENCE N 1153 Reference qualifier M an..3 1154 Reference number C an..35 1156 Line number C an..6 C507 DATE/TIME/PERIOD N 2005 Date/Time/Period qualifier M an..3 2782 Date/Time/Period M an..35 2781 Date/Time/Period format qualifier M an..3 4343 RESPONSE TYPE, CODED N an..3

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Function: To specify a date, time, period. To transmit the receipt date and time.

No Data Element and value/description Usage Format

C507 DATE/TIME/PERIOD M 2005 Date/time/period qualifier

- 815 = receive date of interchange M an..3

2782 Date/time/period - Relevant date

M an..35

2781 Date/time/period format qualifier 306 = CCYYMMDDHHMM CC = Century, YY = Year, MM = Month, DD = Day HH = Hour, MM = Minute

M an..3

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+NHS HEALTH BODY Function: To identify health bodies.

No Data Element and value/description Usage Format

C082 PARTY IDENTIFICATION DETAILS R 3039 Party Id identification

- HA(FHSA) cipher M an..17

1131 Code list qualifier - 819 = HA(FHSA) (2, 3 char) code

R an..3

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded - 201 = NHS Information Authority or GB2 = NHS Information Authority

C an..3

4774 Textual equivalent of the associated coded representation

N an..35

C082 PARTY IDENTIFICATION DETAILS R 3039 Party Id identification

- HA(FHSA) cipher - GP code allocated by HA(FHSA) [now interpreted as free text] - Screening Office code - Cytology Lab code - Child Health Unit code

M an..17

1131 Code list qualifier - 819 = HA(FHSA) code - 814 = GP local code - 835 = Screening Office code defined by the HA(FHSA) - 837 = Cytology lab code - 859 = Child Health Unit code

R an..3

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded - 201 = NHS Information Authority or GB2 = NHS Information Authority - 202 = Local HA(FHSA)

C an..3

4774 Textual equivalent of the associated coded representation

N an..35


Party Id details occurrence 2

As from Oct 97 the second occurrence of Party Id details will be free text for all interchanges between an HA and a GP (for all HA/GP Links Message Types) - previously this contained the organisation code eg. GP code - this can still be the case.

If the message is transferred between two HAs the first occurrence of Party Identification Details will hold the sending HA and the second occurrence can hold the receiving HA.

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If the message is transferred between an HA and another health body (in either direction) the first occurrence of Party Identification Details will hold the HA and the second occurrence can hold the other health body.

Code list responsible agency

This data element is optional. If you choose to use it, it should be set as follows: To specify a code list responsible agency of the NHS Information Authority (previously

FHSCU), enter 201 or GB2. Both these codes are valid. To specify a code list responsible agency of the Local Health Authority, enter 202.

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RFF REFERENCE Function: To specify the identifying number associated with a transaction. To reference the sequence number and status for received interchange

and message(s).

No Data Element and value/description Usage Format

C506 REFERENCE M 1153 Reference qualifier

MIS = received message sequence and status RIS = received interchange sequence and status

M an..3

1154 Reference number - message sequence number and status - interchange sequence number and status

R an..35

1156 Line number - number of messages received

R an..6

C507 DATE/TIME/PERIOD N 2005 Date/time/period qualifier M an..3 2782 Date/time/period M an..35 2781 Date/time/period format qualifier M an..3

Note: Details for messages received will be sent in one repetition of the segment for each message, with qualifier MIS. Information on the interchange will be included once using qualifier RIS.

Interchange statuses are: 'OK' - Received successfully 'NA' - No valid data in interchange 'ER' - Valid with invalid data in interchange Messages statuses are: 'CP' - Translation successful 'CA' - Translation error 'CI' - Translation incomplete due to a fatal error during translation For both interchange and message the sequence number should be followed by the

corresponding status, separated by a single space. The number of messages received is included only in the occurrence of the segment

using qualifier RIS, and not in any occurrence using qualifier MIS. If the interchange status is "NA", the segment terminator should appear immediately

after this status and no RFF segment with a Reference Qualifier of MIS should be included. In this case, no interchange sequence number or number of messages will be included in the RFF segment with a qualifier of RIS.

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If any message status is "CA" or "CI", the interchange status should be "ER". In this

case, the message sequence number may not be available, and so may or may not be included in the RFF segment(s) with a qualifier of MIS.

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UNH MESSAGE HEADER Function: To head, identify and specify a message.

No Data Element and value/description Usage Format

0062 MESSAGE REFERENCE NUMBER - Message Sequence Number

M an..14

S009 MESSAGE IDENTIFIER M 0065 Message type identifier

- RECEP M an..6

0052 Message type version number - 0

M an..3

0054 Message type release number - 2

M an..3

0051 Controlling agency - FH

M an..2

0057 Association assigned code N an..6 0068 COMMON ACCESS REFERENCE N an..35 S010 STATUS OF THE TRANSFER N 0070 Sequence message transfer number M n..2 0073 First/last sequence message transfer identification C a1

UNT MESSAGE TRAILER Function: To end and check the completeness of a message.

No Data Element and value/description Usage Format

0074 NUMBER OF SEGMENTS IN A MESSAGE - Number of segments

M n..6

0062 MESSAGE REFERENCE NUMBER - Message Sequence Number

M an..14

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7 EDIFACT Reference Directory

7.1 Formal definition of composites

This following list of composite data elements are included in the latest TRIAL


Composite specifications The full definitions of the composite data elements are to be found in UNTDID part 5,

chapter 3, UN/EDIFACT Data Segment Directory (EDCD). C002 DOCUMENT/MESSAGE NAME Function: Identification of a type of document/message by code or name. Code


1001 Document/message name, coded C an..3 1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 3055 Code list responsible agency, coded C an..3 4774 Textual equivalent of the associated coded representation C an..35

C082 PARTY IDENTIFICATION DETAILS Function: Identification of a transaction party by code.

3039 Party Id identification M an..17 1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 3055 Code list responsible agency,coded C an..3 4774 Textual equivalent of the associated coded representation C an..35


Function: Identification of a reference.

1153 Reference qualifier M an..3 1154 Reference number C an..35 1156 Line number C an..6

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Function: Date and/or time relevant to the specified date/time type.

2005 Date/time/period qualifier M an.3 2782 Date/time/period M an.35 2781 Date/time/period format qualifier M an.3


Function: Identification of the type, version etc. of the message being interchanged.

0065 Message type identifier M an..6 0052 Message type version number M an..3 0054 Message type release number M an..3 0051 Controlling agency M an..2 0057 Association assigned code C an..6


Function: Statement that the message is one in a sequence of transfers relating to

the same topic. 0070 Sequence message transfer number M n..2 0073 First/last sequence message transfer identification C a1

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7.2 Formal definition of data elements


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Data element specifications The full definitions of the data elements are to be found in UNTDID part 5, chapter 3,

UN/EDIFACT Data Segment Directory (EDED). 0051 CONTROLLING AGENCY Function: Code identifying the agency controlling the specification, maintenance

and publication of the message type. Repr: an..2


Function: Version number of a message type. Repr: an..3


Function: Message type release number. Repr: an..3


Function: Code, assigned by the association responsible for the design and maintenance of the message type concerned, which further identifies the message.

Repr: an..6

0062 MESSAGE REFERENCE NUMBER Function: Unique message reference assigned by the sender. Repr: an..14 0065 MESSAGE TYPE IDENTIFIER Function: Code identifying a type of message and assigned by its controlling

agency. Repr: an..6


Function: Reference serving as a key to relate all subsequent transfers of data to the same business case or file.

Repr: an..35

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Function: Number assigned by the sender indicating that the message is an addition or change of a previously sent message relating to the same topic.

Repr: n..2


Function: Indication used for the first and last message in a sequence of the same type of message relating to the same topic.

Repr: a1


Function: Control count of number of segments in a message. Repr: n..6

1001 DOCUMENT/MESSAGE NAME, CODED Function: Document identifier expressed in code. Repr: an..3 1004 DOCUMENT/MESSAGE NUMBER Function: Reference number assigned to the document by the issuer. Repr: an..35


Function: Identification of a code list. Repr: an..3

1153 REFERENCE QUALIFIER Function: Code giving specific meaning to a reference segment or a reference

number. Repr: an..3


Function: Identification number the nature and function of which can be qualified by and entry in data element 1153 Reference qualifier.

Repr: an..35


Function: Number of the line in the document /message referenced in 1154 Reference number. In this message it is used to define a Job type.

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Repr: an..6

1225 MESSAGE FUNCTION, CODED Function: Code indicating the function of the message. Repr: an..3


Function: Code giving specific meaning to a date, time or period. Repr: an..3


Function: Specification of the representation of a date, time or period. Repr: an..3


Function: The value of a date, a date and time, a time or of a period in a specified representation.

Repr: an..35


Function: Code identifying a party involved in a transaction. Repr: an..17


Function: Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list. Repr: an..3

4343 RESPONSE TYPE, CODED Function: Code specifying the type of acknowledgment required. Repr: an..3 4774 TEXTUAL EQUIVALENT OF THE ASSOCIATED CODED REPR. Function: Textual description adding to or replacing corresponding coded

information. Repr: an..35

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7.3 Data element code values

1131 CODE LIST QUALIFIER 814 GP local code: local code allocated by HA(FHSA) 819 Health Authority(FHSA) (2, 3 char) code 835 Screening Office code defined by the HA(FHSA) 837 Cytology laboratory code 859 Child Health Unit code 1153 REFERENCE QUALIFIER RIS Received interchange sequence and status MIS Received message sequence and status 1225 MESSAGE FUNCTION, CODED 64 Message receipt report 2005 DATE/TIME/PERIOD QUALIFIER 815 Receive date of interchange 2781 DATE/TIME/PERIOD FORMAT QUALIFIER

306 CCYYMMDDHHMM 3055 CODE LIST RESPONSIBLE AGENCY, CODED GB2 NHS Information Authority 201 NHS Information Authority 202 Local HA(FHSA)

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8 Examples of Receipt Reports The following example is of a receipt report sent from an HA (FHS1) to a GP practice (GP05), showing correct receipt of interchange 00000001, which contained messages 00000001, 00000002, 00000003, and 00000004. UNB+UNOA:2+FHS1+GP05+930520:1400+00000064++RECEP+++EDIFACT TRANSFER' UNH+00000028+RECEP:0:2:FH' BGM++600+243:199305201355:306+64' NHS+FHS:819:201+123456:814:202' DTM+815:199305190600:306' RFF+MIS:00000001 CP' RFF+MIS:00000002 CP' RFF+MIS:00000003 CP' RFF+MIS:00000004 CP' RFF+RIS:00000001 OK:4' UNT+10+00000028' UNZ+1+00000064' The example below is of a receipt report sent from a Screening Office (SOF2) to an HA (FHS1), showing correct receipt of message 00000023 and errored receipt of message 00000024, both in interchange 00000012. UNB+UNOA:2+SOF2+FHS1+930521:1021+00000231++RECEP+++EDIFACT TRANSFER' UNH+00001234+RECEP:0:2:FH' BGM++600+243:199305211005:306+64' NHS+FHS:819:201+SOF' DTM+815:199305200915:306' RFF+MIS:00000023 CP' RFF+MIS: CA' RFF+RIS:00000012 ER:2' UNT+8+00001234' UNZ+1+00000231'

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The final example is of a receipt report sent from a Child Health Unit (CHU0) to an HA (FHS1), showing an error of no valid data received. UNB+UNOA:2+CHU0+FHS1+930522:1834+00000235++RECEP+++A PROJECT' UNH+00001245+RECEP:0:2:FH' BGM++600+243:199305221826:306+64' NHS+FHS:819:201+CHU' DTM+815:199305211756:306' RFF+RIS: NA' UNT+6+00001245' UNZ+1+00000235'






Version Number: 1.3

Issue Date: 30th

September 1999

Message Type : FHSREG Version : 0 Release : 1 Controlling Agency : FH Assoc Assigned Code : FHS002

© Crown Copyright 1999

NHS Information Authority Telephone:

Hexagon House

P.O. Box 78 Exeter (01392) 78315

Pynes Hill Fax (01392) 410417

Rydon Lane



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Version: Date Issued: Brief Summary of Change: Owner's Signature:

1.0 18.07.95 First published version 1.1 23.01.96 Code list amended for local GP codes 1.2 04.08.99 Usage amended to Pathology only 1.3 30.09.99 Changes to HEA and NAD segments


Owner: MediFACT Product Manager

Name: Title:

1. MediFACT Product Manager 2. Liam Quigley Project Manager, Preventative Health 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

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This is a Controlled Document. On receipt of a new version, destroy all previous versions.

