Download - Lands of Creation

  • Table of ContentsIntroductionGuidelines

    Chapter 1: Life in the High First AgeThe History of ManThe Prehistoric EraThe Ochre Fountain EraThe First Deliberative EraThe Unfurling Horizon EraThe Shining Reflection EraThe Thousand Struggles EraThe Second Deliberate EraThe Era of Dreams

    Life in the Age of SplendorThe LandsTechnologyEconomicsTransportationHealth CareEducationWorshipDeath and ReincarnationCrime and CriminalsMortal Law and JusticeEnlightened HumansNonhuman RacesThe Terrestrial Bureaucracy

    The Lives of the ChosenThe Dragon-BloodedThe Solar ExaltedThe Lunar ExaltedThe Sidereal ExaltedSocietiesPursuits

    The Solar DeliberativePartiesMovements and AgendasBehind the ScenesDeliberative Law

    Chapter 2: The Blessed IsleThe Blessed IsleMount MeruExalted EstatesTo The EastTo The SouthTo The WestTo The North

    Chapter 3: The EastThe Beloved of Daana'd and Sextes Jylis ProvinceHungry Dragon PrefectureLate Glorious Fields PrefectureWillful Child Prefecture

    The Dominion of the Dragon KingsThe Magnificent Grounds of RathessAdamant Oriole Sanctuary

    Flowing Grasp ProvinceBell Garden PrefectureVerdant Sash ProtectorateWater Root Triumvirate

    Labyrinth of Soothing Shadows ProvinceCrags of the Earth and Sky Prefecture

    Serene Canopy ProvinceOrange Blossom ChancelleryWhite Iron Phoenix Prefecture

    Chapter 4: The SouthThe Southeastern ProvinceThe Hunting City of Tamar-KasThe Fields of the Sacred Cattle of AhlatThe Bitter Flower Empire

    The Southern Coast ProvinceChiaroscuro - Jewel of the SouthThe PenitentThe Domain of Stately OrderHigh Nyunda - City of the Sun

    The Southwestern ProvinceAn-Teng PrefectureThe Deadly CrescentRefuge - Home of the Pure-Bred LinthaThe Fire Mountains

    The Far Southern ProvinceThe Pleasure Dome of Xela-Cas

    Chapter 5: The WestSaigoth ProvinceClepsys PrefectureThe Outback PrefectureLutheThe Archipelago of XurRuins of OkeanosThe Ocean FloorGrand ExperimentsThe Arch of Undreamt EternitiesDefiant IslandsThe Lintha

    Chapter 6: The NorthWithin the RealmOrchard Isles ProvincePrincipalities of the IslesVarajtul

    Silver Meadows ProvincePrincipalities of the Silver Meadows

    Opal Crag Mountains ProvincePrincipalities of the Opal Crag MountainsThe City of the Mountain GatewayFellara

    White Valley ProvincePrincipalities of the White Valley

    Frost Lake ProvinceVarilistu

    Diamond Hills ProvinceTzatu

    Windlands ProvinceOndar ShambalWallportCherak-on-the-SeaOther Cities of the Windlands

    Urrin's Steppe ProvinceSezakan

    The Great IceOpal Spire

    Cedarfall ProvincePrincipalities of CedarfallCrystal

    The FringesThe Sea FingersSteppe NomadsWhite River Gorge

    Appendix: Old Realm ScriptCreaturesI AMThe Cattle of AhlatBluehavenHorrors of the Shattered Reef

    ArtifactsThe Veridigris CircletMobile Platform 3Stability-Conferring Collar/VatTitan-Class Aerial CitadelThe Black MirrorVeil of Fathomless WickednessThe Eighty Crystals

    SpellsFountain of Fathomless Dreams

    CharmsTiger-Dragon Drill Approach

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