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Prepared by :



3. ERWIN HARIANTO 1410231068





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Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

In the name of Allah SWT, the most gracious the most merciful. Let’s thank and pray

into our God, Allah SWT who has given us mercies and blessings. Sholawat and salam

always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW, who has guided us from the darkness to

the brightness from Jahiliyah to Islamiyah era. We do hope we will get syafa’at in here after.

In the preparation of this report, the authors obtained a lot of help from some parties,

since the authors would like to thank you profusely to:

1. Mrs. Yeni Mardiyana Devanti, M.Pd as the head of English Department,

2. And the authors’ friends of 5-C class who always support the authors.

From there, all of this success begins, hopefully all of these could give a little

happiness and lead to measures of deprivation, but there is always less. We realize that this

paper still many shortcomings in the form of content and writing. Therefore, criticism and

suggestions are needed to get better again.

In conclusion the authors hope that this report is useful for the reader.

Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Jember, November 2016


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The report of KKL program which has held on October 17 – 19th in Yogyakarta

are written by following students :

1. Erwin Hariyanto (1410231068)

2. Iqlima Nur Muslimah (1410231072)

3. Eka Maulidiyawati (1410231082)

This report has been approved by the advisor for the requirement of KKL

Subject in English Education Program Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Muhammadiyah University of Jember.

Jember, November 7th 2016

Advisor, Coordinator,

Yeni Mardiyana Devanti, M.Pd

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1.1 Background of KKL Program

College Field Work (KKL), is an effort or program that provides the opportunity

for students to establish their potential as a professional teacher. this activity is done in

order to set up and improve the quality of being a teacher. All students of Muhammadiyah

University of Jember, especially for English Education Program students must hold a

College Field Work (KKL) in order to add insight and information. College field Work

(KKL) is an intra-curricular activities form which is mandatory for all students of

Muhammadiyah University of Jember as one of the requirements to get a certificate in

order to complete the final task in completing education courses in Faculty of Teacher

Training and Education. College Field Work (KKL) is also an activity related to the

lecture/learning on campus, but more likely on direct observation in the field that could

be observations or seek information.

Teaching education is not about how to learn the theory or hard skill, but it is also

important to develop the character and attitude or soft skill in order to produce a qualified

teacher especially in teaching English. Based on that reason, it is very important to do a

comparison between one school to other schools to improve the quality of study and

compare how the education system is applied in each school. This year, KKL is done in

Yogyakarta, visiting tourist objects, Muhammadiyah Senior High School 2 Yogyakarta

and Muhammadiyah Boarding School Yogyakarta. Student participants are able to share

about the advantages and disadvantages of each school toward the hope of a better

equation, and the students are motivated to develop themselves.


2.1 History of the Institution

a) Muhammadiyah Senior High School 2 Yogyakarta

Muhammadiyah Senior High School 2 Yogyakarta was established on October

2, 1950 at Kauman Street No. 44 (the house of Mr. H. Syarbini) with two classes.

The first class (Literature) has schedule in the morning, and the second class has

schedule at noon.

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The pioneers of SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Yogyakarta are:

1. H. Moh. Mawardi (Ketua Majelis Pengajaran Muhammadiyah)

2. M. Farid Ali (Sekretaris Majelis Pengajaran Muhammadiyah)

3. M. Syarbini

4. Syamsulhadi Ali Imron

5. Abdulgani Dwijosaparto

6. Drs. Hardjo Djojodarmo

7. M. Ridwan Hasyim

Places that have ever used :

1. Mr. M. Syarbini’s house at Kauman Street No. 44 Yogyakarta, since 1950

to 1951 that has only two classes.

2. Then move at Notoprajan Street No. 72 Yogyakarta, since 1951-1952

because there are two additional classes.

3. Move again at Ngupasan Street, No. 5 (Bhayangkara Street) Yogyakarta in

1952-1976 because of increases and open class C. Programs

4. Some moved in SD Muhammadiyah Purwodiningratan, since 1956 - 1957

because there were 14 complete classes consist of A, B and C program.

5. Occupying Muhammadiyah Elementary School Ngupasan and

Muhammadiyah Elementary School Suronatan until 1976.

6. Starting on January 8, 1976, it has its own new building at Kapas Street,

No. 7, Semaki Yogyakarta.