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CONTENTS 1 Introduction 2 Scope 2.1 Functional Definition 2.2 Field of application 2.3 Principles 3 References 4 Terms and Definitions 5 Message Structure 5.1 Branching Diagram 5.2 Segment Table 6 Segment Details 6.1 Format and Notation 6.1.1 Format 6.1.2 Notation 6.2 Segment Definitions 7 EDIFACT Reference Directory 7.1 Formal definition of composites 7.2 Formal definition of data elements

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1 Introduction This document provides implementation guidelines for the EDIFACT message

FHSREG:0:1:FH:FHS002, to be used for the transfer of patient registration information within the Health Service.

This message is a subset of the EDIFACT message FHSREG:0:1:FH. 2 Scope 2.1 Functional Definition An FHSREG:0:1:FH:FHS002 message is used to transfer information on patient registration

changes from an HA to a Pathology Laboratory, to transfer requests for Patient Identity Details (PID data) from a Pathology Laboratory to an HA, or to transfer PID data from an HA to a Pathology Laboratory.

2.2 Field of application The message may be used by HAs and Pathology Laboratories. 2.3 Principles A single message may be used to transfer one of the following: • Information relating to one or more patients, to be transferred from an HA to a

Pathology Laboratory. • One or more requests for PID data, to be transferred from a Pathology Laboratory to an

FHSA. 3 References See UNTDID, Part 4, Section 2.5, UN/ECE UNSM General Introduction, Section 1. 4 Terms and Definitions See UNTDID, Part 4, Section 2.5, UN/ECE UNSM General Introduction, Section 2.

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5 Message Structure 5.1 Data segment clarification This section should be read in conjunction with the branching diagram and segment table

which indicate mandatory, conditional and repeating requirements. This subset does not include those groups and segments which are conditional in the

EDIFACT message FHSREG:0:1:FH and are not required in this implementation. All segments, composites and data elements (except those marked as additions) are taken from

the UN/EDIFACT D.93A directory. UNH Message header A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The full message type identifier is

FHSREG:0:1:FH:FHS002. BGM Beginning of message A segment to identify the datatype and the transfer number. NAD Name and address A segment specifying the sender, recipient, and other health bodies relating to the whole message. DTM Date/time/period A segment specifying the translation date and time. RFF Reference A segment identifying the lab file reference number. *QTY Quantity A segment specifying the total number of patients for whom details are transferred, and the lower and

upper limits of an age range. +HEA Health information A segment to identify items of health information relating to the whole message. FTX Free text A segment specifying acceptance or rejection of a request for PID data. Segment Group 1: S01-RFF-NAD-HEA-DTM-FTX-SG2 A group of segments providing patient registration details or requests for PID data. +S01 Trigger segment SG1 Trigger segment for segment group 1 in the message. NAD Name and address A segment specifying identification, name, and address details of various healthcare parties. +HEA Health information A segment specifying items of health information. DTM Date/time/period

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A segment specifying date of registration change and date of recall.

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FTX Free text A segment to transfer details of matching method and free text patient notes. Segment Group 2: S02-PNA-DTM-PDI-NAD A group of segments providing personal information about a patient. +S02 Trigger segment S02 Trigger segment for segment group 2 in the message. +PNA Person name A segment identifying the patient by specifying various name details and identification

numbers. DTM Date/time/period A segment specifying patient's date of birth. +PDI Person demographic information A segment specifying the patient's sex. NAD Name and address A segment specifying the patient's address. Segment Group 3: S03-RFF-NAD-HEA-DTM-FTX A group of segments providing information on a patient's test history. +S03 Trigger segment SG3 Trigger segment for segment group 3 in the message. RFF Reference A segment specifying the laboratory slide number. NAD Name and address A segment specifying identification, name, and address details of various healthcare

parties. +HEA Health information A segment specifying items of health information. DTM Date/time/period A segment specifying the repeat period and date of test. FTX Free text A segment to transfer free text comments relating to a test. UNT Message trailer A service segment ending a message, giving total number of segments in the message and the control

reference number of the message.

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5.2 Branching Diagram





ing D






1 2 3 4




M 1M




M 1






M 1



C 1



C 2



C 1



C 1



P 2






M 1




















C 2




C 2




C 2








P 1







C 5



C 2




P 3






M 1



C 2




C 2




C 1




M 1

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5.3 Segment Table UNH Message Header M 1 BGM Beginning of Message M 1 NAD Name and Address M 12 DTM Date/time/period M 20 RFF Reference C 10 *QTY Quantity C 20 +HEA Health Information C 20 FTX Free Text C 10 Segment Group 1 ----------------------- C 999999 ----------+ ¦ +S01 Trigger Segment SG1 M 1 ¦ ¦ NAD Name and Address C 20 ¦ ¦ +HEA Health Information C 20 ¦ ¦

DTM Date/time/period C 20 ¦ ¦ FTX Free Text C 10 ¦ ¦ Segment Group 2 ----------------------- C 10 -----------+ ¦ ¦ ¦ +S02 Trigger Segment SG2 M 1 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ +PNA Person Name C 1 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ DTM Date/time/period C 1 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ +PDI Person Demographic Information C 1 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦

NAD Name and Address C 2 --+ ¦ ¦ Segment Group 3 ------------------------ C 999 ----------+ ¦ ¦ ¦ +S03 Trigger Segment SG3 M 1 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ RFF Reference C 5 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ NAD Name and Address C 20 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ +HEA Health Information C 20 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦

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DTM Date/time/period C 20 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ FTX Free Text C 10 ----+ UNT Message Trailer M 1

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6 Segment Details 6.1 Format and Notation 6.1.1 Format The format of each segment page follows the structure defined below: a) Segment tag and segment name. b) General function of the segment. c) Usage of the segment, indicating whether the segment is mandatory or conditional (see

6.1.2 Notation), and the maximum number of repetitions allowed for the segment (if more than one) in the context of its position within the message.

d) Comments on the usage of the segment, including any dependency rules for the

segment. e) A table for the segment, containing the following columns: No - The data element or composite number within the segment Data element - The name of the data element or composite Usage - Usage of the data element (see 6.1.2 Notation) Repr. - Representation of the data element, indicating whether the data element may be

alphabetic only, numeric only or alphanumeric and indicating the maximum length of the data or its fixed length

Value/Description/Dependency rules - Italic text describes the data to be used for that

data element, normal text is used to list possible code values for the data element, and underlined text indicates dependency rules for the data element.

Before the definition of each segment group there is a segment group initial page. This

identifies the segments within the segment group and the function, usage and comments on usage in the same way as defined above for each segment.

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6.1.2 Notation The following usage indicators are used for segments, segment groups, data elements and

composites : M (Mandatory) Mandatory in the message definition, must be mandatory in the message

implementation guidelines. R (Required) Conditional in the message definition, use is required in the message

implementation guidelines. A (Advised) Conditional in the message definition, use is recommended in the

message implementation guidelines. D (Dependent) Conditional in the message definition, use is dependent in the message

implementation guidelines under certain conditions which will be described.

O (Optional) Conditional in the message definition, use is optional in the message implementation guidelines.

N (Not used) Conditional in the message definiton, should not be used in the message implementation guidelines.

"+" in front of a segment tag, composite, data element or code value indicates that this is a new

item and not found within the EDIFACT D.93A directory. "*" in front of a segment tag, composite, data element or code value indicates that this is a

modified item compared with the item found within the EDIFACT D.93A directory. Within the DTM (Date/time/period) segment, the values of the codes for Date/time/period

qualifier represent the following (the difference between Month and Minute being easily recognised in context):

CC = Century YY = Year MM = Month DD = Day HH = Hour MM = Minute SS = Second Datatypes This MIG document specifies the EDIFACT messsage for the transfer of 4 types of data. Only

one type of data may be transferred in each message, as identified by the Datatype held in the BGM segment. The datatype codes are also used in the segment implementation guidelines (section 6.2) to describe dependency rules for each type of data. The datatypes used in this message are:

152 PID data (HA to Pathology Laboratory) 153 Individual PID Request, for one or more specified patients (Pathology Laboratory to

HA) 154 Group PID Request, for patients meeting supplied selection criteria (Pathology

Laboratory to HA) 242 Registration Changes (HA to Pathology Laboratory)

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6.2 Segment Definitions UNH MESSAGE HEADER Function: To head, identify and specify a message. Usage: Mandatory Comments:

No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules


M an..14 Message Sequence Number Sequential, 00000001 to 99999999


0065 Message type M an..6 Identification of the type of message being transmitted "FHSREG" = Registration

0052 Message version number M an..3 Identification of the version number of the message "0" = Version number of the registration


0054 Message release number M an..3 Identification of the release number of the message type within the current version "1" = Release number within the current

version number

0051 Controlling Agency M an..2 Identification of the agency controlling the specification, maintenance and publication of the message type "FH" = FHSCU

0057 Association assigned code R an..6 A code identifying the Message Implementation Guidelines for the message type "FHS002" = Preventative Health Registration




0070 Sequence of transfers N n..2

0073 First and last transfer N a1

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BGM BEGINNING OF MESSAGE Function: To identify the datatype and the transfer number. Usage: Mandatory Comment: This segment is used to transfer a datatype code, and a transfer number to uniquely identify

transfers sent from an HA.

No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules


1001 Document/message name, coded N an..3

1131 Code list qualifier N an..3

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded N an..3

1000 Document/message name N an..35


D an..35 This data element is required for messages sent from an HA. It is not used for messages sent to an HA. Transfer number allocated by HA

1225 MESSAGE FUNCTION, CODED R an..3 Identification of the type of data transferred by the message. +"152" = PID Data +"153" = Individual PID Request +"154" = Group PID Request +"242" = Cytology Registration Changes


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NAD NAME AND ADDRESS Function: To identify the sender and recipient of the message, and other relevant healthcare parties. Usage: Mandatory. Comments: One occurrence of this segment is mandatory, to identify the health body sending the message

(HA or Pathology Laboratory). For datatype 154, up to 6 occurrences to specify GP National Codes are optional. Up to 4

occurrences to specify DHA Codes are also optional. For other datatypes, no further occurrences are required.

