  • 1. 2012 IBM CorporationExploiting the Power of the Mainframe:The Latest News from System zDiane Goff, IMS Advanced Technical [email protected] IMS User Group MeetingMay 14, 2013
  • 2. 2AgendaSmarter Planet / Smarter Computing and the Role of IBM System zIBM zEnterprise SystemA Smarter System of Systems for a Smarter Planet IBM zEnterprise EC12 (zEC12) IBM zEnterprise 196 (z196) IBM zEnterprise 114 (z114) IBM zEnterprise BladeCenterExtension (zBX) IBM zEnterprsie Unified Resource ManagerIBM zEnterprise Software2
  • 3. 3Several yearsago we starteddescribing theSmarter Planetwe saw emerging,fuelinginnovationacrossindustries.ManufacturingResourceManagementTelecomNeonatalCareTradingTrafficControlFraudPreventionLawEnforcement3
  • 4. 41. According to PBOC (the Peoples Bank of China)The inefficiencies of traditional computing get in the wayBanks HealthcareAsian insurance firm AIAGroup, grew transactions50% in 2011, while serving20M+ policy holdersGovernmentEuropean CentralGovernment System zworkload growth rate2007 2011: +25%Insurance$20B US Healthcare IToutsourcing market nearlydoubled 2009 2011, annuallytransactions grew 35%+China online bankingtransactions tripled from50b to 150b 2009 to 20111
  • 5. 5Banks Healthcare1. IDC Predictions Report 20112. Enterprise Strategy Group, January 2011Todays applications are increasing demands on datasystemsNA hospital, ambulatorydata to quadruple to 665terabytes by 20152Government$1.2 billion savedthrough tax compliancein New York stateInsuranceAt least 10% of propertycasualty claims areinflated or fraudulent1.8 zettabytes of digitaldata in 2011, growingexponentially1
  • 6. 61. World Bank high level conference on Post-Crisis growth and development2. IBM Institute for Business Value Global CEO study, 2010The data system needs to be secure and trustedBanks Healthcaresharing health data requiresavailability and privacystandards complianceGovernmenthas an increaseddependency on ITsystems requiring betteravailability and reliabilityInsurance90% of insurance CEOspicked getting closer tocustomers as a top strategicinitiative in the next 5 years22.7 billion people donthave access to banking1
  • 7. 7Innovative clients are implementing new technologies toby using actionable insight forinformation-centric processesDeliver new businessopportunities by strengthening the customerexperienceCapture new markets and drivetop-line revenue growth by delivering IT efficiency forcore business transactionsReact to shorter product cyclesand invest in new services
  • 8. 8On a Smarter Planet, there are no clear boundaries of ITAll clients are experiencing thephenomena of what we call frontoffice transformation socialmedia, devices, mobility allreshaping the way they want toengage their customers, and howthey capitalize on Big Data andanalytics.Ginni Rometty, President and CEOIBM
  • 9. 9CEOs believe technology will be at the forefront of drivingchange through 2015*Is your infrastructure optimized forthe greatest efficiency of all yourapplications and resources?Does your infrastructure enable youto provide rich, actionable insight?Are you leveraging newtechnologiesmobile, social, cloudto deliver an excellent customerexperience at every touch point?* IBM, Leading Through Connections: Insights from the Global Chief Executive Officer Study, May 2012.71% of CEOsidentify technologychange as the mostimportant externalforce impacting theirorganizations*
  • 10. 10The world is changing.Is your infrastructure ready?Leverage cloud to speed time tomarket and improve efficiency70% of IT budget is devoted tooperations and maintenance1Connected devices will surgeto 22 billion by 20202, withdigital content rocketing to 8zettabytes by 2015 (90%unstructured)3The average IT infrastructure isattacked nearly 60,000 timesevery day4Unlock the power of Big Data todeliver more actionable insightSecure critical information tocomply, reduce risk and protectThe time is now to1 IDC, Game Changing Virtual Technology: Major Shifts and Innovations that will Forever Change your IT Business2 Forrester, BT 2020: To Thrive In The Empowered Era, Youll Need Software, Software Everywhere, Phil Murphy, January 30, 2012.3 IDC, IDC Predictions 2012: Competing for 2020, Doc #231720, December 2011,4 IBM X-Force Research
  • 11. 11Organizations need to be able to make faster, better-informed decisions to drive smarter businessoutcomes.CIOs are driving a strategic and planned approach tobuilding out the digital platform the business relies on, aswell as making corresponding investments to improve theirability to manage it.Data growth continues unabated, 25% to 50% a year.IT budgets flat or decreasing.Increased use of rich content and unstructured data.More security and compliance regulations impacting IT
  • 12. 12Cloud ReadyData ReadySecurity ReadySmarter Computing: Tomorrow Ready.Smarter Computing is the IT infrastructure thatenables a Smarter Planet.
  • 13. 13Smarter organizations are tapping into entirely newcapabilities for optimizing business processes,collaborating and driving innovation simply by usinginformation to transform their business.Establish a scalablefoundation for yourinformationManage criticalinformation andbusiness processeswhile optimizing forgreater efficiency ofresources.Deliver ITefficiencyStrengthen thecustomer experienceEnsure data and systemintegrity across yourorganizationRedefine the customerexperience by deliveringpersonalized interactionswhen and wherecustomers want toconsume themEnable actionableinsightsApply businessanalytics to optimizedecisionsUnlock the value ofoperational data thatfuels a Smarter Planetin an economy that israpidly evolving to beinformation-centric
  • 14. 14IBM zEnterprise can help you close the gaps in yourinformation-centric environment.ACTIONABLE INSIGHT Integrated modeling of real timedata and consolidated corporatedata to deliver information andinsight across the enterpriseOperationalAnalyticsTrustedSecurity andResiliencyEfficiency atScaleINTEGRITY Delivers unmatchedsecurity and reliability forcore business processesand dataEFFICIENCY Enables very large scaleconsolidation and the flexibledelivery of services through aprivate enterprise cloud
  • 15. 15Efficiency at the coreState of the art technology above the restLeadershipLeadershipLeadershipLeadership in performancein performancein performancein performance with 5.5 GHz6-Core Processor ChipReduce application overheadReduce application overheadReduce application overheadReduce application overhead with runtimeinstrumentation facilitySuperior securitySuperior securitySuperior securitySuperior security with high-speed cryptographyintegrated as part of the chipExtreme scalability and parallelismExtreme scalability and parallelismExtreme scalability and parallelismExtreme scalability and parallelism withtransactional execution facilityAccelerate application developmentAccelerate application developmentAccelerate application developmentAccelerate application development with enhancementsto decimal format conversions and 2 GB page framesOptimized data servingOptimized data servingOptimized data servingOptimized data serving with largest cache inthe industry
  • 16. 16Enable very large scale consolidation and theflexible delivery of services through a privateenterprise cloudOrganizations will now be able to make faster,better-informed decisions to drive smarterbusiness outcomes because their systems aredesigned to operate that way.IBM has one of the mostcomprehensive cloud portfolios. Jeff Vance, Datamation Hybrid Cloud computing with zManager acrossthe tiered architecture Optimized systems Efficient transaction processing Integrated application infrastructure
  • 17. 17The ideal private enterprise cloudzEnterprise brings together the benefits of enterprisecomputing and cloud computing in a single system Enterprise Computing capabilities Extreme scale and leadership securityand resiliency enabling delivery of criticalservices Cloud computing capabilities Extreme flexibility and efficiency of fullyvirtualized resources acrossheterogeneous platforms Centrally manages and controls a set ofresources A single integrated system for rapid andefficient provisioning of services toaccelerate time to market and reduce costA Virtual serverA Virtual serverA Virtual serverA Virtual server onSystem z can be provisioned inminuteszEnterprisezEnterprisezEnterprisezEnterprise can runhundreds or thousands of diverseworkloads in a single system1 (Source: IBM SWG CPO Internal testing)2 (IBM calculations of zEnterprise limits across maximum z196 configuration. Results may vary)A Private CloudA Private CloudA Private CloudA Private Cloud onzEnterprise can lower server TCAby up to 84%1System z serversSystem z serversSystem z serversSystem z serversoften run consistently at 90%+utilization
  • 18. 18Why Deploy Cloud and Linux on System z?Increased ProductivityTCA of less than $0.70 per day pervirtual server179% less TCA vs. leading publiccloud 2More than 3,000 applicationsavailable on System zHigher UtilizationMost clients run consistently at90%+ utilization1Shared everything architectureManage up to 100,000 virtualservers1More Efficient Data CenterU.S. Insurance Company uses80% less energy than existingdistributed serversLess floor spaceFewer physical servers to manageGreater Reliability, AvailabilityMost customers test backup ofSystem z to 100% recoveryannuallyBuilt-in hardware redundancyCapacity and Backup on Demand1 IBM calculations of zEnterprise limits across maximum z196 configuration. Results may vary. 5-Year Total IT Cost2 The Edison Group: The Value of IBM zEnterprise for Deploying Heterogeneous Private Clouds, savings start at 250virtual servers
  • 19. 19System z has the highest security rating orclassification for any commercially availableserverIBM zEnterpriseOffers fewer points of breachfewer points of breachfewer points of breachfewer points of breach than a pure UNIX or x86implementations.Helps identify fraud risks in real timeidentify fraud risks in real timeidentify fraud risks in real timeidentify fraud risks in real time and help stops thembefore they happen.Enables a reduction of riskreduction of riskreduction of riskreduction of risk and simplification of governancesimplification of governancesimplification of governancesimplification of governance andcompliance.Server images hosted on Linux on System z canbenefit from legendary System z availability, securityand systems management.11IBM design points, Internal studies and analysis.
