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Unit 57: Photography and Photographic Practice

Selection of final images & review (P4, M4, D4)

Image No:



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10//Theme or focus of image & reasons for choice1// The main focus of this particular image is of the BBC and ITV studios. I shot it from an angle of lower down, to capture the buildings in with a little bit of the sky in it. I shot it next to a small lamppost, which is the black portion on the left side. I wanted to include a little bit of the quays water in to show MediaCity UK is on a water front. I chose this picture as one of my final 10 edits as I like the framing of the image, and I also like the editing of the brightness, it makes it look more welcoming. It also is recognisable of Salford Quays.2// The main focus of this 2nd image, is of the ‘happy’ sign, located in between the BBC and

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Salford University. The sign is usually in neon red, therefore is bright and stands out, but isn’t really noticeable as to where it is placed as it is high up. I chose this image as one of my final 10 edits as it’s a nice sign and it’s, I think, the opposite of MediaCity as its business’ and stress, where as the sign is quite relaxing. I like my editing of the image as it makes it stand out more than I already did.3// The main focus of this 3rd image, is the BBC building. I chose this as the main focus as it’s a large building, and has a lot of small rectangular windows which are different shades of blue and white, therefore contrast with reflections of the sky. I chose this as one of my final 10 images as it was the best framing I had of the BBC on its own. I also liked the framing as it included the sky, which I could then edit to be more dramatic. I edited the image to be continuous with the colour theme of the BBC building.4// The main focus of this image, is of the Lowry, which is centred in the image. I chose this image as one of my final 10 as I liked the positioning of the Lowry. The image also includes the bridge over the Quays on the right hand side and on the left are a few buildings. I also liked the way the buildings reflected in the water. I like the detail of the buildings, despite how far away I was when I took the image. I also think I made the image recognisable, as the tower placed on the left, is known to be the Lowry Art Gallery.5// The 5th image is of the Lowry shopping centre and art gallery. This time the image is shot up closer than the previous image. I chose this image to be one of my final 10 edited images as I like the positioning of the tower and the blue building to the left. I also like the way I’ve edited the sky to make it appear a sunnier day and also the depth of the brightness, which reflects the sky, which I think, makes Salford Quays an inviting place to be.6// With this 6th image, the main focus is of Quay West, an office building. I chose this building as it is on a very large scale, and the windows are all reflective, therefore I thought, during the editing phase, I could play around with the colour richness of the buildings itself, and what is reflecting in it. I think it is quite well recognised due to the architecture of the building and where it is placed, which is on its own at the end of a bridge. I took this image from a low down angle as I wanted to exaggerate its size.7// the 7th image, is of the tower at the Lowry. The tower is quite known as a landmark for the Lowry. It is quite a tall tower; therefore I wanted to exaggerate its tallness by taking this image from a low angle, making it fill up most of the frame. I also like how I managed to capture a bird in mid flight at the top on the right. I don’t think from this image alone, Salford Quays/The Lowry would be recognisable as the tower is part of the Art Gallery and the shopping centre scene. I chose this image as one of my final 10 images as I liked the framing of the shot and the colours the camera captured. 8// With the 8th image, I wanted the main focus to be the central doors for the UK version of the talent show, The Voice. These doors are used on the show when a singer and their family are shown arriving at the studios, therefore they would be recognisable to viewers of the show. I chose this shot to be one of my final 10 images as I liked the framing of the Voice logo being at the bottom and the BBC windows contrasting blue against the red. I also like how you can see the MediaCity UK logo inside the building to the right.9// The 9th image is mainly focused on the War Museum and Coronation Street studios, but mainly the museum as it is larger in size, therefore stands out more. I chose this image to be one of my final 10 images as I liked the two different sides to the picture, one side being tall and one colour, and the other side being small and different shades of grey and white. I also like the water and how the museum is reflected in it, as well as the angle the image was taken at. 10// The main focus of the 10th image is of the buildings and the water. The sky could also be a focus point but the buildings are in the fore ground and in more detail. I chose this image to be one of my final 10 edited images as I liked the placing of the flats on the left, they were tall and the buildings gradually got smaller towards the left. I also like the editing of the sky and how it reflects in the water.Techniques used1// For this 1st image, the techniques I used included depth of field, so using the small lamppost as the narrow depth field and out of focus, allows the BBC and ITV studios to become the wider depth of field and in focus. I also applied the 3 X 3 grid method so that the studios would overlap with the overlapping lines of the grid, therefore making it the main focus. The shutter speed was set at 1/640sec. which allowed me to capture the light properly without over exposure or under exposure.2// For this 2nd image, the techniques used included the use of the 3 X 3 grid, to capture the