The Headmasters :

1. 1950 - 1953 : Syamsulhadi Ali Imron (Kepala Sekolah I)

2. 1953 - 1956 : M. Ridwan Hasyim

3. 1956 - 1959 : Syamsulhadi Ali Imron (Kepala Sekolah kedua kalinya)

4. 1960 - 1962 : Drs Moehadi

5. 1962 - 1970 : Ir. Margono Partodidjojo

6. 1970 - 1972 : Drs. Mashari Imam

7. 1973 - 1974 : Drs. Winarso

8. 1974 - 1975 : Drs. Djazim Siraj/Drs. Musa Ahmad

9. 1975 - 1990 : Drs. Ali Warsito

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10. 1990 - 1999 : Dra. Asmah Sunituti

11. 1999 - 2001 : Drs. Haris Sarbini

12. 2001 - 2003 : Drs. Balok Haryadi (Plt) Drs. Sri Rahayu Widodo (Plh)

13. 2003 - 1006 : Drs. Kohari

14. 2006 - 2007 : Drs. Adi Waluyo, M.Pd (Plt) Drs. H.M. Mahfudz, MA

15. 2007 - 2013 : Drs. H.M. Mahfudz, MA

16. 2013 - now : Drs. H. Slamet Purwo

b) Muhammadiyah Boarding School Yogyakarta

Pondok Pesantren Muhammadiyah Boarding School (MBS) was established

on January 20, 2008 in Bokoharjo Prambanan Yogyakarta Sleman DIY with Prof.

Dr. H.M. Amien Rais, MA.

Muhammadiyah Boarding School is a boarding school with education model

boarding (boarding school), which requires learners to stay in the dormitory. It has

two levels of education units, namely Junior High School (SMP) and senior high

school (SMA). In its development from 2012-2013, Muhammadiyah Bording

School already had 13 classes. 3 classes for junior high school, 7 classes for senior

high school, and 3 classes (Takhasus class) with a total number of 500 students. So

that MBS develope education that will create a good Muhammadiyah cadre. The

educational model that is developed are school and dormitory, that teach general

science and religious education.

2.2 Vision and Mission of the Institution

a) Muhammadiyah Senior High School 2 Yogyakarta

Visi :

Terwujudnya generasi muslim berkualitas yang menguasai risalah islamiyah dan

mampu mengimplementasikan dibidang pendidikan, ilmu pengetahuan, dan


Vision :

The realization of quality controls generation of Muslims treatise Islamiyah and

able to implement it in the field of education, science, and technology.

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Misi :

1. Mewujudkan kehidupan sekolah yang kondusif dan islami sesuai dengan Al-

Qur’an dan Sunnah

2. Membentuk pribadi muslim yang berakhlaq dan memiliki kepedulian sosial

3. Menumbuhkan semangat kebangsaan dan cinta tanah air

4. Meningkatkan kualitas kelulusan dalam bidang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi,

seni, dan budaya

5. Meningkatkan profesionalisme dan penghargaan kerja guru dan karyawan

6. Meningkatkan sistem pengelolaan sekolah yang dinamis, demokratis, dan dapat


7. Meningkatkan kerja sama antar warga sekolah dengan instansi yang terkait

8. Meningkatkan loyalitas guru, karyawan, siswa sebagai kader dan penggerak

persyarikatan Muhammadiyah


1. Creating conducive school life and Islami based on Al-Qur’an and Sunnah

2. Establishing Moslems that have a good personality and social-care

3. Cultivating a spirit of nationalism and patriotism

4. Improving the quality of graduation in science, technology, art and culture

5. Increasing professionalism and respect the work of the teachers and the employees

6. Improving school management system that is dynamic, democratic, and


7. Improving cooperation among the school community with related instance

8. Improving the loyalty of the teachers, staff, students as cadres of Muhammadiyah

b) Muhammadiyah Boarding School Yogyakarta

Visi :

Terbentuknya lembaga pendidikan berkualitas dalam membentuk kader

Muhammadiyah yang berlandaskan Al-Qur’an dan As-Sunnah.

Vision :

The formation of a quality education in shaping the Muhammadiyah cadres on the

basis Al-Qur'an and Sunnah.

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Misi :

1. Berorientasi pada keunggulan Islam dan teknologi dengan memperhatikan

potensi masa kini mampu bersaing dan harus terdepan.

2. Sesuai dengan norma agama Islam dalam rangka pemurnian ajaran Tauhid dan

harapan masyarakat.

3. Sebagai sekolah yang berbasis Islam dengan penerapan teknologi berdasarkan

pada Al Qur’an dan As Sunah.

4. Menjadikan peserta didik/santri untuk menjadi pelopor, penggerak dan

penyempurna nilai-nilai Islam.

5. Menjadikan peserta didik/santri untuk senantiasa memelihara nilai ajaran Islam

berdasarkan Al Qur’an dan As Sunah.