  • 20. 20Secure resilienceDelivering unmatched security and reliability for corebusiness processes Conduct business with the highest level ofintegrity Reduce risk of security and data breaches Secure sensitive data and identities Uncover possible intrusion attempts Enforce policy compliance Continuous availability to increase growth Reduce the impact to business byeliminating outages which cost onaverage >$500K Eliminate the costs for an hour-long outagewhich can vary from $225 to $89K an hourand can affect millions of usersSurpass EAL5EAL5EAL5EAL5++++highest level ofcertification forgeneral purposeservers
  • 21. 21System z stands alone with security hardenedinto the architectureAvailability plus the security provided by the zEC12 enables alevel of resiliency that allows businesses to be competitive dayin and day out in this global environment.
  • 22. 22Apply operational analytics to optimizedecisionsREACTION PREDICTIONGoalGoalUnforeseen Decision PointPredicted Decision PointApply advanced analytics and industry expertise to a wealth of informationin order to more precisely predictand continuously act onrisks andopportunities.
  • 23. 23Business insightintegrationIBM DB2 AnalyticsAccelerator is a new workloadoptimized, appliance add-on,that enables the integration ofbusiness insights intooperational processes[Evolution of ISAO]Combining the best transaction system withthe best analytics systemBest in data warehouseProven appliance leader inhigh-speed analytic systemsBest in consolidationUnprecedented mixedworkload flexibility andvirtualization providing themost options for cost-effective consolidationBest in OLTPIndustry-recognizedleader in mission-criticaltransaction systems
  • 24. 24The IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator (IDAA)Capitalizing on the best of both worlds System z and NetezzaThe IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator is ablending of System z and Netezzatechnologies that delivers unparalleledmixed workload performance foraddressing complex analytic businessneeds.Performance, availability and scalabilityExtreme Performance for Complex AnalyticsBreakthrough technologies - HardwareaccelerationTransparent to DB2 applications
  • 25. 25Operational AnalyticsIntegrating business insights when and where it mattersRealRealRealReal----Time ScoringTime ScoringTime ScoringTime Scoring offers new technology that ensures current, relevantbusiness insights within the time of a transactionAdvanced query managementAdvanced query managementAdvanced query managementAdvanced query management integrates operational, strategic,and tactical decisions, while delivering response times up to 2000x faster, andmaintaining critical business prioritiesEnterpriseEnterpriseEnterpriseEnterprise----wide Data Warehousingwide Data Warehousingwide Data Warehousingwide Data Warehousing leveragesleading temporal and data governance capabilities, to deliver asingle, consistent view of businessImprove query response timesImprove query response timesImprove query response timesImprove query response times by up to 30% whenupdating to IBM zEnterprise EC12
  • 26. 26With System z, even the most complexqueries can be processed within secondsDeliver real-time insights that uncover new business opportunities,and provide that information to the front lines of business, so thatthey can take action when it can yield real business results.
  • 27. 27zEnterprise EC12 parallel sysplex availability leads the pack00.511.522.533.5Source: ITIC: ITIC 2009 Global Server Hardware & Server OS Reliability Survey; July 2009;; Results are measured in minutes per year.*Note: All operating systems included in the survey are not included in this chart. Fifteen operating systems on various processor architectures were included in thesurvey. The chart will be updated when the full report is available.NovellLinux onIntel x86(modified)IBMAIXonIBM PowerDowntime Survey (400 participants in 20 countries)5 minutesMandrakeLinuxonIntel x86SunSolarisonSun SPARCHPHP-UXonHP PA-RISCHPHP-UXonIntel ItaniumMicrosoftWin2003onIntel x86MicrosoftWin2008onIntel x86NovellLinux onIntel x86(unmodified)IBMz/OSSysplexDowntimeHoursPerYearSystem z Parallel Sysplexwith 99.999% availability
  • 28. 2828CloudEfficiency at ScaleDataOperational AnalyticsSecurityUltimate SecurityDelivering high valuesecured applications andservices to create the idealprivate cloud environmentDelivering predictive andoperational analysis of real-time enterprise data to deliverinsightsProviding advanced datasecurity and auditcapabilities for managing risk,data leaks, and complianceissuesIBM CICS Transaction Server forz/OS V5.1 and toolsIBM OMEGAMON Family V5.1IBM Continuous Integration forSystem zIBM Integrated solution forSystem z developmentIBM Sterling B2B Integrator V5.2.5IBM Sterling File Gateway V2.2.4IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator V3IBM zEnterprise Analytics System9700/9710Cognos BI 10.2InfoSphere Optim 9.1DB2 for z/OS ToolsIMS Enterprise Suite 2.2DB2 11 Beta ESP, IMS 13 QPPIBM Business Rules for z/OS V8.1IBM Operational DecisionManagement V8.1IBM Security zSecure SuiteV1.13.1IBM InfoSphere Guardium V9.0NEWIBM Software for zEnterprise solves key BusinessInitiatives
  • 29. 29Rely on data serving andapplication components onIBM System zSolutions that need toleverage strengths ofSystem z Security,Reliability, AvailabilityHave applicationcomponents on UNIX (HP,Sun, Power) or Linux (x86,System z) but require ahigher level of integrationcapabilities and efficiencyzEnterprise provides the foundation for the smart infrastructureon which we can build the workloads of today and tomorrowThey are workloads that and / or but also may Reside in low utilization /development environmentsCan be made moreefficient throughconsolidationCan be optimized by usingthe newest virtualizationtechnologyReside in complex multi-platform IT environmentsRequire flexible development and test infrastructureRequire simplified, integrated policy and management
  • 30. 30July 2010 Nov 2010 Mar 2011 Jul 2011 Sep 2011 Oct 2011 Aug 2012HTTP MQ JMS FTP IMSSOAPXMLCOBOLCSVHTTP MQ JMS FTP IMSSOAPXMLCOBOLCSVAvailability of zBX with IBMPOWER7 blades andIBM Smart Analytics OptimizerAvailability ofLinux on IBMSystem x on HX5blades in the zBXAvailability ofMicrosoft Windowson System x bladesin zBX and APIsIBM zEnterprise EC12(zEC12)Next generation ofhybrid computingIBM zEnterprise 196 (z196)First ever multiplatformcomputer mainframe anddistributed with singlemanagement DataPower XI50zwithin the IBMzEnterpriseBladeCenterExtension (zBX)AnnounceIBM zEnterprise 114Dec 2011Evolution of hybrid computing with IBM System zIDAA evolution of IBMSmart Analytics Optimizer coming out of the zBX andinto Netezza technologyAnnouncedzEnterpriseAnalytics System9700 and IDAA V3Oct 2012
  • 31. 31The integration of a shared pool ofvirtualized heterogeneousresources, managed as a singlesystem, that is: Security ReadyCloud ReadyData ReadyIBM zEnterprise System: The complete system ofsystems31
  • 32. 32IBM zEnterprise EC12 System: The Next Generation inHybrid ComputingOperational analyticsA secure and scalableenterprise data repositorythat integrates operationalanalytics for acceleratedinsightUltimate securityDelivering unmatched security forcritical business processes,applications and dataEfficiency at scaleProvides a highly secure andscalable enterprise cloud forefficiently running multiplecritical applicationsThe foundation for asecure cloud for data,enabling enterprises toimprove service to theircustomers.
