Page 1: Lasker Gives $500,000 Crisis Conf roots Hitler For Relief of ......"·1 )e on 1anc or 1e conven 10 11 U rn tec ta es rom on on aiicl foti ,· clays late,· lie ,,·ac ,·enio,·ecl

'- Mr. Howar d M. Chapin R. I. Hi s torical Soci et y 68 Wat erman s t. Providence, R. I.


Vol. V, No. 41 PROVIDENCE, R. I., FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1934 5 Cents the Copy

Lasker Gives $500,000 For Relief of Jewish


A ll news ite ms mus t be in the hands of the edit or on or befor e .1\.'londa y, Jul y 2, if insertion in our next issue is desired. This advance in the "deadline" is due to the incidence of the .I ul y 4th cele bration nex t \Vednesda y.

Refugees From Reich Local Delegates Huge S um Goes Towar/ Providence Rabbis Slated to Attend

Crisis Conf roots Hitler With Anti-Nazi Wave

Sweeping Over Reich ----::-,:,--:--;-----:::--:--:-----·> Last Tribune Paid C hancellor Trying Desper-

N_ew Corporation Pro- to Attend Conclave z·on1·sts' Parley Jected b y McDonald I

F hm ately to Halt C ollapse Dr. A. P. is an of H i s Regime

Lipsky Announces Offer Theological Seminary As- Death of Pioneer Jewish S d A · National C onvention to Ph 1·c1·an I s S hock

Steel Helmets Are Defiant Sembly to tu Y ntt- YS LO N DON, J une 28. - Events in

BRA DLEY BEA CH, N . J., June Semiti s m in U. S. Open Tomorrow In to C ommunity Nazi Germ any continued today to 28 (JTA)- Pros pects of r elief for Atla f C C ity move s teadily tow ard cryst a li zation vktims of the scourge of Hitlerism Rabbi ~lorr-is-S-'chuss-hei m of Tern· n I One of the fir s t J e wish physicians of the cris is confrontin g the Hitler

~~:~ ~:~e::: ~ et~1a~ul 1~;;ret~ISLa:~~~ Gpl: ld~~!~-. I~~ea:111l~ni::~~~E'isr;~11 ti~ J>rFo· ,o,udrendceelezg,·oant~,sst D~~~~jsc~n~.~~e ~~: :~ !haoc~ s~ui;d:~J! ~~t~ir t~: dica:i ~~!li)~ : oi:h~\eo !~:!r~reen;rod::: ~:f of Chicago will donate $5 00,000 - f I d J k toward a new corporation to dea l the loca l del~gates to t he 3H~ _a n· peeled to represent Rhode Is l~nd advi ce and tre atment or e ve ry type di scontent open y sprea mg I e with the ref ugee problem, now be- nual convent10n of _the , .r a bbm!cal J ewry a t the 37th annual _con_vent10n of ma lad y, Dr. Abra ham P. F ish- wildfire following the Marbur.g in g form ed by Hi gh Commissioner assembly of the J e wish I heo log1cal of the Zionis t 0 r ga m zat1on of man of 145 Ca mp s treet succumbed s peech of Vice Cha ncellor Franz von

d Seminar y of A me rica in Tanners · I America whi ch opens tomorrow in unex 1>ectedl y early this wee k of Papen. JaTi: ?.'~v~~~~ ~~alc;me during the ville, N. Y .. which opens ~Ved nesda y Atlantic . City, continuing until · blood poisonin g resultin g from a Shocked by th e overwhelming ap-opening session of the twenty-fifth and continues t hro ugh Friday. . Julv 3. s li ght cut on the hand. proval manifested for von Papen's annual convention of the Order Sons The conventi on will_ di scuss i_m- They a re Dr. Il ie Berger, Abe Services were held Monday after· bold stand-and this des pite sup-of Zion held here the pa st weekend J~or t~nt p~·oblems relative to J ewi sh Heller: Jacob Rabinowitz a nd Wil- noon a nd burial was in t he family pression of the speech in German There were a pproxi mately 300 dele- li fe Ill _thi s cou_ntry. One ~f the li am Strong. Alternates are J oseph plot at Newark , N . J ., a nd a stunned newspapers-Nazi leaders advanced gates and visito rs from s ix states !nost vital ~u bJects "on the agenda Kell e r, Samuel l\i1 ichaelson, Robe rt J ewish communi ty he re mourn ed th} to severa l fro nts to check the devel-present, most of them f rom Greate r is a symposn~m o~ How Shall w_ e B rns tein a nd Ma nuel P . Os trow. loss of a n ,1a11 rou nd ,, phys ician a nc opment of anti -Nazi sent iment and

N J Confront Ant1-Jew1sh Movements m e . . coun sell or. 'J'o practically a ll of hi s thwart oppositi on to their r egime. New York and i Tew ersey. Ame rica? Another session w ill be . M?re tl~an. 400 representatn·es of patients , Dr. Fi shman alone and no- Open Revolt Awaited

Li1,sky ls Spea ker devoted to consi deration of various 2 10111st chstncts as far west as body else would do-confidence . in Already the Steel H elmet leaders Loui s Lipsky/ in a speech which aspects of a dul t J ewish education in i::or t land, Ore., ~nd ~s far sout h ~s hi s abi lity and judgment extendm g have defied Nazi orders to di sband.

was intended a s an answer to the relation to the synagogue. New 9r1eans a1 e expect~d ~o take from the sli ghtest indi spositi on t o They issued a n "official,, bull et_in _rc­c1~itics of Zion ism, praised McDon- In addition t o many internal prob- part 1n the. parley, c~nti1deH:~l one m a jor operations usually entrusted fu s ing to be suppressed, pomtm g aid for the influence he has had on lems confronting American J ewry, of the most important m t_he lnstory to specialists. out t l1 e Stahlheim is guaranteed ex­such men as Lasker and F elix M. the convention will concern itself of the nat ional orgaruzat1on . The phys ician was in hi s 54th year istence in a pact signed by Presi­W arburg. Laske r, he said, had un- with matte rs of social justice. The Gove rnor A. H arry Moore of New a nd had sustained a n apparently in- ,lent von Hindenburg, H.i tler him self, til r ece nt ly been a pronou nced anti - di scussion on this subject will be J ersey will be one of the ~est s ignificant cut on h is h a nd about Ernst Roeh m, head of a ll Nazi m.ili -Zioni st but after hea ring McDonald initiated with a re port to be p1:e- speake rs at t he Sunday sess~on. two weeks ago while ope ra ti ng on a · · d r S ldt speak he pl edged hi s co-ope ration sented by the comm ittee on social Another speaker at the same t un e woman patient f or a throat abscess. tary orgam zat_ions an b '. r anz · e_ t e, wi th the Zion ist cause and shortly justice of the a ssem bly. will be Berl Locke r , no~ed E~ropean Infection set in shortly 2.ftennn-ds who. in add~ionl t of j1111;tmJ1JU_H ~r the reafter promi sed the half-mi l- Rabbi s throughout the country Zioni st leader who arnved m t l~e and Dr. Fi shman wa s confined t o hi s of labor, is eac O - t te ee e -lion-dollar donatio n towa rd lVlcDon- ·11 I I I f t i t· . I S t f L d tl11 s l10111e. l·l ,· s cond,·t,·011 beca1ne seriou s met organ izati on itself.

"·1 )e on 1anc or 1e conven 10 11 U rn tec ta es rom on on a iicl fo ti ,· clays late,· lie ,,·ac ,·eni o,·ecl The Stah lheim has successfully :~tsge~o1;.~1~t.lated corporation fo r whi ch, in view of t he ser ious eco- week. to Miriam H ospital. H e" failed to resisted be ing absorbed by t he Nazis

:\lcDona ld Rebuffed nomic and social ques tion s clonfronbt- M II I b I I t S I ever s ince Hitle r cam e into power. ing t he country as well a s t 1e pro - Forn1er· Brow11 a11 ra y an, succum e, a s Ull( ay. Th is grou1, and th e co1111iaratively I n vi ndi cation of his clai m that !ems confronting Am erican Jew ry, nigh t at 10:50 o'clock . Cause of 11 1 . d

Palestine is t he only ho pe of the is expected to be one of the most f • 1 death wa s. given a s. blood poisoning, small but exce ent Y t rame ana harassed J ews of many nati ons , important ra bbinical conclaves held Sees E11d O Hit er coupl ed with pneum onia, equipped regu lar_ Genn rn armyH3:re Lipsky pointed out. that .l\'lcO ona ld in years. Dr. Fi shman was born in Ru ssia expected to rcma111 loya to von m-originally had hoped to be "anothe r ================= Barbarisn1 at Hand but was brought to,n, rk by hi s c1 enburg in what appears now to be H oover. 11 T he H igh Commi ssione r doo rs of Palestine a lone were open parents wh en he was fh-e years of an una,·oidable clash with the Nazis. had pl a nned to go overseas a nd to to him. age. H e attend ee! the publi c and Obse rvers here were convinced t hat find a warm welcome in hi s effo rts T he spea ke r pred icted that with · ATL.-\ NT l C CIT Y, N . .J .1 June 28 high schools t here and later was th e dye is cast and that any ordi-t o al leviate su fferi ng , Lipsky sa id 1 in th e next two years between ( .J. T. A.) - European e ,·ent ~ of the g-raduate<l from New York Univer- nari ly ins ignificant incid ent mar but he soon di scovered that he would 60,000 and 70,000 German J ews will pas t forty-eight hours are cncour- si ty. H e wa s awarcied hi s Doctor tou ch off the spark of re\·olution, be una bl e to fin d fin ancial support mi g ra te t.o Palestine a nd that with- agin g not onl y to J ewry bu t to_ a ll of i'Vledici ne degree in .190-1 from \\"i th t.he Yenerable President and his and that. th e doors o( nei the r t he in t.he co mi ng yea r J ews undoubted- hum an ity in the s t ru ggle aga 111s t J effe rson Med ical Coll ege. loyal troops support ing Vice Chan-League of ns nor of individual ly will be mov ing to the other s id e cha uvinis m a nd ha tred, Sa mu el The same year he was married to ce llor von Papen. nati ons were open to him. of Transjordania. Already, he sa id, Charles La mport, not ed .J ewish lead - Sa rah Aranowitz, who s urvives hi m. .Attack Monarchis t s

1\<l cDonald soon came t o th e con- they are doing bus iness in Bagdad e r. to ld the Na tional Council _of As an aggressive young phys ician, 'While t he government mo\·ed f or clu s ion, Lipsky declared, that the a nd :Mesopota mi a. Youn g Is rae l Or gani zations at its he came to Prov idence shortly afte r co mpl ete su ppression of the mon­

Bishop Keough Presented Prayer by State's Jewry

Mos t Hl'vcrcnd F ra ncis P. I tion of Is rael in our city in behalf Keou g h, D. D .. rece ntly consec rated of Bi8hop l?rancis P. Keoug h on lh c Bi f-l hop of t he Ca t hol ic dioccf-lc of O<-cas ion of hi s co nsec ra tion as Pro vid enc(• , today was in pnSH('fiS i o n Bi s ho p of Pro vid ence. of a n c lahorate ly eng rof-lscd pra yer 11 Wr pray '/'}we, our God, pour a nd h ad (' Xc ha n ged greet in g!-! o f rt.' - Th y richC'sL hcavt•nly bl ess ings upon s pcct and nt: ig hho r lineg,~ with rnb- him, g-tian l him frorn all rv il a nd hini ca l nnd lay lcacfrrs of lhe .J cw i~h prrs<· rve him from 111 1 t rouble. A id co mmunit y of Hhodt- ls lund. him a nd ca usr him to go f ro m

' rllC' prayC' r, in vok inK God's blC'SS- 1 s tre ngth Lo s trr ngth. We prny T hrC', ing- upon Bisho p Kcou~h at Lhf' pour f o rth Th y s pi rit upo n him , Lh e threshold o f his n<lmi111 sLrnLi on of spiri L of wisdom :ind urH.lcn, t.andi ng, th r di occs(• , is on parchment., illu - Lh r spi ri t of co un se l an d mi g ht, t.h c min nt<'d with IPlL<'rs in th<' l,i shop1s s piri t o f knowledge and o f Lh e fear own colors, f t is th e c rC'nti on o( of the Lon i. May t he words of Tl1y Reu ben Lee f, noted Pa lestinian a rt.- l ' ro plwt bf' fulfili c<l in him so tha·t is t. th <' law of truth s hall bC' in hi s

Prese ntatio n was made in th e rn ouLh an d unrighteousnC's~ not IJe di ocesa n chance ry wh e re Bi shop fou nd in hi s lips; h s ha ll walk with Keough rece ived th e J ew ish leaderr-:: God i n peace nnrl rig-ht11 ess, uml tu rn a nd pl edged him self to be a _fri end mm1y nway from iniquity; fo r t.h c and brothe r of Rh ode 15: la nd J ew ry. Priest 's lip r-:: s hal l keep knowledg-e

" Rei ng a s trn.nger in a s trange and the peo ple s hal l see k the law Low n. I nm dre ply touched hy your at hi s mouLh. desire of putting f orth a ha nd of " And mny it n lso be Th y wi ll t.hat wel come .'· the prelnte sa id. "'n ,erc through hi r-. mini s try '11,o u sha lt im ­is no plarP for bi~otry in Prov i· plant in l hC' hea rt!=! of t.h e men of denrC'. I must love my neighbor, it a ll races a nd creeds who dwell h1 h ar-i a lwnys; bPe n my reli gion. As our city, love, brotherhood. peace bi shop of Prov idence . the J ew i!-- h a nd fri endliness; anti lhat Thou shalt populntinn will have in me a broth e r root out from ll1Pir hearts a ll hatred nnd n fri Pml. From my hea rt l wish nnrl higotry, so that th rough him all to r xprf'ss fo r you lhe best in life the inhnhitants of our la nd sha ll be nnd in thC' life to come. ·· bl essPd and th e re will be fu lfill ed in

Foll owi ng i::i a tran slation of the hi s day a nd in ours th e \"ision of prayer: Thy prophe ts.