6. Menyiapkan peserta didik yang profesional berkhidmad kepada umat melalui

odel dan manajemen pendidikan yang berkesinambungan dengan fokus pd

pembinaan aqidah, akhlak & ibadah sesuai sunnah Rasulullah.

7. Menyiapkan kader bangsa yang faqih (faham agama dengan baik) dan

berwawasan luas serta mewujudkan generasi bangsa yg Islami bersih &


Mission :

1. An Islamic orientation and technological superiority with regard to the potential

that can compete and to be leading.

2. In accordance with the norms of Islam in the context of the purification of the

doctrine of Tauhid and community expectations.

3. As a school-based Islam with the application of technology based on Al-Qur’an

and Sunnah.

4. Making learners / students to be pioneers, driving and falsifies the values of


5. Make the learners / students to always maintain the value of the teachings of

Islam based on Al-Qur’an and Sunnah.

6. Preparing professional students through management of education and sustainable

development with a focus in aqidah, morals and worship according to Sunnah of

the Prophet.

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7. Prepare a religious nation’s cadres who have a wide knowledge and creating the

prestigious nation's Islamic generations.

The Organization Structure of Muhammadiyah Senior High School 2


QMR Sariyana, S.Pd, M.Pd


Drs. H. Slamet Purwo

Kepala Perpus

Khoirul Sudarsono,


Kepala TU

M. Khusnudin, S.Pd,


Wakasek bag.


Mukhlis, S.Ag

Wakasek bag.


Sri Lestari, M.Pd.


Wakasek bag.


Agus Winoto, S.Ag

Wakasek bag.


Dra. R. Nazilah,


Wakasek bag.

Sarana Prasarana

Dra. Hj. Sufi


Wakasek bag.


Sri Lestari, M.Pd.


Wakasek bag.


Agus Winoto, S.Ag

Koord. TIK

Drs. S.R Widodo

Koord. BK

Dra.Dwi Susilowati


Wali Kelas

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The Organization Structure of Muhammadiyah Boarding School Yogyakarta

2.3 The Institution/School Programs

a) Muhammadiyah Senior High School 2 Yogyakarta

- Prior Programs :

Teleconference with the teachers in the other region every month.

Introduce the basis of TOEFL for English program.

Physics and chemistry practice for science program.

There is computer practice for social program.

There is TOEL study or base research for 10th class. The students will

study how to write a research.

The students of 11th will visit child prison.

- Extracurricular Activities :

Karya Ilmiah (KIR)

English Club (BEC)

Japanese Club

Direktur Utama

H.M Nashirul Ahsan, Lc


Direktur 2


Direktur 1


Direktur 5


Direktur 3


Direktur 4


Sekolah SMP



Sekolah SMA



Sekolah SD



Sekolah SMP



Sekolah SMA



Staf TU

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Technology of Information (TI)


Pasukan Peleton Inti (Phabama)

Hizbul Wathan (Scouts)

Reading Al-Qur’an

Bhaskara Mubaligh Hijrah (BMH)


Palang Merah Remaja (PMR)

Tapak Suci Putra Muhammadiyah

Music (BMC)

The Chorus (Paduan Suara)

Theater (Bhasthema)

Hiking (BHC)

Soccer (BFC)




Table Tennis


b) Muhammadiyah Boarding School Yogyakarta

- Prior Programs :

The students will get new vocabulary every morning.

The students have to use English or Arabic every day.

There are English and Arabic courses.

There are course for national examination lessons.

- Extracurricular Activities :

Tapak Suci



Hizbul Wathan

Table Tennis

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Sepak Takraw






2.4 The Institution’s Facilities

a) Muhammadiyah Senior High School 2 Yogyakarta

1. Classroom with air conditioner

2. Language moving classroom

3. Mathematics moving classroom

4. Multimedia room

5. Teleconference room

6. TRRC room

7. Maintenace room

8. CBT room

9. Social laboratory

10. Science laboratory (Biology, Physic, Chemist)

11. Al-Islam laboratory

12. Language laboratory

13. Computer laboratory

14. Economic laboratory

15. Audio visual room

16. Hot Spot area

17. Sport area (basketball, volleyball, badminton, etc)

18. Health room / Policlinic

19. Library

20. Hall / auditorium

21. Girl’s dormitory

22. Canteen

23. Mosque

24. Parking area

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b) Muhammadiyah Boarding School Yogyakarta