  • 33. 33 Supports the new zEC12 platform Hosts PS701 and HX5 blades Provides workload-awareness resource optimization Enhancements to System Director support zBX System z will continue to expand hybrid computing zEC12 has the industrys fastest chip with each core at 5.5 GHz New innovation to drive availability with IBM zAware and Flash Express Optimized for the corporate data serving environment Hardware functions boost software performance for Java, PL/I, DB2 Deployment of business analytics on the same platform as operational applications --analytics and OLTP can be run as the same workload IBM Data Analytics Accelerator V3 lowers the cost of analyticsIntroducing the newest members of the zEnterprise SystemThe zEnterprise EC12 and zEnterprise BladeCenter ExtensionModel 003IBM zEnterprise Unified Resource Managerand zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension (zBX)Mod 003Plus more flexibility and function byconnecting IBM DB2 Analytics AcceleratorIBM zEnterprise EC12 (zEC12)
  • 34. 34Up to25%Performance improvement over z196uniprocessor1Up to50%Total capacity improvement over z196M801Up to101 Configurable cores for client use60 subcapacity settingsUp to 3 TB RAIM memoryIFL, zIIP, zAAP, ICFs and optional SAPsEnvironmental focus to improve data centerefficiencies including new non raised floor optionUpgradeable from IBM zEnterprise 196 (z196) andSystem z10 Enterprise Class (z10 EC)zEC12Machine Type: 2827Models: H20, H43, H66, H89, HA1Up to25%Faster engines1Up to50%More total capacity1Up to 101 configurable cores60 subcapacity settingsUp to 3 TB RAIM memoryIFL, zIIP, zAAP, ICFs and optional SAPsEnvironmental focusUpgradeable from IBM zEnterprise 196and IBM System z10 Enterprise Class1Based on preliminary internal measurements and projections against a z196. Official performance data will be available upon announce and can be obtained online at LSPR (Large Systems Performance Reference) website at: . Actual performance results may vary by customer based on individual workload, configuration and software levels.Advanced Technology 5.5 GHz 6-coreprocessor chip delivers a performance boostfor all workloadsInnovation to drive availability to superiorlevels IBM zAware offers snap-shot of the currentstate of your business FLASH Express and pageable large pages todrive availability and performance for criticalworkloadsTrusted resilience is a zEnterprise standardzEnterprise EC12 is the core of next generation of System z
  • 35. 35Advanced Technology 5.5 GHz processor chip for performanceboost for all workloads Over 78,000 MIPS for large scale consolidation Larger cache for data servingProcessor chip optimized for software performance Advanced performance functions exploited by Java, PL/I,compilers, DB2 and moreInnovation to drive availability to superior levels IBM zAware with out-of-band analytics provide point in timesnap-shot of the current state of your business and can helpyou improve availability FLASH Express and pageable large pages to driveavailability and performance for critical workloadsSecurity and reliability are in our DNA High speed cryptography integrated as part of the chip Enhanced support for applications requiring data encryption,cryptographic keys and digital signing with new CryptoExpress4S PR/SM designed for EAL5+ certificationUp to25%Performanceimprovement overz196 uniprocessor1Up to50%Total capacityimprovement overz196 M801Up to101Configurable coresfor client use60 subcapacity settingsUp to 3 TB RAIM memoryIFL, zIIP, zAAP, ICFs and optionalSAPsEnvironmental focus to improvedata center efficiencies includingnew non raised floor optionUpgradeable from IBM zEnterprise196 (z196) and System z10Enterprise Class (z10 EC)zEC12Machine Type: 2827Models: H20, H43, H66, H89, HA11 Based on preliminary internal measurements and projections. Official performance data will be available upon announce and can be obtained online at LSPR (Large Systems PerformanceReference) website at: . Actual performance results may vary by customer based on individualworkload, configuration and software levels.zEnterprise EC12 is the core of next generation System z
  • 36. 36SemiconductorTechnologyMicroprocessorDesignSystemsDesignVirtualization& OperatingSystemsCompilers &Java VirtualMachineOptimizedMiddlewareIBM zEnterprise EC12: An optimized systemJava
  • 37. 37zEnterprise EC12: Freedom through DesignEnhanced performance and scalability for Smarter ComputingUp to25%Up to50%Up to25%Core processorperformanceimprovement overIBM zEnterprise 196(z196)Total capacityimprovement over z196More configurable coresfor client use over z196 Faster processors and more capacity for economies of scale New processor chip optimized for software performance Up to 45% improvement for Javaworkloads Up to 27% improvement in compute-intensive and floating-point C/C++ applications Up to 30% improvement in IMSworkloads More than 30% improvement for SAP workloads Larger caches to optimize data-serving environments Hybrid computing capabilities to reduce cost and complexityUpgradeable from:IBM zEnterprise 196 (z196)and IBM System z10 Enterprise Class (z10 EC)
  • 38. 38Processor chip optimized for software performanceExploited by Java, PL/I, compilers, DB2, moreOur leadership in microprocessor designsupports a boost in performance for allworkloads Second generation out of order design Multi-level branch prediction supports complexworkloadsLarger caches to optimize data servingenvironments Almost 2x on chip and 2x additional on bookNew hardware functions optimized forsoftware performance Transactional Execution Facility for parallelism andscalability Runtime Instrumentation Facility is intended to helpreduce Java overhead 2 GB page frames are intended to offer performanceimprovements for DB2 buffer pools and Java heaps Up to 30% improvement in IMS throughput due tofaster CPU and cache, compliers, and more1 New IBM Enterprise PL/I compiler is planned to exploitand get a performance boost from decimal formatconversions facilityUp to45%Improvementfor Javaworkloads1Up to27%Improvement inCPU intensive int& float C/C++applications1Up to30%Improvement inthroughput forDB2 for z/OSoperationalanalytics2More than30%Improvement inthroughput forSAP workloads1Excellent Results:1 Based on preliminary internal measurements and projections2 Aa measured by the IBM 9700 Solution Integration Center. The measured operational BI workload consists of 56 concurrent users executing a fixed set of 160,860 Cognos reports . Compared DB2 v10 workload running onIBMs z196 w/10 processors to an zEC12 w/10 processors
  • 39. 39zEC12 Overall Attributes Highlights (compared to z196)50% more cores in a CP chip Up to 5.7% faster core running frequency Up to 25% capacity improvement over z196 uni-processorBigger caches and shorter latency Total L2 per core is 33% bigger Total on-chip shared L3 is 100% bigger Unique private L2 designed to reduce L1 miss latency by up to 45%3rd Generation High Frequency, 2nd Generation Out of Order Design Numerous pipeline improvements based on z10 and z196 designs # of instructions in flight is increased by 25%New 2nd level Branch Prediction Table for enterprise scale program footprint 3.5x more branchesDedicated Co-processor per core with improved performance and additionalcapability New hardware support for Unicode UTF8UTF16 bulk conversionsMultiple innovative architectural extensions for software exploitation
  • 40. 40Transactional Execution (a/k/a Transactional Memory) Software-defined sequence treated by hardware as atomic transaction Enables significantly more efficient software Highly-parallelized applications Speculative code generation Lock elision Designed for exploitation by Java; longer-term opportunity for DB2, z/OS, othersRuntime instrumentation Real-time information to software on dynamic program characteristics Enables increased optimization in JVM/JIT recompilations Additional exploitation opportunities in the works2 GB page frames Increased efficiency for DB2 buffer pools, Java heap, other large structuresSoftware directives to improve hardware performance Data usage intent improves cache management Branch pre-load improves branch prediction effectiveness Block prefetch moves data closer to processor earlier, reducing access latencyDecimal format conversions Enable broader exploitation of Decimal Floating Point facility by COBOL programszEC12 Architecture Extensions
  • 41. 41zEC12 Full and Sub-Capacity CP OfferingsH20 H43 H66 H89 HA17xx6xx5xx4xxMSU Sub CapacityCP CapacityRelative to Full Capacity Uni7xx= 100% 1514 PCI6xx 63% 947 PCI5xx 42% 631 PCI4xx 16% 240 PCIxx = 01 Through 20~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Subcapacity CPs, up to 20, may be ordered on ANY zEC12 model.If 21 or more CPs are ordered all must be full 7xx capacityAll CPs on a zEC12 CPC must be the same capacityAll specialty engines run at full capacity. The one forone entitlement to purchase one zAAP and one zIIP foreach CP purchased is the same for CPs of any capacity.Only 20 CPs can have granular capacity butother PU cores may be characterizedas full capacity specialty enginesFor no CPs, the capacitysetting is 400PVU for zEC12 is 120
  • 42. 42z10 ECz9 ECzSeries 990zSeries 900z196* Servers exploit a subset of itsdesigned I/O capability** Up to 1 TB per LPARPCI Processor Capacity IndexBalanced SystemCPU, nWay, Memory,I/O Bandwidth*101-wayProcessorsPCI for1-way1514Memory3 TB**System I/O Bandwidth384 GB/Sec*zEC12IBM System z:Design Comparisonfor High End Systems80-way64-way54-way32-way16-way1.5 TB** 512 GB 256GB64GB1202920600450300288 GB/sec*96 GB/sec24 GB/sec172.8 GB/sec*