"Our F nthe r \V ho art in heaven, uLe t a ll th e peoples wa lk each ma y it he Thy wi ll to accep in Thy one in the name of its God so that merr y the prnye r of the Conirrega- all sha ll know Thee from the leas t

tw ent y-seco nd a nni versary convcn- his marri age and opened an office, archi s tic ·wa r Vetera ns League in lion here. at th e sa me t im e taking active pa1·t which m ost. of t he Stahlhe lm has

" It looks as though H it.l e r got in J e\,·ish co mmunal affairs . ] n 1921, been inco rporated, f ollowin g a stab­cold spaghetti in Rome,11 1\'l r . L am · however, he we nt to Ne ,,· York t o bing affray in Pomeran.i a, Nazi ora-port , Ne\\" York cotton conve rt.7r , a (Con t inu ed on Page Six ) ( Cont inu ed on Page Six) reg-iona l arbi t rator fo r th e N at.1onal Labor Board and a vete ran of dipl o­matic mi ss ions abro:1d , informed t.h e more t.han 500 de legates re present­ing- all parLs o f t.hc Uni t ed Sla t.cs .

Council of Jewish Women " Gocri_ng's s torm

II t ,·oo pc_,·s :,1,r<'

thrca l<' n1n g t.o tu rn, he f-. atd. l f t. hr rc should he an uphc::n-al and th e Gr n11an pcopl ef: co me to th eir sc 11 scs1 it, may mra n sav ing- the wo rld frorn an othc 1· and more de ·

Urges U. S. to Join League

vastaling wa r .' 1

Mr. Ln m port, who is prollli11e 11 t. in t,h (' Brown Uni vcn;it.y Club aml a m c mhC' r o f t he l'a lcsLi nc Eco nomi c Coun C' il and num ero us ot.h<'r .Jewi sh orl!ani zati ons, prOl'ecdcd l o del ive r a pUll l!C' ll l desc r ip ti on of the lliLI C' r reg- im e and s triki nl! co ntra ::c: l s to the Ita lian di C'l:1Lo rs h ip.

0pf•11ing of Hhodt• hdand '~ parti ci­pa tion in tlw c:unp aig-11 of th(' Na­tiona l Co un cil of .J cw i~h \\1o m cn for American mt•m lH'rshi1, in 1hc Leag-uc of Na tion~ wa!'I announ(' ('d t oda y by Mrs . .Jack Oavif:. pres ide nt of 1.hc P rovidence S('C1 ion . Th<' co uncil f.l('('ks 1.000.000 s ign a t ll t'l' !'I to a J•cti ­tion for world peace a nc-t l hc locn l ~cct ion 1s quota is 750 nnm cP:.

Cili ng di ~turh:rnces in Central Europe, South A rn e ri ca , th e Far Ea P: t and t.h c IJa lkan s, i11c rea ~i11 g annam ents an( i t he naval race now und er way, !VI rs. Davi s decla red "thi s is the logica l m oment. f o r r ai s· ing t.he iP:sue c f membe rship in the l ,eagu c. ·1

" \Vorld hys teria will obviously grow as t.h c influ ence of t.he League wa rws, " she cont in ued. " 'J'h e only

of them unto th e greatest of t.hem." I log-ical way, t he re fore, t.o avoid im -,J wi sh leaders., re prese ntatives o( pend ing di sast r is lo reinforce t.hat

('ve ry cross-secti on of t he communi - influ pnce. '!'h e fa ct that severa l of t y, who waited upon Bi shop Keough th e la rges t a nd wealthi es t nations we re Ju clg-e Phi lip C. J oslin, Charles have not joi ned t.hc Leagu e pro­C. Brown, i\l ax Rosen, i\l ax L. Grant, vid es the g reates t. obs tacle to it.s Archiba ld Si l\'erma n 1 Samuel i\ l . succcs~. E sp ia lly ha s the abscncP Mairi d. Wa lter I. Sundl crn. Henry of the United States crippled it s e f­ll asc:;e nfeld, Dr. ll ie Be rge r , Rabbi fecth·eness. Sov iet Ru ssia has not Morri s Schuss.heim of Templ e Beth- joi n d a nd th e wi thdrawa l of Ge r ­I~rael and Rabbi Is rael l\1. Goldman many a nd J apa n a re furth e r handi ­of Templ e Emanu-EI. the latte r caps."

" It i~ a tri nity o( swind ling, sa d­ism and sav:q,;r ry ," he declared . spC'aking o f t. he N a zi g-over11me11 t. " Mu ssolini is a diffe rent Lype, an id t'ali s l , lov ing- huma nity and a!ll -1.Jili ous for hi s country to progress by pC' acc fu l mea ns. 1-1 it.I e r is a racketee r, i\lu ssolini a ::- tat.esman."

making t he presentation address. A <= corr nf other national organi-

zati ons arc parti cipating- in the cam ­paig,1 , in cluding church g roups, tem ­pi (' and synagogue s ist erhoods, pro­fessional a nd social or g-ani zations.

Th e petition f oll ows: " \Ve, Citizens of the Uni ted

States . " Anxi ous to avoid war and organ­

ize pc:1ce in which prospc tit.y can thrive,

' ' Be li <'vi ng that t.he coll ective sys­te- m o f t.lw wo rl<l communi ty which includ es t he Kell ogg- Briand Pact (Pact of Pa ri s ) t o which the United State~ is a party, a nd the League of Nation :,, can best preven t, war,

" Mindful of the fa ct that t he United States is parti cipaling in m a ny act. iviti e:, of the Leagu e of Nation s,

"Awa. re that, without the pri vi lege of membe rship in the J...,eag-u e the United States is placed at a di sad­va ntage, and the m ora l integri ty o( th e worl d communi ty is wC'akened,

"Urge that t he United States re­inforce t hC' LC'aguC''~ contribution to peaC'C" by i:; lating th<' term r; und <' r which full m e1nbe r:-: hip \\"ou ld hf' poi:;­s ible; a nd by appointing in th<" lll f'antimr- an official dipl omali<- rep­re~entali\·p tlJ th e Lf'a,ITT.I<' o f ,\'ation~ to participate in it~ riP!ibC'ration~."

Page 2: Lasker Gives $500,000 Crisis Conf roots Hitler For Relief of ......"·1 )e on 1anc or 1e conven 10 11 U rn tec ta es rom on on aiicl foti ,· clays late,· lie ,,·ac ,·enio,·ecl


····-·--·--·--- i Gala Event Superb Floor Show I

Night before j

I the 4th I


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Open Air Dance Pavilion at


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Singer's SHARON


HARRYD;~z~l;,l~J'~~~~ESTRA I I Former ly with R. K. 0 . Keith's Boston I I CHARLIE FRANKE, Master of Ceremonies I

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I Come Here fo r Rest or Recreation I

I SPECIAL L~W RATES I I 35 Minutes from Providence For Reservations Sharon 855 j

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To Avoid Dis a1>1>ointment :\'lake Reservations No w by \V ritin g Maplehurs t Hotel. Bethl ehem, New Ham ps hire or Phone .Jose1>h 3-1. Finkle a t Pl a nt a tions :J320, Providence, for Rates. etc.

~~ l:;J.

-- -- ----+ Ahavath Sholom Synagogue


Mrs. Pete r Saslaw of 84 Camp street, will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah tomorrow mor ning. A reception in the vestry will fo llow the services.

It is not the size of the i ad, that should interest ! you. It is the hotel that !

should. ! Try the

HOW ARD HOUSE Write for descriptive 16-page

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SAS LAW BA R-M ITZVA H David Saslaw, son of Mr.


The Congregation has invited Rev. Samuel He rman of Toronto, Canada, as Cantor fo r this Sabbath.

and The services are free to the public.

i HOWARD HOUSE i Bethlehem, N. H. +--- - ·- ·+

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England Resorts


And Particulars will be Gladly Furnished

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Page 3: Lasker Gives $500,000 Crisis Conf roots Hitler For Relief of ......"·1 )e on 1anc or 1e conven 10 11 U rn tec ta es rom on on aiicl foti ,· clays late,· lie ,,·ac ,·enio,·ecl



The finest investment you can make 1s a

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Pack up your bags and get going. Here is languid leisure, spirited sport . . and nature at its best. Change your scenery . . . sidetrack your cares . . . here is rest and recreation . . . a noted cuisine, with strict adherence to the Jewish dietary laws . . . lux­ury, comfort, refinements . everything to make you relax and LIVE!





Y ou'Il find friends here. When may we expect you?

AL SHERMAN, Social Director and big social staff

Findling, the famous Continental chef and dietitian, now pre­sides over the NEW AGASSIZ cuisine ... epicures will delight in his famous dishes.




This Summer Is An AGASSIZ Summer! Ne"· England Nazis Form DAWA

Anti-Semitic Organization, in Boston I I I

Jewish Home for Aged of Rhode Island


Noted Jewish Barrister to Discuss Jewish 11 Problems in Interview with Premier Mussolini

BOSTOJ\' (JTA ) - '-\! though a mask of secrecy was sworn by a g atherin g of Hi t ler sympathizers held in the Turn Verei n Ha ll he re last Friday evening, The J ewish Tel­egraph ic Age ncy ha s lea rned that in­itj a l Rtep s are being ta ke n to orga­nize a Bos ton bra nch of DA WA, bus iness o rga nization of German A mericans who are ope nly hostil e t o the J ews and who ai m to dest roy the boycott of Germ a n made p roducts . One of the chi ef functi ons of the or­gani za t ion is to esta bli sh a boycott of Germ a n-J ewish bu s iness houses.

Loui s Zah ne of New York City to ld the meeting, whi ch wa s a ttend­ed by a la rge g roup of Germa n ex­t ract ion, tha t they " mus t or ga ni ze f or thei r good .'' Th ose present , num­be ring a bout 300, expressed approva l of t he Fri end s of New Ge rm any, a completely Na zifi ed o rganization.



Open ing- fo r the 5th Season WEST BOYLSTON, MA SS.

Hor~e hac k Hidin g- , S wimmin g, Hikin g-, A thl e ti cs, Boating

S pecializing- in cl ean, wholeso me food s , raised on our own

p remi ses

F'o r further detail s w ritr o r ca ll G. N. Emerson, We~t Boyls to n,

Mass., Phone 226

Zahne told hi s hearer s that the eco nomi c securi t y of countl ess Ger · man Am e rica ns is imperiled. H e sa id t hat d isc riminati on a gainst Ge rm an­Ame ri ca ns is f o rcin g a great m a ny


out of t hei r jobs beca use of a beli ef cu rrent t hat th ey a re in sympathy with the l\ a zi movement.