1. Boy’s dormitory

2. Girl’s dormitory

3. Conducive classroom

4. Science laboratory

5. Language laboratory

6. Computer laboratory

7. Library

8. Mosque

9. Canteen

10. Sport area

11. Parking area

2.5 Institution Networking

a) Muhammadiyah Senior High School 2 Yogyakarta

Muhammadiyah Senior High School 2 Yogyakarta has many networks to

support the progress of teaching and learning process, there are :

- All Muhammadiyah University in Indonesia

- Ahmad Dahlan University of Yogyakarta

- Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta

- Muhammadiyah Organization of Yogyakarta

- Financial Services Authority / OJK (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan)

- Department of Education

- Department of Finance

- Psychology Agencies

- Program

- PSSAT UGM (Pusat Studi Sosial Asia Tenggara Universitas Gadjah Mada)

b) Muhammadiyah Boarding School Yogyakarta

Muhammadiyah Boarding School has not bound networking. Nevertheless,

sometimes there are so many institution come to MBS for study tour or

sometimes MBS come to the other institutions for study tour also. Some of them


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- Language Institutions come to MBS to practice their language with MBS’s


- Abroad students.

- Muhammadiyah University of Jember.

- Islamic University of Madinah Al Munawaroh.

- Istanbul University of Turkey.

- USIM Malaysia.

2.6 Institution’s Achievement

a) Muhammadiyah Senior High School 2 Yogyakarta

- 2nd winner of Soccer Competition inter high school 2010

- 2nd winner of Tent Competition inter high school 2010

- 2nd winner of Peta Sekolah Siaga Bencana Competition 2010

- 3rd winner of pencak silat Popwil 2010

- 1st winner of 'cerdas cermat' in Mining and Energy sector 2010

- Students Exchange to Singapore 2010

- Students Exchange to Japan 2010

- 2nd winner of National Terrestrial Science Olympic 2010

- Get a gold medal in Taekwondo Championship 2009

- Get a bronze medal in OSN (Terrestrial sector)

- Get a bronze medal in OSN (Science)

b) Muhammadiyah Boarding School Yogyakarta

Although Muhammadiyah Boarding School is still quite new because it was

built on 2008, but some achievements have been obtained by the students. Since

2009, the students have started to participate on some championships and got

some good results, for instance :

- 'MTQ Pelajar' Junior High School level in KOrwil East Sleman 2009

- 'MTQ Pelajar' for Junior High School D.I Yogyakarta Province level 2009

- PT Sari Husada Championship 2009

- 'MTQ Pelajar' Junior High School level in KOrwil East Sleman 2010

- PORDA Korwil level in East Sleman 2010

- KEJURDA Pencak Silat for Junior High School in Yogyakarta University


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- IPM (Ikatan Pelajar Muhammadiyah) Championship DIY

- PORSENITAS Sleman 2010

- PORSENITAS Korwil level in East Sleman 2010

- POPDA Yogyakarta Province 2010

- POPDA Sleman 2010

2.7 English Teaching Method or Strategy

A teaching method comprises the principles and methods used for instruction to

be implemented by teachers to achieve the goals of learning process itself. These

strategies are determined partly on subject matter to be taught and partly by the nature of

the learner. Every school or teacher has their method and strategies to achieve certain goal

based from what is the purpose in the school. I will give you my analysis about the

teaching method and strategy from our last trip to Muhammadiyah Senior High School 2

Yogyakarta and Muhammadiyah Boarding School Yogyakarta.

a) Muhammadiyah Senior High School 2 Yogyakarta

Muhammadiyah Senior High School 2 Yogyakarta uses curriculum 13 (K13).

Curriculum 13 (K13) has entered its fourth years. And also uses additional

curriculum practice there are TOEFL an introduction, chemistry, physics and

biology practices for Sience Class, and computer accounting practices for Civic

Education Class. Not only curriculum 13 and additional curriculum practice but

also Muhammadiyah Senior High School 2 Yogyakarta uses field study to several

objects just for tenth grade and eleventh grade. Teaching and learning process in

Muhammadiyah Senior High School 2 Yogyakarta using literacy program. Literasi

program is an activities that are partisipative with the involvement all of the

element in that school and also academics, publishers, media, community

(community who can represent exemplary, businesses, etc.) under the coordination

of the Directorate General of Primary and Secondary Education Ministry of

Education and Culture.

Muhammadiyah Senior High School 2 Yogyakarta choose media as the

best strategies in order to improve the English ability of their students, for every

month, the students will study with foreign teacher using online media which able

to allow them to hear and see the teacher, and the teacher give some material

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which the students must undestand about it, and the English teacher from school

itself will give some instruction to students and collect the main idea that given by

the foreign teacher. This interactive strategies will force the student to try harder

in order to collect information that given by foreign teacher.