  • 43. 43z10 ECz196zEC12ConfigurableEnginesCapacity Compute intensive Decimal Floating Point zHPF Preplanning enhancements 100 new instructions RAIM memory PCIe I/O drawer Optional offerings watercooling or HV DC power Specialty engines Hybrid Computing POWER7 & System x blades Hybrid Computing POWER7 and System x blades zArchitecture enhancements Focus on core strengths scale, security, availability Compiler optimized for zEC12 Linux on System x and Microsoft Windows DataPower XI50z Linux on System x and Microsoft Windows DataPower XI50zPureSystemsIBM DB2 AnalyticsAccelerator (IDAA)with NetezzaBalanced performance growth Across broad range of workloads Scalable from 1 to 101 processorsLSPR: 1.25 x z196 32nm SOI technology Improved core and cache designs1.5X z196 total capacity 27 or 30 cores per MCM 120 max cores (Model HA1)Continued full-stack performance focus New z/Architecture features Compiler optimization for zEC12zEC12 performance and scalability
  • 44. 44Each new range continues todeliver: New function Unprecedented capacity to meetconsolidation needs Improved efficiency to further reduceenergy consumption Continues to delivering flexible andsimplified on demand capacity A mainframe that goes beyond thetraditional paradigmPCI - Processor Capacity Index*z/OS supports up to a 100-way onlySystem z Servers Continue to Scale with zEC12z900z/OS 1.6z990z/OS 1.6z9 ECz/OS 1.6z10 ECz/OS 1.8Minimum PCIMaximumPCIz900z990z9 ECz10 ECz196z/OS 1.11zEC12z196zEC12z/OS 1.1320 engines16-way48 engines32-way64 engines54-way77 engines64-way96 engines80-way120 engines101-way*
  • 45. 45zEC12 Continues the CMOS Mainframe Heritage Begun in1994770 MHz1.2 GHz1.7 GHz4.4 GHz5.2 GHz5.5 GHz0100020003000400050006000z900 z990 z9ec z10ec z196 zxxx100002000300040005000MHz/GHz60002000z900189 nm SOI16 CoresFull 64-bitz/Architecture2003z990130 nm SOI32 CoresSuperscalarModular SMP2005z9 EC90 nm SOI54 CoresSystem levelscaling2012zEC1232 nm SOI101 CoresOOO and eDRAMcache improvementsPCIe FlashArch extensionsfor scaling2010z19645 nm SOI80 CoresOOO coreeDRAM cacheRAIM memoryzBX integration2008z10 EC65 nm SOI64 CoresHigh-freq core3-level cache
  • 46. 46IBM ConfidentialHighly resilient & available systemsDesigned to PreventHard FailuresDesigned to ImproveBusiness AvailabilityDesigned to ImproveSystem SW AvailabilitySparingEnhanced BookAvailabilityHyperSwapConcurrent UpgradeVirtual networkingData SharingHardware checksRedundant partsParallel SysplexCapacity on DemandCapacity Back UpGDPS/HyperSwapCall homeDesigned to improveContinuous OperationsIBM zAwareFlash ExpressServerDesignSystemsAvailabilityOperations AvailabilityBusinessApplicationAvailabilityExtending System z Availability with Flash Expressand IBM zAware
  • 47. 47 Flash Express is an innovative solution designed to help you compete effectively intodays market Automatically improve availability for key workloads at critical processing times Drive availability and performance for workloads that cannot tolerate paging spikes or inconsistentperformance Slash latency for critical application processing such as diagnostics collection Extends IBMs expertise in memory management introducing a new tier of memoryusing Flash Express Provides a secured, resilient and immediately usable solution Planned Flash Express and pageable large page exploiters: z/OS V1.13 Language Environment Java SDK7 and by extension WAS Liberty Profile v8.5 DB2 IMS 12 And a future release of CICS Transaction Server IMS 12 Common Queue ServerIBM Flash Express Smarter Availability for SmarterSystems 2012 IBM Corporation47
  • 48. 48Time to ReadData measuredin System zInstructionsExternal Disk(4K page)~5,000KInstructionsFlash Memory(4K page)~100KInstructionsReal Memory:(256B line)~100 InstructionsMoreLatency Flash Express is intended to improve System z availability Slash latency delays from paging Flash Memory is much faster than spinning disk Flash Memory is much slower than main memory Flash Memory takes less power than either Make your start of day processing fast Designed to eliminate delays from SVC Dump processing zEC12 offers optional Flash Express memory cards Supported in PCIe I/O drawer with other PCIe I/O cards Installed in pairs for availability No HCD/IOCP definitions required Assign Flash Memory to partitions like main memory Assignment is by memory amount, not by feature Each partitions Flash Memory is isolated like main memory Dynamically increase the partition maximum amount of Flash Dynamically configure Flash Memory into and out of the partitionIntroducing Flash Express
  • 49. 49Relative Access Times for different technologies< 20 ns5-20 micro sec.< 10 ms< 200 nsAccess time1-3 mssecondsCPUCacheRandom AccessMemory (RAM)Flash ExpressSolid State Drive (SSD) StorageSpinning Disk DriveWORM, Tape Library
  • 50. 50IBMIBMIBMIBM Flash Express*All statements regarding IBMs future direction and intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice, and represent goals and objectives only.Flash Express Exploitation on zEC12Flash Express will be exploited by z/OS z/OS V1.13 Flash Web Deliverable GA December 14, 2012 Pagable Large Pages (1 MB) z/OS V1.13 enabling PTFs for RSM enhancements 1Q2013 Flash Dynamic Reconfiguration Optional PLPA and COMMON Page data sets DB2 for z/OS and JAVA SDK7 SR3 will support pageable Large Pages(SoD*) IBM is working with its Linux Distribution partners to include support in futureLinux on System z distribution releases IMS* CQS will use pageable Large Pages when IMS runs on zEC12 Availability targeted for end of 2013
  • 51. 51IBM zAware delivers smarter message monitoringcapabilitiesThe complexity and rate of change of todays IT infrastructures stress the limitsof IT to resolve problems quickly and accuratelywhile preserving SLAsIT is challenged to diagnose system anomalies and restore service quickly Systems often experience problems which are difficult or unusual to detect Existing tools do little to quickly identify messages preceding system problems Some incidents begin with symptoms that remain undetected for long periods oftime Manual log analysis is skills-intensive, and prone to errorsIBM zAware with Expert System Diagnostics Gets it Right, Fast IBM zAware helps improve problem determination in near real time helpsrapidly and accurately identify problems and speed time to recovery Analyzes massive amounts of data to identify problematic messages, providinginformation to enable faster corrective action Analytics on log data provides a near real time view of current system state Cutting edge pattern recognition examines system behavior to help you pinpointdeviations Machine learning, modeling and historical data work to describe your uniqueenvironment
  • 52. 52IBM zAware contains sophisticated analytics, applies IBM insight,and machine learning to understand your unique system.Monitoring Supports IBM and nonIBM middleware andapplications Monitors OPERLOG in asysplex or monoplex Assigns a messageanomaly score to helpidentify potential issuesDetection Detects anomalies othersolutions might miss Can find the rare orinfrequent message Can detect an unusualnumber of normalmessages Can detect messagesissued out of contextFrequency Samples every 2 minutes 10 minute interval Uses 90 day rollingbaseline; a utility providedto populate baseline;flexibility providedReporting Near real time analysis Intuitive reporting bothhigh level and drill down Color coded browserdisplay XML output can feedISVs or processes Tivoli intends toprovide alert andevent notifications1521 All statements regarding IBM future direction and intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice and represents goals and objectives only.IBM zAware - Identifies Unusual System Behavior 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 53. 53Sophisticated Detection and Diagnostic CapabilitiesIBM zAware - Cutting edge pattern recognition analytics looks at the health of a z/OSsystem Perform machine learning, pattern recognition, and statistical analysis on streamingmessages to look for unexpected patterns to give faster, more pinpointed recognition ofproblemsIBM zAware - A watch dog to detect unusual behavior of z/OS images in near real time enabling you act on system issues sooner - pushes z/OS high availability even beyondwhat it is today. Diagnose problems/ critical events/ outages while they are occurring in real time Helps heighten awareness of small problems so they can be corrected quickly Determine the cause of problems so the operation team can establish procedures toprevent a reoccurrenceIBM zAware - can consume massive amounts of OPERLOG messages (anything with awell-formed message) and turn it into useful information Works out of the box with relatively little customization (as compared to existing tools) A single browser based view of the health of a Parallel Sysplex via a relative weightingand color coding Out of band minimal effect on z/OS product workloads Complementary to existing tools
  • 54. 54IBM zAware IBM System z Advanced Workload Analysis ReporterExpertKnowledgeMachineLearningIntegrated IntuitiveIBMIBMIBMIBMzAwareIBMIBMIBMIBMzAwareMonitors z/OS OPERLOG messages including allz/OS console message, ISV and applicationgenerated messagesCan monitor across a sysplexSamples every 2 minutes.Reports on 10 minute time slices.Uses a 90 day baseline created from SYSLOGDetects anomalies monitoring systems miss: Messages may be suppressed or rare Messages may indicate a trendReports on unique messages, and a scoreColor-coded, browser-based (IE 8, Firefox)XML Output consumable through published API,can drive ISV products
  • 55. 55Self learning integrated expert solutionSimple graphical interface for easydrill downAnalyze system messages to identifyunusual system behaviorMonitor all System z servers from asingle pointIBM zAware: Unmatched Resiliency by designDiagnose problemsand decrease riskReduce financial impactof down timeGain visibility intosystem behaviorIncrease operatoreffectiveness