0-----By M. P. OSTROW



At a meeti ng h eld Wednesday eve­ni ng a t the H ome, com plete a rra nge­ments we.r e presented t o o rgani ze a n

H e sa id: "A me r ica n cit ize ns ca n- c1 rm y of J ewish people in t he st a te not be N azi, neit he r can Ger ma ns to put over t he ca rni va l to be held who have become citi zens of Ameri - a t t he Home Septem be r 25, 26, 27 ca, join in the move ment. On t he oth- a nd 29. lt will be known as a n arm y er ha nd membe rs of t he N azi pa r ty of .l'Vl ercy t o some to t he reli ef of in Ge rm any can not belong to t he the hcli)J ess aged men a nd women Ame ri can Soc iety of Fri~nds of New residing at the H om e on Hill side Ge rma ny. A venu e. Fo r th e g ra nd prize of thi s

A police cordon stood guard ou t- a ffa ir, a HJ34 Ma s ter Coach Chevr o-s ide t he m eet ing ha ll. le t ha s been donated a nd wi ll be gi v-

Th e speak er pointed out that the f oundin g of t he society is being fo rced on t hem becau!-.e of the "per ­s ist ent di scrimina ti on."

" It is not our purpose to p reach hatred /1 he cont inued. " The J ewish peo ple have eve ry right to re pre~en­ta t. ion in t he a ff a irs of the Uni ted States Gove rnm ent. Th e re a re m il· lions of them but, beca use of t he di s­c rim in a ti on a ga in s t us , we are n ot gcltin~ the r e prese nta ti on we de­serve. 'l11a t we mu st get."

Anthony ll ae i,; le o r New York City m~sail cd th e IJoycott of Germ a n products now Ucing cn r ri ~d on by th ousa nds o r oppone nts of Nazi pol­icies. li e sa id t ha t t he bnd f ee ling whi ch ex ist s between the U nited Sta tes und Ge rmuny is di rectl y at· lri bu lu li le lo t he boycott.

en a wa y to t he lu cky numbe r on the la s t da y of the ca rni val. I n addition to t hat, t hree r a di os a nd a n electri c ironing machine w ill be included.

Th e t enta ti ve comm ittee o rganized 1s a s f oll ows : Max Siega l, Genera l ; Be rt Bernh a rd t, Colonel; JV!a nuel P. Ost. row, Adjutan t ; Benja min Hu t t en­bcrg, P ay ma ste r. S pecia l committee : N at. C. Cohen, Capta in ; JudJ:(e J. J e­rome Ha hn, Jud ge Phi lip C. J osli n Benja m in N. Kunc, Sa mue l .!VI. Ma ­g id , Ad olf Melle r , Sa mu el Lazaru s Sa muel H0Re 11 1 Mrs. Max S iega l, 1\<l i­cha el Ti ema n, Be rn a rd M . Goldow­Rk y, Dr. ]l ie Be rg e!\ Theodore Max Ma jorR: Mrs. M. P . Os t row a nd ll a rry .Myers .

The fo ll owi ng :i re captai ns : La · di es' Divis ion, .M rs. Ma x Ade lso 11 M rs. Sau l A bra ms, Mrs. Fred Adl e r Mn;. ll a rry S. lleck, .Mrs. Ili c De r­!{'C' I' , M n:. Mo r ri s Uc r r y, Mrs . N nt C. Co he 11 1 Mrs. A r thur I . Da rm a n, Miss

IN BETHLEHEM. N. H. ~;·~~1.e ~: : :;11:~ r ti\1~~,ll ~Gl:~~~I;\ ~s~/~.I~. 1·~~~~~ Flcis ig- , 1\rlrs . Mil ton F'uld , M n. . J o­se ph Ga rt ne r, :M rs. A r t hu r Ga lki11 1

Mrs. ll a r ry Ge ff ne r , l\'l rs. J onas Gold c r1 1Jc rg-1 Mi ss Heat. r ice Golclow­~ky, Mrs. Jr nn ic Go ld s1ni l h, Mrs. Cha r les l lo ff man , .Mrs. Sa muel .M. ~la g- id , Mrs. Huth Ma rkoff , Mrs. J ack Oske n 1, Mrs . J acob P r i l.cluu:z. Mr8-Milton JJJin e r, M rs. Max ~adl r Mrs. Cha rl es J . Senti er , M rs. 18-ador




American Plan

pecial Ju ly Rat e-$35.00 Weekly

Golf - Tenni Orchestra


Greatly Hedu cL-d Rat es to Russia

NEW YORK (JTA)-Armed with a n Augus t 16 appointment for a confer ence with Prentier Mussolini, with whom he wi ll discuss II Duce's att itude toward the Jewish people, Sa muel S. Leibowitz, atto rney, who achie ved national repute as de fe nse counsel for the Negro de fenda nt s in the widely Jrnblicized Scottsboro case. s ailed for Cherbour g Saturda y aboard th e s team shi1> Cha mplain.

Leibowitz w ill spend t en weeks in E urope , during which he wi ll vis it nearly a dozen countri es, f o r t he pu r­pose of s tudying t heir penal oodes a nd court procedures, he told the J ew ish Teleg ra phi c Age ncy.

Asked whet he r the result s of hi s st udy would be turned over in report f orm t o a ny organi zati on or inquiry commission he re, the New York a t. · torney was inclined to be reti cent.

" T he re's to be no ofli cia l repor t of a ny kind," he said finally, ubu t I don 't mind t elling you th at I ' ll be on

Singer , Mrs. Sa muel Sof ore nk o, Mrs. David S pun t, Mrs. Mye r Ta nenbaum a nd Mrs. Morri s Wa ldm a n.

Men's Divis ion : Milton Adle r ,J Hck Anhal t , Dr . .ll ie lle rge r , .M ax ' Il l' r­man, Samuel Brown 1 Charles Burke, Henry Burt , Sa mu el Cohen, Arthur I. Darman, J . E rns t.of , Morri s E spo, J a cob 1. F elde r J am es Goldman Oe r11 a rd M. Goldowsky, Henry Ha s~ !-.enf~hl ,. A be .1 le ll e r , Loui i:i Hurwit z, BenJnmm Hyman , Dr. Ca rl Ja golin­z.e r , Philip Kor b, Albe l' t Li ske r. Leo Logan, Sa mu el Micha elson, ,Joseph Sclll osi:; IJcrg. Cha rl es Sil vermm1 Lou is S ha w·, S;11nuel So forenko Da~ vid . S pun t, Benjam in Trinkel, A1Jbe rt \Ve rne r a nd A rt hur Winkelm an .

an u noffi cia l mi ss ion f or certain A me rica n int e res t s , which I 'm not at Ii berty t o join yet."

H e a lso has a t entative a ppoint­ment wi t h StaUn in Lening ra d~, Lei­bowi tz sai d.


The J ewish Center Tenni s Temn is doing exce ptiona lly well in t he Blacksto ne Va lley Tennis League. I rving H a r r iet and H enry Salom on a re doi ng fin e work a nd expect t o place t he Cente r t eam in firs t posi­t ion by t he end of the season. Games a re pl a yed exery Sunda y m orning .

It is not the size of the ad, that should interest you. It is the hotel that

should. Try the

HOW ARD HOUSE \Vr it e f o r descrip t ive J 6-pagc

bookl et a nd attra cti ve ra tes

Jewish Dietary Laws Observed

The Largest a nd !\l os t Modern Hotel in th e

White Mountains ALL SPO RTS

HOW ARD HOUSE Bethlehem, N. H.




S pend your VHl'a t io n in the ll ea rt of t he Wh ite Moun tai ns :1 t a lwtC' l whic h co mbines home com fo rt with a ll

c;:i m p activiti es

presentin g

DAVID HOFF Popular S in,i.ring- Arti ~t of Had io a nd St.age aR

Director o r a Ta len ted Socia l Staff U,1~urpH~~ed Accom modations Offc1·ed a t t !):Jil I r ices!

W,·i te for book let a nd rates NOW ! Charles Lev in , Mgr. .J ewi ~h Dieta ry l.1<.'1\~ S Obse rved

Page 4: Lasker Gives $500,000 Crisis Conf roots Hitler For Relief of ......"·1 )e on 1anc or 1e conven 10 11 U rn tec ta es rom on on aiicl foti ,· clays late,· lie ,,·ac ,·enio,·ecl


The Jewish Home Newspaper of Rhode Is land ~ Published Every Week in the Year by The -~,.

J ewiih P ress Publishing Company

PA ULINE CHORNEY PO ULTEN, Editor Q 7 "' ._._,~H.l:T W'ltlOOUl,,.,_T

68 Exchange Place- 143 \Vestminster Street, ProYic.ler.ce, l{hode Island TELEPHONE GASPEE 4312

Member J ewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc., With News Correspondents All Over the World

THE JEWISH HERALD invites curresponuence on subjects of int,,reot to the ' Jewish people, but disclaims responsibility for an indnr,cement of the views expressed by the writers.




While t he collapse of Hitle t· a nd his 1 azis now appears inevitable, it would be suicidal to J ewry's cause to be over-op­timistic with regard to the present situation in Germany. The storm is about to break a nd unless a ll signs fa il the Nazi chief­tain will be washed out in the torrent; but there must be no cessation a t t his stage of the game in the moral and economic campaign against everything he represents. On the other hand, the boycott and the continued shaping of public opinion must start the home-stretch drive.

Hitler, Goebbels, Goering and the rest who have brought ruin to the Reich are r apidly becoming fallen idols as the Ger­man people awake to a realization of the almost irreparable ha rm they did themselves by allowing the Nazi regime to con­tinue as long as it has. And the whole world soon will be free of the poisonous propaganda that has been ci rculated through the Hitlerite foreign program; for the Nazi leader's downfall will leave the elaborate "cell system" of agencies, particular ly in the United States, without a central point.

As a matter of fact, it is pretty generally accepted that recall of Ambassador Luther from Washington means dismem­berment of the Nazi network in this country. Revelations soon to be made by the Congressional investigation, sponsored by Representative Dickstein, undoubtedly will sound the death knell of Hillerite activities here.

Just what is the signi ficance of Dr. Hanfstaengl's visit at lh1s pat t1cu la1 moment 1s not yet clear; but nobody 1s fooled into believi ng that his great love for Harvard and America is so overpowering as to \\'OO him away from the Reich, " ·here he is a rea l "big-shot." One New York Anglo-Je"·ish weekly sensationally predicts he wi ll supplan t Luther if t he American public's reaction is favorable. It goes on to state that Hanf­staengl even now has in h is pocket the necessary credent ials and is awaiting an oppor tune moment to present h imself in Washington.

But things have happened in the few short clays s ince he left the Fatherland, vilally imporlant things such as von Papen's atlack on the Tazi program, President von Hinden­burg's open appro,·a l of the vice cha ncellor's challenge to Goeb­bels, r epudiation of German debts, Britain's anticipated r eprisal, and rapidly spreading rebellion of lhe German people against Hitl er 's ru le. Our g uess is that 1-l anfstaengl wil l keep those creclenlial s in his pocket, if he has a ny; at least until the storm is over. And then perha ps he won' t have much use fo r lhem, for lhere is eve ry indication of a new regime in the Reich, a mi litary dictatorship at the outset a nd, not unlikely, restoration of a monarchy.

SPlCIAL DINNER . $2.£.!? ...



Qi, ~ J-aa";J±:,...,, DAILY LUNCHEON, $1.Q!?

Novick's Now Open for 17th Season

No\'ick's Summ er Resort in )lillis, )lass., is now open. for its l.ith con­secuti,·e season. As in the pas t. t he management is once again ready to act as hos t to the many guests., old and pros pecti ,·e, who desire a vaca­tion of rest, health and recreation.

Miss Zelda Cotton w ill act as host­ess again this year. Those who have met 1\ili ss Cotton will readily agree that her vivacious charm and gi fted t alent as a dramatic director add considerably to the pleasu re of those who spend their \·acation or week­ends a t ).,I ovick's.

Edward Kraft , Xick's only ri­val, will act as social director at Xo­vick's this year. F orme r guests will remembe r him as the outstanding comedian on the social staff. Mr. Kraft has arranged programs for over the Fourth of July that a re sure to keep everyone amused. Xothing has bee n left undone to assure the guests at 'fovick's t he utmost pleas­ure in the way of good food, excel­lent accommodations, and superb en· te rtainment. Basketball , swirnming, horseback r iding, quoits, hiking, a nd dancing a re in order for those who care to partici pate.

11 .-.\ lien Corn" will be rendered by the X odck Players as one of the features of the F ourth. Xumerous other forms of ente rtainment are be ing planned and rehearsed. Tl1e congenial ~ocial s tafT, the peppy s trains of the XoYick Orchestra, a nd the excellent kosher cui s ine under the personal supen·ision of l\Irs . >."o­\"lck will keep eYeryone contented and on the go throughout the enti re holiday.