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‘happy’ sign in the centre of the image, therefore making it the main focus point. I also used depth of field to get the ‘happy’ sign to have a wider depth of field and the trees having a narrower depth of field, but it flips and the sign is the main point. I had a slightly longer than normal exposure of 1/640sec. giving the camera time to capture the neon sign without over exposure or under exposure. 3// The 3rd image has techniques such as the 3 X 3 grid so the BBC building was centre and taking up most of the frame, I didn’t use the depth of field as much as I should of done as I thought there wasn’t much in the foreground to use as depth of field. I used an ISO of 200, which is usually darker than a normal image if it were taken on automatic exposure, but with the manual exposure and the lightness of that day, it automatically made the image brighter, alongside some editing.4// For this 4th image, techniques include 3 X 3 grid as the Lowry is in the middle, therefore making it centre focus. I also used depth of field, as the water would have a narrower depth of field, therefore with it being plain, it would reflect the buildings making them stand out more, as well as against the sky, the ISO was pretty dark therefor during editing I brightened it up a bit more. This image was taken on manual exposure.5// This 5th image, used techniques such as depth of field, to make the background, the wider depth of field as it looks quite busy with all the different buildings overlapping each other, and the narrower depth of field looking more plain. I applied the 3 X 3 grid when taking this image so the tower of the Lowry Gallery would slightly be in the middle squares, but I also wanted the blue building on the left to be one of the main focuses as well. 6// For this 6th image, I applied the 3 X 3 grid so it would be very central by imagining the centre flat part of the building being in the middle of the squares. This image has a wide depth of field as the building; the gates in front of it and the sky are in focus. I used a shutter speed of 1/640sec. which is quite average, this allowed me to capture the different depths of the sky. I used an ISO of 200 which can be quite dark, but with the natural lighting on the day of the shoot, it captured the image slightly dark but easily brightened when edited.7// This 7th image, I used techniques such as adjusting the ISO so the colour of the tower was captured in detail so the audience could see the different tones of the tower. I also applied the 3 X 3 grid the best I could to try and get the tower in the centre of the image. I didn’t really apply the depth of field as the back ground was a plain sky which was quite dull, the only thing in the background was a bird flying but it was high up, therefore appeared small and not in focus. My shutter speed was a fast capture as it captured the bird in mid-flight. 8// For this 8th image, I used the 3 X 3 grid to place the Voice doors in the centre of the image near the bottom, so that the rest of the building was one colour due to it being glass panels, making the red and black windows stand out making it the main focus. The ISO was set to an average setting as the colours were vibrant on their own. The depth of field used to include the reflections and some detail that is inside the building. The shutter speed was set long enough for the camera to capture the reflections of other buildings and even the detail inside the building such as the MediaCity UK logo. 9// This 9th image, I used a narrow depth of field to make the museum and the ITV set of Coronation Street in focus to make them the image focus point and the ledge that the camera is resting on to be blurry. I didn’t really use the 3 X 3 grid as I wanted to include two different buildings; therefore they are at either side of the image. The shutter speed was set to capture the buildings mainly, in detail rather than the other surroundings and the ISO was set to capture the light from the sky on the building enough to not over expose them.10// For this 10th image, I applied the 3 X 3 grid to place the tower of flats in the left column, leaving enough room to edit the sky on the right. The ISO let enough light in to highlight the flats and the reflections of the flats in the water. The shutter speed was set to capture the flats in detail and the background buildings in a little detail as well. The depth of field is wide on this image as the buildings in the background are in focus as well are the foreground image. Strengths & suggested improvements1// For this 1st image, the strengths would be the editing, how I managed to edit out all the rubbish in the water and the strings and pipes on the railings and the marks on the wall, another strength would be the brightness of the buildings, it looks a natural vibrancy. Suggested improvements would be to include more of the background rather than the lamp post.2// for this 2nd image, the strengths would include the framing of the image, how the ‘Happy’ sign is in the centre, also how I edited the image to be black and white, it makes the surroundings of the sign stand out but not too much. Suggested improvements could be to have