  • 56. 56IBM System z Security as the Enterprise Standard Intrinsic platform security and privacy for transactions and sensitive data helps enable System z tobe the secure enterprise application server and data vault Hardware cryptography built into each general purpose CP and IFL, and via thenew Crypto Express4S coprocessors Secure your critical information assets (or data) throughout their life cycle Security capabilities that span the needs of multiple industries Strong focus on security and crypto functions required by the Banking/Finance industries Support for the payment card industry with solutions that leverage the zEC12 for compliance and security (i.e. EMV forAmerican Express) New IBM Enterprise PKCS #11 Coprocessor firmware and support from z/OShelps meets the requirements of the European Union and public sector clients Leveraging the strengths of operating system security and cryptographic capabilities Qualities needed by enterprises adopting cloud application architectures Wide range of cryptographic primitives exploited by operating system and middleware to help secure and accelerateworkloads zEC12 supports the System z exclusive protected key processor based cryptography Blends the speed of processor based crypto with the security of theCrypto Express coprocessor PR/SM designed for EAL 5+ certification
  • 57. 57Systems z delivers ultimate security to address yourchallenges of cost, complexity and compliance Encryption of critical data, at rest and inflight Early detection of applicationvulnerabilities and Isolation of workloads A fully secured virtual pool of resources asa foundation for enterprise clouds Complete user authentication, accesscontrol, audit and managementGovernance, RiskManagement andcompliancePeopleInfrastructureApplicationDataBuild a strong foundationfor IT security
  • 58. 58High speed cryptography integrated ontamper resistant hardwareEnhanced digital signature capability forsmart passports, ID cards and bankingNew credit card transaction verificationsupport for smart payment cards1Ultimate security by designMainframe security events integratedwith zSecure and QRadarEnhance securityintelligenceProtect corporate dataMeet regulatoryrequirementsEnable smartpayment cards1verification of card security codes and support for PIN changes
  • 59. 59zEC12 Supports efficiencies in the data center New non-raised floor option offers flexible possibilitiesfor the data center Continuing to support options for better control ofenergy usage and improved efficiency in your datacenter zEC12 has a new radiator-based air cooled system design formore efficient cooling and improved concurrent maintenance Water cooled options on zEC12 allow for up to 9% additional datacenter energy savings1 Savings with optional HV DC power when implemented in a newdata center could be on the order of 7-12% of server input power2 More capacity but little change to the footprint in the datacenter Identical floor cutouts for zEC12 as the z196 and z10 EC3 with nosignificant increase in weight Depth of system with covers will increase by 64 mm / 2.52 inches Over 12 years experience in designing and buildingearthquake resistant servers1 Based on internal measurements with average power usage effectiveness (PUE) of 2 with well configured zEC12 configuration.2Based on internal measurements and projections.3With the exception of water cooling and overhead cabling
  • 60. 60Up to112PS701 blades (112 max)HX5 (7873) blades (56max)DataPower XI50z (28max)1-4 Racks based on number ofinstalled bladesOne zBX per zEC12Optional Acoustic DoorsOptional Rear Door HeatExchangerUpgradeable from zBX Model 002zBXMachine Type: 2458Model: 003 zBX Model 003 supported by zEC12 Investment protection Model 002 upgrades toModel 003 No need to make changes to applicationsand application certifications are inheritedfrom blades Managed by Unified Resource Manager Management of resources as defined by yourbusiness goals and objectives Integrated network for better security, controland faster time to value Programmable interfaces (APIs) to connectwith system management tools for totalmanagement capabilities - IBM TivoliMonitoring (ITM) has been enhanced to usethe APIszBX A Uniquely Configured Extension of the zEnterprise
  • 61. 61zEnterprise Hybrid ComputingThe commitment to Hybrid Computing continues with newenhancementsClients can use the same method to implement servers for AIX, LinuxandMicrosoftWindowsto reduce costs with high quality of serviceWhat Clients are saying about zEnterprise Hybrid Computing same method for implementing new servers across AIX, Linuxand Microsoft Windows simplify and integrate its diverse infrastructure to reduce costsand ensure high quality of service BG-Phoenics The combination of IBM System z with Intel servers in an Ensemble configuration turnsout to be the best solution for modernization EUROCONTROL. a platform for all the services we need in the future more computing resources for less money Health Insurance Institute of SloveniaHybrid computing on IBM System z keeps getting smarter Enhancements to IBM zEnterprise Unified Resource manager (zManager) in supportdynamic storage capabilities and additional Linux distributions Improved image and energy management capabilities for IBM System x and Powerblades No charge migration to move to the current generation of IBM zEnterprise BladeCenterExtension (zBX) and Unified Resource Manager
  • 62. 62IBM zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension (zBX)Machine Type: 2458 Model 003zBX is built with integrated IBM certified components Standard parts TOR switch, BladeCenter Chassis, Power Distribution Units, OptionalAcoustic Panels Optional optimizer - IBM WebSphere DataPower Integration Appliance XI50 for zEnterprise(DataPower XI50z) ordered as a feature of zBXUp to 112 blades are supported on zBX System x and POWER7 blades are acquired through existing channels IBM System x Blades up to 56 entitlements IBM BladeCenter HX5 (7873) dual-socket 16-core bladesFour supported memory configurations in zBX 64 GB, 128 GB, 192 GB, 256 GB IBM POWER7 Blades up to 112 entitlements IBM BladeCenter PS701 Express - 8-core processor 3.0GHz,Three supported memory configurations in zBX - 32 GB, 64 GB, 128 GB AIX: AIX 5.3 Technology Level 12 or higher, AIX 6.1 Technology Level 5 or higher, AIX 7.1 Up to 28 DataPower XI50z blades (double wide) Mix and match blades in the same chassisSystem z support -- Blades assume System z warranty and maintenance when installed in thezBXInvestment protection Upgrade Model 002 to Model 003 Model 002 managed only by z196 or z114 and Model 003 managed only by zEC12
  • 63. 63Operating System Environments extend applicationflexibilityOperating Systems are customer acquired and installedUnified Resource Manager will install hypervisor on blades in the zBX Integrated hypervisor (KVM-based) for System x blades PowerVM Enterprise Edition for POWER7 bladesSupport for Linux and Windows environments on System x blades in zBX 64-bit version support only Linux: Red Hat RHEL 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 6.0 6.1 & SUSE Linux Enterprise Server(SLES) 10 (SP4) and SLES 11 SP1 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 (SP2)(for either Windows we recommend Datacenter Edition)Support of AIX environments on POWER7 blades in zBX AIX: AIX 5.3 Technology Level 12 or higher, AIX 6.1 Technology Level 5 orhigher, AIX 7.1Certifications inherited from blades SAP support for Linux and Windows on x86 blades in the zBXPowerHA SystemMirror Standard Edition for AIX supported for the zBX withPS701 blades
  • 64. 64Unified Resource Manager transforms the way resources aremanaged and deployed* All statements regarding IBM future direction and intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice and represents goals and objectives only.Unified Resource Manager optimizes system resourcesBringing mainframe governance for System z resourcesSingle view of virtualized resources across platformsIntegrated network for better security, control and fastertime to valueManagement of resources as defined by your businessgoals and objectives IBM intends to deliver workload-aware optimization forSystem x blades (Statement of Direction)*Programmable interfaces (APIs) to connect with systemmanagement tools for total management capabilitiesNew dynamic storage capabilities for System x blades
  • 65. 6565HMCHMCHypervisors EnergyNetworksPerformanceVirtualServersOperationsSave time, cost and simplify assetmanagementDecrease problem determinationand resolution time for cross-platform resourcesImprove and simplify cross-platform availability proceduresEnable broader and moregranular view of resourceconsumptionFactory installed and configured networkImproved network security with lower latency, lesscomplexity, no encryption/decryptionMonitor status and general health of networkresourcesAllow critical workloads toreceive resources and prioritybased on goal-oriented policiesestablished by businessrequirementsSmart business adjustmentsbased on workload insightLoad balancing to managetraffic flowProvide deep insight into how ITresources are being usedGain flexibility, consistency and uniformityof virtualizationProvide the business with faster time tomarketSimplified network management forapplicationsBridging of internal HiperSockets networkto the entire ensembleSimplified installationof hypervisorsGain significant time tomarket with improvedspeed of deploymentSimplified installationof hypervisorsGain significant time tomarket with improvedspeed of deploymentSimplified energy managementEnergy cost savingsContinuing Value using the Unified ResourceManagerAPIs allowsharing ofinformationNEW! SAPsupport forLinux andWindows onx86 blades!!!