No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules

3035 PARTY QUALIFIER M an..3 Code for type of healthcare party +"DHA"= District Health Authority +"FHS"= FHSA(HA) +"GP" = GP +"SLA"= Laboratory Service Provider


R Code to identify the healthcare party

3039 Party id identification M an..17 GP national code FHSA(HA) cypher Pathology Laboratory code DHA code

1131 Code list qualifier A an..3 Code list specifying the healthcare party code +"900" = National GP +"954" = FHSA(HA) +"959" = Pathology Laboratory National

code +"960" = District Health Authority

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded N an..3


3124 Name and address line M an..35


Name and address line N an..35

3124 Name and address line N an..35

3124 Name and address line N an..35

3124 Name and address line N an..35


3036 Party name M an..35

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No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules

3036 Party name N an..35

3036 Party name N an..35

3036 Party name N an..35

3036 Party name N an..35

3045 Party name format, coded N an..3


3042 Street and number/P.O. Box M an..35

3042 Street and number/P.O. Box N an..35

3042 Street and number/P.O. Box N an..35

3164 CITY NAME N an..35


N an..9


3207 COUNTRY, CODED N an..3

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DTM DATE/TIME/PERIOD Function: To identify date and time of translation. Usage: Mandatory. Comments: This segment must hold the date and time of message translation.

No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules


2005 Date/time/period qualifier M an..3 Code for type of date/time "137" = Document/message date/time

2380 Date/time/period R an..35 Date and time of message translation

2379 Date/time/period format qualifier R an..3 Code for date/time format "203" = CCYYMMDDHHMM

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RFF REFERENCE Function: To specify the lab file reference number. Usage: Dependent, maximum 1 occurence. Comments: For datatype 152 one occurrence of this segment may optionally be used to provide the lab file

reference number. For datatypes 153 and 154 one occurrence of this segment is required to provide the lab file

reference number. For datatype 242 this segment is not required.

No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules


1153 Reference qualifier M an..3 Code for type of reference number +"957" = Lab file reference number

1154 Reference number R an..35 Lab file reference number

1156 Line number N an..6

4000 Reference version number N an..35

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*QTY QUANTITY Function: To specify amounts related to registration information. Usage: Dependent, maximum 2 occurrences. Comments: For datatypes 152 and 242 one occurrence of this segment is required to convey the number of

patients for whom details are included in the message. For datatype 153 the segment is not required. For datatype 154 two occurrences of the segment may optionally carry the lower and the upper

limits of the age range.

No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules


6063 Quantity qualifier M an..3 Code for type of quantity +"953" = Number of patients +"954" = Lower limit of range +"955" = Upper limit of range

*6060 Quantity M an..15 Number of patients for whom details are transferred Lower limit of age range Upper limit of age range


*6411 Measurement unit identification N an..17

1131 Code list qualifier N an..3

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded N an..3

+6410 Measurement unit N an..35

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+HEA HEALTH INFORMATION Function: To specify health related information. Usage: Dependent, maximum 2 occurrences. Comments: For datatype 152 one occurrence of this segment is required to carry the code for file type. For datatype 154 one occurrence of this segment may optionally hold the laboratory only

indicator, and one occurrence may optionally hold the screening history required flag. For datatypes 153 and 242 this segment is not required.

No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules


M an..3 Code identifying type of health information +"FTP" = File type +"LOI" = Laboratory only indicator +"SHR"= Screening history required flag


+9507 Health information identification R an..10 Code for file type +"1" = Group PID +"2" = Individual PID +"3" = Invite list +"4" = Registration changes +"5" = Deductions List Laboratory only indicator +"Y" = Require details only for those

patients whose GP has a contract with the requesting laboratory

+"N" = Require details for patients regardless of whether their GP has a contract with the requesting laboratory

Screening history required flag +"Y" = Laboratory wants screening

history +"N" = Laboratory does not want

screening history

1131 Code list qualifier O an..3 Code list specifying the health information "ZZZ" = Mutually defined

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded N an..3

+9508 Health N an..35

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FTX FREE TEXT Function: To convey details of the acceptance or rejection of a request for PID data. Usage: Dependent, maximum 1 occurrence. Comments: For datatype 152, one occurrence of this segment may optionally carry a code and text to

indicate acceptance or rejection of a request for PID data. For other datatypes this segment is not required.

No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules

4451 TEXT SUBJECT QUALIFIER M an..3 Code for subject of text +"PRS" = PID request status



4441 Free text, coded M an..3 Code for request acceptance/rejection +"A" = Request accepted +"R" = Request rejected

1131 Code list qualifier O an..3 Code list specifying the request acceptance/ rejection code "ZZZ" = Mutually defined

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded N an..3


4440 Free text O an..70 Request acceptance or rejection text

4440 Free text N an..70

4440 Free text N an..70

4440 Free text N an..70

4440 Free text N an..70

3453 LANGUAGE, CODED N an..3

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Segment Group 1: S01-NAD-HEA-DTM-FTX-SG2 Function: To provide or request registration information related to multiple entities. Usage: Dependent, maximum 999999 repetitions. Comments: This segment group is used to convey information about patients, or about a request for patient

details. For datatype 152, one or more occurrences of the segment group may optionally be present to

carry PID Data. Each repeat of the segment group will carry data for one patient. For datatype 153, one or more occurrences of the segment group must be present to carry

details of requests for PID Data for individually specified patients. For datatype 154, one occurrence of the segment group may optionally be present to carry the

sex specification for a Group request for PID Data. For datatype 242, one or more occurrences of the segment group must be present to carry

details of patient registration changes. Each repeat of the segment group will carry details of one or more changes to the registration details for one patient.

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+S01 TRIGGER SEGMENT SG1 Function: Trigger segment for segment group number 1 in a message. Usage: Mandatory. Comments:

No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules



+9811 Segment group usage, coded R an..3 Code to indicate usage of the segment group +"1" = Segment group 1

1131 Code list qualifier N an..3

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded N an..3

+9810 Segment group usage N an..70

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NAD NAME AND ADDRESS Function: To specify details of relevant healthcare parties. Usage: Dependent, maximum 3 occurrences. Comments: For datatype 152, up to 3 optional occurrences of this segment may carry GP's details (national

code, name, and address), new HA, and District Health Authority. For datatypes 153 and 154 this segment is not required. For datatype 242, one occurrence of this segment must be used to specify the GP's local code

and name. A further optional occurrence may carry the District Health Authority.

No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules

3035 PARTY QUALIFIER M an..3 Code for type of healthcare party +"DHA" = District Health Authority +"GP" = Current GP +"NFH" = New FHSA(HA)



3039 Party id identification M an..17 Patient's District Health Authority GP code (national or local) Cypher of patient's new FHS(HA)

1131 Code list qualifier A an..3 Code list specifying healthcare party +"900" = National GP +"954" = FHSA(HA) +”955” = Local GP +"960" = District Health Authority

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded N an..3

C058 NAME AND ADDRESS O GP's address of up to 4 lines

3124 Name and address line M an..35 First line of GP's address

3124 Name and address line O an..35 Second line of GP's address

3124 Name and address line O an..35 Third line of GP's address

3124 Name and address line O an..35 Fourth line of GP's address

3124 Name and address line N an..35

C080 PARTY NAME D Required for datatype 242, to specify GP's name. Otherwise optional.

3036 Party name M an..35 GP's family name

3036 Party name O an..35 GP's initials

3036 Party name N an..35

3036 Party name N an..35

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No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules

3036 Party name N an..35

3045 Party name format, coded N an..3


3042 Street and number/P.O. Box M an..35

3042 Street and number/P.O. Box N an..35

3042 Street and number/P.O. Box N an..35

3164 CITY NAME N an..35


N an..9

3251 POSTCODE IDENTIFICATION O an..9 GP's postcode

3207 COUNTRY, CODED N an..3

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+HEA HEALTH INFORMATION Function: To specify items related to a registration entity. Usage: Dependent, maximum 7 occurrences. Comments: For datatype 152, 5 optional occurrences of this segment are required to specify the Recall

type, Recall status, Screening history provided flag, PID transfer indicator, and the Latest address indicator.

For datatype 153, 1 optional occurrence of this segment may convey the Screening history

required flag. For datatype 154 this segment is not required. For datatype 242, 1 occurrence of this segment is required to specify the Registration change

type. 1 further optional occurrence may specify the Registration change source.

No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules


M an..3 Code for type of health information +"LAI" = Latest address indicator +"SHP" = Screening history provided flag +"SHR"= Screening history required flag +"PTI" = PID transfer indicator +"RCS"= Registration change source +"RCT"= Registration change type +"RLS" = Recall status +"RLT"= Recall type


+9507 Health information identification R an..10 Latest address indicator +"F" = FHSA(HA) has patient's latest

address +"L" = Laboratory has patient's latest

address Screening history provided flag +"Y" = Patient has screening history +"N" = Patient does not have screening

history Screening history required flag +"Y" = Laboratory wants screening

history +"N" = Laboratory does not want

screening history PID transfer indicator +"1" = Group PID +"2" = Individual PID +"3" = Invite List +"4" = Registration Changes Registration change source

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Registration change type One or more of the following codes: +"D" = Change of name +"E" = Change of date of birth +"F" = Change of sex +"G" = Change of GP +"H" = Change of address +"J" = Change of postcode +"K" = Change of NHS number Recall status +"1" = No action +"2" = Second letter +"C" = Ceased recall +"F" = First non-responder +"G" = GP informed +"H" = Final non-responder +"L" = Logged slide +"N" = GP not informed +"P" = Patient informed +"S" = Suspended recall +"X" = No previous recall status +"Z" = Patient from outside FHS(HA) Recall type +"C" = Cancelled +"I" = Inadequate +"L" = Called +"N" = Routine +"R" = Repeat advised +"S" = Suspended +"X" = No previous recall type

1131 Code list qualifier O an..3 Code list specifying health information "ZZZ" = Mutually defined

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded N an..3

+9508 Health N an..35

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DTM DATE/TIME/PERIOD Function: To specify various dates and periods related to a registration entity. Usage: Dependent. Comments: For datatype 152, 1 required occurrence of this segment must specify the Date of recall. For datatypes 153 and 154, this segment is not required. For datatype 242, 1 required occurrence of this segment must specify the Date of registration


No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules


2005 Date/time/period qualifier M an..3 Code for type of date/time +"964" = Date of registration change +"966" = Date of recall

2380 Date/time/period R an..35 Date of registration change Date of recall

2379 Date/time/period format qualifier R an..3 Code for format of date/time or period "102" = CCYYMMDD

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FTX FREE TEXT Function: To specify free text related to a registration entity. Usage: Dependent, maximum 2 occurrences. Comments: For datatype 152, up to 2 occurrences of this segment may optionally be used to convey

Matching details and Patient notes. For the other datatypes, this segment is not required.

No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules

4451 TEXT SUBJECT QUALIFIER M an..3 Code for subject of text +"PMM" = PID matching method +"PTN" = Patient notes


C107 TEXT REFERENCE D This composite may optionally be used if the Text Subject Qualifier is PMM.