Rese n ·ations should be mai led in or made in adYance by calling Milli s 133, to insure good accornmodations. Descri pth·e leaflet s will be sent on request.

SOLl 1\GER- H.·\ F'I' A most attractiYe wedding took

place Su nday evening in Zinn's Ban­quet H all, \\'hen Miss Sally H aft, daughter of Mr. aiid Mrs. Jack Haft of Dudle y Street, became the bride of J oseph B. Solinge r , son of Mr. and Mrs .. .\.. Levinsky of this city. Rabbi Morris Schussheim performed the ceremony assis ted by Cantor J oseph Schloss berg.

The bride was attended by her cousin, l\'I iss Leah Silverman as maid of honor and the bridesmaids we re Miss Rose Kirshenbaum, ~liss Lil­lian Shechter, Miss Ann Kritz, Miss Freda Davis and Miss F reda .-'.cker­man.

DAW A Movement in Well-Known Doctor Chicago is Failing

CHICAGO (J T A ) - So far as Chicago is concerned the DA \VA is me rely an alphabetical arrangement without meaning.

Efforts on the part of Hans Froeh­lich, president of the DA WA. in Xe\\' York, where the Deutsch Amerikan­ische Wirtschafts Ausschuss (Ger­man American Protective Alliance) is being used as an anti-Jewish boy­cott weapon in the hands of l\"azi sympathizers , to create a DAW A cell in Chic~go \\'ere a complete flop.

DAWA leaders are sorely disap­pointed O\·er the outcome of their meeting held last Th ursday night at the Atlantic Hotel, "'hich attracted about 30 percent of the expected turnout. Xazis had estimated from 500 to 800 persons \\'ould attend. Those who did attend were obscure unknowns. Xot a s ingle important German .-.\ me rican merchant was present.

F roehlich ad,·ised Chicago to use the DAW . .\. fo r purposes similar t o those being pursued in Xew York, where, he said, 30,000 boycott but­tons have been sold t o consumers at SI apiece.

Nathanson's Hotel ®----------- -

Announces Opening of His New Office

Dr. John J. Rouslin, prominent Providence dentis t, and active mem­ber of the J ewish \"eterans' organi­zation, announces the opening of a ne w and la rger a nd scientifically­equi1>ped offices at Room 10, 433 \Vestmins ter Street, the corne r of Empire Street. Re was form erly lo­cated in a :'\l a thewson Street office.

\Vhile Dr. Rouslin maintains a general dentistry practise for oral surgery, extracting, x-ray, orthodon­tia, crown, bridge and plate work, he de,·ot es special attention t o chil­dren.

He provides a budget service pay­ment plan for his moderate prices which has been a popular policy with his many patients.

Dr. Rouslin earned a state wide reputation serYing on the Rhode Is land hospital staff as dental surgeon for 12 years. Up until two years ago he was dental surgeon at the state institution.

He is a graduate of Tufts Dent a College. H is record of expe rience also includes a note of sen·ing at the >Iorgan ":.\le morial \VaYerly clinic and Bost on dispe nsary.

Special attractions are in store for the hundreds \\'ho annuallv make ROSEC\STEIX-S1\OW :\at hanson's Hotel in :Willis, )lass., I ,Ir. and sirs . ,I. .-\. Sno\\' of Car their mecca during the )." ight Before rington aYenue announce the mar the Fourth celebrations. Bonfires, riage of their daughter, )liss Sylvia noisemakers, fun and a first-class or- Leona Snow, to Benjamin A. Rosen chestra are s lated fo r the rnany who stein, son of )Ir. and i.\Irs. Samue ha \·e already made their resen·ations Rosens tein1 of Prai r ie a\·enue, on and for the additional numbe rs who Sunday aite rnoon, June 2-L The ha\·e yet to write or phone the ir ceremony was performed a t the reservations. home of the bride's parents by Rabb

Da,·icl H. Bachrach. )IRS. GCSSI E 1\ELSO:-1 IS


Mrs. Gussie >."elson, president of of the Ladies' C-nion League for Consumpti\·es was honored at the final meeting of the organization Wednesday afte rnoon at the J e\\ish Commu nity Cente r 1 when it was an· nounced that the bed purchased by the local group at the Deborah San­atarium in Xew Jersey has been con­tributed in her name. ..\. tablet over t he bed will bear Mrs. )."elson1s name permane nt ly. She was presented with an original plate.

Various other matters were dis~ cussed. _.\ letter of ackno"'ledgment was read from the Los Angeles San­itarium, thanking t he local group for the check of SIOO \\'hich \\'as pre­sented to Dr. Ginsbu rg at the annual luncheon las t month.

Mrs. H a rry Feuer addressed the rnembe rs on an interesting subject.


The bride, who was atti red in white satin and carried a bouquet of ro~es, was .attended by her s isterf, :.\IJss Charlotte Snow, as maid o honor. She \\"Ore an afternoon gown of blue_ crepe and carried a bouquet of Tali s rnan roses. Alton Gilstein was the bes t man.

)Ir. and )!rs. Rosenstein left on a wedding trip to Xe"' York and will li,·e a t 90 Ruggles street "'hen they return.

The Russian Bear THOMPSON, CONN.

L u '>CH EO1\S - TEAS Dl1\NERS

Bridge Parties . ..\ ccommodated

T el. 1088

Col. and Mrs. Beck-)lamedov

\Vhen in Boston d ine at the Russian

Bear, 11 N ewbury Street. Fashiona ble

Restaurant. Popular Prices

A gown of white crepe with a Yeil of tulle and lace \\'ere worn by the bride. She carried a bouquet of gar­denias. The maid of honor was dressed in fl esh mouseline de soie with blue trimmings and she carried an a rm bouquet of Tali~man roses. l\l rs_. Haft wore g reen crepe and i\-l rs. Lennsky was gowned in black chif­fon with green trimming. Both wore corsages of roses. :\fr . a nd l\Irs. Morris Shwartz of

The bridegroom had as best man 62 Fales ...\.Yenue a re at Ba rrington ·-·---,,._--- ·~ - ---his brother, Samuel Solinge r and the for the summe r. - ~ -~ . ushers \\'ere Jack Halprin, '\at I ! It is not the size of the i j~f!~\.1~If{''is Fox HarYe • '\ai r and /,------------ -,


1: ad, that should rntei est I Assisting in t he recei,·i ng line be - OBITUARY you. It is the hotel that !

s ides the bridal party \\'e re )Ir . ' a nd should. ! }lrs. Max H aft, i\Ir. a nd )lrs . Is- }IRS. TILLIE SHLUI.-\ '\ j -rael Haft, Mrs. )fa ry Lea,·itt, }1r. Try the ! and ))rs. )loses H aft, ) l iss Rose Fune t dl -en ices fo t }!rs Tillie I i . I Freid and )liss Dorothy Ha ft al l of Shuimdn of -1-1 C10,Iand 1oad " ho i HO\YARD HOUSE , )."ew York. , died last Satmd~n \\ e1e held Sun- - \\"rite for descripth·e 16-page I r~cepUon \\"hich followed t he cere- g~~~~,;~~'t \\ as m the Lrncoln P,nk i rates i.

)lore tha n 200 guests atte nded the ,iay moirnng froin he r ldte home. I j booklet and attracth·e ! mony. J ack Silverman, cousin of · - Jewish DietalT La,,-s th·.! bride, wa~ master of ceremonies. :\li s Shulman. \\ ho \\ a~ fifh m ne I I

Mr. and :\frs . Solinger are no\\" on years old, came to this cou nt n_. from i ObserYed i ~ \\·edding tri p to Atlant ic City and H~ ssi~~ t went? -t wo years agO, set- i T he Larges t and )lost 11 e w York, a nd will take up resi- t!I ng 1t1 Prondence where ~he lh·ed Hotel in the < ence at 6 Well ington Street, this until the t ime of her death. j

)lodern ! ci ty, "'hen the y return. -1 ,Yhite I\fountains

She is sun·h·ed by three daugh-ters, Mrs. Sarah Blanck, )l rs . Etta _! ALL SPORTS

! i j J EN1' 1 E DAV IS P l<ES E1\TS


l\lany relatives and frie nds lis­t?ned lo a most cnj? yablc pia no re­c1 ta l_ Saturday mormng when J ennie pav1s .prcscnt~d severa l of he r pupils 111 an rnlc resting prog ram.

T_he children \\'. ho participated we re Cla11:c Samdpc nl, A rlenc Goldblatt, Sylvia Be rry, Bernice Be rry, Alton J. Curra n, J a net Kapclow ,Joyce C!1adbou1:nc, Louise Robi nson', D0ris yiner, Oma Robinson, Lil lia n .Rob­inson, Marjorie \Vine, Doris Lud­gate, Clai re l\ilcManu~, Arlene Coo­pe r, Hilda Pritske r , Adeline Prits ke r Grace Fitzpatrick, C:-1rol Robin' Mona Efros, Gi lbert Sa lk, J cann~ Max, ll arvcy Max, Gi lda IJa ke r I r ­ving IJake r , Huth Frcerna11 ' a n<l Kathleen Holt .


House Painting

Interior Decorating




F irs t


88 Orms St. DE. 0489 F ree Es tim a tes Gi\"en

1.ightman and Mrs. Celia 1'roup. all ! Ho,,'1\RD HOUSE of t his city; and two :::ons. Abraham l. S hulma n of Brooklyn and Harry j Bethlehem, N . H. !

I Shulman of i\'cw 1-faYen. · .: .... .,._ , ~ .~.

CYCLED ROME North Main Street, ProYidence

Mascagni Grand Opera Co. 2 DAYS 2

TOMORROW, JUNE 30th. 8.15 P. M.

AIDA . , Opera in 5 Acts by Ve rdi

with l•amous T ~·nor Comn_1. Be rna_rdn De i\l uro. Soprano Anna Leskaya. Baritone i\laruno Rossi. Contralto Rosita Fordieri

Conductor: Gabriele Si meoni

SUNDAY, JULY 1st, 8.15 P. M.

C.avalleria R usticana Soprano Emilia \ ·ergeri. Contralto Maria Olla

Comm. Berna rdo De i\lu ro. Gabriel Simeoni Conductor \Viii be presented the first time the Procession of Easter Sunday

I Pagliacci Soprano Ladnia Da_n _-e. Tenor Edward Hansome. Baritone Ciro

De R1t1~. Conductor. Danilo Sciotti

400 Persons on the Slag-e - Big- Ba llet - Stag-e 1'rumbets Horses - Chariot etc.

Price ~L j Q_ " 1.00, 75c, 50c Ti~kets on sa le at tein rt's

Page 5: Lasker Gives $500,000 Crisis Conf roots Hitler For Relief of ......"·1 )e on 1anc or 1e conven 10 11 U rn tec ta es rom on on aiicl foti ,· clays late,· lie ,,·ac ,·enio,·ecl

1n.c, .J.c,vv1.::,n n.c,ru-1.1..;v, .1' n1v.t1...1, .JU.1~ .c, ""~, .1 ~0'*

··- ··- ··-·- ··- ··--··- ··-··-··- ··- ·- ··- ··- ··- ··- ·--··-·- - ----··- ··- ··--·--··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ·- ··- ··- ·- --- ·- ·-PERSONAL ,# • . SOCIAL

Mr. and Mrs. J e rome Ha rris of 395 Rivers ide Drive, New York, a n· nounce the birth of a daug hte r , Mar· jorie Ann Harris, on June 16. Mrs. Ha rris is the forme r Miss Pauline J acoby, one-t ime res ident of t his city. 1 IVlr. and Mrs. Aaron Bromson and

. :Mr. and 1\'! rs. r Kessler of this ! farml are s )endm the summer at c.1ty are at R1vers1de for t he season Ba rri~gton. 1 g Mrs. Natha n Gilden and :Mrs.

Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Weine r of Mrs. Gussie Spigel and her daugh-Fall River will be at Tiverton for ter, Miss Bessie Spigel, a re vaca­the summe r. tioning at Sandy Beach, F all River.

Louis Cooper ente rtained at a misc­e lla neous shower a nd bridge in hon­or of t he ir s ister , Miss Sally Apple­baum on lWonday evening at the Port Arthur Rest aura nt. F orty guests at­tended. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cohe n have

r eturned from their wedding trip a nd are at their new home on Chad Brown Street.

