


LanguageThe point of view is based on the third person point of view. This isbecause the narrator does not participate in this short story as one ofthe characters, but the narrator lets us know exactly how the

charactersthink and feel. This can be seen when the narrator uses the pronoun

he,she, and they to represent the characters in the short story.For example,

– “it was way past nine o’clock by the time Rukumani and her father arrived home”.

– “they were also tempted to do rather dangerous things”.

This short story mostly doesn't use proper grammar in its dialogue and

monologue between the characters. The author uses Malaysia-English (Manglish). This shows how Malaysians usually talk in

English.For example- "Can send to Amy's house what." (You can send it to Amy's

house.)- "Can just put Miss Amy Wong." (You can just put Miss Amy

Wong.)- "See ah, my sisters all, ..." (As you can see, all my sisters, ...)

Hyperbole: Outrageous exaggeratione.g "...Johnny chew, who was regarded with respect as the walking economics bible."

Personification: Giving human characteristics to non-human thingse.g "Two sorrowful eyes looked steadily at Rukumani for signs of shame."

Onomatopoeia: Sound to represents worde.g "...she was shooed away by her mother."

Symbolism: A word that has a meaning on its own but used to represent something else.

e.g "spiritual moon" symbolises the love of Ruku & Deva

Simile: Compares two things using 'like' or 'as'eg "Train journey boring like hell."

Literary Devices

Good Night!

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