4441 Free text, coded M an..3 Matching code

1131 Code list qualifier N an..3 Code list specifying matching code "ZZZ" = Mutually defined

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded N an..3

C108 TEXT LITERAL D If a matching code is not present in composite C107, this composite is required.

4440 Free text M an..70 Matching text Patient notes

4440 Free text O an..70 Patient notes

4440 Free text O an..70 Patient notes

4440 Free text N an..70

4440 Free text N an..70

3453 LANGUAGE, CODED N an..3

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Segment Group 2: S02-PNA-DTM-PDI-NAD Function: To provide personal information about a patient. Usage: Dependent. Comments: This segment group is used to convey personal details about patients. For datatype 152, the first occurrence of this segment group is required to convey the patient's

current details. 2 further occurrences are optional, the second to convey the patient's previous details and the third to convey the patient's laboratory details.

For datatype 153, the first occurrence of this segment group is required to convey the patient's

current details. A second occurrence is optional, to convey the patient's laboratory details. For dataype 154, a single occurrence of this segment group is optional to specify the sex of

patients for a group request. For datatype 242, the first occurrence of this segment group is required to convey the patient's

current details. A second occurrence is optional, to convey the patient's previous details.

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+S02 TRIGGER SEGMENT SG2 Function: Trigger segment for segment group number 2 in a message. Usage: Mandatory. Comments:

No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules



+9811 Segment group usage, coded R an..3 Code to indicate usage of the segment group +"2" = Segment group 2

1131 Code list qualifier N an..3

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded N an..3

+9810 Segment group usage N an..70

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+PNA PERSON NAME Function: To specify information necessary to establish the identity of the customer. Usage: Dependent, maximum 3 occurrences. Comments: For datatype 152, 1 occurrence of this segment with party qualifier "PAT" is required within

the first occurrence of this segment group to convey the patient's current details (NHS number and name details). 1 occurrence of this segment with party qualifier "PER" is optional to convey the patient's previous NHS number and previous family name. 1 occurrence of this segment with party qualifier "PLB" is optional to convey the patient's laboratory identifier.

For datatype 153, 1 occurrence of this segment with party qualifier "PAT" is required to

convey the patient's current details (NHS number and name details). 1 occurrence of the segment with party qualifier "PLB" is optional to convey the patient's laboratory identifier.

For datatype 154, this segment is not required. For datatype 242, 1 occurrence of this segment with party qualifier "PAT" is required within

the first occurrence of this segment group to convey the patient's current details (NHS number and name details). 1 occurrence of this segment with party qualifier "PER" is optional to convey the patient's previous NHS number and previous family name.

No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules

3035 PARTY QUALIFIER M an..3 Code for type of personal details +"PAT"= Patient (used for current details) +"PER"= Person (used for patient's previous

details) +"PLB" = Patient's laboratory details


7402 Identity number M an..35 Patient's current NHS number Patient's previous NHS number Patient's laboratory identifier

7405 Identity number qualifier R an..3 +"API" = Amended patient identification (used for previous NHS number)

+"OPI" = Official patient identification (used for current NHS number)

+"XPI" = Additional patient identification (used for laboratory identifier)

+3797 NAME TYPE, CODED N an..3

+3799 NAME STATUS, CODED N an..3

+C816 NAME COMPONENT DETAILS D For datatypes 153 and 242 this composite is required. For datatype 152 this composite is optional.

+3835 Name component qualifier M an..3 Code for type of name component +"SU" = Family name

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No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules

+3836 Name component R an..70 Patient's family name Patient's previous family name

+3839 Name component status, coded N an..3

+3841 Name component original representation, coded

N an..3

+C816 NAME COMPONENT DETAILS D For datatype 153 this composite is required. For datatypes 152 and 242 this composite is optional.

+3835 Name component qualifier M an..3 Code for type of name component +"FO" = First given name

+3836 Name component R an..70 Patient's first given name (first forename)

+3839 Name component status, coded N an..3

+3841 Name component original representation, coded

N an..3

+C816 NAME COMPONENT DETAILS D This composite may optionally be used for datatypes 152, 153, and 242.

+3835 Name component qualifier M an..3 Code for type of name component +"FS" = Forenames

+3836 Name component R an..70 Patient's additional given names

+3839 Name component status, coded N an..3

+3841 Name component original representation, coded

N an..3

+C816 NAME COMPONENT DETAILS O This composite may optionally be used for datatype 152.

+3835 Name component qualifier M an..3 Code for type of name component +"AL" = Alternative person name

+3836 Name component R an..70 Patient's extra name

+3839 Name component status, coded N an..3

+3841 Name component original representation, coded

N an..3

+C816 NAME COMPONENT DETAILS O This composite may optionally be used for datatypes 152 and 242.

+3835 Name component qualifier M an..3 Code for type of name component +"TI" = Title

+3836 Name component R an..70 Patient's title

+3839 Name component status, coded N an..3

+3841 Name component original N an..3

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No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules representation, coded

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DTM DATE/TIME/PERIOD Function: To specify the patient's date of birth and previous date of birth. Usage: Dependent, maximum 2 occurrences. Comments: For datatype 152, 1 optional occurrence of this segment within the first occurrence of the

segment group may be used to specify the patient's date of birth. For datatype 153, 1 occurrence of this segment within the first occurrence of the segment group

is required to carry the patient's date of birth. For datatype 154, this segment is not required. For datatype 242, 1 optional occurrence of this segment within the first occurrence of the

segment group may be used to specify the patient's date of birth. 1 further optional occurrence of the segment within a further repeat of the segment group (either having segment PNA with party qualifier "PER", or having no PNA segment) may be used to specify the patient's previous date of birth.

No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules


2005 Date/time/period qualifier M an..3 Code for type of date/time "329" = Date/time of birth +"967" = Previous date/time of birth

2380 Date/time/period R an..35 Patient's date of birth Patient's previous date of birth

2379 Date/time/period format qualifier R an..3 Code for format of date/time "102" = CCYYMMDD

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PDI PERSON DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Function: To specify the patient's sex. Usage: Dependent, maximum 1 occurrence. Comments: For datatype 152, 1 occurrence of this segment within the first occurrence of the segment group

is optional to specify the patient's sex. For datatype 153 this segment is not required. For datatype 154, 1 occurrence of this segment within the first occurrence of the segment group

is optional to specify the sex of patients for a group request for PID data. For datatype 242, 1 occurrence of this segment within the first occurrence of the segment group

is required to specify the patient's sex.

No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules

+3917 SEX, CODED R an..3 Code for patient administrative sex +"1" = Male +"2" = Female +"4" = Indeterminate


+3913 Marital status, coded N an..3

1131 Code list qualifier N an..3

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded N an..3

+3912 Marital status N an..35


+3923 Religion, coded N an..3

1131 Code list qualifier N an..3

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded N an..3

+3922 Religion N an..35

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NAD NAME AND ADDRESS Function: To specify the patient's address. Usage: Optional, maximum 1 occurrence. Comments: For datatypes 152 and 153, this segment may carry the patient's address and Postcode. For datatype 154, this segment is not required. For datatype 242, this segment may carry the patient's address, Postcode, and Address code. If the patient's address is present, but without address line 1, address line 1 must be represented

by a single question mark ("?") to signify a null address line.

No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules

3035 PARTY QUALIFIER M an..3 Code to identify owner of address details +"PAT" = Patient



3039 Party id identification M an..17

1131 Code list qualifier N an..3

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded N an..3

C058 NAME AND ADDRESS O Lines of patient's address

3124 Name and address line M an..35 Address line 1 +"?" = This composite is present without

address line 1


Name and address line O an..35 Address line 2

3124 Name and address line O an..35 Address line 3

3124 Name and address line O an..35 Address line 4

3124 Name and address line O an..35 Address line 5


3036 Party name M an..35

3036 Party name N an..35

3036 Party name N an..35

3036 Party name N an..35

3036 Party name N an..35

3045 Party name format, coded N an..3

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3042 Street and number/P.O. Box M an..35 Patient's address code

3042 Street and number/P.O. Box N an..35

3042 Street and number/P.O. Box N an..35

3164 CITY NAME N an..35


N an..9

3251 POSTCODE IDENTIFICATION O an..9 Patient's postcode

3207 COUNTRY, CODED N an..3

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Segment Group 3: S03-RFF-NAD-HEA-DTM-FTX Function: To provide registration information relating to a patients test history. Usage: Dependent, maximum 999 repetitions. Comments: This segment group is used to convey information about a patient's screening history. For datatype 152, one or more occurrences of the segment group may optionally be present to

carry details of the patient's screening history. Each repeat of the segment group will carry data for one screening test.

For other datatypes, this segment group is not required.

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+S03 TRIGGER SEGMENT SG3 Function: Trigger segment for segment group number 3 in a message. Usage: Mandatory. Comments:

No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules



+9811 Segment group usage, coded R an..3 Code to indicate usage of the segment group +"3" = Segment group 3

1131 Code list qualifier N an..3

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded N an..3

+9810 Segment group usage N an..70

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RFF REFERENCE Function: To specify the laboratory slide number. Usage: Optional. Comments: 1 occurrence of this segment may be used to specify the slide number allocated by the

pathology laboratory.

No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules


1153 Reference qualifier M an..3 Code for type of reference number +"958" = Laboratory slide number

1154 Reference number R an..35 Laboratory slide number

1156 Line number N an..6

4000 Reference version number N an..35

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NAD NAME AND ADDRESS Function: To specify details of relevant healthcare parties. Usage: Required, maximum 3 occurrences. Comments: One required occurrence of this segment must carry details of the test laboratory. Up to 2

further optional occurrences may carry identification of the Test FHSA(HA) and Sender of the test sample (Ordering party).

No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules

3035 PARTY QUALIFIER M an..3 Code for type of healthcare party +"FHS" = FHS(HA) "PO" = Ordering party +"SLA" = Laboratory service provider


D This composite must be present for segment occurrences with party qualifier FHS and SLA. For an occurrence with party qualifier PO, either this composite or composite C080 must be present.

3039 Party id identification M an..17 Cypher of patient's FHSA(HA), at time of test Code for sender of sample (Ordering party) Code of pathology laboratory responsible for test (Laboratory service provider)

1131 Code list qualifier A an..3 Code list specifying healthcare party +"954" = FHSA(HA) +"959" = Pathology Laboratory National code "ZZZ" = Mutually defined

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded N an..3


3124 Name and address line M an..35

3124 Name and address line N an..35

3124 Name and address line N an..35

3124 Name and address line N an..35

3124 Name and address line N an..35


3036 Party name M an..35 Name of pathology laboratory (Laboratory service provider) Name of Sender of test sample (Ordering party)

3036 Party name N an..35

3036 Party name N an..35

3036 Party name N an..35

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No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules

3036 Party name N an..35

3045 Party name format, coded N an..3


3042 Street and number/P.O. Box M an..35

3042 Street and number/P.O. Box N an..35

3042 Street and number/P.O. Box N an..35

3164 CITY NAME N an..35


N an..9


3207 COUNTRY, CODED N an..3

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+HEA HEALTH INFORMATION Function: To specify items related to a registration entity. Usage: Optional, maximum 4 occurrences. Comments: 2 occurrences of this segment are required to specify the Cytology result code and the Cytology

action code. 2 further optional occurrences of the segment may be used to specify the Infection marker and the Source code.