  • 66. 661 Carry forward onlyHMCHMCFor ClusteringHCA-3 InfiniBand CouplingLinks 12x InfiniBand 1x InfiniBand (4 ports)improved scalabilityISC-3 (peer mode only) 1STP Improved broadbandsecurityHMCNew IBM zAware partitionmanaged from HMCLocation to run Unified ResourceManager including monitoringCPU, energy, workloadperformanceHost of the ensemble controllingall functions of the ensemblePrimary with Alternate needed forDRHeterogeneous environmentszBX Intraensemble data network(IEDN) Intranode management network(INMN) Increased 10 Gb Ethernetconnectivity within zBXTo PureSystems 10 Gb EthernetWithin zEC12PCIe I/O InfrastructureI/O Drawer and I/O CageFlash ExpressTo the DataFICON Express8S(PCIe-based) SX and 10KM LXFICON Express81 SX and 10KM LXFICON Express41 SX and 10 km LXEnhanced channelsubsystemTo the NetworkOSA-Express4S PCIe based) 10 Gb Ethernet LR and SR 1 Gb Ethernet SX and LX 1000BASE-T EthernetOSA-Express31 10 Gb Ethernet 1 Gb Ethernet 1000BASE-TEthernetFlexible Connectivity on zEC12Improving bandwidth, granularity and options for connections
  • 67. 67Unique performance, availability and scalability makes DS8800the ideal storage platform for zEnterprise Self-optimizing performance and cost for hybrid computing Easy Tier can improve performance by up to 3x by moving only 3% ofdata to SSDs Integrated QoS management aligns server and storage resources withapplication priorities 8x faster query performance for operational analytics with specialDS8000 List Prefetch Optimizer for High Performance FICON Designed for near-continuous operations with over six-ninesavailability Fully-redundant design for near-continuous data access Tight integration between DS8000 remote mirroring and GDPSHyperSwap is designed for over six-nines (99.9999%) availability Optimized for zEnterprise efficiency and scalability Support for System z Discovery and Auto-Configuration simplifiesconfiguration Extended Address Volumes of up to 1 TB volumes simplifiesmanagement of large volumes New support for System z load balancing algorithms can optimizethroughput and response times between server and DS8000IBM System Storage DS8800
  • 68. 68Robust tape storage to protect your informationHelping our clients retain data securely and in compliance with regulatoryrequirementsComprehensive tape storage product line for System z attachmentTS1140Tape DriveOffers high performance (250 MBps) and high native capacity (4 TB) for storage consolidationProvides information security with support for encryption and key managementSupports Write Once Read Many (WORM) cartridges to help satisfy compliance requirementsTS3500Tape LibraryScalable, automated data retention with up to 2.7 EB capacity with 3:1 compressionOffers enhanced data availability and reliability with optional dual library accessoryProvides data security and regulatory compliance via support for tape drive encryption andWORM cartridgesTS7700VirtualizationEngineVirtualization solution implements a fully integrated tiered storage hierarchy of disk and tapeReduces batch processing time, total cost of ownership and management overheadDisk-only models with up to 1.3 PB native tape volume cacheGrid configurations for information availability and business continuityTape is often cost effective versus disk Lower price per MB Lowest power and cooling storage option available today
  • 69. 69z/OSJava exploitation of Transactional Executionfor increased parallelism and scalabilityEnhanced security support for digitalsignaturesFaster problem determination with IBM zAwarefor improved availabilityImprove availability and performance withFlash Express2 GB page supportSimpler Specialty Engine (zIIP) exploitationz/OS v1.13 exploitation of new hardwarePlus over 4,100 applications enabled on z/OS z/TPFSupport for 86 CPUsHardware exploitation for performanceimprovementsz/VSE64-bit addressing with z/VSE V5.1Strong interoperability with Linux onSystem zNew CICS functionality (CICS Explorer)z/VMz/VM Compatibility supportGuest exploitation support for new encryptiontechnologyImproved I/O performance using High PerformanceFICON (zHPF) for guest exploitationLinux on System zImproved consolidation ratio through new capacity performanceImproved I/O performance using High Performance FICON (zHPF)Application and Linux optimization enabled by full exploitation ofzArchitecture extensionsOptimized system setup via Linux health checkerFCP end-to-end data integrity checking for applications and storagesubsystemsPlus over 3,000 applications on System zSynergy with zEC12 operating systemsAND with blades on the zBX there are even moreoptions with applications on AIX, Linux onSystem x or Microsoft Windows
  • 70. 70The following are the minimum operating systems planned to run on zEC12: z/OS z/OS V1.12, V1.13 z/OS V1.11, V1.10 Lifecycle Extension Linux on System z distributions: SUSE Enterprise Server (SLES) SLES 10 and SLES 11 Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6 and RHEL 5 z/VM VM V5.4, 6.1, 6.2 with PTFs z/VM V6.1, 6.2 for zBX support z/VSE z/VSE V4.3, V5.1, with PTFs z/VSE V5.1 with PTFs for Crypto Express4S toleration z/TPF V1.1Using the general purpose application server blades we have: Linux: Red Hat RHEL 5.5 and up, 6.0 and up and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 10 (SP4) and up and SLES11 SP1 and up Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 (SP2) (for either Windows we recommendDatacenter Edition) AIX: AIX 5.3 Technology Level 12 or higher, AIX 6.1 Technology Level 5 or higher, AIX 7.1Operating System Support for zEC12
  • 71. 71Evolution of Specialty Engines Plus . . .1997InternalCouplingFacility (ICF)2001Integrated Facilityfor Linux (IFL)2006IBM System z10Integrated InformationProcessor (IBM zIIP)Eligible workloads:IPSec encryption,HiperSockets, XML,ISV, some DB2, z/OSGlobal Mirror, IBMGBS ScalableArchitecture forFinancial Reporting2004System z9Application AssistProcessor (zAAP)Eligibleworkloads: Javaand XMLBuilding on a strong track record of technology innovationwith specialty enginesDB Compression, SORT,Encryption2010Optimizers,Accelerators,HybridprocessingTransparent for applications
  • 72. 72Protecting your investment in IBM technology Designed to protect your investment Offering upgrades from z10 EC and z196to the zEC12 Upgrades from zBX Model 002 to zBXModel 003 Full upgradeability within the zEC12family Upgrade to Model HA1 will require aplanned outage On demand offerings offer temporaryor permanent growth when you need itzEC12zBXMod 003zBXMod 002z10 ECz196
  • 73. 73 Announced 08/12 Server w/ up to 101 PU cores 5 models Up to 101-way Granular Offerings for up to 20 CPs PU (Engine) Characterization CP, SAP, IFL, ICF, zAAP, zIIP On Demand Capabilities CoD, CIU, CBU, On/Off CoD, CPE, FoD Memory up to 3 TB for Server andup to 1 TB per LPAR 32 GB Fixed HSA Channels PCIe bus Four LCSSs 3 Subchannel Sets FICON Express8 and 8S zHPF OSA 10 GbE, GbE, 1000BASE-T InfiniBand Coupling Links Flash Express Configurable Crypto Express4S Parallel Sysplex clustering HiperSockets up to 32 Up to 60 logical partitions Enhanced Availability IBM zAware Unified Resource Manager Operating Systems z/OS, z/VM, z/VSE, z/TPF, Linux on System z First Announced 7/10 Model 003 for zEC12 08/12 zBX Racks with: BladeCenter Chassis N + 1 components Blades Top of Rack Switches 8 Gb FC Switches Power Units Advance Management Modules Up to 112 Blades POWER7 Blades IBM System x Blades IBM WebSphere DataPower IntegrationAppliance XI50 for zEnterprise (M/T2462-4BX) Operating Systems AIX 5.3 and higher Linux for Select IBM x Blades Microsoft Windows for x Blades Hypervisors PowerVM Enterprise Edition Integrated Hypervisor for System xIBM zEnterprise EC12 (2827) IBM zEnterprise BladeExtension (2458)IBM zEnterprise EC12 new for September 2012
  • 74. 74 Announced 7/10 Server w/ up to 96 PU cores 5 models Up to 80-way Granular Offerings for up to 15 CPs PU (Engine) Characterization CP, SAP, IFL, ICF, zAAP, zIIP On Demand Capabilities CoD, CIU, CBU, On/Off CoD, CPE Memory up to 3 TB for Server andup to 1 TB per LPAR 16 GB Fixed HSA Channels PCIe bus Four LCSSs 3 Subchannel Sets MIDAW facility Up to 240 ESCON channels Up to 288 FICON channels FICON Express8 and 8S zHPF OSA 10 GbE, GbE, 1000BASE-T InfiniBand Coupling Links Configurable Crypto Express3 Parallel Sysplex clustering HiperSockets up to 32 Up to 60 logical partitions Enhanced Availability Unified Resource Manager Operating Systems z/OS, z/VM, z/VSE, z/TPF, Linux on System z Announced 7/10 Model 002 for z196 or z114 zBX Racks with: BladeCenter Chassis N + 1 components Blades Top of Rack Switches 8 Gb FC Switches Power Units Advance Management Modules Up to 112 Blades POWER7 Blades IBM System x Blades IBM WebSphere DataPower IntegrationAppliance XI50 for zEnterprise (M/T2462-4BX) Operating Systems AIX 5.3 and higher Linux for Select IBM x Blades Microsoft Windows for x Blades Hypervisors PowerVM Enterprise Edition Integrated Hypervisor for System xIBM zEnterprise 196 (2817) IBM zEnterprise BladeExtension (2458)IBM zEnterprise 114 (2818) Announced 07/11 2 models M05 and M10 Up to 5 CPs High levels of Granularity available 130 Capacity Indicators PU (Engine) Characterization CP, SAP, IFL, ICF, zAAP, zIIP On Demand Capabilities CoD, CIU, CBU, On/Off CoD. CPE Memory up to 256 GB for Server 8 GB Fixed HSA Channels PCIe bus Two LCSSs 2 Subchannel Sets MIDAW facility Up to 240 ESCON channels Up to 128 FICON channels FICON Express8 and 8S zHPF OSA 10 GbE, GbE, 1000BASE-T InfiniBand Coupling Links Configurable Crypto Express3 Parallel Sysplex clustering HiperSockets up to 32 Up to 30 logical partitions Unified Resource Manager Operating Systems z/OS, z/VM, z/VSE, TPF, z/TPF, Linux onSystem zIBM zEnterprise family