Mr. and Mrs. Nat Roy of this city are s pending the season with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Blum in Oakland Beach.

J a ne Friedman and Irving H elle r participated in a piano recita l which was presented Monday evening by the pupils of James Gray, in Froebel H a ll.

:Mr. a nd Mrs. Benjamin I. Sass of Ninth street had as g uests the past week thei r son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H a rr of New York.

Mrs. Fred Silverman of Gallatin s treet has as he r g uest , her nephew, J oseph B. Schechter, of St. Louis. Mr. and Mrs. David Litchman have

opened their Barring ton home for .Mr. a nd Mrs. A. Golds te in a nd the season.

family of this city are a t Oakland I ----Beach for t he summer. Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Gregerma n

---- of 112 Lippitt street will have as l\!lr. a nd Mrs. Isaac Marks a nd t heir guest for the next few weeks,

Miss H.eka Marks of t his city, have Mrs. Gregerrnan's s is t e r, Mrs. Anna ope ned the ir summe r home at Rocky Sax of ]ndianopolis , Ind. Beach.

Mr. a nd Mrs. J ack Barenbaum of Croyland road a nnounce the birth of a son Irwi n Bruce Barenbaum on June 18. Mrs. Ba re nbaurn is the fo rmer Miss E s the r Golds tein.

lVfr. a nd Mrs. Abraha m Kampner of New Haven, Conn. , a re spending several days with Mrs. Kampner's pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. J acob D. Grossrnan of R ive rview.

lWr. and Mrs. Benjarnin Orleck of J e nkins s treet announce the bir t h of a da ught e r J oan Lois Orleck on June 17. Mrs. Orleck was before he r mar­riage, Miss Pea rl Kube r.

SALE , •


111 plain colors and checks

for wear aboard ship and at all shore resorts

Were $39.50-NOW

I NCORPORATED " Quality Clothes at Consis te nt P rices"

PHOVIDE NCE B lLT MOHE HOTE L Recent a rrivals in Cottimcut in­clude Mrs. A. Bachman and daugh­ter , Mrs. J acob Scribner , and Mr. and Mrs. Max Na merow and family, a ll of t his city.

Madelyn, E sthe r and Molly F ert­ma n participated in a violin-piano recital by the pupils of J. H enri

Due to a death in the family, the reception which was scheduled to be he ld at t he home of I\ifr. and Mrs. I Ha rry Bla nck of 41 Ha rrie t Street on Sunda y in honor of the Bar l\'Li tz· vah of t heir son, has been cancelled.

The Bar Mitzvah services will be 11'==============================:!:! held Saturday morning , June 30, in ':: the Willa rd A ve nue Synagogue to 191 Orms Street. Mrs. Samu el Mike the chrection of Prof. Arthur Ein­which relat ives and fri e nds are in- was chairman of a rrangement s a :1d st ein, a ssis ted by Harry Bettman, vited. she was assisted by a la rg e commit- fu rnished t he music. Solos were Benjamin Brier, E dward Schleif'er, Fauche r , v_ioli_nis t and Mme. Ma rie

Abe Kestenma n , Louis Garfinkle and I ~au_che r , pianis t at th~ Outlet Aud­Charles Silverma n were among the 1tonum, Tuesday evenmg. s peakers at a bachelor party g iven 1 • ----Friday evening in honor c.f Charles 1 Daruel J acobs, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donovan. Abraham L . Jacobs of Camp street,

Mr. a nd Mrs. Robert A . Patrick of Havelock road, Worcester, a n­nounce the birth of a son, Neil Ar­nold Patrick, on June 5. Mrs . Pa t ­rick is the former Miss Ann F ink of this city.

Mr. and Mrs. David Schwartz of Donelson s treet are receiving con­gratulations this week on their e ighth wedding a nniversary. Mrs. Schwartz is the former Miss Topsy Glantz.

Mrs. David L. E. Boren of P or t­land, Oregon, ha s arrived in this c ity whe re she will be t he gues t of h er parents, Mr. a nd Mrs. Samuel Colitz of Sout h Angell Street . Mrs. Bore n is the former Miss Evelyn Co­litz.

From Pedicures to Permanents

Groom the toes for t he sa nda l vogue, whether for the seashore, sporls or eYcning. At the

Empress Beauty Salon l,1·t u s h1· thl· fir1't tn introll uce P <'di-

1·u1·, ·.-1. E x p,·a·t s in iill b1·:inl'h1·s o( h1·a11ty 1·11lture

:'.lrs . Gcorg-e P ress, Prc~idcnt S0ti-:i07<i08 L,q,ham Bldg.

.\lAnnin g fi771

received a n LL. B. degree f rom Har­varcl Law School Thursday morning . H e was g raduated f rom Brown in 1931.

Miss E lizabeth E . Davis of Wate r­rnan st reet is sa iling tomorrow f rorn New York on the S. S. Roma on a ten weeks ' Mediteranean cruise. She will visit in S pain, Ita ly, Turkey, Sout hern France, Russia, Palestine a nd Egypt.

Miss Ida Selinker of 182 Somer set s t reet, this city, ent ertained recently at a pe rsona l showe r a nd bridge in honor of Miss Mary Fabricant, 295 F ountain s treet, Pawtucket. Covers were la id for forty guests .

Six tables of bridge wer e in play and prizes awarded to Miss E sther Goldst ein, Miss Ida Dimond, Miss Sara h Ze lnicker , Miss Sally Fabri­cant, Mrs . M. Eisenstadt and Mrs. Louis Selinke r.

Miss Fabricant will be rna rried to Solomon Seli nker on July 29.

Try . .. Meade's No. 21 Kidney, L iver and Bladder Herbs

Nature's Tonic Laxative


Successors to HA NDY DRUG CO. "The House ot Herbs ..

105 E mJ)irc St. Prov., R. I.

t Odtt~ «-...-.- . ~ --~ · June Sale LUGGAGE ~ r--~~

Top-grain Cowhide SUIT CASES

FO lt WOM EN Our Hcgula r Price $10

A woman's (avoritc ! llcau­lifully lined a nd made wit h t rus t worth y locks. S ize~: I (i to 24 inches. I-Hack o r brow n.

Men's Genuine Top-grain SEALSKIN GLADSTONES

Ou r regular price $18

24 and 26-in. sizes

l'he man·i:- f;n-o rilr! Leathe r or fabrikoi d \inin~~- Pockrts for i::.hirls a11d toilet rtrlkl e~. Stu rdy hn ndles. chrome plalcd locks and holls. Brow n or hlack.

OUTLE'l'- Lug-f,-ag-e s tore, 3 rd fl oo r.

The Rho Beta P hi Sig ma sorority held t he ir annua l formal dinne r­da nce las t Saturday evening at the H otel Warren. The club's activities we re closed for the summer , at a meeting Monday evening held in t he home of Miss Pea rl Wagner , of Som­erset s treet, a nd at the insta llation of officers last n ight at the Port Arthur Restaurant.

For t he fi rs t time in twenty-six years, Mrs. Jack Torgan of Winni­peg, Canada, will pay a vis it to he r brother-in-law a nd s is te r-in-law, Mr. a nd Mrs . Benja m in Sass of Ninth s treet, a r r iving here this week. Mrs. Torgan will spend about s ix weeks in t he States vis iting wit h f riends a nd relatives in this city, Spring­fie ld, New Haven and New York.

Mr. and Mrs. J acob Hazma n of 46 Carring t on avenue entertained at a surprise par ty Sunday in honor of their son-in-law and da ug hter, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Millma n, of 77 Rob­inson s treet, who are celebrating t he ir tenth wedding anniversary. About s ix ty guests were present from Lynn, Brockton, Fall River, Newpor t and th is ci t y.

:Miss J ennie Kopnick of Lynn, gave several violin selections a nd David Levine played t he piano. A buffet luncheon was served.

l\'Ir. and .Mrs. Millman we re t he recipients of ma ny beautiful g ifts.

Miss Rhea Leavitt of Everg reen slreet was g uest of honor at a sub­script ion showe r a nd bridge Satur­day eveni ng at the East Side Pheas­a nt Shoppe on Cushing s treet. Cov­e rs were laid fo r fifty g-uests. The tables we re gaily decorated with bowls of roses a nd spring flowers w it h lig hted tape rs. :Miss Leavitt was presented with a complete set of rock c rystal s lemware and gold fi li­g reed service plates.

The hos tesses we re Mrs. E li Leav­itt and Mrs. Geo rg-e Glass.

Mr. a nd Mrs. 1\'lorris wartz of .Fourth s t reel had :-is g uest the pas t week, Dr. Jack Wex le r of Jersey.

T we nty-fi ve tables were in play at t he bridge s ponsored Uy the Ladies' Union Aid Association la st Tuesday evening- in t he ir new headqua rters,

It is not the size of the ad, that should interest you. It is the hotel that

:,hould. Try the

HOW ARD HOUSE \1/rite for descripti ve 1 G-pagc

booklcl and attractive rates

Jewish Dietary Laws Observed

T he Largei;.t nnd l\los t l\lodern Hotel in the

White Mountains ALL SPOHTS

HOW ARO HOUSE Bethlehem, N. H.

tee. sung by Mrs. Joseph B. Webber and Mrs. E . Rosen, p resident of t he or- Miss Evelyn Siegal.

ganization, has announced that the Auditorium will be rented to other Miss Mildred Marks was guest of associations fo r rneetings or social honor at a miscella neous shower and events. Any one interest ed may se- dinner t ende red by Mrs. J oseph Ep­cure furthe r information from t he s tein and Mrs. J oseph P ercelay Tues­house cha irma n, Mrs. Cha rles Adel- day evening at Zinn's. berg, 669 S mith Street , Dexter 2490. Te n t ables of bridge wer e in play

a nd pri zes presented to Mrs. David H ellman, Mrs. David H orowitz, Mrs. Hyman Schoenber g, Mrs. Isadore S inger, Mrs. Charles Backm an, Mrs. Lena Adler and the Misses Ida F ie­t el, Sara Mittlema n, Cha rlotte Soni­on and Mollie Clamon.

POLLACK-COHEN Seve ral h undred guest s from

Washing t on, Bos ton, New York ~nd t his city attended the attractive wedding which took place Sunday af­t ernoon a t T emple Emanu·El when Miss Eva Cohen, daughter of Mrs. Is rael Cohe n of G D"~ght street, became t he bride of Abraha m P ol­lack, of Washi ngton, D. C., former­ly of Providence, son of Mr. a nd Mrs. J acob Pollack of New York. Rabbi I srael M. Goldma n officiated.

The bride, who was g iven in mar­r iage by h er broth er-in -law a nd s is­t er , Mr. and Mrs. J oseph Shukovsky, a nd whose mothe r followed in line, escorted by h er son, Jacob I. Coh en1

was gown ed in duchesse satin with a long trai n. H er tulle veil hung shoulder length from a satin cap a nd she carried a bouquet of gar­denias and roses.

Mrs . Irving Seigel, sister of the bride, was matron of honor, and Miss Pauline Pollack, sist e r of the bridegroom 1 was maid of honor. The bridesmaids were i\liss Rose Snop­a rsky, Miss Beatrice Gross, l\l iss Ethel Shukovsk y1 Miss :Korma Gouse} Miss E u nice Jacobs a nd Mrs. iVfor­ris Swartz. The maid o.f honor was gowned in shell pi nk organdie and lace with hat to match and carried Ta li sma n roses. The attendants wore organdie gowns of past el shades a nd carried harmonizing bou · quet s.

The bridegroom wa s a ttended by ihe bride's brothe r , Leo Cohen. a s best ma n, and t he ushers were Leo, Nalhan a nd P hilip Pollack} brothers of t he br idegroom, Albe r t Salle Ray­mond Mu ffs and .Morris Swartz. Gera ld hukovsky, ne phew o f the bridegroom, was ring beare r . .Elaine

iega l a nd Phyllis P ollack , nieces of the b r ide a nd bridegroom, respective­ly, were fl ower g irl!'-:.

A n a tt i-acti ve arrangemc nl of pa lm~. smilax, µconies a nd rose~ formed the background ai the te m­ple a nd t he E mami-El choir u11de r

Miss Marks will be married to Sidney Bachma n in August.

Harry I. Goldman, D. S. P. Specia lizing in

Podiatry Orthopedics 76 Dorrance St. Providence

E lmgro,·e .-\Ye., Nea r Lloyd

Bridge Prizes Maple Grove Candies

Lending Library Cards

The only Jewish

School fw Boy, Reooqni-zed by

N.Y.Stete Reqenfi, \VAITE FO~ BOOKLET Harrison, N . Y.