No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules


M an..3 Code for type of health information +"CAC" = Cytology action code +"CRC" = Cytology result code +"INM" = Infection marker +"SRC" = Source code


+9507 Health information identification R an..10 Cytology action code Cytology result code +"1" = Inadequate +"2" = Negative +"3" = Mild dyskaryosis +"4" = Severe dyskaryosis +"5" = Severe dyskaryosis/? Invasive

carcinoma +"6" = ? Glandular neoplasia +"7" = Moderate dyskaryosis +"8" = Borderline +"R" = Repeat advised +"S" = Suspend Infection marker Source code +"G" = GP on FHSA(HA)'s list +"H" = Sender defined by user +"N" = GP not on FHSA(HA)'s list +"X" = Not a valid GP, nor a valid


1131 Code list qualifier A an..3 Code list specifying health information +"961" = Cytology Action Code "ZZZ" = Mutually defined

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded N an..3

+9508 Health N an..35

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DTM DATE/TIME/PERIOD Function: To specify various dates and periods related to a registration entity. Usage: Required, maximum 2 occurrences. Comments: 1 required occurrence of this segment must specify the Date of test. 1 further optional

occurrence may specify the Repeat period.

No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules


2005 Date/time/period qualifier M an..3 Code for type of date/time +"963" = Repeat period +"965" = Date of test

2380 Date/time/period R an..35 Repeat period (in months) Date of test

2379 Date/time/period format qualifier R an..3 Code for format of date/time or period "102" = CCYYMMDD "802" = Quantity of months

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FTX FREE TEXT Function: To specify free text related to a registration entity. Usage: Optional. Comments: 1 occurrence of this segment may optionally be used to convey up to 3 lines of Comments on a


No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules

4451 TEXT SUBJECT QUALIFIER M an..3 Code for subject of text +"TCT"= Comments relating to test



4441 Free text, coded M an..3

1131 Code list qualifier N an..3

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded N an..3


4440 Free text M an..70 Comments relating to test

4440 Free text O an..70 Comments relating to test

4440 Free text O an..70 Comments relating to test

4440 Free text N an..70

4440 Free text N an..70

3453 LANGUAGE, CODED N an..3

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UNT MESSAGE TRAILER Function: To end and check the completeness of a message. Usage: Mandatory. Comments:

No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules


M n..6 Count of the number of segments in the message, including the UNH and UNT segments

0062 MESSAGE REFERNCE NUMBER M an..14 Sender's unique message reference, identical to 0062 in UNH segment

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Composite specifications C002 DOCUMENT/MESSAGE NAME Desc: Identification of a type of document/message by code or name. 1001 Document/message name,coded C an..3 1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 3055 Code list responsible agency, C an..3 coded 1000 Document/message name C an..35 C058 NAME AND ADDRESS Desc: Unstructured name and address: one to five lines. 3124 Name and address line M an..35 3124 Name and address line C an..35 3124 Name and address line C an..35 3124 Name and address line C an..35 3124 Name and address line C an..35 C059 STREET Desc: Street address and/or P.O. Box number in a structured address: one to three lines. 3042 Street and number/P.O.Box M an..35 3042 Street and number/P.O.Box C an..35 3042 Street and number/P.O.Box C an..35 C080 PARTY NAME Desc: Identification of a transaction party by name, one to five lines. Party name may be formatted. 3036 Party name M an..35 3036 Party name C an..35 3036 Party name C an..35 3036 Party name C an..35 3036 Party name C an..35 3045 Party name format, coded C an..3 C082 PARTY IDENTIFICATION DETAILS Desc: Identification of a transaction party by code. 3039 Party identification M an..17 1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 3055 Code list responsible agency, C an..3 coded

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+C085 MARITAL STATUS DETAILS Desc: To specify the marital status of a person. +3193 Marital status, coded C an..3 1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 3055 Code list responsible C an..3 agency, coded +3912 Marital status C an..35 +C101 RELIGION DETAILS Desc: To specify the religion of a person. +3923 Religion, coded C an..3 1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 3055 Code list responsible C an..3 agency, coded +3922 Religion C an..35 C107 TEXT REFERENCE Desc: Coded reference to a standard text and its source. 4441 Free text, coded M an..3 1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 3055 Code list responsible agency, C an..3 coded C108 TEXT LITERAL Desc: Free text: one to five lines. 4440 Free text M an..70 4440 Free text C an..70 4440 Free text C an..70 4440 Free text C an..70 4440 Free text C an..70 *C186 QUANTITY DETAILS Desc: Quantity information in a transaction, qualified when relevant. 6063 Quantity qualifier M an..3 *6060 Quantity M an..15 C206 IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Desc: The identification of an object. 7402 Identity number M an..35 7405 Identity number qualifier C an..35

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C506 REFERENCE Desc: Identification of a reference. 1153 Reference qualifier M an..3 1154 Reference number C an..35 1156 Line number C an..6 4000 Reference version number C an..35 C507 DATE/TIME/PERIOD Desc: Date and/or time, or period relevant to the specified date/time/period type. 2005 Date/time/period qualifier M an..3 2380 Date/time/period C an..35 2379 Date/time/period format qualifier C an..3 +C816 NAME COMPONENT DETAILS Desc: To specify a name component +3835 Name component qualifier M an..3 +3836 Name component C an..70 +3839 Name component status, C an..3 coded +3841 Name component original C an..3 representation, coded +C848 MEASUREMENT UNIT DETAILS Desc: To specify a measurement unit. *6411 Measurement unit identification C an..17 1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 3055 Code list responsible agency, C an..3 coded +6410 Measurement unit C an..35 +C851 SEGMENT GROUP USAGE DETAILS Desc: To describe the actual usage of a segment group in a message. +9811 Segment group usage, coded C an..3 1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 3055 Code list responsible C an..3 agency, coded +9810 Segment group usage C an..70

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+C973 HEALTH INFORMATION Desc: Specific health information, as identified by a qualifier. +9507 Health information identification C an..10 1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 3055 Code list responsible C an..3 agency, coded +9508 Health C an..35

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7.2 Formal definition of data elements Listing of data elements by Tag 1000 Document/message name 1001 Document/message name, coded 1004 Document/message number 1131 Code list qualifier 1153 Reference qualifier 1154 Reference number 1156 Line number 1225 Message function, coded 2005 Date/time/period qualifier 2379 Date/time/period format qualifier 2380 Date/time/period 3035 Party qualifier 3036 Party name 3039 Party id identification 3042 Street and number/P.O. Box 3045 Party name format, coded 3055 Code list responsible agency, coded 3124 Name and address line 3164 City name 3207 Country, coded 3229 Country sub-entity identification 3251 Postcode identification 3453 Language, coded +3797 Name type, coded +3799 Name status, coded +3835 Name component qualifier +3836 Name component +3839 Name component status, coded +3841 Name component original representation, coded +3912 Marital status +3913 Marital status, coded +3917 Sex, coded +3922 Religion +3923 Religion, coded 4000 Reference version number 4343 Response type, coded 4440 Free text 4441 Free text, coded 4451 Text subject qualifier 4453 Text function, coded *6060 Quantity 6063 Quantity qualifier +6410 Measurement unit *6411 Measurement unit identification 7402 Identity number 7405 Identity number qualifier +9506 Health information qualifier +9507 Health information identification +9508 Health

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+9810 Segment group usage +9811 Segment group usage, coded

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Data element specifications 1000 Document/message name Desc: Plain language identifier specifying the function of a document/message. Repr: an..35 1001 Document/message name, coded Desc: Document/message identifier expressed in code. Repr: an..3 1004 Document/message number Desc: Reference number assigned to the document/message by the issuer. Repr: an..35 1131 Code list qualifier Desc: Identification of a code list. Repr: an..3 1153 Reference qualifier Desc: Code giving specific meaning to a reference segment or a reference number. Repr: an..3 1154 Reference number Desc: Identification number the nature and function of which can be qualified by an entry in data element

1153 Reference qualifier. Repr: an..35 1156 Line number Desc: Number of the line in the document/message referenced in 1154 Reference number. Repr: an..6 1225 Message function, coded Desc: Code indicating the function of the message. Repr: an..3 2005 Date/time/period qualifier Desc: Code giving specific meaning to a date,time or period. Repr: an..3 2379 Date/time/period format qualifier Desc: Specification of the representation of a date, a date and time or of a period. Repr: an..3 2380 Date/time/period Desc: The value of a date, a date and time, a time or period in a specified representation. Repr: an..35 3035 Party qualifier Desc: Code giving specific meaning to a party. Repr: an..3 3036 Party name

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Desc: Name of a party involved in a transaction. Repr: an..35

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3039 Party id identification Desc: Code identifying a party involved in a transaction. Repr: an..17 3042 Street and number/P.O. Box Desc: Street and number in plain language, or Post Office Box number. Repr: an..35 3045 Party name format, coded Desc: Specification of the representation of a party name. Repr: an..3 3055 Code list responsible agency, coded Desc: Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list. Repr: an..3 3124 Name and address line Desc: Free form name and address description. repr: an..35 3164 City name Desc: Name of a city (a town, a village) for addressing purposes. Repr: an..35 3207 Country, coded Desc: Identification of the name of a country or other geographical entity as specified. Repr: an..3 3229 Country sub-entity identification Desc: Identification of the name of sub-entities (state, province) defined by appropriate governmental

agencies. Repr: an..9 3251 Postcode identification Desc: Code defining postal zones or addresses. Repr: an..9 3453 Language, coded Desc: Code of language (ISO 639-1988) Repr: an..3 +3797 Name type, coded Desc: Code for type of name such as official name, alias Repr: an..3 +3799 Name status, coded Desc: To specify the status of a name (such as current name) Repr: an..3 +3835 Name component qualifier Desc: To indicate a part of the name such as family name or given name. Repr: an..3

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+3836 Name component Desc: Part of party name such as family name or given name. Repr: an..70 +3839 Name component status, coded Desc: To specify the status of a name component. Repr: an..3 +3841 Name component original representation, coded Desc: To specify the alphabet originally used to represent the name. Repr: an..3 +3912 Marital status Desc: Marital status of a person. Repr: an..35 +3913 Marital status, coded Desc: Code giving the marital status of a person. Repr: an..3 +3917 Sex, coded Desc: Code giving the gender of a person, animal or plant. (ISO 5218) Repr: an..3 +3922 Religion Desc: To specify the religion of a person. Repr: an..35 +3923 Religion, coded Desc: To specify the religion of a person in a coded form. Repr: an..3 4000 Reference version number Desc: To uniquely identify a reference by its revision number. Repr: an..35 4343 Response type, coded Desc: Code specifying the type of acknowledgement required. Repr: an..3 4440 Free text Desc: Free text field available to the message sender for information. Repr: an..70 4441 Free text, coded Desc: Free text in coded form. Repr: an..3 4451 Text subject qualifier Desc: Code specifying subject of a free text. Repr: an..3 4453 Text function, coded