Muhammadiyah Senior High School 2 Yogyakarta has been using a good

stategy and method, such us practice, hierarchy learning, quantum learning,

classroom action research (PTK), effective learning, and have a good teachers

character. Then, Muhammadiyah Senior High School 2 Yogyakarta always

teleconference with the teachers in the other region every month. The

effectiveness of the teleconference can be felt by students when they've finished

school because the activity is very helpful and has never been done by other


b) Muhammadiyah Boarding School Yogyakarta.

In Muhammadiyah Boarding School of Yogyakarta uses school-based

curriculum (KTSP) and boarding school curriculum which refers to the modern

boarding school education by emphasizing the balance between the Department of

Education and the boarding school. Muhammadiyah Boarding School of

Yogyakarta have twenty four subject which came from the religious subject. The

strategy to increase the quality of attitude or character is instill the morals faith.

Muhammadiyah Boarding School of Yogyakarta has a good strategy to make their

student can speak English and Arabic. The strategy is obligation in conversation,

one week to speak English and one week to speak Arabic. But this strategy can be

divided into several levels there are seventh grade in comprehension level, eighth

and nineth grade in analysis level.

Their method and strategy is little bit in a “discipline way”, discipline

way right here is because they still haven’t a lot of teachers, so, they try to organize

the choosen students in the school to give instruction to the students by giving

them a new vocabulary everyday in the morning before the learning process start to

begin, and the teachers will ask about it when the class is start. Also, for every

students in school who doesn’t speak english in the school areas, they will be

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punish by the teacher, this discipline way in order to improve the students ability to

speak using English and also their vocabulary.

Muhammadiyah Boarding School of Yogyakarta makes the competition

for each class to find best students. They can use English corner to improve their

skill. In addition, the best student can improve their conversation with native

speakers in the tourism area after the final eximination. Muhammadiyah Boarding

School of Yogyakarta always called travelling language strategy.

- Comparison

Both of them are private school.

They got A for the accreditation.

Muhammadiyah Senior High School 2 Yogyakarta and Muhammadiyah

Boarding School Yogyakarta are under the same shelter, it is Muhammadiyah


Both of them use two kind of curriculum.

Muhammadiyah Senior High School 2 Yogyakarta = K13 + additional

curriculum practice

Muhammadiyah Boarding School Yogyakarta = KTSP + boarding school


Both of them have their own dormitory for student.

The education system is based on the Islamic values.

The language expansion is one of their prior program, especially for English.

- Contrast

Habituation in speaking

In Muhammadiyah Senior High School 2 Yogyakarta the use of English still

limited until the end of teaching and learning process, while in Muhammadiyah

Boarding School Yogyakarta is used every time and every where.

The consistency of curriculum

In Muhammadiyah Senior High School 2 Yogyakarta already used the

curriculum 13 and additional curriculum practice, while in Muhammadiyah

Boarding School Yogyakarta still using school-based curriculum (KTSP) and

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boarding school curriculum. All of them use an integrated curriculum that

combines balance.

Habituation to read Qur’an

The program which is done in Muhammadiyah Senior High School 2

Yogyakarta only read Qur’an before the teaching and learning process begin,

while the reading Qur’an program in Muhammadiyah Boarding School

Yogyakarta is an obligation. Every day after praying Subuh the students must

memorize three ayat and the translation also, and improve their reading Qur’an




There is huge differentiation between Muhammadiyah Senior High School 2

Yogyakarta and Muhammadiyah Boarding School Yogyakarta is the method and the

strategies are depend on what is the main goal of the school itself, in this case

Muhammadiyah Senior High School 2 Yogyakarta make a new progress in our national

education. They are success enough based from their knowledge as a school, it shows

from the fact that Muhammadiyah Senior High School 2 Yogyakarta is able to give the

students a new material from foreign teacher. For Muhammadiyah Boarding School

Yogyakarta, as we know that they are still new in our national education system, they has

less teacher, especially English teacher in the school than Muhammadiyah Senior High

School 2 Yogyakarta, but, we really appreciate their method and strategies on how they

can reduce the fact that they have that problem by choose the right method and strategies.

They try to force the students to be discipline on speak English in the school’s areas and

give them a new vocabulary everyday. Finally, now we know that the strategies and

method is depend on what the purpose and the circumstances of the school itself.


For Muhammadiyah Senior High School 2 Yogyakarta it is better to increase the

education quality by improving the English program. For Muhammadiyah Boarding

School Yogyakarta, they should expand their networking because it is very helpful for

their progress in the future.

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