DR. JOHN J. ROUSLIN, Surgeon-Dentist

Formerly of 139 Mathe" ·son Street a1111ou11cc::. ilH' opr11i 11 g- of new. laqrer

an1I ::.cirnti flcally equipp('(l oflii .. ·rs :t t

Room No.10. 433 Westminster St., Cor. Empire St. (o,·er Otis-Clapp Co.)

for t he gcnl' ral 1,racticc of OHAL ;;U l!GEHY- EXTH 1\ l"TI NG X-l! AY- Ol!T II ODONTIA Local and General Anesthrsia Crown, Bridge a nd .P l:.lte \Vork

S pecial allention gin•11 to chi ldrPn Modera te Prices Dudg-el Sen·ice

llours-9 A. i\l l lo CT P . l\·1. - E,·ening::. hy nppointnwnl

P HONr,; GA. 3250 PHOVIO F:NCE, H. I.

Page 6: Lasker Gives $500,000 Crisis Conf roots Hitler For Relief of ......"·1 )e on 1anc or 1e conven 10 11 U rn tec ta es rom on on aiicl foti ,· clays late,· lie ,,·ac ,·enio,·ecl



Th e Gemilath Chesed H ebrew Free Loa n Association of ~rov1-de nce wi ll hold a gala old fa shi oned picnic with music, sports, games a nd da ncing on Sunday, July 29, at Duby's Grove in Warwick. No ad­mi ssion will be charged. Fo r f ree transpor tat ion apply at registration offices at t he baker y, 15 Douglas avenue, or t he dru g s~o!·e, Black­stone street, corner Pra1ne avenue. l."'verybody is welcome.

Last Tribute Paid (Continued from Page One)

become affiliated with t he Poly­cUnic Hospital and r emai ned nine years, r eturning to Providenc_e in 1930. H e had practised he re smce.

Besides the widow, survivors a re a son, Roy, a nd two daughters, Mrs. Cecil Skoultchi and Mrs. Gladys Bass. Dr. Fi shman was a membe r of Argosy Lodge of Masons of New York Prov idence Lodge of E lk s, Tour~ Fraternal Association, Ame r­ican Medical Society and the Jacobi Medical Club. He gave considerable of his time to J ewi sh and other char­ities a nd paved the way for scores of young Jewish physicians pra~ti s­ing in thi s city at the present ti~-

"The H ous e of Good Things to Eat"

CLARKE'S BAKERY 727 Hope Street GA. 5135

SHERBA Beverage Co. SHERBA CLUB PUNCH It contains Genuine Fruit

Deli very at Your Home Tel. Warren 538-W

Chas. S. Dexter, Prop.

44 For Quality and Service"


Properly Pasteurized MILK and CREAM


A Friend to the Jewish People

12 Lowell Ave. WEst 4358

A. B. Munroe Wholes ale a nd Retail Dealers


Raw a nd Pas t eurized Milk

Grade "A" Milk a S1,ecialty

102 Summit Street Tel. EA. 2091


- - - a pleasant game

Local Folk Planning Their Vacations at

Maplehurst Hotel Th e roads to Bethl ehem will ap ­

pea r lik e Rh ode Is land a venue~ of t r avel judg ing by the reser vations a lready m ade by Hhode Is land peo­pl e who plan to spen d ove r Fourth of July at ~la pl ehurst, t he deli g ht· f ul summer vacation place operated Uy the well known Brenner family of W oonsocket.

lt seems that Rhode Is lande rs make Mapl ehurst t hei r annual vaca­t ion s pot a nd th is season wi~ I be no excepti on. Of cou rse. to_un st s of July will be ush e red 111 with a ppt·o­priate ceremonies in the new $20,000 ba llroom a nd r ec reation place.

Mr. Brenner has just returned from New York and has enga ged a new a nd compl ete social staff head­ed by a well known Broadwa y night club sta r who is coming to Ma ple­hurs t with cos tumes, scripts , plays and eve rything t o mak e the city folk forget the worri es and t_roubles. of the every day world. Julie Kostick, wh o begins hi s fourth sea son a t Ma plehurst, will again return wi~h hi s well known Bost on band of rad10 ente rtainers for dancing.

The festiviti es will begi n this Sunday evenin g a nd the re will be ~orneth ing doin g every mi nu te wjth th e " masquerad e" cabaret h olding the spotlight on Tuesday night, the ni ght before the Fourth.

Rabbi Schussheim Urges Congregation to Procure Members

On the eve of hi s leaving for New York City , Rabbi 1\ilo l'l'i s S~hu ss­hci m of Te mpl e Beth l s rael issued a statement urging all prese nt mem­bers of the Cong regation to interest newcome rs to Providence, in becom­ing membe r~ of the Te mpi ~. Furth­e r informat ion may be obta med from Willi a m H. Smira, chairman of th e membership committee.

Anyone desirin g to communi cate with Rabbi Schussheim may do so by addressin g him ca re of t he J ew· iSh Th eologi ca l Semina ry in New York , or ca re of Dr. S . Schu ssh eim, 3051 Ocea n avenu e, Brooklyn , N. Y.

Crisis Confronts Hitler (Continued from Page One)

torical big g uns moved into the fray with s lashing attacks at the " fin e gentl emen" now leading the oppo­s ition t o conti nued Na zi rule . Th e war vete rans 1 strong ly mona rchi~tic a nd hostile to Hitl er, were accu sed in a report of th e secret police of pa rticipatio n in a nation-wide plot to overthrow the regime.

A s the govern ment moved in thi s manne r to check any possible ove rt acti on agai nst it , Na zi orators sought to arouse r ecrud escence of the unreasoning hys te ria which they had skillfull y evoked in the German peopl e and m ainta ined a lmost all through the first year of their re ign.

A s in past years the chi ldren will be well cared f or by a competent gove rness in the Mapl ehurs t play-ground. This is always a pleasant Goerin g Launches Attack surpri se to tired mothers who are Thus, while Mini st er of Propa-assured of a real vacation at Maple- ganda Goebbels , Mini s ter of Justice hurs t. Frank a nd Rudolph Hess, Hitle r's

Many people are planning their adjutant in charge of the Nazi Fourth of July vacation to begin to- party, ridicu led and berated the morrow, while others wi ll leave fo r modera tes and denounced the grow­Bethlehem on Tuesday, July 3, re- ing monarchist movement, Premier maining until the following Sunday. I Goering of Prussia tried to arouse

The roads from here to Bethlehem a new wave of anti-Semitic feeli ng a re in perfect shape a ll the way. as a red h erring across the Nazi

Reser vations a r e now being re- trail. ceived for the F ourth and may be Identifying him self with Julius made d1rect to the hotel at Be_t hle- Streicher, overlord of Franconi a and hem , N. H. , or to J oseph M. Fi nkle leader of t he rabid anti-Semites in at P lantations_ 3320 in Providence, the party, Goe ring warned t hat th e who w~ ll provide tJ1e necessary in- German people must continue t he fo rmation concerning rates, bes t campaign agains t t he J ews s tarted routes, etc. by the Nazis. H e praised Stre ich-

Ride at Gage Hill Riding

School Miles of Beautiful

B1·idle Paths Through the Woods



4077 N O!ffH ~JAIN STR EET rALL !U VER. ~! ASS.

Tele ph one F a ll River 3002

er's work in crushing t he J ews in Franconia.

Ca lls for Reli gious Wa r Streicher call ed on the assembly

f or a " religiou s war" on the J ews. H e, as well as Goer ing, received a luk e-warm reception.

In Sil esia 1 Edmund H eines, con · victed murdere r a nd leader of the storm troopers there, al so exhorted hi s fo ll owers to a war on the J ews.

Co mplicating t he s itua tion fo r the Hitl er gove rnment today we re the de velopments in conn ection with the German morato rium on fo reign obligations to go into effect Sunday.

It is not the size of the ad, that should interest you. It is the hotel that

should . Try the

HOW ARD HOUSE Write fo r descripti ve 16-page

book let a nd attracti ve rates

Jewish Dietary Laws Observed

The Larges t and 111ost Modern Hotel in the

White Mountains ALL SPORTS

HOW ARD' HOUSE Bethlehem, N. H.

NEW YORI( (!?UND TRIP 5.QQ Wa y 3.50 \ -~h ,d t•r 11 Stl'1L11u ·1·11 :IO-•l ny L imi t

Vir ,1.d 11i a n nd Yorl{town

You want to enjoy life, of course. But you also know the importance of sav ing some­thing each week, realizing that you could pay your bills on a moment' s notice, that you are laying up money for future needs.

l)uily & :-:1111tlny !I f rom C,J lonin l \Vl111rf,

l' rovi tl l' lln', nl, 7.:10 I', M .. JJ. S. 'I'. A L L 0UT8 1JH; HOOM S, $ 1.0U U l '

WEEl(-END IIO UN IJ T l!IP $•1.00

L envc SnL Hd ur n Su n. or M on.


3ti \Veyhu~sct S treet Coloninl Whnrf- Phonc G1\ . 6,100

We are not urging you to save a ll your surplus m oney. Spend judiciously. And put the balance in a Savings Account with Indus­trial Trust Company.




Makers of Ha lftones

a nd Line Plates


Telephone GAepee 7904


B'nai B ri th lodges and othe r f ra­terna l a nd socia l or ga ni zations throughou t Central Massachusetts a nd Rhode Isla nd a re making pla ns to attend the dance whi ch Worces­ter Lodge, B'nai Brith will sponso r on Tuesday ni g ht, July 10, at ba l-a­l'a ir.

Th e entertainment committee has spared no efforts in the ir endeavo r , t o rnake this affa ir an u nforgettable event. Morey P ea rl (in pe rso n) a nd hi s ori g inal 1"'ent orchestra will play for the dancing till l o'clock and a ga laxy of radio sta rs will be pres­e nt to make the entte r tainment a hi ghli ght.

Requests for t ickets from neigh­bo ring lodges h ave come pouring in to J oseph Goldbe rg, gene ral chair­man, a nd a reco rd-breakin g crowd is ex pect ed to be prese nt. Since bal·a­l'air can accommodate onl y 5,000 dancers a nd to da te more than half that a mount of t ickets have been di stributed, those wh o a re pl anning to attend a re advised to secure reservati ons at once.

Bal-a-l'air has ga in ed a note-

FIRESlONE HIGH SPEEDllRES * _J,'or fiftcc ri consccuri vo

yco rs. ho ve been on th o ·1oinn- i n." cor., in r. h.o 500- rnil e lrulior1opolu



* For so vo u con 11ocu tiuo yeo ra h m 10 bee n on ~ho u,inning co rs in r 11 c donn1J PikeJJ P cok climb ,d1cro o slip m cont ~lcofli .


* For rh r•HJ co ris ocutivo yoors h ot:obocnonthe J31 buses of t.h o Wos lt in.( fo n (D. C.) ]loiftooY GR d

E lectric Co, c ovodnlJ

J J,357,610 bu1t _mile,• 11:i rh out ono rn1nu f.o • d e lny duo 10 tiro I.rouble.


* Wero on I h o 1"ein1on. Morors' Ford l ' -6 Truck d1ot mode o n etu cooat­t o-co<ut r eco rd 0 / t, 7

l,ourA, 45 n1in11te11._ JO accond!!r octuol runn1n .(


worthy reputation as the most beau­tiful ba llroo m in New E ng land . Located on the Boston-Shrewsbury tu rnpike, it provides beautif ul facili ­t ies for open- a ir dancing and enter­ta inment. Thi s affai r prorni ses to be the major event on the summer social cale nda r.





E s lablil'hed 1903






A Quality Tire at a Popular Price

Cf·ntu ry of Pro~ress Type -1.:,0-20

4.50-21 4.75-19 5.00-19 5.25-18 5.50-18

$7.31 7.78 8.34 9.27

10.45 T he nc" · Fire~tone Cent ury Pl'ogTes~ Tire esl:-1bli~hcs new hi g-1~ sta nd:u·ds in pe rformance. safety. long: mil eag-e a nd qua!· ity iil t he popular priced prod­uCt. 1 t is buil t with eYe ry Fi re­ ne pa tented construction fea­t ure for bl owout protecti on anci addeci s trength. A :,'.:.ensational t ire va lue - s. ma r t looki ng. Come in and let u ~ show it to you tod~1y.