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Desc: Code specifying how to handle the text. Repr: an..3 *6060 Quantity Desc: Numeric value of a quantity. Repr: an..15 6063 Quantity qualifier Desc: Code giving specific meaning to a quantity. Repr: an..3 +6410 Measurement unit Desc: Specification of unit as free text Repr: an..35 *6411 Measurement unit identification Desc: Specification of unit of measurement using code Repr: an..17 7402 Identity number Desc: A value given to an object for identification purposes. Repr: an..35 7405 Identity number qualifier Desc: Code specifying the type/source of the product identification number. Repr: an..3 +9506 Health information qualifier Desc: Gives specific meaning to an item of information relating to health. Repr: an..3 +9507 Health information, coded Desc: Item of information relating to health. Repr: an..17 +9508 Health Desc: Description of item relating to health. Repr: an..35 +9810 Segment group usage Desc: To describe the actual usage of a segment group in a message. Repr: an..70 +9811 Segment group usage, coded Desc: To specify the usage of a segment group in a message as a code. Repr: an..3

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7.3 Data element code values 1131 Code list qualifier +900 National GP +954 FHSA(HA) +955 Local GP +959 Pathology Laboratory National code +960 District Health Authority +961 Cytology Action Code ZZZ Mutually defined 1153 Reference qualifier +957 Lab file reference number +958 Laboratory slide number 1225 Message function, coded +152 PID Data +153 Individual PID Request +154 Group PID Request +242 Cytology Registration changes 2005 Date/time/period qualifier 137 Document/message date/time 329 Date/time of birth +963 Repeat period +964 Date of registration change +965 Date of test +966 Date of recall +967 Previous date/time of birth 2379 Date/time/preiod format qualifier 102 CCYYMMDD 203 CCYYMMDDHHMM 802 Quantity of months 3035 Party qualifier +DHA District Health Authority +FHS FHSA(HA) +GP GP +NFH New FHSA(HA) +PAT Patient

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+PER Person +PLB Patient's laboratory details PO Ordering party +SLA Laboratory Service Provider +3797 Name type, coded +FO Former name +US Usual name +3835 Name component qualifier +AL Alternative person name +FO First given name +FS Forenames +SU Family name +TI Title +3917 Sex, coded +1 Male +2 Female +4 Indeterminate 4451 Text subject qualifier +PMM PID matching method +PRS PID request status +PTN Patient notes +TCT Comments relating to test 6063 Quantity qualifier +953 Number of patients +954 Lower limit of range +955 Upper limit of range 7405 Identity number qualifier +API Amended patient identification +OPI Official patient identification +XPI Additional patient identification +9506 Health information qualifier +CAC Cytology action code

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+CRC Cytology result code +FTP File type +INM Infection marker +LAI Latest address indicator +LOI Laboratory only indicator +PTI PID transfer indicator +RCS Registration change source +RCT Registration change type +RLS Recall status +RLT Recall type +SHP Screening history provided flag +SHR Screening history required flag +SRC Source code +9811 Segment group usage, coded +1 Segment group 1 +2 Segment group 2 +3 Segment group 3







Version Number: 1.0

Issue Date: 25th January 2000

Message Type : FHSPRV Version : 0 Release : 2 Controlling Agency : FH Assoc. Assigned Code : FHS003

© Crown Copyright 2000

NHS Information Authority Telephone:

Hexagon House

P.O. Box 78 Exeter (01392) 206700

Pynes Hill Fax (01392) 206946

Rydon Lane



Title: Message Implementation Guidelines Ref: FHSPRV:0:2:FH:FHS003

Version: 1.0 Date: 25.01.00 Page: 2 of 44

AMENDMENT HISTORY Version: Date Issued: Brief Summary of Change: Owner's Signature: Draft 15.12.1995 First Draft Version 0 10.01.1996 Updated after Quality review 0.1 23.01.1996 Version of EDIFACT message amended 1.0 25.01.2000 Amended to reflect change of names to HA and NHSIA DISTRIBUTION LIST Owner: MediFACT Product Manager This is a Controlled Document. On receipt of a new version, destroy all previous versions.

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2.1 Functional Definition 4

2.2 Field of application 4

2.3 Principles 4




5.1 Data segment clarification 5

5.3 Segment table 8


6.1 Format and Notation 9

N.B. The change in name from FHSA to HA has been reflected where possible. Where a qualifier or code value was originally defined containing FHSA, the change shows the new name of HA but retains the previous name in parentheses. eg. HA(FHSA) 6.2


Definition 10

6.2 Message Definition 11


7.1 Formal definition of composites 34

7.2 Formal definition of data elements 38

7.3 Data element code values 43

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1 Introduction This document defines the design for the EDIFACT message FHSPRV:0:2:FH:FHS003 to be used for

transferring results from a laboratory to an HA and the return to a laboratory of uncompleted logged smears.

This message is a subset of the EDIFACT message FHSPRV:0:2:FH. 2 Scope 2.1 Functional Definition This message will be sent to HAs from pathology laboratories, and from HAs to pathology

laboratories. 2.2 Field of application This message may be applied nationally to all HAs and pathology laboratories with EDIFACT

capability. 2.3 Principles The overall structure of the message is one header record for each transfer with one-to-many

patient detail records. 3 References See UNTDID, Part 4, Section 2.5, UN/ECE UNSM General Introduction, Section 1. 4 Terms and Definitions See UNTDID, Part 4, Section 2.5, UN/ECE UNSM General Introduction, Section 2.

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5 Message Structure

5.1 Data segment clarification

This section should be read in conjunction with the branching diagram and segment table which

indicate mandatory, conditional and repeating requirements.

This subset does not include those groups and segments which are conditional in the EDIFACT message FHSPRV:0:2:FH and are not required in this implementation.

All segments, composites and data elements (except those marked as additions) are taken from the UN/EDIFACT D.93A directory.

UNH Message header A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for this message is FHSPRV:0:2:FH:FHS003.

BGM Beginning of message

A segment for identification of the message use.

NAD Name and address A segment specifying the sender and the recipient of the message being transferred.

DTM Date/time/period A segment identifying the date/time of message generation, the begin and end dates of smear tests, and the date the job was run at the HA.

RFF Reference A segment specifying the transfer reference number.

Segment Group 1: S01-NAD-SG2-SG3 A group of segments giving information about patients and associated episodes, ie. patient personal details and clinical cervical screening details.

+S01 Trigger segment SG1

Trigger (initial) segment for segment group number 1 in a message.

NAD Name and address A segment identifying the source of the smear test result, the sender of the smear test result and the patient‟s GP.

Segment Group 2: S02-PNA-DTM-NAD

A group of segments identifying the patient in question (name, address etc.)

+S02 Trigger segment SG2 Trigger (initial) segment for segment group number 2 in a message.

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+PNA Person name A segment identifying the patient by specifying various name details and identification numbers.

DTM Date/time/period A segment identifying the patient‟s date of birth.

NAD Name and address A segment identifying the patient‟s current address details.

Segment Group 3: TST-DTM-HEA-QTY

A group of segments identifying the patient‟s clinical cervical screening details.

+S03 Trigger segment SG3 Trigger (initial) segment for segment group number 3 in a message.

TST Test results A segment used to hold the patient‟s result code and action code.

DTM Date/time/period A segment specifying the date of the smear test.

HEA Health information This segment is used to specify the correspondence marker, the excluded from payments flag and the infection code of the smear test.

*QTY Quantity

A segment specifying the patient‟s number of births, number of abortions and the repeat interval of the test.

UNT Message trailer

A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message and the control reference number of the message.

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5.2 Branching Diagram








M 5


C 10


M 20


M 1

C 999999


C 20


C 1


C 1


C 999999


M 1


C 2


C 1


C 10


C 10


C 5


M 1


M 1


C 10


M 1


C 99


M 1

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5.3 Segment table

UNH Message header

BGM Beginning of message

NAD Name and address

DTM Date/time/period

RFF Reference

M 1

M 1

M 5

M 20

C 10

Segment Group 1

+ S01 Trigger segment SG1

C 999999

M 1

Segment Group 2

+ S02 Trigger segment SG2 M 1

+ PNA Person name C 1

C 10

NAD Name and address

Segment Group 3

+ S03 Trigger segment SG3

C 2

M 1

C 99

+ HEA Health

*QTY Quantity

DTM Date/time/period C 10

C 10

C 5

UNT Message trailer M 1

DTM Date/time/period C 1

NAD Name and address C 20

TST Test results C 1

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6 Implementation Guidelines 6.1 Format and Notation 6.1.1 Format The format of each segment page follows the structure defined below: a) Segment tag and segment name. b) General function of the segment, in the context of its position within the message. c) Usage of the segment, indicating whether the segment is mandatory or conditional, and

the maximum number of repetitions allowed for the segment (if more than one) in the context of its position within the message.

d) Comments on the usage of the segment, indicating any dependency rules for the

segment. e) A table for the segment, containing the following columns: No - The data element or composite number within the segment Data element - The name of the data element or composite Usage - Usage of the data element (see 6.1.2 Notation) Repr. - Representation of the data element, indicating whether the data element may be

alphabetic only, numeric only or alphanumeric and indicating the maximum length of the data or its fixed length

Value/Description/Dependency rules - Italic text describes the data to be used for that

data element, normal text is used to list possible code values for the data element, and underlined text indicates dependency rules for the data element.

Before the definition of each segment group there is a segment group initial page. This identifies

the segments within the segment group and the function, usage and comments on usage in the same way as defined above for each segment.

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6.1.2 Notation The following usage indicators are used for segments, segment groups, data elements and

composites : M (Mandatory) Mandatory in the message definition, must be mandatory in this MIG. R (Required) Conditional in the message definition, use is required in this MIG. A (Advised) Conditional in the message definition, use is recommended in this MIG. D (Dependent) Conditional in the message definition, use is dependent in this MIG

under certain conditions which will be described. O (Optional) Conditional in the message definition, use is optional in this MIG. N (Not used) Conditional in the message definition, should not be used in this MIG. "+" in front of a segment tag, composite, data element or code value indicates that this is a new

item and not found within the EDIFACT D.93A directory. "*" in front of a segment tag, composite, data element or code value indicates that this is a

modified item compared with the item found within the EDIFACT D.93A directory. Within the DTM Date/time/period segment, the values of the codes for Date/time/period

qualifier represent the following (the difference between Month and Minute being easily recognised in context):

CC = Century YY = Year MM = Month DD = Day HH = Hour MM = Minute SS = Second N.B. The change in name from FHSA to HA has been reflected where possible. Where a qualifier or code value was originally defined containing FHSA, the change shows the new name of HA but retains the previous name in parentheses. eg. HA(FHSA)

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6.2 Message Definition UNH MESSAGE HEADER Function: To head, identify and specify a message. Usage: Mandatory Comments:

No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules


M an..14


0065 Message type M an..6 Identification of the type of message being transmitted "FHSPRV" = Preventative Health

0052 Message version number M an..3 Identification of the version number of the message "0" = Version number of the message

0054 Message release number M an..3 Identification of the release number of the message type within the current version "2" = Release number within the current

version number

0051 Controlling Agency M an..2 Identification of the agency controlling the specification, maintenance and publication of the message typ. "FH" = FHSCU now NHS Information


0057 Association assigned code R an..6 A code identifying the Message Implementation Guidelines for the message type

“FHS003” = Pathology Laboratory/HA- Cervical Screening



0070 Sequence of transfers N n..2

0073 First and last transfer N a1

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BGM BEGINNING OF MESSAGE Function: To identify the datatype. Usage: Mandatory Comments:

No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules


1001 Document/message name, coded N an..3

1131 Code list qualifier N an..3

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded N an..3

1000 Document/message name N an..35


N an..35

1225 MESSAGE FUNCTION, CODED R an..3 Identification data type of message

+”9” = Pathology Laboratory/HA - Cervical Screening


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NAD NAME AND ADDRESS Function: To identify the sender and/or recipient of the message, and other relevant parties. Usage: Mandatory, 2 repetitions required. Comments: This segment is used to identify the sending HA or pathology lab by cipher, and the receiving

HA or pathology lab by code.