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the sign in colour so it stand out more as well as editing the sign at the bottom right out to the sign is the only writing on the image.3// For this 3rd image, the strengths would be the contrasting of the different shades of blue as well as the quality of the image, it appears to be a vibrant image such as the sky reflecting the white flats. Suggested improvements could be the editing of the flats at the side where I editing the balcony’s out, it could be neater. I could of also edited the image to appear to be warmer to make it more inviting. 4// This 4th image, the strengths would include the framing of the buildings and the reflections of the buildings in the water. Suggested improvements would be to edit the buildings so they don’t look to edited, such as editing the edges so they don’t look out of place. As well as editing the sky so it doesn’t look like its just been places on, I think I could achieve this by changing the brightness to be a little bit dimmer. 5// I think for this 5th image, the strengths include the brightness of the buildings and how the detail is brought out In them, as well as the quality of the image which again, brings out the detail of the buildings as well as the ripples in the water. Suggested improvements could be editing the wall to the bottom left to be cleaner, to get rid of the black marks and the flats so its easier to focus on the Lowry itself.6// I think for this 6th image, the strengths include the positioning of the building in the image, it fills up most of the frame therefore it becomes the main focus. I also like the slight reflections of the sky on the building and the gates in the foreground of the image. Suggested improvements could include taking the image from a further distance so that the audience could see more to the sky and the buildings surroundings.7// I think for this 7th image, the strengths include the angle that the image was taken at as it suggests that the tower is quite high, as it is recognisable as being the tower of the Lowry Art Gallery. Suggested improvements include editing the tower to appear neater such as the slight hint of rust on the panels, to make the image appear cleaner.8// I think for this 8th image, the strengths include the framing of the image, with the focus point being central, also the reflections of MediaCity UK in the window panels. Suggested improvements could be that I could’ve of taken more time to angle the camera properly as there is a slight tilt to the right on the image. Also I could’ve edited the windows to be less vibrant as it looks too edited.9// I think the strengths for this 9th image, is the detail in the buildings, as you can see the lines on the museum roof and the different panels on the ITV studios, as well as the ripples in the water. I also like the out of focus on the ledge in the foreground of the image, it makes it easier to focus on the background. Suggested improvements could be made such as editing the background buildings out so that it appears neater, and it would make the two main focus buildings stand out more.10// I think the strengths for this 10th image is the sky that I edited in, and how it reflects in the water, which makes it look like a real image. As well as the flats being in detail and vibrant. Suggested Improvements could be made such as making the trees along the water side greener and frame the image better so that I had more room above the flats to make it a taller image. Editing details1// For this 1st image, the editing included editing out the rubbish in the water, the pipes and strings on the railings and the white marks on the wall. I also brightened the buildings to make them more vibrant as well as the sky, I changed the colour so it looked more natural. I didn’t edit the water as I couldn’t get it selected on its own properly therefore I left it. I think my editing has been done well to make it look welcoming.2// this 2nd image, I started editing by selecting the sign and making it brighter to make it stand out more, then changed the whole image to black and white as everything would appear darker than the sign. I then cropped the image to make the sign in the centre. I also edited out some people walking by and some bar sign that took the focus away from the sign.3// For this 3rd image, I started editing by darkening the sky to make it more dramatic, I then selected the BBC building and make it more vibrant to make the different tones of blues and whites stand out more. I then edited out the flat balcony’s which could have been done neater. I think this image could have been edited to be warmer, therefore be more welcoming.4// For this 4th image, I started editing by adding the sky in as the original sky was dull and could not be brightened. I then edited the buildings to be brighter and in more detail. I then selected the water and changed the colour saturation to be bluer. I think the editing could have been

