Page 1: Lansing Spoof Journal

SHOES Your donation to buy this spoof paper will help buy shoesand boots for hundreds of Lansing-area schoolchildren ...and that’s no joke! Thanks!


Single-tire trackplowing cuts costsEMSPOT officials reportworkers are saving lots ofmoney on gas and overtimebymanuallymaking roadsbarely passable after storms(above) under the new winterroad-nonclearing rules.

Ready for the future:Schoolchildren practice their“drop, cover and hold on”technique, as theyparticipate in mandatorystate training for weatheringthe stock market.

Hollywood filmmakershave started theirrush to makeMichi-

gan movies.“In noway is this just

a cheap attempt to getthe 42-percent kickback,” amovie mogul said. “We’regenuinely interested in tell-ingMichigan stories.”Asked what they were,

he hesitated for a moment.“You know— stories aboutsnow and polar bears andthings.”“Andwolverines,” an assis-

tant said. “And hardy, happy,autoworkers.”Some people have been

skeptical; the first rush ofproposedMichigan filmsseemed like blatant knock-offs, they said. That includ-ed “One FlewOver the Kirt-landWarbler’sNest,” “Beau-ty and the Bear” and “YouCan’t Take ItWith You, Eh?”One proposed movie in-

explicably had LeonardoDiCaprio and KateWinsletaboard the S.S. EdmundFitzgerald. Another— sup-posedly set in modernMichigan —was simply theDepression-era classic “TheGrapes ofWrath,” only with


Lansing Spoof Journal

It’sMovieMania inMichigan!

In theaters soon: SHIPS IN THE NIGHT starring Leo and Kate together again

December 5, 2008 LIGHTS! CAMERA! ACTION! Priceless


Open for business:Michigan officials bought and refurbished a old decrepit sign from California to promote the state to movie producers.

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