No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules

3035 PARTY QUALIFIER M an..3 Code for type of healthcare party


+”PTH” = Pathology Laboratory


R Used to hold the code for the healthcare party

3039 Party id identification M an..17 Cipher of the sending HA(FHSA)

Cipher of the receiving HA(FHSA)

Code of the sending pathology laboratory

Code of the receiving pathology laboratory

1131 Code list qualifier R an..3 Code list specifying the healthcare registration identification

+”954” = HA(FHSA)

+”963” = Laboratory code

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded N an..3


3124 Name and address line N an..35

3124 Name and address line N an..35

3124 Name and address line N an..35

3124 Name and address line N an..35

3124 Name and address line N an..35


3036 Party name N an..35

3036 Party name N an..35

3036 Party name N an..35

3036 Party name N an..35

3036 Party name N an..35

3045 Party name format, coded N an..3


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3042 Street and number/P.O. Box N an..35

3042 Street and number/P.O. Box N an..35

3042 Street and number/P.O. Box N an..35

3164 CITY NAME N an..35


N an..9


3207 COUNTRY, CODED N an..3

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DTM DATE/TIME/PERIOD Function: To identify date/time of translation, smear test dates and HA run date. Usage: Mandatory, maximum 3 repetitions. Comments: This segment is used to provide the date and time the message was translated, the begin date of

smear tests and the end date of smear tests.

No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules


2005 Date/time/period qualifier M an..3 Code for type of date/time

”137” = Document/message date/time

“194” = Start date time

”206” = End date/time

2380 Date/time/period R an..35 Date and time the message was translated

The date the smear tests begin from

The date the smear tests end

2379 Date/time/period format qualifier R an..3 Code for format of start and end date

“101” = YYMMDD

Code for document/message date/time


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RFF REFERENCE Function: To specify references related to preventative health. Usage: Optional. Comments: This segment is used to specify the transfer reference number.

No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules


1153 Reference qualifier M an..3 Code to identify the reference number being transferred

“TN” = Transaction reference number

1154 Reference number R an..35 The network file transfer number

1156 Line number N an..6

4000 Reference version number N an..35

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Segment Group 1: S01-NAD-SG2-SG3 Function: To provide preventative health information of a patient and related test data. Usage: Optional, maximum 999999 repetitions. Comments: This repeating segment group will repeat once for each test.

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+S01 TRIGGER SEGMENT SG1 Function: Trigger segment for segment group number 1 in a message. Usage: Mandatory. Comments:

No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules



+9811 Segment group usage, coded R an..3 Code to indicate usage of the segment

+”1” = Segment group 1

1131 Code list qualifier N an..3

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded N an..3

+9810 Segment group usage N an..70

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NAD NAME AND ADDRESS Function: To identify relevant parties. Usage: Required, maximum three repetitions. Comments: To identify the source of the smear test result, the sender of the smear test result and the

patient‟s GP.

No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules

3035 PARTY QUALIFIER M an..3 +”GP” = Current GP

+”SND” = Sender of test result

+”SRC” = Source of test result


R Used to hold the code for the healthcare party

3039 Party id identification M an..17 Source of the smear test result

Sender of the smear test result

Patient’s GP local code

1131 Code list qualifier R an..3 “ZZZ” = Mutually defined

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded N an..3


3124 Name and address line N an..35

3124 Name and address line N an..35

3124 Name and address line N an..35

3124 Name and address line N an..35

3124 Name and address line N an..35


3036 Party name N an..35

3036 Party name N an..35

3036 Party name N an..35

3036 Party name N an..35

3036 Party name N an..35

3045 Party name format, coded N an..3


3042 Street and number/P.O. Box N an..35

3042 Street and number/P.O. Box N an..35

3042 Street and number/P.O. Box N an..35

3164 CITY NAME N an..35


N an..9


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3207 COUNTRY, CODED N an..3

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Segment Group 2: S02-PNA-DTM-NAD Function: To provide personal information about patients. Usage: Required, maximum 2 repetitions. Comments: This segment is used to convey personal information about a patient. One occurrence of the segment group for a patient will hold current information such as the

patient‟s NHS number, current names, date of birth and address. The other occurrence of the segment group for a patient will hold the patient‟s previous surname

and the patient‟s alternative NHS number.

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+S02 TRIGGER SEGMENT SG2 Function: Trigger segment for segment group number 2 in a message. Usage: Mandatory. Comments:

No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules



+9811 Segment group usage, coded R an..3 Code to indicate usage of the segment

+”2” = Segment group 2

1131 Code list qualifier N an..3

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded N an..3

+9810 Segment group usage N an..70

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+PNA PERSON NAME Function: To specify information necessary to establish the identity of the patient. Usage: Optional. Comments: This segment is used to provide both identification numbers and name details for the patient.

No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules

3035 PARTY QUALIFIER M an..3 Code for the type of patient information conveyed

+“PAT” = Patient (used for current name details and „usual‟ NHS number)

+“PER” = Person (used for previous name details and alternative NHS number)


7402 Identity number M an..35 Official patient identification (NHS number)

Alternative patient identification (alternative NHS number)

7405 Identity number qualifier R an..3 +”OPI” = Official patient identification

+3797 NAME TYPE, CODED N an..3

+3799 NAME STATUS, CODED N an..3

+C816 NAME COMPONENT DETAILS D In the first repeat of this segment group, this composite must exist and hold the patient‟s current family name

Person family name details (of patient)

Previous person family name

+3835 Name component qualifier M an..3 Code for type of name component

+”SU” = Family nam.

+3836 Name component R an..70 Family name

Previous family name

+3839 Name component status, coded N an..3

+3841 Name component original representation, coded

N an..3

+C816 NAME COMPONENT DETAILS D In the first repeat of this segment group, this composite must exist and hold the patient‟s forenames

Person name details (of patient)

+3835 Name component qualifier M an..3 Code for type of name component

+”FS” = Forenames

+3836 Name component R an..70 Patient’s forenames

+3839 Name component status, coded N an..3

+3841 Name component original N an..3

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representation, coded


+3835 Name component qualifier N an..3

+3836 Name component N an..70

+3839 Name component status, coded N an..3

+3841 Name component original representation, coded

N an..3


+3835 Name component qualifier N an..3

+3836 Name component N an..70

+3839 Name component status, coded N an..3

+3841 Name component original representation, coded

N an..3


+3835 Name component qualifier N an..3

+3836 Name component N an..70

+3839 Name component status, coded N an..3

+3841 Name component original representation, coded

N an..3

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DTM DATE/TIME/PERIOD Function: To specify a date associated with the patient. Usage: Dependent. Comments: This segment holds the patient‟s date of birth and is required for the repetition of segment group

2 which contains the patient‟s current name details.

No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules


2005 Date/time/period qualifier M an..3 Code for type of date/time

“329” = Birth date

2380 Date/time/period R an..35 Date of birth

2379 Date/time/period format qualifier R an..3 Code for format of date

+“951” = DDMMCCYY

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NAD NAME AND ADDRESS Function: To specify the address of the patient. Usage: Dependent. Comments: This segment is a used to identify the address of the patient. This segment is required for the repetition of segment group 2 which contains the patient‟s

current address details.

No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules

3035 PARTY QUALIFIER M an..3 Code for type of healthcare party

+”PAT” = Health patient



3039 Party id identification N an..17

1131 Code list qualifier N an..3

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded N an..3

C058 NAME AND ADDRESS R The address of the patient

3124 Name and address line M an..35 The first 35 characters of the patient’s address

3124 Name and address line O an..35 The remaining characters of the patient’s address

3124 Name and address line N an..35

3124 Name and address line N an..35

3124 Name and address line N an..35


3036 Party name N an..35

3036 Party name N an..35

3036 Party name N an..35

3036 Party name N an..35

3036 Party name N an..35

3045 Party name format, coded N an..3


3042 Street and number/P.O. Box N an..35

3042 Street and number/P.O. Box N an..35

3042 Street and number/P.O. Box N an..35

3164 CITY NAME N an..35


N an..9


3207 COUNTRY, CODED N an..3

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Segment Group 3: S03-TST-DTM-HEA-QTY Function: To provide current health information. Usage: Required, maximum 1 repetition. Comments: This segment group is used to convey patient‟s test details.

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+S03 TRIGGER SEGMENT SG3 Function: Trigger segment for segment group number 3 in a message. Usage: Mandatory. Comments:

No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules



+9811 Segment group usage, coded R an..3 Code to indicate usage of the segment

+”3” = Segment group 3

1131 Code list qualifier N an..3

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded N an..3

+9810 Segment group usage N an..70

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+TST TEST RESULTS Function: To specify test results. Usage: Required. Comments: This segment is used to hold the patient‟s result code and action code.

No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules

+9520 TEST RESULTS QUALIFIER M an..3 +”RCD” = Result codes


+9511 Test result, coded M an..3 Smear test result code

1131 Code list qualifier R an..3 Code specifying the list containing the test result codes

“ZZZ” = Mutually defined

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded N an..3


+9513 Sample type qualifier M an..3 Code for type of qualifier

+”SNO” = Slide number

+9514 Sample identification M an..17 Numeric value identifying a slide


+9515 Test, coded R an..3 Smear test action code

1131 Code list qualifier R an..3 Code specifying the list containing the test action codes

“ZZZ” = Mutually defined

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded N an..3

+9516 Test N an..35

+9512 TEST RESULT, TEXT N an..35

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DTM DATE/TIME/PERIOD Function: To specify relevant dates. Usage: Required. Comments: This segment holds the date of the smear test.

No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules


2005 Date/time/period qualifier M an..3 Code for type of date

“119” = Test performed date

2380 Date/time/period R an..35 Date of smear test

2379 Date/time/period format qualifier N an..3 Code for format of date

“102” = CCYYMMDD

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+HEA HEALTH INFORMATION Function: To specify items of health information. Usage: Optional, maximum 3 repetitions. Comments: This segment holds the correspondence marker, the excluded from payments flag and the

infection code of the smear test.

No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules


M an..3 Qualifier identifying the type of health information being specified

+”CMK” = Correspondence marker

+”INM” = Infection marker

+”ETP” = Excluded from payments


+9507 Health information identification R an..10 The correspondence marker, the infection marker or the excluded from payments flag

1131 Code list qualifier R an..3 Code specifying the list containing the codes held in element 9507

“ZZZ” = Mutually defined

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded N an..3

+9508 Health N an..35

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*QTY QUANTITY Function: To specify pertinent quantities. Usage: Optional, maximum 3 repetitions. Comments: This segment is used to hold the patient‟s number of births, number of abortions, and the repeat

interval of the test.