  • 75. 75 Machine Type 2827 5 Models H20, H43, H66, H89 and HA1 Processor Units (PUs) 27 (30 for HA1) PU cores per book Up to 16 SAPs per system, standard 2 spares designated per system Dependant on the H/W model - up to 20, 43, 66,89, 101 PU coresavailable for characterization Central Processors (CPs), Internal Coupling Facility (ICFs),Integrated Facility for Linux (IFLs), System z Application AssistProcessors (zAAPs), System z Integrated InformationProcessor (zIIP), optional - additional System AssistProcessors (SAPs) Sub-capacity available for up to 20 CPs 3 sub-capacity points Memory RAIM Memory design System Minimum of 32 GB Up to 768 GB per book Up to 3 TB for System and up to 1 TB per LPAR 32 GB Fixed HSA, standard 32/64/96/112/128/240/256 GB increments- Flash Express I/O 6 GBps I/O Interconnects carry forward only Up to 48 PCIe interconnects per System @ 8 GBps each Up to 4 Logical Channel Subsystems (LCSSs) Up to 3 Sub-channel sets per LCSS STP - optional (No ETR)zEC12 Overview
  • 76. 762458-003Fibre ChannelDisk Storage Machine Type/Model 002458-003 Racks Up to 4 (B, C, D and E) 42U Enterprise, (36u height reduction option) 4 maximum, 2 chassis/rack 2-4 power line cords/rack Non-acoustic doors as standard Optional Acoustic Doors Optional Rear Door Heat Exchanger (conditioned water required) Chassis Up to 2 per rack 9U BladeCenter Redundant Power, cooling and management modules Network Modules I/O Modules Blades (Maximum 112 single width blades in 4 racks) Customer supplied POWER7 Blades (0 to 112) Customer supplied IBM System x Blades (0 to 56) DataPower XI50z, M/T 2462-4BX (0 to 28 double width) Management Firmware Unified Resource Manager Top of Rack (TOR) Switches - 4 1000BASE-T intranode management network (INMN) 10 GbE intraensemble data network (IEDN) GbE IEDN for customer network Network and I/O Modules in the BladeCenter 1000BASE-T and 10 GbE modules 8 Gb Fibre Channel (FC) connected to customer supplied diskszBX Overview
  • 77. 77zEC12Crypto Express4S and Cryptographicenhancements2nd Generation out-of order designDedicated data compression andcrypto coprocessor on each PUFive hardware modelsSix core 32nm PU chipUp to 101 processors configurable asCPs, zAAPs, zIIPs, IFLs, ICFs, oroptional SAPsIncreased capacity processor (1.25 xz196)Up to 20 sub capacity CPs at capacitysettings 4, 5, or 6z/Architecture Enhancements including2 GB Pages, Transactional Executionand Runtime InstrumentationEnhanced processor cache designUp to 3 TB of Redundant Array ofIndependent Memory (RAIM)Flask Express and pagable large pagesupportNew Channel path selection algorithmsCycle Steering for Power Save andback-up for radiator and water cooledsystemsRaised floor option for Air and WaterCooled System with overhead I/O andpower cabling optionsIBM zAwareOSA-Express 4S 1000BASE-TCFCC Level 18On Demand enhancementsNon-Raised floor option for Air CooledSystem only with overhead I/O andpower cabling optionsNew radiator design for Air CooledSystemOptional water cooling with Exhaust AirHeat Exchanger & air backupOptional High Voltage DC powerStatic Power Save ModeOptional overhead Power and I/OcablingNTP Broadband AuthenticationzBX Model 003 and Unified ResourceManagerzEnterprise EC12 Functions and Features(GA Driver Level 12K September, 2012)
  • 78. 78IEDN 10 GbE link aggregation betweenthe BladeCenter and TORs8 Gb FC modulesOne hardware modelzBX is controlled by one specific zEC12Up to 4 Racks (B, C, D and E)2 BladeCenters Chassis per rackNon-acoustics doors standardOptional Rear Door Heat ExchangerOptional Rear acoustic doorRedundant Power, Cooling andManagement Modules10 GbE and 1 GbE Network ModulesUnified Resource Manager support forzEC12 and zBX Model 003Additional connectivity for SANsUpgraded Hypervisor levelsAdvance Management Module1000BASE-T and 10 GbE TORsUp to 112 BladesPOWER7 BladesIBM System x BladesIBM WebSphere DataPower IntegrationAppliance XI50 for zEnterpriseHMCs for Unified Resource ManagerUnified Resource Manager support forensembles with zEC12, z196, z114, andzBX Models 002 and 003zBXModel 003zEnterprise zBX Functions and Features
  • 79. 79zEnterprise was Introduced with the z196 at its Heart1. For average LSPR workloads running z/OS 1.11.Designed for EAL5 certificationUpgradeable from IBM System z10Enterprise Class (z10 EC) and IBMSystem z9 Enterprise Class (z9EC)Cryptographic enhancementsUp to 3 TB RAIM memory45 subcapacity settingsIFL, zIIP, zAAP, ICFs and optionalSAPs1 to 80 configurable cores for clientuseTotal capacityimprovement1Up to60%Improvement in CPUintensive workloads viacompiler enhancementsUp to anadditional30%Improvement fortraditional z/OSworkloads1Up to40%zEnterprise 196 (z196)Machine Type: 2817Models: M15, M32, M49, M66, M80Worlds fastest 5.2 GHz processor chip 100 new instructions, new out of order sequence,more on chip cacheFocus on the environment and data center Options to help eliminate hotspots and save onenergyOperating System Flexibility z/OS, z/VM, z/VSE, z/TPF and Linux on System zSecurity and reliability Elliptic curve cryptography Compliance and security improvements Crypto Express3 enhancements79
  • 80. 80z196 IBM Leadership Technology At the CoreNew 5.2 GHz Quad Core Processor Chip boostshardware price/performance 100 new instructions improvements for CPUintensive, Java, and C++ applications Over twice as much on-chip cache as System z10 tohelp optimize data serving environment Out-of-order execution sequence gives significantperformance boost for compute intensive applications Significant improvement for floating point workloadsPerformance improvement for systems with largenumber of cores improves MP ratioData compression and cryptographic processorsright on the chip80
  • 81. 8181zEnterprise Technology Designed for Small and Mid-sizedBusinesses - the z114Improvement for traditionalz/OS workloads 1Improvement in CPUintensive workloads viacompiler enhancements218%12%Up toUp toTotal capacity improvement 1Up to anADDITIONAL25%26 - 3100 MIPS0-2 IBM provided spare cores256 GB RAIM fault tolerant memoryFromUp to130 available capacity settingsScalesFromUp toFully Upgradeable from the IBM System z10Business Class (z10 BC) & IBM System z9Business Class (z9 BC); and to the z196 M151-10 configurable cores for clientuse includes CPs, IFL, zIIP, zAAP,and ICFsFromNew technology in a new package Modular 2 drawer design for lower cost of entry Granularity for right-sizing your system Additional Scale for consolidation and growth Improved data center efficiency Same Qualities of Service as the z196 Hybrid enabled to drive workload integration andmanagementImproved Platform Economics New Software Curve Lower Hardware Maintenance Lower specialty engine and memory prices Upgradeability for investment protection1Relative capacity and performance compares at equal software levels as measured by IBM Large System Performance Reference (LSPR) workloads using z/OS 1.11, Results may vary2The z114 will exhibit up to 25% increase for CPU intensive workload as provided by multiple C/C++ compiler level improvements when going from z/OS 1.09 to z/OS 1.12zEnterprise 114 (z114)Machine Type: 28182 Models: M05 & M10
  • 82. 82z114 IBM Leadership Technology At the Core3.8 GHz Superscalar Processor Chip boosts hardwareprice/performance 100 new instructions improvements for CPU intensive,Java, and C++ applications New on-chip cache structure to help optimize data servingenvironment Out-of-order execution sequence gives significantperformance boost for compute intensive applications Significant improvement for floating point workloadsData compression and cryptographic processorsright on the chipOver 18 percent performance improvement per coreand 12% improvement in total system scalability overthe z10 BC.Compiler related enhancements help drive gains ofup to 25% improvement in throughput forCPU/Numeric intensive workloads.82
  • 83. 8383IBM zEnterpriseBladeCenter Extension (zBX)Machine Type: 2458 Mod 002One to four 42u racks capacity for up to 112 blades Up to 112 PS701 Power blades Up to 56 HX5 System x blades Up to 28 DataPower XI50zblades (double-wide)Optimizers IBM WebSphere DataPowerIntegration Appliance XI50z forzEnterpriseSelect IBM Blades IBM BladeCenter PS701 Express IBM BladeCenter HX5 (7873)IBM System x Blades IBM BladeCenter HX5 7873 dual-socket 16-core blades Four supported memory configurations for zBX 64 GB, 128 GB,192 GB, 256 GBIBM POWER7 Blades IBM BladeCenter PS701 8-core processor 3.0GHz Three configurations supported in zBX - 32 GB, 64 GB, 128 GBFlexibility in ordering acquired though existingchannels, including IBMUnified Resource Manager will install hypervisor onblades in the zBX Integrated hypervisor (KVM-based) for System x blades PowerVM Enterprise Edition for POWER7 bladesUp to 112 Blades supported on zBX Ability to mix and match blades in the same chassis Number of blades supported varies by typeBlades assume System x warranty and maintenancewhen installed in the zBXBlades Provide Added Flexibility for WorkloadDeployment and Integration