Double Guaranteed FOH LI FE AGA I NST ALL


12 Months AG A I NST ALL l!OAD



1811 BROAD STREET P lan tations 3000


Page 7: Lasker Gives $500,000 Crisis Conf roots Hitler For Relief of ......"·1 )e on 1anc or 1e conven 10 11 U rn tec ta es rom on on aiicl foti ,· clays late,· lie ,,·ac ,·enio,·ecl



And So The Days Pass


VICIOUS PROPAGANDA A few weeks ago, a rurnoi: reached

m e to t he effect that t he Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co.1 manufacture!·s of Chest erfield Cigarettes were Ill sympathy wi th Hitler 's persecution of J ews in Germany, and have con­tributed heavily to the Nazi war­chest ... Since then a g reat num­ber of let te rs and phone calls came in asking me to condemn this con-cern publicly. .

l{nowing as l do how easily a rumor can s tart and s 11read ... how easy it is to f1 oat vi­cious and damaging statements about concerns as well as indi­viduals, - HA YING PERSON­A LLY BEEN A VICT IM MORE THAN O CE,-1 decided to in­vestigate the charge THO­ROUGHLY before making a s tatement in my colum n. Please let it be known that this

-cigarette concern has ~C~'e r ~pent _a cent either fo r adver t1smg Ill this paper or in a ny fo rm of gratuity to me pe rsona lly ... and that the reason t hat I a m s till s triving fo r my first mill ion a nd why The Herald has not as yet been able to erect a new building, is because the policy of this column, as well as t he paper h as always been ... TRUTH and JUSTICE ... In line with this pol­icy, I wish to inform the many readers who made inquiries about t his charge , that the rumor is false, vicious, unfounded .. . I have made a more thorough investigation of the matte r th an the average pe rson would or could, an d my impression of the whole thing is t hat it was concocted by disreputable and ma li­cious persons .. SHOU LD YOU E VER H EA R IT, SQUELCH IT ON MY S AY-SO. FRIENDSHIP AND TOLERANCE

. . . Another event t hat sent breathless inquiries f rom nume rous people was the most unusua l stroke of friendliness executed by Rabbi Goldman, a nd a group of represent­ative Providence J ews in calling upon the Catholic Bishop of Provi­de nce, Father Keough, and present­ing h im with a s pecially engraved scroll u pon ·wh ich was inscribed a prayer for his welfare.

Make no mis take about this ... I AM AN ORTHODOX J E W, but not of the type whose orthodoxy consis ts of a collection of ghett o manne risms .. my Judai sm is based upon the laws as given by our teach ­e r Moses, a nd ;:is analyzed by our learned rabbis and leade rs ... No­where do T find therein any command to hate and despise our f ellow man a nd ne ig-hbor even thoug h h e be of differe nt faith . I see nothing in

G,rading Painting

Gardening Landscape Work

---o---On Your \-Vay lo the Beach

STOP A nd Fill l)p Your Gas Tank

Dis tributor o (




J\ lso Carry a Com ple te Li ne of Lucns \Valer - Free Pnints

JAMES McFETTERS Washington Road

West Barrington, R. I. Phone Wnrr n 980-W

my religion which commands rne to become a missionary and conver t a ll t he people of t he wor ld to my faith

JEWI SH ENTERTAINERS One day the week, I made

a call back s tage of Locw's St a te theatre to see a n old pal, Benny Davis who 1>layed this town with a s wcllegant act, which I hope mos t of you saw ... Benny has written more song hits than cYcn he him­self can remember. He has taken so many youngs ters at the begin­nin g of their stage careers and made s tars out of them, that the list of their names would read like a " who's who" on the American s tage ... He has entertained millions of peo-1>le with song. da nce, and funfest, and can be truthfully classed as an asset to his profession.

All of which re minds me that we Jews have certainly s upplied more than our share of talent to make folks forget the cares and worry of daily life in the offerings of an evenin g at the theatre, movie, or radio ... Eddie Cantor, Ed Wynn, \\Tillie and Eugene Howard, .Jack Benny, Nick Parka kakas a nd sever­al others of Jewis h origin hold a monopoly on the privilege of s u1>­plying the laughs, howls and s miles lo the American people ... a bus­iness, if you s hould ask me,- quite important and necessary in these days when at limes it seems as if the whole world has gone berserk.

HA YES AND FROHMAN The week's news brings to front

two prominent J ewish persona li t ies . . From New J ersey comes a re­

port that Arthur Garfield Hayes, emine nt attorney, and head of the Civil Libe rties U nion, who is of J ew­ish ori gin appeared in the Chancer y Court, and pleaded the case of American Nazis who were forbid­den to carry on their a nti-J ewish monkey shines in the land of mos­qui toes. This is the same Mr. Hayes whom Herr Hitle r's (mis ) govern­ment refused admission to Germany for the purpose of defending the five radicals cha rged with t he burn· ing of the Reichstag .. . I don' t know WHAT to say about it .. . It seems a certainty that Mr. H ayes would be t he las t person in the world to condone the Germa n atti tude to­wards J ews . . . BUT ... being t he g reat lawye r that h e is , and t he champion of f reedom a nd libe r ty he will even go to the extent of pleading the case o.f his enemies ... P retty <lamb decent chap, if you should ask me !

From New York comes a message informi ng t hat Danie l Frohman, the dean o( the Ame rican stage has been re fu sed admission to t he so called fashionable Lido Country Club, be­cause of his J ewishness . .. Let me see now ... did n't T hea r someth ing o( the kind about a few o( ou r p rom ­inent Jews in t hi 8 state? ... Some­thi ng about being- re (used admission to fashionable clubs, societ ies and or­ganizations ? . . . I rather like it ... It MAY t ach some of our "all­reitnikes" not to "krich" where t hey ar~ not wanted . .. Pe rsonall y I t hink t hese matte rs arc welcome .. . They ought to serve as a reminder to a ll of us that ha ving had a nces­tors who s tood at t he foot of Mount S inai , a nd received t he Ten Com­mandment8 is a bigger 11yichus" tha n to have descend .from tho "Pilg rim-

It is not the size of the ad, that should interest you. It is the hotel that

should. Try the

HOW ARD HOUSE Write for descri ptive lG- J>age

book let und attractive rates

Jewish Dietary Laws Observed

T he Largest and Most Modern Hotel in the

White Mountains ALL SPORTS

HOW ARD HOUSE BethJchem, N. H.



There will be dancing a ll night­i. the night before the Fourth" at t he beautiful new bal-a-l 'air, the amuse­ment a nd refreshment place that is nig htly a ttracting vast crowds from \Vorceste r , Boston a nd many other cities and towns. Bal-a-Pair is lo­cated on the Worcester -Boston turn­pike in Shrewsbury, at the North­boro line junction of routes 9 and 20.

The dancing will begin at 8.30 and cont inue until 4 o'clock in t he morn­ing of the 44 big holiday," and a f ea­ture is that there will be only one admi ssion charge for dancing a ll night, or in other words it will be a "continuous per fo rma nce" with but one cha rge.

Music for the da ncing wi ll be fur­nished by Don Gahan and his Or­chest ra, New England's newest dance sensation. Special a rra ngements will be played fo r the firs t time. T he re a re t wo da nce floors at bal-a-l'ai r , the one in the ma in building contain­ing 8000 sq. ft. of space and t he open air 0oor o f 10,700 sq. ft . of black marble .

Among the features a t bal-a-l'ai r is the la rge sect ion at the le ft of the prome nade set apa rt for reserved seats, procurable at a sma ll charge. This is really the night club moved outdoors .

Many unusua l events are prom­ised this sea son at bal-a-l 'air, includ­ing a really big night J uly 10, whe n special features and entertai nrnent wi ll be provided for a very worthy charity sponsored by the B'na i Brit h lodge of Worcest e r .

ies " K ing J..rt hur's Court or the J)r~cession of pure Aryan biood.


A cousin of mine, l\'Iiss Zelda Garelik, from Brooklyn, who is vi s­iting us at pr esent, I NSISTS that I put he r name in this paper . . . The only thing I can say is that she " put me in the bag" when she told the radio announcer in N . Y. that he r name was Janet Gardner. The broadcast was heard in this city, a nd . . nu, don't hesk ! . . . The So. Providence H ebrew Free Loan Assn. want s me t o remind you of the ir annual picnic at Duby's Grove, Sunday, J uly 8 . . . Johnny W eis· muller's "Tarzan11 a nd Eddie Can­tor's "Roman Scanda ls" flickers have been banned in Hitler-land, on account of you know why . .. J oe Willner , a peachy guy opened a new dress shop in Woonsocket, which makes it s ix in a ll . Pretty good fo r a guy who only went to three or four colleges . . and my de fini­t ion of Willard ave. is , "The boul­eva rd of broken E nglish ."

I 'd like to s ay something nice about Abe Sugarman of the City Coal Co. who is my idea of 100% human being ... Joe Mar­cus t he furniture purveyor is the most easy going person I know off. Do you ever get an­g ry, Joe? ... Dave Robinson docs a ll the bookkee ping for Ben l{ane's cnteri>rises, , 1rhich s hould make him forget for a while about the de pression . . . Congratulations to the Paul Houslins, whose firs t heir, a ba­by gi rl arrived \\' cdnesday . .. Meet a s wellegant "sheigcls " in Tommy Meehan, Mgr. of the R. I(. 0. interes ts in R. I. Do you s till miss \Vorccstc r, Tomm y? You really s houldn't!

If Norman Cohe n wi ll come up to m y house and do a li ttle e lectrjcal fixing, a nd such, I'll tell everybody what a n accomodati ng chap he is

Say, what's w rong with me to­day'! l'm not at a ll f unny o r satir­ica l. (Who sa id you eve t· we re?­E di tor.) ... Will one of my legal fri e nds advise me as to whether it 's a five or ten dollar fine for a col· umn is t to kil l a news pape r edi tor'! . .. H's $6 a nd cost fo r bumping off a c roone r in N. Y . . .. Note to S he rlock Goldows ky :- lf you see Di llinger, tell him that eve rybody is looki ng for h im .. . a11d so t he days J)USfi,

Max Sugarman Fune1·al Home Funeral Director

and Embalmer Ml!: IOnIALS

· - Excellent Equi pment - Refin ed Service

"TM J•W1' F'Knarlll Dfr"Gtor"

14~-160 RANDALL STl! EE'T DExter 8094 DExler 8636

HILLMAN-CHERNICK Mrs. Willia m Chernick of Wilcox

a venue, announces the rnarriage of he r daughter, Miss Anne Chernick, to Dr. Harold Samue l Hillma n, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hillma n, of High s treet, F a ll Rive r. Rabbi David H. Bachrach of this city, offi­ciated a t the services which took place in the home of the bride's mothe r.

Ea~t Provide nce, uncle and aunt, gave the bride in marriage .

Pest Extermination Fumigation expert; no dirt. no odon.

no danger: work guaranteed. Estimates Given Free


Mr. a nd Mrs. Is rael Chemick of

EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING Cleaning $1 Mainspring SL Other work at proportionately

low cost W, T. GRANT CO.

WATCH REPAIR DEPT. Opposite Alb<!c Theater

" ~I EET )IE AT"

Eddie Healy's Famous Ales. Bee rs and \Vines

POJ)U[ar Dinners at Popular Prices

76-79 :\1 athewson Street Opp. Carlton Thcntcr M:w. 5266


Rugs Wnsh cd and S hampooed. S2. 75 ~:;~~1:~crcd 3 vicces $50 :~d ~~:~~~i::~ fit~ui~c~t~ ........... $2. 75


498-500 Westminster Street Dext er 2972 We Cnll and D eliver

Lenves Provi<lcncc, South \ Valer S l., Foot of P la net, Daily, 9 A. M., D. S . 'I'.

ONE DAY ROUND TRIPS NEWPORT .......... . .. ............ 7:ic BLOCK IS LA N D $ 1.SO

Passin).:' the Batth:sh ips

I i\l oonliitht Sai ls Eve ry Wed.. :;at. ,

~~1 ~3~~,s 50¢ ~:~\'er .Pi~~~·· SA T U RDA VS, i5c

Bob Cr cJH.:au and His Band RJ::STAURANT AND BAR

INTERSTATE NAV IGATION CO. 18f> So. Wate r S t. 1\1Anning- 0622

J oe E. Brown with Alice White "A Very Honorable Guy''

" Ca ll It Luck" with Pat Hanison, He rbe r t :Mundin

';;,~~'2if FAYS

LOAM FREE One yd. or Loam Free with every Dressing J ob Contracted. or one 8-ft. Evergreen with every load ot Lorun. A lso One E vcrg-rccn Planting Job with Each Grading. Driveways, Rusted Rooka for Rock Gardens and Rocks tor Cesa-­pools .