No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules


6063 Quantity qualifier M an..3 +”959” = Number of births

+”960” = Number of abortions

+”961” = Number of months

*6060 Quantity M an..15 Numerical value of number of births

Numerical value of number of abortions

Numerical value of number of months


*6411 Measurement unit identification N an..17

1131 Code list qualifier N an..3

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded N an..3

+6410 Measurement unit N an..35

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UNT MESSAGE TRAILER Function: To end and check the completeness of a message. Usage: Mandatory. Comments:

No Data Element Usage Repr. Value/Description/Dependency rules


M n..6


M an..14

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Composite specifications C002 DOCUMENT/MESSAGE NAME Desc: Identification of a type of document/message by code or name. 1001 Document/message name, coded C an..3 1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 3055 Code list responsible agency, C an..3 coded 1000 Document/message name C an..35 C058 NAME AND ADDRESS Desc: Unstructured name and address: one to five lines. 3124 Name and address line M an..35 3124 Name and address line C an..35 3124 Name and address line C an..35 3124 Name and address line C an..35 3124 Name and address line C an..35 C059 STREET Desc: Street address and/or P.O.Box number in a structured address: one to three lines. 3042 Street and number/P.O. Box M an..35 3042 Street and number/P.O. Box C an..35 3042 Street and number/P.O. Box C an..35 C080 PARTY NAME Desc: Identification of a transaction party by name, one to five lines. Party name may be formatted. 3036 Party name M an..35 3036 Party name C an..35 3036 Party name C an..35 3036 Party name C an..35 3036 Party name C an..35 3045 Party name format, coded C an..3 C082 PARTY IDENTIFICATION DETAILS Desc: Identification of a transaction party by code. 3039 Party identification M an..17 1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 3055 Code list responsible agency, C an..3 coded *C186 QUANTITY DETAILS Desc: Quantity information in a transaction, qualified when relevant. 6063 Quantity qualifier M an..3 *6060 Quantity M an..15

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C206 INDENTIFICATION NUMBER Desc: The identification of an object. 7402 Identity number M an..35 7405 Identitiy number qualifier C an..3 C506 REFERENCE Desc: Identification of a reference. 1153 Reference qualifier M an..3 1154 Reference number C an..35 1156 Line number C an..6 4000 Reference version number C an..35 C507 DATE/TIME/PERIOD Desc: Date and/or time, or period relevant to the specified date/time/period type. 2005 Date/time/period qualifier M an..3 2380 Date/time/period C an..35 2379 Date/time/period format qualifier C an..3 +C816 NAME COMPONENT DETAILS Desc: To specify a name component +3835 Name component qualifier M an..3 +3836 Name component C an..70 +3839 Name component status, C an..3 coded +3841 Name component original C an..3 representation, coded +C848 MEASUREMENT UNIT DETAILS Desc: To specify a measurement unit. *6411 Measurement unit identification C an..17 1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 3055 Code list responsible agency, C an..3 coded +6410 Measurement unit C an..35 +C851 SEGMENT GROUP USAGE DETAILS Desc: To describe the actual usage of a segment group in a message. +9811 Segment group usage, coded C an..3 1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 3055 Code list responsible agency, C an..3 coded +9810 Segment group usage C an..70

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+C973 HEALTH INFORMATION Desc: Specific health information, as identified by a qualifier. +9507 Health information C an..10 identification 1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 3055 Code list responsible agency, C an..3 coded +9508 Health C an..35 +C975 TEST RESULT Desc: Identifies the result of a test. +9511 Test result, coded M an..3 1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 3055 Code list responsible agency, C an..3 coded +C976 SAMPLE IDENTIFIER Desc: A sample type and identification. +9513 Sample type qualifier M an..3 +9514 Sample identification M an..17 +C977 TEST INFORMATION Desc: To describe a test. +9515 Test, coded C an..3 1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 3055 Code list responsible agency, C an..3 coded +9516 Test C an..35

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7.2 Formal definition of data elements Listing of data elements by Tag 1000 Document/message name 1001 Document/message name, coded 1004 Document/message number 1131 Code list qualifier 1153 Reference qualifier 1154 Reference number 1156 Line number 1225 Message function, coded 2005 Date/time/period qualifier 2379 Date/time/period format qualifier 2380 Date/time/period 3035 Party qualifier 3036 Party name 3039 Party id identification 3042 Street and number/P.O. Box 3045 Party name format, coded 3055 Code list responsible agency, coded 3124 Name and address line 3164 City name 3207 Country, coded 3229 Country sub-entity identification 3251 Postcode identification +3797 Name type, coded +3799 Name status, coded +3835 Name component qualifier +3836 Name component +3839 Name component status, coded +3841 Name component original representation, coded 4000 Reference version number 4343 Response type, coded *6060 Quantity 6063 Quantity qualifier +6410 Measurement unit *6411 Measurement unit identification 7402 Identity number 7405 Identity number qualifier +9506 Health information qualifier +9507 Health information identification +9508 Health +9511 Test result, coded +9512 Test result, text +9513 Sample type qualifier +9514 Sample identification +9515 Test, coded +9516 Test +9520 Test results qualifier +9810 Segment group usage +9811 Segment group usage, coded

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Data element specifications 1000 Document/message name Desc: Plain language identifier specifying the function of a document/message. Repr: an..35 1001 Document/message name, coded Desc: Document/message identifier expressed in code. Repr: an..3 1004 Document/message number Desc: Reference number assigned to the document/message by the issuer. Repr: an..35 1131 Code list qualifier Desc: Identification of a code list. Repr: an..3 1153 Reference qualifier Desc: Code giving specific meaning to a reference segment or a reference number. Repr: an..3 1154 Reference number Desc: Identification number the nature and function of which can be qualified by an entry in data element

1153 Reference qualifier. Repr: an..35 1156 Line number Desc: Number of the line in the document/message referenced in 1154 Reference number. Repr: an..6 1225 Message function, coded Desc: Code indicating the function of the message. Repr: an..3 2005 Date/time/period qualifier Desc: Code giving specific meaning to a date, time or period. Repr: an..3 2379 Date/time/period format qualifier Desc: Specification of the representation of a date, a date and time or of a period. Repr: an..3 2380 Date/time/period Desc: The value of a date, a date and time, a time or period in a specified representation. Repr: an..35 3035 Party qualifier Desc: Code giving specific meaning to a party. Repr: an..3 3036 Party name Desc: Name of a party involved in a transaction. Repr: an..35

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3039 Party id identification Desc: Code identifying a party involved in a transaction. Repr: an..17 3042 Street and number/P.O. Box Desc: Street and number in plain language, or Post Office Box number. Repr: an..35 3045 Party name format, coded Desc: Specification of the representation of a party name. Repr: an..3 3055 Code list responsible agency, coded Desc: Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list. Repr: an..3 3124 Name and address line Desc: Free form name and address description. Repr: an..35 3164 City name Desc: Name of a city (a town, a village) for addressing purposes. Repr: an..35 3207 Country, coded Desc: Identification of the name of a country or other geographical entity as specified. Repr: an..3 3229 Country sub-entity identification Desc: Identification of the name of sub-entities (state, province) defined by appropriate governmental

agencies. Repr: an..9 3251 Postcode identification Desc: Code defining postal zones or addresses. Repr: an..9 +3797 Name type, coded Desc: Code for type of name such as official name, alias Repr: an..3 +3799 Name status, coded Desc: To specify the status of a name (such as current name) Repr: an..3 +3835 Name component qualifier Desc: To indicate a part of the name such as family name or given name. Repr: an..3 +3836 Name component Desc: Part of party name such as family name or given name. Repr: an..70 +3839 Name component status, coded Desc: To specify the status of a name component. Repr: an..3

Title: Message Implementation Guidelines Ref: FHSPRV:0:2:FH:FHS003

Version: 1.0 Date: 25.01.00 Page: 41 of 44

+3841 Name component original representation, coded Desc: To specify the alphabet originally used to represent the name. Repr: an..3 4000 Reference version number Desc: To uniquely identify a reference by its revision number. Repr: an..35 4343 Response type, coded Desc: Code specifying the type of acknowledgment required. Repr: an..3 *6060 Quantity Desc: Numeric value of a quantity. Repr: an..15 6063 Quantity qualifier Desc: Code giving specific meaning to a quantity. Repr: an..3 +6410 Measurement unit Desc: Specification of unit as free text Repr: an..35 *6411 Measurement unit identification Desc: Specification of unit of measurement using code Repr: an..17 7402 Identity number Desc: A value given to an object for identification purposes. Repr: an..35 7405 Identity number qualifier Desc: Code specifying the type/source of the product identification number. Repr: an..3 +9506 Health information qualifier Desc: Gives specific meaning to an item of information relating to health. Repr: an..3 +9507 Health information identification Desc: Item of information relating to health. Repr: an..10 +9508 Health Desc: Description of item relating to health. Repr: an..35 +9511 Test result, coded Desc: To identify the result of a test. Repr: an..3 +9512 Test result, text Desc: To describe the results of a test. Repr: an..35 +9513 Sample type qualifier Desc: Specifies the type of sample. Repr: an..3

Title: Message Implementation Guidelines Ref: FHSPRV:0:2:FH:FHS003

Version: 1.0 Date: 25.01.00 Page: 42 of 44

+9514 Sample identification Desc: To identify a sample. Repr: an..17 +9515 Test, coded Desc: To identify a test. Repr: an..3 +9516 Test Desc: Description of a test. Repr: an..35 +9520 Test results qualifier Desc: Gives specific meaning to a test result. Repr: an..3 +9810 Segment group usage Desc: To describe the actual usage of a segment group in a message. Repr: an..70 +9811 Segment group usage, coded Desc: To specify the usage of a segment group in a message as a code. Repr: an..3

Title: Message Implementation Guidelines Ref: FHSPRV:0:2:FH:FHS003

Version: 1.0 Date: 25.01.00 Page: 43 of 44

7.3 Data element code values 1131 Code list qualifier +954 HA(FHSA) +963 Laboratory code +ZZZ Mutually defined 1153 Reference qualifier TN Transaction reference number 1225 Message function, coded +9 Pathology laboratory/HA - cervical screening 2005 Date/time/period qualifier 119 Test performed date 137 Document message date/time 194 Start date time 206 End date/time 324 Processing date/time 329 Date of birth 2379 Date/time/period format qualifier 101 YYMMDD 102 CCYYMMDD 203 CCYYMMDDHHMM 3035 Party qualifier +FHS HA(FHSA) +GP Current GP +PAT Patient +PER Person +PTH Pathology laboratory +SND Sender of test result +SRC Source of test result +3835 Name component qualifier +FS Forenames +SU Family name 6063 Quantity Qualifier +959 Number of births +960 Number of abortions +961 Number of months

Title: Message Implementation Guidelines Ref: FHSPRV:0:2:FH:FHS003

Version: 1.0 Date: 25.01.00 Page: 44 of 44

7402 Identity number +OPI Official patient identification +9506 Health information qualifier +CMK Correspondence marker +INM Infection marker +ETP Excluded from payments +9513 Sample type qualifier +SNO Slide number +9520 Test results qualifier +RCD Result codes +9811 Segment group usage, coded +1 Segment group 1 +2 Segment group 2 +3 Segment group 3

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