  • Mindfire Solutions 1 Laravel - Routing : Basic and some advanced concepts -By Pallavi Dhanuka
  • Mindfire Solutions 2 Routing: Introduction Basic Routing Routing with Parameters Named Routing Route filters Route groups and prefixing Handling Errors Controller routing
  • Mindfire Solutions 3 Introduction Routing: the coolest feature of Laravel Very flexible All the routes can be defined in one file: app/routes.php
  • Mindfire Solutions 4 Basic Route Can be used for static pages and no need to add any controller ! Yes, just the view file is enough :) Route::get('/', function(){ return 'hi'; //or return View::make('login'); }); Url: http://Localhost/ o/p: Hi (or the login page of your app)
  • Mindfire Solutions 5 Secured routing Route::get('myaccount',array('https', function(){ return 'My https secured page'; })); Url: https://localhost/myaccount o/p: My https secured page Url: http://localhost/myaccount o/p: Not found exception
  • Mindfire Solutions 6 Route parameters Route::get('profile/{name}', function($name) { return 'Hey there '. $name.' ! Welcome to whatsapp !'; }); Url: http://localhost/profile/john o/p : Hey there john! Welcome to whatsapp!
  • Mindfire Solutions 7 Optional parameter Route::get('profile/{name?}', function($name = null) { return 'Hey there '. $name.' ! Welcome to whatsapp !'; }); Url: http://localhost/profile/ o/p : Hey there ! Welcome to whatsapp!
  • Mindfire Solutions 8 Route constraints Route::get('profile/{name?}', function($name = null) { return 'Hey there '. $name.' ! Welcome to whatsapp !'; }) ->where('name', '[A-Za-z]+'); Url: http://localhost/profile/p45 o/p: Redirected to missing page
  • Mindfire Solutions 9 Global patterns The same constraint is applied to route parameters all across the routes.php Route::pattern('id', '[0-9]+'); Route::get('profile/{id}', function($id){ // Only called if {id} is numeric. });
  • Mindfire Solutions 10 Route::get('messages/{type?}',function($type = 'inbox'){ return 'Showing the '.$type.' messages!'; }); Url: http://localhost/messages o/p: Showing the inbox messages! Route::get('user/{id}/{name}', function($id, $name){ return 'Hey there '. $name.' ! Welcome to whatsapp !'; }) ->where(array('id' => '[0-9]+', 'name' => '[a-z]+')); Url: http://localhost/user/768/jim o/p: Hey there jim! Welcome to whatsapp ! Wake up!
  • Mindfire Solutions 11 Wake up! Route::post('foo/bar', function(){ return 'Hello World'; }); Url: http://localhost/foo/bar o/p: Error : Misssing Route
  • Mindfire Solutions 12 Named Routes Route::get('long/route/user/profile', array('as' => 'profile', function(){ return 'User profile' ; })); Url : http://localhost/long/route/user/profile Call : {{ route('profile') }} or Redirect::route('profile') $name = Route::currentRouteName(); // gives current route name Or : Route::get('user/profile', array('as' => 'profile', 'uses' =>'UserController@showProfile'));
  • Mindfire Solutions 13 Route Filters Limit the access to a given route Useful in authentication and authorization Define a filter (in app/filters.php) Route::filter('sessionCheck', function(){ if( ! Session::has('user')){ return Redirect::to('/'); } });
  • Mindfire Solutions 14 Attaching a filter Route::get('user', array('before' => 'sessioncheck', function(){ return 'Welcome user!'; })); Route::get('user', array('before' => 'sessioncheck', 'uses' => 'UserController@showProfile')); Route::get('user', array('before' => array('auth', 'old'), function(){ return 'You are authenticated and over 200 years old!'; }));
  • Mindfire Solutions 15 # To allow the user to access only the screens fetched from the database Route::filter('userAccess', function(){ $accessList = Session::get('user.accessList'); $screen = Request::segment(1); $subScreen = Request::segment(2); // the subscreens' name should be present in the access list fetched from db // the main screen's name should be present in the access list if( !$isAdmin && ( ($subScreen != '' && ! in_array($subScreen, $accessList)) || ( $subScreen == '' && ! in_array($screen, $accessList)) ) ){ return Redirect::to('dashboard'); } });
  • Mindfire Solutions 16 Route groups Wouldnt it be great if we could encapsulate our routes, and apply a filter to the container? Route::group(array('before' => 'auth'), function(){ Route::get('user/accounts', function() { // Has Auth Filter }); Route::get('user/profile', function(){ // Has Auth Filter }); });
  • Mindfire Solutions 17 Route prefixing If many of your routes share a common URL structure, you could use a route prefix Route::group(array('prefix' => 'user'), function(){ Route::get('/accounts', function() { return 'User account'; }); Route::get('profile', function(){ return 'User profile'; }); }); Url : http://localhost/user/accounts http://localhost/user/profile
  • Mindfire Solutions 18 Wake up! Wake up! What will be the outcome of the below code snippet? Route::group(array('prefix' => 'user', 'before' => 'auth'), function(){ Route::get('/accounts', function() { return 'User accounts' }); Route::get('/profile', function(){ return 'User profile'; }); }); Url: http://localhost/user/profile o/p: User profile (after getting authenticated by the 'auth' filter)
  • Mindfire Solutions 19 Handling errors in Laravel Its very easy to handle errors or missing files/routes with Laravel Handled in app/start/global.php /* handles the 404 errors, missing route errors etc*/ App::missing(function($exception){ return Redirect::to('/'); }); App::error(function(Exception $exception, $code){ Log::error($exception); }); App::fatal(function($exception){ Log::error($exception); });
  • Mindfire Solutions 20 Routing with Controllers Controllers are registered in the composer.json Route declarations are not dependent on the location of the controller class file on disk. The best way to handle routing for large applications is to use RESTful Controllers
  • Mindfire Solutions 21 Basic Controller class UserController extends BaseController { public function showProfile($id){ $user = User::find($id); return View::make('user.profile', compact('user')); } } In the routes.php : Route::get('user/{id}','UserController@showProfile');
  • Mindfire Solutions 22 Using Namespace Define the namespace before the controller class namespace mynamesp; Define the route as below: Route::get('foo','mynamespMycontroller@method');
  • Mindfire Solutions 23 Filters in Controllers class UserController extends BaseController { public function __construct(){ $this->beforeFilter('auth', array('except' => 'getLogin')); $this->beforeFilter('csrf', array('on' => 'post')); $this->afterFilter('log', array('only' => array('fooAction','barAction'))); } }
  • Mindfire Solutions 24 RESTful Controllers Easily handle all the actions in a Controller Avoid numerous routes and business logic in routes.php Syntax: Route::controller('users', 'UserController'); Url: http://localhost/users/index o/p: goes to the getIndex action of the UserController Form posted to : {{ Url('users') }} o/p: form posted to the postIndex action of the UserController
  • Mindfire Solutions 25 Find the outcome ! # Named RESTful Controllers In my routes.php I have a named route to getIndex action: Route::controller('blog', 'BlogController', array('getIndex' => 'home')); And in the BlogController the method getIndex is as follows: public function getIndex(){ return View::make('blog.home'); } Url: http://localhost/home O/p: Gives a not found exception. Please note here that 'home' is the route name to be used within the application. The uri 'blog' needs to be given in the url to access the getIndex action of the BlogController
  • Mindfire Solutions 26 References
  • Mindfire Solutions 27 Thank You!

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