National Landscape Service 11$0 P nrk Ave. WI. 6232

Ask for Mr. Colozzi

Terminal Barber Shop J . MORELLI, Pro1>.

:Men·s Haircutting 40c Shave . . . ....................... 20c Children's Haircuts 35c

J\'lcet Rarney, 13arber and Miss i',·liria m S hei nberg. Manicuris t

31 EDDY ST. Rear Biltmore H ot el !----- MANN ING !)681 ____ _,

I j wmm • OF RHOD E IS LAN D;-j , Do not fail to vis it 01 I "'C~it~~ "D;;;;" I I Shoppe 1 I A Large Assortment of Dresses j , from I I 99c to $1.99 I j Linens, Voiles, Broadcloths, I I Sheers, Piques, Ginghams ,;:

,1, Sunny's


Cottonland II 189 W eybosset Street I _ Opp. Crown Hot el j I A new dress free If yours fades • ;,.,, __ ,_ , __ ,_,,_~

Shirley Ternple, J a mes Dunn, Claire Trevor in

"Baby Take a Bow"

'William Powell in "T he Key"

MAJESTIC Week of June 29

: _ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ n_ ,_ ,_ ,_ o_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,_ ,_ ,,_,_.,

I i I bal-a-1' air I I Shrews bury - Bos ton-Worces ter Pike - .Jct. Routes 9 and 20 I 1 TUESDAY, JULY 3rd 1 ! I i


Dance Under the Sta rs from Twiligh t to Dawn N IGHT llEfORE THE FO URTH GALA CELEBRATION


Beel' Ga rde n Bcauti(ul .l romenade For H.cse n ·atio11~ Ca ll Shrewsbury 300 . ,,_,,_,,_,,_,_,,_,_,,_,,_,,_,,_,,_,,_,,_,,_,,_.,_,,_,,_.,_,,_,, __ <I_.




Hotel Comforts - Country Club Atmosvhere

JULY 4th WEEK-END 5 Full Days , , , , . , . , . , , $27.50

E njoy Golf, Tennis, Riding, Swimming, etc, Complete Social Sta ff. Famous Cuisine

(Dietary Laws) Families accommodated Write for booklet P H

Sa ra h Solomon, Ma n. Director Potlcrsvil lc, \Varren Co., N. Y.

N. Y. Omce, 11 West 4211d Street

Phone Pe1111s ylvania 6-1720

Page 8: Lasker Gives $500,000 Crisis Conf roots Hitler For Relief of ......"·1 )e on 1anc or 1e conven 10 11 U rn tec ta es rom on on aiicl foti ,· clays late,· lie ,,·ac ,·enio,·ecl



"THE ORCHARD HOUSE" Holliston, Mass. Phone Holliston 8096-2

Everything for Your H ealt h a nd Comfor t

S pacious , Scenic Grounds , Bathing, Boating, Fishing-, Tennis Court, Ball Grounds, Healthful Pine Gr0ve, Music T wice Weekly

Our tables are set for your health. Vegetables f resh f rom our gardens dai ly

An Ideal Count ry Place f or the Entire Family

VVe Welcome You H ere - Any Time of Yea r

$1.00 Dinner Beer Garden

Undivided Atte ntion to \-Veddings, Banque ts or Outings Horseback Riding

Holl iston 8906 Ring 2- $15.00 per week room and board

f -·-Spe;cl a -G~l;·Fourth of July ! ! NOVICK'S SUMMER RESORT I I I "The ]deal P lace to Spend Your Vacation" -I MILLIS, MASS. I I Where you will be greeted by a most cong enial and entertaining I

socia l staff I I Socia l Director , E ddie K raft of Dorcheste r j I F loor Show a nd Dance Night Before the F ourth j I AC'l'IVITJES GALORE! I j Reduced Rates for This Season . . ....... $15 per week I

!,_· S1,ecial Ra t e for This Week-end S2.;;o per d ay 1,_-

7 Course Chicken Dinner .......... $1.00

I Make reservat ions by mai l or phone - Millj s 133 ! :--..--.-··- ··-·-··-·- ·,-·- ·- ·-·-----·- ·- ·- ·---,·-·

,,. ·,. .

Twelve Seasons of Hi ghly Satis factory Service ~L\K E THI S YOU R BEST VACATION

at the

Forest and Stream Club An Ideal Adult Camp

WILMINGT ON, VERMONT 3 ½ Hours f rom Providence

9-Holc vol( Course Rig ht on the Premises. C.Omp]ct e Socinl and Athletic P r ogrnm S 1>ec;ul Fourth of July Week- End - 5 Full Play Da ys

July 3 through July 8 for S20 Season Ra tes - S27 .50 per week and up

New York Office Boston Office 55 West 42nd St reet Sydney S. Rosen Lackawanna 4-9247 29•1 Washin~rton St., Liberty 9825







TUESDAY, JULY 10, 1934, 8 to 1 A. M. S PONSORED BY



~~11111111 1m1n1nnu1111111m1m1:1n111~UIIHIUHIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII".:


~1(00-..l)din VACATIONS

250 Rooms of Sunshine Excellent Food - Golf - Tennis - Bathing

New Reasonable Rates European P lan American

Under l'c•riiuna l Dircdion of

W ri te fo r Book le t



r 111 J I rrnl I UI r ! r•n•,

Open-Air Opera at the Cycledrome

; ~, _________ ,_,_, __ , __ ,_.,_., ___ , __ i

I CELEBRATE t ev~;i,eun~:~tta~~~n;~irP r~~:i;:nc:P,~r~ 1, The FOURTH ,t. be s ung from a s tage at the Cycle-drome tomorrow a nd Sunda y eve- I t nings, it was disclosed last nig ht in j a t the plans of the Mascagnj Grand ' N h ' H t I 1° Opera Conq,any to re vive oper a as ! at anson S O e -,-an all-year entertainment in the I city. ' The Hotel of Refinement and Standing of 27 Years i On t he fi rst night the ever -popu- I . Jar " Aida" by Ve rdi is t o be sung j MILLIS, MASS. j· by a cast s t a rring Bemardo De ' j t~~rcoott·~~ 0}:,,~'.1t~:eco•.~t~,;~i"~,·:~ ! SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS i Rus ticana 11 a nd 1' I Pagliacci" will ! i· be heard. ! For Your Entertainment at Our -1-500 Pe rsons In Casts I ,

Accordi n to the producers, there NIT£ BEFORE THE FOURTH I, will be casts of 500 persons, includ- j· ing s ingers from t he .Metropolitan

Ope ra and European companies and GALA CELEBRATION f la rge ballets . · " Aida" will be sung by a cast f

including Signor De Muro, Anna DAXCI NG - BOXF!RES - ORCHESTRA t · Leskaya, Rosita Fordie ri , Ma rtino Make Your Reservations >Jow - Phone Millis 124 j Rossi, Eugenio Prosperino, Con-s ta nte Sorvino and Ma ria Rici . REA SOK .-\BLE RATES f

Mildred Snyder w ill be premie r I You will find the comfo_rts of home and the re.creat ion of the -, danseuse, a nd Oscar Ve likonoff, prP.m ii<!.r cJan.c::eur. r; Bamboschek, I country - Catermg to Banque t5' , \Vedd111gs, etc. I Danilo Sc1ott1 and G. Snneoru a re •• _ .. __ ,_ ,_ , __ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,_ ,_ ,,_ , ____ ,.:. I conductors. An operatic balle t and , : _ _________________________________________________ _

chor us of priest s, priestesses, m in- ! ::•,- 0 - ·--· - · - · ·---- ··- ··- ·--· , __.,_:.

is te rs, captai ns , soldiers offi cia ls I L k p l M j Ethiopian slaves and p,·is~ners wili - WEINSTEIN'S a ·e ear anor I be included in the s pectacular Ve rdi '\<Vrentham, Mass. i_

oµe ra, a nd a s tage band will trum - ' pe~ ~he grarJd triumphal march, the There is no bette r or more beautiful s pot anywhe re for your vaca- f. bril liant 11 A1da" climax. tion than \Veins tein's . On a beautiful la ke amid Pine \Voods

F eatu r ing t he lig ht, tuneful " Cav- Absolutely Kosher Kitchen f alleri a Rus t icana" wi ll be a n Easter S ports a nd Ent erta inment f process ion of viHagers and peasants, 1- A I l{osen's Orchest ra J and the opera .w,11 be sung by Emil ia Vergen , Mana Rica Lina Pinelli i Make July 4th Reservations at Special Rates i Signor De Mu ro a nd Sig nor Ross i'. · -

_Tl,e two-act " I Pagliacci," which I \Ve Cat er to Outings, \Veddings. Bar .\li tzYahs. et c. f will conclude the Sunday night per- j Phone Wrentham 811 3- Rin g 2 f formance, m cludes in its ca s t Levi- j BEFORE YOU GO AXYWHERE, COME TO SEE t;S j na Da_ r_ve, Edward Ransome, Ciro -De R1 tis, Constant e Sorvino and ····- ·- ·- ·- · __ ,_ .,_ ,_ ,_ ., ___ ,_ , : Eugenio P rosperint.

BEZAN-MALJ1 Mr. a nd Mrs. H arry Ma lin of 275

Rhodes Street announce t he mar­riag.e of t daughte r Miss Freda Malm to Benjamin B. Bezan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Bezan of Oak­land A venue on Sunday afte rnoon, June 24 a t t he home of the bride's parents . Rabbi i\iJorris S. Schussheim officiated.

It is not the size of the ad, that should interest you. It is the hotel that

should. Try the

HOW ARD HOUSE Write fo r descripth·e J 6-page

booklet and attractive rates

Jewish Dietary La"·s Observed

The Lar gest a nd Most Modern Hotel in t he

White Mountains ALL SPORTS

HOW ARD HOUSE Bethlehem, N . H.



OP EK FO R TH E 15th SE.-\S01' AT '1JLLIS, ~!A SS.

N ITE BEFORE THE FOURTH PARTY Floor Show, Caba ret a nd Dance. Eddie l\esse lman a nd a ll s t a r

cas t. S pecia l ra t e for July -Ith week~e nd . .\l ake your reserva tions now

Delicious koshe r food J) r('l)arcd in our two kitche ns - large, sleeping room s - r c,ercntion - congcninl company We Cale ,: Pnrt. ics. W eddings a nd Banq uets

PLEA SA'-17' STR E ET TE L. ~IILLI S 83, m LLJ , ~! ASS.

On t he sandy M M F •t , shores of ax . r1 Z

Sunset Ba y

Where Health

-~ bounds


Plan to join one of the jolly J ULY 4th Week-End Parties

F r iday . .J une 29. t h rou g h \\"ednesda;t·. Jul y -It h . o r TuC'sday . .July 3 t h rou~ h S u nday, Jul y S. $17.:rn. FiYe F ull Days of Fu n :3 .1 7.:"lO

Good F ood - Good :,lu:=-ic - Good Enter tainment -


Good Fe llo\,·~hip. 1lake Ylrn r H: e:'-en ·atiom: );" Q \V

PINE BEACH CAMP Center (lssipce (B). :'\· . H. Tf•I. Ce nh'r Os:-:.ipee 8060

11 IJ~acon ~trcr·t . Bos ton. TC'!. C .-\P. 9 120

JACOBSON F orme rly of t he Fairm ont ll otcl

Announces the Opening of His



Lnrg(' room-, ('QUill JH'd with Lon st Dh tane,, T <'I•. 1>h<H11.._ nn d Prh·nle Dnth. !~VE RY OUTDOOR 8 1-0 RT - o n th<> Jffou1ul!1. Golf, T enni'i. Bnthinll (wh it<' i<nmb• br nch). Jfo,.!I, Snlmon (i "hi11 g (on Utk<' Spofford ). Cnnoclng, Ho1!1<'bnc k Riding. Cu-

,.i no-Grill. Dancing CV(·n• niRht. Smnrt Entcrtnin­m1>nt. lJf'liciouq r ,vx l ( Di<-tnry T.nw.,). K, ·w York. Ni w ll nv,•n & lfnrtford R . R . tAkf''I you dirC'-Ct to llrn.ttl<'horo, \"t. Our Auto": lll<'f't t rnin ...



Nc,v Yo1k Onie'-: I hone G01tlundl i -4U6

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