  • 84. 84DistributedSystemsSelect IBM Bladesin zBXz/OSTCAFocusTCOFocusLinux on z/VMExpanded ISV supportfor enterpriseapplicationsTargeted forapplications that interactwith mainframe dataand transactionsProvisioned andmanaged by System zExtreme consolidation ofservers and networkingSuperior levels of virtualserver provisioning,monitoring and workloadmanagementIndustry-best virtual I/Obandwidth and reliabilityFewer components andreduced complexitySystem z qualities ofdynamic resourcemanagement andcapacity-on-demandSeamless integration withz/OS backup and disasterrecovery solutionsSilo managed islandsof computingLess dynamic than zvirtualizationMinimal resourcesharing with zresourcesExtreme scalability andperformance fortransaction processingand data servingHigh availability andcross-system scalabilitywith Parallel SysplexandGDPSLeading policy-basedcapacity provisioning andworkload managementPervasive, high-performance securitysupportLOWER HIGHERSCALABILITY, SECURITY,DYNAMIC WORKLOAD MANAGEMENTSCALABILITY, SECURITY,DYNAMIC WORKLOAD MANAGEMENTzEnterprise SystemService levels to match your business needsIncreased flexibility for your multi-architecture strategy when data is on z/OS
  • 85. 85Increasing your flexibility using zEnterprise SystemsAdditional offerings can help to strengthen business innovation10 GbEIBM DB2 AnalyticsAccelerator (IDAA)z196/z114Unified ResourceManager10 GbEIEDN1 GbEINMNSelect IBM Blades OptimizersDataPowerXI50zLinux onSystem xAIX onPOWER7DataPowerXI50zWindowsonSystem xHMCzBX8510 GbEPureSystems
  • 86. 8686Worldwide adoption ofmainframe curriculumThousands of ISVsinvest in System z7,000+applicationssupportedon z (3250+Linux and4000+ z/OS)1,200 newandupgradedapplicationson System zin 2010120+ newISVpartnersadded totheplatform1067schoolsenrolledwith moreaddingcurricula43,825students from32 countriesparticipated inMaster theMainframecontestsSystemzJobs.comconnects Systemz clients, partnersand businesseswith students andprofessionalsseeking z jobsUnderpinned by a thriving System z ecosystem
  • 87. 87Extensive ISV support for zEnterprise87
  • 88. 88What is the IBM Academic Initiative?A skills initiative An IBM program that partners with academic institutionsworldwide to build a pipeline of skilled students for the IT jobs of tomorrowand skills for a smarter planet.System z Mission ( clients world wide with z skillsDemonstrate IBMs commitment and continued investment in themainframeMembership in the IBM Academic Initiative is free and open toindividual faculty members.88
  • 89. 89IBM System z coursesApplication developmentWebSphere Application Server for z/OSIntro to IBM WebSphere Developer for z(Web based)WebSphere MQ for z/OS SystemAdministrationDeveloping COBOL with IBM RationalDeveloper for System zDiagnosisz/OS RAS and Diagnostics*eLearning resourcesInteractive e-Learning Module: z/OS BasicsFlash Demo: Introduction to RationalDeveloper for System zDevelop a batch DB2 for z/OS COBOLapplication using RDzDeveloping and debugging a COBOL DB2applicationEditing record-oriented programs with theSystem z LPEX editorLearn about your future in Large SystemsCareers in MainframesTivoli security, systems, network, and storagemanagement coursesIBM Tivoli License Compliance Manager for z/OS4.2 ImplementationIBM Tivoli System Automation for z/OS 3.1Introduction and OperationsIBM Tivoli System Automation for z/OS 3.1Implementation and AdministrationIBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler 8.2 for zOSSchedulers WorkshopInformation, data and transaction managementEnterprise Server Data ManagementDB2 for z/OS FundamentalsDB2 Family Fundamentals (Cross product)DB2 SQL Workshop (Cross product)DB2 for z/OS Database Admin Workshop, Part 1DB2 for z/OS Database Admin Workshop, Part 2DB2 Programming Workshop for z/OSDB2 for z/OS Application DevelopmentDB2 for z/OS Query Optimization andPerformance TuningIntro to IMS*IMS FundamentalsAn Introduction to IMS (Textbook reference)Transaction Management*available in audio versionFoundational principlesIntro to the Mainframe: z/OS Basics*Intro to the Mainframe: Networking*Intro to the Mainframe: Security*Intro to the Mainframe: Large ScaleCommercial ComputingOperating systemsLinux on System zIntroduction to z/VMIntroduction to z/VSE BasicsUNIX System Services (Module)User interfacesISPF: z/OS Basic InterfacesStorage managementVSAMProgramming languagesAssemblerCOBOLJCLOtherDeveloping COBOL with RationalDeveloper for System z V7.6z/OS Advanced Topics*z/OS Emerging Technologies*z/OS Installation
  • 90. 90Introducing - The link to your future careerThe IBM System z Job Board at is a new resource that connects studentslearning IBM Enterprise Systems with companies hiring talent.Benefits of using SystemzJobs.comFree, secure, and easy to useFast access to the best jobs in theIT industryGlobal pool of available jobsGetting startedFollow these steps at toget started:1. Create a secure account (optional)2. Search for jobs with your preferences3. Connect with employersQuestions? Contact [email protected] by theIBM Academic Initiative, System zVisit:
  • 91. 91The new IBM zEnterprise is designed to help topperforming organizations transition from the processcentric, programmable era of IT to the informationcentric, cognitive era of IT.Deliver significant costsavings for existingoperations while freeingup resources to focus onnew services to drivegrowthProvide protection and24/7 availability for corebusiness operations andprovides a secure andstable information sourcefor new customer facingservicesBuild intelligence in tothe business transactionto expand the value of thetransaction, create newtransactions and improvecustomer serviceThese core capabilities are strengthened through the deliveryof key technologies and continued innovation. 2012 IBM Corporation91
  • 92. 92zEnterprise EC12 increases throughput up to 30% for a DB2 for z/OS operationalanalytics workloads as compared to z196With IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator (IDAA) clients can deploy business analytics on thesame platform as operational applicationsIntegration of analytics scoring within an OLTP transaction enables faster decision makingIDAA on zEnterprise EC12 can offer up 12X improvement in price / performance vs. thecompetitionWith Cognos on System z customer queries that previously ranged from 25 seconds to90 minutes now take 8 seconds or lesszEnterprise EC12: Operational AnalyticsDelivering information and insight to enable intelligentdecisions
  • 93. 93New operational diagnostics with IBM zAware Analytics on log data provides a near real time view of currentsystem state Cutting edge pattern recognition helps pinpoint deviations insystem behavior Provides information to enable faster corrective actionNew Flash Express Card to exploit Flash Memory Automatically improve availability for key workloads at criticalprocessing times Reduces latency for critical application processing such asdiagnostics collection Improves availability for workloads that cannot tolerate pagingspikes or inconsistent performance24x724x724x7zEnterprise EC12: Superior availability by designDelivering a resilient environment for core business processesand data
  • 94. 94zEnterprise EC12: Ultimate security by designNew and enhanced capabilities to improve customer trust andconfidenceHigh speed cryptography integrated on the new Crypto Express4S chip toprotect sensitive data from unauthorized usersEnhanced digital signature capability with new Enterprise PKCS #11 to meetregulatory requirementsNew credit transaction verification support for smart payment cardsCentrally protect multiple, mixed workloads running in separate partitionsIntegration of mainframe security events with IBM zSecure Suite and QRadar toenhance security intelligence
  • 95. 95Cloud ready New 5.5 GHz 6-core processor chip and 50%increase in capacity enables flexible delivery ofservices though a private cloud. Virtualization means fewer resources are required tomeet peak demands with optimized interconnection.Data ready IBM zAware is a self-learning expert solution toreduce risk of downtime impacting data availabilityfor critical business processes. Connecting the most sophisticated data warehousingand analytics solutions with the fastest queryperformance in the marketSecurity ready Most secure system with 99.999% reliability Superior security with high-speed cryptographyintegrated as part of the chip protects customerprivacy and reduces risk of breaches.IBM zEnterprise EC12 enables improved services for yourclients
  • 96. 96Unifies management of resources, extending IBMSystem z qualities of service end-to-end acrossworkloadsProvides platform, hardware and workload managementOptimized to host transaction, and mission-criticalapplicationsThe most efficient platformfor large-scale Linux consolidationMassive scale-up 26 MIPS to over 78K MIPSIBM zEnterprise EC12 or 196 (z196) orIBM zEnterprise 114 (z114)Selected IBM POWER7 blades and IBM System x blades fordeploying applications in a multi-tier architectureHigh-performance optimizers and appliances to accelerate time toinsight and reduce costDedicated high-performance private networkzEnterprise Unified Resource ManagerzEnterprise BladeCenter Extension (zBX)A System of Systems for Predictable Service Delivery96
  • 97. 97Whats new with z/OS and z/OSManagement Facility Version 1 Release 1397
  • 98. 98Agendaz/OS andz/OS Management Facil

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