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done more carefully.5// for this 5th image, I started editing by changing the colour of the water to be more of a natural colour, I then edited a sky in which I tried to make natural looking as possible, I then edited out the name on the blue lorry to the left so the only writing would be the Lowry Outlet which is quite small therefore hard to see. I then brightened the buildings to make them match the bright theme of the image.6// For this 6th image, I started editing by changing the colour of the building, I made it more of a richer bronze colour, to which it brought out the reflections of the sky as well. I then selected the sky and changed the colour to make it a little bit darker which brought out the clouds in it. I could edited it to be a little more bright to make it more inviting.7// for this 7th image, I started by editing a sky in, to which I had to rub out around the bird and the tower to make it look like the sky was part of the original image. I then selected the tower and make it brighter so the different tones on the panels of the tower would stand out more.8// For this 8th image, I started editing by changing the tone of red of the Voice logo on the door to be more vibrant, to make it stand out more. I then selected the building to make it more blue which would bring out the reflections out more. I then edited the path to match the tone of the logo and the building. I then cropped the path so the Voice would stand out more against the background.9// for this 9th image, I started by editing a sky in and rubbing it out on the museum and the ITV studios. I then made the buildings brighter to make them match the sunny theme of the image. I then edited the water to make it more of an inviting place to be, this was tricky was I had to edit the water in between the railings. I could of also edited out the marks on the wall in the background to the right.10// For this 10th image, I started editing by making the flats and the buildings next to it brighter, I then made the buildings in the background slightly brighter so you could see the detail within them. I then edited a sunset type sky in, to which I had to be careful in rubbing out around the top of the flats. I then edited the sky in to the water, to make it look like it was reflecting, to make it look natural. This was tricky as I had to adjust the opaqueness to make it look inviting but natural.Capture LogSetting Shutter Speed ISO Aperture1// Manual2// Manual3// Manual4// Manual5// Manual6// Manual7// Manual8// Manual9// Manual10// Manual



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done more carefully.5// for this 5th image, I started editing by changing the colour of the water to be more of a natural colour, I then edited a sky in which I tried to make natural looking as possible, I then edited out the name on the blue lorry to the left so the only writing would be the Lowry Outlet which is quite small therefore hard to see. I then brightened the buildings to make them match the bright theme of the image.6// For this 6th image, I started editing by changing the colour of the building, I made it more of a richer bronze colour, to which it brought out the reflections of the sky as well. I then selected the sky and changed the colour to make it a little bit darker which brought out the clouds in it. I could edited it to be a little more bright to make it more inviting.7// for this 7th image, I started by editing a sky in, to which I had to rub out around the bird and the tower to make it look like the sky was part of the original image. I then selected the tower and make it brighter so the different tones on the panels of the tower would stand out more.8// For this 8th image, I started editing by changing the tone of red of the Voice logo on the door to be more vibrant, to make it stand out more. I then selected the building to make it more blue which would bring out the reflections out more. I then edited the path to match the tone of the logo and the building. I then cropped the path so the Voice would stand out more against the background.9// for this 9th image, I started by editing a sky in and rubbing it out on the museum and the ITV studios. I then made the buildings brighter to make them match the sunny theme of the image. I then edited the water to make it more of an inviting place to be, this was tricky was I had to edit the water in between the railings. I could of also edited out the marks on the wall in the background to the right.10// For this 10th image, I started editing by making the flats and the buildings next to it brighter, I then made the buildings in the background slightly brighter so you could see the detail within them. I then edited a sunset type sky in, to which I had to be careful in rubbing out around the top of the flats. I then edited the sky in to the water, to make it look like it was reflecting, to make it look natural. This was tricky as I had to adjust the opaqueness to make it look inviting but natural.Capture LogSetting Shutter Speed ISO Aperture1// Manual2// Manual3// Manual4// Manual5// Manual6// Manual7// Manual8// Manual9// Manual10// Manual



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